Maximum Carnage Mafia - Avengers Win! (As well as Pidge and tredge)

No Point in waiting for the final role PMs, since the targets are obvious and it comes down to priority.

Down goes goodbar

RBG said:
Dear goodbar,


You are Ricochet. A mutant with super agility and a "danger sense" akin to the Spider Sense, you took up one of Spider-Man's four alter egos after his identity crisis ended. Feeling like you owed something to Spider-Man, you gladly agreed to help.

At night, you may send a PM to RB Golbat and Dubulous titled "Night x - Follow <user>." That night, you will follow that user around and use your powers to determine their alliance.

You are holding The Negative. Whilst holding this, every vote you make will count as a negative vote.

You win if The Slingers eliminate all unfriendly threats.

With that, it looks like Tony Stark and The Avengers have restored order to New York City!

RBG said:
Dear fangren,


You are Iron Man. One of the founding Avengers, you dedicate your life to making the world a better place. When Captain America told you that Spider-Man needed your help fighting Carnage and his goons, you were ready to spring into action.

At night, you may send a PM to RB Golbat and Dubulous titled "Night x - Look Up <user>." That night, you will use the Extremis in your nervous system to tap that user's phone, gaining their role name.

You win if The Avengers eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Congratulations to the Avengers for winning Maximum Carnage Mafia!

Post game coming at a time based on how long it took you all to send in your PMs.
I fail to see how you "used" the town goodbar. It was to our advantage to keep the two factions at an equal power level to promote crossfire. It is a shame that the mafias were too wary of an s12 victory to in-fight. If HD's stab attempt had resulted in a night or so where both mafias assumed the other would hit an s12 and they took out each other instead, then a village win was possible.
Aslo, we should have won that if a certain host had his wits about items.
For apparently on Day 11, I had the shockers bands, when they should've been on a certain persons dead body. If i had been alerted fo this, i would have passed the item to one, lynched the other and won with anachronism.
So in the end, this war was a tie. S12 should have won, as a certain thief could've reclaimed the lost items.
Also, i lied to mm87 about my item in the end. Ironic
Actually, if the host had paid attention to the location of the Shocker Bands, my team would have won much sooner. The reason I tried to have you silenced on Night 8 was because you were persuaded by HD the night before when you shouldn't have been. If that persuasion hadn't gone through, or if it had been performed on someone else, I would have had Anachronism or Supermarth silenced instead (I probably should have silenced Anachronism anyways since I had cleaned him of the Shocker Bands the previous night, but like they say, 20/20 vision when looking back). Then we would have tied the lynch, killed Goodbar the next night and controlled the vote from then on, even if our silence failed.

Anyways, you didn't die on Day 11 because you were lynched. I'm guessing it was because my team targetted you for a kill back on Night 9 when you should have been holding the Shocker Bands, thus negating your revival, but because of the host's forgetfulness you were allowed to revive, just like you were allowed to be persuaded. How would you have won, anyways? The Shocker Bands don't prevent you from voting or being lynched.
Actually, The Shocker Bands should have been stranded on Zorbees the night he died, since they were passed to him that night. So dogfish shoulda died night 10.
Zorbees was lynched during the day, though, not killed during the night. Unless you meant he was passed them during the day?

Also, that happened way back in Day 5. If that were true, then my team's silence on Dogfish on Night 9 should have been successful, which means we would have won anyways.
Actually, if the host had paid attention to the location of the Shocker Bands, my team would have won much sooner. The reason I tried to have you silenced on Night 8 was because you were persuaded by HD the night before when you shouldn't have been. If that persuasion hadn't gone through, or if it had been performed on someone else, I would have had Anachronism or Supermarth silenced instead (I probably should have silenced Anachronism anyways since I had cleaned him of the Shocker Bands the previous night, but like they say, 20/20 vision when looking back). Then we would have tied the lynch, killed Goodbar the next night and controlled the vote from then on, even if our silence failed.

Anyways, you didn't die on Day 11 because you were lynched. I'm guessing it was because my team targetted you for a kill back on Night 9 when you should have been holding the Shocker Bands, thus negating your revival, but because of the host's forgetfulness you were allowed to revive, just like you were allowed to be persuaded. How would you have won, anyways? The Shocker Bands don't prevent you from voting or being lynched.

Actually, if i hadn't passed on items to zorbees, and the hosts had the same idea of items not passed to the dead, then village would've won. Anyway, had i have had the shockers bands the day me, fangrem, goodbar and anachronism were alive, i could have given them to fangren, lynched goodbar and then with a certain item preventing kills, the final setting would be 2 village vs 1 mafia at day.
Also, why didn't mafia stab? silly idea.

EDIT: Of course, but even so the item WAS NEVER RECORDED AS PASSED.
I think Fangren idled that night, but if he woulda listened to me, Anachronism would have been dead. Anyways we would have forced a tie vote...

Also maybe it was a bit inflated of me to say I used the town, but since I was the last man standing, I was never going to screw anything up, but I just went along with it to promote my own welfare.

In the end though, who should have won won, but it was kinda down to luck anyways since the town decided to take out HD over an avenger. However the night after HD died, I regret not having sent myself to kill an avenger instead of alakapimp (though the end would have been the same).
I think Fangren idled that night, but if he woulda listened to me, Anachronism would have been dead. Anyways we would have forced a tie vote...

I actually couldn't kill that night, since my team had attempted to kill dogfish the previous night but failed for reasons I think were aforementioned.
Fun game. Congrats to those who won. It's too bad my faction got fucked over with the death of Carnage, but, what can you do? And it actually made it interesting for us, having two members of our faction already dead when he died. Too bad me and DarkAmber couldn't stay hidden well enough, then we might've actually lasted longer!
dudes be patient we're working on it. there was a lot that happened in this game plus it's somewhat difficult to find the time to actually sit down and do it.