Pet Mod Megamax (Quick Update @ Post #432)

What should the format for Megamax be?

  • Stay National Dex

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Regional Dex OU with all Megas of available Pokemon being around

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Regional Dex OU with only converted Gigantamaxes existing

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some big error is going on atm, Kris all of the megas have been banned from Megamax, saying that they are banned from OU

After a solid amount of time familiarizing ourselves with the format we now have a general sense of what works and what doesn't work. There's definitely some very stinky Megas that aren't quite up to the metagame standard, so why not boost them up to be at that level? That's what the retooling slates will be all about. There will be minimum requirements for each Pokemon to stay faithful to the original submissions but outside of those you are free to do as you wish whether it be stat, ability or movepool changes.

Retooling Slate #1
will be composed of...

Butterfree Sprite

Must remain part Fairy type and be a Quiver Dance user
Primary Flaws: Lack of coverage especially against Steels, Compound Eyes doing little for it in Mega form, fierce competition with Volcarona

Coalossal Sprite

Must remain Rock/Fire type
Primary Flaws: Low power for a Rock Head user, inability to capitalize on bulk with mediocre defensive typing

Centiskorch Sprite

Must remain Bug/Fire type, retoolings can no longer include Magma Storm as to not cause inconsistency with the new non-natdex ruleset
Primary Flaws: Major niche as the ultimate Heatran trapper was too specialized to begin with and was totally lost in the transition to regional dex, lack of reliable recovery and loss of Flash Fire and Heavy Duty Boots access makes it prone to being worn down
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Is there a dedicated retooling template that we can use?

Mega Stat Changes:
New Movepool Additions:

Let me demonstrate it with my own subs!

Butterfree Sprite

Mega Stat Changes:
+10 Defense, +20 Special Attack, -30 Attack
Ability: Antitoxin: Water Absorb clone for Poison moves, including immunity to Toxic Spikes
New Movepool Additions: Focus Blast, Mystical Fire
Description: NOW we're talking! Going back to the Mega Beedrill parallel idea its own Attack stat has been gutted to make way for buffs to other more important ones. Antitoxin is huge for it as it turns threats like Gengar, Mega Garbodor and Mega Venusaur Z into set-up bait lest they run specific coverage for it. On that note, it finally has actual coverage to make sure Steel types cant fully stop it either!

Coalossal Sprite

Mega Stat Changes:
+10 Attack, -10 Special Attack
Ability: Desolate Land
New Movepool Additions: Bulk Up
Description: Rock Head was redundant with Mega Rillaboom so I decided to go a different route. Desolate Land is a humongous (and flavorful considering its descriptions of saving lives in cold waves as a giant stove of sorts) addition that makes it go from fearing Water types to laughing them off. Other than that it's now slightly stronger and now has Bulk Up to let it boost its combination of power and defense to further heights.
Well here's my attempt at improving butterfree
Butterfree Sprite

Mega Stat Changes: +
20 Speed +10 Special Attack -30 Attack
Ability: Chlorophyll
New Movepool Additions: Moonblast, Weather Ball, Scorching Sands
Edit: Sand is sort of like powder so i thought scorching sands could be ok
Description: I feel that having Butterfree be turned into a non-grass chlorophyll sweeper will help with its competition by turning it into more so an offensive sweeper than a support mon. With access to quiver dance, Butterfree if given the chance to set up will be able to cause serious damage to anything in its way. It now has access to Weather Ball to further abuse the sun, and scorching sands to scare off poison types. It will be a niche pick, but when used well can be very dangerous.

here's what I got for coalossal
Coalossal Sprite

Mega Stat Changes:
+10 Attack, +10 Special Defence, -20 Special Attack, 1.5x weight (Due to you, know, the mountain of coal)
Ability: Steam Locomotion (The name's not the best but it'll do) works like steam engine, but gives a water immunity along with the speed buff.
New Movepool Additions: Wild Charge
Description: Coalossal will be a switch in on water type threats, threatening them with blisteringly fast speed (after the steam locomotion boost), still packing It's great bulk and now Wild Charge. This allows Coalossal to play a part in defensive play while still threatening offense. With It's new weight buff, Heat Crash and Heavy Slam become more useful, giving Coalossal more options.

And finally Centiskorch

Pokemon: Centiskorch
Mega Stat Changes: +5 Attack, +15 Speed, -20 Special Attack
Ability: Hustle
New Movepool Additions: U-Turn, Earthquake
Description: With It's new coverage and ability, Centiskorch becomes a real offensive threat, and no longer needs its special attack. U-Turn is great to keep momentum, and earthquake is a great addition to its movepool. Sort of like a slower but more powerful fire type durant.
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Stats: 60 / 15 (-30) / 110 (+60) / 110 (+20) / 130 (+50) / 70
Ability: Tinted Lens
New Movepool Additions: (Moonblast, Moonlight, Toxic)
It just needed Tinted Lens lol. A more bulky approach to Quiver Dancing than Volc's, akin to like Venomoth. The drop in attack mimicks Mega-Beedrill's.


Stats: 100 / 155 (+40) / 65 / 150 (+60) / 110 (+20) / 45 (-20)
Ability: Speed Boost
New Movepool Additions: (Earthquake)
Actual Juggernaut type mon that can be stopped dead in its track if you act quickly and that has a pretty big 4MSS between its coverage options, Coil and Protect. But its still a mon with 155 attack and Speed Boost.
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Pokemon: Butterfree-Gmax
Mega Stat Changes: -20 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 SpD
Ability: N/A
New Movepool Additions: +Thunder, +Focus Blast, +Mystical Fire
Description: Butterfree-Mega already had the basics of being a fantastic Mega. All it needed was coverage beyond dual STAB. So I gave it Thunder and Focus Blast, which both abuse its ability to utilize low accuracy moves. Mystical Fire just helps with the Magearna matchup, though AV w/ Iron Head still makes quick work of Butterfree or unless you face Zed and his Eerie Impulse stuff. A small buff to its attacking power and bulk seals the deal.


Pokemon: Centiskorch-Gmax
Mega Stat Changes: -30 SpA, +10 Def, +20 SpD
Ability: -Mold Breaker, +Flash Fire
New Movepool Additions: +Recover, +Toxic
Description: Centiskorch-GMax now has defensive utility with its immunity to Fire type moves, and I reduced its special attack to give it more bulk on both ends. I also gave it both recover and Toxic, so it could do something other than spam Fire Lash.
Mega Stat Changes:
-30 Special Attack, +20 Defense, +10 Special Defense
Ability: -Mold Breaker, +Heat Barrier (The sheer heat emitted from the pokemon protects it from hazards of all sorts. So basically, it's a Magic Guard clone.)
New Movepool Additions: Recover
Description: Yes, you know I had to do this. Anyways, Mega Centiskorch now has access to actual recovery in Recover, not to mention a way to bypass hazard damage via Heat Barrier (Magic Guard clone), and because of the lack of Magma Storm the Special Attack boosts were redundant so you know I had to undo the boost and put the spare 30 points into its defenses.

EDIT: aw c'mon somebody stole my idea

Pokemon: Butterfree
Mega Stat Changes: -10 Atk, +10 SpA (Stats: 60/35/40/140/100/120)
Ability: Wonder Skin
New Movepool Additions: Heat Wave, Psyshock
Description: Heat Wave gives Butterfree a strong coverage move against Steel-types. Wonder Skin helps it avoid its opponents' attempts at preventing its sweep via paralysis, Toxic, Taunt, phazing, etc. Psyshock is an option to break through Chansey and Toxapex in one moveslot.


Pokemon: Coalossal
Mega Stat Changes: +20 Attack, -10 Def, -10 SpA (Stats: 110/150/120/70/100/60)
Ability: Sheer Force
New Movepool Additions: Thunder Punch, Swords Dance, Hammer Arm
Description: With the nerf of Mega Blastoise Z (still powerful though), Coalossal hopes to take its spot as the Sheer Force wallbreaker in the metagame. Swords Dance allows it to plow through stall teams while Rock Polish gives it the option to be a sweeper, provided that Aqua Jet and Mach Punch are not on play. Thunder Punch gives Coalossal much needed coverage for Water-types such as Toxapex and Mega Blastoise. Hammer Arm is an option to KO Chansey without losing a ton of HP.


Pokemon: Centiskorch
Mega Stat Changes: +5 Atk, +5 Def, -10 SpA (Stats: 100/145/75/110/110/85)
Ability: Regenerator
New Movepool Additions: U-Turn
Description: Offensive pivot. Regenerator allows it to soften the blow of its double weakness to Stealth Rock while also keeping itself healthy. U-Turn is a STAB pivoting move that synergizes well with Regenerator.

Pokemon Name: Coalossal
Mega Stat Changes: -10 Atk / +20 SpA / -10 SpD
Ability: Steam Engine
New Moves: Volcalith (G-Max Volcalith, but as a regular move with 90 BP), Steam Eruption, Recover, Bulk Up
Competitive Description: The idea here is for Coalossal to utilize the effects of G-Max Volcalith for wallbreaking. As such, it needs to be a normal move. The high passive damage it provides is extremely useful for wallbreaking, since it allows it to utilize a weaker move. Bulk Up also gives it a good boosting move, and Steam Eruption allows it to damage or potentially cripple Ground types with a burn. Recover provides a source of reliable recovery. Steam Engine could also allow for a sweep if it comes in on a Fire move.
I'm not totally against a mixed attacker but I would at least like this to be physically biased. That said no new moves to correspond to the G-Max Moves, Copperajah only got one due to it having a unique hazard that would otherwise be lost forever.
here's what I got for coalossal
Coalossal Sprite

Mega Stat Changes:
+10 Attack, +10 Special Defence, -20 Special Attack, 1.5x weight (Due to you, know, the mountain of coal)
Ability: Steam Locomotion (The name's not the best but it'll do) works like steam engine, but gives a water immunity along with the speed buff.
New Movepool Additions: Wild Charge
Description: Coalossal will be a switch in on water type threats, threatening them with blisteringly fast speed (after the steam locomotion boost), still packing It's great bulk and now Wild Charge. This allows Coalossal to play a part in defensive play while still threatening offense. With It's new weight buff, Heat Crash and Heavy Slam become more useful, giving Coalossal more options.
I mean you do realize you could edit this into your initial post, right?

Sorry if I'm sounding so harsh so frequently, just know I have to do this sometimes.
Pokemon: Centiskorch
Mega Stat Changes: +15 Atk, -5 Def, -10 SpA (Since it is no longer a magma storm trapper, it doesn't need all that SpA). (155 Atk/65Def/110SpA)
Triage (Comfey's signature ability that gives +3 priority to healing moves.
New Movepool Additions: Drill Run
Description: This operates in a similar niche to regular Snorlax. It sets up with Coil, and then is able to spam priority Leech Life to heal itself. For those who forgot, Leech Life was buffed and is now an 80BP move. The ability means that Leech Life is the same priority as Extreme Speed, making it very difficult to revenge kill once it's set up. However, like Snorlax, it has an abysmal defense stat of 65, but only 100 HP to Snorlax's 160, meaning that without a few Coil boosts, it can't take a physical hit.
Checks and Counters: I'm including this because it might seem broken at first, so here are some checks and counters. All calcs assume Adamant Centiskorch but MaxHP/MaxSpD could be viable as well. These checks and counters are not niche, they are viable and used commonly to check other threats. Building to accomodate Centiskorch should not be an issue.
  1. Toxapex: Drill Run is a 3HKO at +0, and Centiskorch does not want to take repeated Scalds or a Toxic. Pex can Haze away stat boosts if it comes in before Centiskorch sets up. At +1, however it can 2HKO Toxapex with Drill Run, so it is not completely walled.
  2. Weezing-Galar: Weezing-Galar takes nothing from Centiskorch's STABs and can Toxic it, although Will-O-Wisp variants are setup bait.
  3. Mantine: The STABs have a chance to 4HKO, it can Haze away any boosts or Toxic Centiskorch. Mantine might seem niche but it is gaining popularity as a counter to Volcarona.
  4. Marowak-Alola: Takes a lot from +0 Drill Run, but with 156 Atk Adamant and Thick Club, both Poltergeist and Flare Blitz OHKO Centiskorch.
  5. Togekiss: Togekiss is 2HKOd by Fire Lash but can 2HKO back and flinch with Air Slash. While Max Speed Jolly Centiskorch does outspeed it, that's an awful set lmao don't use it. Togekiss can also revenge kill it once it's set up because it resists Leech Life.
  6. Rotom-H: Even at +1, Rotom-H isn't 2HKO'd by Leech Life, meaning it can set up and hit Centiskorch hard with Overheat.
  7. Urshifu Rapid Strike, Urshifu Rapid Strike Mega, and Charizard Mega all hard counter Centiskorch, for obvious reasons.
  8. EDIT: It's 4x weak to rocks lmao so it needs lots of hazard removal team support
Name: Mega Butterfree

Mega Stat Changes: +20 Speed, +10 Special Defense, -30 Attack
Ability: Lightning Rod
New Movepool Additions: +Moonblast, +Focus Blast, +Earth Power
Description: Mega Butterfree sets itself apart from other special sweepers such as Volcarona thanks to its ability, Lightning Rod, which allows it to switch into electric moves and gain a free +1 Special Attack which allows it to sweep much easier. It's high base 140 speed allows it to outspeed many things even without setting up. While its typing might seem walled by Steel-types, Butterfree backs it up with excellent coverage moves such as Focus Blast and Earth Power that can deal with them amazingly. Butterfree, however, is held back by its lack of bulk along with many weaknesses, inability to fit all of its coverage moves into a moveset, and no item slot.

Pokemon: Mega Centiskorch

Mega Stat Changes: +20 Defense, +10 Attack, -20 Special Attack, -10 Speed
Ability: Regenerator
New Movepool Additions: +Recover, +U-Turn
Description: Mega Centiskorch acts as a bulky pivot thanks to its ability Regenerator, typing that allows it to switch into things like Ferrothorn, and overall solid bulk. 150 base attack coupled with Fire Lash can be very threatening to most Pokemon, especially Coil variants. Centiskorch also holds some good utility moves such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Recover, which is reliable recovery. Its new addition in U-Turn is the most important move that lets it function as a defensive pivot in general. Despite this, Centiskorch is still very weak to hazards and needs a careful switch-in at times to get the right opportunity to be a pivot.
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Mega Stat Changes: +10 Atk, +10 SpD, -20 Spd
Dry Skin
New Movepool Additions: Fire Lash
Description: A more utility focused version of Dramps submission. Dry Skin allows it to heal off hazards chip when coming in on Toxapex and Slowbro while countering Rain teams remarkably well, with the Fire vulnerability being irrelevant off of a 4x resistance and sun isn't really a thing in the meta. Stat changes give it a bit more power while still being more than manageable without a boosting item, and boosting the special defense a bit more in order to check stuff like Magearna a little better. Speed boost was mostly removed as base 60 is really, really not notable beyond naturally outspeeding Tangrowth and Chansey, which it can still easily invest in to outspeed at base 40. At least 40 naturally outspeeds the regen waters. Fire Lash is a cool STAB that doesn't chip it down. Overall this mega should function as a utility option that comes in on common defensive staples and sets hazards/spins or punches holes with Fire Lash+EQ. Wish I could make this a special attacker to abuse scorching sands but whatever, I just want more utility megas.


Mega Stat Changes:
Ability: Magic Bounce
New Movepool Additions: Strength Sap, -Magma Storm
Description: Decently fat mon that can come in on most hazard setters and bounce them back, also has a neat immunity to toxic to facilitate setup. Strength Sap is a recovery option against stuff like Hippodown to offset the inevitable damage it will take coming in on these setters while still being generally unreliable against special attackers (thanks to base 100 HP). A set like Coil/Sap/Lash/Whip sounds pretty scary, but with a mediocre speed tier and exploitable typing it should not be able to sweep anything but the hardest of stalls. Loses to rock attacks, setters it can't safely come in on like Alowak, and the Urshifu forms. Also hates its base form and cannot exert pressure in the hazards game until its mega'd, which it optimally wants to do first turn. Easy to abuse this! also checks magearna while flat out beating ID+CM variants


vote for GLuke
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A Breath of Fresh Air


Pokemon: Butterfree-Gmax

Stats (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 60/45/50/90/80/70 -> 60/30/85/135/100/85 (-15 Atk, +35 Def, +45 SpA, +20 SpD, +15 Spe)
Ability: : Tinted Lens
New Moves: Moonblast, Moonlight, Defog, Aromatherapy

Butterfree is a very meaningful Pokemon to me, so I went all out with this one!
Explanation: Butterfree, unlike Volcarona, is not an aggressive type of sweeper or attacker. Its visual design and stats are more elegant yet tame, so we will try to convey that while still drawing some parallels between the two bugs. The goal is to differentiate Volcarona and Butterfree, while still giving them each very clear-cut niches over each other.

I decided that destructive moves such as Focus Blast, Earth Power, Flamethrower, etc. are not very fitting of Butterfree's more beautiful design. Instead, assigning Mega Butterfree its Tinted Lens ability is more fitting if we want to improve the Steel matchup while retaining Butterfree's current coverage. Defog and Aromatherapy are added to Butterfree's moveset to increase utility and differentiate it more from Volcarona's directly offensive role on teams.

To mirror Volcarona a bit, Butterfree's Special Attack will be raised to 135. This heightened stat will also let Butterfree be more free to assign its EV's, as will be seen in the Sample Sets section. Next, Butterfree's speed will be raised to 85. This allows a Timid Mega Butterfree to outspeed base 150's after one Quiver Dance, a key speed benchmark. The rest of the mega stat points were placed into bulk to give Butterfree comparable bulk to Volcarona, subtracting a bit of Attack to compensate.
Sample Sets:
Butterfree-Gmax @ Butterfrite
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Moonblast
- Bug Buzz
- Sleep Powder / Roost / Psychic

Butterfree can obviously run a straightforward aggro Quiver Dance set, outspeeding the likes of Zeraora and Dragapult after a single Quiver Dance. However, the next few sets really showcase how much more Mega Butterfree is capable of instead of being a Volcarona clone.

Butterfree-Gmax @ Butterfrite
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 248 HP / 204 Def / 56 Spe
Bold Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Roost
- Moonblast
- Bug Buzz / Sleep Powder

A bulky Quiver Dance set that outspeeds base 100's after +1, and base 150's at +2. A bulky QD set can also have room for status moves such as Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, or Toxic.

Butterfree-Gmax @ Butterfrite
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Bug Buzz
- Roost
- Quiver Dance / Sleep Powder / Defog / Aromatherapy

A bulky offensive set can directly apply more pressure onto foes while also having a free moveslot to either further push some offense, or support teammates with Defog and Aromatherapy.
The Earth's Titanic Horror


Pokemon: Coalossal-Gmax

Stats (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 110/80/120/80/90/30 -> 110/150/120/60/90/80 (+70 Atk, -20 SpA, +50 Spe)
Ability: : Terrify (Intimidate clone, lowers opponent's Speed stat by 1 stage upon entry)
New Moves: Double-Edge, Head Smash, Swords Dance

Explanation: Coalossal is a Pokemon that simply lacks opportunities to accomplish its goals. To fix this issue, giving it an ability that lowers the foe's speed will put the enemy in a scary position every time Coalossal enters the field. Losing Rock Head sucks, but giving Coalossal Swords Dance will more than compensate in the damage department. In fact, it will actually let Coalossal be a terrifying wallbreaker or potentially a dual dance sweeper (though the odds of dual dancing with that typing is next to none).

Giving Coalossal base 80 speed means that its Terrify ability will put the likes of Weavile beneath Coalossal's neutral speed tier whenever the big rock enters the field. The rest of the mega stat points go into Attack, specifically enough to let Coalossal ohko physdef Toxapex with a +2 Earthquake most of the time. This sounds extremely strong, but it's important to realize that fire/rock is one of the worst typings in the entirety of Pokemon, and the Stealth Rock weakness can no longer be circumvented as a Mega Evolution.
Sample Sets:
Coalossal-Gmax @ Coalossalite
Ability: Terrify
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Stone Edge / Head Smash
- Earthquake / Stealth Rock

A very straightforward set, Coalossal aims to wallbreak while being fast enough to outspeed a -1 Weavile. Terrify is also likely to force switches, so Stealth Rock is a viable option to capitalize on the free turns. The reliance on recoil moves may dissuade you, but Coalossal is not meant to live for long anyway. It's meant to claim its kills, potentially set up a hazard, and then die.
An Uncontrollable Sea of Flames


Pokemon: Centiskorch-Gmax

Stats (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe): 100/115/65/90/90/65 -> 100/145/85/95/95/105 (+30 Atk, +20 Def, +5 SpA, +5 SpD, +40 Spe)
Ability: Searing Touch (Poison Touch clone, 30% chance to burn when using contact attacks)
New Moves: Earthquake, U-turn

Explanation: Centiskorch's base form lacks a direction in what to do. I decided to change that with Mega Centiskorch. Centiskorch's dex entries indicate that it likes to burn its foes through direct contact, so a unique ability that burns when using contact moves 30% of the time conveys this. This also gives Mega Centiskorch a very unique niche, as it can use this newfound ability alongside U-turn to play hit-and-run while potentially spreading burns.

Giving Mega Centiskorch 105 base speed means that its U-turns are fast and will force switches. It also makes the Coil sets much more threatening because they were easily prone to being revenge killed in the base form. I didn't want to give Centiskorch too much speed however, as it could make a Coil set too difficult to revenge kill. Being slower than the 108 and 110 speed tiers should allow plenty of Pokemon to revenge Centiskorch properly. Increasing the Attack ensures that Centiskorch falls just shy of 2hko'ing physdef Toxapex with Earthquake, allowing its firepower to be checkable initially. However, many defensive checks can struggle with switching in if burn damage is factored into damage calculation. This enforces a playstyle that revolves around using its niche to spread burns, and be rewarded with solid pressure. The rest of the stat changes were mostly to even out the defenses and special attack stats.
Sample Sets:
Centiskorch-Gmax @ Centiskorchite
Ability: Searing Touch
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz / Fire Lash
- U-turn / Leech Life
- Earthquake
- Power Whip / Knock Off

All-out-Attacker Mega Centiskorch is designed to hit hard and spread burns as fast as possible. Flare Blitz hits harder initially and gives another 10% chance to burn, while Fire Lash softens up defenses from incoming enemies.

Centiskorch-Gmax @ Centiskorchite
Ability: Searing Touch
EVs: 248 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Fire Lash
- Coil / Knock Off
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Specially Defensive Centiskorch takes a bulkier approach to burn spread and can also function as a win condition if Coil is used. Knock Off can be used instead to cripple switch-ins while also spreading burn damage.

EDIT: Fixed Centiskorch to have 100 mega stat points. I was 5 over in my initial post
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New mega stats:
110 / 160 (+30) / 130 / 80 / 100 / 30 (-30)
Ability: Steam Engine
Movepool changes: + Shift Gear (it's an engine, and engines power machines, and machines have gears)
With higher Attack and a move to boost it further, Mega Coalossal is capable of dealing a lot more damage than before. However, it's also back to being slow as molasses. While this is somewhat mitigated by Shift Gear and Steam Engine, it still has to contend with its unfortunate defensive typing.


New mega stats:
60 / 15 (-30) / 60 (+20) / 150 (+20) / 100 / 110 (-10)
Ability: Tinted Lens
Movepool changes: + Heat Wave, + Mystical Fire
Pretty much everything I wanted to do with Butterfree was already done by someone else, but no one did all of them at once. And then while I was writing this, KuraiTenshi26 posted a Butterfree design that I like so much more than my own. Oh well.


New mega stats:
100 / 150 (+10) / 70 / 130 (+10) / 100 (-10) / 75 (-10)
Ability: Potent (Moves that raise or lower the target's stats have their effects doubled)
Movepool changes: + Acid Spray, + Venom Drench, + Scary Face, + Mud Shot, - Magma Storm, - Earthquake
Centiskorch already had a ton of moves that lowered the target's stats, like Lunge, Skitter Smack, Mystical Fire, and notably Fire Lash. I decided to lean into that. Hopefully that ability isn't too custom. It's basically just Simple but for non-self targeting moves.

New mega stats: 60 / 75 (+30) / 80 (+30) / 110 (+20) / 90 (+10) / 80 (+10)
Ability: Simple
Movepool changes: Moonblast, Magic Powder

I'm surprised no one has suggested Simple yet. Sorry for not being a bit different from the original where Butterfree is still usable even without setup, but I want Butterfree to be more unique by making it even more reliant on setting up, while giving it the tools to be a setup monster. QD + one STAB is mandatory obviously, but with Iron Defense, Magic Powder and Roost, Butterfree can choose what Pokémon checks it. I purposely lowered its stats so that it would be forced to setup to be useful while still being manageable. It would also give the move Magic Powder some use allowing it to break past steels while also making sense thematically since Butterfree has psychic and powder moves. The stats can be played around if it becomes too strong or too weak.