Item: Nidokingite
Type: Ground/Poison --> Ground/Poison
Stats: BST: 505--> 605 (+100)
81/102/77/85/75/85-- > 81/132 (+30)/70 (-7)/115 (+30)/112 (+32)/95 (+10)
Ability: Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer Force ---> Protean (I honestly think protean is significantly better than the rating system is giving it credit for, but it happens to be the same rank as Sheer Force) (Who cares! Nidoking + Protean + Nidoking's Movepool= WOW!)
Movepool Additions: None (Protean too stronk!)
Nidoking's role as a special wallbreaker is not to be taken lightly: because of sheer force+ life orb, and its retarded move pool (with 12 high powered attack types for coverage), Nidoking, even with its mediocre 85 special attack, is a force to be reckoned with. The fact its OU (now Uber)counterpart, Landorus-I has been banned twice since its introduction, even with a vastly inferior move pool (it lacks a flying stab for christ sake), attest to the overwhelming power of specially oriented sheer force users. While Nidoking is certainly a beast, its (relatively) lacking defenses, its mediocre speed tier, and its poor ability to use its physical movepool prevent it from dominating the current OU tier. With the mega boost l'm proposing, Nidoking would become more than capable of beating OU to a pulp (unless its stopped by priority or faster pokes that is)
Nidoking already has sheer force, so I decided, seeing how protean was apparently in the same class, and is a similar ability, to a degree, that I would give Nidoking's mega the ability. Protean gives Nidoking the ability to have STAB on all moves in its absurdly massive move pool, switch to a different type of upon using said moves, and most importantly, Nidoking use attacks on both sides of physical and special spectrum. To help bolster the impact of Nidoking's newly acquired mixed-wall breaking capabilities, I gave Nidoking a generous (+30) boost on both attack and special attack. The added speed (now base 95) allows Nidoking to outspeed a decent number of pokes when maxed and, at the same time (slighty balances Nidoking) by giving him plenty of common, faster checks and counters, like Keldeo (Specs probably), Choice Scarf Landorus, Choice Scarf Excadrill. The defense spread is used as a way to balance Nidoking-Mega. Originally, I was going to give Nidoking 81/90/90 defences, but then I realized Nidoking-Mega, as I proposed, would be too overwhelming, and lack some balance that I feel it needed. The current defense spread of 81/70/112 make it very similar to Hoopa-Unbound, allowing it tank most special attacks comfortably, but be trashed by physical attacks.
In summary, the Nidoking-mega I propose would be a mixed wall breaker of epic proportions. It would only be held back by the numerous fast mega that will probably infest this tier as well as pokemon above 95 base attack.
I have some ideas for Nidoqueen, but I type them later.