Pet Mod Megas for All v7 - please switch to the new thread for v8! (There's a link in the first and last posts!)

So, let's not be late with this this time...!!

Hello again, everyone!
As per usual, this post will be an end-of-submission-phase feedback post and a roughly 24-hour warning for the current submission phase, in order to give time to respond to the feedback in question. C:

Uh, usual updates first!​
Slate 37 is not quite live yet still, but the patch has been coded and awaiting approval for a couple of days now! Once it's up, there will also be the much-awaited teambuilder cleanup at the same time! : D
I can't actually view the client-side teambuilder from my end, so it is not 100% clear if it will look exactly as neat as I hope on the first attempt - I will definitely be paying attention to make sure it looks how it should once it's live and might make minor adjustments through the coming weeks! - but if nothing else, there will be no more blatant lies about tiers and it should be really easy to find all of our Megas and most of the Pokémon we expect to be viable in the current metagame. Personally, I'm super excited to see how this goes!! It will be a lot better than the teambuilder's current state for sure. :>
This also features more up-to-date versions of the viability list led by BitBitio from a super long time ago, adapted with incredibly helpful input from IsoCon and Paulluxx, as well as the Mega Evolution VR BlueRay has been leading with input from our whole competitive council and the VGC VR BlueRay has led with help from several other players!
We'll definitely be open to feedback on all of this as we work out potential issues over time, of course! Again, no promises that it'll be completely clean on the first update, but I really appreciate you guys indulging me in this experimental take on the teambuilder and providing so much valuable feedback while I was putting it together!!

Also, a lot of people have been adding Tail Glow to :lanturn: Lanturn!​
While this is allowed in general, and I didn't really expect it to be a super big deal and was initially one of the bigger advocates for it, provisional testing in the sandbox has reminded us of why this move is as rare as it is, and it can be very dangerous on a Pokémon with offensive tools as excellent as Lanturn's (highly synergistic STABs and the very rare combination of Electric STAB with Water-types' typical strong Ice coverage).
The move is not banned, but if you have chosen to add it, your sub will be approached with real caution!
We've gone through some extensive balancing discussions on the Discord making sure the move is okay on specific people's subs, and I really appreciate those people taking it so seriously and making sure they ended up at a level that worked - that was a really good process all around!
But yeah, if you're not one of the people who's been specifically given the go-ahead already, please respect it if you're asked to remove Tail Glow and please don't assume I'm overreacting or complain about how perfect it is flavorfully; Lanturn makes a solid foundation for a pretty scary abuser of the move and it isn't something we can afford to be liberal with.

One minor thing: I do want to apologize for making the previous veto post at a time when I was tired and inattentive, because I feel like I definitely wasn't as diligent as I might have been in calling out things I usually do and there were a couple of things I regretted allowing all the way to voting without stopping them.
This wasn't just for subs that might not be in the mod's best interests in hindsight, but also subs that heavily overlapped with each other.
I have always felt it's important to avoid subs that overlap so heavily because it would really feel bad if someone after you subbed something too much like your idea and won with it at your expense, but I let a couple of very similar pairs through last time and even found myself having a hard time deciding which to put above or below the other for my own vote, so it really made me regret not suggesting that those people discuss their ideas with each other and make a joint sub or at least checking in that it was okay with them like I usually do;;
I am thankful that these kinds of situations were avoided by the actual winners last time, but I will be making an effort to be more thorough this time, so sorry if it comes off as nitpicky at any point or if I seem like I'm being more strict than usual in turn - I do think that's for the best and I have been reminded of how important it is to do this well, haha.


If I don't mention your sub in this post, it's probably fine balance-wise and you're not required to make any changes! It doesn't mean I forgot!
Also, independently of vetoes, always consider having as few movepool additions as possible! We don't have hard rules on these, but if you have even five or six, you're probably doing something wrong!

Uh, hey! You may want to double-check your stats on both of these; what you have for :dodrio: Dodrio's pre-Mega stats are a strange amalgamation of Dodrio and Lanturn, and the numbers do not add up correctly (nor would they total +100 even if I just took the listed changes), so I can't entirely tell what you were going for. P:

:lanturn: Lanturn is mostly correct (I should point out that +42 Defense should only be base 100, but I can easily see what you were going for and I would just have fixed that myself if it won), but this one I think sounds broken and I am not comfortable allowing it, actually.
No Guard Zap Cannon is obviously really strong, and while counterplay to it naturally exists, Lanturn can easily cover all of its shortcomings because it has abundant tools to deal with every possible Ground-type. It also combines this with Scald to be a very reliable spreader of status in general, and 125/100*/106 is incredibly good mixed bulk; if we were to have No Guard Zap Cannon on anything and that's a big "if", I would much rather it be something much weaker with more consistent counterplay than this.
There are other submissions that deal with raising Lanturn's accuracy, but I think just having No Guard off the bat is too strong to allow and I'm not comfortable with it, so that one is gonna be a no from me;;

:obstagoon: Hi! I can tell your Obstagoon has pretty obviously different stat biases from that of Dramps, so you might be okay with this (and I don't think yours steps on his toes as much because his Ability has another, more important effect, so it's really up to you), but I just wanted to draw attention to Dramps's submission right above yours!
This isn't a veto or anything, but you might be interested in voting for him rather than subbing the same premise of sound moves becoming physical? or at least it might influence you to design your Obstagoon in a way that differentiates them more/to help you stand out!
There is nothing wrong with leaving yours as-is and I will definitely allow it, but I thought maybe the redundancy would be useful to highlight so you didn't come to regret it if you found out only later. C:

:victreebel: Nope nope. Sorry, but we are not planning to allow any more trapping Abilities for the mod - every type that can be trapped is heavily impacted, and Talonflame alone has a major impact and enables some very dangerous cores, so this is not a set we should be "completing" or continuing to explore. The thing is that the more types can be trapped, the bigger the problem is - Talonflame was allowed because it was first, and I don't mean this as a double-standard or as a reason to have a problem with Talonflame but as a genuine assessment of its impact: Magnet Pull and Bird of Prey will be the only two trapping Abilities this mod ever has so long as I am around to enforce it.
Also, trappers with an offensive type advantage over the thing they target are always a bad idea, if it ever comes up in another mod that hasn't already reached its limit.

I appreciate that you learned from Mightyena though! I am a fan of your Dodrio : D

:dodrio: Hi! I feel I should draw your attention to ry4242's sub, which executes a very similar idea in what I would argue is a much simpler and more realistic way. I would normally recommend streamlining this Ability to something... well... more like ry's, ahah, but that's kind of already been covered and this just seems really awkward by comparison.
While you had no way of knowing this since you're not on the Discord, they did create (and publicly share) their sub as long ago as, uh, March, so in this case I feel it's better just letting theirs take precedence x:
Sorry if this is disappointing, but between the two of them, I am much more comfortable just allowing theirs over yours;;

:obstagoon: Hello! Requesting that you nerf this Ability to be only -2 per move, not -4; Spite is deceptively massive as a form of PP drain, and this sounds really hard to deal with for being spammable and offensive.
For comparison, the move Eerie Spell offensively lowers PP (by 3), but it also can only be used 8 times itself (and doesn't do spread damage), so it's challenging to exploit and very limited in practice; this is also pretty massive by comparison to, say, Pressure, which is actually a strong Ability itself on the right abusers!
Accordingly, this should definitely drain by even less than Eerie Spell, not as much as Spite; -2 would be solid but more than that is probably a no.

:victreebel: Aaa hi! Uh, this is another case of an idea sort of being called in advance on the Discord, which I always feel bad about when it concerns people who aren't on the server x: please everyone consider joining so people can get in touch for stuff like this more easily;;
but uh, I am sorry to say that STICKY FINGAA shared that they were planning on it some six days before the slate opened, and they had their sub completed (even exactly as they submitted it, movepool additions and all) as of 1:25 GMT on October 7th
They just weren't able to share it in the thread until yesterday, and obviously you had no way of knowing this, but the two really are quite similar and I have been asked to let theirs take precedence with that in mind, so I will have to exclude yours x:
I know this is an unfortunate kind of veto, but I hope you understand - I don't think it would be right to have the two of them both in the running with how much they overlap, I'm afraid D:

super minor note: although your :obstagoon: Obstagoon and ry's also both have the same Ability (ry is the person who posted above yours), this is a case where I am intentionally choosing to allow them both, because ry (the one who subbed Punk Rock Obstagoon first) confirmed they were fine with it!
we both agreed they were different enough on the basis of the way your addition of Boomburst and ry's lack thereof influenced your respective stats, and personally I quite like the direction you took with it as a mixed Punk Rock user!
just letting you know that that one is in fact totally fine and not to worry about it C:

also I support your :lanturn: Lanturn and really like your :dodrio: Dodrio that's so clever

:obstagoon: Hi! We were discussing the implications of this on Discord, and we were concerned by the specific wording of the Ability (that it affects the last move by all foes on the field, if the Pokémon faints by any means).
While people were generally concerned that this might be frustrating to face and it might be worth taking that into account regardless, the consensus was that it would be fine to allow it on the condition that it worked exactly like the move Grudge - it should only apply if the user is knocked out by direct damage from an attack, and only drain the PP of the attack that knocked it out.
This decision was made particularly with the goal of keeping a healthier matchup against stall, which suffers more than any other archetype from completely losing even a single move; making it so only attacking moves can be affected and indirect ways to KO Obstagoon are still safe is necessary to keep stall from being trivialized or forced to play in unhealthy ways against this.
The flavor on this is actually really fun though I love the grudge/grunge pun

:dodrio: Man this is clever.
Okay uh,
I actually love this conceptually, with fast Mirror Move and Me First specifically
and those are definitely my favorite elements of it
As for the other moves, I think it's worth noting that this sounds... just hard enough to control in unhealthy ways that I'm okay allowing it as-is,
but I just want to put down for the record that it actually does feel kind of borderline to me in its current state, and it maaay be worth toning it down a little to make it feel like a safer addition? Stuff like Assist and Metronome feels both the most extraneous and the most risky to allow, so I think as fun as they sound on paper, it would probably be a good idea to reconsider those and maybe drop them for a first pass x:
2x is also kind of a lot and another course of action might be to tone it down to 1.5x? remember that unlike Mirror Move, Me First already has a 1.5x power boost to simulate STAB but I don't think I would require that
Uh, anyway, mostly I really want to like this and I think it could be really, really fun to play with, but I am suggesting some nerfs because I don't want to feel too uncomfortable voting for it (and I don't want other people to feel too uncomfortable voting for it so it can have a fair chance :v), even if I wouldn't necessarily veto it as-is

I also really like all of your other subs FWIW I just don't have any comments : D

:lanturn: Okay so-- I know you and okispokis did get in touch and the overlap between your subs is not a problem here,
but the, uh, the power level itself definitely is - this is really broken, unfortunately;;
The free paralysis is way too damaging to team archetypes that rely on pivoting and will definitely be extremely problematic, and the Ability would be more than strong enough without that side effect
I will be vetoing this, sorry;; but I think you should vote for okispokis's tamer equivalent if you want to se something like it because the anti-pivoting part is still very compelling on its own


:victreebel: You're not giving it Spore for no reason, and Bug Bite is not a biting move (this is not up to us to decide because the list of biting moves comes from canon, so I'm not changing that for a custom)
As a relevant fact, the move Snap Trap with STAB is almost as strong as Bite without it (~57.5 BP vs 60), so this really isn't a necessary custom Ability at all if you were just to add that instead
I don't fully trust that you have put much thought into this, myself, and I would encourage you to reconsider it more thoroughly...? I don't personally like the idea of making a custom this specific for a Pokémon that has absolutely no reason to use it

:dodrio: Personally I think this is kinda broken actually - 130 Speed Aerilate with 135 Attack and SD is, uh, a lot? and unlike Pinsir which is a very good Mega with very similar tools and much less Speed - it's not like you need to one-up it like this, its other STAB is synergistic and relevant for handling Steel-types, and it has reliable recovery to deal with chip, making it easier to run Double-Edge over Return
-ates are also very overdone, and there's a reason why we have so few of them and why the last few -ate-adjacent subs have been based on types other than Normal; there are only so many distinct ways to make an -ate abuser when you're using it to justify exactly the same Normal-type moves; I won't veto this if you nerf it well enough (with, like, a lot less Speed), but that doesn't make it a good idea and I would personally really discourage "just" making it not broken and leaving it at that

:lanturn: No.
Use the existing Volt Absorb, Lightning Rod or Motor Drive if you want an Electric immunit but there's already a Volt Absorb Mega Lanturn anyway so I would suggest just voting for that one but I have absolutely no intention of indulging evasion boosts.

:dodrio: As written, your Ability boosts the power of Flying-type moves by no less than 7/3......... so no.

:obstagoon: You can't call this Heavy Metal because Heavy Metal is an Ability that already exists. Also, Dark and Ghost don't need to be exceptions and have no reason to be, so I recommend dropping that part.
This one looks coherent and well enough balanced though!

:victreebel: No what
- We can't do trapping when an opponent uses a contact move because it means Victreebel can trap something the turn it switches in; that part is a definite no regardless of what else you change and is and always will be an instant veto
- Trapping with Grass-type moves and stealing other Pokémon's setup are completely unrelated effects, so please pick one of them if you want this not to be vetoed

:obstagoon: Aaaa I feel bad saying so because this is a really cool constraint to apply to this effect in theory
I think this is probably still too strong?;;
I'm not really comfortable allowing Taunt on entry in this context - it shuts down too many important strategies, and even if an opponent theoretically has an attacking move that it could use to target Obstagoon, this Ability is very good at delaying the most important moves it could want to use until it's too late (like... if Obstagoon switches in on a slower Pokémon that's trying to recover, it both denies that and probably gets off at least two attacking moves before the target is able to use the move it wanted, which is very often going to be too much for the target to take)
It is still a really cool take on Taunt on entry and not as fundamentally broken as the idea of this often is, but I am worried it is still too much x:
jazzmat made the suggestion of not disabling status moves until Obstagoon's first full turn on the field (so it can't switch in on a move to disable it, but it prevents the moves as long as it's already "visible" at the point of move selection), and I think I would be more okay with that! so that's one possible nerf that might be worth considering without losing the spirit of the Ability, as long as you're okay with it
In its current state, though, I do think it's too much unfortunately D:


I believe that should be everything! Thank you guys in advance for your cooperation and I can't wait for voting!!
There are actually a ton of really fun ideas this time and I'm really excited : D
I also saw a lot of cool discussions on the Discord exploring the potential of different ideas this time around and I'm really enthusiastic about where all of them went :> This feels like an especially strong turnout for a slate!!!

So uh, submissions will close and voting should begin in 24 hours or a bit later, and the council will make a compilation of all of the legal entries then! If you've gotten feedback here that you want to address, it would be best to do that as soon as possible with that in mind. C:
(As usual, though: no worries if you can't quite make it by then! If you decide to make changes based on this, then as long as you can do that before voting closes just leave enough time for people to vote for you! and please make sure to check which council member made the compilation post for that Pokémon and get in touch with them, such as by pinging them or DMing them here or on Discord, we'll be happy to edit the compilation to include any amendments you made!)
Got a mega for everyone on the slate, so this post'll be a long one. Bear with me here

Mega Obstagoon - Dark/Steel
Ability: Metal Cords: This Pokemon’s sound-based moves become Steel type
HP: 93
Attack: 90 > 110 (+20)
Defense: 101 > 121 (+20)
Spatk: 60 > 110 (+50)
Spdef: 81 > 111 (+30)
Speed: 95 > 75 (-20)
BST: 520 > 620
New Moves: Iron Head, Boomburst, Metal Sound, Return, Toxic, Frustration
Taking the route of a mixed attacker, Obstagoon invests fully into the power of obnoxiously loud heavy metal bands and got some sweet metal cords! This Obstagoon aims to be an effective mixed wallbreaker, packing a STAB Steel typed Boomburst to greatly complement its similarly useful STAB Knock Off. Of course, with added steel typing comes an improved defensive profile, gaining several boons for Obstagoon, such as a toxic immunity, fairy neutrality, and grass resistance. However, it also gives Obstagoon a weakness to several common attacking types, such as Ground and Fire. A fair trade-off for cool metal vocal cords

Mega Dodrio - Psychic/Flying
Ability: Berserk
HP: 60
Attack: 110 > 80 (-30)
Defense: 70 > 80 (+10)
Spatk: 60 > 145 (+85)
Spdef: 60 > 70 (+10)
Speed: 110 > 135 (+25)
BST: 470 > 570
New Moves: Psychic, Hurricane, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Focus Blast
A rather simple Mega Dodrio, idealized on the concept of the 3 heads coming into unison and using their combined knowledge to wipe the floor with the competition. Probably. Anyway, this is a fast offensive pokemon who would play similarly to Lopunny, but with worse offensive typing and a special attacker. Also has the ability to break through common defensive Pokemon, like physdef Toxapex(252 SpA Dodrio Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 158-186 (51.9 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO), which is a useful advantage over Lopunny, who can sometimes struggle with defensive cores.

Mega Lanturn - Water/Electric
Ability: Guiding Light: This Pokemon’s attacking moves will always hit; However, the secondary effects of these moves are removed.
HP: 125
Attack: 58
Defense: 58 > 98 (+40)
Spatk: 76 > 116 (+40)
Spdef: 76 > 96 (+20)
Speed: 67
BST: 460 > 560
New Moves: Flip Turn, Life Dew
With this fish-thing's guiding light, together, you and I may be able to spam STAB Zap Cannons and Hydro Pumps with impunity. Really though, this Lanturn is meant to be a bulky, special attacking mon whose power comes mainly from its perfectly accurate high BP STAB moves. Really the only reason I removed the secondary effects of its moves is that spamming Zap Cannon without any sort of drawback is absolutely busted and not good game design, so now it can spam that but without the 100% para part.

Mega Victreebel - Grass/Poison
Ability: Feasting: If any Pokemon on the field is KO’d while this Pokemon is on the field, this Pokemon heals 33% of its HP and acts as if it has eaten a Berry for the rest of the game
HP: 80
Attack: 105 > 125 (+20)
Defense: 65 > 105 (+40)
Spatk: 100 > 130 (+30)
Spdef: 70 > 100 (+30)
Speed: 70 > 50 (-20)
BST: 490 > 590
Ah, the flytrap Pokemon. Though we're past the glory days of Pokemon glitchfestRBY, Victreebel has had quite a journey throughout its competitive history, being a powerful wallbreaker in the lower tiers and sometimes even outperforming Venusaur as a sun sweeper. This Victreebel is centered around being a mixed wallbreaker, the same as it has in its history. However, once any mon on the field has fainted, be it by chip damage, an ally, or Victreebel itself, it decides to tap into its predatory instincts and devours the fallen to fuel its rampage, and as a bonus, heals 33% of it's HP. Furthermore, this acts as having eaten a berry for the rest of the game, meaning after something dies while it's on the field, Victreebel gains access to a devastating STAB Belch, helping it immensely with its wallbreaking potential. With Victreebel's access to Strength Sap, it can also function as a stopgap to physical attackers like Rillaboom, which is immensely useful given how threatening Rilla can be.
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Yo yo pupu here with once again, another Paullab with the one and only, Paulluxx! For one of my personal favs, Dodrio! :)

:dodrio: Mega Dodrio
: Normal/Flying
Ability: Bird's-Eye View - as long as the user is not grounded, takes 0.75x damage from grounded Pokemon and 1.25x damage from non-grounded Pokemon.
HP: 60
Atk: 110 + 31 --> 141
Def: 70 + 29--> 99
SpA: 60
SpD: 60 + 39--> 99
Spe: 110 + 1 --> 111
New Moves: Soft-Boiled, U-Turn, High Jump Kick

Dodrio is kinda weird competitively - it's honestly not bad, as it can hit quite hard once it sets up (due to Brave Bird/Return being strong moves), and has a decent speed tier. It faces two major problems: it struggles to set up due to being extremely frail, and loses really hard to other flying types (especially Corv and Zapdos).
This ability lets it set up more easily, but still keeps it weak to its original checks. It also doesn't have complete dominance over grounded mons, as you still get smashed by a lot of electric types like Koko or Zeraora, and the lack of a Z-Move means you can't as easily take out mons like PhysDef Hippo or Ferro (and while they can't hurt you as much, they can get off something like a Toxic, Whirlwind, TWave, or Leech Seed).
In terms of the moves, Soft-Boiled gives a different choice over Roost if you want recovery while staying non-grounded, and while you'd be sacrificing important coverage like Jump Kick for steels, you can actually SD up on some of them several times and keep yourself healthy, too.
Statwise, a bit of extra power helps to break a few mons more easily, and the added bulk helps with setting up. The speed tier is buffed by one point for a e s t h e t i c s (111 is kinda funny for 3 heads) and also to outspeed the base 110s, while not making it too crazy.

The ability stems from the idea of birds like ostriches or even secretary birds being able to keep away grounded animals by means of their longer legs and mobility, but not having the full range of motion of a lot of other birds. A bit of extra bulk also fits these types of birds, as they often have better defenses due to their larger sizes and reinforced legs.
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:victreebel: Aaa hi! Uh, this is another case of an idea sort of being called in advance on the Discord, which I always feel bad about when it concerns people who aren't on the server x: please everyone consider joining so people can get in touch for stuff like this more easily;;
but uh, I am sorry to say that STICKY FINGAA shared that they were planning on it some six days before the slate opened, and they had their sub completed (even exactly as they submitted it, movepool additions and all) as of 1:25 GMT on October 7th
They just weren't able to share it in the thread until yesterday, and obviously you had no way of knowing this, but the two really are quite similar and I have been asked to let theirs take precedence with that in mind, so I will have to exclude yours x:
I know this is an unfortunate kind of veto, but I hope you understand - I don't think it would be right to have the two of them both in the running with how much they overlap, I'm afraid D:
understood! sticky fingaa did actually contact me about this earlier so i will defer to your ruling. my mega vic is now mostly a fun sub instead of a competitive one; i gave it alchemist instead.
:ss/Obstagoon: Mega Obstagoon
New Ability
: Prankster
Type: Normal/Dark

New stats:
HP: 93
Attack: 90 ->140 (+50)
Defense: 101 ->121 (+20)
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 81 ->101 (+20)
Speed: 95 ->105 (+10)
(BST) 520 ->620

New moves
: Return, Frustration, Encore
Description: This mega can be used as a utility pokemon with moves like Thunder Wave, Taunt, Encore, and Parting Shot. It can also set up with moves like Bulk Up, Substitute, and Iron Defense. It can also use moves like Fake Tears and Screech to harshly lower a defense for an ally pokemon.

Mossy Sandwich

Gunning for the top
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
:dodrio: Mega Dodrio
New Ability
: Split Personality (Switches between 3 different at the end of each turn. Loops back to Level-Headed form after Air-Headed form.)
Turn 1: Level-Headed form: No Effect
Turn 2: Hot-Headed form: Sets stats to +1 Attack and Special Attack, -1 Defense and Special Defense
Turn 3: Air-Headed form: Sets stats to -1 Attack and Special Attack, +1 Defense and Special Defense
Type: Normal/Flying

New stats: 60/130/110/80/100/90
HP: 60 (+0)
Attack: 110 --> 130 (+20)
Defense: 70 --> 110 (+40)
Special Attack: 60 --> 80 (+20)
Special Defense: 60 --> 100 (+40)
Speed: 110 --> 90 (-20)
(BST) 470 --> 570 (+100)

New moves: None
Description: I'm too lazy to write something cohesive. Use Hot-Headed form to hit hard and use Air-Headed form to setup. Oh also Swords Dance would make Hot-Headed have +3 attack and Air-Headed +1 just to be clear.
Hello, everyone!!
It's now time for the submission phase to close and for voting to begin!!


Gen VII-style Obstagoon render from this incredible project by DJTHED

As always, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to respond to the feedback I gave!!
It seems like almost everyone once again managed to edit their subs in time, which is always fantastic to see!

I'll still take this opportunity to tag everyone who didn't make it in case you still wanted to make changes, of course!
As is the usual policy, it's not too late to update your sub if you just didn't have time in the last 24 hours! If you need to make any changes to a disqualified sub before the voting phase closes, just let us know by DM or in the Discord, and I'll add it back right away if it's fixed! As long as there are still people voting, you have time to win their votes, haha.
Please make sure to get in touch with the same council member who compiled subs for that Pokémon!
That is, please reach out to me if you have changes to make to Victreebel or Dodrio, inkbug if you have changes to make to Lanturn and BlueRay if you have changes to make to Obstagoon.
We can't edit each other's posts, so it's important to let the right person know about any updates! C:

With that said, subs from the following people are still being excluded at the moment:

:victreebel: ArhamA it still has Spore, which I have told them was disallowed, and its Ability was changed to Showdown but it doesn't attempt to justify it, no longer has a description and has a sample set featuring moves that literally cannot be used with Showdown, so I am going to make an executive decision against it on the grounds of "this was definitely not thoughtful or well considered" for an Ability that is known to be... hard to work with and The Main Mon (no changes)

:dodrio: superstrike66, Ema Skye and The Main Mon (no changes for all)

:lanturn: superstrike66 and The Main Mon (no changes for both)

:obstagoon: no vetoes, but the Ability of SimpyShrimp's Obstagoon will only be allowed to lower PP by 2 (not 4) if it wins; it didn't feel right to veto it for the one detail but it is also mandatory

If any of you still want to make changes and get them in, now would be the time!
Every other submission (unless I missed anything but definitely please yell at me if I did) is included! Thank you guys so much for your cooperation and your fantastic ideas! C:

In addition, huge thanks to inkbug and BlueRay for helping with the sub combinations this slate!
Without further ado, here is my section of the compilation post!

Slate 38 Voting

Reminder on Voting Rules

For a reminder, Megas for All uses a variation on instant runoff voting, meaning that it uses a systematic process of elimination to find the submission that's supported by the most people. This system takes into account both the total number of people who voted for the submission at all and how those people ranked it in relation to any other submissions that have not been eliminated.

Your votes should consist of however many submissions you like.​
Including a submission in your post at all is "voting for it," but you can vote for as many (or as few) as you want! It doesn't have to be exactly three.​
Your votes should also be ranked from most preferred to least preferred, just like they were in the previous system.​

It's also now acceptable to self-vote in first!​
One of the benefits of the new system is that you get less extreme an advantage from this and there's not as much room for one individual to swing the results dramatically in their own favor, so we can afford to loosen up the rules in that area.​
That said, I would still ask you to include at least two other people in your vote if one of your votes is for yourself (this was already in the rules before).​

Please make sure you tell inkbug if you edit your vote! He generally adds them to his list as soon as they're posted, so edits may go unnoticed. You can contact him on his profile here or on the Discord. C:​

Legal Submissions

:victreebel: Mega Victreebel

Mega Victreebel

New Ability
: Toxic Fragrance
Removes the Poison type of all Pokémon on the field, with the exception of the user. Removing a Poison type grants the user a Stockpile effect.
(Side note: The ability activates before a Pokémon is affected by hazards. If an affected Pokémoon switches out, it regains its Poison type.)

Type: Grass | Poison

New stats
HP: 80
Attack: 105 → 125 (+20)
Defense: 65 → 80 (+15)
Special Attack: 100
Special Defense: 70 → 130 (+60)
Speed: 70 → 75 (+5)
BST: 490 → 590 (+100)

New moves:
Soak, Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes

1) Concept
Watch as preys fall for its alluring, honeylike scent in its mouth only to realize it's acid meant to devour them.

This description is based on the Pokédex and alludes to pitcher plants, which use this strategy to eat insects, snails, and slugs, among other small animals. But did you know they can also eat frogs? Since some frogs are poisonous, this gave me the idea and the excuse to come up with an ability meant to punish opposing Poison Pokémon. Every time Mega Victreebel sucks poison out of them, its liquid become sweeter and more potent, allowing it to devour its preys more easily, especially Poison Pokémon. While the Stockpile effect is meant to allude to its poison storing and strenghten its defensive potential from a competitive point of view, Soak can be seen as sweet saliva to lure and drown preys in.

And why would Poison Pokémon walk into the trap? Since they are Poison Pokémon, naturally, they don't have to worry about poisonous food; they might even enjoy it to strengthen their powers. Too bad, Mega Victreebel is a such a wicked plant with a great appetite. u.u

2) Competitive
Mega Victreebel is meant to lure Pokémon, especially Poison Pokémon, and put them in a catch-22, be it through Toxic Spikes or Soak.

M4A OU is a unique metagame where Poison Pokémon are thriving a lot. Both Nidoqueen and Mega Nidoqueen are valued for their ability to check or outright wall almost any common Electric Pokémon, notably Choice Specs Tapu Koko and Mega Raichu. In addition to blocking Volt Switch, they also punish other offensive pivot moves like U-Turn, which they both resist. While Poison Point and Rocky Helmet allow Nidoqueen to wear down Pokémon faster, Stamina can turn Mega Nidoqueen into a hard to take down Pokémon whose Body Press can be incredibly powerful after a boost. Other effective Poison Pokémon include Mega Dragalge, which is hard to wall or stop, Mega Toxtricity-Low-Key, which has amazing resilience, and Mega Garbodor, which is a staple on Stall teams. And of course, you have the fearsome Toxapex and the annoying Galarian Slowking. Amoonguss also joins the list of good Poison Pokémon as it checks popular threats like Tapu Fini, Greninja, Kommo-o or Mega Raichu pretty well.

With Poison being so popular and metagame defining, I think it is a good time to introduce another Poison Pokémon able to check or punish them. After all, removing the Poison type can lead to some interesting interactions, like hitting Nidoqueen, Toxapex, Amoonguss or Nihilego for effective damage, or being able to poison Poison Pokémon with Toxic or Toxic Spikes if they switch in. As Mega Victreebel is able to force out relevant Poison Pokémon, it can ensure that its Toxic Spikes remains long on the field. Therefore, as a player, you can make progress against grounded Pokémon.

While Grass / Poison is a poor offensive dual type, the inclusion of Soak makes Mega Victreebel rather self-sufficient; in fact, Soak + Power Whip is enough to hit any Pokémon for effective damage, unless they run Sap Sipper. This gives Mega Victreebel the room to run any utility moves it wants to, like Strength Sap or Toxic Spikes.

With its good bulk, Mega Victreebel isn't limited to just a Poison deterrent. It can also use its typing to check specific threats, such as Tapu Koko, Greninja, Mega Raichu or Tapu Fini, which is a useful trait to have in our metagame.
Mega Victreebel

Ability - Chlorophyll; Gluttony ➝ Pitfall Trap (The opponent is trapped when using a Bug-type attack, that requires physical contact, against this Pokémon. The user takes no damage from Bug-type attacks.)

HP - 80 ➝ 80
Atk - 105 ➝ 145 (+40)
Def - 65 ➝ 65 (±0)
SpA - 100 ➝ 135 (+35)
SpD - 70 ➝ 75 (+5)
Spe - 70 ➝ 90 (+20)
BST - 490 ➝ 590 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Draining Kiss, Toxic Spikes
Competitive Corner - Have you ever wanted a U-turn deterer? Well, now you have one! If your opponent ever clicks it, and you call it with a Mega Victreebel switch in, you have a pretty ample shot at putting them to bed with a Sleep Powder (if they're faster) or sentence them to monotony with an Encore (if they're slower) and setting up Swords Dances to your heart's content! Of course, a +6 Mega Victreebel is pretty strong, and it's probably going to take out whatever it set up on, but the low speed leaves it a bit prone to being revenge killed even if it can get a setup chance. Sucker Punch can alleviate the speed situation, but, Sucker Punch being your only coverage outside of one of Grass or Poison STAB is probably not the most reliable thing in the world. After all, you probably want Swords Dance to set up, and one of Sleep Powder or Encore. But still, if Mega Victreebel gets a setup chance, it could absolutely be a monster, but that's a big IF. It's a bit of a gamble, if your opponent doesn't really bring anything that spams U-turn Mega Victreebel won't be doing much. And if they do, you'll probably deter them from getting that free momentum, but it doesn't mean Mega Victreebel will be sweeping very easily if at all. I'd presume this is a very high-risk high-reward kind of Mega, with a strong opportunity cost to wasting your Mega slot and a whole team slot on a Victreebel of all things, so hopefully that keeps it in check?
Flavor Corner - The flavor here is pitfall traps are types of leaves that carnivorous plants that Victreebel are inspired on have! They do exactly what they sound like! In theory, trapping Bug-type Pokémon using a contact move probably would make more sense than trapping any Pokémon using a contact Bug-type attack... But, I thought this would be a more interesting way to play this concept, and I went full on "trap mode" mode on this design!
:victreebel: Mega Victreebel
New Ability
:Fly Eater
If an opponent tries to use a Bug type move against this Pokemon,this Pokemon will take no damage and heal 1/4 max HP instead.
New stats:
Special Attack:100->110
Special Defense:70->110
(BST 590)

New moves:Nada
Description:Mega Victreebel has a very cool niche it carves out for itself with its ability,being able to block U-Turn.This prevents attackers from blindly pivoting on switches,as it gets denied and heals Victreebel in the process.Aside from this,Mega Victreebel acts as a tanky Mon that's pretty fast,falling at the 100 Speed tier.With plenty of options to annoy the opponent with Knock Off,Strength Sap,and Clear Smog and Toxic that won't miss 3 times in a row when you try to click it on the switch and Mega Victreebel is a welcome defensive presense for teams.

Pokemon: Mega Victreebel

Stats: 80 / 130 (+15) / 85 (+20) / 125 (+25) / 100 (+30) / 80 (+10) (590 BST)
Ability: Pitcher Palace: This Pokemon’s Bug moves do 1.5x damage and apply Leech Seed to the foe, but it loses 1/10 of its HP each turn.
New Moves: Pollen Puff
Description: I know there's gonna be multiple subs involving using the pitcher plant flavor for special interactions with Bug types, so I took an alternate approach with that idea. In contrast with its base form, Mega Victreebel has called a truce with the bugs it normally consumes, a legion of them now living in its mouth and making little homes along its body. They obviously power up its Bug moves, but in exchange they eat some of Victreebel's leaves every turn to keep their strength up.

Mega Victreebel @ Victreebite

Type: Grass/Poison

New Ability: Pitfall Trap
Binding moves heal the user by 1/8 at the end of the turn as long as it has trapped another Pokémon on the field. (I'm not sure if you can stack multiple binding moves on one target, but if you can the healing would only apply to the first one you use)
Stat (changes):

New Moves: Snap Trap
Mega Victreebel

Type: Grass / Poison
Ability: Alchemist
Stats: 80 / 105 / 135 (+70) / 100 / 110 (+40) / 60 (-10) (590 BST)
Mega Stone: Victreebite
New Moves: Purify, Snap Trap, Bubble

Mega Victreebel turns into a boiling cauldron, stirring up a nasty little concoction for its opponents!

Its main draw is as a Corrosion spreader, able to poison Pokémon like Toxapex, Corviknight, and Heatran that could normally switch in on it for free. It can use Strength Sap as well to keep itself healthy without relying on Synthesis, despite its many weaknesses. Key resistances to Electric, Water, Fairy, and Fighting give it opportunities to switch in, and it can pretty easily spread poison from there. Bubble is mostly a joke addition, because, well... bubble, bubble, toil and trouble!

Ability has been changed from Corrosion to Alchemist. So now it's mostly another fun mega more than a competitive one! And, hey, it's the Halloween season. Mega Mismagius needs a new partner.

Mega Victreebel
Grass / Poison
Ability: Gulp Missile
80 / 115 (+10) / 90 (+25) / 110 (+10) / 105 (+35) / 80 (+10)
New moves: Surf, Dive
Victreebel loves to use its spacious maw to provide a home for Bug-types in need. However, this is symbiosis; it often uses them as projectiles to defend from predators.
Pitcher plants are carnivorous and tend to eat small animals by trapping them in what would be their mouths. Since Victreebel is large enough to actually eat small Bug-types, let’s lean in to that! Introducing a viable Gulp Missile user. Since pitcher plants can grow in acidic swamps, there is some justification for Surf and Dive access! In Gulping Form, it’s swallowing a Karrablast, whilst in Gorging Form, it’s swallowing a Vikavolt.
(I know that it’s taking an ability that only works on one Pokémon, but hear me out: it fits the flavor of Victreebel, and Mega Falinks is saying hi)
"Now, now now," you say, confused. "You can't just tell me that Victreebel will work effectively with an incredibly niche ability that deals damage and has useful effects but has the opportunity cost of a moveslot." And to that I will respond... no. Firstly, let's look at Victreebel's relevant moves: there's Power Whip and Poison Jab as reliable STAB, Strength Sap and Leech Seed as supportive recovery, and of course Swords Dance. Now, let's see how Gulp Missile interacts with these, shall we? With Swords Dance and Gulp Missile, you can reach nuclear Dives (plus with a Water resist you won't worry about Surfs too much!) while also punishing attacks afterwards. With Strength Sap and Leech Seed, you have relative freedom to switch between forms, being able to alternate between Def drops to amplify your STABs or paralysis for utility. Along with this, Gulp Missile can even activate if a move KOs you! Also, Grass/Poison was chosen over Grass/Water in order to ensure that it wouldn't be weak to U-Turn, which does actually synergize with the ability decently; since Gulp Missile hits before a pivot out. With all of this synergy, what could possibly go wrong? Well, with common weaknesses to Fire, Psychic, Ice, and Flying, you won't be the Pokémon with the most longevity despite your recovery. Furthermore, you are very slow, being outsped by Victini, Mew, Blacephalon, and Zapdos. On top of that, Steel-types can hard-wall you, especially Ferrothorn which won't even take neutral damage from any of your moves and can strike back with Knock Off or Gyro Ball. While this is a mon with a good amount of pros, its cons in the fact that it needs to use a moveslot on mediocre to bad non-STAB to actually use its ability can be a hindrance. However, even with all of this, this powerful plant will be sure to pack a punch and start a pecking order.

Mega Victreebel


Ability: Acid Reflux (When this Pokemon is hit, Acidic Terrain begins (Sand Spit for Acidic Terrain))
(Credit goes to BlueRay for coming up with Acidic Terrain!)

HP: 80
Atk: 130 (+25)
Def: 125 (+60)
SpA: 100
SpD: 70
Spe: 85 (+15)

New Moves: Gunk Shot

I've long been slightly bothered by base Victreebel's role as a Sun abuser given the fact that the entire point of being a carnivorous plant means you need less photosynthesis. Now, I've come up with something that puts more emphasis on Victreebel's pitcher plant roots (haha get it?). Acid Reflux allows Victreebel to use M4A's unique Acidic Terrain, which currently can only be summoned by Mega Dragalge. Mega Victreebel would go about using this terrain in a different fashion, both in terms of setting and abusing.

Firstly, Victreebel's typing in Grass/Poison is normally pretty terrible offensively. Acidic Terrain helps alleviate this problem by allowing its Poison STAB to burst through Steel types that would normally not care about either of its STAB moves. Secondly, this typing also has different defensive applications than Mega Dragalge. Most notably, Victreebel is not weak to Ground moves like Dragalge, and thus has an easier time dealing with Ground and Rock types, as well as the Ground coverage commonly found on Steel types. Its higher Def also helps in this case. In addition, Victreebel also resists Fairy as opposed to being weak to it.

A very notable difference between Mega Dragalge and this Mega Victreebel is the way in which they set their terrains. Mega Dragalge sets its terrain on switchin, unconditionally, while Mega Victreebel needs to get hit first. This comes with both pros and cons. Mega Victreebel's terrain is obviously dependent on an opponent's decision to attack you, and you have to lose HP in order to set it. That said, it also allows Mega Victreebel to reset its terrain without having to leave the field. In VGC, spread moves can be used to both damage your opponent and trigger Acid Reflux. Examples include Breaking swipe, Surf, or Bulldoze. In singles, if an opponent chooses not to directly attack Mega Victreebel to avoid setting Acidic Terrain, it can punish them by setting up with Swords Dance, or using some of its utility like Strength Sap, Sleep Powder, or Stun Spore.

With its slight increase in speed, Mega Victreebel can outspeed most common walls, allowing it to take them down more effectively and take fewer hits while doing so. In addition, it allows Mega Victreebel to speed tie with threats like Rillaboom and Nidoking. It also helps Mega Victreebel with recovery, as it is able to Strength Sap slower mons before they can hit it, lowering their Atk and healing it back up.

:victreebel: Mega Victreebel
New Ability
: Chlorophyll/Gluttony ---> Aroma Veil
: Grass/Poison

New Stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 105 -> 145 (+40)
Defense: 65 -> 85 (+20)
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 70 -> 120 (+50)
Speed: 70 -> 60 (-10)

New Moves: Gunk Shot, Soak
Mega Victreebel can attract many pokemon just by sitting in one spot. Most pokemon only get close enough to enjoy its fragrance, however some pokemon are foolish enough to crawl into the deathly jaws of this pokemon, unaware of the digestive fluids pooling within.

Not much to say but, its untauntable! It's speed tier is not that great for sweeping, but it does have the bulk and longevity to keep up. It can rely on Sleep Powder to help Swords Dance more reliably, and use Soak as a way to remove stab and force the target out, while also getting free Power Whips on em. It's physical attack is so high, you could go completely uninvested and just run a bulkier EV spread to deal with the Fairy-type special attackers in the Metagame.

Ability: Chlorophyll/Gluttony-> Digestive Acid (If the target has any positive stat changes, user removes them after attacking and restores 1/8th max HP per one stage boost).
HP: 80
Atk: 125 (+20)
Def: 95 (+30)
SpA: 100
SpD: 100 (+30)
Spe: 90 (+20)
New Moves: Corrosive Gas, Gunk Shot, Petal Blizzard

: Victreebel's whole deal is gobbling things up and melting them with corrosive acid, so with the power of Mega evolution Bel gains the ability to eat stat boosts, restoring its own HP in the process, which it can do so reliably thanks to Sucker Punch; in conjunction with Strength Sap, this allows it to leverage its bulk surprisingly well. Alternatively, you can go SD + three attacks with dual high BP STAB and Sucker. In VGC, Petal Blizzard allows it to attack both opponents at once, allowing it to double up on its healing.
Mega Victreebel
Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Alluring Aroma (When this Pokemon is on the field, Grass and Fairy type Pokemon are forced to move last in their priority bracket)
  • HP: 80 (+0)
  • Attack: 105 (+0)
  • Defense: 105 (+40)
  • Special Attack: 110 (+10)
  • Special Defense: 110 (+40)
  • Speed: 80 (+10)
New Moves: Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot

Description: Victreebel is based on the pitcher plant, a type of carnivorous plant that lures its prey by emitting a sweet, nectar like aroma. Mega Victreebel does the same thing, and the aroma is so strong that Grass and Fairy types (Fairies bc they're nature mons and would love something like that) to slow down and enjoy the smell. This has a lot of interesting effects, especially in VGC, where it can turn mons like Rillaboom and Tapu Koko into slow pivots. Sludge Wave and Gunk Shot here because if Victreebel was in SWSH it probably would have gotten both of these moves anyways.
Mega :swsh/victreebel: Victreebel
Mega Stone: Victreebite

Ability: Allure - Disables pivoting while this Pokemon is on the field.

HP - 80 (+0)
ATK - 105 (+0)
DEF - 125 (+60)
SPA - 100 (+0)
SPD - 110 (+40)
SPE - 70 (+0)

New Moves: Snap Trap, Soak

Dex Entry: The energies of Mega Evolution raise the potency of Victreebel's internal fluids to a potency so intense that it even becomes dangerous to itself. The scent is so strong that even enemies with the toughest of willpower will struggle to resist its pull, and can dissolve them in seconds. This eats at Victreebel's stomach lining, but the aroma is so wonderful that Victreebel enjoys its Mega Evolution despite the pain.
Snap Trap makes a lot of mechanical sense and while it makes *okay* flavor sense a pitcher plant doesn’t trap quite the same as a venus fly trap? If you think it shouldn’t be added it already has both Infestation and Wrap.

I know there have been some very similar Lanturn ideas subbed but I believe that both Pokemon have different enough strengths and weaknesses that both could coexist if they were to win - and if the veto post disagrees with me, well, my idea came before either of those subs, so :^)

Okay so Victreebel has many of the same tools to use this as Decidueye did, but even more which makes it cooler and I’m glad my Decidueye didn’t win.

Like Decidueye, Victreebel resists two of the three offensive pivot moves and is neutral to one (U-turn, which is ironic as the Bug move). Obviously it has the host of Grass bullshit such as Leech Seed, Sleep Powder (which can get around Sleep Clause due to trapping, but thankfully no Spore), Toxic, and Ingrain if you’re feeling confident. That combined with the chip of the binding move and recovery options like Synthesis, Strength Sap, Giga Drain, and Leech Life, makes this Pokémon an excellent stall mon that forces you to choose carefully about what you send in to face it. The interaction with Strength Sap is interesting because you can stack the attack drops since the enemy can’t switch to clear them, but that’s a double edged sword in that you’re nerfing your own recovery unless you retreat yourself.

However, there’s loads of other cool toys (some of these were also present on Decidueye but it couldn’t use them as well, however most of these aren’t). Acid Spray becomes an excellent wall breaking tool, with the opponent’s inability to clear the drops, and Flash is an annoyingly viable stall tech for it to use (but hopefully outclassed by more reliable moves). Clear Smog prevents the enemy from trying to setup on it, and Encore can lock the opponent into that setup or using their suboptimal pivot move. Toxic + Venoshock is a great combo for this. While a special set is the most reliable for this, physical sets also have the potential to be scary with Swords Dance and Power Whip if it ends up trapping a mon that can’t threaten it out - however it stays balanced with its low speed tier making it easier to revenge after the trapped mon is killed. It can also reliably run mixed sets with Growth due to its near perfectly even offensive stats and its ability to run bulky investments even in an offensive playstyle. Soak is a more niche addition and can grant it a larger variety of Pokemon that it can take on if it so chooses, but as a Pokemon that already has big choices to make for it's 4 move slot syndrome, Soak has a high enough opportunity cost that Soak + absolute trapping + Grass type isn't quite as broken as it sounds.

Mega Victreebel
Ability: Corrosion

Hp: 80 (+0)
Atk: 120 (+15)
Def: 115 (+50)
SpA: 110 (+10)
SpD: 100 (+30)
Speed: 65 (-5)

New moves: Snap Trap, Gunk Shot, Apple Acid

In Victreebel's Pokedex entries it's often said about how Victreebel manages to melt even the most resistant object with the acid generated by it, thanks to mega evolution now Victreebel is also able to not only use acid to digest Its victims but also for self-defense and even hunting.

Thanks to Its new additional bulk, Victreebel can check threats such as Mega Raichu, Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, and Tapu Koko much easier, while being able to break defensive cores with the combination of Toxic Corrosion + Snap Trap, allowing It to wear down any mon quickly, the 120 base attack allows non invested Mega Victreebel to almost always 1HKO Mega Raichu after Stealth Rocks, the 115 base defense allows Victreebel to avoid being 2HKO'd by Urshifu-R's CC after Stealth Rocks without defense Investment, while the Special Attack was used as a dump stat but also to Incentive the use of Apple Acid and Venoshock, while the Special Defense allows It to check Greninja slightly better, and finally, the Speed nerf makes Victreebel slower than base Corvknight to not allow Victreebel to click Strength Sap for free and allowing Corviknight to check It better.
Mega Victreebel :victreebel:
Types: Grass/Poison
Ability: Berry Blender - On entry, this Pokémon eats a berry depending of its current HP:
100% HP = Starf Berry
99% - 34% = Sitrus Berry
33% - 1% = Custap Berry
HP: 80
ATK: 125 (+20)
DEF: 90 (+25)
SP.ATK: 120 (+20)
SP.DEF: 90 (+20)
SPEED: 85 (+15)
BST: 590 (+100)

Just Mega Evolved huh? How does a Starf berry sound then? You might get a good boost in one of your defenses, which makes it easier to setup. Or maybe you don't even need to setup, cause you got a boost on one of your well balanced, all around attacks, or defense. Either way, the Starf berry didn't catch your eye? What if you heal a bit on switch in? Or maybe you're on low HP and just want to make a last, powerful move. Even if you don't like any of the effects, consider, what's a real powerful poison type move? That's right, Belch! Since it eats a berry on entry, this Mega Victreebel may always use Belch... as long as it isn't too nervous to eat of course! Anyway, bon appetit!
:victreebel: Victreebel-Mega
New Ability: Contrary

Stats: 80 / 115 (+10) / 95 (+30) / 120 (+20) / 110 (+40) / 70 (BST: 590)
New Moves: –
Description: Another ZU mon, another broken ability. Not much to say other than this is a more powerful but slower version of Serperior with slightly better coverage thanks to poison stabs. It's pretty easy to check though, since hidden power is its only option to go through steel types, and you inevitably have to chose wether you wanna be countered by heatran or by corviknight. If enough holes are done beforehand though, the sweeps this thing can pull off are brutal.

mega victreebel

hp- 80
atk- 105(+20)>125
def- 65(+25)>90
spa- 100(+30)>130
spd- 70(+25)>95
spe- 70

ability: stomach acid- poison type moves heal the user for 50% of the damage dealt

new moves: gunk shot, venom drench, soak
per Kero's suggestion, this victreebel is a bulky mixed attacker able to easily stay on the field with both its STABs able to drain hp from its targets, able to break pokemon that normally resist it with soak, and slowly build itself up to sweep with growth or swords dance
Mega Victreebel
New Ability
: Analytic

New stats:
HP: 80
Attack: 105 (+40) --> 145
Defense: 65 (+15) --> 80
Special Attack: 100 (+45) --> 145
Special Defense: 70 (+10) --> 80
Speed: 70(-10) --> 60
(BST): 490 (+100) --> 590

New moves: Taunt, Snap Trap, Earth Power
(i'm kind of busy and have to rush this so i apologise in advance if the description is messy)
Analytic is a great fit for Victreebel, as the pitcher plants it is based on wait for their prey to get into the "pitfall trap" leaves, then digest them for nutrients. In battle, this Mega Evolution does pretty much the same thing, except the prey is the opponent's Pokemon.
I tried to base this stallbreaker Victreebel off :heatran: Heatran. Heatran uses Magma Storm to trap and damage walls. Therefore, I needed a trapping and damaging move for Victreebel as well. And there couldn't be a better fit than Snap Trap.
Currently the signature move of :stunfisk_galar:
Galarian Stunfisk, Snap Trap will allow Victreebel to trap other Pokemon and get constant damage on them. Taunt can stop any status moves in their arsenal. It is also naturally suited for this job, as its Poison type stops enemy Toxic (much like Heatran's Steel type).
However, Victreebel also gets access to reliable recovery in Strength Sap, something which Heatran lacks. It now has much more firepower thanks to Analytic and a low Speed. This stops it from being too passive and allowing the opponent any openings.

There is also an interesting aspect of Analytic I want to talk about: it counts switches as making a move. Since switches have priority, they always trigger the boost. This gives it a Stakeout-ish element where the opponent is punished for trying to switch. Coverage like Earth Power is especially helpful for Victreebel, as one good prediction of a Fire or Steel type switching in can be fatal.
Mega Victreebel's biggest downfall though is the fact that it lacks the bulk to take too many strong hits. Therefore, it has to be skillfully brought in on good matchups throughout the game, with care needed to remove entry hazards.
Name: Mega-Victreebel
Typing: Grass/Poison

HP: 80
ATK: 115 (+10)
DEF: 75 (+10)
SPA: 100 (+0)
SPD: 104 (+34)
SPE: 116 (+46)

New Moves: Earthquake

Description: Mega-Victreebel is a wallbreaker able to easily get opportunities to switch in and set up thanks to its useful resistances to water, fairy and electric, decent special bulk, and a good speed tier + access to sleep powder and a good STAB combination.
Its new ability, Down-to-earth, can allow it to get Sleep Powder off regardless of whether Electric or Misty Terrain are up. It can also help it take down Steel types with Earthquake, while ignoring potential Grassy Terrains that could weaken the move's power.
Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Digestion (if anyone has a better name tell me) - Contact with this Pokemon lowers the attackers defense stat (gooey clone for defense)

HP: 80
ATK: 105 -> 135 (+30)
DEF: 65 -> 105 (+40)
SPA: 100 -> 115 (+15)
SPD: 70 -> 75 (+5)
SPE: 70 -> 80 (+10)
New Moves: Snap Trap, Soak, Taunt
Summary: You're deep in the jungle (for some reason). All of a sudden, you smell a sickly sweet aroma. You follow it, leading yourself to a huge yellow plant. You look inside, and realize it's a Mega-Victreebel! It spits out acid and it lands on some nearby grass, which withers immediately. Yep, I just did that. Mega-Victreebel can take advantage of Strength Sap, its good defense, and nice attack stat to really take advantage of Digestion. Strength Sap lets it take more physical hits and recover HP at the same time. It relies on trapping the opponent using Snap Trap to make sure they can't switch out to negate the stat drops. To take advantage of that, I gave it Soak and Taunt, the first letting it hit opposing Pokemon super effectively with Grass STAB, and the latter forcing the opponent to attack it to hopefully drop their defense!
Mega Victreebel - Grass/Poison
Ability: Feasting: If any Pokemon on the field is KO’d while this Pokemon is on the field, this Pokemon heals 33% of its HP and acts as if it has eaten a Berry for the rest of the game
HP: 80
Attack: 105 > 125 (+20)
Defense: 65 > 105 (+40)
Spatk: 100 > 130 (+30)
Spdef: 70 > 100 (+30)
Speed: 70 > 50 (-20)
BST: 490 > 590
Ah, the flytrap Pokemon. Though we're past the glory days of Pokemon glitchfestRBY, Victreebel has had quite a journey throughout its competitive history, being a powerful wallbreaker in the lower tiers and sometimes even outperforming Venusaur as a sun sweeper. This Victreebel is centered around being a mixed wallbreaker, the same as it has in its history. However, once any mon on the field has fainted, be it by chip damage, an ally, or Victreebel itself, it decides to tap into its predatory instincts and devours the fallen to fuel its rampage, and as a bonus, heals 33% of it's HP. Furthermore, this acts as having eaten a berry for the rest of the game, meaning after something dies while it's on the field, Victreebel gains access to a devastating STAB Belch, helping it immensely with its wallbreaking potential. With Victreebel's access to Strength Sap, it can also function as a stopgap to physical attackers like Rillaboom, which is immensely useful given how threatening Rilla can be.
:dodrio: Mega Dodrio

Mega Dodrio

Ability: Technician

Type: Ground
| Flying

New Stats:

HP: 60
Attack: 110 → 125 (+15)
Defense: 70 → 125 (+55)
Special Attack: 60 → 70 (+10)
Special Defense: 60 → 70 (+10)
Speed: 110 → 120 (+10)
BST: 470 → 570 (+100)

New moves:
Bone Rush, Triple Axel, Bulldoze, Beat Up

1) Concept
If three heads act independently from each other and have their own will, imagine what they can do when they all work together and operate in a coordinated manner.

Thus came the idea of Technician Mega Dodrio, which has to rely mainly on uncommon multi-strike moves to become an effective threat. While Pokémon like Ambipom or Cinccino almost never combine their multi-strike moves with Technician due to the inconsistent damage output or a preferred ability like Skill Link in Cinccino's case, this Mega Dodrio has the typing, resilience, and power to pull off these moves pretty effectively.

If you were wondering about the dual Ground / Flying type, it was chosen mostly for competitive reasons. However, it can also be justified flavour wise; in fact, Dodrio are able to survive in harsh living conditions, like Cerulian Cave, Mount Silver or arid areas. Against this background, Mega Dodrio's Ground type can be seen as a natural adaptability to these difficult environments. Moreover, a part of this Pokémon's design is inspired by the kiwi, which is a bird that can detect movements in the ground. This allows it to put its beak into the earth to get their preys, like worms. Furthermore, they dig their burrows to lay their eggs. So, there's a heavy emphasis on its activity on the ground.

2) Competitive
Mega Dodrio is meant to land devastating hits with its multi-strike moves and pull off combos.

Thanks to its Ground / Flying dualtype, bulk, and solid movepool, Mega Dodrio can switch into some of the most common Ground and Flying Pokémon in M4A OU and check them, like Landorus-T, Garchomp, Gliscor, Zapdos or Corviknight. As it's able to force these Pokémon out, it can naturally take advantage of multi-strike moves like Bone Rush several times without having to worry too much about not landing enough hits; after all, if a new Pokémon comes in to take the brunt for the previous partner, Mega Dodrio has another shot to weaken it. This is an advantage both Ampibom and Cinccino do not have as they are too frail to switch into moves and lack a reliable recovery move.

While, in theory, Mega Dodrio could run Brave Bird or Aerial Ace over Triple Axel because of STAB, it likely wouldn't run these Flying moves in Singles. Brave Bird comes with recoil and worsens its bulk, which it actually needs to check certain threats better, like Landorus-T or Garchomp. As for Aerial Ace, it's not very powerful and can miss out on crucial KOs. This is where Triple Axel comes in; it's the best of two worlds. First of all, Technician turns it into a powerful Pseudo STAB that can hit Pokémon like Zapdos or Corviknight, which would otherwise wall Mega Dodrio. Secondly, Triple Axel doesn't come with recoil and hits a wider range of Pokémon than Brave Bird does.

In VGC, Mega Dodrio is able to pull off dangerous combos with Technician; in fact, Bulldoze hits almost as hard as Earthquake and can lower the Speed of grounded Pokémon. Furthermore, its Ground / Flying dualtype makes it an effective partner for Justified users like Terrakion or Cobalion who rely on its Beat Up to accumulate Attack boosts. After all, Ground threatens Fire Pokémon Cobalion is weak to; Flying is immune to Ground and resists Fighting and threatens them, including Grass Pokémon Terrakion is scared of.

But wait, didn't you say Mega Dodrio would prefer Triple Axel over a Flying move? Yes, that applies to Singles. But in VGC where Pokémon prefer STAB moves over coverage moves since a partner can always take care of Pokémon the other can't, a Flying move would become more appealing. The move I had in mind was Pluck, which profits from Technician and can steal your opponent's berry. This is important to note as berries are commonly run in VGC.
Mega Dodrio

Ability - Run Away, Early Bird; Tangled Feet ➝ Pecking Order (Pecking moves (Drill Peck, Peck, and Pluck) used by the Pokémon will hit thrice. The damage inflicted on each hit is reduced to 60%, 50%, and 40%, respectively. Each hit is capable of afflicting Secondary Effects and Critical Hits. Increases Attack by one stage if the user fails to get three hits upon using any Pecking moves.)

HP - 60 ➝ 60
- 110 ➝ 130 (+20)
Def - 70 ➝ 90 (+20)
SpA - 60 ➝ 80 (+20)
SpD - 60➝ 80 (+20)
Spe - 110 ➝ 130 (+20)
BST - 470 ➝ 570 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Drill Run
Competitive Corner - So, Pecking Order is cool and all, but there's not much point in using it if you don't get these juicy attack boosts, as otherwise, your Drill Pecks are just Brave Bird without the recoil, and hitting thrice, I guess! So the goal is simple, try to kill things with Drill Peck (or hope your opponent is running some Eject Button jank or a Golisopod, not sure which is worse. If you're really desperate maybe you can trick an Eject Button into your opponent's Flying-resist that'd be hilarious please do that), to get a juicy attack boost! Nothing out of the ordinary, since, if you are KOing something with this thing, you probably might not... Need? Another attack boost, but that's what keeps it in check from being too overwhelming, I'd hope. Base 130 Attack and Speed are nothing to scoff at either, so Dodrio definitely doesn't need any Pecking Order boosts go get going.
Flavor Corner - I'm gonna be completely honest, I just thought of the phrase Pecking Order and decided to design an ability around it! That's all :P and hey, out of all Pokémon, I think Dodrio encapsulates it pretty well!
Mega Dodrio
Type: Normal/Flying
Stats: 60/60 (swapped with sp. atk)/100 (+30)/130 (swapped with atk, +20)/90 (+30)/130 (+20)
Ability: Rule of Three

Effect: When this Pokemon uses the same damaging move three times in a row, that move will cause any secondary effect to occur (excluding flinching if necessary)
New Moves: Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind (?)
Description: In writing, the Rule of Three states that a trio of events or characters are more appealing to readers (paraphrased from Wikipedia). As such, I applied that to Mega Dodrio. Mega Dodrio actually benefits from this, due to it learning a few moves that this could apply to, such as Body Slam, Headbutt, and Tri Attack. I made Mega Dodrio specially oriented to better utilize Tri Attack. Tri Attack was appropriate for building around for similar reasons to Rule of Three. I also gave Dodrio some special coverage. I chose Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt because these moves are of types that can be viewed as an elemental trio, and they are able to reliably trigger Rule of Three.

Competitively, Mega Dodrio is meant to utilize moves like Tri Attack to inflict status effects on your opponent. It can also take an offensive role with it's good base stats and access to Calm Mind.

Pokemon: Mega Dodrio

Stats: 60 / 140 (+30) / 70 / 120 (+60) / 70 (+10) / 110 (570 BST)
Ability: Sheer Force
New Moves: Focus Blast, Hurricane, Triple Axel
Description: This one's kinda flimsy and stupid, but honestly I just wanted to have a Dodrio form that could viably run Tri Attack again. Besides, Sheer Force is a fun ability and Dodrio seems like an "angry" enough Pokemon to use it. If you think this is a silly way to promote the usage of a specific thematically relevant move just you wait until whenever we do Mega Blissey. Also oof I got sniped by LordThemberchaud
Mega Dodrio

Type: Ground/Flying
Ability - Emergency Exit:

HP - 60 ➝ 60
- 110 ➝ 135 (+25)
Def - 70 ➝ 90 (+20)
SpA - 60 ➝ 60 (+0)
SpD - 60 ➝ 90 (+30)
Spe - 110➝ 135 (+25)
BST - 470 ➝ 570 (+100)

Added Moves: Wish
Ground/Flying is a really good typing offensively and defensively, but 2 mons having these type don't use both of their stab that much, mainly because they don't have a good flying type stab option. Well now we have it. Being able to hit strong is good, but this thing can somewhat bringing in a wish support. EE-Pass is really good in general with mons that has a high speed tier, since it will wish anyway, and having the guaranteed pass next turn if it reach 50%HP or lower. Sadly brave bird recoil doesn't work with it? If we can change ee for recoil, it'd be nice since golisopod has no recoil move anyway. It's a mon with good coverage option and with its speed tier, it can heal itself fast or bringing in some support option.

Flavourwise: Ostriches are known for running away, so this ability makes perfect senses. Ostriches are very ground-based animal too.

Mega Dodrio @ Dodrite

Type: Normal/Flying

Ability: Hydra
Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat when it takes a hit that causes its HP to become 2/3 or less. Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat again when it takes a hit that causes its HP to become 1/3 or less.
Stat (changes):

New Moves: Outrage, Reversal, U-turn
Mega Dodrio

Normal / Flying
Ability: Three Strikes - The Pokémon's multi-hit attacks (except for Beat Up) always hit three times.
Stats: 60 / 141 (+31) / 99 (+29) / 66 (+6) / 90 (+30) / 114 (+4)
Mega Stone: Dodrionite
New Moves: Double Kick, Dual Wingbeat, Triple Axel

Mega Dodrio bursts into battle! Mega Dodrio bursts into battle! Mega Dodrio bursts into battle!

Three Strikes isn't just inferior Skill Link (although, sure, it is that for Fury Attack and such) - it applies to ALL multi-strike moves, including ones that only hit twice! Thus, Double Hit, Dual Wingbeat, and Double Kick all hit three times, turning the former two into potent STAB moves and the latter into a safer alternative to Jump Kick. Triple Axel can also be used without fear of missing, as it would have the same effect as Skill Link of guaranteeing all three hits. Its statline seems funky, at least until you realize that now all of its stats are divisible by 3. (Please don't kill me for giving it Dual Wingbeat. Pretend the Mega has three wings, okay? And three legs, while we're at it.)
Mega Dodrio
New Ability: Run Away/Early Bird/Tangled Feet --> Down-to-Earth (While this Pokémon is active, the effects of terrains are disabled.)
New Typing
: Normal/Flying (Unchanged)

New Stats:
HP: 60
ATK: 110 --> 120 (+10)
: 70 --> 100 (+30)
: 60 (-)
: 60 --> 120 (+60)
: 110 (-)

New Moves
: U-Turn, Thunder Wave, Yawn

- Differs significantly from Lycanroc in that
-- can run similar sets to it (setup and the ability just helps prevent its sweeps from being countered easily)
-- However it is more likely to play disruptively; unlike Lycanroc it has access to reliable recovery, Taunt, Knock, Reflect, and Haze among other things
-- Fun to have a disruptive pivot who can Toxic a Fini, for example
-- Also is good against different terrains than Lycanroc -- it won't want to come in on Electric very often, but it resists pretty much all of the moves Rillaboom usually uses (Glide/Hammer and U-Turn, neutral to Drain Punch, immune to Ground; Lycanroc is weak to all of those bar U-Turn. I think Mega Lycanroc is actually able to handle Rillaboom fairly well, iirc, but thats still an element)
- It's interesting I think to have this on a mon that already inherently cannot benefit from terrain? It's really the only Flying-type this makes sense on (+"Down-to-Earth" (which was previously named Grounded) is just funny on a mon based on a bird that doesn't really fly)
Ability: Rotation - On switch-in, this Pokémon's Defense or Special Defense is raised by 1 stage based on the weaker combined attacking stat of all opposing Pokémon. Special Defense is raised if their Special Attack is higher, and Defense is raised if their Attack is the same or higher. (Mega Starmie's Ability)
New Type: Ground/Flying

Hp: 60
Atk: 130 (+20)
Def: 120 (+50)
Spa: 60
Spd: 80 (+20)
Spe: 120 (+10)

New Moves: (Bold = Notable) Drill Run, Triple Axel, Triple Kick
(Posting it here instead of editing it in to my other sub to get more people to see)
I don't have time to write a big description like lanturn, so here's the gist of it:
For flavor, it rotates between which head it primarily uses since one can get tired or wounded. For competitive, thanks to rotation and the stat boosts, it has decent bulk, especially on the physical side. It can use it to get switch-in opportunities to make sue of it's diverse toolkit. It can go the defensive route, using things like haze to check setup sweepers, and for lando and chomp specifically, it has triple axel to cleanly ko them. I believe the superior route to go is offensive though, using it's switch-ins to set up with swords dance and deal lots of damage with brave bird, drill run and/or jump kick. Roost can be run on both defensive and offensive sets to maximize it's defensive utility and longevity too.

Take Care Everyone!
Mega Dodrio


Ability: Sand Rush

HP: 60
Atk: 130 (+20)
Def: 90 (+20)
SpA: 110 (+50)
SpD: 60
Spe: 120 (+10)

New Moves: U-turn, Hurricane, Hyper Voice, Overheat, Weather Ball, Nasty Plot

A number of Dodrio's dex entries talk about how great it is at running fast, even in dry and arid environments. Sand Rush takes this bit and turns it up a notch, turning Dodrio into a unique addition to Sand teams. Dodrio's access to Flying STAB allows it to more comfortably deal with bulky Grass types that normally put a quick stop to Sand abusers. In return, the Ground type covers Flying resists perfectly, so if any Electric, Rock, or Steel types come in on Dodrio, it can now U-turn out and enable one of its teammates to deal with the opposing Flying resist. The boost in SpA is to allow Mega Dodrio to potentially run special sets as well, as Sand Rush and Sand Force mons currently are all physical attackers (unless you really want to run special Mega Garchomp for some reason). These movepool additions may seem a bit strange, but there is some reasoning behind all of them. For Hurricane, there are actually already a number of wingless users, such as Kingdra, Gyarados, and Whimsicott. Hyper Voice is fairly self-explanatory, as with 3 heads and access to Uproar, Dodrio is certainly capable of producing some loud noise. Overheat is also tangentially associated with less literal overheating, as can be seen in Primeape and Exploud, and one of Dodrio's dex entries talks about how one of its heads represents anger. This move can help special Mega Dodrio builds break through Steel types, especially ones like Corviknight or Ferrothorn that Ground type teammates struggle against. Weather Ball has obvious applicatons for a weather abuser, and a fairly wide distribution. Lastly, Nasty Plot comes from the several dex entries that talk about how with 3 brains, Dodrio collects tons of data and makes very complex plans.

:dodrio: Mega Dodrio
New Ability
: Run Away/Early Bird/Tangled Feet ---> Echo
("When Mega Dodrio uses a move that calls upon another move, the move that is called upon will deal doubled damage.")
Type: Normal/Flying

New Stats:
HP: 60
Attack: 110 -> 120 (+10)
Defense: 70 -> 80 (+10)
SpAtk: 60 -> 110 (+50)
SpDef: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Speed: 110 -> 120 (+10)

New Moves: Me First, Nature Power, U-Turn
Mega Dodrio focuses on studying the movements of those around it to form a well coordinated plan to attack its opponents tenfold.

I remember seeing a showdown player going by the name of Pyrotoz using a Z-Mirror Move Flyinium Dodrio set, and I'm very fond of it, so I based my submission around it. Dodrio can deal massive damage and revenge kill other pokemon with Me First, such as an SD sweeper or a faster cleaner. It's all about positioning though! If you want Dodrio to kill Tapu Koko using Me First, you'll need to have it use Dazzling Gleam on another target, or take the hit yourself.
- Nature Power can be interesting, with its high special attack it can boast about new coverage like Tbolt and a much stronger Tri Attack
- Dodrio may lose momentum too easily, U-Turn alleviates that issue

Ability: Run Away/Early Bird/Tangled Feet-> Air Walker (The user gains +1 Speed when hit by a Flying move; user is immune to Flying).

HP: 60
Atk: 135 (+25)
Def: 115 (+45)
SpA: 65 (+5)
85 (+25)
Spe: 110
New Moves: U-turn

Description: Believe it or not, Dodrio's walking on air. It never thought it could be so free. Now its blocking Defog, getting turns to set up, thanks to a Flying immunity! *ahem* Drio especially appreciates this immunity thanks to its new Fighting typing, allowing it STAB on Jump Kick and making it Rocks neutral; that latter asset is especially good as Drio's Defog blocking makes it a prize asset to HO and hazard stacking teams, basically turning Defoggers like Corviknight into set up fodder. SD boosts a great STAB combo, alongside options like Knock Off and Pursuit for Ghosts hoping to block Jump Kick, Roost to heal off damage, and Quick Attack for faster revenge killers. Alternatively, Mega Dodrio can act as a general wallbreaker with newfound pivoting in U-turn if you want a breaker that can operate throughout the match.
Mega Dodrio
Type: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Sand Rush
  • HP: 60 (+0)
  • Attack: 150 (+40)
  • Defense: 100 (+30)
  • Special Attack: 70 (+0)
  • Special Defense: 90 (+30)
  • Speed: 110 (+0)
New Moves: Close Combat, Brave Bird

Description: Two Megas with Sand Rush in a row from me? It's more likely than you think :3 In all seriousness, it was the feedback from my Mega Mightyena submission that gave me the inspiration for this Mega Dodrio. Type stacking was brought up as a major concern for my Mega Mightyena, with the added Ground typing creating common weaknesses with the other Rock and Ground types found on sand teams. Mega Dodrio averts this with its typing allowing Sand teams a better method of dealing with Fighting and Grass types. The former is also why I gave Mega Dodrio a Fighting type of its own, so that it wouldn't take neutral damage from Fighting attacks. Flavor-wise, it works well too, since Dodrio is based on large flightless birds such as ostriches that can commonly be found in sandy areas. Close Combat and Brave Bird are here becaue they're moves I feel that Dodrio would have gotten if it was in SWSH.
(I forgot to bring this up earlier, but Dodrio actually has Brave Bird already! just in case that influences people's votes I wanted to make sure it was known)
Mega :swsh/dodrio: Dodrio
Mega Stone: Dodrite

Ability: Protean

HP - 60 (+0)
ATK - 110 (+0)
DEF - 100 (+30)
SPA - 100 (+40)
SPD - 100 (+40)
SPE - 100 (-10)

New Moves: None

Dex Entry: Mega Dodrio's three heads attain a higher intelligence and independence of one another. This causes severe infighting between them, but gives them the dominance over one another to gain control in situations where each one's expertise outshines the other two. This can turn their self-destructive behavior into a formidable triple-threat in the hands of a competent enough trainer.
So I was thinking about Tri Attack, three heads and how most Gen 1 Normal types get BoltBeam and usually Flamethrower too. However, upon learning Dodrio doesn't have these (and is a physical attacker anyway), I realized it would be an incredibly cool Protean user. No worries about STAB BoltBeam, it has limited but effective coverage that synergizes with its natural types. The Normal weakness to Fighting is entirely circumvented by using its Flying moves, and Flying's weaknesses are covered by its access to Stomping Tantrum and Steel Wing. Steel Wing in particular provides great defensive utility that justifies its place despite its low BP since Steel is such a solid defensive type in general, and in addition to covering Flying's Ice and Rock weaknesses it also works inversely for Flying to cover its Ground weakness and the shared weakness with Normal to Fighting. It also has other utility like Knock Off and Pursuit, both of which appreciate the STAB boost, as well as Quick Attack to avoid super effective hits in a pinch. With a nice speed tier and high attack, Dodrio can also enjoy the neutral defensive type of mono-Normal while setting up with Swords Dance before utilizing the great offensive coverage of Flying/Fighting/Ground.
Mega Dodrio :dodrio:
Types: Normal/Flying
Ability: Quick Feet - If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis.
HP: 60
ATK: 120 (+10)
DEF: 110 (+40)
SP.ATK: 60
SP.DEF: 110 (+50)
SPEED: 110
BST: 570 (+100)

This one is quite simple isn't it?! Since Mega Dodrio is bulkier, it can set up more easily and safely. Using a swords dance and sweeping is such a simple and effective move. It can also use Quick Feet to shrug off paralysis, and maybe even punish burns, being a nice reactive Quick Feet user. In the end, it is just so simple. But don't be fooled! Simplicity might be the most effective way to get things done sometimes!
Mega Dodrio


Ability: Alters (The user's form is dependent on how much HP it has; the user will swap forms immediately if its total HP changes. Wary is the base form.)

Mega Dodrio (Stoic) - 100%
Mega Dodrio (Wary) - 99% -> 33%
Mega Dodrio (Berserk) - 33% -> 0%



HP: 60
Atk: 110
Def: 110 (+40)
SpAtk: 80 (+20)
SpDef: 100 (+40)
Spe: 110



HP: 60
Atk: 125 (+15)
Def: 95 (+25)
SpAtk: 80 (+20)
SpDef: 90 (+30)
Spe: 120 (+10)



HP: 60
Atk: 150 (+40)
Def: 70
SpAtk: 80 (+20)
SpDef: 60
Spe: 150 (+40)

New Moves: Reversal, Iron Head, Bulk Up


Dodrio is a Pokemon that is driven by 3 solitary brains trying to control one body; I felt as though a Mega Evolution would be a great opportunity to try and give each bird the opportunity to shine, while taking a bit of precedent from some other abilities submitted to the mod. However, two words to summarize this concept: Brave Bird. Brave Bird is an extremely powerful Flying-Type STAB that comes with a major opportunity cost of recoil, however that recoil comes to Mega Dodrio's advantage by providing the user with stronger and faster breaking opportunities via offensive form changes, alongside corresponding type improvements. With Roost, it has the ability to be deliberate with its form, and synergizes well with Bulk Up to give Dodrio more dimensions to its offensive playstyle, but more often than not you will want to play very aggressively with your HP thresholds to optimize your value. To break this down, I will attempt to justify each form and explain their purpose individually to make my thought process clear.

Stoic: This is the form Mega Dodrio will take at full HP; think of it as a pseudo Multiscale. Armed with very good natural bulk and an amazing defensive typing, it provides the Mega Dodrio user with a strong setup opportunity to get off an early Bulk Up or Sword Dance before breaking. This form represents the lazed, indifferent head that we see with Dodrio; it is unmoving, but sturdy.

Wary: This is the form Mega Dodrio will take a good amount of the time. This form meets a middle ground between Stoic and Beserk, with very solid Attack and Speed that lets it be a very effective wallbreaker by itself. It lacks a great defensive typing but makes up for it in sheer power and speed, while still having the natural bulk to take a hit or two in a pinch. This form represents the middle head in its base form that's always on the prowl, ready for incoming attacks.

Berserk: This is the sweet spot form that you'll want Dodrio to take but usually will not have it in, as it is volatile, requires a very specific HP threshold, and comes with major vulnerability to priority and an inability to freely spam its main STAB. However, with it comes a top tier offensive typing, asinine speed, and amazing attack that all comes with the support of great boosting options. If you bide your HP just right between stray hits and Brave Bird recoil, you will be rewarded with an offensive menace that can sport a delicious STAB Reversal to round off its Flying-type STAB. With Roost, Dodrio can reap the benefits of Berserk's nuclear speed and the decent bulk of its Wary form. This form represents the furious, wild head in its base form that is sporadic and vicious with energy.

Overall, although this sub seems somewhat complex, it provides an otherwise very linear move that Dodrio spams with much more dimension and meaning, while also sporting a lot of interesting and fun flavor that reflects its bizarre base form.

Mega Dodrio @ Dodriolite

New Moves:
Physical Blaze Kick
Special Hurricane
Status After You
Ability: Aerilate; There are only 2 Aerilate Users in M4A and those Aerilate Users are Megas that were there before M4A was even made. I feel as if there needs to be more of them, as they are extremely fun to use.

Dodrio @ Dodriolite
Ability: Early Bird
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Blaze Kick
- Swords Dance
- Double Edge
- Quick Attack / Roost
Although Mega Pinsir may appear to be better, that is not the case. Mega Dodrio may have a lesser attack stat but it has access to a much more powerful Aerilate Boosted Attack, Double Edge. It also has more coverage thanks to Blaze Kick and Jump Kick (Close Combat is still much better than Jump Kick anyways) Thanks to all these attributes, Mega Dodrio doesn't outshadow Mega Pinsir, neither does Mega Pinsir to Mega Dodrio.​
Mega Stats:
HP: 60
Attack: 135 (+25)
Defense: 90 (+20)
Sp. Attack: 90 (+30)
Sp. Defense: 90 (+20)

Speed: 115 (+5)

252 Atk Aerilate Dodrio Double-Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon: 264-312 (81.2 - 96%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Aerilate Dodrio Double-Edge vs. 252 HP / 164+ Def Landorus-Therian: 204-240 (53.4 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Aerilate Dodrio Return vs. 252 HP / 200 Def Clefable: 208-246 (52.7 - 62.4%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
:dodrio: Mega dodrio :Dodrio:
Ability : Asura (This pokemon receive a boost based on the status it is inflicted with : Para = speed x1.5 , Poison = SpA/Atk x1.5 , Burn = SpD/Def x1.5 ; ignore stat decrease from status)
Hp : 60
Atk : 140 (+30)
Def : 110 (+40)
SpA : 60
SpD : 90 (+30)
Spe : 110

To me , dodrio always had a deep connection with buddhist deity figure , in having 3 head that reflect different state of mind as often depicted on Asura or God in buddhism. I wanted to reflect that trinity aspect of dodrio in this ability. I long thought about how to reflect that in its ability without much succes at first , then i thought that using the 3 non-volatile statut that let you play the game in order to reflect dodrio different state of mind , by linking them to different boost effect. I decided to link the poison to the offensive buff mainly due to it making more sense in making dodrio a glass caon while it would have contradicted with a more defensive setup.

The idea of the ability was coming from a discussion about poison heal mega user , unable to exploit their ability through an item but discouraging status move on the opponent part; Dodrio act the same as it can act as a great status repelant by exploiting any buff to eitheir enable easy setup or hit really hard. It also combo rather well with stabbed facade which take advantage of dodrio wanting to switch on statu move. Its mid range bulk coupled with roost acces make it viable enough to switch on scald from mon stuff as slowking and exploit a potential burn to ease SD set up with a now really great bulk, while coming on toxic help punish defensive team with increased wall breaking power. Its important to not it cannot effectively use t-spike to acces it boost making it more necessary to correctly predict your opponent, allowing for interesting mind game. Finally the para aspect is great when you think about zapdos being an easy switch to brave bird, static now punishing the opponent for walling you.

mega dodrio

hp- 60
atk- 110(+40)>150
def- 70(+34)>104
spa- 60
spd- 60(+25)>85
spe- 110(+1)>111

ability: triplicate- the user rotates between having its normal moves being grass, fire, and water type every turn, affected moves have their power boosted by 1.2x
two words: triple threat
with a combination of decent speed, great attack, enough bulk to get off a swords dance, and great fire/water/grass coverage in exchange for normal STAB this thing can take out some serious threats by strategizing with protect and using moves like thrash and skull bash to give you the type you want (or just stick with return if you want to keep it simple)
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Triple Threat - This Pokemon’s stat changes switch between Defense, Attack, and Speed each turn (Defense->Attack->Speed)

HP: 60
ATK: 110 -> 135 (+25)
DEF: 70 -> 85 (+15)
SPA: 60 -> 90 (+30)
SPD: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SPE: 110 -> 130 (+20)
New Moves: Barrier, Dig
Summary: What has three heads, argues a lot, and is a triple threat? No, it's not Dodrio silly, its Dugtrio! *instert laugh track here* Mega Dodrio definitely has the numbers advantage, so why not put that in the ability? Triple Threat allows Mega-Dodrio to take advantage of moves like Fly and Barrier, which otherwise might not be used a lot. Using Barrier allows you to tank a physical move that turn, then swaps to Attack, which can make you a hard hitting beast, and then speed, which lets you outspeed a LOT of pokemon, aka pretty much the entire unboosted metagame. Using Swords Dance gives you a niche in Fly, which lets you use SD, then Fly up with super fast speed. Then, you are (possibly) slower then the opposing Pokemon, letting you not take any damage. However, it is pretty much walled by the scary steel bird Corviknight, and depending on the set, a lot of other physically defensive mons.
Mega Dodrio - Psychic/Flying
Ability: Berserk
HP: 60
Attack: 110 > 80 (-30)
Defense: 70 > 80 (+10)
Spatk: 60 > 145 (+85)
Spdef: 60 > 70 (+10)
Speed: 110 > 135 (+25)
BST: 470 > 570
New Moves: Psychic, Hurricane, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Focus Blast
A rather simple Mega Dodrio, idealized on the concept of the 3 heads coming into unison and using their combined knowledge to wipe the floor with the competition. Probably. Anyway, this is a fast offensive pokemon who would play similarly to Lopunny, but with worse offensive typing and a special attacker. Also has the ability to break through common defensive Pokemon, like physdef Toxapex(252 SpA Dodrio Psychic vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 158-186 (51.9 - 61.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO), which is a useful advantage over Lopunny, who can sometimes struggle with defensive cores.
Yo yo pupu here with once again, another Paullab with the one and only, Paulluxx! For one of my personal favs, Dodrio! :)

:dodrio: Mega Dodrio
: Normal/Flying
Ability: Bird's-Eye View - as long as the user is not grounded, takes 0.75x damage from grounded Pokemon and 1.25x damage from non-grounded Pokemon.
HP: 60
Atk: 110 + 31 --> 141
Def: 70 + 29--> 99
SpA: 60
SpD: 60 + 39--> 99
Spe: 110 + 1 --> 111
New Moves: Soft-Boiled, U-Turn, High Jump Kick

Dodrio is kinda weird competitively - it's honestly not bad, as it can hit quite hard once it sets up (due to Brave Bird/Return being strong moves), and has a decent speed tier. It faces two major problems: it struggles to set up due to being extremely frail, and loses really hard to other flying types (especially Corv and Zapdos).
This ability lets it set up more easily, but still keeps it weak to its original checks. It also doesn't have complete dominance over grounded mons, as you still get smashed by a lot of electric types like Koko or Zeraora, and the lack of a Z-Move means you can't as easily take out mons like PhysDef Hippo or Ferro (and while they can't hurt you as much, they can get off something like a Toxic, Whirlwind, TWave, or Leech Seed).
In terms of the moves, Soft-Boiled gives a different choice over Roost if you want recovery while staying non-grounded, and while you'd be sacrificing important coverage like Jump Kick for steels, you can actually SD up on some of them several times and keep yourself healthy, too.
Statwise, a bit of extra power helps to break a few mons more easily, and the added bulk helps with setting up. The speed tier is buffed by one point for a e s t h e t i c s (111 is kinda funny for 3 heads) and also to outspeed the base 110s, while not making it too crazy.

The ability stems from the idea of birds like ostriches or even secretary birds being able to keep away grounded animals by means of their longer legs and mobility, but not having the full range of motion of a lot of other birds. A bit of extra bulk also fits these types of birds, as they often have better defenses due to their larger sizes and reinforced legs.
:dodrio: Mega Dodrio
New Ability
: Split Personality (Switches between 3 different at the end of each turn. Loops back to Level-Headed form after Air-Headed form.)
Turn 1: Level-Headed form: No Effect
Turn 2: Hot-Headed form: Sets stats to +1 Attack and Special Attack, -1 Defense and Special Defense
Turn 3: Air-Headed form: Sets stats to -1 Attack and Special Attack, +1 Defense and Special Defense
Type: Normal/Flying

New stats: 60/130/110/80/100/90
HP: 60 (+0)
Attack: 110 --> 130 (+20)
Defense: 70 --> 110 (+40)
Special Attack: 60 --> 80 (+20)
Special Defense: 60 --> 100 (+40)
Speed: 110 --> 90 (-20)
(BST) 470 --> 570 (+100)

New moves: None
Description: I'm too lazy to write something cohesive. Use Hot-Headed form to hit hard and use Air-Headed form to setup. Oh also Swords Dance would make Hot-Headed have +3 attack and Air-Headed +1 just to be clear.
(please yell at me if I messed anything up or missed anything!)

edit: whoops, I vetoed a sub (see the previous post) but still left it in the compilation >.> superstrike66's sub was not supposed to be an option, sorry

That's all I have for you this evening, so tagging inkbug for his Lanturn compilation! Thank you so much : D and have fun voting, everyone!!
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Maybe the real mega pokemon were the friends we ma
is a Community Contributor
:Lanturn: Lanturn submission compilation :lanturn:
If your sub is not included in this list and you are not superstrike66 or The Main Mon (who did not change their submissions post a veto), then I missed it and please let me know!

Mega Lanturn

Ability: Mold Breaker

Type: Water
| Electric

New Stats:

HP: 125
Attack: 58 → 68 (+10)
Defense: 58 → 68 (+10)
Special Attack: 76 → 96 (+20)
Special Defense: 76 →116 (+40)
Speed: 67 → 87 (+20)
BST: 460 → 560 (+100)

New moves:
Parabolic Charge, Tail Glow, Muddy Water

1) Concept
Mega Lanturn puts a twist on its dualtype by foregoing its defensive abilities in favour of of a more offensive one, namely Mold Breaker; this allows it to bypass abilities blocking Electric or Water moves.

2) Competitive
Mold Breaker is meant to extend Lanturn's role beyond as a defensive utility Pokémon.

Usually, Lanturn is used as a Pokémon that spreads status with Toxic and Scald or removes status conditions through Heal Bell. Furthermore, thanks to its typing and ability Volt Absorb, it can make it difficult for the opponent to click Electric moves. Denying the opponent the chance to generate momentum with Volt Switch can be huge! These qualities turn Lanturn into a useful utility option.

Since there are many abilities that interact with Water and Electric moves, such as Lightning Rod or Water Absorb, base Lanturn would struggle a lot to make progress, especially with its lack of recovery. Enter Mega Lanturn which can get around these abilities thanks to Mold Breaker. This is especially helpful if it has to get out of an uncomfortable situation with Volt Switch or Flip turn. Furthermore, it can spam Toxic or Thunderwave to its heart's content since Mold Breaker bypasses Magic Bounce from users like Hatterene or Mega Sableye. Other notable Pokémon affected by Mega Lanturn's Mold Breaker are Gastrodon and Mega Empoleon, which has established itself as one of the most metagame defining defensive Pokémon in M4A!
(I recall some people complaining how difficult it is to take down Mega Empoleon. So, here, you have it, a Pokémon which resists both Water and Steel and can bypass its Lightning Rod.)

If you are worried about Mega Lanturn being worn down fast, it can rely on Tail Glow and Parabolic Charge to apply offensive pressure and recover some HP. As Mega Lanturn now has a decent Special Attack stat, it should be able to maintain its health with decent success.

The inclusion of Muddy Water was done for VGC purposes because, if Mega Lanturn were to spam Tail Glow boosted Parabolic Charge or Discharge, it would naturally want to be paired with Ground Pokémon like Landorus-Therian as it's immune to Electric. With Muddy Water, you are no longer limited to clicking Protect on an ally if Mega Lanturn only had Surf; after all, Surf hits all Pokémon but the user while Muddy Water hits all opposing Pokémon in its vicinity.
Mega Lanturn

Ability - Volt Absorb, Illuminate; Water Absorb ➝ Volt Absorb

- 125 ➝ 125
- 58 ➝ 85 (+17)
Def - 58 ➝ 85 (+17)
SpA - 76 ➝ 98 (+22)
SpD - 76 ➝ 98 (+22)
Spe - 67 ➝ 89 (+22)
BST - 460 ➝ 560 (+100)

Movepool Changes - Wish, Refresh
Competitive Corner - Mega Lanturn gets some added defenses, and access to Wish, making it a very resilient wall, it also boasts access to Wish passing with a, somewhat, slow Volt Switch, Heal Bell for general support, and Scald as a secondary STAB and a burn inflicting method. But herein lies the problem, if it runs all four of these moves, Lanturn has to give up Protect. I decided on Wish precisely because, not only is it a somewhat unreliable recovery method, despite the ability to pass Wishes, but it also causes a bit of a 4MSS situation for Lanturn, as it can't do everything it would want all in one set. This, alongside the vulnerability to chip damage, with Leftovers and Heavy-Duty boots being not options, and with the fact Wishing itself gives up momentum, Mega Lanturn would have trouble keeping itself healthy. Lastly, my proposal of Mega Lanturn is relatively a bit of a do-nothing Pokémon, while it's got great defenses and Wish, it can't really do much back to any provide it's user much of an advantage, aside from Volt Switching at the expense of it's HP, which might just make it so Lanturn loses long term to whatever it is it's trying to check. So, all in all, a hopefully balanced Mega evolution with a lot of upside if used correctly, but at the expense of giving up tempo!
Flavor Corner - Not much flavor here, I just decided to keep Lanturn with the good ol' reliable Volt Absorb as that's a huge part of it's niche, and just patch up its stats and give it a healing move, although, not a very reliable one. Wish may seem weird, but it's distribution is somewhat lax, plus, many Pokédex entries call Lanturn "The Deep-Sea Star" and claim it shines as bright as one, and given shooting stars are known for granting wishes, I thought this worked!
Abiltiy: Luminant -
If this pokemon successfully executes an electric-type move, It's next move ignores protection and can never miss.
HP: 125
Atk: 68 (+10)
Def: 68 (+10)
SpA: 106 (+30)
SpD: 126 (+50)
Spe: 77 (+10)

New Moves: Parabolic Charge
This lanturn is meant to abuse inaccurate moves such as thunder, hydro pump, blizzard, and most notably, zap cannon. With it's ability, it can chain multiple zap cannons together, leaving it's mark on the opposing team in the form of paralysis. Now, chaining multiple electric moves let ground types switch in, however, you have water stab, so you'll end up creating mindgames as to when to switch in the ground type. Even then, you can actually still use electric status moves such as charge and eerie impulse! The new addition in parabolic charge allows it to recover hp in a pinch (and also distributes a really cool move). Moving onto the stats, due to lanturn's high hp and great spdef, its incredibly specially bulky. Since most electric type attackers are special, and electric types are good switchins due to their immunity to paralysis and resistance to electric attacks, this lets lanturn survive hits from electric attackers such as tapu koko or zapdos. I couldn't increase it's def too much since otherwise it would be way too bulky for all the utility it provides. That doesn't just include paralysis either! It can spread burns with the bulky water staple scald and support it's teammates with heal bell. Speaking of team support, since it lacks reliable recovery, it appreciates wish support from partners like salamence (it actually synergizes surprisingly well with it). Rillaboom synergizes with it amazingly too, Providing passive recovery and decreasing earthquake damage, as well as hitting mega empoleon and gastrodon, which freely switch into lanturn all day. Lanturn can cure it from annoying burns and spread paralysis to enable wood hammer spam, as well as switch into flying, ice and fire types for it.
Mega Lanturn

Ability - Victory Star :afrostar:

HP - 125 ➝ 125
- 58 ➝ 75 (+17)
Def - 58 ➝ 65 (+7)
SpA - 76 ➝ 98 (+22)
SpD - 76 ➝ 98 (+22)
Spe - 67 ➝ 99 (+32)
BST - 460 ➝ 560 (+100)

Added Moves: Thunder Cage, Recover, Muddy Water
Description: High HP, good bulk on both sides, having some decent stat. weird speed tier but definitely not bad is what i would say about this mega. This thing might steps on Mega Vikavolt toes (vikavolts don't have toes tho xP) being bulky, fast and being able to trap, but this thing would be more on the bulky side, while vikavolt set up web and potentially sweep somehow. About its ability, well yeah. Victini is the only mon has it canonically, and I found the ability somewhat fun to use in double. It can provide its ally a little bit more accuracy, but yeah, it's better than nothing. A lot of moves just misses all the time while being high accuracy (talking about you focus miss) so giving it a bit percent to hit isn't useless. This thing can use hydro pump, thunder, Muddy Water and thunder cage more accurately (zap cannon too, ig :D ) and it's totally not a flaw.
(Turn off the light view the text)
Flavourwise: Lighting up makes itself and its ally hit more accurately, and dolphin (yes you've heard it correctly, it's somewhat based on dolphin beside anglerfish) are competitive mammals.

Mega Lanturn @ Lanturnite

Type: Water/Electric

Ability: Lure
Switching moves have -1 priority. If a Pokémon with this ability uses a damaging move to switch out, the opposing Pokémon switches out too. (User has to choose Pokémon first, and in doubles the Pokémon directly across from Lanturn is the one switched out)
Stat (changes):

New Moves: None
Mega Lanturn
Type: Water / Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes
Stats: 125 / 58 / 88 (+30) / 106 (+30) / 106 (+30) / 77 (+10) (560 BST)
Mega Stone: Lanturnite
New Moves: Tail Glow, Muddy Water, Zap Cannon

Mega Lanturn has returned to the depths from whence it came, transforming into a monster from the dark abyss!

106 Sp. Attack isn't all that impressive for a Mega, but its newfound access to Tail Glow turns its attacks pretty dang brutal, especially with Compound Eyes. Even before setting up, Mega Lanturn can take notes from Galvantula and spam high-powered STAB moves at much greater accuracy than usual. Hydro Pump and Muddy Water are perfectly accurate now, while Thunder and Blizzard are both bolstered to 91% accuracy, making them plenty spammable. However, this is offset by its poor Speed - it's not hard to get the jump on it. And that's why you run 65% accurate Zap Cannon.
Mega Lanturn
Water / Electric
Ability: Beacon
(The user draws Dark-type moves to itself. When hit by a Dark-type move, its SpA rises by 1. Dark immunity.)
125 / 63 (+5) / 88 (+30) / 106 (+30) / 96 (+20) / 82 (+15)
Lanturn has gained an affinity for going to the water's surface and guiding stranded sailors to shore. It is known as "the savior of the seas".
Lanturn is an anglerfish (specifically a football fish but shh), and anglerfish tend to lure in prey with their head lamp, so Lanturn uses its head lamp to draw out darkness, before purging it from the world and growing stronger!
Are you tired of Incineroar Knocking Off all of your items in VGC before Parting Shotting out? Do you want your enemies to stop Taunting you? Then I have the Mega evolution for you. May all your problems (and enemies) disappear when Lanturn takes the stage. With your high natural bulk, you can shrug off attacks that would be bothersome, while absorbing a good amount of attacks that control the meta, such as Knock Off, Parting Shot, and Taunt; and to a lesser degree Torment, Memento, and Sucker Punch. If you can carefully switch in on one of these moves, you're capable of gaining a SpA buff that can back up your decently respectable base stat. Unfortunately, it's not all fun and games for Lanturn: it lacks recovery, is vulnerable to common mons such as Lando-T and Rillaboom, and is dependent on its ability to give offensive buffing. Overall, due to its well-roundedness, this Lanturn will be happy to find a spot on many an M4A VGC team, and can even stand in Singles due to it countering one of the most popular moves!
Mega Lanturn


Lure (If this Pokemon shares a type with its target, its attacks have 1.5x base power)

HP: 125
Atk: 58
Def: 78 (+20)
SpA: 116 (+30)
SpD: 106 (+30)
Spe: 87 (+20)

New Moves: Life Dew, Synchronoise

As bulky Water types are an archetype of their own, a Mega Evolution that takes advantage of them would be an interesting addition to the mod. With Lanturn's Water/Electric typing, as well as the flavour of it being based moslty on an anglerfish, it seems an ideal candidate for the role. "Lure" is based on the idea that anglerfish use their little light to lure in fellow fish, to which they then deliver a fatal blow. The ability is fairly straightforward in how it takes advantage of bulky Water types, but it does have some neat interactions. Soak for instance could be used as a pseudo-boosting move, and it guarantees you a super effective hit. In addition, in VGC, it could use spread moves like Surf or Discharge to proc its ability if its ally shares a type with it. For instance, a Water/Ground type like Swampert could be used alongside Mega Lanturn to allow it to dish out high damage. Life Dew and Synchronoise as movepool additions are mostly there for flavour, but could have some more niche applications in VGC.

:lanturn: Mega Lanturn
New Ability
: Volt Absorb/Illuminate/Water Absorb ---> Lure
("Raises the accuracy of it and it's allies 1 stage after using a status move.")
Type: Water/Electric

New Stats:
HP: 125
Attack: 58
Defense: 58 -> 68 (+10)
SpAtk: 76 -> 126 (+50)
SpDef: 76 -> 106 (+30)
Speed: 67 -> 77 (+10)

New Moves: Fake Tears, Baby-Doll-Eyes
Mega Lanturn lures in its prey by camouflaging itself in the ocean and using its bright light as a distraction. When its prey draw near, its attacks become more accurate.

Accuracy and Evasion are very weird facets of the metagame, but when handled carefully can be pretty unique. While abilities like No Guard would make more sense on lanturn, I chose to go with something that helps itself in singles and it doubles, in doubles or vgc it can boost the accuracy of spread moves used by its allies. So Heat Wave, Rock Slide and Muddy Water are more likely to hit. With SpDef dropping moves or Baby-Doll-Eyes it can ensure that these spread moves hit 100% of the time when they need to come in clutch.

In singles, Lanturn can run a variety of moves, such as Agility, Soak, Charge, and more! You might consider Heal Bell too if you're using Hydro Pump, and hitting Zap Cannon more often can be rewarding.
Ability: Water Absorb/Volt Absorb/Illuminate-> Alluring Light (While user is active, other Pokemon will be unable to switch out using moves. [Wild Pokemon are unable to flee the battle]*.)
*This second part is just for flavor text.
HP: 125
Atk: 68 (+10)
Def: 73 (+15)
SpA: 111 (+35)
SpD: 116 (+40)
Spe: 67
New Moves: Recover

Description: This girl's (only female angler fish actually look like this) cuteness may make you forget that angler fish use their light to attract prey, just as Mega Lanturn uses its light to keep Pokemon from leaving the field (unless they hard switch). Shutting down VoltTurn and the like is obviously huge, allowing Lanturn to disrupt momentum while using its own Volt Switch to force positioning, alongside Recover to keep itself healthy throughout a match and Scald to spread burns and shore up physical bulk that otherwise struggles with any serious EQ user. It can further perform a cleric role with Heal Bell, spread dual status with Toxic or Discharge, use all-purpose Ice Beam or even Whirlpool to further screw with enemy positioning.
Mega Lanturn
New Ability
: Blinding Light (If this pokemon is hit with a pivoting move (ex. U-turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, does not affect Teleport), the pivoting effect is negated and the opponent's special attack is lowered by 1 stage.)
Type: Water / Electric

New stats:
HP: 125
Attack: 73 (+15)
Defense: 78 (+20)
Special Attack: 96 (+20)
Special Defense: 111 (+35)
Speed: 77 (+10)
(560 BST)

New moves: Recover
Description: Anglerfish use the light on their head to lure in prey. As soon as their target gets too close, obviously, they can't turn back. Primarily this is going to be an anti-pivot defensive mon, specifically in regards to denying VoltTurn via (obviously) blocking off the switch effect of offensive pivoting moves and then weakening the opponent in the process. In addition, this pokemon has quite a bit of tools at its disposal to further support itself and its team - (ironically) its own Volt Switch lets it aid in ally positioning, while Scald and Toxic are great ways to cripple the opponent.

Mega Lanturn:
New Ability:
Surge Surfer
Type: Water / Electric
New stats:
HP: 125
Attack: 103 (+45)
Defense: 98 (+40)
Special Attack: 91 (+15)
Special Defense: 96 (+20)
Speed: 47 (-20)
(560 BST)
New moves: Tail Glow
Description: His flavour is based more in his concept: Not only is the lanternfish closely related to fluorescent bacteria, but there are more species. Thanks to this small illumination, they can solve somewhat the lack of light in the abyssal zone. These bacteria make some parts of the body shine and serve so that the fish can move and feed. I was thinking in something relationated about his bacterias and his use in electric terrain, like now this bacterias are stimulated by the electric terrain, doing lanturn faster.
Competitive description: As a user of electric terrain and having rising voltage, decreasing speed was the best option, and also now rising voltage in electric terrain with +3 in spa is quite good. Also with good coverage, like ice beam and hpump. Gatrodon and M. Empo are the best counters, and can be checked by things like lando scarf and M. Jolteon. Appart from this, hawlucha and koko synegizes very well with this lanturn, hawlucha taking some damage of grass or ground type mons and lanturn taking flying and some eletric moves.
Mega Lanturn :lanturn:
Types: Water/Electric
Ability: Healing Light - This Pokémon is healed by 1.5x by any source.
HP: 125
ATK: 58
DEF: 88 (+30)
SP.ATK: 106 (+30)
SP.DEF: 116 (+40)
BST: 560 (+100)
New moves: Parabolic Charge, Life Dew.

Whirlpool, check. Aqua Ring, check. Yeah, we're gonna stay here for a while. Mega Lanturn can, even without reliable recovery, stay on for longer periods of time, be it by pairing it with a Grassy Terrain or Leech Seed setter, using Aqua Ring, or Parabolic Charge, while also slowly chipping the opponent with things such as Volt Switch or Whirlpool. It can also use its Soak + electric STAB combo and deal quite some damage! Int the end, its light should show the way, and it should be able to help its team mates, as well as do quite some work by itself.
:lanturn: Lanturn-Mega
New Ability: Sheer Force

Stats: 130 / 58 / 73 (+15) / 111 (+35) / 106 (+30) / 87 (+20) (BST: 590)
New Moves: Moonlight
Description: Krillowatt 2. Strongest bolt beam in the west, you do not want to be the person trying to switch onto this mon. Another mon to destroy bulky cores because fuck stall ig.
Mega Lanturn



Ability: Levitate

HP: 125
Atk: 58
Def: 78 (+20)
SpAtk: 106 (+30)
SpDef: 106 (+30)
Spe: 87 (+20)

New Moves: Wish


This sub is much much simpler than my previous one, but I feel like it doesn't really need to be that complex. Bluntly, though: a Water/Electric typing with Volt Switch is incredibly cool in tandem with Wish support, as it has the ability to either pass Wishes safely with Volt Switch, or punish aggressive Ground-type doubles attempting to block Volt Switch with 50% recovery and a nasty super-effective Scald. Having reliable recovery and access to team support in this sense lets it distinguish itself from Rotom-Wash, while also having much better bulk in a vacuum in addition to Scald.

Flavorwise, this sub emphasizes the "Deep-Sea Star" flavor that is described in the Pokedex by making it somewhat of a nearly literal star, letting it soar high and bright into the sky.
mega lanturn

hp- 125
atk- 58
def- 58(+25)>83
spa- 76(+50)>126
spd- 76(+21)>97
spe- 67(+5)>72

ability: night light- lowers the evasion of opposing pokemon by 2 stages when switching in or mega evolving

new moves: nuzzle, life dew, parabolic charge
I based this mega on what I believe illuminate should do, and lanturn is one of the best pokemon with illuminate so I wanted to represent that. with -2 evasion lanturn is able to land hydro pump and thunder (and if you're wanting to take risks, zap cannon) making it a decent offensive threat with great bulk
Name: Mega-Lanturn
Typing: Water/Electric
Bottom Feeder
Ability Description: Every time the opposing Pokemon recovers HP, this Pokemon will recover HP equal to half of what the opposing Pokemon recovered (based on percentages).

HP: 120
ATK: 108 (+50)
DEF: 98 (+40)
SPA: 86 (+10)
SPD: 76 (+0)
SPE: 67 (+0)

New Moves: Calm Mind

Description: Mega-Lanturn is a powerful stallbreaker that punishes its opponent's attempts at healing from its attacks by healing itself thanks to its ability, Bottom Feeder. Its amazing defensive typing and bulk also make it extremely hard to take down, especially when paired with Grassy Terrain, which negates its Earthquake weakness and provides it with even more passive recovery.
Mega-Lanturn (Collab with Magmajudis!)
Type: Electric/Water
Ability: Down-To-Earth (Mega-Lycanroc-Day's Ability) - While this Pokemon is active, the effects of terrain are disabled.


HP: 125
ATK: 58
DEF: 72 -> (+14)
SPA: 120 -> (+44)
SPD: 95 -> (+19)
SPE: 90 -> (+23)
New Moves: Recover

Summary: Mega-Lanturn is glowing it up! Down-To-Earth fits perfectly with it’s flavor of living deep in the abyss, and benefits it competitively too! Without priority Grassy Glide, Rillaboom cannot get the priority STAB super effective hit, and Lanturn outspeeds and Volt Switches out. It’s main role is a status spreader, using Toxic and Thunder Wave without being blocked by Misty Terrain, while also being able to hit the Thunder Wave immune ground types for super effective STAB damage. It also synergies incredibly well with Corviknight, being able to be the spd tank and Corv resisting/being immune to all of the super effective moves against Lanturn
Mega Lanturn - Water/Electric
Ability: Guiding Light: This Pokemon’s attacking moves will always hit; However, the secondary effects of these moves are removed.
HP: 125
Attack: 58
Defense: 58 > 98 (+40)
Spatk: 76 > 116 (+40)
Spdef: 76 > 96 (+20)
Speed: 67
BST: 460 > 560
New Moves: Flip Turn, Life Dew
With this fish-thing's guiding light, together, you and I may be able to spam STAB Zap Cannons and Hydro Pumps with impunity. Really though, this Lanturn is meant to be a bulky, special attacking mon whose power comes mainly from its perfectly accurate high BP STAB moves. Really the only reason I removed the secondary effects of its moves is that spamming Zap Cannon without any sort of drawback is absolutely busted and not good game design, so now it can spam that but without the 100% para part.

Edit 3:38 PM: Added EeveeGirl + Magmajudis collab
Edit 4:22 PM: Added AP5Fanboy's sub
And to BlueRay for Obstagoon!
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Here's the next sub compilation.

Pokemon: Mega Obstagoon

Stats: 93 / 109 (+19) / 125 (+24) / 104 (+44) / 109 (+28) / 80 (-10) (620 BST)
Ability: I Love It Loud: User’s sound moves lower the foe’s Attack stat by 1 and if offensive become Physical.
New Moves: Flamethrower, Howl
Description: Ok, now this one has a bit more of a cohesive identity behind it; basically, I went all in on a Kiss homage. Aside from the ability name the stat block represents 9/25/49, Gene Simmons' birthday. Flavor aside, Mega Obstagoon serves as a strange but interesting breed of mixed tank leveraging its debuffing capabilities in conjunction with Obstruct as well as its strangely good special movepool.
Mega Obstagoon
Type: Normal/Dark
Ability: Earsplitter (placeholder name, will probably change later) (Damaging sound based moves deal physical damage)
  • HP: 93 (+0)
  • Attack: 120 (+30)
  • Defense: 121 (+20)
  • Special Attack: 60 (+0)
  • Special Defense: 101 (+20)
  • Speed: 125 (+30)
New Moves: None

Description: Obstagoon is supposed to be heavily music-based, specifically being the singer of the Galar mons band (with both Toxtricity forms being the bassist and guitarist respectively and Rillaboom being the drummer). Problem is, all sound based moves are special, and Obstagoon's Special Attack is peepee poopoo. Its new ability rectifies this, and gives it a pretty lethal STAB combo of Snarl and Hyper Voice to deal damage with.
Mega Obstagoon

New Ability: Fur Coat

Type: Normal | Dark

New stats

HP: 93 (+0)
Attack: 150 (+60)
Defense: 101 (+0)
Special Attack: 70 (+10)
Special Defense: 101 (+20)
Speed: 105 (+10)

New moves
Agility, Drain Punch, Quick Attack

Its fur has grown a lot to the point that it is able to withstand physical attacks, giving it a wilder look while making it battle with much more resilience than before.
I have always been an animal facts nerd and recently one of my favourite animals is the honey badger. The honey badger, although more related to ferrets thn actual badgers, is one of the most intense animals in the animal kingdom. It is able to square up with packs of animals such as lions, hyenas and leopards. One of the reasons it is able to do this aside from having zero fears is their though fur which is able to withstand bites and scratches for large periods of time, effectively allowing it to act as much as it pleases it. Taking that as an inspiration, i based my mega Paul on this felony ferret, deciding to give it fur coat to emulate the tenacity of the honey badger.
Due to the absurd defensive boost provided by fur coat, Mega Paul can now switch into a large variety of physical attacks and then proceed to set up swords dance and continue to damage the opponent's team. It is an especially good knock off absorber, being able to avoid a 5HKO from choice band weavile with minimal investment.

Now im going into the move additions. Agillity is a minor addition that can be assisted by a pre-mega defiant boost to try and sweep an opponent. Drain punch is an excellent addition that compliments well with obstagoon's nice fighting type coverage, as well as giving it longevity thorughout a match. But the addition that might seem the most controversial is likely to be quick attack. This is a great buff to the goon as it finally gets priority, but i do believe that it won't break any form too much, and it provides a way to circumvent its low speed.
Really been digging the subs in this slate, can wait to see which is the winner!

Special thanks goes to Paulluxx for helping me with the stat spread and KeroseneZanchu / jazzmat for their help with the moves to be added to it!
:obstagoon: Mega obstagoon :obstagoon:
Ability : Extortion
(if an opposing mon would have a stat dropped , increased this mon stat by the same amount instead)
Hp : 93
Atk : 120 (+30)
Def : 116 (+15)
SpA : 85 (+25)
SpD : 101 (+20)
Spe : 105 (+10)
New move : Moonlight
Obstagoon have a really good movepool when it come to stats dropping move. Mainly obstruct being is signature move is not explored as much as it should be due to obstagoon offensive nature. I wanted obstagoon to take advantage of those option by gearing its ability toward exploiting the stat drop for itself without the downside of your opponent being able to switch to remove your hard earned debuff. As for the ability name its meant to reflect the idea of obstagoon stealing the stat for himself, affirming is villainous nature.v Moonlight was added to reflect badger nocturnal behavior as well as giving obstagoon recovery to exploit defensive buff from obstruct.

Competitively obstagoon can be used in many different way. Its acces to icy wind with increased special attack offer a nice way to catch Landorus off guard while boosting your speed. Obstruct is an excelent way to punish physical attacker as contact move are mainly physical , and the now increased defense help you against them , for instance a U-Turn from scarf landorus wouldn't be garanted to breack Obstagoon univested substitute. It would also allow you to live a gut boosted mach punch from Conkeldurr. Other option such as scary face transform itself into agility allowing for potential sweep, while fake tear can be used to boost your special defense in set such as Bulk up.

This Sub also have implication toward VGC. While i'm not really knowledgeable in the tier, i think a lot of cool interaction are to be taken into account. Spread move with stat lowering effect like icy wind and snarl now completely change their goal. While usually used as team support Obstagoon can now exploit them to boost itself while inflicting cheap damage upon the opponent. As there is 2 opponent you would get twice the benefit , transforming those 2 move into attacking nasty plot and agility respectively. Compled with obstruct being a really good move that force mindgame as to weither the opponent should target you or your ally fearing to buff you in the process, but at the cost of a potential set up. This self boosting ability also pair really well with Psych up ally that could exploit the obstagoon buff for themselve . It also allow obstagoon to play around competitive/defiant user by mega elvolving or not depending on if you prefer team support with icy wind or dodging a potential user of those ability.
Hematite says: This Obstagoon will only be allowed to lower PP by 2 (not 4) if it wins; it didn't feel right to veto it for one detail but it is also mandatory!

Mega Obstagoon

Type: Normal/Dark
- Annoy (should be rename in the future if this thing win :P ):
-Use spite mon opponents affected by this pokemon's dark type moves
HP - 93 ➝ 93
- 90 ➝ 140 (+50)
Def - 101 ➝ 131 (+30)
SpA - 60 ➝ 60 (+0)
SpD - 81 ➝ 90 (+9)
Spe - 95➝ 106 (+11)
BST - 470 ➝ 570 (+100)

Added Moves: Fake Out
This thing is made to be a good stallbreaker. Having spammable moveset, high attacking stat, decent speed tier and its ability is what I can say about it. It forces its opponent to switch, which I'm very fond of myself. In VGC, it has a disruptive role that can bypass substitute with its snarl, supporting its ally with obstruct, and pre mega defiant can help it a lot too.

Flavourwise: Haha annoying kiss badger.
Mega Obstagoon @ Obstagite

Type: Dark/Normal

Ability: Punk Rock

Stat (changes):

New Moves: Dark Pulse
Mega Obstagoon

Dark / Normal
Ability: Punk Rock
Stats: 93 / 130 (+40) / 121 (+20) / 75 (+15) / 106 (+25) / 95 (620 BST)
Mega Stone: Obstagoonite
New Moves: Boomburst

Mega Obstagoon takes the stage with a sound that'll leave its opponents quaking in their Heavy-Duty Boots!

I know, I know, STAB Punk Rock Boomburst, BUT: 75 Sp. Attack is the same as Swellow, who despite not having Punk Rock can also hold an item. There's a reason I neither gave it Nasty Plot nor boosted its Speed stat - Boomburst hits hard, but I didn't want that to be the only thing Mega Obstagoon could do. Rather, it's a mixed attacker, using its Boombursts to break past physical walls but still making great use of the ever-spammable Knock Off and Close Combat. In Doubles, Punk Rock also makes Snarl a much more viable option, hitting a little harder than Incineroar's (but of course lacking most of Incineroar's other utility).
Mega Obstagoon
Dark / Normal
Ability: Solid Rock
93 / 105 (+15) / 131 (+30) / 95 (+35) / 101 (+20) / 105 (+10)
New moves: Milk Drink
Obstagoon's voice has become harsh and sharp. When it sings loud enough, the air around becomes hard as stone, and difficult to move in.
Obstagoon is based on KISS. Of course people are making concepts based on it using rock and roll. But if Punk Rock’s been claimed, then I have no choice but to work with Solid Rock; after all, its in-game descriptions don’t call it solid stone.
With the semantics out of the way... let's go on to why it works! Firstly, Dark/Normal isn't too shabby of a defensive typing; 1 4x weakness does sound a bit bad, but you also just have 2 2x weaknesses, plus a resistance and two very valuable immunities. With Solid Rock and the given stat spread, you turn into a defensive juggernaut, tanking many a move that comes your way! You don't get deleted by U-Turns, you can handle certain Fairy-types... that's about it. With Milk Drink access, you can get additional staying power; and since you get great set-up and pivoting already, you turn into a decent tank for M4A, able to switch in, take pivoting, pivot out, hit with priority, set up effectively, and more!
Type: Ghost/Dark
Ability: Grunge Cry
If this pokemon is knocked out by an attack, sings an angst song before fainting. The song fully depletes the PP of the move that knocked it out. Pokemon with Soundproof are immune.
New Moves: Refresh
HP: 93 > 93
ATK: 90 > 110 (+20)
DEF: 101 > 145 (+40)
SPA: 60 > 60 (-)
SPD: 81 > 121 (+30)
SPE: 95 > 105 (+10)


- Grunge rock and Grudge move
- Pun with the word grudge, the move that has same effect as this ability.
- Grunge rock lyrics are mostly full of angst, and most bands shows a general discontent with the state of society/discomfort with social pressures. They usually grudge society.
- Obstagoon is part of a rock band.

- PP stall. Pairs well with Pressure Corviknight/Zapdos, and FuturePort Slowbro.
- Refresh changes nothing for base form, sice it usually runs Guts, but it's nice to get rid of toxic/burn on mega.

WARNING: This sub smells like teen spirit. Please put your vote on the heart-shaped box, or else Jeremy will speak in class today. There are no excuses to veto it also.
god i feel like a boomer trying to pun with those 90s songs
Mega Obstagoon

Mega Obstagoon

(Another thank-you to BlueRay for helping me balance this sub!)


Ability: Insult to Injury (This Pokemon's moves that lower the target's stats lower them by an additional stage if the target already has any lowered stats)

HP: 93
Atk: 130 (+40)
Def: 111 (+10)
SpA: 100 (+40)
SpD: 91 (+10)
Spe: 95

New Moves: Metal Sound

I'm sure anyone who made a sub for Obstagoon here has stated this, but Obstruct really is a super cool move. Encouraging the use of Obstruct can be done in a multitude of ways, and I chose here to emphasise the move's Def drop. With this ability, Obstagoon can really cripple its opponents. It actually has quite a number of moves that can take advantage of this ability, especially in a VGC context. For singles, Obstruct and Parting Shot are likely going to see much use, and potentially there may be a niche for trapping sets with Whirlpool and moves like Snarl/Baby-Doll Eyes. In VGC, this could be especially useful, as Obstagoon has access to Icy Wind, which could make for quite a useful support Pokemon if paired with Snarl, Obstruct, or maybe an ally with Intimidate. Other potentially more niche moves include Fake Tears, Scary Face, Screech, Iron Tail, and Mud Shot. Metal Sound is added entirely for flavour, as I could not pass up the opportunity for the music-related pun.
Mega Obstagoon
New Ability
: Reckless/Guts/Defiant ---> Threshold
("Upon mega evolving or switching in, this pokemons Defense and Special Defense raise 2 stages, but each time it takes damage both stats fall one stage.")
Type: Normal/Dark

New Stats:
HP: 93
Attack: 90 -> 140 (+50)
Defense: 101 -> 111 (+10)
SpAtk: 60
SpDef: 81 -> 111 (+30)
Speed: 95 -> 105 (+10)

New Moves: Mat Block, Power Trip
Mega Obstagoon takes a very defensive stance and blocks off attacks for as long as it can. Eventually, its guard can be broken, leaving it defenseless.

My Mega Obstagoon will be a tanky offensive pivot. While it lacks recovery, it can withstand a few hits before it switches out again. This ability synergizes well with Close Combat as its defense drops won't matter to much for it! It's capable of withstanding attacks from a lot of pokemon, like Clefable, Tapu Koko, and U-Turn. However, it will not wall off the likes of Urshifu-R, and can be quickly worn down by pivoting moves.

It still has the opportunity to abuse Payback, Revenge and Power Trip, all of which go great together with this ability.
: Guts/Reckless/Defiant-> Dazzling
HP: 93
Atk: 120 (+30)

Def: 121 (+20)
SpA: 80 (+20)
SpD: 81
Spe: 125 (+30)
New Moves
: Fake Out

: The measure of any true musician is whether they can dazzle their audience, and Mega Obstagoon is here to satisfy. Good attack and speed, coupled with solid physical bulk allow the GOON to serve as an awesome late-game Bulk Up sweeper with great coverage like CC and Gunk Shot, with Dazzling nullifying any priority and letting it safely revenge kill threats like Mega Duskroc. Of course, the GOON is more than just a solo act; pre-Mega Defiant is a great asset in VGC, as are new Fake Out complemented by Dark STAB, options like Parting Shot and Obstruct and now Dazzling post-Mega protecting the GOON and its mates from opposing Fake Out.
It is the first Megas for All V7 anniversary! Hooray! To celebrate that, let's take a look at the Pokémon chosen by the council and give them their Megas! For this slate, I'd say I did something quite varied. From more complicated to simpler abilities; from something new and different to something familiar. That said, let's take a look at 'em!

Mega Obstagoon :obstagoon:
Types: Dark/Normal
Ability: Stakeout - This Pokemon's attacking stat is doubled against a target that switched in this turn.
HP: 93
ATK: 121 (+31)
DEF: 151 (+50)
SP.ATK: 60
SP.DEF: 86 (+5)
SPEED: 109 (+14)
BST: 620 (+100)
New moves: Focus Punch, Drain Punch.


Block a path with Obstruct! Punish them from retreating with Stakeout! Repeat!
Mega Obstagoon is pretty bulky, and has parting shot to pivot and let it's allies take the job. After blocking an attack with Obstruct, you can attack back in a situation when your opponent had their defense lowered, which might call for a Drain Punch to heal more than usual, or, if they try to get away, even a Focus Punch, to punish it even further. Overall, this Mega is good for applying pressure and forcing switches, be it with stat reduction or setup, while also being able to punish these switches. But don't underestimate it in 1 on 1 combat, it might surprise you there, too!
:obstagoon: Obstagoon-Mega
New Ability: Spiky Knuckles (This pokemon's contact moves makes make their target lose 1/8th of their total health after receiving damage.)

Stats: 93 / 125 (+35) / 131 (+30) / 70 (+10) / 91 (+10) / 110 (+15) (BST: 620)
New Moves: –
Description: Reversed iron barbs for maximal wallbreaking power. This little boost is surprisingly potent: its the equivalent of taking neutral SR damage on every hit. This is especially useful when dealing with resists, as this additional 12% is constant, which separates it form the guts version which hits harder in general but struggles against mons that resist its options. This doesn't mean its unwallable though, 125 atk with no items is okay at best and with bulk up as its only set up option, it definitely is manageable. Still, a mon you very much don't like to switch into.
:obstagoon: Mega Obstagoon
Typing: Normal/Dark
Ability: Rebel-When there is a negative stat change on the field, attacks on the users side of the field deal an extra 30% of damage or a 1.3 modifier to damage
HP: 93
Attack: 90->131(+41)
Special Attack: 60->63(+3)
Special Defense: 81->111(+30)
Speed: 95->111(+16)

New Moves: Foul Play, Stealth Rocks, Wish
Moves Reclaimed at the Border: Frustration, Hidden Power, Toxic

The ability Rebel, brought to you by Blueray:
Since Obstagoon has Defiant pre-mega to punish Intimidate and the use of stat lowering moves like Defog or Electroweb, whether it's in Singles or in VGC, its new ability will expand on this concept.

While stat drops are less common in Singles, Mega Obstagoon can still take advantage of its ability by relying on a partner like Landorus-T who can lowers the opponent's Attack stat with Intimidate and bring in Mega Obstagoon via U-turn. In doing so, Mega Obstagoon can have the advantage over the target, likely forcing it out as a result.
This is where it can shine with utility moves like Stealth Rock or Wish to support the team as you continue to switch in and out until opposing Pokémon get worn down from hazards or you find the right opportunity to strike. What's more, the ability and Wish synergize extremely well with its signature move Obstruct, which protects the user from any move and lowers the target's Defense by 2 stages if it would be hit by a contact move.
This is where Mega Obstagoon can start applying pressure or force the opponent out.

In VGC, Intimidate and stat lowering moves are very common to slow down teams. Mega Obstagoon can make sure your opponent cannot entirely rely on this strategy to stop you as Mega Obstagoon and its ally can hit hard with a damage boost from the former's ability. This could be made even more worse if the ally happens to have an ability like Defiant or Competitive to punish the opponent even more as they would have to pay a hefty price by resorting to the tacticc described above. If the opponent foregoes their approach, you, as a player, still have the option to run Intimidate on an ally or rely on moves like Icy Wind or Snarl, both of which Mega Obstagoon already learns.(Or you can use the priority in baby doll-eyes) This turns Mega Obstagoon into an amazing offensive utility Pokémon.

Now we turn it back to Paul:
Obstagoons ability also meshes with its flavor very well outside of just its name, as rock-stars are typically rebellious and Glam Rock even more than just the typical Rock band having ties with many modern left leaning political movements and cultural expression.

Obstagoon isn't entirely focused on its ability however, it just supports all the roles it chooses to fit, and Obstagoon can fit on a multitude of teams, expanding on its synergy with Landorus Therian for example, it has the potential to be one of the best Volturn enablers in the metagame, as its speedtier provides much malleability for both offensive and defensive variants and parting shot allows it to keep the chain and bring in other abusers in turn.

If you want to go full defensive you also have access to the very cool Stab Foul play instead of just knock to make progress. Fast bulk up can set up with ease and act as a solid win condition if you would like, and its probably not viable but Obstagoon has a very good special movepool that can likely be used in some way(check how much uninvested rebel ice beam does to opposing Landorus if you don't believe me)

Movepool additions:

Foul Play:

I actually don't understand why Obstagoon doesn't have this, it fits its defensive playstyle extremely well and directly synergizes with most of its competitive aspect, while also making a lot of sense with Obstagoons whole getup of Glam Rocker!

Stealth Rocks:
Badgers are known for being burrowing animals, and I think as well the pun with "rocks" and rock music was too much to pass up. It also synergizes with bases Defiant, and then the Mega's Rebel ability

Blue suggested this one to me, and at first I didn't really understand it but as I looked into it more I realized how genius this is, First of all what the base linoone line is focused on and what the Galarian Linoone specifically removed was the move Belly Drum, which cuts your HP in half in return for +6 attack, Wish is a recovery move that looks at HP in a similar way, and heals whatever pokemon in your spot in the field next turn for half of the original users HP. Sometimes forced symmetry is cool :], but it goes further than that, Wish directly synergizes with Obstagoons signature move in Obstruct creating the WishObstruct combo but also parting shot gives the entrant not only an easier switchin but guaranteed healing after.
Mega Obstagoon



Ability: Startling Shout (The user's sound-based moves will lower the opponent side's speed if the user has taken no damage the previous turn.)

HP: 93
Atk: 130 (+40)
Def: 121 (+20)
SpAtk: 100 (+40)
SpDef: 91
Spe: 95

New Moves: Howl, Growl, Metal Sound


A nice weird medium between complex and simple enough to understand, this Mega Obstagoon emphasizes Obstagoon's affinity to wicked sounds as a whole, such as evidently yelling after using Obstruct (according to the Pokedex). In any case, this is designed to be a very optimized pivot and a pseudo-shuffler that takes advantage of its wide array of stat lowering attacks to force switches and provide support for its teammates.

Natural access to Parting Shot and Snarl make this in tandem with Obstruct really nasty, as Obstruct synergizes perfectly with the condition Scaring Shout has to work, and thus beginning the switching snowball that lets it continuously spread Speed drops (and potentially hazard damage) or just safely passing the Speed drop to a powerful wallbreaking ally with Parting Shot. I also opted to give it Howl, Growl, and Metal Sound. Growl is mostly flavor, but Howl has some great utility in doubles as a move that simultaneously lowers the opponents' Speed and boosts the user and their ally's Attack, and Metal Sound is a banger flavor wise, but also sports some nice synergy with its access to Hyper Voice, ability to force switches, and its insane Special movepool in general. Although realistically you're going to use Parting Shot and Snarl a lot more as your main Sound-based moves, it provides some extra fun options in case you wanna make some heat.
mega obstagoon

hp- 93
atk- 90(+55)>145
def- 101(+30)>131
spa- 60
spd- 81(+15)>96
spe- 95

ability: Down-To-Earth

new moves- iron head, sucker punch, block
okay so how does this normal type down-to-earth mega differentiate itself from mega lycanroc? well for starters it trades speed for attack and defense, as well as being able to threaten all terrain setters and abusers with gunk shot sucker punch and stomping tantrum
(Compiler's note: If this sub wins, the name of the ability will need to be changed as it's the same name for the ability Heavy Metal, which doubles a user's weigh. The Main Mon, please, let me know when you have found an appropriate name.)

Mega Obstagoon :Obstagoon:
New Ability: Heavy Metal: This Pokemon's sound type moves have a 30% chance to lower the special defense of non-Dark and Ghost type Pokemon
Type: Dark/Steel

New stats:
HP: 93
Attack: 90
Defense: 111 +10
Special Attack: 110 + 50
Special Defense: 111 + 30
Speed: 105 +10
(BST: 620 +100)
New moves: Boomburst, Disarming Voice, Screech, Uproar, Perish Song
Type: Normal/Dark
Ability: Taunting Roar - This Pokemon applies the Taunt effect to the Pokemon it switches in on at the end of the turn until it takes damage from that Pokemon. Pokemon with Soundproof are immune. (in doubles, only targets one Pokemon)

HP: 93
ATK: 90 -> 120 (+30)
DEF: 101 -> 131 (+20)
SPA: 60 -> 80 (+20)
SPD: 81 -> 101 (+20)
SPE: 95 -> 105 (+10)
New Moves: Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Boomburst
Summary: Oh Obstagoon, the one all of us have been waiting for since the badger himself arrived. Well, time to get the lead singer onto the stage. Obstagoon's description says, "It doesn't attack often as it prefers taunting an opponent into attacking first. When that happens, it will take a threatening pose posture by crossing its arms and then releasing a staggering voice, so loud and obnoxious that would cause any opponent to flinch." So basically, it yells so loudly that the opponent HAS to attack it to stop it from breaking everyone's eardrums. Of course, you can also switch out too, which can definitely help out against this. However, it works really well at stopping common moves like healing, Defog, statuses, and setup.
Mega Obstagoon - Dark/Steel
Ability: Metal Cords: This Pokemon’s sound-based moves become Steel type
HP: 93
Attack: 90 > 110 (+20)
Defense: 101 > 121 (+20)
Spatk: 60 > 110 (+50)
Spdef: 81 > 111 (+30)
Speed: 95 > 75 (-20)
BST: 520 > 620
New Moves: Iron Head, Boomburst, Metal Sound, Return, Toxic, Frustration
Taking the route of a mixed attacker, Obstagoon invests fully into the power of obnoxiously loud heavy metal bands and got some sweet metal cords! This Obstagoon aims to be an effective mixed wallbreaker, packing a STAB Steel typed Boomburst to greatly complement its similarly useful STAB Knock Off. Of course, with added steel typing comes an improved defensive profile, gaining several boons for Obstagoon, such as a toxic immunity, fairy neutrality, and grass resistance. However, it also gives Obstagoon a weakness to several common attacking types, such as Ground and Fire. A fair trade-off for cool metal vocal cords
:ss/Obstagoon: Mega Obstagoon
New Ability
: Prankster
Type: Normal/Dark

New stats:
HP: 93
Attack: 90 ->140 (+50)
Defense: 101 ->121 (+20)
Special Attack: 60
Special Defense: 81 ->101 (+20)
Speed: 95 ->105 (+10)
(BST) 520 ->620

New moves
: Return, Frustration, Encore
Description: This mega can be used as a utility pokemon with moves like Thunder Wave, Taunt, Encore, and Parting Shot. It can also set up with moves like Bulk Up, Substitute, and Iron Defense. It can also use moves like Fake Tears and Screech to harshly lower a defense for an ally pokemon.

On another note, the M4A VGC Spooky Cup, as announced by Hematite last time, will take place on Saturday, 06.11.2021, at 18:00 o'clock, GMT +2.

To participate, please, send me a message with the following information:
- your Smogon username or your Discord username
- your username with which you will play on DragonsHeaven

That's it!

As a reminder, we will play in an open team format, meaning everyone will know which Pokémon, moves, and items your opponents run, with the exception of nature, EVs, and IVs:
- to reward consistency and teambuilding, you are required to use only one team for the entirety of the tournament
- the battles are going to be a Best of 3 and Double Elimination
- please send me privately a pokepaste of your team so that I can create a document for every participant to see

You can check in the teambuilder on DragonsHeaven which Pokémon are eligible for the tournament: M4A Spooky Cup.
But here's a visual list of allowed Pokémon:


The following available Pokémon either already have Mega Evolutions or are planned to gain them from slates before the date of the tour:

As always, I can give some advice on your team if you wish so.

On a final note:

Slate 39
As previously announced, slate 39 will be a Halloween-themed slate, featuring :slowking-galar: Mega Slowking (Galarian Form), :dusknoir: Mega Dusknoir and :galvantula: Mega Galvantula! ::w:: (Hematite was here) To keep the thread organized, we ask that you refrain from posting your submissions here until the submission phase begins, but remember that the Discord is always a fantastic place to discuss ideas and get feedback on your submissions even before the slate opens!
Last edited:
1. DarkFairy
2. Violettes
3. Sticky Fingaaa
4. abismal
5. EeveeGirl1380
6. Vipotis
7. NANI?!
1. Z-nogyroP
2. jazzmat
3. pupupgugu & Paulluxx
4. BlueRay
5. SimpyShrimp
6. abismal
7. inkbug
8. Exploziff
9. ry2424
1. DarkFairy
2. jazzmat
3. Violettes
4. Gravity Monkey
5. ausma
6. EeveeGirl1380 & Magmajudis
7. Lydian
1. abismal
2. Exploziff
3. DarkFairy
4. Gekokeso
5. FierceHawk192
6. vipotis
Thanks to everyone who made such interesting subs, good luck to all of you!
Congrats to everyone for such a fun slate, it's getting hard to choose!
  1. Blueray
  2. Kerosenezanchu
  3. Vipotis
  4. Violette
  5. Starfalcon55
  6. Sticky Finga
  7. Gravity monkey
  8. Deep blue
  9. Dark fairy
  1. SimpyShrimp (edited, I recently learnt that brave bird DOES prop emergency exit, this is huge)
  2. Abismal
  3. Okispokis
  4. Blueray
  5. Starfalcon55
  6. Z-nogyrop
  7. Vipotis
  8. Inkbug
  1. Deep blue
  2. Okispokis
  3. Vipotis
  4. Blueray
  5. Violette
  6. Eeveegirl
  7. Dark fairy
  8. Lydian
  1. Vipotis
  2. Gekokeso
  3. Violette
  4. Gravity monkey
  5. Simpyshrimp
  6. Exploziff
Last edited:
1. jazzmat
2. BlueRay
3. okispokis
4. Violettes
5. Vipotis
6. Eeveegirl1380
7. DarkFairy
8. ry4242
9. abismal
10. I-Deepblue-I

1. jazzmat
2. pupugugu & Paulluxx
3. Violettes
4. Z-nogyroP
5. Mossy Sandwich
6. inkbug
7. ARandomPerson
8. ry4242
9. BlueRay

1. jazzmat
2. I-Deepblue-I
3. BlueRay
4. ausma
5. Vipotis
6. abismal
7. Eeveegirl1380 & Magmajudis

1. Violettes
2. Paulluxx
3. StarFalcon555
4. vipotis
5. jazzmat
6. DarkFairy
7. Exploziff
8. Gekokeso
9. Eeveegirl1380
1. BlueRay
2. Sticky Fingaaa
3. Violettes
4. KeroseneZanchu
5. lydian

1. BlueRay
2. pupugugu & Paulluxx
3. Violettes
4. abismal
5. ausma

1. lydian
2. abismal
3. Violettes
4. ausma
5. Gravity Monkey

1. Gekokeso
2. Paulluxx
3. ausma
4. vipotis
5. abismal

1. (REDACTED) & BlueRay
2. exploziff
4. lydian

sorry but I just know the future and this is how its going to be
1: StarFalcon555
2: Sticky Fingaaa
3: Gravity Monkey
4: okispokis
5: KeroseneZanchu

1: StarFalcon555
2: inkbug
3: okispokis
4: Violettes
5: ausma

1: Z-nogyroP (let me know if I spelled that wrong lol)
2: DarkFairy
3: War Incarnate
4: Gravity Monkey
5: lydian

1: StarFalcon555
2: Yung Dramps
3: depressed lion
4: Z-nogyroP (again let me know if I spelled this wrong)
5: Vipotis


formerly I-Deepblue-I
1. Violettes
2. KeroseneZanchu
3. Vipotis
4. BlueRay
5. Abismal
6. NANI?!
7. EeveeGirl1380
8. I-Deepblue-I

1. SimpyShrimp
2. BlueRay
3. abismal
4. okispokis
5. KeroseneZanchu
6. Violettes
7. inkbug
8. Vipotis

1. I-Deepblue-I
2. ausma
3. ry4242
4. Vipotis
5. BlueRay
6. SimpyShrimp
7. EeveeGirl1380 and Magmajudis
8. Lord Pxperto

1. Vipotis
2. Abismal
3. Exploziff
4. Gekokeso
5. Paulluxx
6. Violettes
7. depressedlion
8. okispokis


[Regional Manager of Big Shifu]
is a Community Contributor
1. Blueray
2. Vipotis
3. Sticky Fingaaa
4. KeroseneZanchu

1. Blueray
2. Mine and Pupugugu’s
3. abismal
4. Violettes
5. Kero

1. Violettes
2. Blueray(Tail Glow :z)

1. Myself
2. ausma
3. Explo
4. okispokis
5. Vipotis

BitBitio Vote, comp council slate important
Last edited:

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