Pet Mod Megas for All v7 - please switch to the new thread for v8! (There's a link in the first and last posts!)

Mega Nidoqueen
Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer Force->Serene Grace
HP: 90->90 (+0)
Attack: 92->100 (+8)
Defense: 87->111 (+24)
Special Attack: 75->100 (+25)
Special Defense: 85->111 (+26)
Speed: 76->93 (+17)
Total: 505->605 (+100)
New Moves: Milk Drink, Moonblast, Meteor Mash, Crush Claw, Play Rough
Mega Nidoqueen is a great choice on balance and bulky offense, boasting a good typing, great coverage, useful mixed attacking capabilites with STABs and coverage that draw benefit from Serene Grace. I added reliable recovery and a nice boost to bulk and speed to round things out.
*Hematite I'm sorry that this isn't ground type lol
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Mega Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:
HP: 90 (+0)
ATK: 102 (+10)
DEF: 105 (+18)
SPA: 102 (+27)
SPD: 105 (+20)
SPE: 101 (+25)
Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer force-->God save the queen
New Moves: Iron head, Steel beam, Shore up, God save the queen, Iron defense, U-Turn
God save the queen: when the users switch out heal herself of 7% for each allies with atleast the 50% of its health.

Its body became more stronger with the mega evolution power to protect itself and its babies. It also gets a wand and a crown. Finally we have a fantastic the Queen!

It can be very good on balance and bulky offense with a lot of set, like iron defense+body press, a volturn core, an all attacker set and others. Tell me if there are other problems, so I can change it!
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First thing: the slate 18 poll is now live!
This post is just the usual post-voting slate update, but that's the part that requires your attention the most!
Don't forget to vote so you can decide our next slate!!​

read this and laugh
Hi! Don't worry - I did actually find a solution for this before I opened the slate, so I can confirm that it's an option. C:
It's sort of an awkward workaround, admittedly, but I will definitelybe able to make Mega Evolve into something different depending whether Disguise has activated or not!
(We talked this over on the Discord before submissions opened - everyone who has subbed a concept like that did confirm with me that it was an option!)
but yeah you're right that that's something I would have expected to be a problem
multiple forms gave me enough trouble with Lycanroc and Raichu, and those don't even change in battle - I'm just familiar enough with how they work by now to have learned some relatively silly loopholes XP
the sheer hubris of this comment
hahaha yeah no this was WAY harder than I thought
(why is Showdown so unresponsive to this I don't understand
there was a while where it would rather Mega Evolve with a Mega Stone it wasn't even holding than become the correct form? I checked with Frisk to make sure it was right and everything OTL)
I have no idea why I was so sure I knew what I was doing, and I did need help with this after all :'D
BUT it works now at last!!!
and from this, I have taken away two valuable pieces of information:
- how to update a Pokémon's intended Mega form mid-battle, because Showdown doesn't like updating that unless forced, and
- don't say things like this without testing, let alone before the slate even starts
Ahem-- on a more serious note, all of the new Mega Evolutions do work, so I've submitted the pull request now!! yes this is the entire reason why I'm so much later than usual with this

With this new patch, :ariados: Mega Ariados, :gourgeist: Mega Gourgeist and :mimikyu: Mega Mimikyu will now be playable (so we have seven new Mega Evolutions!), using the Mega Stones Ariadosite, Gourgeite and Mimikyunite, as soon as Scoopapa lets it through!
I'll be adding them to the spreadsheet pretty soon as well, although I'm super busy this week and that might not be until the weekend, haha.

In other news, I also have a really neat QOL change to announce!!
You will never have to /dt an unfamiliar Mega again, nor have the spreadsheet or the wiki open for all of your battles, because the battle now does it for you!
The battle log now immediately reports the form name, stats, types and Ability of any of our Mega Evolutions the moment they first Mega Evolve, like this:

I'm very excited for this!!
When I started implementing Megas with multiple forms, I noticed that the messages the site gave were super misleading and could lead people to /dt the wrong form see that very screenshot, where Showdown's message just says "Mega Lycanroc" for what our new feature correctly identifies as the Midnight Form.
This change is something I was thinking might be good to have for a while, but I was sort of intimidated by it and didn't actually try it. Seeing how necessary it was - for Gourgeist and Mimikyu especially - was just the motivation I needed to experiment long enough to make it work, and now I'm super happy to have it!!
Iiin other news, because it would've been really silly to have four separate Gourgeite, I've made it so all four Gourgeist and all three Lycanroc now Mega Evolve with just one stone for their species: "Gourgeite" works for any size of Gourgeist and "Lycanite" for any form of Lycanroc, no size or time of day attached! Alolan Raichu, Galarian Slowbro and Galarian Slowking will also be able to use the same stone as their existing forms once they receive Mega Evolutions.
This slate was kind of a breaking point that made me want to streamline everything, because it looked so much messier than every other slate without these changes. XP

Last thing on new features: Crown Tundra is indeed playable as of this new patch, so as soon as it goes live, you'll be able to use all of those on your teams!
As promised, this includes making Necrozma (only unfused), the three (seven) new Mega Evolutions and the six spookiest new Pokémon from Crown Tundra all legal in time for the Mega Spooky Cup, which, as inkbug announced, will be taking place at 20:00 GMT on Halloween night - that's this Saturday, the 31st of October!


Mega Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:
HP: 120 (+30)
ATK: 102 (+10)
DEF: 95 (+8)
SPA: 102 (+27)
SPD: 95 (+10)
SPE: 91 (+16)
Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer force-->Queenly Majesty
New Moves: Iron head, Steel beam, Shore up, God save the queen, Iron defense
God save the queen: steel, 60 bp, the users switch out and heal himself of 7% for each allies with atleast the 50% of its health.
Its body became more stronger with the mega evolution power to protect itself and its babies. It also gets a wand and a crown. Finally we have a fantastic the Queen!
It can be very good on balance and bulky offense with a lot of set, like iron defense+body press, a volturn core, an all attacker set and others
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but please consider reading the submission rules in the first post of the thread; I'm afraid that Mega Evolutions aren't able to change their HP stats (so your Nidoqueen has to have 90 HP, not 120), and we don't actually allow the creation of custom moves, only custom Abilities, so we can't allow this one as it is.
Also, not at all a problem in this case, but 91 Speed is +15, not +16! That's actually a good thing, though - 15 is what it should be for the BST to be correct. C: I just thought I should let you know because it can be easy to miss stuff like that, haha.

Edit: I called "Gourgeite" by the wrong name twice in the second part of the post XP
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Mega Walrein
Ability: Regenerator
HP: 110
Att: 130 (+60)
Def; 110 (+20)
SpA; 95
SpD; 110 (+20)
Speed; 75
New Moves: Flip Turn, Lash Out, Triple Axel, Freeze-Dry.

Flavour; Walrein's tusks and whiskers take on more icy/crystalline appearance. His stance becomes even more pronounced and upright, looking down his tusks, almost akin to Serperior's stance. The Regenerator flavouri is the ice acting as a shield, and gradually getting chipped, before growing back when it gives in water.

Competitive; Oh Lord, he thicc; 110/110/110 with Water Typing and Regenerator combined with a STAB Pivot Move, pretty much. Lash Out gives him the ability to defend against an Intimidate switch-in and some additional coverage with the hugely boosted attacks. Triple Axel is not necessarily needed, as Icicle Spear is there as well, but gives his Physical Ice STAB an additional 10-15BP. Flavourwise, Frosmoth/Cryogonal has it, so it being a kick is not something that's unique to having big legs, as Milotic gets it as well. Freeze-Dry in case a mixed set ever wants to handle a bulky water put out to hold it down.
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Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Robust Body
(Robust Body is a new custom ability that works like an inverse Sheer Force, meaning, it takes less damage (30 %) from opposing moves that have an effect and effects of those moves do not affect Nidoqueen at all. So, to give an example, you cannot burn Mega Nidoqueen with Scald.)
Type: Poison | Ground

New stats:
HP: 90
Attack: 92
Defense: 87 -> (+ 30: 117)
Special Attack: 75 -> (+ 40: 115)
Special Defense: 85 -> (+ 20: 105)
Speed: 76 -> (+ 10: 86)
(BST: 505 -> + 100: 605)

New moves:
Slack Off, Lovely Kiss

This is a Pkm meant to support your team by taking hits and threatening back with decent offense or utility moves. It's faster than Heatran and Rillaboom and with some small investment into its SpA, it's able to OHKO the latter with Sludge Bomb after Stealth Rock. Also, its SpA makes it a little bit stronger than regular Sheer Force Nidoqueen.

If power creep is too much, you can make it so that Mega Nidoqueen does not take damage from hazards on top of this defensive mechanism.
Other than that, I focused more on its physical defense to better take physical moves, for example from Kartana.
Moreover, Heatran can no longer reliably 2HKO Nidoqueen with Earth Power unless it's Choice Spec.
Finally, having access to Slack Off makes Nidoqueen stay longer on the field. Lovely Kiss is just a reference to Nidoking from the GSC era, which was able to get this move. I figured if Nidoking could get this move why not Nidoqueen as well?
Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Mystic Light
(Its body stores polar light, which allows it to inverse its weaknesses and resistances. The ability can be affected by Mold breaker, however. If Mystic Light turns out to not be strong enough, there's always the possibility to make Mega Aurorus unaffected by Mold Breaker.)
Type: Rock | Ice

New stats:
HP: 123
Attack: 77
Defense: 72 -> (+ 30: 102)
Special Attack: 99 -> (+ 30: 129)
Special Defense: 92 -> (+ 30: 122)
Speed: 58 -> (+ 10: 68)
(BST: 521 -> + 100: 621)

New moves:
Defog, Recover

If I didn't forget anything, Mega Aurorus should have the following weaknesses and resistances:
- Weaknesses: Ice, Normal, Poison, Flying
- Resistance: Grass, Water, Fighting (4x), Rock, Ground, Steel (4x)

Since it's now resistant to Rock, it takes less damage from Stealth Rock. With Defog and Recover, you should now have an Ice Pkm that can be played defensively. If Defog is already covered, a Calm Mind set could be pretty devastating once all of its checks are gone due to its useful resistances and immense bulk. 68 base speed makes it a little bit faster than Corviknight, so that your moves aren't affected by Roost's side effect.
Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Cold Unease
(So long as Mega Walrein is on the field, Cold Unease makes it so that the opposing Pkm it directly faces will have less Speed (one stage less, but it does not say that the Speed was reduced as the ability is intended to work like Unnerve; instead, you see something along the lines of "[Pokémon X] felt a cold unease, it will be slower than usual" ). Ice Pkm are unaffected by this effect. That means, an opposing Weavile can outspeed Jolly Mega Walrein.)
Type: Ice | Water

New stats:
HP: 110
Attack: 80 -> (+ 60: 140)
Defense: 90 -> (+ 15: 105)
Special Attack: 95
Special Defense: 90 -> (+ 15: 105)
Speed: 65 -> (+ 10: 75)
(BST: 530 -> + 100: 630)

New moves:
Slack Off, Icicle Crash

I made Mega Walrein a bulky physical attacker because of its access to Swords Dance and better movepool. While Cold Unease might be a bit OP, Mega Walrein can still be outsped by a lot of Scarf Pkm.
It's bulky enough to survive Stone Edge from Landorus-T after Stealth Rock.
Slack Off is just here for flavour since it can be somewhat lazy. As for its ability: with its teeth and cold breath, how can you not feel intimidated by it? That's why non Ice Pkm will be slower than usual when facing this mega evolution.
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:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Compact Snowstorm (On switch-in, sets up a weather similar to hail but it last 6 turns and it supresses ice types' weaknesses (Like Delta Stream))
Type: Rock/Ice

New stats: 123/77/102/139/122/58
HP: 123 (+0)
Attack: 77 (+0)
Defense: 72 --> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 --> 139 (+40)
Special Defense: 92 --> 122(+30)
Speed: 58 (+0)
(BST) 521 --> 621

New moves: Power Gem, Volt Switch, Hydro Pump
Description: With its new ability, Mega-Aurorus becomes a new hope for hail teams. Compact Snowstorm lets ice types that are held back by their type become actually quite good and can even serve as walls. Not only that, Aurorus also uses this ability well thanks to its high defensive stats and its poor typing being helped greatly. It also has access to nice Bolt-Beam coverage notably having access to Volt Switch now to keep momentum. The amazing support it brings to hail teams while still being good on its own would make Mega-Aurorus a great addition to the format.

:walrein: Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Thick Skin (Contact moves deal 0,67x damage to this pokemon)
Type: Ice/Water

New stats: 110/120/130/115/90/65
HP: 110 (+0)
Attack: 80 --> 120 (+40)
Defense: 90 --> 130 (+40)
Special Attack: 95 --> 115 (+20)
Special Defense: 90 (+0)
Speed: 65 (+0)
(BST) 530 --> 630

New moves: Slack Off, Counter, Icicle Crash, Freeze-Dry, Flip Turn
Description: This Mega-Walrein takes physical contact moves like it's nothing. As long as the hit isn't super effective, it'll eat it. Of course, it can get taken down by strong special or super effective hits but the bulk is just insane. It now has access to Slack Off for recovery, Flip Turn to keep momentum, Counter to smash physical attackers in return and Icicle Crash and Freeze-Dry to help it out offensively. This Mega-Walrein has some obvious strengths in being able to take massive hits and hit back hard while also being able to pivot into a pokemon that can handle the situation better.

:Nidoqueen: Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Maternal Instincts (If there is a not fully evolved pokemon on the user's team that is not fainted, this pokemon's attack and special attack rise by 1 stage. If not, its defense and special defense rises by 1 stage.)
Type: Poison/Ground

New stats: 90/112/97/105/95/106
HP: 90 (+0)
Attack: 92 --> 112 (+20)
Defense: 87 --> 97 (+10)
Special Attack: 75 --> 105 (+30)
Special Defense: 85 --> 95 (+10)
Speed: 76 --> 106 (+30)
(BST) 505 --> 605

New moves: None
Description: This Nidoqueen has average stats all around while having no new moves. Its strenght comes in its ability. If you have an NFE pokemon on your team, it becomes a powerful wallbreaker thanks to its higher attacking stats and its great coverage. If you don't, it becomes a bulky pokemon that can dish out a lot of super effective damage or set up hazards without fearing getting hurt too badly. Its playstyle completely changes if your NFE pokemon faints or if you simply don't have one.
I have some critiques regarding game consistencies.

New Ability: Mystic Light
(Its body stores polar light, which allows it to inverse its weaknesses and resistances. Mold Breaker does not affect Mystic Light, by the way!)

I think Mold Breaker should affect this. Mold Breaker applies if the ability directly causes a change in a move's usability, which is what happens in this case. I don't see the need for this ability getting special treatment like Shadow Shield, especially since increasing the number of exceptions to abilities ruin the game's consistencies. It ruins the niche of having a Mold Breaker user if more abilities get exceptions. Of course, it's entirely up to you and the mods if you want to keep this interaction, but I think an already good ability shouldn't get more special treatment.

New Ability: Cold Unease
(So long Mega Walrein is on the field, Cold Unease makes it so that the opposing Pkm it directly faces will have less Speed (one stage less, but it does not say that the Speed was reduced). Ice Pkm are unaffected by this effect. That means, an opposing Weavile can outspeed Jolly Mega Walrein.)

If your Pokémon's stat is modified in anyway, you should be able to know if your Pokémon's stat has been modified. Gamefreak designed battles in a way that there is full transparency between you and your Pokémon. Think of all the stat modifiers that your opponent can apply to you (like Intimidate, Sticky Web, Paralysis or even setting up rain when you have Swift Swim or Sun when you have Flower Gift), you would know always know if your stat has changed. Unlike Mystic Light's interaction with Mold Breaker, this specific case doesn't have any exceptions so I don't see the point in making a new one. Even stuff like Unnerve, Mold Breaker or Neutralizing Gas flashes a message so you won't wonder why something about your Pokémon has changed.

Besides, Mega-Walrein only has one ability so it's not like you need to hide the fact that their speed is lowered. It's just for hypothetical situations where if this ability gets redistributed to a Pokémon with multiple abilities, you would know if something has been modified.
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I have some critiques regarding game consistencies.

I think Mold Breaker should affect this. Mold Breaker applies if the ability directly causes a change in a move's usability, which is what happens in this case. I don't see the need for this ability getting special treatment like Shadow Shield, especially since increasing the number of exceptions to abilities ruin the game's consistencies. It ruins the niche of having a Mold Breaker user if more abilities get exceptions. Of course, it's entirely up to you and the mods if you want to keep this interaction, but I think an already good ability shouldn't get more special treatment.

If your Pokémon's stat is modified in anyway, you should be able to know if your Pokémon's stat has been modified. Gamefreak designed battles in a way that there is full transparency between you and your Pokémon. Think of all the stat modifiers that your opponent can apply to you (like Intimidate, Sticky Web, Paralysis or even setting up rain when you have Swift Swim or Sun when you have Flower Gift), you would know always know if your stat has changed. Unlike Mystic Light's interaction with Mold Breaker, this specific case doesn't have any exceptions so I don't see the point in making a new one. Even stuff like Unnerve, Mold Breaker or Neutralizing Gas flashes a message so you won't wonder why something about your Pokémon has changed.

Besides, Mega-Walrein only has one ability so it's not like you need to hide the fact that their speed is lowered. It's just for hypothetical situations where if this ability gets redistributed to a Pokémon with multiple abilities, you would know if something has been modified.
Thanks for your criticism!
I'm not sure about game consistencies since we have abilities like Comatose and Shields Down that are specific to a Pkm like Komala and Minior, and they are unaffected by Mold Breaker. Furthermore, this mod has Mega Rillaboom whose ability works like Primordial Sea and is only limited to its own Gras Terrain. There's no such precedence for a non legendary Pkm to have an ability you'd expect to see on a legendary Pkm, yet, it exists on a non legendary mega evolution.
However, I understand your concern so I will remove the Mold Breaker part. If Mystic Light turns out to not be strong enough, I guess there's always the chance for Mega Aurorus to be unaffected by Mold Breaker.

As for Cold Unease, I disagree. You have abilities like Gorilla Tactic or Huge Power, and you do not see they boost the user's attack. You can only guess it from the damage or if it's the only ability of the Pkm.
But what we could do is having the ability mention something along the lines of "[Pokémon X] felt a cold unease, it will procede with caution/be slower than usual".
The reason why I did not want to have the ability basically work like Sticky Web where it explicitly says it lowers your speed by 1 stage is because it might make Mega Walrein too oppressive. If your opponent manages to take down Mega Walrein, all you have to do is send out a Pkm that can benefit from the opponent's -1 speed and set-up with Sword Dance or force them to switch out. That's not what I wanted to do. I only want Mega Walrein to benefit from the ability, and the ability should only work so long as Mega Walrein is on the field and directly faces its opponent. So, in a way, it's like Unnerve, but only limited to a single target Mega Walrein faces.
Thanks for pointing out, I will mention "[Pokémon X] felt a cold unease, it will procede with caution/be slower than usual" if that is more reasonable? Which one of the two should I choose?
Mega Nidoqueen
Poison/Ground ---> Poison/Steel
Ability: Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer Force---> Iron Barbs
HP: 90 ---> 90
Atk: 92 ---> 92
Def: 87 ---> 142 (+56)
SpA: 75 ---> 100 (+25)
SpD: 85 ---> 105 (+20)
Spe: 76 ---> 76
Added Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Moonlight

Description: The Pokedex would not stop talking about Nidoqueen's hard scales, so this Mega is based around those scales, adopting a Steel-typing and the ability Iron Barbs. Competitively, Nidoqueen becomes a physical wall, and has a ton of utility, such as Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, and Thunder Wave.

Mega Aurorus
Rock/Ice---> Dragon/Ice
Ability: Refrigerate/Snow Warning ---> Northern Lights | Aurora Veil can be activated when Hail is not active.
HP: 123 ---> 123
Atk: 77 ---> 87 (+10)
Def: 72 ---> 97 (+25)
SpA: 99 ---> 124 (+25)
SpD: 92 ---> 132 (+40)
Spe: 58 ---> 58
Added Moves: Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Moonlight

Description: Bulky veil setter. While Alolan-Ninetales, the best veil setter right now, is much faster and can hold Light Clay, Mega Aurorus has a better defensive typing, access to utility like recovery, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave, and does not need to set hail, meaning it won't accidentally chip down any of its teammates.

Mega Walrein
Ice/Water ---> Ice/Water
Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body/Oblivious ---> Strong Jaw
HP: 110 ---> 110
Atk: 80 ---> 140 (+60)
Def: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
SpA: 95 ---> 95
SpD: 90 ---> 100 (+10)
Spe: 65 ---> 75 (+10)
Added Moves: Aqua Jet, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang

Description: The Pokedex would not stop talking about its tusks and blubber, and Walrein's base form already gets Thick Fat, so I decided to do something with those tusks. Walrein is now a strong, diverse wallbreaker, with access to Swords Dance and (now) Strong-Jaw boosted coverage.
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Mega Walrein

Typing: Ice/Water

New Ability: Snow Warning

New Moves: Aurora Veil, Flip Turn

HP: 110 - - >110
Atk: 80 - - >80 (unchanged)
Def: 90 - - >110 (+20)
SpA: 95 - - >135 (+40)
SpD: 90 - - >110 (+20)
Spe: 65 - - >85 (+20)
BST: 530 - - >630 (+100)

Mega Walrein is a standard Hail setter, except for one thing that sets it apart from the other Snow Warning mons: it now gets Flip Turn to pivot out after setting Aurora Veil and/or Hail. It’s bulkier and faster, but still outsped by a lot of things. I think this could be a great addition to Hail teams, due to its typing and pivoting option.
Mega Aurorus

New Typing: Ice/Dragon

New Ability: Dazzling

New Move: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Energy

HP: 123 - - >123
Atk: 77 - - >77 (unchanged)
Def: 72 - - >102 (+30)
SpA: 99 - - >124 (+25)
SpD: 92 - - >102 (+10)
Spe: 58 - - >93 (+35)
BST: 521 - - >621 (+100)

Ever worried about those priority moves? Now you don’t need to be, and now you can’t be outsped by anything slower than your new speed stat! This is supposed to be like what Aurorus would have been before fossilization caused it to be revived as a Rock-Type. Maybe it would have been a dragon? I really don’t know, but I think this is a neat sub. Dragon Energy with Aurora Veil could be interesting, and I tried to buff its Defenses to that it would be able to take a few hits, helping Dragon Energy.
Nidoqueen might be coming soon, I just haven’t thought of an idea yet.

Typing: Poison / Ground
Ability: Poison Point / Rivalry / Sheer Force --> Solid Rock

HP: 90
Attack: 92 --> 132 (+40)
Defense: 87 --> 112 (+25)
Sp. Atk: 75 --> 80 (+5)
Sp. Def: 85 --> 95 (+10)
Speed: 76 --> 96 (+20)

New moves: Dragon Dance, Bulk Up
Stronger, faster, Nidoqueen's very thick scales protect her from the onslaught of her opponents. She is fiercely protective and will fight back against anyone trying to invade her territory.

A very bulky pivot. Mega Nidoqueen becomes very similar to Garchomp and Landorus-T, the two other main bulky Ground pivots. What Mega Nidoqueen loses with her item, she gets back and some with some very powerful set-up options and wonderful typing with Solid Rock. She definitely needs multiple boosts but she has the bulk to get them.
Moreover, she can still run more support-oriented sets with access Stealth Rock / Toxic Spikes, Taunt or Super Fang. Versatile, she is prone to be worn down though.


Typing: Rock / Ice
Ability: Snow Warning --> Slush Rush

HP: 123
Attack: 77 --> 82 (+5)
Defense: 72 --> 82 (+10)
Sp. Atk: 99 --> 159 (+60)
Sp. Def: 92 --> 92 (0)
Speed: 58 --> 83 (+25)

New move: Power Gem
The crystals around Aurorus have grown bigger, enabling Mega-Aurorus to reach unheard speeds for such a bulky Pokemon during hailstorm. While they no longer provide as an effective protection as before, they absorb the heat around Aurorus, surrounding it with a very cold mist.

As M-Evo don't change primary typing (except Aggron), I wanted to work with Rock / Ice. M-Aurorus is basically a cleaner. It can set-up its own hail then M-Evolve to reach 530 Speed while Modest (enough to outspeed Lati@s Scarf) and throw Blizzards around. M-Aurorus also has Freeze-Dry against bulky Water, gets a decent special Rock STAB in Power Gem and even has Earth Power. You can also try Aurora Veil to weaken priority because it sure as hell is weak against Mach Punch / Bullet Punch.


Typing: Ice / Water
Ability: Ice Body / Oblivious / Thick Fat --> Icebound - This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be frozen. (Comatose clone with Freeze)

HP: 110
Attack: 80 --> 130 (+50)
Defense: 90 --> 105 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 95 --> 95
Sp. Def: 90 --> 140 (+50)
Speed: 65 --> 50 (-15)

New moves: Slack Off
Walrein past-time of pulverizing icebergs allows it to become basically one with ice. A true force of the cold, Walrein reigns supreme in the cold. Only raw power can subdue it.

M-Walrein is one of the best switch-ins to bulky Waters: it can't be burned thanks to Icebound, it has Slack Off to keep itself healthy during the game and use them as set-up fodders. Walrein has massive special bulk which might give it opportunities to use Curse or come with a more usual set with its stabs, Crunch or Earthquake and Slack Off. Remember that it can be statused but he is still weak to SR and Spikes. While forcing it out is not easy, it may prove rewarding.
:sm/aurorus: Mega Aurorus

Refrigerate/Snow Warning -> Protean

HP: 123
Atk: 77 -> 102 (+25)
Def: 72 -> 102 (+30)
SpA: 99 -> 114 (+15)
SpD: 92 -> 107 (+15)
Spe: 58 -> 73 (+15)
BST: 521 -> 621 (+100)

New Moves: Ice Shard

Flavour: Northern Lights come down across Aurorus' head and neck, being many different colours (this is why it has Protean).

Competitive: Mega Aurorus is superbly hard to wall, possessing BoltBeam with Earth Power coverage, resisted by only a couple pokemon. Its few consistent check being Blissey, although it usually won't be carrying Flash Cannon so Clefable and Kyurem can usually switch in on it. It does struggle to switch in itself though, its defensive typing being terrible, and its low-ish Speed meaning that it struggles to change its type before being attacked. Ice Shard can work as a decent priority option if you decide you need neither Flash Cannon or HP Fire.
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Thing of Royalty (Cannot be hit by moves 50 BP or lower)
Type: Poison/Ground

New stats:
HP: 90 -> 90
Attack: 92 -> 92
Defense: 87 -> 137 (+50)
Special Attack: 75 -> 75
Special Defense: 85 -> 135 (+50)
Speed: 76 -> 76
(BST) 505 -> 605

New moves: Heal Bell
Description: Its Queenly aspect gets pushed higher with Thing of Royalty. It protects against niche, some priority, and multi-hit moves.
Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Drizzle
Type: Water/Ice

New stats:
HP: 110 -> 110
Attack: 80 -> 90 (+10)
Defense: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Special Attack: 95 -> 130 (+35)
Special Defense: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Speed: 65 -> 50 (-15)
(BST) 530 -> 630

New moves: Glaciate, Flip Turn
Description: Simple. Use Drizzle, swap out with Flip Turn, and then run a rain team.
Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Ice Age (Ice Moves have 1.5x Power)
Type: Ice/Rock

New stats:
HP: 123 -> 123
Attack: 77 -> 79 (+2)
Defense: 72 -> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 -> 137 (+38)
Special Defense: 92 -> 122 (+30)
Speed: 58 -> 58
(BST) 521 -> 621

New moves: none
Description: Simply spam Ice/Rock Special STAB, with Coverage or Calm MInd, and you have yourself a bulky Sp. Attacker.
Important poll on Mega Spooky Cup!
(please answer within the next four hours whether you expect to participate or not!)

I know we've been planning all month on having it on "on or around" Halloween, but the final date and time were only decided recently, and I now know of two people who have schedule conflicts and a third who's currently only a "maybe."
I think it's most important to let as many of the people who were interested participate rather than prioritize the date itself, so I'm trying to see whether it would make sense to reschedule or not.
That said, it would also be really irresponsible to reschedule the tournament because two people asked without asking anyone else - I have no idea how many people were ready to be here or planning on participating (plus I know it's sort of been an ongoing thing all month in terms of teambuilding and challenging people for fun!).
With that in mind, I was hoping to get a picture of our potential participants for this evening and our potential participants if we reconsider the date.

Will you be able to participate in the Mega Spooky Cup at 20:00 GMT (four hours from this post)?
Please respond to the poll here:
Mega Walrein
New Ability:
Air Pockets - Upon Mega evolving or entry, the opposing pokemon's type is changed to a pure flying type.
New Types: Ice/Water -> Ice/Water
HP: 110
Atk: 80 ---> 100 (+20)
Def: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
SpA: 95 ---> 135 (+40)
SpD: 90 --->110 (+20)
Spe: 65
Total: 530->630.
New Moves: Scald, Life Dew, Freeze-Dry
Flavor: Mega Walrein grows an obscene amount of layers of skin, becoming very flabby. It's hair also grows down to the floor and it wears a pair of goggles as well. Mega Walrein loves eating the dreams of children, as its size and shape make it perfectly resemble a freezing under-the-bed monster.
Description: I thought it would be really cool to make a mega revolving around actually mega evolving. When this pokemon switches in, it's ability does not do it much good, as the opponent can switch out before Walrein can get an attack off. However, upon the turn this thing mega evolves, something is gonna have to turn into a flying type. This can be helpful to allow Mega Walrein to tank hits, such as making a fighting type a flying type to live a drain punch. I gave it a few moves to capitalize on strong defenses, allowing it to take a more defensive role with scald and freeze-dry as stabs. It's still slow as molasses, and might benefit from some moveset buffs, but I think this walrus will tusk its way into a fun spot in the MFA meta. Enjoy!

Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability:
Queenly Feast - This pokemon gains +1 in its special defense stat when the opponent recovers HP (leftovers, softboiled, etc, but not regenerator).
New Types: Ground/Poison -> Ground/Psychic
HP: 90 ---> 90
Atk: 92 ---> 82 (-10)
Def: 87 ---> 120 (+33)
SpA: 75 ---> 90 (+15)
SpD: 85 ---> 130 (+45)
Spe: 76 ---> 93 (+17)
Total: 505 --> 605
New Moves: Recover, Work Up, Stored Power, Psychic
Flavor: Nidoqueen gains a pink sceptre that it clutches with one hand. It starts to smile devilishly, almost as if it is inviting you to heal up.
Set Description: Doesn't everyone hate leftovers? What about soft-boiled, recover, or slack off? This stall-smashing queen is here to obliterate all stall. With it's combination of recovery, and ability to set up with either attacking stat, this pokemon is a great deterrent. It is able to set up with work up, and also gains stat boosts with its ability as well. It's a cool alternative to Reuniclus, the alternate premier set up stored power abuser. While MQueen is not status immune and cannot boost its defense, it can run 2 attacking moves by utilizing work up, recover, ground stab, stored power. In addition, MQueen will get you some nice matchups with its ability to remove a leftovers holder from the field by utilizing its ability. As always, its great at setting up hazards. Hope you enjoy and hope its not too unbalanced.

Aurorus might come soon. Thanks!
Mega Spooky Cup Announcement


This fantastic banner is by inkbug!

Hey, everyone!

Based on the poll and on discussion here in the Discord, it seems that it would be best to reschedule the Mega Spooky Cup and make it into a long-term tournament to give people more time to schedule their battles with their opponents, rather than needing everyone to be available at the same time and running all of the battles at once.

Of the people who've responded to the poll, three are unable to make it, and at least four more of the people who could make it have also expressed that they would prefer this structure, so a majority seem to be on board with this change.
This also means more time to prepare teams and more time to get used to the newest additions to the tour!

You can find the signup form here:
> > < <
Please fill this out if you want to participate!!​

This will be a best-of-one, double-elimination tournament, meaning you're only expected to do one battle per week but also that everyone will have at least two chances to battle.
The first round will start on Monday, the second of November. You'll have until 14:00 GMT on Monday to fill out the signup form, and we'll post the brackets shortly afterwards!
You'll have at least a week to do your battles for each round, and we're happy to make extensions if anyone needs. The hope is that changing the structure of the tournament this way will give more people the freedom to participate and help to avoid schedule conflicts.
We'll announce the new brackets and matchups at the start of each round both in the Discord and in the thread so you can see the standings, and there's also this wiki page by inkbug that will be updated as results come in!

Remember that you can find the details of the tour and the list of legal Pokémon here. There's also a spreadsheet dedicated to the Mega Spooky Cup that might be useful when teambuilding for the tournament!

I hope this works better for most people!
And remember that the tournament is still playable on Dragon Heaven even tonight! Anyone who was hoping for some Spooky Cup battles tonight is still welcome to join us on DH. I plan on being there myself if you need someone to crush!!

Happy Halloween, everyone!!
:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Slush Rush
Type: Ice/Rock -> Ice/Fairy

New stats
HP: 123
Attack: 77 -> 80 (+3)
Defense: 72 -> 100 (+29)
Special Attack: 99 -> 140 (+41)
Special Defense: 92 -> 102 (+20)
Speed: 58-> 65 (+7)
(BST) 521 -> 621

New moves
: Moonblast, Recover
Description: Auroru's body is now white like its shiny form. Its body is bigger but also slimmer. Its tail now also has a sail, and Aurorus unfolds it when attacking. The sails in its head are even bigger now and they glow in all the colors of the rainbow. The crystal is its forehead glows when it attacks as well.
Aurorus @ Aurorusite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Blizzard
- Recover
- Aurora Veil

Aurorus @ Aurorusite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Calm Mind
- Recover

Edit: Made the changes. If there's more feedback you guys would like to give, pm me on discord: Bandkrook#6483.
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Bandkrook Hi! I'm afraid that a very similar sub was proposed on the Discord by War Incarnate, and we actually asked him to nerf it, which is the reason why his sub in its current state no longer lasts indefinitely. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask the same of you - I don't think it's a good idea to give it an immediate, free, permanent Aurora Veil the first time it Mega Evolves and any time afterwards if it's on a hail team (and since there are no Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon or Mega Rayquaza in our mod, that still is permanent, haha), especially now that you've given it a better defensive type and given it even better offensive coverage than it already had.
Aurorus has worthwhile setup options and very good coverage, and I don't think it should need more than five turns of doubled defenses to prepare for a sweep, so the idea of letting it last forever and letting it stall with Recover on top of that is definitely too much.
For reference, under Aurora Veil (read: by default), this stat spread has better physical bulk than Zygarde-C and better special bulk than Blissey, which makes it the bulkiest Pokémon in existence on both sides - that would be extreme even without Recover and setup access. I just think this Ability is definitely too strong to allow, personally. :'D
(If you do nerf it - whether you go the same route as War Incarnate in making it last five turns or not it seems like he's okay with the similarity anyway because he liked your post - I'll still be happy to include it on the voting slate! I just thought I should let you know that it won't be allowed in its current state.)


:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability: Refrigerate/Snow Warning -> Diamond Dust
(During hail, Mega Aurorus is immune to Rock-type moves, including damage from Stealth Rock.)
Type: Electric/Ice

New Stats:
HP: 123
Attack: 77
Defense: 72 -> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 -> 131 (+32)
Special Defense: 92 -> 122 (+30)
Speed: 58 -> 66 (+8)
(621 BST)

New moves: Rapid Spin, Volt Switch
Aurorus has a lot of Electric flavor in canon already, owing to its aurora inspiration (auroras are based on disturbances in the magnetosphere, which is the part of space that's affected dominantly by Earth's magnetic pull), which also means having a ton of Electric-type and magnet-themed moves. With that in mind, I thought right away that it would be fitting to make it an Electric/Ice-type, and I settled on this as the most unique way to use that to its advantage!

Looking at its movepool and its existing stats, I decided pretty much immediately that I wanted it be a supportive tank, using its excellent dual STABs to free up its other two moveslots for support.
From there, I realized that it would suffer a ton from its Stealth Rock weakness if I didn't do anything about it - my own favorite supportive tank is Araquanid, and it pretty much always runs Boots for the same reason. That meant I needed its Ability to be something that could patch that up... uh, without going full Magic Guard or Regenerator, that is.
I went with this idea in particular because I thought the Rock immunity would be useful to hail teams (seriously, they need they need it so badly), and the hail requirement stays true to Aurorus's roots - but it also all but requires the use of another hail setter if you want to make use of its Ability, because it's an Ability that helps the most in the long term rather than in the short burst its own Snow Warning will get you. (I'm not really a fan of Abilities like Slush Rush on a Mega for a hail setter; I feel like those are generally either too strong without support for their first few turns in battle or too weak to be worth the team support they require after those turns are up.)

Once I suggested this Ability, inkbug pointed out that the hazard immunity would make it an excellent remover and pivot for hail teams, which is how the two new move additions came up! With that in mind, Rapid Spin is probably what helps hail teams the most (their only good spinner is Avalugg apparently... it's so sad), but other teams that run Aurorus will probably not be using it for hazard control anyway since it won't be protected by Diamond Dust, so it's worth bringing up that it also has plenty of cool utility options in Thunder Wave, the ability to set Stealth Rocks of its own, Aurora Veil (which it can use by itself at least once, even outside of hail teams) and Haze, plus Calm Mind if it just wants to be an incredibly bulky breaker.
With these many options in mind, I also tried to set up its stats to leave room for different options for EVs! You could invest in bulk, and its defenses are definitely good enough to make that worthwhile; that said, its bulk is good enough that it can thrive as a spinner even without significant investment, leaving room to invest in Speed and potentially creep Pokémon as high as base 122 (!) after getting the +1 from Rapid Spin. This can potentially put it into a fantastic position to punish switch-ins, pivot out safely after clearing hazards, or even clean lategame with Calm Mind.

On the whole, I think the best part of this Mega Aurorus is its versatility - its wide array of support options, the freedom offered by its stats and the compression offered by its STABs makes it a unique choice with plenty to offer to any team, while its Ability makes it especially favor hail teams, allowing it to play an extremely valuable role for a team style that badly needs the help.
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Hey, everyone!! I believe it's now time for the submission phase to close and the voting phase to begin! Thanks to everyone for submitting!!

:nidoqueen: Mega Nidoqueen
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Motherly Love (If this pokemon swaps into one with less HP then Mega Nidoqueen, Their hp is fully healed but Nidoqueen loses 1/4 of it's health.
Scorching Sands - Ground-type
Max Ooze - Poison-type

New stats:
HP: 90
Attack: 92 -> 75 (Swapped)
Defense: 87 -> 127 (+40)
Special Attack: 75 -> 122 (Swapped, then +30)
Special Defense: 85 -> 115 (+30)
Speed: 76
(605 BST)
New moves: None
Description: It's CHONKY now, and it can use toxic more effectively now, as well as being excellent support that lacks recovery for balancing.
:Nidoqueen: Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Stamina
Type: Poison/Ground

New stats:
HP: 90 -> 90
Attack: 92 -> 122 (+30)
Defense: 87 -> 127 (+40)
Special Attack: 75 -> 75
Special Defense: 85 -> 115 (+30)
Speed: 76 -> 76
BST: 505 -> 605

New moves: Milk Drink
Description: When in grave danger, Nidoqueen summons the power of Mega Evolution to have more stamina to protect her child. Stamina, along with its Poison/Ground typing, allows Mega Nidoqueen to counter VoltTurn teams since it is immune to Electric, resists Bug while getting a +1 Defense boost when hit by U-Turn. Milk Drink makes sense flavor-wise due to its motherly nature and the fact that it is based on mammals (per Bulbapedia, it is based on animals such as rhinoceroses and rabbits). Milk Drink also gives Nidoqueen a reliable recovery move to gain multiple Defense boosts and wall physical attackers. Nidoqueen can also run a more offensive Curse set, since Stamina allows Nidoqueen to be much bulkier when setting up.
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Corrupted Carapace (when this pokemon takes damage from an attack that does not make contact, 50% of the damage is reflected back to the attacker. If that attack was a super-effective attack, 100% of the damage is reflected back and the attacker is badly poisoned.)
Type: Poison / Ground

New stats:
HP: 90
Attack: 112 (+20)
Defense: 137 (+50)
Special Attack: 75
Special Defense: 115 (+30)
Speed: 76
(605 BST)

New moves: Recover
Since Mega Nidoqueen has always been portrayed as the more defensive of the two Nidomons I figured, why not make it the defensive behemoth that its pokedex entries depict it as? And this does a really good job at what it wants to do! 90/137/115 defenses are great, allowing it to tank the hits that it intends to, and while Poison/Ground isn't necessarily the best defensive typing out there, being able to block Volt Switch and Electric-type attacks is incredibly handy. Heck, this even has Recover, so it ends up being a really sustainable defensive threat.

But that's not even the best part of this mon. The real perks of this mon come from its ability - Corrupted Carapace. This effectively grants it a much stronger version of Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs ability, turning it from a sitting duck against offensive threats (even if 112 base attack is decent) into an effective anti-offense measure. As the only way you're ever going to break this is with really strong neutral or super-effective moves, this basically turns the high damage output these moves could have against the attacker. Just take a look at this calc, for instance:

252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja-Ash Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Nidoqueen: 398-470 (103.6 - 122.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Yeah. Now imagine that damage being reflected right back at you. While you may have killed your opponent's mega, it took your strongest wallbreaker down with it. Even if you hit it with a super-effective move and it survived, you're not safe. You're basically getting the entire damage that was taken by this mega back at you, AND you're now under Toxic's effect too. Take a look at these calcs:

232 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Nidoqueen: 266-314 (69.2 - 81.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
224 SpA Choice Specs Hoopa-Unbound Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Nidoqueen: 360-426 (93.7 - 110.9%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
224 SpA Hoopa-Unbound Psychic vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Nidoqueen: 234-276 (60.9 - 71.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

While in both situations Nidoqueen survives, not only do they get the entire blunt of their attacks reflected right back at them, they also get the side effect of being under Toxic's effect. In Hoopa-U's case, Nidoqueen can just use Earthquake to dispatch of it after it's taken that attack.

All in all, I see this variant of Mega Nidoqueen being a very unique anti-offense tool, as you can't just bypass it by clicking super effective moves - no, this thing has the potential to kill your strongest wallbreakers if you don't play around it correctly.

Upon mega evolution, the scales on Nidoqueen have turned to a darker shade of blue. There are now 5 large spikes on its back, and 4 spikes on its arms, 2 for each arm. The horn on its head has grown slightly longer, and spikes line the end of its tail.

Dex Entry:
"The toxins within its body have became even more corrosive and dangerous than before due to the energy of mega evolution. The toxins within the spikes on its back and within its scales make it extremely unsafe to touch any part of its carapace - toxins leak out if you do so. When attacked, the poisons within its body will flare up, and become even more corrosive than before, being able to melt even the thickest of steels in seconds."
Mega Nidoqueen
Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer Force->Serene Grace
HP: 90->90 (+0)
Attack: 92->100 (+8)
Defense: 87->111 (+24)
Special Attack: 75->100 (+25)
Special Defense: 85->111 (+26)
Speed: 76->93 (+17)
Total: 505->605 (+100)
New Moves: Milk Drink, Moonblast, Meteor Mash, Crush Claw, Play Rough
Mega Nidoqueen is a great choice on balance and bulky offense, boasting a good typing, great coverage, useful mixed attacking capabilites with STABs and coverage that draw benefit from Serene Grace. I added reliable recovery and a nice boost to bulk and speed to round things out.
Mega Nidoqueen :nidoqueen:
HP: 90 (+0)
ATK: 102 (+10)
DEF: 105 (+18)
SPA: 102 (+27)
SPD: 105 (+20)
SPE: 91 (+15)
Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer force-->God save the queen
New Moves: Iron head, Steel beam, Shore up, God save the queen, Iron defense, U-Turn
God save the queen: when the users switch out heal herself of 7% for each allies with atleast the 50% of its health.

Its body became more stronger with the mega evolution power to protect itself and its babies. It also gets a wand and a crown. Finally we have a fantastic the Queen!

It can be very good on balance and bulky offense with a lot of set, like iron defense+body press, a volturn core, an all attacker set and others.
Caionamax - hi! I noticed while compiling subs that you actually have 10 points left over! C: You're free to put them in any stat you want (except HP) - just let me know when you see this and where you'd like them to go! This is totally fine otherwise, and thanks so much for making the other change!!
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Robust Body
(Robust Body is a new custom ability that works like an inverse Sheer Force, meaning, it takes less damage (30 %) from opposing moves that have an effect and effects of those moves do not affect Nidoqueen at all. So, to give an example, you cannot burn Mega Nidoqueen with Scald.)
Type: Poison | Ground

New stats:
HP: 90
Attack: 92
Defense: 87 -> (+ 30: 117)
Special Attack: 75 -> (+ 40: 115)
Special Defense: 85 -> (+ 20: 105)
Speed: 76 -> (+ 10: 86)
(BST: 505 -> + 100: 605)

New moves:
Slack Off, Lovely Kiss

This is a Pkm meant to support your team by taking hits and threatening back with decent offense or utility moves. It's faster than Heatran and Rillaboom and with some small investment into its SpA, it's able to OHKO the latter with Sludge Bomb after Stealth Rock. Also, its SpA makes it a little bit stronger than regular Sheer Force Nidoqueen.

If power creep is too much, you can make it so that Mega Nidoqueen does not take damage from hazards on top of this defensive mechanism.
Other than that, I focused more on its physical defense to better take physical moves, for example from Kartana.
Moreover, Heatran can no longer reliably 2HKO Nidoqueen with Earth Power unless it's Choice Spec.
Finally, having access to Slack Off makes Nidoqueen stay longer on the field. Lovely Kiss is just a reference to Nidoking from the GSC era, which was able to get this move. I figured if Nidoking could get this move why not Nidoqueen as well?
:Nidoqueen: Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Maternal Instincts (If there is a not fully evolved pokemon on the user's team that is not fainted, this pokemon's attack and special attack rise by 1 stage. If not, its defense and special defense rises by 1 stage.)
Type: Poison/Ground

New stats: 90/112/97/105/95/106
HP: 90 (+0)
Attack: 92 --> 112 (+20)
Defense: 87 --> 97 (+10)
Special Attack: 75 --> 105 (+30)
Special Defense: 85 --> 95 (+10)
Speed: 76 --> 106 (+30)
(BST) 505 --> 605

New moves: None
Description: This Nidoqueen has average stats all around while having no new moves. Its strenght comes in its ability. If you have an NFE pokemon on your team, it becomes a powerful wallbreaker thanks to its higher attacking stats and its great coverage. If you don't, it becomes a bulky pokemon that can dish out a lot of super effective damage or set up hazards without fearing getting hurt too badly. Its playstyle completely changes if your NFE pokemon faints or if you simply don't have one.
Mega Nidoqueen
Poison/Ground ---> Poison/Steel
Ability: Poison Point/Rivalry/Sheer Force---> Iron Barbs
HP: 90 ---> 90
Atk: 92 ---> 92
Def: 87 ---> 142 (+55)
SpA: 75 ---> 100 (+25)
SpD: 85 ---> 105 (+20)
Spe: 76 ---> 76
Added Moves: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Moonlight

Description: The Pokedex would not stop talking about Nidoqueen's hard scales, so this Mega is based around those scales, adopting a Steel-typing and the ability Iron Barbs. Competitively, Nidoqueen becomes a physical wall, and has a ton of utility, such as Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, and Thunder Wave.
Typing: Poison / Ground
Ability: Poison Point / Rivalry / Sheer Force --> Solid Rock

HP: 90
Attack: 92 --> 132 (+40)
Defense: 87 --> 112 (+25)
Sp. Atk: 75 --> 80 (+5)
Sp. Def: 85 --> 95 (+10)
Speed: 76 --> 96 (+20)

New moves: Dragon Dance, Bulk Up
Stronger, faster, Nidoqueen's very thick scales protect her from the onslaught of her opponents. She is fiercely protective and will fight back against anyone trying to invade her territory.

A very bulky pivot. Mega Nidoqueen becomes very similar to Garchomp and Landorus-T, the two other main bulky Ground pivots. What Mega Nidoqueen loses with her item, she gets back and some with some very powerful set-up options and wonderful typing with Solid Rock. She definitely needs multiple boosts but she has the bulk to get them.
Moreover, she can still run more support-oriented sets with access Stealth Rock / Toxic Spikes, Taunt or Super Fang. Versatile, she is prone to be worn down though.
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability
: Thing of Royalty (Cannot be hit by moves 50 BP or lower)
Type: Poison/Ground

New stats:
HP: 90 -> 90
Attack: 92 -> 92
Defense: 87 -> 137 (+50)
Special Attack: 75 -> 75
Special Defense: 85 -> 135 (+50)
Speed: 76 -> 76
(BST) 505 -> 605

New moves: Heal Bell
Description: Its Queenly aspect gets pushed higher with Thing of Royalty. It protects against niche, some priority, and multi-hit moves.
Mega Nidoqueen
New Ability:
Queenly Feast - This pokemon gains +1 in its special defense stat when the opponent recovers HP (leftovers, softboiled, etc, but not regenerator).
New Types: Ground/Poison -> Ground/Psychic
HP: 90 ---> 90
Atk: 92 ---> 82 (-10)
Def: 87 ---> 120 (+33)
SpA: 75 ---> 90 (+15)
SpD: 85 ---> 130 (+45)
Spe: 76 ---> 93 (+17)
Total: 505 --> 605
New Moves: Recover, Work Up, Stored Power, Psychic
Flavor: Nidoqueen gains a pink sceptre that it clutches with one hand. It starts to smile devilishly, almost as if it is inviting you to heal up.
Set Description: Doesn't everyone hate leftovers? What about soft-boiled, recover, or slack off? This stall-smashing queen is here to obliterate all stall. With it's combination of recovery, and ability to set up with either attacking stat, this pokemon is a great deterrent. It is able to set up with work up, and also gains stat boosts with its ability as well. It's a cool alternative to Reuniclus, the alternate premier set up stored power abuser. While MQueen is not status immune and cannot boost its defense, it can run 2 attacking moves by utilizing work up, recover, ground stab, stored power. In addition, MQueen will get you some nice matchups with its ability to remove a leftovers holder from the field by utilizing its ability. As always, its great at setting up hazards. Hope you enjoy and hope its not too unbalanced.

:walrein: Mega Walrein

Swift swim

110, 110, 90, 145, 90, 85
Focus blast, Dark pulse, Freeze dry
Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Icy Tusks - All jaw based moves gain 1.5 times in power and gain the ice type. (1.3 if unbalanced)
Ice Fang - Ice-type
Rain Dance - Water-type

New stats:
HP: 110
Attack: 80 -> 125 (Swapped, +30)
Defense: 90 -> 150 (+60)
Special Attack: 95 -> 80 (Swapped)
Special Defense: 90 -> 100 (+10)
Speed: 65
(605 BST)
New moves: All "Jaw" moves (Except Fishous rend), Slack Off, Heal bell.
Description: Did I mention this thing got body press? I guess Gamefreak's giving defensive ice types a chance!
Confirming that 1.5x is fine with me!
:Walrein: Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Storm Drain
Type: Ice/Water

New stats:
HP: 110 -> 110
Attack: 80 -> 80
Defense: 90 -> 100 (+10)
Special Attack: 95 -> 145 (+50)
Special Defense: 90 -> 100 (+10)
Speed: 65 -> 95 (+30)
BST: 530 -> 630

New moves: Freeze Dry
Description: Switch in on a Water-type move such as Scald and get a free Special Attack boost enough to plow the opposing team. The presence of Mega Walrein also deters the opponent from spamming Scald and Flip Turn. Keep in mind that Walrein wants to Mega Evolve as soon as possible to activate its Storm Drain ability. Freeze-Dry gives Walrein coverage to hit bulky Water-types such as Toxapex and Mantine.
Mega Walrein
Ice / Water
Ability: Slush Rush
HP: 110​
Att: 140 (+70)​
Def: 90​
SpA: 95​
SpD: 90​
Spe: 95 (+30)​

With Walrein getting Swords Dance and a usable physical Ice move in Icicle Spear this gen, I thought it could make better use of those new tools with an Attack boost. It's lightning quick under Hail, but since Hail is booty buttcheeks bad, it's also usable outside of Hail.

Mega Walrein
Ability: Regenerator
HP: 110
Att: 130 (+60)
Def; 110 (+20)
SpA; 95
SpD; 110 (+20)
Speed; 75
New Moves: Flip Turn, Lash Out, Triple Axel, Freeze-Dry.

Flavour; Walrein's tusks and whiskers take on more icy/crystalline appearance. His stance becomes even more pronounced and upright, looking down his tusks, almost akin to Serperior's stance. The Regenerator flavouri is the ice acting as a shield, and gradually getting chipped, before growing back when it gives in water.

Competitive; Oh Lord, he thicc; 110/110/110 with Water Typing and Regenerator combined with a STAB Pivot Move, pretty much. Lash Out gives him the ability to defend against an Intimidate switch-in and some additional coverage with the hugely boosted attacks. Triple Axel is not necessarily needed, as Icicle Spear is there as well, but gives his Physical Ice STAB an additional 10-15BP. Flavourwise, Frosmoth/Cryogonal has it, so it being a kick is not something that's unique to having big legs, as Milotic gets it as well. Freeze-Dry in case a mixed set ever wants to handle a bulky water put out to hold it down.
Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Cold Unease
(So long as Mega Walrein is on the field, Cold Unease makes it so that the opposing Pkm it directly faces will have less Speed (one stage less, but it does not say that the Speed was reduced as the ability is intended to work like Unnerve; instead, you see something along the lines of "[Pokémon X] felt a cold unease, it will be slower than usual" ). Ice Pkm are unaffected by this effect. That means, an opposing Weavile can outspeed Jolly Mega Walrein.)
Type: Ice | Water

New stats:
HP: 110
Attack: 80 -> (+ 60: 140)
Defense: 90 -> (+ 15: 105)
Special Attack: 95
Special Defense: 90 -> (+ 15: 105)
Speed: 65 -> (+ 10: 75)
(BST: 530 -> + 100: 630)

New moves:
Slack Off, Icicle Crash

I made Mega Walrein a bulky physical attacker because of its access to Swords Dance and better movepool. While Cold Unease might be a bit OP, Mega Walrein can still be outsped by a lot of Scarf Pkm.
It's bulky enough to survive Stone Edge from Landorus-T after Stealth Rock.
Slack Off is just here for flavour since it can be somewhat lazy. As for its ability: with its teeth and cold breath, how can you not feel intimidated by it? That's why non Ice Pkm will be slower than usual when facing this mega evolution.
:walrein: Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Thick Skin (Contact moves deal 0,67x damage to this pokemon)
Type: Ice/Water

New stats: 110/120/130/115/90/65
HP: 110 (+0)
Attack: 80 --> 120 (+40)
Defense: 90 --> 130 (+40)
Special Attack: 95 --> 115 (+20)
Special Defense: 90 (+0)
Speed: 65 (+0)
(BST) 530 --> 630

New moves: Slack Off, Counter, Icicle Crash, Freeze-Dry, Flip Turn
Description: This Mega-Walrein takes physical contact moves like it's nothing. As long as the hit isn't super effective, it'll eat it. Of course, it can get taken down by strong special or super effective hits but the bulk is just insane. It now has access to Slack Off for recovery, Flip Turn to keep momentum, Counter to smash physical attackers in return and Icicle Crash and Freeze-Dry to help it out offensively. This Mega-Walrein has some obvious strengths in being able to take massive hits and hit back hard while also being able to pivot into a pokemon that can handle the situation better.
Mega Walrein
Ice/Water ---> Ice/Water
Ability: Thick Fat/Ice Body/Oblivious ---> Strong Jaw
HP: 110 ---> 110
Atk: 80 ---> 140 (+60)
Def: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
SpA: 95 ---> 95
SpD: 90 ---> 100 (+10)
Spe: 65 ---> 75 (+10)
Added Moves: Aqua Jet, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang

Description: The Pokedex would not stop talking about its tusks and blubber, and Walrein's base form already gets Thick Fat, so I decided to do something with those tusks. Walrein is now a strong, diverse wallbreaker, with access to Swords Dance and (now) Strong-Jaw boosted coverage.
Mega Walrein

Typing: Ice/Water

New Ability: Snow Warning

New Moves: Aurora Veil, Flip Turn

HP: 110 - - >110
Atk: 80 - - >80 (unchanged)
Def: 90 - - >110 (+20)
SpA: 95 - - >135 (+40)
SpD: 90 - - >110 (+20)
Spe: 65 - - >85 (+20)
BST: 530 - - >630 (+100)

Mega Walrein is a standard Hail setter, except for one thing that sets it apart from the other Snow Warning mons: it now gets Flip Turn to pivot out after setting Aurora Veil and/or Hail. It’s bulkier and faster, but still outsped by a lot of things. I think this could be a great addition to Hail teams, due to its typing and pivoting option.
Typing: Ice / Water
Ability: Ice Body / Oblivious / Thick Fat --> Icebound - This Pokemon cannot be statused, and is considered to be frozen. (Comatose clone with Freeze)

HP: 110
Attack: 80 --> 130 (+50)
Defense: 90 --> 105 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 95 --> 95
Sp. Def: 90 --> 135 (+45)
Speed: 65 --> 55 (-10)

New moves: Slack Off
Walrein past-time of pulverizing icebergs allows it to become basically one with ice. A true force of the cold, Walrein reigns supreme in the cold. Only raw power can subdue it.

M-Walrein is one of the best switch-ins to bulky Waters: it can't be burned thanks to Icebound, it has Slack Off to keep itself healthy during the game and use them as set-up fodders. Walrein has massive special bulk which might give it opportunities to use Curse or come with a more usual set with its stabs, Crunch or Earthquake and Slack Off. Remember that it can be statused but he is still weak to SR and Spikes. While forcing it out is not easy, it may prove rewarding.
Mega Walrein
New Ability
: Drizzle
Type: Water/Ice

New stats:
HP: 110 -> 110
Attack: 80 -> 90 (+10)
Defense: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Special Attack: 95 -> 130 (+35)
Special Defense: 90 -> 125 (+35)
Speed: 65 -> 50 (-15)
(BST) 530 -> 630

New moves: Glaciate, Flip Turn
Description: Simple. Use Drizzle, swap out with Flip Turn, and then run a rain team.
Mega Walrein
New Ability:
Air Pockets - Upon Mega evolving or entry, the opposing pokemon's type is changed to a pure flying type.
New Types: Ice/Water -> Ice/Water
HP: 110
Atk: 80 ---> 100 (+20)
Def: 90 ---> 110 (+20)
SpA: 95 ---> 135 (+40)
SpD: 90 --->110 (+20)
Spe: 65
Total: 530->630.
New Moves: Scald, Life Dew, Freeze-Dry
Flavor: Mega Walrein grows an obscene amount of layers of skin, becoming very flabby. It's hair also grows down to the floor and it wears a pair of goggles as well. Mega Walrein loves eating the dreams of children, as its size and shape make it perfectly resemble a freezing under-the-bed monster.
Description: I thought it would be really cool to make a mega revolving around actually mega evolving. When this pokemon switches in, it's ability does not do it much good, as the opponent can switch out before Walrein can get an attack off. However, upon the turn this thing mega evolves, something is gonna have to turn into a flying type. This can be helpful to allow Mega Walrein to tank hits, such as making a fighting type a flying type to live a drain punch. I gave it a few moves to capitalize on strong defenses, allowing it to take a more defensive role with scald and freeze-dry as stabs. It's still slow as molasses, and might benefit from some moveset buffs, but I think this walrus will tusk its way into a fun spot in the MFA meta. Enjoy!

:aurorus: Mega Aurorus

Rock, Ice
Ice scales
123, 87, 82, 159, 112, 58
+10, +10, +60, +20
ChoiceScarfed's submission has been excluded because there is no way we are allowing an Aurora Veil that's completely permanent if the user just leaves battle and doesn't faint. This submission was edited into their post a long time after they first made it, and I didn't know it was there; apologies for not saying anything sooner.
:Aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Icy Aura (Dark Aura clone, also neutered by Aura Break)
Type: Rock/Ice

New stats:
HP: 123 -> 123
Attack: 77 -> 77
Defense: 72 -> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 -> 139 (+40)
Special Defense: 92 -> 102 (+10)
Speed: 58 -> 78 (+20)
BST: 521 -> 621

New moves: None
Description: Thanks to Icy Aura, Mega Aurorus' Ice Beam now has 119 base power to make it much more competent for wallbreaking. Its Freeze Dry now has 93 base power and thanks to STAB, with full investment it has a 37% chance to OHKO The Pex! Its defenses give it enough bulk to set up either Calm Mind or Rock Polish despite its bad defensive typing.
252+ SpA Aurorus Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Toxapex: 258-306 (84.8 - 100.6%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Aurorus Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clefable: 244-288 (61.9 - 73%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Aurorus Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Ferrothorn: 196-232 (55.6 - 65.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Aurorus Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 228+ SpD Corviknight: 184-217 (46 - 54.2%) -- 46.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Primeval Aurora (If Hail is the current weather, set up Aurora Veil)
Type: Ice/Rock

New stats:
HP: 123
Attack: 77
Defense: 82 (+10)
Special Attack: 149 (+50)
Special Defense: 112 (+20)
Speed: 78 (+20)
(621 BST)

New moves: Recover
Description: (description is currently under construction, come back later)
Mega Aurorus
Rock / Ice
Ability: Dry Skin
HP: 123​
Att: 72​
Def: 72 112 (+40)​
SpA: 99 139 (+40)​
SpD: 92 112 (+20)​
Spe: 58​

Flavor: Sauropods are commonly depicted as wading through water, presumably because they're too damn heavy to support their own weight. I'm pretty sure that isn't actually true at all (just like how T-rex didn't stand upright) but the imagery persists nonetheless. That made me think of hippos and pigs, who wade not to support their weight, but to keep themselves cool from the sun (though since hippos can sweat, I don't think they're nearly as dependent on it as pigs).

Competitive: Mega Aurorus is designed to be a Water-killer. With STAB Freeze Dry and an immunity to Water, it can freely switch into most Water-types and threaten them out. Aurorus can then use that opportunity to set up a Calm Mind or Rock Polish and try to go for game, set up Stealth Rocks, or cripple a switch-in with Thunder Wave. And even if they decide to call your bluff and attack, Mega Aurorus can absorb the hit with its great natural bulk (provided it's not Fighting or Steel).
Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Mystic Light
(Its body stores polar light, which allows it to inverse its weaknesses and resistances. The ability can be affected by Mold breaker, however. If Mystic Light turns out to not be strong enough, there's always the possibility to make Mega Aurorus unaffected by Mold Breaker.)
Type: Rock | Ice

New stats:
HP: 123
Attack: 77
Defense: 72 -> (+ 30: 102)
Special Attack: 99 -> (+ 30: 129)
Special Defense: 92 -> (+ 30: 122)
Speed: 58 -> (+ 10: 68)
(BST: 521 -> + 100: 621)

New moves:
Defog, Recover

If I didn't forget anything, Mega Aurorus should have the following weaknesses and resistances:
- Weaknesses: Ice, Normal, Poison, Flying
- Resistance: Grass, Water, Fighting (4x), Rock, Ground, Steel (4x)

Since it's now resistant to Rock, it takes less damage from Stealth Rock. With Defog and Recover, you should now have an Ice Pkm that can be played defensively. If Defog is already covered, a Calm Mind set could be pretty devastating once all of its checks are gone due to its useful resistances and immense bulk. 68 base speed makes it a little bit faster than Corviknight, so that your moves aren't affected by Roost's side effect.
:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Compact Snowstorm (On switch-in, sets up a weather similar to hail but it last 6 turns and it supresses ice types' weaknesses (Like Delta Stream))
Type: Rock/Ice

New stats: 123/77/102/139/122/58
HP: 123 (+0)
Attack: 77 (+0)
Defense: 72 --> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 --> 139 (+40)
Special Defense: 92 --> 122(+30)
Speed: 58 (+0)
(BST) 521 --> 621

New moves: Power Gem, Volt Switch, Hydro Pump
Description: With its new ability, Mega-Aurorus becomes a new hope for hail teams. Compact Snowstorm lets ice types that are held back by their type become actually quite good and can even serve as walls. Not only that, Aurorus also uses this ability well thanks to its high defensive stats and its poor typing being helped greatly. It also has access to nice Bolt-Beam coverage notably having access to Volt Switch now to keep momentum. The amazing support it brings to hail teams while still being good on its own would make Mega-Aurorus a great addition to the format.
Mega Aurorus
Rock/Ice---> Dragon/Ice
Ability: Refrigerate/Snow Warning ---> Northern Lights | Aurora Veil can be activated when Hail is not active.
HP: 123 ---> 123
Atk: 77 ---> 87 (+10)
Def: 72 ---> 97 (+25)
SpA: 99 ---> 124 (+25)
SpD: 92 ---> 132 (+40)
Spe: 58 ---> 58
Added Moves: Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Moonlight

Description: Bulky veil setter. While Alolan-Ninetales, the best veil setter right now, is much faster and can hold Light Clay, Mega Aurorus has a better defensive typing, access to utility like recovery, Stealth Rock, and Thunder Wave, and does not need to set hail, meaning it won't accidentally chip down any of its teammates.
Mega Aurorus

New Typing: Ice/Dragon

New Ability: Dazzling

New Move: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Energy

HP: 123 - - >123
Atk: 77 - - >77 (unchanged)
Def: 72 - - >102 (+30)
SpA: 99 - - >124 (+25)
SpD: 92 - - >102 (+10)
Spe: 58 - - >93 (+35)
BST: 521 - - >621 (+100)

Ever worried about those priority moves? Now you don’t need to be, and now you can’t be outsped by anything slower than your new speed stat! This is supposed to be like what Aurorus would have been before fossilization caused it to be revived as a Rock-Type. Maybe it would have been a dragon? I really don’t know, but I think this is a neat sub. Dragon Energy with Aurora Veil could be interesting, and I tried to buff its Defenses to that it would be able to take a few hits, helping Dragon Energy.
Typing: Rock / Ice
Ability: Snow Warning --> Slush Rush

HP: 123
Attack: 77 --> 82 (+5)
Defense: 72 --> 82 (+10)
Sp. Atk: 99 --> 159 (+60)
Sp. Def: 92 --> 92 (0)
Speed: 58 --> 83 (+25)

New move: Power Gem
The crystals around Aurorus have grown bigger, enabling Mega-Aurorus to reach unheard speeds for such a bulky Pokemon during hailstorm. While they no longer provide as an effective protection as before, they absorb the heat around Aurorus, surrounding it with a very cold mist.

As M-Evo don't change primary typing (except Aggron), I wanted to work with Rock / Ice. M-Aurorus is basically a cleaner. It can set-up its own hail then M-Evolve to reach 530 Speed while Modest (enough to outspeed Lati@s Scarf) and throw Blizzards around. M-Aurorus also has Freeze-Dry against bulky Water, gets a decent special Rock STAB in Power Gem and even has Earth Power. You can also try Aurora Veil to weaken priority because it sure as hell is weak against Mach Punch / Bullet Punch.
:sm/aurorus: Mega Aurorus

Refrigerate/Snow Warning -> Protean

HP: 123
Atk: 77 -> 102 (+25)
Def: 72 -> 102 (+30)
SpA: 99 -> 114 (+15)
SpD: 92 -> 107 (+15)
Spe: 58 -> 73 (+15)
BST: 521 -> 621 (+100)

New Moves: Ice Shard

Flavour: Northern Lights come down across Aurorus' head and neck, being many different colours (this is why it has Protean).

Competitive: Mega Aurorus is superbly hard to wall, possessing BoltBeam with Earth Power coverage, resisted by only a couple pokemon. Its few consistent check being Blissey, although it usually won't be carrying Flash Cannon so Clefable and Kyurem can usually switch in on it. It does struggle to switch in itself though, its defensive typing being terrible, and its low-ish Speed meaning that it struggles to change its type before being attacked. Ice Shard can work as a decent priority option if you decide you need neither Flash Cannon or HP Fire.
Mega Aurorus
New Ability: Ice Age (Ice Moves have 1.5x Power)
Type: Ice/Rock

New stats:
HP: 123 -> 123
Attack: 77 -> 79 (+2)
Defense: 72 -> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 -> 137 (+38)
Special Defense: 92 -> 122 (+30)
Speed: 58 -> 58
(BST) 521 -> 621

New moves: none
Description: Simply spam Ice/Rock Special STAB, with Coverage or Calm MInd, and you have yourself a bulky Sp. Attacker.
:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability
: Slush Rush
Type: Ice/Rock -> Ice/Fairy

New stats
HP: 123
Attack: 77 -> 80 (+3)
Defense: 72 -> 100 (+29)
Special Attack: 99 -> 140 (+41)
Special Defense: 92 -> 102 (+20)
Speed: 58-> 65 (+7)
(BST) 521 -> 621

New moves
: Moonblast, Recover
Description: Auroru's body is now white like its shiny form. Its body is bigger but also slimmer. Its tail now also has a sail, and Aurorus unfolds it when attacking. The sails in its head are even bigger now and they glow in all the colors of the rainbow. The crystal is its forehead glows when it attacks as well.
Aurorus @ Aurorusite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Blizzard
- Recover
- Aurora Veil

Aurorus @ Aurorusite
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Calm Mind
- Recover
:aurorus: Mega Aurorus
New Ability: Refrigerate/Snow Warning -> Diamond Dust
(During hail, Mega Aurorus is immune to Rock-type moves, including damage from Stealth Rock.)
Type: Electric/Ice

New Stats:
HP: 123
Attack: 77
Defense: 72 -> 102 (+30)
Special Attack: 99 -> 131 (+32)
Special Defense: 92 -> 122 (+30)
Speed: 58 -> 66 (+8)
(621 BST)

New moves: Rapid Spin, Volt Switch
Aurorus has a lot of Electric flavor in canon already, owing to its aurora inspiration (auroras are based on disturbances in the magnetosphere, which is the part of space that's affected dominantly by Earth's magnetic pull), which also means having a ton of Electric-type and magnet-themed moves. With that in mind, I thought right away that it would be fitting to make it an Electric/Ice-type, and I settled on this as the most unique way to use that to its advantage!

Looking at its movepool and its existing stats, I decided pretty much immediately that I wanted it be a supportive tank, using its excellent dual STABs to free up its other two moveslots for support.
From there, I realized that it would suffer a ton from its Stealth Rock weakness if I didn't do anything about it - my own favorite supportive tank is Araquanid, and it pretty much always runs Boots for the same reason. That meant I needed its Ability to be something that could patch that up... uh, without going full Magic Guard or Regenerator, that is.
I went with this idea in particular because I thought the Rock immunity would be useful to hail teams (seriously, they need they need it so badly), and the hail requirement stays true to Aurorus's roots - but it also all but requires the use of another hail setter if you want to make use of its Ability, because it's an Ability that helps the most in the long term rather than in the short burst its own Snow Warning will get you. (I'm not really a fan of Abilities like Slush Rush on a Mega for a hail setter; I feel like those are generally either too strong without support for their first few turns in battle or too weak to be worth the team support they require after those turns are up.)

Once I suggested this Ability, inkbug pointed out that the hazard immunity would make it an excellent remover and pivot for hail teams, which is how the two new move additions came up! With that in mind, Rapid Spin is probably what helps hail teams the most (their only good spinner is Avalugg apparently... it's so sad), but other teams that run Aurorus will probably not be using it for hazard control anyway since it won't be protected by Diamond Dust, so it's worth bringing up that it also has plenty of cool utility options in Thunder Wave, the ability to set Stealth Rocks of its own, Aurora Veil (which it can use by itself at least once, even outside of hail teams) and Haze, plus Calm Mind if it just wants to be an incredibly bulky breaker.
With these many options in mind, I also tried to set up its stats to leave room for different options for EVs! You could invest in bulk, and its defenses are definitely good enough to make that worthwhile; that said, its bulk is good enough that it can thrive as a spinner even without significant investment, leaving room to invest in Speed and potentially creep Pokémon as high as base 122 (!) after getting the +1 from Rapid Spin. This can potentially put it into a fantastic position to punish switch-ins, pivot out safely after clearing hazards, or even clean lategame with Calm Mind.

On the whole, I think the best part of this Mega Aurorus is its versatility - its wide array of support options, the freedom offered by its stats and the compression offered by its STABs makes it a unique choice with plenty to offer to any team, while its Ability makes it especially favor hail teams, allowing it to play an extremely valuable role for a team style that badly needs the help.
(please yell at me if I messed anything up or missed anything!)
EDIT: updated zxgzxg's Nidoqueen after they corrected its stats! C:
EDIT 2: OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO SORRY kakaks!!! I missed their submission post completely! I just added both of their subs ;-;
EDIT 3: updated Full_Korbe's Walrein after they corrected its stats! C:

As usual, voting will last for 48 hours! That should give you plenty of time to decide on a vote, and you can also get started on planning for the next slate!
Based on the results of the latest poll, slate 18 will be a continuation of the previous one in a sense, with :nidoking: Mega Nidoking, :tyrantrum: Mega Tyrantrum and :trevenant: Mega Trevenant as counterparts to our existing Nidoqueen, Aurorus and Gourgeist!

To keep the thread organized, I ask that you refrain from posting your submissions here until the submission phase begins, but remember that the Discord is always a fantastic place to discuss ideas and get feedback on your submissions even before the slate opens!

Lastly, signups for the Mega Spooky Cup tournament are open until tomorrow - you have about 22 hours left to enter!
Remember that you can find the details of the tour and the list of legal Pokémon here. There's also a spreadsheet dedicated to the Mega Spooky Cup that might be useful when teambuilding for the tournament!
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:nidoqueen: We do what Nidoking doesn't (bad pun): MegaFlareon, Mine, Mossy Sandwich
:aurorus: Aurorapod: Hematite, Hematite, Hematite (realistically for me it'd be Hematite, MegaFlareon, Mine)
:walrein: (i ran out of ideas here): MegaFlareon, DrPumpkinz, Full_Korbe
1) means primary priority.

Mega Nidoqueen:
1) Mega Flareon
2) Full_Korbe
3) Mossy Sandwich

Mega Walrein:
1) Mossy Sandwich
2) kakaks
3) Full_Korbe

Mega Aurorus:
1) Mossy Sandwich
2) Hematite
3) BlueRay
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:nidoqueen: Nidoqueen: BlueRay, Hematemasis, War Incarnate
:walrein: Walrein: BotwNerd745, DrPumpkinz, Full_Korbe
:aurorus: Aurorus: Mossy Sandwich, Hematite, kakaks
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Hi! It was just pointed out that I accidentally skipped over kakaks's submission post - I'm so sorry!! ;-;
I've just added them to the compilation now - they're the first Walrein and the first Aurorus on the list! Tagging War Incarnate, BlueRay and inkbug who've already voted in case they need to change theirs to account for that!
also pfff-- thanks, War Incarnate :'D
:Nidoqueen: Mega Nidoqueen: Full_Korbe, MegaFlareon, War Incarnate
:Walrein: Mega Walrein: kakaks, MegaFlareon, ChoiceScarfed
:Aurorus: Mega Aurorus: DrPumpkinz, Hematite, Mossy Sandwich