RU Mienshao [RU]


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Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

This whiskered bipedal weasel packs a punch and lets the RU metagame know it! Normally, it can be seen sporting a nifty little Choice Scarf to ensure other Choice Scarf users like Zarude don't run amuck, but this wallbreaking set is just too good to ignore. For starters, Regenerator gives it no reason to worry about the Life Orb recoil it will be constantly taking, not to mention the potential Rocky Helmet chip from foes like Galarian Weezing. This set covers everything, save for Fairy-types like Togekiss, which Stone Edge can 2HKO, in addition to OHKOing Talonflame. Close Combat can 2HKO the common bulky Water-types known as Milotic and Seismitoad even after Leftovers recovery. Knock Off picks off pesky Ghost-types like Chandelure and Mimikyu while being another move to ensure threats like Noivern and Togekiss can't switch in for free. Fairy-types like Galarian Weezing and Sylveon are issues for Mienshao, but, due to U-turn, it can bring in a partner like Necrozma or Metagross to wear them down.
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Another nice thing about this wallbreaking set is that, unlike Guts Heracross, Mienshao can pivot out if needed via U-turn to provide its team with momentum. Since Fairy-types like Galarian Weezing and Sylveon are issues for Mienshao, a partner like Necrozma and Metagross can wear them down. Even a teammate like Togekiss that appreciate Steel-types being gone works too.
Don't like this sentence at all, Heracross doesnt have a true counter so it doesnt really need to get momentum, at worst everything is getting 2hko'd.
Mienshao on the other hand has a few checks like the fairy types you mentioned. Change this part and talk about how those fairies arent as safe cause of u-turn, as mienshao can just get one of their teammates in and abuse them. Would rather cut the part about Togekiss at the end too. Also mention Talonflame as a Stone Edge target, since getting burned by flame body is rather annoying.
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Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Stone Edge

This whiskered bipedal weasel packs a punch and lets the RU metagame know it! Normally, this thing could it can be seen sporting a nifty little Choice Scarf to ensure other Choice Scarf users like Zarude don't run amuck, but this wallbreaking set is just too good to ignore. For starters, Regenerator gives it no reason to worry about the Life Orb recoil it will be constantly taking, (semicolon -> comma) not to mention the potential Rocky Helmet chip from foes like Galarian Weezing. This set covers everything, save for Fairy-types like Togekiss, which Stone Edge can 2HKO, and Talonflame, which gets OHKOed in addition to OHKOing Talonflame. Close Combat can 2HKO the infamous bulky Water-types known as Milotic and Seismitoad even after Leftovers recovery. Knock Off picks off pesky Ghost-types like Chandelure and Mimikyu (RC) while ensuring being another move to ensure (because stone edge be a thing. you can also just restructure this area more broadly, whatever works) threats like Noivern and Togekiss can't switch in for free. Fairy-types like Galarian Weezing and Sylveon are issues for Mienshao, but, (AC) due to U-turn, it can bring in a partner like Necrozma or Metagross to wear them down.
"Close Combat can 2HKO the infamous bulky Water-types known as Milotic and Seismitoad even after Leftovers recovery."

Heya, just checking in but does it's right usage of "infamous" here? Because I was GPing french translation and then I remembered this:
GP standards said:
  • "Infamous" means "nefarious", "known for a negative reason"; it should not be used as a substitute for "well-known", "dominant", and the like.
I believe that's relevant for translations. Have a nice day :toast: