Ban Misdreavus In summary, it is just to strong for the tier it can run a lot of different sets to let it get past checks, forcing you to run multiple on one team. Dazzling Gleam sets wreck Fighting-types but if it decides to opt for HP Fight, Substitute or Will-o-Wisp than Pawnaird is in trouble. If it is trick scarf or in some cases sub hp fight Nasty Plot it can cripple or get past Porygon. It always has Memento or Destiny Bond to be able to leave the field in style. While it can't run all these moves at the same time, they have to be taken into consideration when teambuilding.
While Misdreavus is not the only Pokemon that has a variety of good sets it can use, it is still outclasses the rest of them with superior BST, having that great 19 speed, 18 attack which can be abused with Nasty Plot easiliy, and good bulk too and on top of this, I still think the amount of roles it can play (Nasty Plot Sweeper, Nasty Plot sweeper with different coverage, trickscarf, trickspecs, defensive) are more than any other Pokemon in LC.
and Ban Fletchling my opinion on Fletchling has been a bit shaky towards the end of the suspect test, but I am still leaning towards a ban, although I do think it is less broken than Missy. I think having a 110 BP stab move with good offensive typing, and Gale Wings, help cover its subpar stats. Fletchling is an excellent sweeper, and an excellent revenge killer all rolled into one. With priority Acrobatics, Fletchling can often come on the field to revenge kill or force out a sweeper. The cost of getting forced out could be bad since Fletchling could use U-turn but anyway it can threaten with these revenge kills and still be used late game as a sweeper. Stealth Rock is literally the only thing that could really threaten Fletchling from getting revenge kills throughout the game. People think it is difficult to bring Fletchling in a battle, but in order to revenge kill something, usually a sweeper KO's something so you get to bring something in for free hence the name 'revenge killer' also a lot of pivots synergise well with Fletchling and can bring it in safely. Mienfoo, lures in Cottonee, Foongus, opposing Mienfoo, etc that Fletchling can threaten.
also while Fletchling doesn't have easy ways to get past checks like Missy, it can fit on many team archetypes that help it and even then, Fletchlings overheat shouldn't be underestimated and is run on about 30% of fletchlings iirc.
Fletchdig teams can easily lure in Fletch checks, U-turn on them and trap them with Diglett. It removes Magnemite, Chinchou, Ponyta. Archen and Defensive Tirtouga are the main ones that are free from this strategy.
Volt turn teams can constantly keep momentum while wearing down Fletchling checks. Mienfoo can beat Magnemite and to an extent Tirtouga and gets U-turn, Chinchou can beat Magnemite, tirtouga, in some cases, other Chinchou and if scarfed it can outspeed Archen and gets Volt Switch. Larvesta has U-turn and can lure in similar checks like Archen and Tirtouga and get some damage on them, while it can also beat Magnemite.
Then there are birdspam teams which can lure in Fletchchecks with Tailow, doduo, vullaby and either Knock Off, their items, weaken them with strong Brave Birds or in Tailows case, have Steel Wing to deal with Archen, or Boomburst to threaten Chinchou.