M&M Mix and Mega Old Gens Hub

Banner graciously provided by Jackii

Important Mechanical Changes:
  • Red Orb and Blue Orb can be used as Mega Stones and grant Pokemon with the relevant boosts.
  • Aggronite now grants a secondary Steel-typing, rather than removing secondary typing.
  • Pokemon who are banned from Mega Evolving may still Mega Evolve with a native Mega Stone (Mewtwo-Mega-Y, etc)
  • Pokemon can evolve using their native Mega Stones even if the Mega Stone is banned, unless otherwise stated.
  • Full Pokedex and move list are usable. This includes moves like Core Enforcer, Pursuit, Return/Frustration, and many others.
  • Z-Crystals can be used.
  • Rapid Spin is 20 BP and does not increase Speed.
  • Grassy, Electric, and Psychic Terrain boost is 1.5x instead of 1.3x.
  • Defog no longer removes Terrains.
  • Inner Focus, Oblivious, Scrappy, Rattled, and Own Tempo no longer have immunity to Intimidate
  • Disguise does no damage to Mimikyu after activation.
How To Play:
You can play USUM Mix and Mega on its ladder on Pokemon Showdown, or challenge people to matches in its format.

Ubers Clauses
Stone / Orb Clause - Teams are limited to one of each Mega Stone / Primal Orb
Overflow Stat Mod - caps stats if it would otherwise pass 654.

Banned Abilities
Shadow Tag

Banned Mega Stones
:beedrillite: Beedrillite, :blazikenite: Blazikenite, :gengarite: Gengarite, :kangaskhanite: Kangaskhanite, :mawilite: Mawilite,:medichamite: Medichamite, :pidgeotite: Pidgeotite

Banned Moves
Baton Pass, Electrify

Pokémon that can't Mega Evolve
Arceus, Shuckle, Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Normal, Deoxys-Speed, Dialga, Dragonite, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Landorus-Therian, Lugia, Lunala, Marshadow, Mewtwo, Naganadel, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Palkia, Pheromosa, Rayquaza, Regigigas, Reshiram, Slaking, Solgaleo, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zekrom, Zygarde with Power Construct.
Pokémon on this list are still permitted to hold native Mega Stones/Primal Orbs.

Important Links
Gen 7 Mix and Mega Thread
Gen 7 Mix and Mega Resources
Gen 7 Mix and Mega Viability Rankings

Sample Teams:
-Zygarde + Entei Bulky Offense by astralydia

-Tapu Koko Bulky Offense by xavgb

-Mamoswine Offense by xavgb and Catalystic

-Blissey Balance by In The Hills

-Palossand Stall by Pigeons
Last edited:
ORAS Mix and Mega

Important Mechanical Changes:
  • Burn deals 12.5% per turn, not 6.25%.
  • Prankster affects Dark-types.
  • Dark Void's accuracy is 80%, and it is not restricted to Darkrai.
  • -ate abilities grant a 1.3x power boost, not 1.2x.
  • Base critical hit rate is 1/16 instead of 1/24.
  • Mega Evolution does not increase the Pokemon's Speed on the turn of Mega Evolving.
  • Destiny Bond does not fail with multiple uses.

How To Play:
ORAS Mix and Mega is not currently playable on the main server, though you can challenge others to it on http://rom.psim.us/

Ubers Clauses, Overflow Stat Mod - caps stats if it would otherwise pass 654.

Banned Abilities
Shadow Tag

Banned Mega Stones
:beedrillite: Beedrillite, :gengarite: Gengarite, :kangaskhanite: Kangaskhanite, :mawilite: Mawilite,:medichamite: Medichamite

Banned Moves
Baton Pass, Electrify

Pokémon that can't Mega Evolve
Arceus, Cresselia, Darkrai, Deoxys-Attack, Deoxys-Normal, Deoxys-Speed, Dialga, Dragonite, Genesect, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Lucario, Lugia, Manaphy, Mewtwo, Palkia, Rayquaza, Regigigas, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Slaking, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zekrom
Pokémon on this list are still permitted to hold native Mega Stones/Primal Orbs.

Important Links
Gen 6 Mix and Mega Thread
Gen 6 Mix and Mega Viability Rankings
Gen 6 Mix and Mega Sample Teams

in the hills

spreading confusion
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Thread looks great! Thanks again for running this project!

I thought I'd spark up some discussion given OM Classic II's announcement (check it out if you haven't already) with a few thoughts on both of these generations just to get some thoughts on stuff I've seen talked about over the past few years.

Gen 7
  • :zygarde: - I think the metagame we have had reached by the end of Generation 7 was nearly solved, but there is one thing I've seen that's been a bit worrisome almost the entire generation: Zygarde. Zygarde was pretty much the face of the Mix and Mega mechanic throughout the entire generation, and many argued it should have been banned. I think that if there is any point in the meta that I'd most agree with that statement, it would be the final version of the metagame that was played in the last tour of gen 7 and last year's OM Classic. Altarianite Zygarde is very difficult for teams to check, especially it's bulkier sets, as Return is able to threaten most checks while it can avoid a 2HKO from Slowbro and Arceus formes. On top of that, Lucarionite Zygarde is an ever-present threat that teams also need to be wary of, though I wouldn't say it is broken in its own right. Stacking -atespeed in this meta is perfectly viable and genuinely difficult for teams to check, and I'd point to Zygarde being unhealthy in that sense personally. Obviously, this is a huge discussion topic to bring up with a metagame that is no longer played, but I do wonder what people think of Zygarde's place in the metagame.

Gen 6
  • :Cresselia: - Does anyone actually think this is broken lol ?? like idek what to say it's not that good... unban this thing pls
  • :Blazikenite: - Blazikenite is a really interesting topic of Generation 6 MnM, as it was unbanned at the tail end of the generation and got almost no discussion on it in the thread before the gen ended. Unless you're Highlord, this unban is very confusing to most, myself included, and I do think that it's worth discussing re-banning this Mega Stone. It's an insanely strong offensive stone and Pokemon like Excadrill, Landorus-T, Rhyperior, and others can utilize it to scary extents, though in a generation where -atespeed is stronger than ever, is Blazikenite broken?
I'm very excited for Gen 7 MnM's Cup in OM Classic, and I hope that you all are as well! I think it'll be a great opportunity for us to share ideas in this thread and help progress the meta some more!

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