[Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

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Requested Pokémon: Charmander
In Game Name: Butters
Deposited Pokémon: Male Lv:34 Cubchoo
Your Message: PsIana

Thank you in advanced friend, giving this away in a Tournament!

Somebody else traded me! :|
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IGN: Doobzi
Deposited: Zubat - lvl 18 - female
Requesting: Cottonee
Msg: Pslana

How the hell are you such a fast breeder?

I have lots of spitbacks to use, which I got in other giveaways or so. That makes breeding much faster as you don't have to start at zero.
And some of those Mons were already laying in my boxes as eggs and I just found someone who hatched them Shiny right now (That's what happened with Cottonee for example) :)

I found:

Mr-Soybean Exeggcute
JOBO Dratini
BlackoutSLM Cottonee
TenaciousT Klefki
Doobzi Cottonee
Pojoblade Dratini

Please Strike-Through Received (or sniped) Requests ! :)
Requested Pokémon: Vulpix
In Game Name: Emanuele
Deposited Pokémon: Zubat male lvl 1
Your Message: PsIana
Thank you
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Deposited: Whismur - female - lvl 8

Thank you :)
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Requested Pokémon: Charmander
In Game Name: Butters
Deposited Pokémon: Female Lv:1 Igglypuff
Your Message: PsIana

Thank you in advanced friend, giving this away in a Tournament!
Requested Pokémon: Dratini
In Game Name: Joker
Deposited Pokémon: Dustox (Lv 12, Female)
Your Message: PsIana

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Deposited: Whismur - female - lvl 9

Is it ok if I take another chimchar? Want to try different Ev spreads on it and don't want to have to re-train the same one!
Also I have a bit of an awkard request, I don't seem to have a lum berry so it would be great if you could attach one to the chimchar please. Thank you!
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Requested Pokémon: Cottonee
In Game Name: Spettra
Deposited Pokémon: whismur male lv 9
Your Message: psiana

Thank You
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Deposited: Whismur - female - lvl 9

Is it ok if I take another chimchar? Want to try different Ev spreads on it and don't want to have to re-train the same one!
Also I have a bit of an awkard request, I don't seem to have a lum berry so it would be great if you could attach one to the chimchar please. Thank you!

Take as many as you want.
Request a Weedle or a Dratini and you will get a Lum Berry ;)
Not joking... I don't have a spare one too, just the ones attached to the Giveaway-Mons.

Requested Pokémon: Charmander
In Game Name: Butters
Deposited Pokémon: Female Lv:1 Igglypuff
Your Message: PsIana

Thank you in advanced friend, giving this away in a Tournament!
Sniped again.. try depositing something relatively safe, like Whismur, Wingull, Zubat :)

I found:

spettra Cottonee
Doobzi Chimchar
Joker977 Dratini

Please Strike-Through Received (and Sniped) Requests ! :)
In that case :)

Deposited: Whismur - male - lvl 7
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Requested Pokémon: Cottonee
In Game Name: Emanuele
Deposited Pokémon: Zubat male lvl 1
Your Message: PsIana
Thank you
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Requested Pokémon: vulpix
In Game Name: Spettra
Deposited Pokémon: whismur female lv 10
Your Message: psiana

Thank You
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Requested Pokémon: Kecleon
In Game Name: Threw
Deposited Pokémon: Wooper male Lv. 1
Your Message: psIana

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Requested Pokémon: Cottonee
In Game Name: Sato
Deposited Pokémon: Pichu Male Lvl 1
Your Message: PsIana

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Requested Pokémon: Seel
In Game Name: Joker
Deposited Pokémon: Drilbur (Lv 22, Female)
Your Message: Pslana


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Requested Pokemon: Klefki (Master Key)
In Game Name: Ace
Deposited Pokemon: Litwick Level 21 Male
Message: Psiana

Thank you in advance!
Wanted: Aerodactyl
IGN: si.tole
Deposited: Lv.11 Female Mime Jr.
Message : Pslana

Thanks in advance!
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