Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer Discussion

Or because they can't mod the game to make it better or make be interesting for longer. I think it's a pretty legitimate complaint and a perfectly good reason not to want the game, if PC shooters are your thing.

(I only play TF2, so it's not really mine)
Eye, no one said that.

I think its overpriced, but that's not my beef with it. The actual beef is that its a lazy port of the console version. PC gamers expect some sort of higher quality, usually in options and the like.

If you want to get into overpriced though (PC), TF2, Mass Effect, Shattered Horizon, and Bioshock is $20, L4D2 and BorderLands is $50 (with no FoV switch but it IS changeable). Quake Live is free (<3).

As a console game it may be decent, but there are better options if you're going PC.
So the only reason PC users are upset is because they have to pay the same price as everyone else for the same game?
That should really be for a different thread (like the Modern Warfare 2 thread) as I think people want this one to concentrate on multiplayer strategies, but since it is related to multiplayer, I'll quicky explain.

PC Games have had certain standards since over a decade ago. Dedicated servers were one of them. This is a server that's always running, often paid for and run by the community. You can usually find a good server and always go back if you like the community. Good servers kick hackers and douchebags keeping the play environment clean and fun. Some run mods that customize the game in a way that the community finds fun.

Another thing is that dedicated servers allow clans to practice consistently on a server which they can invite others to with a simple IP address (like a URL). Dedicated servers also ensure fair play as the host of the game does not gain an advantage and there's no issues if the host drops from the game.

For Modern Warfare 2, Infinity Ward decided not to do that and port the console version's system (random matchmaking) instead. People were not happy with this. IW keeps saying it's because their system is better, but the real reason is control. With this system, user mods are not possible as you have to be using the same standard that they dictate. You must have their DLC to play on specific playlists (think Halo). You must pay them to keep up. Kind of a shitty move on an open platform.

It's also obvious no work was done on the port when the error message on PC specifically says your version of "Xbox Live" is not up to date.

This is all on top of the $10 extra they're charging even though the PC has no licensing fees like the consoles do.

Like mentioned, there are plenty of better games out there for people to play instead and I'm sure people will opt to take that route. Left 4 Dead 2 in 7 hours should keep people busy!

But again, let's not shit up this thread for people enjoying the game by getting carried away with this discussion. If anyone would like to talk about it more, please do so in this thread:
Well I'm level ~32 with 1.52 kdr and rising; Mercenary Team Deathmatch is ridiculously easy sometimes, although I still play Team Deathmatch with some friends.

I've only really been using the SCAR-H with silencer, and have not really bothered to try many other guns due to how successful I've been with it. However, I'm considering trying the TAR-21 and FAMAS more
just got level 50, after 24 hours of gameplay. (thought that was bad, and then saw people on my friends on 2 days!) also got p90 mastery lol. gonna get fall before prestige, faw shaw.
The Thermal scope is probably the best invention since the steam engine
Its just so amazing, and it finally makes smoke better for something else then just running from point a to point b without being seen. And of course if you're the one who is trying to stop joe shmoe from going from point a to point b without being seen, it is very helpful.
I haven't had much luck with the thermal scope, I guess because almost everyone uses cold-blooded in hardcore (couldn't play without it now, it's so sick)

The AUG HBAR is a really cool cross between an assult rifle and an lmg, and I'm really digging it. Can't wait to get the ACOG on it.

Ninja is a super sick perk aswell, and pro really helps against the guys who use headphones to hear your footsteps.

I was super against akimbo and honestly thought it would be really bad, but once I unlocked it for the USP .45, I've kinda changed my mind. It's super sick, and if you imagine a point inbetween the two guns, it's really easy to aim. I unlocked extended mags for it though, so FMJ/extended mags USP is my new favorite sidearm.
I've been using the following class in pretty much every game mode and map with pretty good success.

Scar - H @ Silencer + Holographic
USP .45
Semtex (preference)
-Stopping Power
-Steady Aim
The scar is made of sexy.
Atm for my assault class, i'm running
Scar @ Holographic
Spas Sidearm
-Scavenger (For a gun with the low amount of ammo like the scar, scavenger is godly, requiring you to only run out of ammo Very rarely, and only if you're playing particularly poorly)
-Stopping Power pro

Works wonders imo.
Ha. All of you and your newfangled firearms. Scoff. This is how real men play.

.44 Magnum w/ Tactical Knife
Tactical Insertion / Smoke Grenade

Marathon Pro
Commando Pro

Stab fellows and kick ass. I have surprisingly almost never gone negative with this, I even went 30-11 earlier today. Just ambush people and stab the crap out of 'em. I feel like a real ninja as I run over the rooftops in Favela and drop down from above and shove a knife in them. When things get hairy? Magnum in the face. I have never had so much fun in Call of Duty in my life. :D
I'm level 65 now and I've been trying pretty much everything except for the LMGs. My favourite AR other than the cheap FAMAS/M16 crap is the ACR, but I also like the SCAR a lot. Mini Uzi went from the worst gun in cod4 to one of the best SMGs in MW2 imo. The javelin is probably the most awesome weapon ever in an FPS. Snipers are all pretty good but I don't like the M21. I was looking forward to the desert eagle but it's garbage now.

Also, knife classes are hilarious. I was playing with a guy yesterday who just raped everyone with his knife. I tried it out for a game, but I'm still working my way up to tactical knife. The riot shield is also a blast to play with, even in TDM.
Thanks for the shoutout their Natking ;)

Yes, I've played this game online for about 2 days and 16 hours, had a pretty rough time when I first started playing as I tried to stick to what I loved in CoD 4 and MP5 it all the way. It wasn't till I changed it up before I really got going. Managed to salvage my KD. spread a bit to 1.14 from a horrible .76.

I've prestiged for the first time, and currently on a 20 Second time round. I managed to Pro all the Perks apart from Sit Rep.

Only real problems I have with this game is the Matchmaking system which keeps on booting people from party, I have alot of friends that I tend to play with quite alote (generally 5-8) and it's redicilous trying to get us all in the same game together, wouldn't be as much of a problem if Party Chat was active but IW seen to it that was stopped in order to prevent cheating....

Other problem I have is the range of the Shotgun, Some of the Game Winning kills and kills on myself the range has been ridiculous to say the least.
I hate joining games where the other team is about to win and they have like 16 helicopters.

My K/D is still hovering between 2.4 and 2.6, just depends on the night.
Thanks for the shoutout their Natking ;)

Yes, I've played this game online for about 2 days and 16 hours, had a pretty rough time when I first started playing as I tried to stick to what I loved in CoD 4 and MP5 it all the way. It wasn't till I changed it up before I really got going. Managed to salvage my KD. spread a bit to 1.14 from a horrible .76.

I've prestiged for the first time, and currently on a 20 Second time round. I managed to Pro all the Perks apart from Sit Rep.

Only real problems I have with this game is the Matchmaking system which keeps on booting people from party, I have alot of friends that I tend to play with quite alote (generally 5-8) and it's redicilous trying to get us all in the same game together, wouldn't be as much of a problem if Party Chat was active but IW seen to it that was stopped in order to prevent cheating....

Other problem I have is the range of the Shotgun, Some of the Game Winning kills and kills on myself the range has been ridiculous to say the least.

No problem. ;) I actually have someone with more playtime than you on my friends list though!

I have to agree with the suckiness of the party system, and while I don't mind game chat due to it's hilariousness (e.g. having an argument with a guy who's 19th in the world on the score leaderboards about how his girlfriend is clearly non-existant), more options for party chat than just Ground War (which lags like shit) would be nice.

Also, Rekt, do you just generally rape at all FPS's?

EconBiscuit said:
I hate joining a game where it ends and you lose....

I love joining a game to hear everyone screaming about the game winning kill
The game is amazing. I'm currently 1st Prestige Lv.34 on PS3. Third person team deathmatch is quite fun to play, more people should try it.
Shooting shit down is one of the most rewarding feelings of all time, if anyone brings in any sort of killstreak, UAV, Airdrop, chopper, hariers, I'll shoot that shit down. And scavenger is awesome, it get's you all your missles and semtex back.
Shooting shit down is one of the most rewarding feelings of all time, if anyone brings in any sort of killstreak, UAV, Airdrop, chopper, hariers, I'll shoot that shit down. And scavenger is awesome, it get's you all your missles and semtex back.

Agreed with the shooting shit down bit, Cold-Blooded is the sweetest perk ever in the sense that I don't have to worry about choppers and shit and can just shoot it down. Also just running up to sentries and kniving them is boss.

Also, my main use for Scavenger:

(any assault rifle) w/ Grenade Launcher
Thumper x2
Semtex / Stun x2

Scavenger Pro
Danger Close
(any third perk)

kicks ass when I get annoyed ;)
Looks like I won't be playing you then Melon, seeing how I'll be pissing all over you and there is nothing more annoying than a noob tuber.

However, I completely forgot about missile's getting refilled with Scavenger... looks like I might actually be able to shit shit down and not have to wait for the Stinger Missile's...

Also found out that in total i've played MW2 for about 100hours since I managed to get it... Oh well still in the top 50k for Score on Xbox :)
Agreed with the shooting shit down bit, Cold-Blooded is the sweetest perk ever in the sense that I don't have to worry about choppers and shit and can just shoot it down. Also just running up to sentries and kniving them is boss.

Also, my main use for Scavenger:

(any assault rifle) w/ Grenade Launcher
Thumper x2
Semtex / Stun x2

Scavenger Pro
Danger Close
(any third perk)

kicks ass when I get annoyed ;)
I'm having no luck with the thumper, I just get destroyed every time I try to use it, besides I'd rather use akimbo glocks if I'm going to be using novelties.
I hate joining games where the other team is about to win and they have like 16 helicopters.

My K/D is still hovering between 2.4 and 2.6, just depends on the night.

That K/D is pretty insane lol. Especially if you just play normally.

Currently Lv. 69, got M16 and M4 mastery, and got Fall camo on my M16. Its a shame it looks like vomit though :(.

I really love thermal snipers though, makes it all too easy since most people don't run Cold-Blooded, though I expect a surge in it tbh because it is a quality perk.