Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

I've been reading the RNG Guide to try to start RNGing shiny competitive legendaries, however, I still have a hard to understanding what needs to be done. For now, I'm focusing on doing RNG in Platinum. I'm going to try RNG on Giratina first. This is the example that I'm doing for the moment:

Shiny Modest 31/x/x/31/x/31 Giratina 8B050351 5 Hour

After that, I put in the seed number into Seed to Time. It is at this point that I'm confused and don't really know what to do.


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hi, for gen 4 RNG, can you breed shiny 6IV Pokemon that are not Timid, Modest, Calm, and Docile? My understanding is no but I have met someone who is absolutely convinced yes, that they can breed a 6IV shiny Jolly Scyther in Platinum and I'm not sure.


Formally LegoFigure11
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Hi, for gen 4 RNG, can you breed shiny 6IV Pokemon that are not Timid, Modest, Calm, and Docile? My understanding is no but I have met someone who is absolutely convinced yes, that they can breed a 6IV shiny Jolly Scyther in Platinum and I'm not sure.
tl;dr yes, you can.


Super Graduate-Level Napper
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This is super random, but has anyone else had trouble with EonTimer randomly changing the amount of times it beeps? I have it set to 5, and sometimes I'll just press Start again and the next time it counts down it'll beep 4, or maybe even just 3 times. I haven't changed anything but this keeps happening to me and it's slightly annoying, so has anyone else had this problem and maybe a fix to it?


bad clarinet music
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
This is super random, but has anyone else had trouble with EonTimer randomly changing the amount of times it beeps? I have it set to 5, and sometimes I'll just press Start again and the next time it counts down it'll beep 4, or maybe even just 3 times. I haven't changed anything but this keeps happening to me and it's slightly annoying, so has anyone else had this problem and maybe a fix to it?
ive had it just randomly not beep seemingly for no reason. uninstall/reinstall seemed to fix it
This is super random, but has anyone else had trouble with EonTimer randomly changing the amount of times it beeps? I have it set to 5, and sometimes I'll just press Start again and the next time it counts down it'll beep 4, or maybe even just 3 times. I haven't changed anything but this keeps happening to me and it's slightly annoying, so has anyone else had this problem and maybe a fix to it?
I haven't seen ti do that, but it's often changed the interval with which it beeps, like it will suddenly do 5 beeps in the last 2 seconds instead of the last 2.5, with them concentrated towards the front (like at the 2 second mark). Changing which beep I use fixes it, I also have no idea why this happens.
I tried to RNG my ID/SID in my Heart Gold cartridge in order to capture a shiny Latias, but I think I understood something wrong.
The first thing I did was looking in the 4th gen time finder for a 31/x/31/31/31/31 IV set with a Timid nature and method 1. I chose a spread of 31/7/31/31/31/31 with seed B115045E, on frame 197.
Then I copied the seed in the ID/SID manipulation tool to find compatible seeds. Among the possible results I chose ID 03027, SID 48797, with seed 7C0B13F6. In the seed to time tool this gave me a delay of 5093 for year 2017 and seconds 30.
However if I generate the results in the main window of RNG reporter for a method 1 pokemon and seed B115045E, the pokemon on frame 197 has the correct nature and IVs but is not listed as shiny.

I rnged my ID and SID following the instruction of RNG reporter. I got the correct ID, and I assume I also got the SID rigth because I found only one result that gives 03027 in hte ID/SID manipulation tool until a delay of about 7000.
I then completed the game, released Latias, KOed it and get to Lance's room in the pokemon league. There I rnged Latias using Raikou and Entei to veify the seed, and advanced to frame 197 with Chatot. Later I caught Latias and it had the correct nature and IVs, but like RNG reporter predicted it's not shiny.

I must have done something wrong in the process, but I'm new to RNG and I can't find out what.


Grumpy old man
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
You seem to be using the word "seed" to mean a few things, and I suspect this is where the error has come from.

I chose a spread of 31/7/31/31/31/31 with seed B115045E, on frame 197.
You want the "PID" of this spread, not the seed.

Then I copied the seed in the ID/SID manipulation tool to find compatible seeds.
And copy the "PID" from the above into this box.

Shininess is determined by a combination of the PID of a specific Pokémon, and its OT's TID/SID information. The RNG seed (i.e., the value of the RNG if no advancements are made, if one has successfully hit their target) has no impact on shininess.
You seem to be using the word "seed" to mean a few things, and I I tried to search again suspect this is where the error has come from.

You want the "PID" of this spread, not the seed.

And copy the "PID" from the above into this box.

Shininess is determined by a combination of the PID of a specific Pokémon, and its OT's TID/SID information. The RNG seed (i.e., the value of the RNG if no advancements are made, if one has successfully hit their target) has no impact on shininess.
Thanks for your reply. That's exactly the mistake I did, using the seed instead of the PID when searching for ID/SID. I tried to search again using the PID and now it's listing that frame as shiny.
Thank you very much for your help!

It has been at least 4 years since I did any kind of RNG abuse for Pokémon. I wanted to breed myself few synchronizes for the latest games. The version I use for RNGReporter is 9.96.6.
The game I'm trying breeding on is Soul Silver.

This is what I did:
1. I killed off roamers.
2. I went inside daycare and booked soon-to-be parents in.
3. Saved the game and restarted my DS.
4. Used Time Finder (IV Gen) and Shiny Egg tab to find a baby with Modest nature with Ability 0. My id is 16040. I don't remember SID anymore and I'm not going for shiny anyway.
5. I did choose Seed 000C026B which has the pokémon I want on frame 1.
6. I went to Seed to Time, chose year 2017 and target second 0. Selected HGSS.
7. Time I want is 2017.07.29 12:53:00 Delay 602
8. In EonTimer I used default settings for calibrating.
- Calibrated delay 600
- Target Delay 602
- Calibrated second and Target second 53 since I don't know how much off I'm going to be yet.
9. I set my DS time to 2017.07.29 12:52:00. I started EonTimer same time. I started the game when I heard last beep.
10. Rushed to continue screen and waited for the last beep before I started the game.
11. Opened Gear instantly and called Prof. Elm to check where did I land at.

For some reason I can't figure out where I'm at. I've been trying to calibrate the timer for hours now and Elm calls never match 100%... I tried to search with the widest search range possible
(900 delay and 9 seconds) but I can't figure out where I'm at.... :(

It has been years I think I'm just rusty but it's so weird. Is it possible that my DS lite is also getting old? During few resets it looked like the clock itself is lagging a bit.

p.s Yeah, seriously DS clock is sometimes too damn slow and sometimes too fast. Creepy. I need some luck to hit correct time. :D Can you RNG abuse on 3DS with HGSS and BW?

p.p.s Just screw it I'll try to get elgyem or sth else from Black.
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It has been at least 4 years since I did any kind of RNG abuse for Pokémon. I wanted to breed myself few synchronizes for the latest games. The version I use for RNGReporter is 9.96.6.
The game I'm trying breeding on is Soul Silver.

This is what I did:
1. I killed off roamers.
2. I went inside daycare and booked soon-to-be parents in.
3. Saved the game and restarted my DS.
4. Used Time Finder (IV Gen) and Shiny Egg tab to find a baby with Modest nature with Ability 0. My id is 16040. I don't remember SID anymore and I'm not going for shiny anyway.
5. I did choose Seed 000C026B which has the pokémon I want on frame 1.
6. I went to Seed to Time, chose year 2017 and target second 0. Selected HGSS.
7. Time I want is 2017.07.29 12:53:00 Delay 602
8. In EonTimer I used default settings for calibrating.
- Calibrated delay 600
- Target Delay 602
- Calibrated second and Target second 53 since I don't know how much off I'm going to be yet.
9. I set my DS time to 2017.07.29 12:52:00. I started EonTimer same time. I started the game when I heard last beep.
10. Rushed to continue screen and waited for the last beep before I started the game.
11. Opened Gear instantly and called Prof. Elm to check where did I land at.

For some reason I can't figure out where I'm at. I've been trying to calibrate the timer for hours now and Elm calls never match 100%... I tried to search with the widest search range possible
(900 delay and 9 seconds) but I can't figure out where I'm at.... :(

It has been years I think I'm just rusty but it's so weird. Is it possible that my DS lite is also getting old? During few resets it looked like the clock itself is lagging a bit.

p.s Yeah, seriously DS clock is sometimes too damn slow and sometimes too fast. Creepy. I need some luck to hit correct time. :D Can you RNG abuse on 3DS with HGSS and BW?

p.p.s Just screw it I'll try to get elgyem or sth else from Black.

RNG abusing on the 3ds for 4th gen is way way more difficult, the deviation between times that the game opens can be up to ~250 ms, it's incredibly difficult when dealing with hitting a number of 2-frame windows.

Also don't breed synchronizes ever in gen 4, just go to ruins of alph and if you figure out what seed you're on, bam you get however many syncher natus you can carry on your party as soon as you figure out your seed/position
Ty for responds. :) Well it seems I either can't handle it anymore or my DS lite is totally derped on it's own parameters. I can't even RNG abuse basic stuff on BW after I did figure out my DS parameters. Chatot's don't match with the RNGReporter (i tried v.10 to) at all... I feel like it would be faster just to go and spend 24hrs catching synchronizes with pure luck. XD
Okay, I think I figured it out. Some seeds just aren't valid for whatever reason and show wrong chatot calls/elm calls etc. I did manage to find a seed that actually worked this time.

Princess Emily

Fear the nice-smelling Princess!
Okay, I think I figured it out. Some seeds just aren't valid for whatever reason and show wrong chatot calls/elm calls etc. I did manage to find a seed that actually worked this time.
This also happened to me sometimes for some unknown reason, where even I don't get any matching adjacent results.
Just went back to Gen 4-5 RNGs after taking a break from playing Gen 6-7 because of nostalgia I think.
Already sold my DS Lite because they were getting defective, so I just use my 3ds to RNG stuff at Gen 4-5.
For some reason, I keep getting a more consistent Timer0 at my n3ds this time at BW2 80% of the time compared to getting 7 Timer0's at my DS Lite, but it also means getting less results than before.
Looking to download the PPRNG for Mac for 5th generations games, but all the links I've found are dead. Can anyone help me out?

I have the app on my iphone but would prefer to have it on my computer and I don't really see the need to spend a few dollars on the in-app purchases if I don't have to.
I could seriously use some guidance on a current gen 4 Platinum rng issue I'm having.

I'm trying to rng and catch a shiny, perfect IV Mesprit.

I've abused a trainer ID/SID specifically for shiny, perfect Modest and Timid spreads, following this tutorial:
and rng'ed the Mesprit via this tutorial:

All results were verified during each step of both processes.

I followed all the instructions, used the seed/frame/PID information for the Timid spread from when I generated the TID/SID, got the correct coin flips, used Chatot chatter to advance my frames, released the Mesprit and tracked it down. The Mesprit is NOT shiny, but has the correct stats and nature, so I assume something went wrong somewhere, because this seems to be the Mesprit I was aiming for, just minus the shininess.

Does anyone have any tips on how to troubleshoot this, or can anyone point out where I might have gone wrong? I'm unsure what specific information to include to help shed light on the issue, but I'll provide whatever is required.

I would seriously appreciate any and all help with this, as a lot of time and effort has gone into this project and there are more Pokémon I need to catch from the game with this spread.

Have you double checked if your ID/SID combination make your desired PID shiny?
I originally generated the ID/SID by pasting the seed into the Shiny PID section of Pandora's Box and verified the info after I managed to get the ID I wanted on my trainer card, but as far as double checking, no !!! comes up in the shiny column in RNG reporter, if that's what you mean, but I was under the impression that that wasn't necessary for shiny abused TIDs.

Is that what you're referring to by double checking?

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