muffin #2' team ( please rate)

choice scarf
modest-20 hp/252 sp atk/236 spd
-fire blast
-earth power
-HP ice

i havent been able to use this yet so i will try it out on shoddy and edit in what i use it for

water absorb
bold-188 hp/252 def/68 sp atk
-HP electric/yawn/protect

im havent tried this out yet so i dont know what its good for srry. i will try it out on shoddy and edit it as soon as i can though.

sand veil
adament-4 hp/252 atk/252 spd
-dragon claw
-swords dance

i use this as my physical sweeper. substitute lets me see if pokemon im not sure if have an ice move or not do or not and to get some free swords dances if they dont take my sub out. usually after 1 SD i can 2HKO any thing other than blissy

adament/jolly-4 hp/252 atk/252 spd
-dragon dance
-taunt/stone edge

again i havent been able to try it out yet but will as soon as possible and edit it

bold-252 def/62 sp atk/196 sp def
-calm mind
-thunder bolt

this is my special sweeper. i use hypnosis to put the foe to sleep while i calm mind up my stats, t-bolt for gyarados's, and psycic for any of those fighting or poisons that like to toxic spikes me.

clear body
bold-252 def/82 sp atk/176 sp def
-rapid spin
-sludge bomb
-toxic spikes

this is my rapid spinner but can also serve as a bit of a special tank if i have to.

i came up with the ev spread of alot of these on my own so please point out any problems with it. i hope to get alot of help out of this please point out any problems you may see with this team. thanks!

any changes ive made will be in bold
First off, I see a Gyarados weakness just by looking at your team. DDLO Versions will have fun with this team since with a Dragon dance, it can outspeed and OHKO 4 Pokemon with a combination like Waterfall/Ice fang/Earthquake.
Next off, I dont feel Gardevoir is doing much. It seems like deadweight to me really, since Suicune is already doing the Calm minding. We could use Gardevoir's spot to get in a Gyarados counter. I would definatly recommend Celebi.

Celebi @ Leftovers
Bold - 252 HP/220 Defence/36 Speed
-Grass knot
-Leech seed
-Hidden power [Ice]/[Fire]

This Celebi is a great counter for Gyarados. Now that is sorted, we can focus on the minor things.

Firstly, your team lacks items. You want something like:
-Infernape @ Life Orb
-Suicune @ Leftovers
-Garchomp @ Yache Berry (Will get onto that in a minute)
-Gyarados @ Leftovers
-Celebi @ Leftovers
-Tentacruel @ Leftovers.

Now about some movesets/EVs. Infernape looks fine. Suicune just wants a simple 252 HP/252 Defence/6 Sp.Attack spread. On the Subject of Garchomp, I suggest you change your set since that set is used when you have sandstorm, to scout for misses. I suggest a Yache Berry for your Garchomp so it could use a set like:

Garchomp @ Yache Berry
Jolly - 252 Attack/252 Speed/6 HP
-Swords Dance
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw

That's much better. As I said your set doesn't work without Sandstorm since that set is supposed to be used in Sandstorm.

On your Gyarados, I would give it an Adamant nature and just go with the standard BulkyGyara EV Spread (it's suggested for a reason). Stone edge > Return on your set.

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Adamant - 212 HP/16 Attack/180 Defence/100 Speed
-Dragon Dance
-Stone edge

Is good as a replacement spread/set. Finally, Tentacruel. I would go with a nature/spread something like Timid with 204 HP/156 Sp.Attack/148 Speed. It guarantees survival against a Modest SpecsMence's Draco meteor and then you can outpace it and OHKO it with Ice beam. Pretty nifty, eh?

Hope I have helped - GEC.
The simplest way you can do everything:

Replace Infernape for Scarf Heatran, it's a good revenge killer for you, and plenty of resistence, and helps with Azelf as well.

Just slap Trace onto Gardevoir instead, it's now an able Gyarados counter, and stops other Heatran as well, and annoy the shit out of Jolteon, Vaporeon, etc etc.

Tentacruel is alright, as well as Garchomp. Now what we need is a Wisher, so let's get rid of that Suicune for Vaporeon, keeps the team healthy and fresh.

And now we top it off with a Tyranitar over Gyarados. Get the sand going and your team will like it for the most part.

Simple but should help a lot more than what you currently have!
i found a good vaporeon set(or atleast i think its good)

~ Wish
~ Surf
~ Toxic
~ Yawn / Hidden Power Electric / protect
188 HP / 252 Def / 68 SpA
i just couldnt decide on the last move so any suggestions for that

now for my new heatran

choice scarf
~ Fire Blast
~ Earth Power
~ Hidden Power Ice 20 hp/252 sp atk/236 spd
~ Explosion

now onto tyranitar
20 HP / 252 SpA / 236 Spe

leftovers/life orb
~ Dragon Dance
~ Crunch
~ Earthquake
~ Taunt / Stone Edge
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
any where theres a slash between 2 things thats where i couldnt decide so please help me decide between them.

i also need help with deciding items for them all thanks