
She can also be a pretty good Trick Roomer, for those interested

Actually when you have no speed IVs and a hindering nature I think you are slower than all of OU, Nattorei Included.
So she probably is a very good Trick Roomer. Few Clam minds then a Trick Room and you're set.
Huh. I thought I commented on this thread.

Anyways, it so happened that I actually commented on the Trick Room thread, so...

AccidentalGreed said:
Really, the only thing Mushana can contribute in Trick Room successfully is using the Yawn + Setup move approach. And getting a few decent hits in, of course.

Musharna stuggles to find a niche in this cruel world of better fish, but I'm thinking that Musharna has a point over Cresselia and Ranky, and that's Yawn. If the Pokemon switches out, good for you; you've potentially got a free Trick Room and maybe hazard damage. If not, you're still Bulky enough to take crap and bulldozer hits at once, and yet you've still got a Trick Room AND a potential counter slept. I would say Musharna is a bit outclassed in some respects, but this is a damn good combo.
this thing is werid and too slow it is not a good tank because tyranitar and other dark types are too strong for it to tank and laugh at it

First of all, your opinion about how it looks doesn't really apply.

Second, being slow can be a good thing- or have you not heard of Trick Room? People have already pointed out how it can use Yawn first turn, then TRick Room the second turn. About your precious T-Tar: Consider the following.

Trainer 1 sends out Musharna
Trainer 2 sends out *insert pokemon here*

Trainer 2 sent out Tyranitar!
Musharna used Yawn!

Now then. You (Trainer 2) are in a dangerous situation. You can Crunch, hoping to KO, but regardless of whether you KO or not (someone calc this, please), your Tyranitar is now asleep. Or, let's say you switch out. BOOM. You just gave Musharna the free turn it needed to set up Trick Room. Now have fun being swept by things such as the classic Bronzong and the new Rankarusu.
Why use Yawn, when Hypnosis is so much better? Sure, it only has a 60% chance to hit, but it only takes one turn. I've been using this thing on my trick room drought team, and it works great. Here's the set.

Mushaana (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Def / 4 SAtk / 200 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Hypnosis/Yawn

- Psychic/Psycho Shock

- Moonlight

Trick room is there for team support. I also have it on exeggutor, but this thing has so much more bulk. 116/85/95 is nothing to scoff at, and moonlight ensures that you can heal 2/3rds HP (due to Sunny Day), making you nearly impossible to beat. Hypnosis to get a few extra turns, although Yawn could force switches with 100% accuracy. Psychic is what I use for damage, but Psycho Shock is also good for taking down things physically (I have it on exeggutor though).

Here's the stats for this EV spread:
436 HP
146 ATK
219 DEF
251 SPA
303 SPD
56 SPE

Great HP, good defenses, and a solid special attack. Plus it's one of the slowest pokemon in the game with -spe nature, 0 ivs, and no evs in it.

I like Musharna better than the jelly animal thing, because of its better defenses, slower speed, and access to hypnosis. Trick room users should be bulky enough to survive multiple hits and still set up trick room, and musharna does an excellent job with that. I've won 90% of my matches with this on my trick room drought team.
Hypnosis is not better then yawn IMO. Unless your using an offensive set I would stay away from it. AND yawn helps promote switches which is great if you have entry hazards or if your trying to set up.
Why use Yawn, when Hypnosis is so much better? Sure, it only has a 60% chance to hit, but it only takes one turn. I've been using this thing on my trick room drought team, and it works great. Here's the set.

Mushaana (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 52 Def / 4 SAtk / 200 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Hypnosis/Yawn

- Psychic/Psycho Shock

- Moonlight

Trick room is there for team support. I also have it on exeggutor, but this thing has so much more bulk. 116/85/95 is nothing to scoff at, and moonlight ensures that you can heal 2/3rds HP (due to Sunny Day), making you nearly impossible to beat. Hypnosis to get a few extra turns, although Yawn could force switches with 100% accuracy. Psychic is what I use for damage, but Psycho Shock is also good for taking down things physically (I have it on exeggutor though).

Here's the stats for this EV spread:
436 HP
146 ATK
219 DEF
251 SPA
303 SPD
56 SPE

Great HP, good defenses, and a solid special attack. Plus it's one of the slowest pokemon in the game with -spe nature, 0 ivs, and no evs in it.

I like Musharna better than the jelly animal thing, because of its better defenses, slower speed, and access to hypnosis. Trick room users should be bulky enough to survive multiple hits and still set up trick room, and musharna does an excellent job with that. I've won 90% of my matches with this on my trick room drought team.
People use Yawn because it can force a counter to switch, giving Musharna time to set up.
The gist of Trick Room Musharna, again, is to use Yawn, set up Trick Room no matter what the circumstances (faint and have someone do it for you or just use Trick Room while the opponent attempts to KO you and sleeps). Though the premise is great at first glance, I'm having a bit of a bind as to what other moves can Musharna use alongside Yawn + Trick Room.

Any suggestions as far as this goes? Musharna shouldn't hit too hard due to being support, but at the same time it shouldn't waste Room turns as well.
I had a crazy idea about a Musharna set lol. Maybe this could work?

Musharna @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 def/ 6 Sp.def
Nature: Bold

- Calm Mind
- Barrier
- Assist Power
- Moonlight/Rest

Ok, not too much... mono Psychic is somewhat risky and it involves too much set up. Though it would be hilarious if you could use Curse and Calm Mind up to +6 and fire off 500 BP STAB Assist Power (correct me if i'm wrong) everywhere.

If only it had Shadow Tag (or if Gothic Loli could learn such moves) it could trap a Roobushin or two...
Gimmicky but funny to think about it nonetheless.

Edit: After testing this, i found it to be extremely difficult to deal with direct attacks once it starts setting up, which it's not insanely hard thanks to the great defenses.
I remember getting a OHKO on Blissey after 1 Barrier and 3 or 4 Calm Minds. I was like "holy motherfuckin' shit, that's... insane".
When you're that powerful, who cares about coverage?
Curse you Dark type.

AccidentalGreed said:
The gist of Trick Room Musharna, again, is to use Yawn, set up Trick Room no matter what the circumstances (faint and have someone do it for you or just use Trick Room while the opponent attempts to KO you and sleeps). Though the premise is great at first glance, I'm having a bit of a bind as to what other moves can Musharna use alongside Yawn + Trick Room.

Any suggestions as far as this goes? Musharna shouldn't hit too hard due to being support, but at the same time it shouldn't waste Room turns as well.

You could probably use Psychic and Moonlight (to keep this poke healthy for more Trick Room abuse) i guess.
Musharna should probably stick to supportive roles. Any offensive role it tries to take seems to be outclassed by Rankurusu, though Musharna can take on Roopushin better than Rankurusu can, though Rankurusu has more reliable recovery and doesn't have to worry about entry hazards. Still, having Yawn and Magic Coat is always a nice thing, though I'm not sure how it fares against common leads this gen. Energy Ball does let it deal with Hippowdon to some degree, but without much boosting it, the damage is somewhat middling regardless, so you'll probably have to invest some special attack in.

Against Mischevious Heart users, Musharna pretty much has to rely on Magic Coating the inevitable taunt most of them pack (though reflecting stuff like leech seed, thunder wave and will-o-wisp is fun too), otherwise it's getting forced out. Magic Coat is truly a great move for Musharna, as it has the bulk to accept a mis-predict as well.

It's too bad it doesn't get levitate. Would be great for dealing with Hippowdon leads.
I think we should use musharna almost exactly like we use cresselia. Even though cress is bulkier, musharna has enough options to give it some special niches. When tiers are set I think musharna will take over chanseys old position.( u know chanseys moving up, and don't even say u don't!) sorry for talking about tiers...

I love how something sleeping is stroger then Cress ^_^
Musharna seriously looks like a Fetus. Remember.

Breath Musharna
Live Musharna
Dream Musharna

And Musharna will bless your days ahead!!!
Modest Nature
EVs: 252hp/252 Sp Attack/ 4 Sp Defense
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball

A bulky (ish) sweeper (ish). I call it the 'Formidable Fetus'.
@Focus Sash
Bold Nature
EVs:252 hp/ 252 Sp Attack/ 4 Sp Defense

An extremely Gimmicky set that can set up for powerful sweepers (like shandera, doryuuzu or Hihidaruma (daruma or undaruma)

M BLADE said:
Musharna @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 def/ 6 Sp.def
Nature: Bold

- Calm Mind
- Barrier
- Assist Power
- Moonlight/Rest

I just wanted to post here that I absolutely love this set (Though I came up with Cosmic Power / Assist Power Shinbora myself, never noticed Musharna).

This thing absolutely destroys all types of teams after Sub-Sleep abusers, Subseeders, and Dark-types are eliminated. After a Calm Mind or two or a Barrier, it's EXTREMELY hard to get rid of Musharna without getting a critical hit or having a Dark-type on your team.

Even types that resist Assist Power will take MAJOR damage from it once Musharna sets up multiple boosts, maybe even OHKOing them in most cases. Musharna completely wins in Calm Mind wars against Rankurusu (and pretty much any Calm Minder out there except the ones using Taunt). It also sets up in front of Roopushin and other physical Pokemon that haven't boosted in Attack, so Musharna can easily set up against many things. Though Musharna can't hit too hard at first, this is a problem that CMSuicune had to deal with (keep in mind that CM Suicune had to find a way to get rid of Water Absorbers).

With the advent of Team Preview, it shouldn't be too hard exploiting Dark-types and eliminating them. For Musharna to work, you must ABSOLUTELY get rid of Dark-types so Musharna isn't walled. You must also get rid of phazers and Subseeders and have absorbed Choice Trick items, problems that all bulky stat uppers have to deal with. I see this thing a lot like defensive Calm Mind Suicune; once your immunities and resistances have been taking care of, you can set up and almost never be stopped.

Now, as far as Musharna's EV spreads go, I don't think Musharna has to be completely physically defensive. Her HP is almost quite high, and investing in both of her defense could save her in certain situations. To start my strategy, I tend to use Barrier first to "fast-check" physical threats, and then using Calm Mind to soften Special blows until they become obsolete. I have had plenty of success using this strategy, though I'm pretty unfound when it comes Musharna's most solid EV spread. Suggestions?

This thing is insane, overall. The number and types of teams I have eliminated with Musharna is numerous (even stall!). The only time she has failed me is when critical hits happen (they bybass defense boosts), or when a Dark-type or Breloom is still in the field with it. Love it anyways...It's like a Psychic-type Suicune.
Having some experience with Assist Power Shinporaa, I can say that dropping Barrier for HP[Fighting] might be a good idea. CM assures your still strong enough to beat pretty much everything with AP and HP[Fighting] lets you go against Dark and Steel types(obviously).

If you take the risk and stay with Barrier, a more balanced split might be nice(ideally, balance the defenses around 250-60, so that it isn´t absolutely helpless on either side before boosting).

Or, if you feel confident about getting rid of all Dark types, why not an STalk AP set? Musharna is one of the few new STalk users after all and definitely more dangerous than Crocune(when it comes to dealing damage at least).
JojoX3 said:
If you take the risk and stay with Barrier, a more balanced split might be nice(ideally, balance the defenses around 250-60, so that it isn´t absolutely helpless on either side before boosting).

Why the 250-60 split in defensive EVs, specifically? I like this suggestion otherwise; I'm actually amateur at making purely defensive spreads.

As for SleepTalk, I still feel like I'm being limited by physical attackers. I admit that SleepTalk is nice, the the ability to definitely score a KO on phasers and stall teams before they Dragon Tail / WhirlWind you is too nice to pass up. I also find that using Barrier doesn't let Scizor immediately screw Musharna after one or two boosts.

Oh yeah, did I mention I REALLY abhor critical hits? I really do, and so does Musharna when it's reasonably boosted -.-

I'm glad Musharna actually has an offensive / Defensive niche with this. Maybe I can use Toxic Spikes to stall out Dark-types...
I didn´t calc anything for that suggestion, I admit, but in my experience, fully defensive stat boosters(e.g. Cosmic Power or Amnesia+Curse boosters and the like) are better of with balanced defenses(250 is around the average both stats can reach) rather than one low and one high.

I also follow this concept with more offensive boosters like Roopushin, but Musharna appreciates it even more, imo. Think of Porygon2(no booster, I know): It is best when both defenses are about equal and the same goes for this kind of Musharna.

And yeah, crits really screw that one up, but they do with any slow defensive stat booster.
Musharna is the best Pokémon in the game.

Without it, you couldn't get Dream World abilities.

Now using it in battle... that's another story, which we are reading right now.
I tend to stay with Barrier because it boosts Defense in twice the time it does to boost Special Attack and Attack. Plus, by using this, it means I'm not immediately screwed by Roopushin and the like. They switch out immediately unless they've got an Attack-boosting move, but Musharna tends to beat them anyways with her already good-defense and Assist Power. That's why I have to determine a "perfect" Ev spread for Barrier.

At max, Assist Power does 380 power, but for safety, I tend to go with a few boosts each Barrier / Calm Mind. It has no particular name, but it's usually two Calm Minds + two Barriers to achieve 180. With only two Calm Minds, Musharna ends up with 100 power, so it shouldn't be too hard to set up.

Here's the Assist Power Thread
Name: Sharna's Room
Ability: Synchronize/ Forewarn
Item: Leftovers
Evs: 252 Hp/ 116 Def/ 136 SpAtk
Nature: Relaxed/Quiet
~ Calm Mind
~ Assist Power
~ Trick Room
~ Shadow Ball/ Hidden Power(fight)

This set is a sweeper, Calm Mind at least twice and then Trick Room. Then just watch your foe lose 2-3 Pokemon to this beast! At 4 Calm Minds Musharna will destroy everything and be faster than everything. Thus why I call it Sharna's Room. It's the boss! Btw you should set-up on a special attacking Pokemon that hasn't had any boosts.
Musharna is looking more and more appealing as a doubles TR lead. I have a question about this though. The Dream World doesn't open in NA until at least March 30, right? I thought I heard that Musharna's DW ability had been released in Japan, but is there any word when this might happen elsewhere?