OU Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark

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name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Focus Blast
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Ghost / Fighting / Fairy
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating special wallbreaker thanks to its combination of unique typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special Attack stat, and it can almost always threaten a KO after a boost. Its ability, Illusion, provides good utility to it by letting it disguise itself as a teammate and drawing out a foe that checks that aforementioned teammate and blasting them with powerful special attacks. Shadow Ball hits nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and it has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping a foe's Special Defense. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. This also comes with the advantage of being a reliable move against heavy foes like Ting-Lu without burning up valuable PP on Focus Blast or dealing with its less-than-stellar accuracy. Flamethrower hammers would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Ting-Lu, Hydreigon, Kingambit, and Garganacl with the same move. Tera Ghost allows Shadow Ball to more reliably OHKO Gholdengo on Focus Sash sets, and it also allows +2 Shadow Ball to OHKO Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. Alternatively, Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance, leaving it less susceptible to Kingambits' Sucker Punch, Meowscaradas' Knock Off, and Greninjas' Dark Pulse, and powers up Focus Blast to staggering heights. Tera Fighting Focus Blast OHKOs Baxcalibur and Garganacl and even has a good chance to OHKO Ting-Lu at +2 after Stealth Rock. Alternatively, Tera Fairy allows Hisuian Zoroark to hold off Dark-types as well as become immune to Dragapult's Dragon-type attacks. Focus Sash guarantees that Hisuian Zoroark has a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable prowess. Life Orb allows Focus Blast to OHKO Baxcalibur, and it also ensures that +2 Shadow Ball OHKOes Volcarona, physically defensive Rotom-W, and Corviknight after Stealth Rock.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a setup sweeper on hyper and bulky offense teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner, providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, which keeps entry hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field and leaves its Focus Sash intact. It also provides Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by threatening Pokemon that hold it down indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Dragapult and Meowscarada are faster than Hisuian Zoroark, so Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill them, such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur, are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use Illusion to mask itself as Kingambit, Baxcalibur, as and Roaring Moon, and lure in physical walls like defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo to weaken or KO them. Hazard setters like Glimmora, Meowscarada, and Garchomp set up hazards, and Hisuian Zoroark can stop an incoming Rapid Spin from Great Tusk. Hisuian Zoroark can force damage on special walls like Ting-Lu, which is highly appreciated by Iron Moth, which has an easier time breaking through them once they have been weakened. Hydreigon and Hisuian Zoroark play Illusion mind games with Fighting-type moves, and Hydreigon can topple Clodsire with Earth Power and Substitute or Tera Steel. Finally, Hydreigon forces damage on Ting-Lu, which Hisuian Zoroark appreciates and the same applies the other way around.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[SetsuSetsuna, 548068], [3d, 295768]
- Grammar checked by: [[autumn, 384270]
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Hey Siddakid. Remember to stick to the set in analyses, which in this case is this


I will take a look once you do, can't check much right now since most of it is heavily focused on a completely different set.
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You can tag when implemented so I give it another look

name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hyper Voice/Grass Knot Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Focus Blast/Flamethrower Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Fighting/Normal/Ghost Normal / Ghost / Fighting Just putting this in the correct order
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, above-average (while this is true, its one of the fastest Pokemon in the tier so above average feels like downplaying it) sSpeed, and a high Special attack stat. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting most of the tier for heavy damage without a boost and nuclear damage with a boost and even carrying a lovely possibility of dropping an opponent's SpD. (Reword this to mention how its used due to how spammable it is. Right now it sounds like Shadow Ball is used due to its Power, but Hyper Voice is actually stronger) Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option with 0 drawbacks that lets Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. (No need to mention, but if you do you can mention it after Grass Knot. Not sure why you chose Baxcalibur in particular) Alternatively, (Grass Knot does before Hyper Voice so we can omit this) Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. In the last slot, Zoroark can make excellent use of Tera Fighting Focus Blast to obliterate would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Ting-Lu or Flamethrower to hammer the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Iron Leaves, Corviknight, and Scizor. Otherwise, Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons as well as being able to beat Choice Scarf Gholdengo variants that are not carrying Make it Rain 1v1. (This part needs some work. Mention first what Focus Blast and Flamethrower each hit (note that it can use Focus Blast with other Teras not only Fighting. Then you can mention the teras making emphasis on how Tera Fighting powers up Focus Blast and turns its Dark weakness into a resist. The Gholdengo part is an extremely specific and uncommon example since all of them run Make It Rain. Mention why it runs Focus Sash or Life Orb.

Mention the kinds of teams Hisuian Zoroark finds itself in, HO and BO for example
. Hisuian
Zoroark functions best when it has the opportunity to set up without a switch-in coming in and ruining it (very vague). This would make mons Pokemon such as Great Tusk a top-class partner. Great Tusk provides invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Zoroark's side of the field, which in turn provides Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up. (Mix this together with the previous sentence so you dont have an unnecessary one. Mention how Tusk can help against Kingambit who Zoroark can struggle against. The Rapid Spin support is not only important to give more chances to come in, but to keep the Focus Sash untouched, mention that) Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark. This would make mons like Orthworm another great partner. (Very iffy here. If you decide to include then Orthworm is the only partner that does this, so writing "mons like" doesnt make sense) If making use of Life Orb, Wish support would also be appreciated to mitigate the damage caused by Life Orb. This makes Scream Tail one of its most valuable teammates. Scream Tail can also help Zoroark check the Dark types it so thoroughly despises. (Not particularly relevant) Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill faster threats such as Kingambit, Meowscarada, Baxcalibur, and Breloom are also appreciated. (You need to mention which faster threats you are talking about for the teammates to make sense) Hazard support is also one thing Zoroark loves to have on its team. Glimmora and Hisuian Zoroark make for an incredible duo, as Glimmora gets Hazards down and Zoroark can come in on a predicted Rapid Spin and Sspinblock (emphasis on this last part. This is one of its greatest traits and its not only useful when paired with Glimmora but with hazard setters in general). Overall, Zoroark is a very versatile pokemon that can fill a variety of offensive roles and can almost always threaten a kill after a boost.

Mention more teammates. Right now you only have Glimmora, Great Tusk Orthworm, and unnamed revenge killers. Kingambit and Roaring Moon are amazing partners with Illusion as they are able to lure in physical walls like Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a Hisuian Zoroark instead. Mention what Hisuian Zoroark does in return for its teammates, as right now you are only including spinblocking.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
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Very nice job. Feel free to update to QC 1/2 after implemented. Thankyou:)

I meant "Grass Knot goes before Hyper Voice", so you should mention it before Hyper Voice in the text.
Also remember to use spaces in between slashes. So for example "Focus Blast / Flamethrower" instead of "Focus Blast/Flamethrower"

name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hyper Voice/Grass Knot
move 4: Focus Blast/Flamethrower
item: Focus Sash/Life Orb
Tera Type: Fighting/Normal/Ghost
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option with 0 drawbacks that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. Alternatively, Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Ting-Lu, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark can make excellent use of Focus Blast to obliterate would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Ting-Lu or Flamethrower to hammer the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Iron Leaves, Corviknight, and Scizor as well as Corviknight and Scizor (Its a bit odd to mention Focus Blast since Shadow Ball is just as strong against these Pokemon. Iron Leaves is not worth the mention). Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance and comes with the added benefit of powering up Focus Blast to staggering heights. Otherwise, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from anything giving Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field which, leaves Hisuian Zoroark's Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on pPokemon that hold down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark. This would make Orthworm another great partner. (Rework this to not include the period) Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill faster threats like Dragapult and Baxcalibur (Try something like "threats faster than Zoroark-H such as..." and of course do not include Baxcalibur since its slower than Zoroark. You can try Meowscarada or Greninja for example, since they are both Dark-types faster than Zoroark) after a boost such as Kingambit are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as Kingambit and Roaring Moon and lure in Pphysical walls like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Roaring Moon is a nice partner for Zoroark as Zoroark can lure in Special walls like Closire and Ting-Lu and let Roaring Moon go crazy. (Rework this cause it isnt very clear. Probably try a different expression instead of"go crazy") Hazard support is also one thing Hisuian Zoroark loves to have on its team. Glimmora and Hisuian Zoroark make for an incredible duo, as Glimmora gets Hazards down and Zoroark can come in on a predicted Rapid Spin and spinblock. Other Hazard setters like Garchomp also appreciate Zoroark's ability to keep hazards on the field. (You can omit this and mention said hazards setters alongside Glimmora in the previous sentence) Overall, Hisuian Zoroark is a very versatile pokemon that can fill a variety of offensive roles and can almost always threaten a kill after a boost.
- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
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Very nice job. Feel free to update to QC 1/2 after implemented. Thankyou:)

I meant "Grass Knot goes before Hyper Voice", so you should mention it before Hyper Voice in the text.
Also remember to use spaces in between slashes. So for example "Focus Blast / Flamethrower" instead of "Focus Blast/Flamethrower"

Coolio! Thanks for taking the time to read my analysis! :)
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Very nice job. Feel free to update to QC 1/2 after implemented. Thankyou:)

I meant "Grass Knot goes before Hyper Voice", so you should mention it before Hyper Voice in the text.
Also remember to use spaces in between slashes. So for example "Focus Blast / Flamethrower" instead of "Focus Blast/Flamethrower"
Siddakid this isn't officially 1/2 yet all of the changes here haven't been implemented
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name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hyper Voice / Grass Knot Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Focus Blast / Flamethrower Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Normal / Ghost / Fighting
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Ting-Lu, Grass Knot 4HKOes max SpD Ting Lu and 3HKOes 0 EV SpD at base damage and 2HKOes after a Nasty Plot, yet it gets 2HKOed by EQ, so I wouldn't mention Ting-Lu Great Tusk, and Dondozo. Alternatively, Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option with 0 drawbacks Youre pretty much overselling Hyper Voice. I do agree it's Solid STAB but it isn't the best option against mons like Garg and Corv that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. In the last slot, Zoroark-H can make excellent use of Focus Blast to obliterate would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Ting-Lu or Flamethrower to hammer the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Corviknight, and Scizor Rearrange the sentence so that Flamethrower is the first mention followed by Focus Blast. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance and comes with the added benefit of powering up Focus Blast to staggering heights You can mention that getting a Dark-type resistance also makes you resistant to Sucker Punch so you're less susceptible to getting revenge killed. Otherwise, Hisuian-Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from anything foes' attacks Just reworded it since saying "anything" can be broad. Could be attacks, hazard damage, etc giving Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Zoroark-H's side of the field which, leaves Zoroark-H's Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on Pokemon that hold down Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark-H making Orthworm another great partner. Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill Pokemon faster than Zoroark-H like Dragapult and Meowscarada such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Zoroark-H can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as Kingambit and Roaring Moon Baxcalibur and lure in physical walls their respective checks like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Roaring Moon is a nice partner for Zoroark-H as Zoroark-H can lure in Special walls like Clodsire and Ting-Lu Roaring Moon REALLY struggles against Ting-Lu. It needs to set up DD twice to get a not so good chance to 2HKO Ting-Lu but the latter can either whirlwind or press eq. Try mentioning another example and let Roaring Moon set up and kill them. Hazard support is also another thing Zoroark-H loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora and Garchomp when partnered with Hisuian Zoroark make for an incredible duo, as the dedicated setter gets Hazards down and Zoroark-H can come in on a predicted Rapid Spin and spinblock Disagree with this statement I don't think Hisuian Zoroark is the best spinblocker. Just mention how hazards wear down offensive and defensive mons into Zoro's KO range. Overall, Hisuian Zoroark is a very versatile pokemon that can fill a variety of offensive roles and can almost always threaten a kill after a boost. I feel this is better suited for the first paragraph. Find a way to put it in your first sentence.

Id like to see a sentence or two on early game wallbreakers that can check walls that Hisuian Zoroark struggles with like Ting-Lu, Amoonguss (when you're not running Flamethrower), Corviknight (when not running Flamethrower). I would also like a mention of Pokemon that can spread paralysis to shut down opponents sweepers

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[SetsuSetsuna, 548068], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
Implement these and then tag me. Ty.
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Hey Siddakid, I've noticed that a lot of the above checks haven't been implemented. For example, you've missed the big set change that Setsu asked for:
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hyper Voice/Grass Knot Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Focus Blast/Flamethrower Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Fighting/Normal/Ghost Normal / Ghost / Fighting Just putting this in the correct order
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
I meant "Grass Knot goes before Hyper Voice", so you should mention it before Hyper Voice in the text.
Also remember to use spaces in between slashes. So for example "Focus Blast / Flamethrower" instead of "Focus Blast/Flamethrower"
There's also a lot of content missed from the checks too.

I'm putting this back into WIP now, back to QC 0/2, and I'd like to see both Setsu's and Daimyo's checks implemented fully before this gets another check from anyone. I've put their checks in hide tags, so all you need to do is hit Reply to the check and make the changes to your analysis that way. If you have any questions, ask in the analysis-discussion channel in the OU discord.

If there are any further issues with implementing checks, this will be reassigned.
Hey Siddakid, I've noticed that a lot of the above checks haven't been implemented. For example, you've missed the big set change that Setsu asked for:

There's also a lot of content missed from the checks too.

I'm putting this back into WIP now, back to QC 0/2, and I'd like to see both Setsu's and Daimyo's checks implemented fully before this gets another check from anyone. I've put their checks in hide tags, so all you need to do is hit Reply to the check and make the changes to your analysis that way. If you have any questions, ask in the analysis-discussion channel in the OU discord.

If there are any further issues with implementing checks, this will be reassigned.

Hey Autumn, I've had a look at what both Daimyo and Setsu have said and I've implemented as many changes as I could. There shouldn't be any more problems, however, if any do arise, feel free to tag me and I'll have those sorted asap..srry abt the inconvenience :(
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name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Normal / Ghost / Fighting
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat, and can boast about almost always threatening a kill after a boost. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. Alternatively, Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. In the last slot, Zoroark-H can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer would-be switch-ins like Corviknight as well as Scizor or Focus Blast to obliterate the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Corviknight, and Scizor. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance and comes with the added benefit of powering up Focus Blast to staggering heights and letting it be less susceptible to Sucker Punch from Kingambit and Meowscarada. Otherwise, Hisuian-Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Zoroark-H's side of the field which, leaves Zoroark-H's Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on Pokemon that hold down Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark-H making Orthworm another great partner. Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill Pokemon faster than Zoroark-H like Dragapult and Meowscarada such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Zoroark-H can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as Kingambit and Roaring Moon and lure in their respective checks like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Hazard support is also another thing Zoroark-H loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora and Garchomp when partnered with Hisuian Zoroark make for a valuable partnership with a setter being able to come in and set Hazards and Zoroark being able to threaten the tiers best spinners with its powerful attacks as well as having the added benefit of being able to spinblock through its typing before it Terastalizes. Wallbreakers like Offensive Cinderace can hammer down Zoroark-H's would be switch-ins like Amoonguss, Corviknight, and Ting-Lu respectively, and in return, Zoroark-H can rip apart Cinderace's switches like Azumarill and Dondozo using its aforementioned Illusion ability to mask itself as Cinderace.
- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]

CaptainDaimyo This is a few days old but I've implemented the changes
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Hey, there is still work to be done but I hope we can work it out. You can update to QC 1/2 (remember to update AFTER implemented). Do be more careful on the changes. For example add "Hisuian Zoroark" instead of just Zoroark or Zoroark-H. In the EVs section remember to write 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with the spaces, instead of 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe. Feel free to ask any questions you may have or if you dont agree with smth. Thanks for all your time.

name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Normal / Ghost / Fighting
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat, and can boast about almost always threatening a kill after a boost. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. Alternatively, Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer **would-be switch-ins like Corviknight** as well as Scizor or Focus Blast to obliterate the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Corviknight, and Scizor. , Kingambit, and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Kingambit, Garganacl, and Ting-Lu with the same move. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance and comes with the added benefit of powering up Focus Blast to staggering heights and letting it be less susceptible to Sucker Punch from Kingambit and Meowscarada (Meowscarada is faster and can just Knock Off). Otherwise, Hisuian-Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's Zoroark-H's side of the field which, leaves its Zoroark-H's Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on Pokemon that hold down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark-H making Orthworm another great partner. Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill Pokemon faster than Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H like Dragapult and Meowscarada such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit and Roaring Moon Baxcalibur, as well as Roaring Moon, and lure in their respective checks physical walls like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range (from what attacks? Be careful about this last part or omit it). Hazard support is also another thing Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora and Garchomp when partnered with Hisuian Zoroark make for a valuable partnership with a setter being able to come in and set Hazards and Zoroark being able to threaten the tiers best spinners with its powerful attacks as well as having the added benefit of being able to spinblock through its typing before it Terastalizes. (This reads really weirdly. Try to rework it so it sounds better. Instead of mentioning multiple spinners just mention Great Tusk) Wallbreakers like Offensive Cinderace can hammer down Hisuian Zoroark's Zoroark-H's would be switch-ins like **Amoonguss, Corviknight,** and Ting-Lu respectively, and in return, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can rip apart Cinderace's switches like Azumarill (Azu doesnt switch in cause of Gunk Shot) Great Tusk and Dondozo using its aforementioned Illusion ability to mask itself as Cinderace.

**There are a couple mentions of Amoonguss and Corviknight being switch-ins to Hisuian Zoroark, which they just arent. They get blasted by Flamethrower. If you are not Flamethrower then +2 Life Orb Shadow Ball / Hyper Voice threatens a OHKO

+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Corviknight: 374-442 (93.7 - 110.7%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Amoonguss: 406-477 (93.9 - 110.4%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO

and even if you are not Life Orb they have to be pretty much at full to take the hit, as well as being willing to sacrifice themselves to get the hit on Zoroark, so in practice they dont actually switch in very often.

If you want to focus on defensive Pokemon that give Zoroark trouble then focus on Unaware Clodsire, Ting-Lu, Assault Vest Azumarill.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
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Hey, there is still work to be done but I hope we can work it out. You can update to QC 1/2 (remember to update AFTER implemented). Do be more careful on the changes. For example add "Hisuian Zoroark" instead of just Zoroark or Zoroark-H. In the EVs section remember to write 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe with the spaces, instead of 252 SpA/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe. Feel free to ask any questions you may have or if you dont agree with smth. Thanks for all your time.

name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Hyper Voice
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Normal / Ghost / Fighting
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat, and can boast about almost always threatening a kill after a boost. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. Alternatively, Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer **would-be switch-ins like Corviknight** as well as Scizor or Focus Blast to obliterate the aforementioned Kingambit along with mons that can take on Focus Blast, such as Corviknight, and Scizor. , Kingambit, and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Kingambit, Garganacl, and Ting-Lu with the same move. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance and comes with the added benefit of powering up Focus Blast to staggering heights and letting it be less susceptible to Sucker Punch from Kingambit and Meowscarada (Meowscarada is faster and can just Knock Off). Otherwise, Hisuian-Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's Zoroark-H's side of the field which, leaves its Zoroark-H's Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on Pokemon that hold down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Zoroark-H making Orthworm another great partner. Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill Pokemon faster than Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H like Dragapult and Meowscarada such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit and Roaring Moon Baxcalibur, as well as Roaring Moon, and lure in their respective checks physical walls like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range (from what attacks? Be careful about this last part or omit it). Hazard support is also another thing Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora and Garchomp when partnered with Hisuian Zoroark make for a valuable partnership with a setter being able to come in and set Hazards and Zoroark being able to threaten the tiers best spinners with its powerful attacks as well as having the added benefit of being able to spinblock through its typing before it Terastalizes. (This reads really weirdly. Try to rework it so it sounds better. Instead of mentioning multiple spinners just mention Great Tusk) Wallbreakers like Offensive Cinderace can hammer down Hisuian Zoroark's Zoroark-H's would be switch-ins like **Amoonguss, Corviknight,** and Ting-Lu respectively, and in return, Hisuian Zoroark Zoroark-H can rip apart Cinderace's switches like Azumarill (Azu doesnt switch in cause of Gunk Shot) Great Tusk and Dondozo using its aforementioned Illusion ability to mask itself as Cinderace.

**There are a couple mentions of Amoonguss and Corviknight being switch-ins to Hisuian Zoroark, which they just arent. They get blasted by Flamethrower. If you are not Flamethrower then +2 Life Orb Shadow Ball / Hyper Voice threatens a OHKO

+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Corviknight: 374-442 (93.7 - 110.7%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Zoroark-Hisui Hyper Voice vs. 252 HP / 84 SpD Amoonguss: 406-477 (93.9 - 110.4%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO

and even if you are not Life Orb they have to be pretty much at full to take the hit, as well as being willing to sacrifice themselves to get the hit on Zoroark, so in practice they dont actually switch in very often.

If you want to focus on defensive Pokemon that give Zoroark trouble then focus on Unaware Clodsire, Ting-Lu, Assault Vest Azumarill.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]

Hey Setsu, implemented the changes you asked for..I reworded "their respective checks" to "physically defensive pokemon" instead of "Physical walls" because it clashed with Daimyos review from earlier so I think putting it as "physically defensive pokemon" satisfies both reviewers
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qc 2/2
name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Hyper Voice Focus Blast
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Normal / Ghost / Fighting Ghost / Fighting / Fairy
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat, and can boast about almost always threatening a kill after a boost. I believe a mention of Illusion giving itself a unique niche is important in the first sentence. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. Mention that its a reliable option to chip Ting-Lu as well and likes not having to rely on Focus Blast to punish it coming in. Alternatively, Hyper Voice is a solid STAB option that lets Hisuian Zoroark hit mons like Baxcalibur through their Substitute. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Ting-Lu, Hydreigon Kingambit and Garganacl with the same move. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance, leaving it less susceptible to Kingambit's Sucker Punch, Meowscarada's Knock Off and Greninja's Dark Pulse, and comes with the added benefit of powering powers up Focus Blast to staggering heights and letting it be less susceptible to Sucker Punch from Kingambit. Mention that tera fight focus blast has ohkoes baxcalibur and garganacl (garg always dies after rocks) and +2 has good odds to ohko ting lu after rocks. Otherwise, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Terastalization turn to terastalize into either a Normal or Ghost type, which turns its Shadow Ball into a weapon that knocks out Gholdengo and, at +2, guarantees OHKOs on Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth and Slowking already solid STABs into straight-up weapons that hit the whole tier for at least neutral damage and let it threaten a kill to nearly everything. Add a sentence here talking about tera fairy's defensive utility, giving it a resistance to dark and an immunity to dragon moves from pult. Focus Sash is used to take at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal. Mention what specific calcs life orb is useful for (focus blast ohkoes bax, +2 shadow ball ohkoes volcarona, physdef rotom and corv (guarantee after rocks), and gives it a chance to ohko dondozo with grass knot. You can give more relevant examples if you want but these are some of the important ones.

note: the qc team decided that tera normal and hyper voice are not worth mentioning so I have removed them here. instead, we decided on replacing it with tera fairy because it gives it an important dark resist and immunity to pults dragon moves, which is what its usually gonna attempt to hit zoroark with.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field which, leaves its Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by coming in on threatening Pokemon that hold down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Substitute support is also greatly appreciated for Hisuian Zoroark making Orthworm another great partner. Dragapult and Meowscarada are faster threats to Hisuian Zoroark, so Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill Pokemon faster than Hisuian Zoroark like Dragapult and Meowscarada them, such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit, Baxcalibur, as well as Roaring Moon, and lure in their physically defensive walls like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack like a boosted Shadow Ball or Hyper Voice putting them in KO range. Hazard support is also another thing Hisuian Zoroark loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora, Meowscarada and Garchomp like having Hisuian Zoroark on their team as they can set up Hazards and Hisuian Zoroark can stop an incoming Rapid Spin from Great Tusk before it Terastalizes. Mention that hazards chip the main things that people use to deal with hisui zoro, ting lu / pex / kingambit. Wallbreakers like Offensive Cinderace can hammer down Hisuian Zoroark's would-be switch-ins like Ting-Lu and Kingambit and in return, Hisuian Zoroark can rip apart Cinderace's switches like Great Tusk and Dondozo. Offensive Cinderace isn't the best mention as a teammate because nobody switches in Ting-Lu and Kingambit into it. Focus on things that appreciate the damage that Zoroark can force on bulky special walls like Ting-Lu, like Iron Moth that can put in work after Ting-Lu is weakened. Also mention Hydreigon as a good teammate because you can play illusion mindgames w/ fighting moves, it can typically abuse Clod with substitute/tera steel sets, and also forces damage on Ting-Lu.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
Last edited:
name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Focus Blast
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Ghost / Fighting / Fairy
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack stat, and it can boast about almost always threatening a kill after a boost. Its ability, Illusion, allows Hisuian Zoroark to carve a nice in OU by allowing it to disguise itself as another Pokemon on its team. Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. This also comes with the advantage of being a reliable move against heavy foes like Ting-Lu without burning up valuable PP of Focus Blast or dealing with its less-than-stellar accuracy. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Ting-Lu, Hydreigon, Kingambit, and Garganacl with the same move. Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance, leaving it less susceptible to Kingambits Sucker Punch, Meowscaradas Knock Off, and Greninjas Dark Pulse, and powers up Focus Blast to staggering heights. Tera Fighting Focus Blast OHKOs Baxcalibur and Garganacl and even has a good chance to OHKO Ting-Lu at +2 after Stealth Rock. Otherwise, Hisuian Zoroark can terastalize into a Ghost type, which turns its Shadow Ball which knocks out Gholdengo, and at +2, OHKOs Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. Alternatively, terastalizing into a Fairy Type allows Hisuian Zoroark to hold off Dark types as well as become immune to Dragapults Dragon-type attacks. Focus Sash is used to ta already solid STABs into at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal. Life Orb allows it to safely OHKO Baxcalibur with Focus Blast and at +2, it can guarantee OHKOs on Volcarona, Physically-Defensive Rotom-Wash, and can OHKO Corviknight after Stealth Rock, all with Shadow Ball.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field which, leaves its Focus Sash intact, and providing Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by threatening Pokemon that hold down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Dragapult and Meowscarada are faster threats to Hisuian Zoroark, so Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill them, such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit, Baxcalibur, as well as Roaring Moon, and lure in physically defensive walls like Defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Hazard support is another thing Hisuian Zoroark loves to have on its team. Pokemon like Glimmora, Meowscarada, and Garchomp set up Hazards and Hisuian Zoroark can stop an incoming Rapid Spin from Great Tusk. Hisuian Zoroark can force damage on bulky Special Walls like Ting-Lu, which is highly appreciated by Pokemon like Iron Moth, which can force out Ting-Lu once it is weakened enough. Hydreigon also makes a great partner for Hisuian Zoroark as both of them can play Substitute mind games on Clodsire and Hydreigon can break past Clodsire 1v1 with Earth Power. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can wear down Ting-Lu, which is a thrown in the side of Hydreigon.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]

3d made all the edits you wanted, have a look and lmk if any more changes need to be made
"Hydreigon also makes a great partner for Hisuian Zoroark as both of them can play Substitute mind games on Clodsire and Hydreigon can break past Clodsire 1v1 with Earth Power. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can wear down Ting-Lu, which is a thrown in the side of Hydreigon."

i don't understand what this sentence is saying at all,

hydreigon and zoroark play illusion mind games w fighting type moves and hydreigon can beat clodsire with sub and earth power, or tera steel and earth power. finally, hydreigon forces damage on ting lu which zoroark appreciates and the same the other way around.

change it to something like this

everything else is good

Noted and implemented :)
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AMGP, implement as desired but needs official verification
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AMGP, implement as desired but needs official verification
name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Focus Blast
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Ghost / Fighting / Fairy
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk not necessary for PS imports

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of unique typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack Attack stat, and it can boast about almost always threatening a kill KO after a boost. Its ability, Illusion, allows Hisuian Zoroark to carve a nice in OU by allowing it to disguise itself as another Pokemon on its team. this is just dex info Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting hits nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and it has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD a foe's Special Defense. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. This also comes with the advantage of being a reliable move against heavy foes like Ting-Lu without burning up valuable PP of on Focus Blast or dealing with its less-than-stellar accuracy. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer hammers would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Ting-Lu, Hydreigon, Kingambit, and Garganacl with the same move. Tera Ghost allows Shadow Ball to more reliably OHKO Gholdengo on Focus Sash sets, and it also allows +2 Shadow Ball to OHKO Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. moved this before tera fighting because it's the primary option Otherwise, Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance, leaving it less susceptible to Kingambit's (') Sucker Punch, Meowscarada's (') Knock Off, and Greninja's (') Dark Pulse, and it powers up Focus Blast to staggering heights. Tera Fighting Focus Blast OHKOes Baxcalibur and Garganacl and even has a good chance to OHKO Ting-Lu at +2 after Stealth Rock. Otherwise, Hisuian Zoroark can terastalize into a Ghost type, which turns its Shadow Ball which knocks out Gholdengo, and at +2, OHKOs Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. Alternatively, terastalizing into a Fairy Type allows Hisuian Zoroark to hold Tera Fairy holds off Dark-types (add hyphen) as well as become and makes Hisuian Zoroark immune to Dragapults Dragapult's Dragon-type attacks. Focus Sash is used to ta already solid STABs into at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack i did not understand this so i re-wrote it Focus Sash guarantees that Hisuian Zoroark has a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal prowess. Life Orb allows it to safely OHKO Baxcalibur with Focus Blast and at +2, it can guarantee OHKOs on Volcarona, Physically-Defensive Rotom-Wash, and can OHKO Corviknight after Stealth Rock, all with Shadow Ball. Life Orb allows Focus Blast to OHKO Baxcalibur, and it also ensures that +2 Shadow Ball OHKOes Volcarona, physically defensive Rotom-W, and Corviknight after Stealth Rock.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up setup sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams hyper and bulky offense teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner, providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping which keeps entry hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field which, and leaves its Focus Sash intact. (add period) , and providing It also provides Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by threatening Pokemon that hold it down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Dragapult and Meowscarada are faster threats to than Hisuian Zoroark, so Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill them, such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur, (ac) are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit, Baxcalibur, as well as and Roaring Moon, and lure in physically defensive physical walls like defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo to weaken or KO them. only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Hazard support is another thing Hisuian Zoroark loves to have on its team. Pokemon setters like Glimmora, Meowscarada, and Garchomp set up hazards, (ac)and Hisuian Zoroark can stop an incoming Rapid Spin from Great Tusk. Hisuian Zoroark can force damage on bulky Special Walls special walls like Ting-Lu, which is highly appreciated by Pokemon like Iron Moth, which as it can force out beat a weakened Ting-Lu once it is weakened enough one-on-one. Hydreigon and Hisuian Zoroark play illusion Illusion mind games with Fighting-type moves, (ac) and Hydreigon can topple Clodsire with Substitute and Earth Power, or Tera Steel and Earth Power Earth Power and Substitute or Tera Steel. Finally, Hydreigon forces damage on Ting-Lu, (ac) which Hisuian Zoroark appreciates, and the same applies the other way around vice versa.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[SetsuSetsuna, 548068], [3d, 295768]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
Written by:
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Grammar checked by:
1/1 GP Team done, credit both of us
name: Silent but Deadly (Nasty Plot)
move 1: Nasty Plot
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Grass Knot / Focus Blast
move 4: Flamethrower / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash / Life Orb
Tera Type: Ghost / Fighting / Fairy
ability: Illusion
nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Ivs: 0 Atk not necessary for PS imports

Nasty Plot Hisuian Zoroark is a devastating Special special wallbreaker thanks to its unique combination of unique typing, coverage, fantastic Speed, and a high Special attack Attack stat, and it can boast about almost always threatening a kill KO after a boost. Its ability, Illusion, allows Hisuian Zoroark to carve a nice in OU by allowing it to disguise itself as another Pokemon on its team. this is just dex info (illusion point is worthwhile i'd say - you just need to make it meta relevant. how can illusion benefit it? a common thing is disguising it to lure in something with poor special defense/weak to its moves) Shadow Ball is the preferred STAB, hitting hits nearly everything in the tier for solid damage with very few drawbacks, and it has the lovely side effect of potentially dropping an opponent's SpD a foe's Special Defense. Grass Knot can be utilized to sink many heavy defensive threats, such as Garganacl, Great Tusk, and Dondozo. This also comes with the advantage of being a reliable move against heavy foes like Ting-Lu without burning up valuable PP of on Focus Blast or dealing with its less-than-stellar accuracy. In the last slot, Hisuian Zoroark can make excellent use of Flamethrower to hammer hammers would-be switch-ins like Kingambit and Scizor. Alternatively, Focus Blast can be used to hit Ting-Lu, Hydreigon, Kingambit, and Garganacl with the same move. Tera Ghost allows Shadow Ball to more reliably OHKO Gholdengo on Focus Sash sets, and it also allows +2 Shadow Ball to OHKO Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. moved this before tera fighting because it's the primary option Otherwise, Tera Fighting turns its Dark-type weakness into a resistance, leaving it less susceptible to Kingambit's (') Sucker Punch, Meowscarada's (') Knock Off, and Greninja's (') Dark Pulse, and it powers up Focus Blast to staggering heights. Tera Fighting Focus Blast OHKOes Baxcalibur and Garganacl and even has a good chance to OHKO Ting-Lu at +2 after Stealth Rock. Otherwise, Hisuian Zoroark can terastalize into a Ghost type, which turns its Shadow Ball which knocks out Gholdengo, and at +2, OHKOs Baxcalibur, Volcarona, Walking Wake, Iron Moth, and Slowking. Alternatively, terastalizing into a Fairy Type allows Hisuian Zoroark to hold Tera Fairy holds off Dark-types (add hyphen) as well as become and makes Hisuian Zoroark immune to Dragapults Dragapult's Dragon-type attacks. Focus Sash is used to ta already solid STABs into at least 1 hit from foes' attacks giving Hisuian Zoroark a chance to set up or attack i did not understand this so i re-wrote it Focus Sash guarantees that Hisuian Zoroark has a chance to set up or attack. On the other hand, Life Orb can be used to add further power to Hisuian Zoroark's already formidable arsenal prowess. Life Orb allows it to safely OHKO Baxcalibur with Focus Blast and at +2, it can guarantee OHKOs on Volcarona, Physically-Defensive Rotom-Wash, and can OHKO Corviknight after Stealth Rock, all with Shadow Ball. Life Orb allows Focus Blast to OHKO Baxcalibur, and it also ensures that +2 Shadow Ball OHKOes Volcarona, physically defensive Rotom-W, and Corviknight after Stealth Rock.

Hisuian Zoroark functions best as a set-up setup sweeper on Hyper and Bulky Offensive teams hyper and bulky offense teams. Great Tusk is a top-class partner, providing Hisuian Zoroark invaluable utility with its excellent defenses and access to Rapid Spin, keeping which keeps entry hazards off Hisuian Zoroark's side of the field which, and leaves its Focus Sash intact. (add period) , and providing It also provides Hisuian Zoroark more opportunities to come in and set up by threatening Pokemon that hold it down Hisuian Zoroark indefinitely, such as Clodsire. Dragapult and Meowscarada are faster threats to than Hisuian Zoroark, so Pokemon that can come in and revenge kill them, such as Kingambit and Choice Band Baxcalibur, (ac) are also appreciated. In return, Hisuian Zoroark can use its Illusion ability to mask itself as the aforementioned Kingambit, Baxcalibur, as well as and Roaring Moon, and lure in physically defensive physical walls like defensive Great Tusk and Dondozo to weaken or KO them. only for them to be met with a powerful Special Attack putting them in KO range. Hazard support is another thing Hisuian Zoroark loves to have on its team. Pokemon setters like Glimmora, Meowscarada, and Garchomp set up hazards, (ac)and Hisuian Zoroark can stop an incoming Rapid Spin from Great Tusk. Hisuian Zoroark can force damage on bulky Special Walls special walls like Ting-Lu, which is highly appreciated by Pokemon like Iron Moth, which can force out Ting-Lu once it is weakened enough has an easier time breaking through them once they have been weakened. (rewrote this point to be more i line with what the qc check above asked for) Hydreigon and Hisuian Zoroark play illusion Illusion mind games with Fighting-type moves, (ac) and Hydreigon can topple Clodsire with Substitute and Earth Power, or Tera Steel and Earth Power Earth Power and Substitute or Tera Steel. Finally, Hydreigon forces damage on Ting-Lu, (ac) which Hisuian Zoroark appreciates, and the same applies the other way around vice versa.

- Written by: [[Siddakid, 580390]]
- Quality checked by: [[SetsuSetsuna, 548068], [3d, 295768]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]
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Siddakid implement this check the same way as I explained with teh QC checks by clicking reply to this post and editing from there. Let me know if you have any questions.
autumn Hey, idk if there is any sort of time limit to when I need this done by, but it'll take me a couple days to see and edit it since I recently got deployed and my phone refuses to edit a reply for some odd reason, therefore I should have this done by Tuesday at the latest and the original message will be the one edited (post #1)...lmk if you have any questions/concerns
autumn Hey, idk if there is any sort of time limit to when I need this done by, but it'll take me a couple days to see and edit it since I recently got deployed and my phone refuses to edit a reply for some odd reason, therefore I should have this done by Tuesday at the latest and the original message will be the one edited (post #1)...lmk if you have any questions/concerns
are you still able to do this?
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