Project National Dex Bazaar

Anti-stall bloodmoon HO (


The mon I wanted to build around. Hyperoffense has a hard time with well-constructed fat, as few stallbreakers can cover everything stall throws at you. Moreover, Mlop has been seeing less usage on fat, so I decided to use taunt moonlight bloodmoon. This has a lot of favourable traits, being very bulky under screens, taking around 40% from Supereffective attacks under screens. Moreover, with access to taunt, it already makes a stall matchup favourable. What makes it so great is the breaking power of constant bloodmoons with mind's eye, and earth powers hitting the steels and rocks that resist normal. Bloodmoon already possesses nuclear firepower, and stall can still chip it down, so moonlight assists us. The EVS guarantee outspeeding blissey, and allow seismic toss to be a 5HKO. The speed allows us to taunt to prevent toxics and deny recovery.

Some calcs:
252+ SpA Ursaluna-Bloodmoon Blood Moon vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Blissey: 199-235 (27.8 - 32.9%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
252+ SpA Ursaluna-Bloodmoon Tectonic Rage (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Blissey: 249-294 (34.8 - 41.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

:Ursaluna-bloodmoon: :Tapu Koko:

Standard screens, tera flying to beat lando lol. The evs are to maximise damage, even as a support mon. Moves are the standard offensive support set.

:Ursaluna-bloodmoon: :Tapu Koko: :Volcarona:

Volcarona is still a great setup abuser, serving as a wincon for the team, after all, every screens team needs 2 wincons in my opinion. Tera ground hp ground can bruise through heatran, and a timid volcarona is still bulky enough under screens anyway. I opted for roost over bug buzz, as bug buzz hits like, a few dark and psychic types. Most darks beat it anyway. and the 2 psychics in ND OU are neutral to bug.

:Ursaluna-bloodmoon: :Tapu Koko: :Volcarona: :Iron Valiant:

The specs set is less common than the life orb or BE sets, but this set packs amazing firepower, and breaks difficult mons with a trick. Thunderbolt, Moonblast and Aura sphere abuse valiant's excellent STAB combo and the power of terrain to deal damage, and offer great coverage. This serves as a speed mon that can break walls. This has both specs AND scarf under terrain so yeah...

:Ursaluna-bloodmoon: :Tapu Koko: :Volcarona: :Iron Valiant: :Baxcalibur:

A setup sweeper that only got better with DLC, scale shot SD bax allows for sweeps or at least broken holes if positioned well. The only thing the set lacks is recovery, but it still has good bulk for an offensive mon, and can tank a few hits. The SR weakness really lets it down tho.

:Ursaluna-bloodmoon: :Tapu Koko: :Volcarona: :Iron Valiant: :Baxcalibur: :Sneasler:

We've all seen this before, and no Terrain team is finished without it. A secondary physical wincon, revenge killer and wallbreaker allows it to clean in the late game. The only issue is that it is not that much of a threat if koko is dead and terrain isn't up, being easily picked off, and having a very weak acrobatics.

Replays: None lol for now. I made a new account and I will try and get on the board.

Anyway you can use this team for ladder farming, NDPL or whatever. Idc.
After getting to around 1400 with this team, I have determined that it gets kinda somewhat super smashed by rain.
quick sample team
Updated doublade team 2.0 (peaked 2nd should be num 1 :( if not for fred climbing way too high )

:sv/Doublade: :sv/baxcalibur: :sv/Clodsire: :sv/gliscor: :sv/slowking: :sv/dondozo:

after my account decayed down to 1500s I (easily) peaked around top 2 on ladder from 1500s in a day using a revamped version of my doublade team (i just spammed multiple games at once and ended up reaching top 2 in 2hrs i would of been number 1 but some guy )

(In my opinion) The most slept on pokemon is Doublade, Doublade is a highly underrated Pokémon that performs amazing in the current metagame. It's particularly effective against popular teams that include Snealser and Bax. Doublade can handle Gambit's attacks, survive a hit, and then counter with a powerful Close Combat move. Additionally, it serves as a strong counter to Pokémon like Zamazenta and Iron Valliant, effortlessly enduring their attacks. These are just a few examples of Doublade's capabilities, suggesting that it should be recognized as an essential choice in the metagame. Gyro ball from doublade straight up ohkos unburden snealser baxcalabur valiant clefable glimora mega diance etc which really just the pushes it a bit over the edge, and with gambit banned its only a matter of time till it goes too

why use doublade over aegislash :sv/Aegislash:


  • better able to take special hits
  • higher base hits
  • possibility of running physical, special or mixed attacking sets (shallow special movepool though)
  • can run other items
  • paper if caught in blade form (this is why you want as low speed as possible, so you go last and then shield priority/shadow sneak if needed)

  • ungodly defense
  • defense retained when attacking
  • might be better on a trick room team(?)
  • bad spdef
  • cant run anything other than eviolite
  • looks better (... imo)


Doublade 6 0 in 1900s
Doublade ohko hydregion
Doublade 6 0 VS STALL
1900s trick room
doublade vs rain
doublade vs 1900 ho
1800s game

thats all then, this team was suppose to be a joke team but i ended getting high in ladder with it way to fast


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quick sample team
Updated doublade team 2.0 (peaked 2nd)
View attachment 563616
:sv/Doublade: :sv/baxcalibur: :sv/Clodsire: :sv/gliscor: :sv/slowking: :sv/dondozo:

after my account decayed down to 1500s I (easily) peaked around top 2 on ladder from 1500s in a day using a revamped version of my doublade team (i just spammed multiple games at once and ended up reaching top 2 in 2hrs i would of been number 1 but some guy )

(In my opinion) The most slept on pokemon is Doublade, Doublade is a highly underrated Pokémon that performs amazing in the current metagame. It's particularly effective against popular teams that include Snealser and Bax. Doublade can handle Gambit's attacks, survive a hit, and then counter with a powerful Close Combat move. Additionally, it serves as a strong counter to Pokémon like Zamazenta and Iron Valliant, effortlessly enduring their attacks. These are just a few examples of Doublade's capabilities, suggesting that it should be recognized as an essential choice in the metagame. Gyro ball from doublade straight up ohkos unburden snealser baxcalabur valiant clefable glimora mega diance etc which really just the pushes it a bit over the edge, and with gambit banned its only a matter of time till it goes too

why use doublade over aegislash :sv/Aegislash:


  • better able to take special hits
  • higher base hits
  • possibility of running physical, special or mixed attacking sets (shallow special movepool though)
  • can run other items
  • paper if caught in blade form (this is why you want as low speed as possible, so you go last and then shield priority/shadow sneak if needed)

  • ungodly defense
  • defense retained when attacking
  • might be better on a trick room team(?)
  • bad spdef
  • cant run anything other than eviolite
  • looks better (... imo)


Doublade 6 0 in 1900s
Doublade ohko hydregion
Doublade 6 0 VS STALL
1900s trick room
doublade vs rain
doublade vs 1900 ho
1800s game

thats all then, this team was suppose to be a joke team but i ended getting high in ladder with it way to fast

wow i cant believe you managed to get so high using doublade

Here is the full paste if you just want to see the team. I’ll provide a brief description of the team along with how it came together etc.

:Garganacl: :Rotom-Wash: :Venusaur-Mega: :Celesteela: :Landorus-Therian: :Gholdengo:

This team is inspired from one of my favorite teams of all time that I used in SM. I didn’t create the original team and sadly I don’t remember who did :(

The original members on this team are Landorus, Mega Venusaur and SpDef Celesteela! There are some major differences in this team, due to the difference in these two metas and generations. Ash-Gren used to be on this team, an extremely threatening late game cleaner and provided the team with spikes utilizing its offensive pressure. Unfortunately there are no spikes on this team, I decided rocks are enough to support this team. Rotom-Wash functions as this teams powerful wall breaker, softening threats to dengo such as Bax, Thorn, Zapdos, opposing Gholdengos and Vice Versa! Gholdengo is running 3a Psyshock to be able to handle Pex, Clod and other stall Pokémon that can be a nuisance to your team. You can also threaten scary cm users like tera poison Cres or Bloodmoon with a max SpAtt modest Psyshock! The downside to this set is that you lack recover but truthfully it is not something you need on Dengo, It is an amazing tool on most sets but you are more threatening with 3a and your defensive utility is not required on this team.

Originally I had Scarf Landorus with Defog because Lando can deter Dengo from coming in with a guaranteed OHKO from STAB Earthquake. Then I put defog on rotom who can still threaten and outspeed non-scarf dengo with unboosted Z-Hydro Pump and 4x resisting Gholdengos signature Make It Rain. Finally I decided to sacrifice speed control because when you the rocks weakness is too detrimental. Speed control is probably more important for this team but I encourage you to try the team out for yourself and tell me what you think. Finally for Lando, the ev spread allows you to always live an HP-Ice from max invested KoKo at full health.

The objective of this team is to play very offensive and force progress in the beginning with moves that force your opponent to react (like salt cure and leech seed) and utilize your potent breakers to eliminate threats to your defensive core to arrive at a position late game where you can beat them with Venusaur, Steela, Garg or some variation of those three. This team is weak to setup sweepers such as Sneasler and Poltergeist, usually forcing you to sack multiple Pokémon if they get setup which is why it’s important to do your best to deny your opponent those opportunities as best as possible. For Sneasler, you can try to scout acro because Gholdengo should be able to 1v1 without recover and night slash loses to Venu.

I hope you like the team, its a recent build and I intend to continue working on it. Some funky sets I enjoyed using on the ladder like tera Ice lando and Psyshock Dengo. Let me know your thoughts and opinions on the best way to improve!
given that the current samples are crusty AF and we don't have many offences available id like to make a reliable screens sample that works well into a large variety of different playstyles and builds. After a lot of careful consideration here's the build I chose, and laddered with it to around 1830 to prove its viable into a wide variety of archetypes piloted by strong players.

Starting off with Grimmsnarl
SUS TERA DNB VOTER (Grimmsnarl) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Taunt

- Foul Play

This mon is the superior screens setter for non eterrain centric teams where it offers several advantages over tapu koko:
Grimmsnarl is a much faster screens setter due to prankster giving priority to its status moves, it doesnt need to invest in any speed and therefore can have a bulky spread letting it tank hits much easier, grimmsnarl doesnt have to worry about random scarf mons outspeeding before you set screens and getting off huge chip or flat out killing you before you even get the chance to set. Dark typing means youre immune to opposing prankster taunt and can also prankster taunt things to win the 1v1 against a potential opposing koko screens matchup. Being able to re-set screens easily from low HP against a speed boosted threat such as +1 bax, +1 volc or booster iron valiant or get off a priority taunt to stop them from boosting up further is invaluable. Foul play provides much higher damage output then any coverage tapu koko would run and can be used to stop physical threats trying to swords dance or dragon dance up while you try and set screens, tera steel + foul play allows you to ohko a +2 baxcalibur while it tries to icicle spear you, you also live a 4hit +2 icicle spear from bax with no screens and not tera'd. As a screens setter foul play allows you to get many kills in different matchups which is always an added bonus for a utility mon.

Next up Mega Gyarados
NO BOZOS (Gyarados-Mega) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Waterfall
- Taunt

Mega Gyara is a premier stall breaker in this tier using taunt and serves as a great wincon for screens: Intimidate and screens gives it incredible physical bulk along with its already good special bulk to take advantage of passive mons with taunt and setup for a win. Taunt lets you make fodder out of mons like alomomola, clodsire, chansey, ting lu, mega sableye and dondozo (non body press) along with many other stall staples and theres often nothing they can do back, this is the teams main method of breaking through unaware mons which gyarados invalidates with mold breaker. This is how you win the stall and fat matchups.


DJ KHALED (Cresselia) @ Kee Berry
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 40 SpD / 10 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

Cresselia is a very powerful calm mind sweeper and will often 6-0 teams that have no counter to it
Every now and then you hear people complaining about banning stored power and this mon is the reason why, cresselia with its defence boost from kee berry and several calm minds is often unbreakable without a crit or a fast taunt/encore. Once this mon gets going and teras it has only one weakness in psychic due to levitate giving it a ground immunity. It also boasts some of the best natural bulk in the game at 120/110/120 on top of this meaning it can heal off strong neutral hits with no problem. This mons only counters on slow teams are haze users which can often be exploited by the other members of this team, while on offensive teams if they lose their encore/taunt mon or any swords dance zmove user that can outscale cress and break it they often lose on the spot. This mon can setup on most things without screens and especially with screens up easily finds many opportunities to begin boosting up, making your offence matchup very easy.

Iron Hands
HANDREW TATE (Iron Hands) @ Punching Glove
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 216 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance

Iron Hands is an excellent bulky wallbreaker and setup sweeper with very good coverage: it has bolt-beam coverage through its elemental punches along with drain punch for HP recovery meaning it can hit super effectively vs the majority of the metagame, tera water makes a well played iron hands a free 6-0 for most rain matchups along with many offences and even fatter teams, as well as helps your matchup vs urshifu-r which can crit through screens. it finds many opportunities to setup vs rain such as infront of ferrothorn and pelliper and easily tanks hits from every mon on rain especially with screens up. A water tera'd iron hands takes less than half from a max spa zapdos thunder while you have light screen up and can easily Ko back with a +2 ice punch. punching gloves is interchangeable with leftovers but allows you to avoid all contact effects from common physical drain punch switchins such as moltres, garchomp and volcarona.


YOGI BOPS (Ursaluna) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 144 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch
- Facade
- Headlong Rush
- Swords Dance

This bear is nearly unwallable and always good for atleast a kill or two into any matchup: it has huge bulk and sky high attack with guts facade, fire punch allows you to beat any ground/normal switchins like balloon gholdengo, skarmory and corv (doesnt exist) this mon has 1248 attack at +2 along with 140bp and 120bp stabs letting it break past anything, tera ghost stop body press mons and lets you instantly flip the matchup vs any fighting type that would dare click close combat into you and ohko them back, facade easily 2hko's dondozo (cancer) and ursaluna can be used to exploit any passive haze mons trying to stop cress giving you a free switchin. Stall teams can do almost nothing vs ursaluna except switch around and pray you dont make the right prediction, given how ursaluna is burned this also gives you a valuable status absorber to switch into any wisps or thunderwaves. Speed evs are to outspeed your evil twin 28spe ev bloodmoon ursaluna and spdef evs lets you comfortably switch in to a modest specs lele psychic and KO back (with screens up).

Iron Valiant

GALLADEORADE (Iron Valiant) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Focus Blast
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
Ival is a great speed control and encore user: this mons access to encore is invaluable as it lets you stop practically any mon attempting to setup and abuse mons that rely on healing or status moves. Tera ghost makes you immune to dragonite espeed while locking it in to a move youre immune to. This mon can easily stop opposing cm cress, irondef/curse garg, quiver dance volc (if you still have booster) or just about any mon that wants to setup and is slower than you. Focus blast and moonblast are great high power stabs and yes this set does almost nothing to gholdengo but were gonna ban ghol by the time this sample gets approved anyways it was built with the post ghol era in mind. This set can also function as great speed control outspeeing most +1 mons and scarfers such as kartana.

General Team Strategy

You want to take similar strategies vs most teams youll fight, setting up 1-2 screens depending on your entry matchup and then denying them any immediate attempts to defog with taunt. Hopefully keeping grimm alive to re set screens later off a free switchin. Into offence you want to focus on breaking through their team structure and trading mons using iron hands and ursaluna which almost never die with screens up without atleast taking down 1-2 opponents then depending on their team members you focus on getting chip on remaining opponents to play for a sweeping win condition using either cress, iron valiant or mega gyarados. Into stall and defensive teams youre going to take a variety of approaches depending on what they have. If they have haze clodsire or pex youre going to focus on removing those mons to go for a cresselia sweep or alternatively removing dondozo/skarmory with ursaluna and going for an iron hands/mega gyarados sweep. This team exploits the overlap in checks between iron hands/ursaluna and mega gyarados to break defensive cores, as often the only mons they have to try and throw at ursaluna or swords dance iron hands are the only physically defensive backbones that can possibly handle a taunt mega gyarados sweep attempt. Even if they somehow manage to live a hit or two and KO back vs ursaluna theyre now not in a position to check mega gyarados while it boosts up.

This team gives you all the tools you need for an easily winnable matchup vs a variety of team archetypes including: stall, fat, balance, webs, rain, sun, sand and even other screens(especially ones that run koko) and has a strong enough matchup into the ever popular hazard stacks despite not having removal (which are going to fall off after ghol ban) to secure the win if played correctly. Making this a team great contender for a sample (also the old samples crusty af bro put them shits in a museum).
given that the current samples are crusty AF and we don't have many offences available id like to make a reliable screens sample that works well into a large variety of different playstyles and builds. After a lot of careful consideration here's the build I chose, and laddered with it to around 1830 to prove its viable into a wide variety of archetypes piloted by strong players.

Starting off with Grimmsnarl
SUS TERA DNB VOTER (Grimmsnarl) @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Taunt

- Foul Play

This mon is the superior screens setter for non eterrain centric teams where it offers several advantages over tapu koko:
Grimmsnarl is a much faster screens setter due to prankster giving priority to its status moves, it doesnt need to invest in any speed and therefore can have a bulky spread letting it tank hits much easier, grimmsnarl doesnt have to worry about random scarf mons outspeeding before you set screens and getting off huge chip or flat out killing you before you even get the chance to set. Dark typing means youre immune to opposing prankster taunt and can also prankster taunt things to win the 1v1 against a potential opposing koko screens matchup. Being able to re-set screens easily from low HP against a speed boosted threat such as +1 bax, +1 volc or booster iron valiant or get off a priority taunt to stop them from boosting up further is invaluable. Foul play provides much higher damage output then any coverage tapu koko would run and can be used to stop physical threats trying to swords dance or dragon dance up while you try and set screens, tera steel + foul play allows you to ohko a +2 baxcalibur while it tries to icicle spear you, you also live a 4hit +2 icicle spear from bax with no screens and not tera'd. As a screens setter foul play allows you to get many kills in different matchups which is always an added bonus for a utility mon.

Next up Mega Gyarados
NO BOZOS (Gyarados-Mega) @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Waterfall
- Taunt

Mega Gyara is a premier stall breaker in this tier using taunt and serves as a great wincon for screens: Intimidate and screens gives it incredible physical bulk along with its already good special bulk to take advantage of passive mons with taunt and setup for a win. Taunt lets you make fodder out of mons like alomomola, clodsire, chansey, ting lu, mega sableye and dondozo (non body press) along with many other stall staples and theres often nothing they can do back, this is the teams main method of breaking through unaware mons which gyarados invalidates with mold breaker. This is how you win the stall and fat matchups.


DJ KHALED (Cresselia) @ Kee Berry
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 40 SpD / 10 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

Cresselia is a very powerful calm mind sweeper and will often 6-0 teams that have no counter to it
Every now and then you hear people complaining about banning stored power and this mon is the reason why, cresselia with its defence boost from kee berry and several calm minds is often unbreakable without a crit or a fast taunt/encore. Once this mon gets going and teras it has only one weakness in psychic due to levitate giving it a ground immunity. It also boasts some of the best natural bulk in the game at 120/110/120 on top of this meaning it can heal off strong neutral hits with no problem. This mons only counters on slow teams are haze users which can often be exploited by the other members of this team, while on offensive teams if they lose their encore/taunt mon or any swords dance zmove user that can outscale cress and break it they often lose on the spot. This mon can setup on most things without screens and especially with screens up easily finds many opportunities to begin boosting up, making your offence matchup very easy.

Iron Hands
HANDREW TATE (Iron Hands) @ Punching Glove
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 216 SpD / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Swords Dance

Iron Hands is an excellent bulky wallbreaker and setup sweeper with very good coverage: it has bolt-beam coverage through its elemental punches along with drain punch for HP recovery meaning it can hit super effectively vs the majority of the metagame, tera water makes a well played iron hands a free 6-0 for most rain matchups along with many offences and even fatter teams, as well as helps your matchup vs urshifu-r which can crit through screens. it finds many opportunities to setup vs rain such as infront of ferrothorn and pelliper and easily tanks hits from every mon on rain especially with screens up. A water tera'd iron hands takes less than half from a max spa zapdos thunder while you have light screen up and can easily Ko back with a +2 ice punch. punching gloves is interchangeable with leftovers but allows you to avoid all contact effects from common physical drain punch switchins such as moltres, garchomp and volcarona.


YOGI BOPS (Ursaluna) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 144 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fire Punch
- Facade
- Headlong Rush
- Swords Dance

This bear is nearly unwallable and always good for atleast a kill or two into any matchup: it has huge bulk and sky high attack with guts facade, fire punch allows you to beat any ground/normal switchins like balloon gholdengo, skarmory and corv (doesnt exist) this mon has 1248 attack at +2 along with 140bp and 120bp stabs letting it break past anything, tera ghost stop body press mons and lets you instantly flip the matchup vs any fighting type that would dare click close combat into you and ohko them back, facade easily 2hko's dondozo (cancer) and ursaluna can be used to exploit any passive haze mons trying to stop cress giving you a free switchin. Stall teams can do almost nothing vs ursaluna except switch around and pray you dont make the right prediction, given how ursaluna is burned this also gives you a valuable status absorber to switch into any wisps or thunderwaves. Speed evs are to outspeed your evil twin 28spe ev bloodmoon ursaluna and spdef evs lets you comfortably switch in to a modest specs lele psychic and KO back (with screens up).

Iron Valiant

GALLADEORADE (Iron Valiant) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Focus Blast
- Moonblast
- Calm Mind
Ival is a great speed control and encore user: this mons access to encore is invaluable as it lets you stop practically any mon attempting to setup and abuse mons that rely on healing or status moves. Tera ghost makes you immune to dragonite espeed while locking it in to a move youre immune to. This mon can easily stop opposing cm cress, irondef/curse garg, quiver dance volc (if you still have booster) or just about any mon that wants to setup and is slower than you. Focus blast and moonblast are great high power stabs and yes this set does almost nothing to gholdengo but were gonna ban ghol by the time this sample gets approved anyways it was built with the post ghol era in mind. This set can also function as great speed control outspeeing most +1 mons and scarfers such as kartana.

General Team Strategy

You want to take similar strategies vs most teams youll fight, setting up 1-2 screens depending on your entry matchup and then denying them any immediate attempts to defog with taunt. Hopefully keeping grimm alive to re set screens later off a free switchin. Into offence you want to focus on breaking through their team structure and trading mons using iron hands and ursaluna which almost never die with screens up without atleast taking down 1-2 opponents then depending on their team members you focus on getting chip on remaining opponents to play for a sweeping win condition using either cress, iron valiant or mega gyarados. Into stall and defensive teams youre going to take a variety of approaches depending on what they have. If they have haze clodsire or pex youre going to focus on removing those mons to go for a cresselia sweep or alternatively removing dondozo/skarmory with ursaluna and going for an iron hands/mega gyarados sweep. This team exploits the overlap in checks between iron hands/ursaluna and mega gyarados to break defensive cores, as often the only mons they have to try and throw at ursaluna or swords dance iron hands are the only physically defensive backbones that can possibly handle a taunt mega gyarados sweep attempt. Even if they somehow manage to live a hit or two and KO back vs ursaluna theyre now not in a position to check mega gyarados while it boosts up.

This team gives you all the tools you need for an easily winnable matchup vs a variety of team archetypes including: stall, fat, balance, webs, rain, sun, sand and even other screens(especially ones that run koko) and has a strong enough matchup into the ever popular hazard stacks despite not having removal (which are going to fall off after ghol ban) to secure the win if played correctly. Making this a team great contender for a sample (also the old samples crusty af bro put them shits in a museum).

(Click on the sprites for the pokepaste)

Im shit at descriptions so imma just not do them and i don't think i even gotta post the sets since you can just click the sprites.


Latios-Mega (M) @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Aura Sphere
- Mystical Fire
- Roost


Buzzwole @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Bulk Up
- Roost


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 248 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Toxic


Weavile @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Triple Axel
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Ice Shard


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 196 SpD / 64 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock


Ogerpon-Wellspring @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Ivy Cudgel
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance

The team's probably not fully optimized but have fun with it. Btw my showdown/discord name is dozkek, i still gotta wait till november (i think) to change my name on the forums.
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(Click on the sprites for the pokepaste)

Im shit at descriptions so imma just not do them and i don't think i even gotta post the sets since you can just click the sprites.


Latios-Mega (M) @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Aura Sphere
- Mystical Fire
- Roost


Buzzwole @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Bulk Up
- Roost


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 248 SpD / 12 Spe
Careful Nature
- Defog
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Toxic


Weavile @ Choice Band
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Triple Axel
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Ice Shard


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 196 SpD / 64 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock


Ogerpon-Wellspring @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Ivy Cudgel
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance

The team's probably not fully optimized but have fun with it. Btw my showdown/discord name is dozkek, i still gotta wait till november (i think) to change my name on the forums.
I realize now that others have said it this is really just a gen 8 team with ogerpon
i saw (Drag Mag) team, which inspired me to create my unique variation of a balanced team. You see, I have always been a fan of playing with balanced teams that provide a mix of offense and defense. To achieve this, I decided to use Orgepon as my primary offensive threat and Magnezone to handle Steel-type Pokemon and ended up reaching 1983 in a day from 1600s(i lost a lot of points whilst testing this.)

:sv/ogerpon: :sv/clodsire: :sv/gliscor: :sv/magnezone: :sv/slowking: :sv/Skeledirge:


Orgepon, known for its incredible physical attacking prowess, served as the cornerstone of my new team. With its potent moveset and the ability to break through various defensive walls, it was an excellent choice as the team's primary sweeper. Its grass-type STAB moves and powerful coverage options made it a formidable force on the field. im running adamant for power and synthesis for stall

Next Magnezone

Magnezone, on the other hand, was my go-to choice for handling Steel-types that often posed a threat to Orgepon. With its Magnet Pull ability, it could trap and eliminate Steel-type opponents, opening up opportunities for Orgepon to shine. Magnezone's versatility and special attacking capabilities also meant it could contribute to the team's offensive pressure.


In my opinion gliscor is the complete pokemon ever made Gliscor's success in the OU tier can be attributed to its Ground/Flying typing, which provides immunity to Electric-type moves and resistance to Ground-type moves, allowing it to handle common threats effectively. It boasts high physical defense, combining a strong Defense stat with decent HP and the ability to heal with Roost, making it a reliable physical wall. Its signature ability, Poison Heal, provides passive healing when poisoned, turning status conditions into recovery. Gliscor's versatile movepool allows it to fill various roles, including stallbreaker, pivot, or offensive threat. With moderate speed, it can run Swords Dance sets for offense, and it has access to powerful STAB Earthquake. It excels as a status spreader with moves like Toxic and Knock Off, and its Flying typing grants immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, making it a hazard control option. Moreover, Gliscor checks common threats in the OU metagame like Landorus, Excadrill, and Tyranitar thanks to its typing, ability, and movepool.


Slowking is often used as a pivotal and supportive Pokémon in the competitive Pokémon metagame. Its unique combination of Psychic and Water typing, alongside its well-rounded stats, grants it a distinct role in many teams. Here's an expansion on why Slowking is utilized for pivoting and Future Sight support, particularly to aid Orgepon in breaking stall teams:



skelidirge helps deal with threatning setup sweeper while also providing me with a strong fire water grass core a fire-Water-Grass core is a fundamental team-building concept in Pokémon. It involves using Pokémon of Fire, Water, and Grass types on your team to create a balanced defensive core. This core ensures that you can handle a wide variety of threats effectively. Each type resists the other, covering their respective weaknesses. Fire resists Grass, Grass resists Water, and Water resists Fire. making skelly ideal for the team


i have never built a team without using clod imo its the best pokemon ever created (but gliscor and doublade)





both are broken and will be banned soon so i wont give an explanation but all i will say is a plus 2 baxcalibur in snow under auroveil gives nightmares

p.s wrote this out really quick at night so sorry for any spelling mistakes gn


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SAMPLE SUBMISSION (either team ig or maybe just the Hawlucha variant if Sneasler gets banned)

Good day folks, I've finally decided to share this build with the masses following the results of the most recent tera suspect test. With my quota of 2 games a day, I was able to cakewalk with both versions of this team to top 10 on the ladder, with the latter used to get reqs for the tera suspect test.

New Breed: KokoLucha

10 Bandz: KokoSneasler

Though I am no stranger to the KokoLucha offensive core, the build was inspired by Team US NE + Canada following Week 1 of NDWC, where many of their players had loaded an electric terrain offense including the likes of Hawlucha, Iron Valiant and Iron Moth.

The team
  • Tapu Koko with the big Shuca to eat EQs and drop the tier's premier grounds (barring KING LU) with Dazzling Gleam + HP Ice. Tera Grass in a pinch if you really need to live a big EQ.
  • This slot started off as Iron Thorns (it had good offensive synergy with Hawlucha okay please don't judge), but I later changed it to Loaded Dice Baxcalibur because of its phenomenal offensive synergy with the KokoLucha core and devastating wallbreaking prowess. Tera Fairy is used to work around Fighting + Dragon types, but Tera Steel works just fine as well. This tera slot is really flexible, but because this is an Adamant natured Baxcalibur, I prefer that the Tera type is used to bolster its defensive matchup to allow it to set up more easily. A Jolly nature can be used to outspeed Scarf Gholdengo variants.
  • Landorus-T's newfound access to Taunt made it an even stronger suicide lead that can both set rocks, as well as prevent hazard setting/removal. Tera Water is used to work around Surging Strikes Urshifu. Can opt for Tera Ghost to prevent Rapid Spin.
  • Jirachi's defensive profile offers the team a Lele check and Toxic immunity. Furthermore, the combination of Z-Happy Hour + Stored Power help soften Unaware users in Skeledirge, Clodsire, and Dondozo who would normally check the team's other sweepers. Additionally, this set runs Substitute to play around Kingambit's Sucker Punch and Garganacl's Salt Cure.
  • The team's Zard Y check. Sometimes does a funny thing called Tera Normal ExtremeSpeed that does very bad things to other teams. Has a Lum Berry to ease setup.
  • Thanks to Substitute Hawlucha has an easier time setting up, and can make use of Tera Steel to flip matchups against Psychic, Fairy, Ice, and Flying type attackers to set up even further.
  • Though it sports one of the best offensive STAB combinations, it is walled by the likes of Zapdos, Gholdengo, and other Unaware walls.
  • With a blistering 130 base attack stat, Sneasler is immediately threatening without having to set up.
  • Prospective walls are subject to very evil haxx by way of Dire Claw.
  • Will often expend Tera in order to maximize sweeping potential with a very powerful Acrobatics.


  • Kingambit up to its usual anti-offense shenanigans. Jirachi setting up a Substitute on a Sucker Punch can goob him. Hawlucha/Sneasler/Tera Fairy Bax can be used to ease the matchup against Sucker Punch.
  • Mega Scizor can go crazy against the KokoSneasler variant, but Sneasler should be able to live a boosted Bullet Punch and deal serious chip with Close Combat. Hawlucha variant does just fine in this department, with Tera Steel walling Mega Scizor.
  • IronPress Zama can be a challenge for the team if Jirachi goes down. Try your best to preserve Koko + Jirachi if you see this mon on the other side.
  • Though Dragonite's typing allows it to check Urshifu-Rapid, it is not recommended to utilize Dragonite for that purpose as it is better served as a mid-to-late game sweeper. Therefore Urshifu-Rapid exerts enough pressure on the team to force Tera from either lead Lando (if you want to ensure Stealth Rock goes up) or Baxcalibur, as Koko, Hawlucha, Sneasler and Jirachi will fold to its STAB combination. Do not try to set up in front of this mon.

blunder + Sama co-sign (Agency certified banger)

31:56 is where The Agency declares this team to be the greatest HO build of all time.

Enjoy using this shiest.

Shout out Whole Lotta Agents :afrostar:
Since they banned my sweet prince Baxcalibur you know I had to throw a Cloyster on the team…

Updated banger (it is what it is)

Not a whole lot to explain other than Tera Normal Cloyster go boom on physical walls like Toxapex and Alomomola. Please enjoy responsibly.
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Here's the team I have been laddering with recently. It's based around getting chip damage with toxapex, corviknight, and lando-T and then sweeping with Xurk or Valiant. Mawile fits nicely as another intimidate Pokemon and it hits hard allowing that necessary chip we need to sweep later in the game. Corviknight is almost purely for pivoting and Lando-t is EV'd to outspeed both great tusk and Glimmora if they are hazard leads. I had reasonable success with this team in getting to 1488 ELO but there definitely are weaknesses. I think the lack of ice coverage makes a big difference in this metagame and the move sets are not finalized yet. I am still unsure if dazzling gleam is necessary on Xurk, and am thinking tera blast ice would be more useful. However, I am very happy with the team's performance so far.
Sample submission
valiant band and slowbro (
Here is a team i used a lot during ssnl and with which i had a lot of fun to use. The main goal of this team is to use banded iron valiant with his strong knock as well as his good ice fighting coverage combined with future's sight bro in order to wallbreak through the opponent's team like paper. Garg was added as it's probably the best counter moltres . With the same logic chomp and gliscor were added in order to deal with zapdos which is also a pain in the ass for valiant.
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (
Replays - Pokémon Showdown! (
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hi, i've been playing more in the past few days since i have more free time and built some squads that i think are cool. idk if any are remotely sample worthy per se but if they are then they're fine to use.

:ogerpon-wellspring: :landorus-therian: :tapu-lele: :heatran: :zamazenta: :slowking-galar:

main premise w this six is spiking up on switches with ogerpon, since it forces a lot of those with the insane threat of tera. lando pivots on mons teammates can notmally abuse (e.g. glisc -> ogerpon, skarm -> heatran, etc) and provides removal. lele super appreciates spikes constantly wearing down steels and pursuit users so it can freely click psychic, especially after tera. zama + gking forms a classic fighting + fsight core that can annoy a lot of teams, especially w zama's coverage (adem put me on boots zama and it's kinda good icl..).

:alomomola: :slowking-galar: :gliscor: :tyranitar-mega: :ferrothorn: :tornadus-therian:

normal hstack fat featuring alo (broken) and mons that appreciate the pivoting for consistently good positioning. gking aids in this as well and also makes it harder to switch in on ttar / np torn; also provides a pivot into lele to scout the set before making a double. glisc serves as the main wincon, appreciating the hazards being stacked by ferro and ttar and annoying foggers like zap and torn (sapping momentum in general against the former). np torn is a secondary wincon here that mostly provides hazard removal. effectively forces out a lot of rockers w the threat of np and can sweep when checks like zap and washtom are weakened via pursuit and other means. team is a little slow tho so playing around faster teams might b tough.

:medicham-mega: :garganacl: :heatran: :tornadus-therian: :garchomp: :alomomola:

double prio medi kinda broke so i decided to build around it here; thought of smth to help against the 30% birds and mons that revenge kill it so garg and chomp felt fine here. garg serves as a wincon asw when tran baits and gets rid of glisc w hp ice (sealoo thanks for the very convenient set i could steal..!). alom + torn provide much needed pivots and item removal, wish can also come into play when trying to get more breaking opportunities with chomp / mmedi.

all were tested on ladder / in friendlies prior to posting. can say they're easy to pilot and fun (imo) as well.
also @ people wondering i should be fully back to normal activity on the 25th :]
It is I, the number 1 Scovillain player, Master of Sun, and Future showdown staff member (maybe...). Anyways, I am here to show you guys my Scovillain team that got me to 1800.

I already did a Scovillain Sun team here in the Bazaar, but that was way back when Walking Wake was allowed, and the tier has shifted drastically since then, so i made some changes.

proof of evidence:

(Great gxe am i right?)

:sv/scovillain::sv/torkoal::sv/great tusk::sv/houndoom-mega::sv/tapu lele::sv/rotom-wash:

The main man itself, the reason that got me to maining sun this gen. The overall goal is try to find an opening where Scovillain can get in, and if the opponent doesn't have anything that can handle it, like Heatran for example, start blastin'. I run Fire Blast for the extra firepower, but the risk of missing can haunt at times, so Flamethrower is a safer but slightly weaker alternative. Giga Drain grants us longevity, and while Scovillain does die to a sneeze, that longevity can be crucial in some situations, especially since its weak to rocks and has a Life Orb attached. Stomping Tantrum is mainy here for Heatran thinking it was safe to switch into a Fire Blast. And Growth can be devastating if we manage to grab a boost, as you get an Swords Dance and a Nasty Plot up under sun.

Not much has change, its mainly here for sun and to set up rocks. It does however, help a lot vs Sneasler, since its tanky enough to survive a +2 Close Combat and ruin it in return with either a Lava Plume burn or a Yawn should Electric Terrain not be up (altough this can fail if Sneasler gets Dire Claw rng.) Body Press also helps against Tyranitar, which can admitingly be a nuisance for us.

:Great Tusk:
Again, I dont have to explain a lot with this one. Great Tusk is a solid Sun abuser that also brings utility to the table in the form of Rapid Spin. I did however, gave it Icium Z, as it can allow it to nuke certain mons like Zapdos and Tera Grass Heatran.

This was my latest installment to the team, and boy was it a good one. Previoulsy I was running Blaziken since it played similarly to Heartflame Ogerpon which got banned, but Blaziken wasn't quite doing it for me, as for whatever reason, Skeledirge gave me a lot of trouble. So I decided to experiment with it, and the results were positive. This thing, is a NUKE under sun, and i mean an nuclear bomb type ala Hiroshima. After a +2 you easily 2hko mons like Blissey and Toxapex under sun, that is absurd. Dark Pulse hits neutral Targets like Toxapex and Heatran. Nasty Plot for absolute savagery, and my last option i decided to run was Flame Charge. Since Flamethrower and Dark Pulse already cover a huge portion, I also experimented with this move, and whle I do not click it much since Mega Houndoom is already decently fast, it has save me games. After a +1 speed, you outseep Scarfers like Lando, Lele and Kartana. Sure, it usually dies rather quickly, but it usually gets the job done, and manages to break holes on the enemy team for Scovillain and friends to pick up.

:Tapu Lele:
Tapu Lele has proven to be an amazing mon for this team. Its Psychic Terrain helps a lot with two issues, 1. Scovillain's vulnerability to priority, and 2. Helps with the standard Koko Screens HO matchup. Since most if not all Koko Screens run Snealer, Lele can help preventing it to activatr Unburden. It also helps with some teams packing Rilla + Snealser, which is easier due to Rillaboom matching poorly against Sun. Future Sight can also put a lot if pressure on the opponent when played at its strenght. Psyshock was my other psychic move of choice to hit Mega Charizard Y harder, as well as Chansey and Blissey, who have risen with the resurrection of stall in the meta. And Hp Fire is solid to use under sun, which allows it to destroy Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn.

A great utility pivot mon. Its typing and bulk lets it stuff attacks and pivot into a sun abuser. Hydro Pump is mainly great to use in the rain matchup, as it can douse Zapdos and Mega Swampert. Pain Split is here for a form of longevity, and Defog in order to handle hazards, which is now much easier with Gholdengo no longer around.

Quick Tips on how to use it:
This team is pretty straightfoward, you want to set Sun as the field condition to then wreck havoc. Most of the time, you wanna lead Torkoal, and try to pivot around the opponent, ending on either Scovillain or Mega Houndoom to then do your play. In some cases, you may want to switch things up a bit, depending on what the opponent may have. The first big assault you try to bring in is Mega Houndoom, as its pretty difficult to witstand is high damage output, it's also fine if Mega Houndoom faints, just as long as you manage to get rid of a mon or two that could've been a roadblock. Scovillain is usually the cleaner, after the team has done enough damage to the opponent where it can then pick the pieces. And while the team maybe not be the bulkiest thing ever you do have some switchins depending on sitations, Great Tusk can switch into an Electric move on the right time and potentially do something from there, and Tapu Lele can come in on expected priority moves, modt notably Meha Lopunny's Fake Out, and Greninja's Water Shuriken, allowing you to grab momentum.

Rain: (Good):woop:
This one is actually ptetty golden. You do have to try and use Tera Water on torkoal to have a better chance, but u usually win this matchup. Its all about who keeps their setter alive, and Rotom Wash helps us greatly, if they switch into Mega Swampert to prevent the Volt Switch, they usually lose to 1v1, if they go Ferrothorn, we simply bring Torkoal and force progress on Pelipper. Also 1 thing that i see people dont notice, but Scovillain ohkos Pelipper after a +1 after Stealth Rock, and around 90% of the players lose to this one interraction, and thus lose the game outright. The one expection that I do find problematic is Manaphy on Rain, as that thing is brutal, and can be problematic if not handled pronto. But most Rain players don't use Manaphy, for whatever reason, they prefer Greninja instead.

Hyper Offense: (Even):mehowth:
This one can vary, if its the Grimmsnarl one its usually no biggie. If its the Koko one however, it can be tricky to manage. You do have to be carefull navigating your way against this team, but you mainly wanna keep an eye out for Sneasler. If that thing gets in under the right circumstances, it can be game over for us. One way to play around is keeping Tapu Lele around, as it can disrupt Koko's Terrain, thus not triggering Electric Seed on Sneasler. It can also prevent Iron Valiant from gaining a +1 speed boost, which could also be problematic. Other than that, your only other solution to handle Snealser is Torkoal, and it also needs to be in good shape to sponge a hit from it and also pray that it doesnt get lucky with Dire Claw rng. Do thankfully, most of the time i been lucky to not get hit by said shinenigans, or they just try and hit with Close Combat or Tera Flying Acrobatics. If terrain is down, you can get a free Yawn on Sneasler and put them on a headscratching situation. Overall it can be difficult but duable.

Stall: (Good):woop:
Stall can be problematic, but if played well, you should be fine against it. As both Scovillain and Mega Houndoom can melt threw their defenses under the sun if played properly. The hardest part here is bringing them in perfect shape. As a simple Toxic can potentially turn the whole thing around. The lack of steel or poison is also a bit of a nuissance (Venusar be looking at me like: I told you so) meaning that something is going to take the poison, and you dont want those to be your wincon, especially sine they also take chip damage themselves. But if you manage to play your chips right, you can easily destroy their team without them being able to do much.

Webs: (Good):woop:
Webs arent that much of a problem anymore, considering that Defoging is a breeze now. However, don't sleep on a haystack yet, cuz mons on Web teams can pack a punch. They also have a few mons that can paralyze like Serperior to have more speed control. You also wanna make sure not to get punished by Defoging on a Serperior or Galarian Zapdos, as you may regret it later. Other than that, simply playing around the webs until you find the right time to remove them and you should be set.

Trick Room: (Bad):changry:
If you know me on showdown, you may probably heard of my hatrid towards Trick Room, and this is mainly why. If you see a Hatterene, an Alolan Marowak, and an Ursaluna, simply forfeit, cuz the only you win this is that the opponent is trash or insane luck. Once under the Trick Room condition, your entire team minus Torkoal is now moving last, an considering the team isnt very bulky, thats likely 1-2 mons lost right there, an if they manage to get Trick Room consistently, and keep their sluggers alive, you are not winning this. (This is why Melmetal should never return)

Psychicspam: (Even to Slightly Bad):row:
This one can be tricky just like HO, infact i think it may be worse as they have Sneasler alongsode Lele, meaning we cant use our own Lele to disrupt Snealser's Unburden. They also have strong mons like Polteageist, Hatterene, Tapu Lele and more that are pretty lethal as well. Mega Houndoom can help somewhat due to its Dark typing, but he is rather frail so it isnt iron clad. The best way to beat it is to just outoffense it, which is pretty possible due to our sheer power. (Also keeping Torkoal around for the Sneasler jumpscare)

Snow: (Freebie):pip:
Yeah, Snow just sucks now that Bax is gone, as you only have Arctozolt to abuse Snow with, and imo Kyurem aint a replacement for Bax, at least not its SD + Scal Shot set. But even when Bax was running around, it was still a super good matchup. For one, Sun can easily help us disrupt Aurora Veil attempts from Alolan Ninetales. And it being weak to rocks means we can just lay them down and start the pressure. And for Bax we simplt bring Torkoal and force a Yawn on it. And even a +1 Speed Bax wasnt gonna outspeed Scovillain under sun. Yeah this one is a freebie.

Some mons u may need to lookout for:
Many people consider this poke to be sun's mortal enemy. Thanks to Flash Fire, it makes it difficult to soam Fire moves without regretting it later. What makes this worse is Tera Grass, as it now has a type that actually matches pretty well against us since its a grass type immune to Fire. Luckily we do have Icium Z on Great Tusk to handle it, and Washtom can wear it down initially, but it can still be tricky to get around since Great Tusk isnt switchin in directly.

:Tapu Lele:
Tapu Lele can be problematic due to us having lil to no resist to its stab combo. Plus most of the time its a Scarfer, meaning that it can outspeed all our team minus our own Lele and Scovillain under sun. There will even be situations you might need to sac a mon just to get Scovillain in and tread it out.

:Tyranitar: :Tyranitar-mega:
The reason why this can be difficult is pretty straightfoward, Sand. And while Sand teams themselves arent performing so well, Ttar and especially Mega Ttar is doing alright. And compare to the othwr weathers, this one is the most complicated for me to handle, but certainly not impossible. Your best options to take it out are Torkoal and Great Tusk. Torkoal doesnt want to switch into it cuz it could eat an Earthquake or a Stone Edge, and Ttar isn't sticking around in the Face of Great tusk. If they manage to keep their Ttar around, it can usually come in and disrupt our momentum pretty easily. But if you manage to get rid of it, youre usually fine after that, unless its too late and u lost your wincons along the way.

I kind of already explain this on the HO matchup section, but i do consider this quite problematic not just for my team, but in the meta in general. Most if not all offensive teams tend to lose to this thing quite easily. Unmatched speed, amazing Stab Combo, great 130 attack, and an annoying sig that could make things go south.

Similar to Ttar, Slowking can disrupt our weather condition pretty easily thanks to Chilly Reception (Imagine if we had a move ala Baton Pass that sets sun instead). However, I find Galar Slowking even harder to deal with thanks to Regenerator. Its already quite bulky, but having to try and keep this thing down everytime it heals up by just switching in it's a pretty tall task. It also doesn't help that it can set Future Sight on us pretty reliably, putting us under even more pressure. The best way to get rid of this mon are with Great Tusk and Mega Houndoom, as you can force it out without triggering Chilly Reception, and it either sack Glowking, force it to tera, or just switchout with risk.

This one can be difficult to switch into since it can melt our team rather badly if not played careful. Do we have some ways to get around it, 1. Rotom wash is ev'd to live a Solar Beam, albeit needs to be in good conditions to do so, so we can grab a Volt Switch and deal massive chunks to it while bringing in a mon to take it out. 2. Flash Fire from base Houndoom can flip the script on Yard. And 3. Stealth rocks, if we manage to put pressure of the team, it can difficult for yard to switch in without losing half its health.


Vs rain:

Vs a Lele + Sneasler BO:

Vs stall (the game that got me to 1800):

Overall, i am really proud of the results i had with this team on the ladder, especially since i manage to get even higher that when i climed with Walking Wake in the past, and all with my boy Scovillain


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One win away from circuit hurts a lot but that's everything for my individual tour this year ig
anyway here's a team dump for everything I've been using since ... ladder tour? A lot of them are banned but some structures still work now.
miss them
:Samurott-Hisui::Diancie-Mega::Iron Valiant::Kartana::Weavile::Dragapult:
pult -> water pon can still make this team work now
ghost spam is kinda my fav. pult -> joker maybe
was my favourite core but byebye ghold
-------Teams still work now-------
:Tapu Lele::Zapdos-Galar::Toxapex::Diancie-Mega::Landorus-Therian::Blaziken:
This one is HEAT but it works
Latias's spot was ghold. It's supposed to be a good team but ig I'm not good at playing stall.
:Tapu Lele::Urshifu-Rapid-Strike::Gliscor::Zapdos::Kyurem::Ferrothorn:
This one is very strong rn. kyurem's evs allow you to fight garg 1v1.
:Tyranitar-Mega::Excadrill::Zapdos::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Tapu Lele::Zamazenta:
6 strong mons = a strong team

some bonus? not all well tested

I like natdex a lot despite all the chaotic periods we've been through. I appreciate the efforts the council made and WHERE IS THE SNEASLER SUS. Will enjoy the NDFL and wish I get better next year.
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Pretty standard balance structure with Lando-Heatran-Tangrowth core, Mega TTar serves as a breaker and sweeper, depending on whether checks like ferro, dozo, and the like are dealt with or not, Volcarona serves as a rillaboom check, you could run the offensive set, but I prefer being able to switch into attacks with it to threaten fairies and rillaboom. Lastly, tapu lele is fast, and revenge kills pokemon softened up by the Lando-Heatran-Tangrowth core.

On Tangrowth, I chose giga drain+sleep powder as base moves, hp ice to threaten garchomp, and knock off to make progress into stall as well as hopefully (with tera steel usually) descarfing opposing leles, which greatly benefit both TTar and my own Lele
:sv/tapu-lele: :sv/Moltres: :sv/Landorus-Therian: :sv/Ogerpon-Wellspring: :sv/Samurott-Hisui: :sv/Sneasler:

Sneasler is very strong. It synergyzes very well with Tapu Lele, since the terrain + psychic seed enables a Sneasler sweep, while protecting it from opposing priority. But also Sneasler covers the major weakness of tapu lele: failing to hit steel types.

Spamming ceasless edge is simply great, the spikes make a sweep late game easier. Also anything that comes in versus a dark type attack is forced to switch by attacks from Tapu Lele of Sneasler. Just look up the type coverage calculator.

Moltres and Landorus are my bulky pivots in this team. They have a simular role, they help switch to strong attackers while threatening steel types. Once the steel types are gone Tapu Lele becomes unstoppable.

Finally i have added Ogerpon, this because the team is still weak to water. From all the options to fix the water weakness i liked Ogerpon the most since it benefits form this team's ability to get rid of steel types.
Well since i lost i think i will drop some teams that i used in tournaments :
Copy of vstra 6 ( (ssnl in case i won losers final,sneasler will get ban anyway) ninetales-alola.pngmawile-mega.pngxurkitre.jpgsneasler.pnggliscor.pngdragonite.png
Copy of HYDREIGON NASTY PROUT ( hydreigon.pngalomomola.pngzapdos.jpgscizor-mega.pngclodsire.pngogerpon-wellspring.png
Copy of KYO 1 CIRCUIT 2023 ( scizor-mega.pngalomomola.pngbliseey.jpgtangrowth.pngsandy-shocks.jpgtornadus-therian.png
Copy of KYO 2 CIRCUIT 2023 ( Gliscor's set has been changed since)
Copy of SET 3 ssnl loser finals (
Copy of bisharp and slowbro ( kingambit fan art.jpg(it's a bisharp) slowbro.pngiron-valiant.pngzapdos.jpgclodsire.pngscizor-mega.png
(used against nashrock for last chanse semis and tera dragon is better for bro btw)


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