here is this week ccat team result: (with the core owner permission we changed gren and reuni evs)
thanks everyone for partecipating and i hope to see yall again next week!
greninja: gren is our speed control of the team, 80 spa is to guarantee one shotting kartana and the rest is standard for a physical gren set
reuniclus: it outspeeds toxapex, one shots heatran after a calm mind with the Z and rest is hp and def which makes it live a choice banded weavile knock. its our wallbreaker
heatran: bulky tran not much to say the set is standard as its our rocker
gliscor: glisc is our defogger, also pretty standard
lopunny: our fast physical attacker that likes to click buttons. pretty good mon nothing special to say about it
tangrowth: we needed some checks for rillaboom, kartana, gliscor with hp ice and other things so its there to help tank some threats. set is standard
thanks everyone for partecipating and i hope to see yall again next week!
greninja: gren is our speed control of the team, 80 spa is to guarantee one shotting kartana and the rest is standard for a physical gren set
reuniclus: it outspeeds toxapex, one shots heatran after a calm mind with the Z and rest is hp and def which makes it live a choice banded weavile knock. its our wallbreaker
heatran: bulky tran not much to say the set is standard as its our rocker
gliscor: glisc is our defogger, also pretty standard
lopunny: our fast physical attacker that likes to click buttons. pretty good mon nothing special to say about it
tangrowth: we needed some checks for rillaboom, kartana, gliscor with hp ice and other things so its there to help tank some threats. set is standard