Project National Dex: Community Create-A-Team v2

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to ashes and blood
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Community Leader
Approved by NatDex moderation team | OP stolen from AG and v1 by @Solaros & Lunaris and Optify
Hosted by Sulo and diegoblu

Welcome to the National Dex Community Create-A-Team Version 2! This is a weekly Event where players can come together and build some new teams as a community.

During the process of a CCAT, I will lead the community through the process of building a team. Users involved will work together to decide the team's build, partners to support the core, and sets. Finished teams will be posted in this thread and stored in this post, alongside a brief description of the team-building process.

Submissions Phase:
Any user is free to post a set or core they would like to build around for our CCAT. This phase will run as soon as the previous week's team has been posted, until Thursday. The submissions will then be collected for the next phase.

Voting Phase:
Users will vote on which of the cores they like the most by posting, and the winner will be what the next CCAT is based around. This phase will run from Thursday to Friday, ready for the CCAT to start on Saturdays at 11:59 pm GMT +1 in the National Dex Room on Pokemon Showdown!

It should be noted that votes for a user's own submission will not be taken into account.

Here are some general guidelines regarding CCATs:
  • Every CCAT will centre team-building around a specific idea––a core, a set, or an archetype––which has been voted and selected in this thread. Do not argue or appeal to this idea during the discussion. You may use this thread as a place to suggest cores or ideas for an upcoming CCAT.
  • Suggestions for the team should be thoughtful. Remember that the purpose of the CCAT project is to build teams that are viable in the metagame as well as being inclusive with our community. Creative and unconventional ideas are welcome and should be discussed and should not be judged harshly.
  • When discussing a Pokemon, consider it both individually and in the larger context of the team. What is it's purpose? How does it support the entire team? What support does need itself?
  • During the building process, we have the right to change sets except for the original submission/core. Unless absolutely necessary or the person that submitted the Pokemon/core agrees to it, we cannot change the original sets.
  • Remember, during discussion we should respect other users and be civil towards those you may have an issue with. Flaming, Shitposting, and hostility will not be tolerated in this thread, leave any feuds out of here.
  • Please refrain from posting bad or "gimmick" sets. Innovation is fine, but I reserve the right to exclude objectively bad sets from voting.
  • If a submission isn't on the VR, then further evidence proving that it can be used in a competitive setting viably must be provided.
  • Have Fun!
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シザ OHKO Em All 2002
I am crab
410,757,864,530 DEAD STALL TEAMS

Crawdaunt @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Crabhammer
- Aqua Jet
- Crunch / Close Combat

well, i said i was gonna do it
Crawdaunt truly needs no praise as the sheer power of this crab can speak for itself. Tearing through stall, offense, and balance alike, crawdaunt is an excellent niche pick of a pokemon to build around due to its lack of safe switchins with its insane stab. The calcs never dissapoint with crawdaunt and i may as well show some.
Knock Off463.7 - 546.6%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Choiced Attacker)Knock Off442.1 - 521.4%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Blade (OU Special Attacker)Knock Off433.7 - 510.3%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Blade (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off433.7 - 510.3%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Choice Band)Close Combat411.3 - 483.9%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat411.3 - 483.9%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Substitute)Knock Off381.6 - 449%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar-Gmax (OU Substitute)Knock Off381.6 - 449%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam-Mega (OU Special Sweeper)Crunch305.9 - 360.1%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Choice Band)Close Combat301.1 - 354.2%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat299.6 - 352.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Life Orb)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Dragapult (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off262.4 - 309.1%guaranteed OHKO
Dragapult (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off262.4 - 309.1%guaranteed OHKO
Obstagoon (OU Guts)Close Combat247 - 291.1%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off239.2 - 281.7%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola (OU Offensive Wallbreaker)Knock Off232.9 - 274.3%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola-Totem (OU Offensive Wallbreaker)Knock Off232.9 - 274.3%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band)Close Combat219.3 - 259.2%guaranteed OHKO
Slowking-Galar (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off201 - 236.5%guaranteed OHKO
Slowking (OU Specially Defensive Pivot)Knock Off200 - 235.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Mixed Attacker)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Shield (OU Special Attacker)Knock Off188.5 - 222.2%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Shield (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off188.5 - 222.2%guaranteed OHKO
Barraskewda (OU Choice Band)Knock Off187.8 - 221.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Specially Defensive)Close Combat185.1 - 217.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latios-Mega (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Crunch180.7 - 212.6%guaranteed OHKO
Salazzle (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.7 - 211.5%guaranteed OHKO
Salazzle-Totem (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.7 - 211.5%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro-Galar (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.1 - 211.4%guaranteed OHKO
Xatu (OU Magic Bounce)Knock Off177.2 - 209.5%guaranteed OHKO
Regieleki (OU Screens Lead)Knock Off175.3 - 206.7%guaranteed OHKO
Porygon-Z (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat174.9 - 206.4%guaranteed OHKO
Crawdaunt (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat173.7 - 204.4%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Sand Rush)Close Combat170 - 200.5%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Utility)Close Combat170 - 200.5%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat167.7 - 198.2%guaranteed OHKO
Nihilego (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off166 - 195.5%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Utility)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off162.3 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Cosmic Power)Knock Off162.3 - 191%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Suicide Lead)Knock Off162.3 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Band)Knock Off161.1 - 189.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off161.1 - 189.6%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat158.6 - 186.7%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off157.7 - 185.6%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu-Totem (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off157.7 - 185.6%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat152.9 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Toxtricity (OU Shift Gear)Knock Off151.8 - 178.6%guaranteed OHKO
Toxtricity-Gmax (OU Shift Gear)Knock Off151.8 - 178.6%guaranteed OHKO
Darmanitan (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off151.5 - 178.3%guaranteed OHKO
Ditto (OU Imposter)Close Combat149.3 - 176%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance)Knock Off149.1 - 176.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off148.7 - 175%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off148.7 - 175%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus-Therian (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off147.8 - 173.9%guaranteed OHKO
Krookodile (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat147.4 - 174%guaranteed OHKO
Staraptor (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off140.8 - 165.9%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir-Mega (OU Offensive Support)Crunch138.6 - 163.8%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat137.4 - 162.2%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Lead)Close Combat136.8 - 161.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Nasty Plot)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Three Attacks)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off136 - 160.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Gmax (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off136 - 160.2%guaranteed OHKO
Mamoswine (OU Choice Band)Close Combat134.6 - 159%guaranteed OHKO
Nidoking (OU Wallbreaker)Knock Off134.6 - 159%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Nasty Plot)Crunch132.6 - 156.6%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off132 - 155.3%guaranteed OHKO
Zeraora (OU Bulk Up)Knock Off131.8 - 155.2%guaranteed OHKO
Zeraora (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off131.8 - 155.2%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham (OU All-out Attacker)Crunch131 - 154.7%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat128.1 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Venusaur (OU Chlorophyll Sweeper)Knock Off127.5 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Venusaur-Gmax (OU Chlorophyll Sweeper)Knock Off127.5 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Crunch127.4 - 150.5%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU Mega Calm Mind)Crunch127.4 - 150.5%guaranteed OHKO
Pelipper (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off125.6 - 147.8%guaranteed OHKO
Dracozolt (OU Substitute + Fire Spin)Knock Off124.6 - 147%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Cut)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Plane)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Press)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Blaziken (OU Choice Band)Aqua Jet120.9 - 143.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off120.8 - 142.5%guaranteed OHKO
Blaziken (OU Swords Dance)Aqua Jet119.6 - 142.1%guaranteed OHKO
Salamence (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off119.6 - 140.7%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Offensive)Close Combat119.5 - 141.1%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crunch118.7 - 140.2%guaranteed OHKO
Kingdra (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Scizor (OU Offensive Swords Dance)Knock Off116.7 - 138%guaranteed OHKO
Zapdos (OU Offensive Rain Sweeper)Knock Off116.5 - 137.6%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie-Mega (OU Offensive)Aqua Jet116.1 - 137.7%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados-Mega (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Close Combat114.1 - 134.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat113.5 - 134%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-Y (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Aqua Jet113.1 - 133.3%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Substitute Attacker)Knock Off112.7 - 133.1%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off112.6 - 132.9%guaranteed OHKO
Dracozolt (OU Life Orb)Knock Off112.1 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Zarude (OU Bulk Up)Close Combat110.7 - 130.6%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU SubRoost)Close Combat109.6 - 129.3%guaranteed OHKO
Moltres (OU Substitute)Knock Off109.4 - 128.8%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Defog)Knock Off108.8 - 128.1%guaranteed OHKO
Golem-Alola (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat108.3 - 127.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gastrodon (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off105.1 - 123.9%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom (OU Choice Band)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom-Gmax (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Iron Defense)Close Combat103.5 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Blissey (OU Defensive)Close Combat103 - 121.5%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Heat (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off102.3 - 120.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Heat (OU Pivot)Knock Off102.3 - 120.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off101.9 - 120.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch101.8 - 120.5%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Bulky Quiver Dance)Knock Off101.3 - 119.5%guaranteed OHKO
Cloyster (OU Shell Smash)Close Combat100.4 - 118.6%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Specially Defensive)Close Combat100 - 118.1%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off96.3 - 113.7%75% chance to OHKO
Scizor (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off95.6 - 112.5%68.8% chance to OHKO
Celesteela (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off95.5 - 112.8%75% chance to OHKO
Umbreon (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat94.9 - 111.6%68.8% chance to OHKO
Ferrothorn (OU Utility)Close Combat91.4 - 107.9%50% chance to OHKO
Swampert (OU Stealth Rock Pivot)Knock Off88.6 - 104.4%31.3% chance to OHKO
Pinsir-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch85.6 - 101.1%6.3% chance to OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU 3 Attacks)Crunch83.5 - 98.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU Dragon Dance X)Crunch83.5 - 98.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Grimmsnarl (OU Dual Screens)Close Combat81.6 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Grimmsnarl-Gmax (OU Dual Screens)Close Combat81.6 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Hatterene (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off81.1 - 95.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Hatterene-Gmax (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off81.1 - 95.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU Three Attacks)Crunch79.7 - 93.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Porygon2 (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat79.1 - 93.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos (OU Utility)Knock Off77.8 - 91.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Volcanion (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off77.6 - 91.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off77.2 - 90.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Chansey (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat76.5 - 90.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Breloom (OU SubSeed)Close Combat76.2 - 90%guaranteed 2HKO
Amoonguss (OU Defensive)Knock Off75.4 - 88.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Incineroar (OU Defensive Pivot)Close Combat75.3 - 89%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crunch75 - 88.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off74.6 - 88.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off74.6 - 88.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Sableye-Mega (OU Utility)Crunch73.9 - 87.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Defog)Knock Off73.8 - 87.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Stealth Rock)Knock Off73.8 - 87.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Ninetales-Alola (OU Aurora Veil)Close Combat73.7 - 86.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Pelipper (OU Defensive)Knock Off73.6 - 86.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Swampert-Mega (OU Rain Sweeper)Crunch72.7 - 86.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Protect)Close Combat72.5 - 85.6%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Protect)Close Combat72.5 - 85.6%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Suicune (OU VinCune)Knock Off72.2 - 85.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Choice Band)Close Combat71.1 - 84%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Close Combat71.1 - 84%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp (OU Tank)Knock Off70.9 - 83.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Three Attacks + Thunder Wave)Close Combat70.7 - 83.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Three Attacks + Thunder Wave)Close Combat70.7 - 83.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Hawlucha (OU Unburden Sweeper)Knock Off70.3 - 82.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Primarina (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off69.4 - 82%guaranteed 2HKO
Moltres-Galar (OU Double Dance)Close Combat69.1 - 81.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Keldeo (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Seismitoad (OU Defensive)Knock Off68.5 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Hippowdon (OU Special Wall)Knock Off68 - 80.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU 2 Attacks + Rest)Crunch67.4 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crunch67.2 - 79.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat67.2 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat67.2 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Quagsire (OU Unaware)Knock Off67 - 79.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Koko (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off66.9 - 79%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat63.6 - 75%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat63.6 - 75%guaranteed 2HKO
Corviknight (OU Defog)Knock Off61.6 - 72.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Corviknight-Gmax (OU Defog)Knock Off61.6 - 72.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Substitute)Close Combat60.6 - 71.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Conkeldurr (OU Guts)Close Combat60.3 - 71.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Muk-Alola (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat60.2 - 70.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike (OU Choice Band)Close Combat59.5 - 70%guaranteed 2HKO
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Close Combat59.5 - 70%guaranteed 2HKO
Alomomola (OU WishPass)Knock Off58.6 - 69.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Primarina (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Knock Off58.1 - 68.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Azumarill (OU Belly Drum)Knock Off57.8 - 68.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Toxapex (OU The Pex)Knock Off57.8 - 68.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Skarmory (OU Defensive Spikes)Knock Off56.2 - 66.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos-Galar (OU Choice Band)Knock Off56 - 66%guaranteed 2HKO
Torkoal (OU Support)Knock Off54.8 - 64.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Dragonite (OU Offensive Dragon Dance)Knock Off53.2 - 62.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Scizor-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch53 - 62.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Shuckle (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off52.4 - 62.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Fini (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off51.9 - 61.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off50.5 - 59.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Physically Defensive)Knock Off50.4 - 59.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Venusaur-Mega (OU Defensive)Crunch49.4 - 58.7%99.6% chance to 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Defensive)Knock Off48.1 - 57%91.4% chance to 2HKO
Alakazam (OU Life Orb)Knock Off489.2 - 576.8%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer456.6 - 537.6%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Choice Band)Close Combat408.5 - 481.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off380.1 - 447.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Offensive Utility)Knock Off380.1 - 447.3%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Crabhammer365.9 - 431.4%guaranteed OHKO
Nihilego (OU Toxic Spikes Setter)Crabhammer342 - 403.3%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam (OU Special Sweeper)Knock Off325 - 384%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance)Crabhammer309.9 - 365.2%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat301.1 - 354.2%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie-Mega (OU Offensive)Crabhammer288.7 - 340.2%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Sand Rush Sweeper)Crabhammer282.8 - 333.7%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Focus Sash)Crabhammer282.5 - 332.4%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU 3 Attacks)Crabhammer281.4 - 331.3%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Dragon Dance X)Crabhammer281.4 - 331.3%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Crabhammer278.7 - 328.6%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-Y (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Crabhammer278.7 - 328.6%guaranteed OHKO
Nidoking (OU Life Orb Attacker)Crabhammer277.2 - 327.3%guaranteed OHKO
Diggersby (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer268.8 - 317.6%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam-Mega (OU Special Sweeper)Knock Off248.6 - 293.2%guaranteed OHKO
Krookodile (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer246.5 - 291.2%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Offensive Support)Knock Off237.8 - 280.3%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer229.1 - 269.9%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer229.1 - 269.9%guaranteed OHKO
Mamoswine (OU Physical Attacker)Crabhammer226 - 267%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Bulky Quiver Dance)Crabhammer220.9 - 260.5%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie (OU Offensive)Crabhammer220.7 - 260.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat219.3 - 259.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band)Close Combat213.1 - 251.8%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat200 - 236.3%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer199.4 - 234.6%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Z-Celebrate)Crabhammer199.4 - 234.6%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Z-Move)Crabhammer199.3 - 235.2%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Ribombee (OU Sticky Web Lead)Crabhammer196.1 - 231.4%guaranteed OHKO
Ribombee-Totem (OU Sticky Web Lead)Crabhammer196.1 - 231.4%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola (OU Offensive)Crabhammer194.4 - 229.1%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola-Totem (OU Offensive)Crabhammer194.4 - 229.1%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat188.4 - 222.6%guaranteed OHKO
Moltres (OU Pressure)Crabhammer185.5 - 218.7%guaranteed OHKO
Golem-Alola (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer180.7 - 212.6%guaranteed OHKO
Zygarde-10% (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer180.7 - 212.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Knock Off176.7 - 208.6%guaranteed OHKO
Crawdaunt (OU Choice Band)Close Combat174.5 - 205.9%guaranteed OHKO
Porygon-Z (OU Z-Conversion)Close Combat174.2 - 205.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir (OU Offensive Support)Crabhammer174 - 205%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir-Mega (OU Offensive Support)Crabhammer174 - 205%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat173.4 - 204.4%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer172.5 - 203.6%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer168.3 - 198%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Specially Defensive)Crabhammer167.8 - 197.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat167.7 - 198.2%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Nasty Plot)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer163.9 - 193.1%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Stealth Rock)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Wish)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer162.5 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu-Totem (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer162.5 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer159 - 187.5%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat158.6 - 186.7%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Defensive)Knock Off155.6 - 183.5%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Offensive Z-Move)Crabhammer155.4 - 183%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Suicide Lead)Crabhammer155.4 - 183%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Z Offensive)Crabhammer153.7 - 181.4%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Fightinium Z)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat152.9 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Defog)Crabhammer152.2 - 179.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Stealth Rock)Crabhammer152.2 - 179.5%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus (OU Nasty Plot)Crabhammer151.1 - 177.9%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus-Therian (OU Wallbreaker)Crabhammer151.1 - 177.9%guaranteed OHKO
Ditto (OU Imposter)Close Combat149.3 - 176%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer147.8 - 174.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latios-Mega (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Knock Off147.5 - 174%guaranteed OHKO
Xurkitree (OU Tail Glow)Crabhammer146.5 - 172.6%guaranteed OHKO
Staraptor (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer145.3 - 171%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer144.2 - 170.5%guaranteed OHKO
Scolipede (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer143.2 - 168.5%guaranteed OHKO
Heracross (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer142.8 - 168.7%guaranteed OHKO
Aggron (OU Mega Tank)Close Combat142.2 - 167.9%guaranteed OHKO
Sableye (OU Utility)Crabhammer140.5 - 165.6%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU 2 Attacks)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU Double Dance)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer138 - 162.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Shuca Pivot)Crabhammer138 - 162.9%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Darkinium Z)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Offensive Z-Move)Crabhammer136 - 160.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hawlucha (OU Terrain Seed Sweeper)Crabhammer133.9 - 158.2%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Knock Off131.8 - 156%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Mega Calm Mind)Knock Off131.8 - 156%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off130.2 - 153.6%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat128.3 - 151%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off128.2 - 151.6%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Substitute Z)Close Combat128.1 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat127.6 - 150.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer127 - 150.1%guaranteed OHKO
Pelipper (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off125.6 - 148.6%guaranteed OHKO
Pinsir (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer125.4 - 147.6%guaranteed OHKO
Clefable (OU Life Orb)Crabhammer125.3 - 147.5%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Cut (Swords Dance))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Plane (Choice Scarf))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Press (Choice Band))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Uxie (OU Trick Room Setter)Knock Off123.1 - 145.7%guaranteed OHKO
Ninetales-Alola (OU Aurora Veil)Crabhammer122.8 - 145.1%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Kingdra (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off117.8 - 139%guaranteed OHKO
Hippowdon (OU Physically Defensive)Crabhammer116.1 - 137.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados-Mega (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Close Combat114.1 - 134.7%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Substitute Attacker)Knock Off112.7 - 133.1%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Pivot)Crabhammer112.1 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Mantine (OU Mixed Wall)Knock Off111.7 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crabhammer110.3 - 129.9%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU SubRoost)Close Combat109.6 - 129.3%guaranteed OHKO
Swampert (OU Rain Sweeper)Crabhammer108.5 - 127.8%guaranteed OHKO
Pinsir-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer107 - 126.1%guaranteed OHKO
Araquanid (OU Sticky Web Lead)Knock Off106.3 - 125.6%guaranteed OHKO
Araquanid-Totem (OU Sticky Web Lead)Knock Off106.3 - 125.6%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer106 - 125%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer106 - 125%guaranteed OHKO
Gastrodon (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Defensive)Crabhammer104.7 - 123.5%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU 3 Attacks)Crabhammer104.3 - 123.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU Dragon Dance X)Crabhammer104.3 - 123.2%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem-Black (OU LO KB)Close Combat104.3 - 122.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem-Black (OU Z-Move)Close Combat104.3 - 122.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Knock Off103.2 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU Mega Calm Mind)Knock Off103.2 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Substitute)Crabhammer101 - 119.1%guaranteed OHKO
Heracross-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer100.3 - 118.2%guaranteed OHKO
Magearna (OU Shift Gear)Crabhammer100.3 - 118.2%guaranteed OHKO
Muk-Alola (OU Assault Vest)Crabhammer100.2 - 118.1%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crabhammer99.1 - 117%93.8% chance to OHKO
Garchomp (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Crabhammer99.1 - 117%93.8% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer98.4 - 115.9%87.5% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer98.4 - 115.9%87.5% chance to OHKO
Cresselia (OU Trick Room)Knock Off94.8 - 111.9%68.8% chance to OHKO
Amoonguss (OU Black Sludge)Knock Off94.6 - 111.8%68.8% chance to OHKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crabhammer94.1 - 110.9%62.5% chance to OHKO
Conkeldurr (OU Offensive)Crabhammer93.8 - 110.8%62.5% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU Substitute)Crabhammer93.8 - 110.4%62.5% chance to OHKO
Volcanion (OU Substitute)Knock Off93.6 - 110.2%62.5% chance to OHKO
Sableye-Mega (OU Utility)Crabhammer91.7 - 108.2%50% chance to OHKO
Swampert-Mega (OU Rain Sweeper)Crabhammer91.4 - 107.9%50% chance to OHKO
Amoonguss (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off89.8 - 106%37.5% chance to OHKO
Ferrothorn (OU Hazard Setter)Close Combat89.7 - 106.2%37.5% chance to OHKO
Pelipper (OU Defensive)Knock Off89.7 - 105.8%37.5% chance to OHKO
Scizor (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer88.6 - 104.3%25% chance to OHKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crabhammer84.5 - 99.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp (OU Tank)Crabhammer83.8 - 99%guaranteed 2HKO
Magearna (OU Assault Vest)Crabhammer83.1 - 98%guaranteed 2HKO
Gyarados (OU Dragon Dance Sweeper)Knock Off81.5 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Celesteela (OU Defensive)Crabhammer81.1 - 95.7%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Magearna (OU Calm Mind + Pain Split)Crabhammer80.9 - 95.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Magearna (OU Heart Swap)Crabhammer80.9 - 95.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Salamence (OU Flyinium Z)Knock Off79.7 - 94.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Defensive)Knock Off77.6 - 91.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Offensive)Knock Off77.6 - 91.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Chansey (OU Defensive)Close Combat76.5 - 90.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Breloom (OU SubSeed)Close Combat76.2 - 90%guaranteed 2HKO
Clefable (OU Defensive Magic Guard)Crabhammer75.6 - 89.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Clefable (OU Unaware)Crabhammer75.6 - 89.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Zapdos (OU Defensive)Crabhammer75.5 - 89%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Toxapex (OU The Pex)Knock Off75 - 88.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Suicune (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Knock Off72.2 - 85.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Quagsire (OU Unaware Wall)Crabhammer69 - 81.2%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off66.8 - 78.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Scizor-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer66.4 - 78.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU Three Attacks)Knock Off65.1 - 76.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Close Combat64 - 75.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o-Totem (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Close Combat64 - 75.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Pyukumuku (OU Unaware Wall)Knock Off63 - 74.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Azumarill (OU Belly Drum)Crabhammer59.6 - 70.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Alomomola (OU WishPass)Knock Off58.6 - 69.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Skarmory (OU Physically Defensive)Crabhammer57.4 - 68.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o (OU Belly Drum)Close Combat55.2 - 65.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o-Totem (OU Belly Drum)Close Combat55.2 - 65.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU 2 Attacks + Rest)Knock Off55 - 65%guaranteed 2HKO
Gyarados (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Knock Off54.3 - 64%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer53.7 - 63.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Physically Defensive)Knock Off53.4 - 63.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Venusaur (OU Defensive)Knock Off53.2 - 63.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Zygarde-Complete (OU Choice Band - 10%)Crabhammer50.2 - 59.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer50 - 58.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Avalugg (OU Physical Wall)Close Combat49.7 - 58.8%99.6% chance to 2HKO
Buzzwole (OU Bulk Up)Crabhammer49.7 - 58.8%72.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
(using honkaluate for ss ou and usm ou since there isnt a ndou option gets close enough)
Last edited:
I myself will be posting Victini!


I do not have a specific set in mind however as Victini is very diverse in the possibility in it's sets to run. I just feel that with such an underrated mon in usage, it's starting to make a larger rise, and the newer players, and players who don't often use Victini in general, should get a small taste of a team it can be on, whether it's scarf, boots or Z-Celebrate.
With Scarf we have many opportunities to pair it with bulky mons like Fini and Mega Scizor and boots can be a good partner for mons such as Mega-Mawile and Mega-Lopunny, which will be good experience for those who will be there during building this week!

SUNKISSED CHILD (Lopunny) (F) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Encore
- Power-Up Punch
- Close Combat
- Return

i havent played in a while but considering how good bo is right now, encore pup lop still feels like a potent set to play with. fast encore can really shut down prominent fats right now and lop as always is valuable speed control, even without fake out can threaten out common stuff like weavile.
i spent 3 weeks hunting shiny alpha lopunny in pla and i need redemption
let's start this project with a core of 3 mons

:scizor-mega: :tapu fini: :landorus-therian:

this is core is an excellent defensive backbone for bo teams as it walls a lot of metagame offensive threats and could also support their team with different utility and also having a lot of defensive synergy as if one struggles with a certain mon, the others could check it.

lando-t setups rocks to the team and thanks to intimidate and his good physical bulk, he is able to be a good physically defensive wall, fini is a defogger that can taunt to stop setup, setuping hazards and any form of a status move that could give the opposing team an advantage, specially defensive msciz is a very good special wall as it can check special attackers that threaten the other 2 such as non hp fire lele and kyurem while also having good physical bulk, also thanks to its very high base attack and tech boosted priority stab in bullet punch and swords dance, msciz is also capable of being threatening offensively.
How about this,

Somewhat straightforward offensive core, Magnezone traps steels like Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor so that Kyurem can make progress. The sets can be experimented with, I didn't have any specific ones in mind at the time I'm writing this. I think these two have some potential in the current meta and could be fun to build around.
Hi! How about mega chomp? :garchomp-mega:

Samehada (Garchomp-Mega) @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Draco Meteor
- Rock Tomb / Stealth Rock

Burn the rillas ferros corvs skarms scizors steelas landos that dare assume you have earthquake! And most importantly, truly most importantly, for the Avaluggs that pose a MASSIVE THREAT to the tier..
I would like to start the project with this core.
The core:
Tapu koko.png

It has pretty good offensive capacity, so i want a well based defensive core around it.
Tapu koko is an underrated menace in this meta. With The specs Volt Switch set, almost nothing can switch in to it in a long run. And almost everything that can switch into it long run are exploited by Shifu.
Pretty much nothing to talk about Koko set
About the Shifu set:
The band set might work, but i prefer Electrium Z on this team.
Firstly, it seems fun to use.
Secondly, it contains some surprise factors. Pex and Fini are most common switch in rn, and look at this:

+1 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Gigavolt Havoc (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex in Electric Terrain: 316-374 (103.9 - 123%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Gigavolt Havoc (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tapu Fini in Electric Terrain: 388-458 (112.7 - 133.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

After a bulk up, which you can get on things that don't want to stay in you, you have a guaranteed ohko on these.
Thirdly, mostly, electric terrain is up from koko which boosts your z moves hard.

Despite that, there are problems that the core meets with, grass types for example.

The members that my team lack rn:
Defensive Checks to top tier threats: M lop for example
Grass types remover
Hazard Controls
Rock Setter
I might miss some more roles, but i prioritize this.

Any suggestion to add a team member is appreciated.

Thanks, and have a nice day!

Zapdos-Galar @ Choice Band
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Thunderous Kick

Gzap is broken, click the move and kill. Chip Kanto Zapdos w like mtar suit or sd norm z kart and u win with zap
:ss/latios-mega: (the guy)
Latios @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Thunder
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam
- Roost

Mega Latios takes advantage of common defensive cores found in balanced teams, has a nice speed tier that lets it outpace and remove threats like Kartana and Garchomp, and looks pretty good (Its a dragon too, so its very cool :D). However, its unfortunately outsped by meanies like Mega Lopunny, Greninja, and Tapu Koko, and is deathly allergic to Weavile, so its team mates have to cover for those stuff. :blobnom:
deoxsus (Deoxys-Defense) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
- Taunt
- Seismic Toss
- Recover

DeoD like a lot of cool Pressure users has been making the rounds as a general threat against passive fat teams, while simultaneously fitting on balance as a strong wincon with its fast Taunt and Cosmic Power. Compared to many of the offensive threats posted here, DeoD is an anti-meta pick that won’t strictly turn the team into offense.
Voting is up for our first week is up! Ends tomorrow at 11:59pm GMT -4!

シザ OHKO Em All 2002
I am crab
410,757,864,530 DEAD STALL TEAMS

Crawdaunt @ Choice Band
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Crabhammer
- Aqua Jet
- Crunch / Close Combat

well, i said i was gonna do it
Crawdaunt truly needs no praise as the sheer power of this crab can speak for itself. Tearing through stall, offense, and balance alike, crawdaunt is an excellent niche pick of a pokemon to build around due to its lack of safe switchins with its insane stab. The calcs never dissapoint with crawdaunt and i may as well show some.
Knock Off463.7 - 546.6%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Choiced Attacker)Knock Off442.1 - 521.4%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Blade (OU Special Attacker)Knock Off433.7 - 510.3%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Blade (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off433.7 - 510.3%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Choice Band)Close Combat411.3 - 483.9%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat411.3 - 483.9%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Substitute)Knock Off381.6 - 449%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar-Gmax (OU Substitute)Knock Off381.6 - 449%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam-Mega (OU Special Sweeper)Crunch305.9 - 360.1%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Choice Band)Close Combat301.1 - 354.2%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat299.6 - 352.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Life Orb)Knock Off263.1 - 309.6%guaranteed OHKO
Dragapult (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off262.4 - 309.1%guaranteed OHKO
Dragapult (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off262.4 - 309.1%guaranteed OHKO
Obstagoon (OU Guts)Close Combat247 - 291.1%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off239.2 - 281.7%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola (OU Offensive Wallbreaker)Knock Off232.9 - 274.3%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola-Totem (OU Offensive Wallbreaker)Knock Off232.9 - 274.3%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band)Close Combat219.3 - 259.2%guaranteed OHKO
Slowking-Galar (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off201 - 236.5%guaranteed OHKO
Slowking (OU Specially Defensive Pivot)Knock Off200 - 235.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Mixed Attacker)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Shield (OU Special Attacker)Knock Off188.5 - 222.2%guaranteed OHKO
Aegislash-Shield (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off188.5 - 222.2%guaranteed OHKO
Barraskewda (OU Choice Band)Knock Off187.8 - 221.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Specially Defensive)Close Combat185.1 - 217.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latios-Mega (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Crunch180.7 - 212.6%guaranteed OHKO
Salazzle (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.7 - 211.5%guaranteed OHKO
Salazzle-Totem (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.7 - 211.5%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro-Galar (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off179.1 - 211.4%guaranteed OHKO
Xatu (OU Magic Bounce)Knock Off177.2 - 209.5%guaranteed OHKO
Regieleki (OU Screens Lead)Knock Off175.3 - 206.7%guaranteed OHKO
Porygon-Z (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat174.9 - 206.4%guaranteed OHKO
Crawdaunt (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat173.7 - 204.4%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Sand Rush)Close Combat170 - 200.5%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Utility)Close Combat170 - 200.5%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat167.7 - 198.2%guaranteed OHKO
Nihilego (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off166 - 195.5%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Utility)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off162.3 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Cosmic Power)Knock Off162.3 - 191%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Suicide Lead)Knock Off162.3 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Band)Knock Off161.1 - 189.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off161.1 - 189.6%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat158.6 - 186.7%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off157.7 - 185.6%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu-Totem (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off157.7 - 185.6%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat152.9 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Toxtricity (OU Shift Gear)Knock Off151.8 - 178.6%guaranteed OHKO
Toxtricity-Gmax (OU Shift Gear)Knock Off151.8 - 178.6%guaranteed OHKO
Darmanitan (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off151.5 - 178.3%guaranteed OHKO
Ditto (OU Imposter)Close Combat149.3 - 176%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance)Knock Off149.1 - 176.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off148.7 - 175%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off148.7 - 175%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus-Therian (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off147.8 - 173.9%guaranteed OHKO
Krookodile (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat147.4 - 174%guaranteed OHKO
Staraptor (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off140.8 - 165.9%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir-Mega (OU Offensive Support)Crunch138.6 - 163.8%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat137.4 - 162.2%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Lead)Close Combat136.8 - 161.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Nasty Plot)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Three Attacks)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off136 - 160.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Gmax (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off136 - 160.2%guaranteed OHKO
Mamoswine (OU Choice Band)Close Combat134.6 - 159%guaranteed OHKO
Nidoking (OU Wallbreaker)Knock Off134.6 - 159%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Nasty Plot)Crunch132.6 - 156.6%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off132 - 155.3%guaranteed OHKO
Zeraora (OU Bulk Up)Knock Off131.8 - 155.2%guaranteed OHKO
Zeraora (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off131.8 - 155.2%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham (OU All-out Attacker)Crunch131 - 154.7%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat128.1 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Venusaur (OU Chlorophyll Sweeper)Knock Off127.5 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Venusaur-Gmax (OU Chlorophyll Sweeper)Knock Off127.5 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Crunch127.4 - 150.5%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU Mega Calm Mind)Crunch127.4 - 150.5%guaranteed OHKO
Pelipper (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off125.6 - 147.8%guaranteed OHKO
Dracozolt (OU Substitute + Fire Spin)Knock Off124.6 - 147%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Cut)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Plane)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Press)Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Blaziken (OU Choice Band)Aqua Jet120.9 - 143.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off120.8 - 142.5%guaranteed OHKO
Blaziken (OU Swords Dance)Aqua Jet119.6 - 142.1%guaranteed OHKO
Salamence (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off119.6 - 140.7%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Offensive)Close Combat119.5 - 141.1%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crunch118.7 - 140.2%guaranteed OHKO
Kingdra (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Scizor (OU Offensive Swords Dance)Knock Off116.7 - 138%guaranteed OHKO
Zapdos (OU Offensive Rain Sweeper)Knock Off116.5 - 137.6%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie-Mega (OU Offensive)Aqua Jet116.1 - 137.7%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados-Mega (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Close Combat114.1 - 134.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat113.5 - 134%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-Y (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Aqua Jet113.1 - 133.3%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Substitute Attacker)Knock Off112.7 - 133.1%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off112.6 - 132.9%guaranteed OHKO
Dracozolt (OU Life Orb)Knock Off112.1 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Zarude (OU Bulk Up)Close Combat110.7 - 130.6%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU SubRoost)Close Combat109.6 - 129.3%guaranteed OHKO
Moltres (OU Substitute)Knock Off109.4 - 128.8%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Defog)Knock Off108.8 - 128.1%guaranteed OHKO
Golem-Alola (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat108.3 - 127.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gastrodon (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off105.1 - 123.9%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom (OU Choice Band)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rillaboom-Gmax (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Iron Defense)Close Combat103.5 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Blissey (OU Defensive)Close Combat103 - 121.5%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Heat (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off102.3 - 120.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Heat (OU Pivot)Knock Off102.3 - 120.7%guaranteed OHKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off101.9 - 120.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch101.8 - 120.5%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Bulky Quiver Dance)Knock Off101.3 - 119.5%guaranteed OHKO
Cloyster (OU Shell Smash)Close Combat100.4 - 118.6%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Specially Defensive)Close Combat100 - 118.1%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off96.3 - 113.7%75% chance to OHKO
Scizor (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off95.6 - 112.5%68.8% chance to OHKO
Celesteela (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off95.5 - 112.8%75% chance to OHKO
Umbreon (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat94.9 - 111.6%68.8% chance to OHKO
Ferrothorn (OU Utility)Close Combat91.4 - 107.9%50% chance to OHKO
Swampert (OU Stealth Rock Pivot)Knock Off88.6 - 104.4%31.3% chance to OHKO
Pinsir-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch85.6 - 101.1%6.3% chance to OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU 3 Attacks)Crunch83.5 - 98.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU Dragon Dance X)Crunch83.5 - 98.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Grimmsnarl (OU Dual Screens)Close Combat81.6 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Grimmsnarl-Gmax (OU Dual Screens)Close Combat81.6 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Hatterene (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off81.1 - 95.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Hatterene-Gmax (OU Calm Mind)Knock Off81.1 - 95.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU Three Attacks)Crunch79.7 - 93.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Porygon2 (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat79.1 - 93.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos (OU Utility)Knock Off77.8 - 91.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Volcanion (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off77.6 - 91.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off77.2 - 90.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Chansey (OU Showdown Usage)Close Combat76.5 - 90.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Breloom (OU SubSeed)Close Combat76.2 - 90%guaranteed 2HKO
Amoonguss (OU Defensive)Knock Off75.4 - 88.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Incineroar (OU Defensive Pivot)Close Combat75.3 - 89%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crunch75 - 88.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off74.6 - 88.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off74.6 - 88.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Sableye-Mega (OU Utility)Crunch73.9 - 87.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Defog)Knock Off73.8 - 87.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Gliscor (OU Stealth Rock)Knock Off73.8 - 87.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Ninetales-Alola (OU Aurora Veil)Close Combat73.7 - 86.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Pelipper (OU Defensive)Knock Off73.6 - 86.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Swampert-Mega (OU Rain Sweeper)Crunch72.7 - 86.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Protect)Close Combat72.5 - 85.6%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Protect)Close Combat72.5 - 85.6%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Suicune (OU VinCune)Knock Off72.2 - 85.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Choice Band)Close Combat71.1 - 84%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Close Combat71.1 - 84%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp (OU Tank)Knock Off70.9 - 83.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Three Attacks + Thunder Wave)Close Combat70.7 - 83.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Three Attacks + Thunder Wave)Close Combat70.7 - 83.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Hawlucha (OU Unburden Sweeper)Knock Off70.3 - 82.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Primarina (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off69.4 - 82%guaranteed 2HKO
Moltres-Galar (OU Double Dance)Close Combat69.1 - 81.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Keldeo (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Seismitoad (OU Defensive)Knock Off68.5 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Hippowdon (OU Special Wall)Knock Off68 - 80.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU 2 Attacks + Rest)Crunch67.4 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crunch67.2 - 79.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat67.2 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Melmetal-Gmax (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat67.2 - 79.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Quagsire (OU Unaware)Knock Off67 - 79.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Koko (OU Offensive Pivot)Knock Off66.9 - 79%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat63.6 - 75%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat63.6 - 75%guaranteed 2HKO
Corviknight (OU Defog)Knock Off61.6 - 72.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Corviknight-Gmax (OU Defog)Knock Off61.6 - 72.6%guaranteed 2HKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Substitute)Close Combat60.6 - 71.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Conkeldurr (OU Guts)Close Combat60.3 - 71.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Muk-Alola (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat60.2 - 70.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike (OU Choice Band)Close Combat59.5 - 70%guaranteed 2HKO
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike-Gmax (OU Choice Band)Close Combat59.5 - 70%guaranteed 2HKO
Alomomola (OU WishPass)Knock Off58.6 - 69.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Primarina (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Knock Off58.1 - 68.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Azumarill (OU Belly Drum)Knock Off57.8 - 68.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Toxapex (OU The Pex)Knock Off57.8 - 68.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Skarmory (OU Defensive Spikes)Knock Off56.2 - 66.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Zapdos-Galar (OU Choice Band)Knock Off56 - 66%guaranteed 2HKO
Torkoal (OU Support)Knock Off54.8 - 64.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Dragonite (OU Offensive Dragon Dance)Knock Off53.2 - 62.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Scizor-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crunch53 - 62.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Shuckle (OU Showdown Usage)Knock Off52.4 - 62.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Fini (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off51.9 - 61.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Swords Dance)Knock Off50.5 - 59.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Physically Defensive)Knock Off50.4 - 59.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Venusaur-Mega (OU Defensive)Crunch49.4 - 58.7%99.6% chance to 2HKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Defensive)Knock Off48.1 - 57%91.4% chance to 2HKO
Alakazam (OU Life Orb)Knock Off489.2 - 576.8%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer456.6 - 537.6%guaranteed OHKO
Weavile (OU Choice Band)Close Combat408.5 - 481.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off380.1 - 447.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gengar (OU Offensive Utility)Knock Off380.1 - 447.3%guaranteed OHKO
Blacephalon (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Crabhammer365.9 - 431.4%guaranteed OHKO
Nihilego (OU Toxic Spikes Setter)Crabhammer342 - 403.3%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam (OU Special Sweeper)Knock Off325 - 384%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance)Crabhammer309.9 - 365.2%guaranteed OHKO
Bisharp (OU Swords Dance)Close Combat301.1 - 354.2%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie-Mega (OU Offensive)Crabhammer288.7 - 340.2%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Sand Rush Sweeper)Crabhammer282.8 - 333.7%guaranteed OHKO
Excadrill (OU Focus Sash)Crabhammer282.5 - 332.4%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU 3 Attacks)Crabhammer281.4 - 331.3%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Dragon Dance X)Crabhammer281.4 - 331.3%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Crabhammer278.7 - 328.6%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-Y (OU Drought Wallbreaker Y)Crabhammer278.7 - 328.6%guaranteed OHKO
Nidoking (OU Life Orb Attacker)Crabhammer277.2 - 327.3%guaranteed OHKO
Diggersby (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer268.8 - 317.6%guaranteed OHKO
Alakazam-Mega (OU Special Sweeper)Knock Off248.6 - 293.2%guaranteed OHKO
Krookodile (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer246.5 - 291.2%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Offensive Support)Knock Off237.8 - 280.3%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer229.1 - 269.9%guaranteed OHKO
Terrakion (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer229.1 - 269.9%guaranteed OHKO
Mamoswine (OU Physical Attacker)Crabhammer226 - 267%guaranteed OHKO
Volcarona (OU Bulky Quiver Dance)Crabhammer220.9 - 260.5%guaranteed OHKO
Diancie (OU Offensive)Crabhammer220.7 - 260.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Physically Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Specially Based Protean)Close Combat219.6 - 258.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat219.3 - 259.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band)Close Combat213.1 - 251.8%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat200 - 236.3%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer199.4 - 234.6%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Z-Celebrate)Crabhammer199.4 - 234.6%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Z-Move)Crabhammer199.3 - 235.2%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Dual Hazards)Close Combat197.8 - 232.9%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Greninja-Ash (OU Offensive)Close Combat196.4 - 231.5%guaranteed OHKO
Ribombee (OU Sticky Web Lead)Crabhammer196.1 - 231.4%guaranteed OHKO
Ribombee-Totem (OU Sticky Web Lead)Crabhammer196.1 - 231.4%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola (OU Offensive)Crabhammer194.4 - 229.1%guaranteed OHKO
Marowak-Alola-Totem (OU Offensive)Crabhammer194.4 - 229.1%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off192.3 - 227.5%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar (OU Assault Vest)Close Combat188.4 - 222.6%guaranteed OHKO
Moltres (OU Pressure)Crabhammer185.5 - 218.7%guaranteed OHKO
Golem-Alola (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer180.7 - 212.6%guaranteed OHKO
Zygarde-10% (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer180.7 - 212.8%guaranteed OHKO
Latios (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Knock Off176.7 - 208.6%guaranteed OHKO
Crawdaunt (OU Choice Band)Close Combat174.5 - 205.9%guaranteed OHKO
Porygon-Z (OU Z-Conversion)Close Combat174.2 - 205.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir (OU Offensive Support)Crabhammer174 - 205%guaranteed OHKO
Gardevoir-Mega (OU Offensive Support)Crabhammer174 - 205%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat173.4 - 204.4%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer172.5 - 203.6%guaranteed OHKO
Victini (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer168.3 - 198%guaranteed OHKO
Heatran (OU Specially Defensive)Crabhammer167.8 - 197.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Dragon Dance)Close Combat167.7 - 198.2%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Hoopa-Unbound (OU Nasty Plot)Crabhammer165.6 - 195.4%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer163.9 - 193.1%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Stealth Rock)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Jirachi (OU Wish)Knock Off162.7 - 192.5%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer162.5 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Mimikyu-Totem (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer162.5 - 192%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer159 - 187.5%guaranteed OHKO
Lopunny-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Close Combat158.6 - 186.7%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Defensive)Knock Off155.6 - 183.5%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Offensive Z-Move)Crabhammer155.4 - 183%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Suicide Lead)Crabhammer155.4 - 183%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Z Offensive)Crabhammer153.7 - 181.4%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Lele (OU Fightinium Z)Crabhammer153 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Tyranitar-Mega (OU Stealth Rock)Close Combat152.9 - 180.7%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Defog)Crabhammer152.2 - 179.5%guaranteed OHKO
Gliscor (OU Stealth Rock)Crabhammer152.2 - 179.5%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus (OU Nasty Plot)Crabhammer151.1 - 177.9%guaranteed OHKO
Thundurus-Therian (OU Wallbreaker)Crabhammer151.1 - 177.9%guaranteed OHKO
Ditto (OU Imposter)Close Combat149.3 - 176%guaranteed OHKO
Medicham-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer147.8 - 174.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latios-Mega (OU Mega Mixed Attacker)Knock Off147.5 - 174%guaranteed OHKO
Xurkitree (OU Tail Glow)Crabhammer146.5 - 172.6%guaranteed OHKO
Staraptor (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer145.3 - 171%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer144.2 - 170.5%guaranteed OHKO
Scolipede (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer143.2 - 168.5%guaranteed OHKO
Heracross (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer142.8 - 168.7%guaranteed OHKO
Aggron (OU Mega Tank)Close Combat142.2 - 167.9%guaranteed OHKO
Sableye (OU Utility)Crabhammer140.5 - 165.6%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU 2 Attacks)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Reuniclus (OU Double Dance)Knock Off139.6 - 165%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Choice Specs)Crabhammer138 - 162.9%guaranteed OHKO
Tapu Koko (OU Shuca Pivot)Crabhammer138 - 162.9%guaranteed OHKO
Hydreigon (OU Darkinium Z)Close Combat136.6 - 161.2%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Offensive Z-Move)Crabhammer136 - 160.6%guaranteed OHKO
Hawlucha (OU Terrain Seed Sweeper)Crabhammer133.9 - 158.2%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Knock Off131.8 - 156%guaranteed OHKO
Latias (OU Mega Calm Mind)Knock Off131.8 - 156%guaranteed OHKO
Mew (OU Nasty Plot)Knock Off130.2 - 153.6%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat128.3 - 151%guaranteed OHKO
Slowbro (OU Defensive Pivot)Knock Off128.2 - 151.6%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Substitute Z)Close Combat128.1 - 150.8%guaranteed OHKO
Magnezone (OU Choice Scarf)Close Combat127.6 - 150.3%guaranteed OHKO
Gallade-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer127 - 150.1%guaranteed OHKO
Pelipper (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off125.6 - 148.6%guaranteed OHKO
Pinsir (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer125.4 - 147.6%guaranteed OHKO
Clefable (OU Life Orb)Crabhammer125.3 - 147.5%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Cut (Swords Dance))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Plane (Choice Scarf))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kartana (OU Paper Press (Choice Band))Close Combat124.3 - 146.7%guaranteed OHKO
Uxie (OU Trick Room Setter)Knock Off123.1 - 145.7%guaranteed OHKO
Ninetales-Alola (OU Aurora Veil)Crabhammer122.8 - 145.1%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Choice Scarf)Knock Off118.2 - 139.5%guaranteed OHKO
Kingdra (OU Choice Specs)Knock Off117.8 - 139%guaranteed OHKO
Hippowdon (OU Physically Defensive)Crabhammer116.1 - 137.1%guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados-Mega (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Close Combat114.1 - 134.7%guaranteed OHKO
Serperior (OU Substitute Attacker)Knock Off112.7 - 133.1%guaranteed OHKO
Tornadus-Therian (OU Pivot)Crabhammer112.1 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Mantine (OU Mixed Wall)Knock Off111.7 - 132%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crabhammer110.3 - 129.9%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem (OU SubRoost)Close Combat109.6 - 129.3%guaranteed OHKO
Swampert (OU Rain Sweeper)Crabhammer108.5 - 127.8%guaranteed OHKO
Pinsir-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer107 - 126.1%guaranteed OHKO
Araquanid (OU Sticky Web Lead)Knock Off106.3 - 125.6%guaranteed OHKO
Araquanid-Totem (OU Sticky Web Lead)Knock Off106.3 - 125.6%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer106 - 125%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer106 - 125%guaranteed OHKO
Gastrodon (OU Specially Defensive)Knock Off104.9 - 123.7%guaranteed OHKO
Landorus-Therian (OU Defensive)Crabhammer104.7 - 123.5%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU 3 Attacks)Crabhammer104.3 - 123.2%guaranteed OHKO
Charizard-Mega-X (OU Dragon Dance X)Crabhammer104.3 - 123.2%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem-Black (OU LO KB)Close Combat104.3 - 122.7%guaranteed OHKO
Kyurem-Black (OU Z-Move)Close Combat104.3 - 122.7%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU 2 Attacks + Utility)Knock Off103.2 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Latias-Mega (OU Mega Calm Mind)Knock Off103.2 - 121.9%guaranteed OHKO
Mawile-Mega (OU Substitute)Crabhammer101 - 119.1%guaranteed OHKO
Heracross-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer100.3 - 118.2%guaranteed OHKO
Magearna (OU Shift Gear)Crabhammer100.3 - 118.2%guaranteed OHKO
Muk-Alola (OU Assault Vest)Crabhammer100.2 - 118.1%guaranteed OHKO
Garchomp (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crabhammer99.1 - 117%93.8% chance to OHKO
Garchomp (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Crabhammer99.1 - 117%93.8% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU All-out Attacker)Crabhammer98.4 - 115.9%87.5% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer98.4 - 115.9%87.5% chance to OHKO
Cresselia (OU Trick Room)Knock Off94.8 - 111.9%68.8% chance to OHKO
Amoonguss (OU Black Sludge)Knock Off94.6 - 111.8%68.8% chance to OHKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mixed Stealth Rock)Crabhammer94.1 - 110.9%62.5% chance to OHKO
Conkeldurr (OU Offensive)Crabhammer93.8 - 110.8%62.5% chance to OHKO
Mawile (OU Substitute)Crabhammer93.8 - 110.4%62.5% chance to OHKO
Volcanion (OU Substitute)Knock Off93.6 - 110.2%62.5% chance to OHKO
Sableye-Mega (OU Utility)Crabhammer91.7 - 108.2%50% chance to OHKO
Swampert-Mega (OU Rain Sweeper)Crabhammer91.4 - 107.9%50% chance to OHKO
Amoonguss (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off89.8 - 106%37.5% chance to OHKO
Ferrothorn (OU Hazard Setter)Close Combat89.7 - 106.2%37.5% chance to OHKO
Pelipper (OU Defensive)Knock Off89.7 - 105.8%37.5% chance to OHKO
Scizor (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer88.6 - 104.3%25% chance to OHKO
Garchomp-Mega (OU Mega Swords Dance)Crabhammer84.5 - 99.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Garchomp (OU Tank)Crabhammer83.8 - 99%guaranteed 2HKO
Magearna (OU Assault Vest)Crabhammer83.1 - 98%guaranteed 2HKO
Gyarados (OU Dragon Dance Sweeper)Knock Off81.5 - 96%guaranteed 2HKO
Celesteela (OU Defensive)Crabhammer81.1 - 95.7%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Magearna (OU Calm Mind + Pain Split)Crabhammer80.9 - 95.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Magearna (OU Heart Swap)Crabhammer80.9 - 95.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Salamence (OU Flyinium Z)Knock Off79.7 - 94.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Defensive)Knock Off77.6 - 91.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Rotom-Wash (OU Offensive)Knock Off77.6 - 91.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Chansey (OU Defensive)Close Combat76.5 - 90.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Breloom (OU SubSeed)Close Combat76.2 - 90%guaranteed 2HKO
Clefable (OU Defensive Magic Guard)Crabhammer75.6 - 89.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Clefable (OU Unaware)Crabhammer75.6 - 89.3%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Zapdos (OU Defensive)Crabhammer75.5 - 89%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Toxapex (OU The Pex)Knock Off75 - 88.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Suicune (OU Substitute + Calm Mind)Knock Off72.2 - 85.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Quagsire (OU Unaware Wall)Crabhammer69 - 81.2%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Calm Mind)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Keldeo-Resolute (OU Choice Specs)Close Combat68.7 - 81.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Assault Vest)Knock Off66.8 - 78.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Scizor-Mega (OU Swords Dance)Crabhammer66.4 - 78.7%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU Three Attacks)Knock Off65.1 - 76.8%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Close Combat64 - 75.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o-Totem (OU Offensive Stealth Rock)Close Combat64 - 75.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Pyukumuku (OU Unaware Wall)Knock Off63 - 74.5%guaranteed 2HKO
Azumarill (OU Belly Drum)Crabhammer59.6 - 70.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Alomomola (OU WishPass)Knock Off58.6 - 69.4%guaranteed 2HKO
Skarmory (OU Physically Defensive)Crabhammer57.4 - 68.2%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o (OU Belly Drum)Close Combat55.2 - 65.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Kommo-o-Totem (OU Belly Drum)Close Combat55.2 - 65.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Manaphy (OU 2 Attacks + Rest)Knock Off55 - 65%guaranteed 2HKO
Gyarados (OU Mega Dragon Dance)Knock Off54.3 - 64%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Choice Scarf)Crabhammer53.7 - 63.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Tangrowth (OU Physically Defensive)Knock Off53.4 - 63.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Venusaur (OU Defensive)Knock Off53.2 - 63.1%guaranteed 2HKO
Zygarde-Complete (OU Choice Band - 10%)Crabhammer50.2 - 59.3%guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Bulu (OU Choice Band)Crabhammer50 - 58.9%guaranteed 2HKO
Avalugg (OU Physical Wall)Close Combat49.7 - 58.8%99.6% chance to 2HKO
Buzzwole (OU Bulk Up)Crabhammer49.7 - 58.8%72.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
(using honkaluate for ss ou and usm ou since there isnt a ndou option gets close enough)
I myself will be posting Victini!


I do not have a specific set in mind however as Victini is very diverse in the possibility in it's sets to run. I just feel that with such an underrated mon in usage, it's starting to make a larger rise, and the newer players, and players who don't often use Victini in general, should get a small taste of a team it can be on, whether it's scarf, boots or Z-Celebrate.
With Scarf we have many opportunities to pair it with bulky mons like Fini and Mega Scizor and boots can be a good partner for mons such as Mega-Mawile and Mega-Lopunny, which will be good experience for those who will be there during building this week!

SUNKISSED CHILD (Lopunny) (F) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Encore
- Power-Up Punch
- Close Combat
- Return

i havent played in a while but considering how good bo is right now, encore pup lop still feels like a potent set to play with. fast encore can really shut down prominent fats right now and lop as always is valuable speed control, even without fake out can threaten out common stuff like weavile.
i spent 3 weeks hunting shiny alpha lopunny in pla and i need redemption
let's start this project with a core of 3 mons

:scizor-mega: :tapu fini: :landorus-therian:

this is core is an excellent defensive backbone for bo teams as it walls a lot of metagame offensive threats and could also support their team with different utility and also having a lot of defensive synergy as if one struggles with a certain mon, the others could check it.

lando-t setups rocks to the team and thanks to intimidate and his good physical bulk, he is able to be a good physically defensive wall, fini is a defogger that can taunt to stop setup, setuping hazards and any form of a status move that could give the opposing team an advantage, specially defensive msciz is a very good special wall as it can check special attackers that threaten the other 2 such as non hp fire lele and kyurem while also having good physical bulk, also thanks to its very high base attack and tech boosted priority stab in bullet punch and swords dance, msciz is also capable of being threatening offensively.
How about this,

Somewhat straightforward offensive core, Magnezone traps steels like Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor so that Kyurem can make progress. The sets can be experimented with, I didn't have any specific ones in mind at the time I'm writing this. I think these two have some potential in the current meta and could be fun to build around.
Hi! How about mega chomp? :garchomp-mega:

Samehada (Garchomp-Mega) @ Garchompite
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Earth Power
- Fire Blast
- Draco Meteor
- Rock Tomb / Stealth Rock

Burn the rillas ferros corvs skarms scizors steelas landos that dare assume you have earthquake! And most importantly, truly most importantly, for the Avaluggs that pose a MASSIVE THREAT to the tier..
I would like to start the project with this core.
The core:
View attachment 414456View attachment 414457

It has pretty good offensive capacity, so i want a well based defensive core around it.
Tapu koko is an underrated menace in this meta. With The specs Volt Switch set, almost nothing can switch in to it in a long run. And almost everything that can switch into it long run are exploited by Shifu.
Pretty much nothing to talk about Koko set
About the Shifu set:
The band set might work, but i prefer Electrium Z on this team.
Firstly, it seems fun to use.
Secondly, it contains some surprise factors. Pex and Fini are most common switch in rn, and look at this:

+1 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Gigavolt Havoc (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex in Electric Terrain: 316-374 (103.9 - 123%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252 Atk Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Gigavolt Havoc (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tapu Fini in Electric Terrain: 388-458 (112.7 - 133.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

After a bulk up, which you can get on things that don't want to stay in you, you have a guaranteed ohko on these.
Thirdly, mostly, electric terrain is up from koko which boosts your z moves hard.

Despite that, there are problems that the core meets with, grass types for example.

The members that my team lack rn:
Defensive Checks to top tier threats: M lop for example
Grass types remover
Hazard Controls
Rock Setter
I might miss some more roles, but i prioritize this.

Any suggestion to add a team member is appreciated.

Thanks, and have a nice day!

Zapdos-Galar @ Choice Band
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Thunderous Kick

Gzap is broken, click the move and kill. Chip Kanto Zapdos w like mtar suit or sd norm z kart and u win with zap
:ss/latios-mega: (the guy)
Latios @ Latiosite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic / Thunder
- Aura Sphere
- Ice Beam
- Roost

Mega Latios takes advantage of common defensive cores found in balanced teams, has a nice speed tier that lets it outpace and remove threats like Kartana and Garchomp, and looks pretty good (Its a dragon too, so its very cool :D). However, its unfortunately outsped by meanies like Mega Lopunny, Greninja, and Tapu Koko, and is deathly allergic to Weavile, so its team mates have to cover for those stuff. :blobnom:
deoxsus (Deoxys-Defense) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
- Taunt
- Seismic Toss
- Recover

DeoD like a lot of cool Pressure users has been making the rounds as a general threat against passive fat teams, while simultaneously fitting on balance as a strong wincon with its fast Taunt and Cosmic Power. Compared to many of the offensive threats posted here, DeoD is an anti-meta pick that won’t strictly turn the team into offense.
i'm voting for Victini (i freaking hate this mon after the victim of the week why does this thing has so many moves with just the correct typing and stats needed to utilise it so perfectly.)
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