Project National Dex OU Team Bazaar

great teams btw, just wanted to note growth venu with giga drain beats any chansey/blissey without thunder wave you just growth twice now you heal back more than seismic toss does to you and youre immune from toxic
+4 252+ SpA Life Orb Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 277-328 (39.4 - 46.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (46.1 - 54.4% recovered)

Good point. I should've thought of that.
Here is a balance/BO team i made and it worked really well for the current time.


This team is pretty simple, it is just a good defensive core with a 3rd mon to help it and a good offensive core with a 3rd mon to help it.

I will try to explain a bunch of things about this team.

1- why scarf latios?
Because I wanted a scarfer faster than scarf kartana scarf serperior is unviable, feel free to change him to any mon you think could benefit the team better than him.

2- why the sets of the defensive mons?
All i gotta say is feel free to change the sets of fini, lando-t and tran, as long as you have a defogger, rocker and a stall breaker then you are ok.

3- why hjk over cc on mega lop?
Again feel free to change that, these are minor things in the team and if you changed them the team viability won't be bad

4- why specs kyurem?
Since kyurem is with mega lop which is a fast offense and revenge killer that scares out fast offensive mons so they switch out to a bulky one while you u-turn into kyurem, in this situation you need the most power possible so the bulky mon is gonna die and the other ones might not be switch-ins at all.
:charizard-mega-y: :corviknight: :gastrodon: :clefable: :kartana: :victini:

Maybe sample submission. This team is consistent as anything and the only downside I have spamming it is that it can be countered fairly hard by scarf Magnezone which is not impossible to beat but it's difficult. Zard Y is an insane anti meta mon that needs more attention. I paired it with scarf Victini to make up the offensive core of the team. If you hate rain teams, this is a great build to basically never lose to them again. I think full sun teams are bad and just used for matchup fishing. Zard + Vic smashes unprepaired teams without requiring you to lean into a full sun build and waste a team slot on something like Torkoal. Aside from the two fire types for offensive presence, this build is deceptively bulky and capable of sticking around for long games. Out of the two versions of this team, I prefer unaware Clef which has saved me on multiple occasions. However, the team can function just fine with magic guard and will have an easier time beating Toxapex. Synth Kart is a neat set that takes extra advantage of sun. Double defog is important because if the two fire types die you will have trouble making progress against anything bulky. Pairs nicely with Corv as it can threaten rockers like sd Chomp and Lando while hard walling most Ferrothorn sets. EV's on Kart survive two moonblasts from Fini/Clef and a +2 sucker punch from Mega Mawile. Corv speed EVs let you u-turn out of specs Magnezone and being faster than Mawile is nice to get extra chip damage with SD sucker punch being dangerous for the team.

Ok, I'm back. Yo, I'm ElevatedGodlyness and today I bring you a new set of teams me and MortalityI came up with. If you have seen me on ladder recently I have tilted a bit. It isn't the teams its just me as I've been more busy with school work recently and playing mons and school at the same time don't quite work well with each other. But with Kofi/MortalityI being the better player I assure you these teams are up to the quality we post them on the usual. Also we intended to have like 15-16 teams here but we never really got to Specs Aegislash, Bisharp, Mismagius and Mega Aggron. Hopefully in April we will have heat teams such as that in here. So onto the first team shall we?

Kofi's Tornadus-Therian Suspect Team:
- Ok, so Kofi made this team while the Tornadus-Therian suspect was going on and it went really well. He was winning Room Tournaments, laddering, and doing everything it was supposed to do in a well made fashion. Keep in mind this team was made early February but it still operates at or above the performance its rated for if it's played correctly(which is literally every team lmao.) Also Kyurem Rock Slide is to make sure you don't get absolutely smashed by Volcarona.

Okay, so these next two teams are very much funny as we wanted to do variants of the team so we will just post them with a /

Mega Slowbro + Band Tyranitar / Mega Manectric + Band Tyranitar: Mega Slowbro ( & Mega Manectric (
-These two teams were made more for fun as you can clearly see Kommo-o and Kartana literally run a train on these two teams. But I find these teams really satisfying to use when they work, setting up Mega Slowbro and not being status is pure bliss... beats non-toxic blissey lmao. These teams don't really stand out this month as they just aren't what you would use when trying to play in higher level play but these teams are very much enjoyable to use.

Urshifu-R + Whirlpool Tapu Fini:
- Yeah you know how I said I wouldn't use a Future Sight + Urshifu-R Team for this month's post I was serious... we had like 3 last time. But the basis of this team is to whirlpool trap Urshifu-R's checks such as Toxapex being this things main pain in the arse. This is intended to free up its Surging Strikes and Close Combat potency. Also we haven't use Corviknight as much so we decided to use it as a defogger and a pivot for the team to create more momentum. Things to look out for in this meta for this team is Charizard-Y as its a painstaking Pokemon for this team to attempt to swap in on. Would recommend expressing caution when using this team in an MU with Charizard-Y, pick it off first then the match should become much easier on it.

Nidoking + Blissbro:
-Haha, yeah I lied you thought. You seriously thought I wouldn't put a Future Sight + Urshifu-R Team in every Smogon Team Post? You must have lost it fr. But in all honesty I love this team. I haven't gotten to use Nidoking in a hot minute. Only thing this team should really look out for is Kommo-o as it can do decent damage but you have a Slowbro... use it you bum- anyways, yeah this is a really solid team. I enjoyed its fluid movement with the insatiable pivoting this team is capable of.

Mega Latias + Kyurem Bulky Offense:
-Not going to lie I have absolutely nothing that comes to mind with this team. Legit we woke up one morning and wanted to use Mega Latias on a team. Shed Shell Toxapex, negate whirlpool, taunt, nature's madness Tapu Fini, able to swap out mid magma storm heatran, and be able to stop Kommo-o from smashing up the team. Just don't play this against a Mega Houndoom. Or Sun in General.... trust me I'm doing you a favor here.

Alright another Variant set of teams... ngl highkey getting bored already heh.

Mega Heracross: Kartana Variant( Jirachi Variant(
- Ok, the Kartana Variant is easily the more troll team. This team is just generally much more aggressive and does more damage. Zapdos/ Your Rain Match up is pretty atrocious here. Would consider getting Hydreigon in a position to maintain yourself the entire game through. Sun doesn't really do anything to this team. Again maintain that Hydreigon and you'll be good to go. The Jirachi Variant is much more bulky and it deals with Charizard-X better than its brother team. Tapu Fini also can have Knock Off replaced by Taunt seeing as Taunt is extremely strong for negating recovery and progress.This team also has a better Match Up Versus Rain and can be consistently be maintained with Water, Ice, And Ground Resists.

DDance Dragonite + Mega Lopunny:
-This team I have a hate love relationship and is currently one of the teams Kofi is using on ladder consistently. This team is great dealing with Garchomp, Volcarona, Charizard-X. This team at times can struggle with Charizard-Y but maintaining the Dragonite's Multiscale you shouldn't experience anything that you can't handle. All in all one of the best teams that is on this Team Drop. As I update this post know Volcarona is being dropped for Heatran. We decided that Toxic Taunt is a great way to utilize a fire type better by negating recovery and spreading status.

Volcanion + Future Sight Balance:
-Ok, its time for the Volcanion team I have been hyping for the past 2 days lmao. Normally this was going to be a Mega Aggron team over this but we got lazy on that so you get this as a result. This team is super fun as is subbing with Volcanion. Forces so many things out as well as beats many things. This includes Ferrothorn, Toxapex, Hippowdon, and other general walls... excluding Chansey and Blissey but you know how that goes.

Alright and that wraps up the Team Drop for this month. I have somethings in the works with a draft and some teambuilding tip videos coming eventually with those down in WLA. So be sure to look out for that in March. Speaking of March we are skipping every other month so it'll be April then June then August and so and so forth. And yeah that's it for me. Thanks again to MortalityI for building with me. That's all folks.
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Latias+Reuniclus Fat: (Sample sub)


This team was built around the core of mystical fire latias+fightinium reuniclus, which together lure each other's checks such as scizor, hydreigon, mtar and weavile. For example, even if reuniclus takes major damage in order to z-move a weavile, the opponent will most likely lack another calm minder check, and latias will be able to clean late-game. Alongside them are a sturdy defensive core of skarmory, providing spikes, a ground check and a mmaw switchin, gliscor as the main heatran check and defogger, chansey as the rocker and special sponge and toxapex as a weavile switchin, furthermore assisting the tran matchup with shed shell. Other uncommon techs include confide chansey, which is critical here, as without it the team is dead against opposing bulky cmers such as clefable and reuniclus. Toxic was chosen on the last move for gliscor as it punishes the likes of garchomp and landorus far more than u-turn or knock, while also being solid against miscellaneous targets. From my experience, this team has few outright horrendous matchups, with the likes of hoopa-u and gengar declining in the current metagame, and is able to play both defensively and aggresively if need be.

Will update w/ more replays later if I can/ am bothered but here are a few: (Ideal instance of how the cm duo overload checks) (vs rain, showing that the team has it's outs even in less favourable matchups)
rate my team
Ultra SHaggy (Lopunny-Mega) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch
- Frustration

assault vested (Rotom-Heat) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Discharge
- Shadow Ball

not scarfed (Kartana) @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Smart Strike
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade

Def setup (Swampert) @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 196 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 32 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Roar

bird up (Corviknight) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Mirror Armor
EVs: 52 Atk / 204 Def / 252 Spe
Lax Nature
- Body Press
- Brave Bird
- Bulk Up
- Roost

Cocomelon (Tapu Lele) @ Psychium Z
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Calm Mind
rate my team
Ultra SHaggy (Lopunny-Mega) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch
- Frustration

assault vested (Rotom-Heat) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Discharge
- Shadow Ball

not scarfed (Kartana) @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Smart Strike
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade

Def setup (Swampert) @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 196 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 32 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Roar

bird up (Corviknight) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Mirror Armor
EVs: 52 Atk / 204 Def / 252 Spe
Lax Nature
- Body Press
- Brave Bird
- Bulk Up
- Roost

Cocomelon (Tapu Lele) @ Psychium Z
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Calm Mind

If you want it rated, post it in the "Rate My Team" sub-forum. The bazaar is essentially for tested teams.
rate my team
Ultra SHaggy (Lopunny-Mega) @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch
- Frustration

assault vested (Rotom-Heat) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Discharge
- Shadow Ball

not scarfed (Kartana) @ Leftovers
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Smart Strike
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade

Def setup (Swampert) @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 196 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 32 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Roar

bird up (Corviknight) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Mirror Armor
EVs: 52 Atk / 204 Def / 252 Spe
Lax Nature
- Body Press
- Brave Bird
- Bulk Up
- Roost

Cocomelon (Tapu Lele) @ Psychium Z
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Shadow Ball
- Psychic
- Calm Mind

I Would delete and repost this in the RMT thread, although heres a few quick notes: Assault vest on rotom misses out on a lot of useful utility, lele with two psychic moves is not optimal cause you almost never get enough calm minds to use stored power try focus blast instead to hit stuff like ttar, swampert can use flip turn to gain momentum I would recommend highly, kartana shouldnt run adamant on SD you lose out on a very valuable speed tier, corviknight should not run that much speed you should invest in HP instead and lopunny should run triple axel over ice punch. This team also lacks switchins to a lot of threatening mons (greninja, volcarona, mega scizor, mega diancie for example 6-0s this) I would recommend using a different bulky water than swampert to remedy some of this. Stall teams also have a very good matchup against this where mega sableye can 1v1 everything except lopunny (which gets burnt if it tries to switchin) meaning youll need moonblast on lele too (drop shadow ball for this).
Hey there. I made 2 fun grassy terrain squads with Mega Sceptile. As mentioned before, Sceptile is my fav mon so I built a squad around it in grassy terrain to fire powerful leaf storms and giga drains. Mega Sceptile outspeeds ash-greninja, koko and mega lopunny and okoes them with giga drain, leaf storm and focus blast respectively. Rillaboom provides the grassy terrain support. It can muscle through pink blobs with grassy terrain boosted wood-hammers and got strong priority in grassy glide along with good utility like knock-off and u-turn. Banded Tyranitar is another powerful breaker on this team. It needs no introduction and is there to pursuit trap psychics and fire off powerful stone edges. High horsepower is there bc of grassy terrain and fire punch is for corv, ferro and mega scizor. Plus in grassy terrain, its able to check zard x with earthquake better as earthquakes are weakened in grassy terrain and checks volcarona in a pinch. Azumarill is the fairy type, which is needed so that Kommo-o doesnt 6-0. I gave it an assault vest to take hits better and check on volcarona but I am tempted to try waterium z or metronome. Lando-T is the scarfer with speed control, u-turn for momentum, and edgequake + defog, if hazards are annoying. Its also the electric immunity before Sceptile mega evolves and is the only non-grounded mon. The last slot were used by magnezone or heatran. Both were z move variants. Heatran is firium z with the trapper set + stealth rocks mainly to trap pex and outspeed scizor and magnezone is there to trap corv.

1647275207483.png - With Magnezone - With Heatran

Here are some replays with this squad and I've used this squad in 1600s - 1700s. - Peak 1725

So, this team might have a few issues vs mega scizor and to some extent corv but nevertheless its a pretty fun team to try out.
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Hi all i recently took over this thread!!! felt it was proper to celebrate this was by posting some teams i like! Click on the sprites to get the importables

:greninja: :kommo-o: :volcarona: :scizor-mega: :suicune: :serperior: Suicune HO-- also known as ":smiling_imp: bigotry". This was one of the first teams i built after coming back from an extended break i took, its a really fun teamand i laddered hella with it during January. i got the idea from an OU RMT i saw which featured Suicune on a HO team, and i wanted to take it and adapt it to ND as well as execute it better. Vincune is rlly fun w/ Toxic Spike support so i decided to pair it up with a Protgren lead gren, dual spikes, Taunt, and Scald, The HP investment allows it to live another Seismic Toss from Chansey, to get up another hazard in its face. LO Volc and Suicune have some p fun synergy, overwhelming special checks. Rocks Kommo beats most defoggers and is generally just a fun ladder threat, OffSciz can lure and remove Toxapex and Heatran for Volc and Cune, and defog serp not only gives the team defensive utility but also wears down Chansey for the special sweepers and can defog in a pinch for Volcarona.

:manectric-mega: :weavile: :kartana: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :heatran: After playing ORAS in capcl, i was rlly hooked on it for a while, in particular i rlly love Mmane + Weavile teams, so I took my favourite NDcore, CB Weavile + Kartana, and mixed the cores together. The rough idea is that Weavile supports the other two with support, removing threats like Latias, Gastrodon, or Zapdos. Mega Manetric gives the team pivoting support, being able to pivot in the other two to let them break. Kartana just does Kart things, idk, its timid kart i liked the set att. the rest of the team is just filler, Lando-T for speed control + Defog, Tapu Fini to trap stuff- giving the team an actual Stall MU, while also checking tran and gren. Lastly Steelium Z heatran cuz it beats scizor and cm psychics. idk where the nicks are from ngl 2020 idm boomer chose them s/o wla rep wla

:kartana: :weavile: :latias-mega: :toxapex: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: the team i used in the first round of NDTT, people who know me know that i love Kartana + CB Weavile, so i wanted to build this team around the core. Twave utility latias is rlly cool and supports Kartana and Weavile by slowing down opponents, Eject Button Toxapex is another tech i stole from an RMT, as it keeps up the momentum on this BO team. Ferrothorn with dual hazards because i like having them up :blobthumbsup: iron head so that it doesnt spam knock off and make weavile weaker, also checks cm clefable alongside Toxapex's Light Screen, lastly there's ScarfLando as a glue mon, Speed Control, Hazard Control, Ground Immune, etc. Notably its also a pivot that can bring in the teams diffrent breakers! Nicknames are from various Tower of God characters, s/o Cold Apple Soda Steam Buns

:latias-mega: :weavile: :chansey: :corviknight: :gliscor: :toxapex: Latias SemiStall, this is probs the most solid Lati SemiStall I've built in around half a year lol. SP sphere latias is a bit unstandard but considering how its the teams Kartana check i kinda have to be Aura instead of smthng id prefer, like sub or refresh. CB weavile is rlly fun and supports fight/psy coverage latias really nicely. Idk why but i had this urge to build around chansey ever since i came back, rocks + twave is something I've seen alot in SM alongside weavile because paraflinch is fun, low-key i think it works fundamentally without crash weav but you could 100% run crash on this team- i just like having the extra insurance vs subroost Kyurem. I remember coming back to mons after taking a break and remembering everyone convinced me that Magnezone was broken, so i ran two defoggers to counteract it, TurboCorv has quickly became my favourite corviknight set in the tier, i dont know why rlly, it checks everything its supposed to check, cuz alongside weavile + latias it doesnt fold to either Tapu Lele, Mega Latias, or Kartana. Then Gliscor as i was genuinely shocked to find out that Timid heatran was now the standard, fun times. To round it out there is a mixdef leaning towards phys Toxapex, as i wanted to be more secure against Mlop and Weavile, while being able to scout against choiced breakers and punish mmedi. Nicknames are from diffrent Schrifts from Bleach, im rlly hype for TYBW to be animated.

:latias: :greninja: :clefable: :gliscor: :toxapex: :scizor-mega: this was smthng i built to cteam one of my opps for NDTT (s/o peap and drud i carried yall :skull:) but it ended up working quite fine in general, the basic idea is that you fake being Mlati to catch Heatran, Toxapex, Zoner, etc off-guard and KO them, and set up CM Clef to win. Hwish 2a lati is a p fun set and i especially love how it can help Greninja or Scizor clean up in the late game, especially as i usually trade them to deal with threats such as Weavile, Toxapex, Slowbro, etc. Cm flame clef is cool, s/o Avery for telling me i dont need to be thunder alongside offsciz. Gliscor and Toxapex are just filler, rocks Uturn help bring in Gren and Clefable and Pjab is fun vs Fini. Nicknames are from black clover openings s/o Michael213

:serperior: :latias-mega: :toxapex: :weavile: :gliscor: :corviknight: Another team i built to cteam in NDTT, this time it was Kyo because he is a LOSER and we had beef. anws the general idea is that Z serp rails stall and Latias deals with Zardy (i expected him to bring that), the rest of the team is basically just support, Pex is fun against fat, weavile is rlly fun to enable serp (kyo also does not like bringing weavile switching apparently LOL), rocks glisc because it helps pivot in stuff and checks tran, lastly there's RH corv to help wear down chans and defog while pivoting in Weav and Serp. Nicknames are from the Myth & Roid album eYe's.

:kyurem: :toxapex: :clefable: :hippowdon: :magnezone: :latias-mega: it wouldn't be a cotta teamdump without a kyurem team, now would it? This team is a way fatter approach but honestly i rlly like it. Unaclef + SF Hippo + Zoner is a core I've wanted to try out for a while, and it fit really well on this team. The rough idea is that Kyurem and Clef profit of off Zoner removing steels, and with hippo forcing rocks up they're hard to deal with, the rest is just filler, RH spdef pex to help vs ashgren and mlop while also setting up tspike, and defog tias as you cant run a bootsless kyurem without fog support. Notably its not max speed, only hits 334. IMO you dont need max speed on utility latias if you've got a scarf zoner, cuz it handles Kartana so you dont have to assign your latias to that role, the extra defense is rlly nice. Nicknames are based on diffrent monster flavours, I've got a caffeine addiction.
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Hi all i recently took over this thread!!! felt it was proper to celebrate this was by posting some teams i like! Click on the sprites to get the importables

:greninja: :kommo-o: :volcarona: :scizor-mega: :suicune: :serperior: Suicune HO-- also known as ":smiling_imp: bigotry". This was one of the first teams i built after coming back from an extended break i took, its a really fun teamand i laddered hella with it during January. i got the idea from an OU RMT i saw which featured Suicune on a HO team, and i wanted to take it and adapt it to ND as well as execute it better. Vincune is rlly fun w/ Toxic Spike support so i decided to pair it up with a Protgren lead gren, dual spikes, Taunt, and Scald, The HP investment allows it to live another Seismic Toss from Chansey, to get up another hazard in its face. LO Volc and Suicune have some p fun synergy, overwhelming special checks. Rocks Kommo beats most defoggers and is generally just a fun ladder threat, OffSciz can lure and remove Toxapex and Heatran for Volc and Cune, and defog serp not only gives the team defensive utility but also wears down Chansey for the special sweepers and can defog in a pinch for Volcarona.

:manectric-mega: :weavile: :kartana: :landorus-therian: :tapu-fini: :heatran: After playing ORAS in capcl, i was rlly hooked on it for a while, in particular i rlly love Mmane + Weavile teams, so I took my favourite NDcore, CB Weavile + Kartana, and mixed the cores together. The rough idea is that Weavile supports the other two with support, removing threats like Latias, Gastrodon, or Zapdos. Mega Manetric gives the team pivoting support, being able to pivot in the other two to let them break. Kartana just does Kart things, idk, its timid kart i liked the set att. the rest of the team is just filler, Lando-T for speed control + Defog, Tapu Fini to trap stuff- giving the team an actual Stall MU, while also checking tran and gren. Lastly Steelium Z heatran cuz it beats scizor and cm psychics. idk where the nicks are from ngl 2020 idm boomer chose them s/o wla rep wla

:kartana: :weavile: :latias-mega: :toxapex: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: the team i used in the first round of NDTT, people who know me know that i love Kartana + CB Weavile, so i wanted to build this team around the core. Twave utility latias is rlly cool and supports Kartana and Weavile by slowing down opponents, Eject Button Toxapex is another tech i stole from an RMT, as it keeps up the momentum on this BO team. Ferrothorn with dual hazards because i like having them up :blobthumbsup: iron head so that it doesnt spam knock off and make weavile weaker, also checks cm clefable alongside Toxapex's Light Screen, lastly there's ScarfLando as a glue mon, Speed Control, Hazard Control, Ground Immune, etc. Notably its also a pivot that can bring in the teams diffrent breakers! Nicknames are from various Tower of God characters, s/o Cold Apple Soda Steam Buns

:latias-mega: :weavile: :chansey: :corviknight: :gliscor: :toxapex: Latias SemiStall, this is probs the most solid Lati SemiStall I've built in around half a year lol. SP sphere latias is a bit unstandard but considering how its the teams Kartana check i kinda have to be Aura instead of smthng id prefer, like sub or refresh. CB weavile is rlly fun and supports fight/psy coverage latias really nicely. Idk why but i had this urge to build around chansey ever since i came back, rocks + twave is something I've seen alot in SM alongside weavile because paraflinch is fun, low-key i think it works fundamentally without crash weav but you could 100% run crash on this team- i just like having the extra insurance vs subroost Kyurem. I remember coming back to mons after taking a break and remembering everyone convinced me that Magnezone was broken, so i ran two defoggers to counteract it, TurboCorv has quickly became my favourite corviknight set in the tier, i dont know why rlly, it checks everything its supposed to check, cuz alongside weavile + latias it doesnt fold to either Tapu Lele, Mega Latias, or Kartana. Then Gliscor as i was genuinely shocked to find out that Timid heatran was now the standard, fun times. To round it out there is a mixdef leaning towards phys Toxapex, as i wanted to be more secure against Mlop and Weavile, while being able to scout against choiced breakers and punish mmedi. Nicknames are from diffrent Schrifts from Bleach, im rlly hype for TYBW to be animated.

:latias: :greninja: :clefable: :gliscor: :toxapex: :scizor-mega: this was smthng i built to cteam one of my opps for NDTT (s/o peap and drud i carried yall :skull:) but it ended up working quite fine in general, the basic idea is that you fake being Mlati to catch Heatran, Toxapex, Zoner, etc off-guard and KO them, and set up CM Clef to win. Hwish 2a lati is a p fun set and i especially love how it can help Greninja or Scizor clean up in the late game, especially as i usually trade them to deal with threats such as Weavile, Toxapex, Slowbro, etc. Cm flame clef is cool, s/o Avery for telling me i dont need to be thunder alongside offsciz. Gliscor and Toxapex are just filler, rocks Uturn help bring in Gren and Clefable and Pjab is fun vs Fini. Nicknames are from black clover openings s/o Michael213

:serperior: :latias-mega: :toxapex: :weavile: :gliscor: :corviknight: Another team i built to cteam in NDTT, this time it was Kyo because he is a LOSER and we had beef. anws the general idea is that Z serp rails stall and Latias deals with Zardy (i expected him to bring that), the rest of the team is basically just support, Pex is fun against fat, weavile is rlly fun to enable serp (kyo also does not like bringing weavile switching apparently LOL), rocks glisc because it helps pivot in stuff and checks tran, lastly there's RH corv to help wear down chans and defog while pivoting in Weav and Serp. Nicknames are from the Myth & Roid album eYe's.

:kyurem: :toxapex: :clefable: :hippowdon: :magnezone: :latias-mega: it wouldn't be a cotta teamdump without a kyurem team, now would it? This team is a way fatter approach but honestly i rlly like it. Unaclef + SF Hippo + Zoner is a core I've wanted to try out for a while, and it fit really well on this team. The rough idea is that Kyurem and Clef profit of off Zoner removing steels, and with hippo forcing rocks up they're hard to deal with, the rest is just filler, RH spdef pex to help vs ashgren and mlop while also setting up tspike, and defog tias as you cant run a bootsless kyurem without fog support. Notably its not max speed, only hits 334. IMO you dont need max speed on utility latias if you've got a scarf zoner, cuz it handles Kartana so you dont have to assign your latias to that role, the extra defense is rlly nice. Nicknames are based on diffrent monster flavours, I've got a caffeine addiction.
cool teams pannu and the nicknames are fire
Not really a great team but I have tried it out and tested it a few times and has gotten me some good and unexpected results.
There are a few issues with the team if the two walls go down and have a lack of synergy.
Good team by far and got me some mixed results.
Not really a great team but I have tried it out and tested it a few times and has gotten me some good and unexpected results.
There are a few issues with the team if the two walls go down and have a lack of synergy.
Good team by far and got me some mixed results.
New here btw so if you happen to have anything for me pls comment any suggestions
No Ground Screens
:ss/grimmsnarl: :sm/thundurus-therian: :sm/mawile-mega: :sm/manaphy: :ss/rillaboom: :ss/volcarona:
Importable Pokepaste
Concept was to build SD Rill without zone since zone kills often force you out the next turn and waste your screens , this team instead uses a special electric and special fire to use the rilla switchins magnezone would trap as setup fodder for our speed boosting sweepers. MMaw eases the matchup vs special walls and unaware. Rather than try to compress a ground onto a rilla team ( which usually forces it to be defensive) I just went for the volt block thundy which pairs nicely with flame body volcarona to stop volt turn spam the obvious problem with core this is scarf lando which is why I went for the adrenaline orb on thundy to setup and reverse sweep. You need psychic fangs on mmaw for 3 reasons: mvenu which wrecks this team otherwise, toxapex which people will try and switch in to you every time and die then be like "tf psychic fangs?" mald out and then lose to volc or manaphy and last but not least for matchups against opposing screens, a good HO should be able to out HO another HO.

shoutout pannu for owning the bazaar cool bazaar bro.
This team was tested and it looks really bad
But it WORKS
Mega beedirll allows for a good lead off for momentum with powerful u turns (it’s also my favorite Pokémon)
Has fast and powerful poison jabs
Picks of weakened threats
And can do huge dying damage with its stabs and coverage
Corvinight is the back for defense and allows for my offensive monsters to get on the field safely
Corvinight is already slow with relaxed but can also get be slower then other Corvinights with 0 IVS in speed which ever is your choice
Firium z Blaziken is an underrated threat (in my opinion) and can break through toxapex after two swords dances (provided if it doesn’t haze)
And does heavy damage with swords dance boosted inferno drive to tapu fini
tapu koko is another strong pivotter (life orb or specs works)
I chose not to run another electric moves because I hate running into flying ground types that I can’t hit hard with either dazzling gleam or grass knot the go ice coverage helps with that and volt switch under electric terrain is still strong and allows for another mon to come in
Greninja doesn’t have to be shiny but if you want to look cool the go with it non shiny can fake ash greninja and lure in tapu fini with gunk shot
Extresonsary is there to hit toxa pex hard
Hp Fire is for fero
And swords dance garchomp is very strong
Left overs is for longevity
Scale shot is for speed
And Fire fang is to maul fero even after a dance or before
While there are many problems that could face the team such as rain teams with more then one swift swimmer and hard stall
Still a good overall team got me up 1500
:ss/Altaria-Mega: :ss/Heatran: :ss/Gliscor: :ss/Toxapex: :ss/Reuniclus: :ss/Weavile:
Been performing pretty well with this team lately in Tours and thought I'd post it here:
  • M-Alt is the sweeper that the team is attempting to support here. We all know what it does; moveset is interchangeable but I opted for DD / Stab / EQ / Roost here for good coverage after checks are removed (i.e. Lando, Skarm, Ferro, etc)​
  • The core of Gliscor + Heatran pivot out on mons that M-Alt doesn't like facing to ease the sweep for it a little more. They are the fogger and rocker respectively.​
  • Pex is mostly here for Haze + T-Spikes combo w/ Reuni, due to how Reuni appreciates Banded/Z Weav sets being worn down to ease the risk of trying to hit a Focus Blast after a Colbur proc. Baneful Bunker also works for that as well. The aforementioned Haze is super valuable for fat to deter setup sweepers that would otherwise trample this team. You can take Scald out for Knock as it is still very punishing and removes items from mons that would otherwise try to make progress vs. Pex's passivity such as Ferro, Ash-Gren, etc etc​
  • Reuni + Weav is a solid core that works on fat pretty well; Weav removes common Reuni checks like M-Latias, non-Scarf Lele, and the rare Aegislash. It also eases the mu vs. other fat/stall teams and greatly appreciates M-Alt checking darks like Hydreigon, A-Gren, and deterring Ttar.​
Honestly I think the team is pretty simple and doesn't need much explaining tbf. Remove M-Alt checks w/ Heatran, work around offense that doesn't use scarf Lele w/ Weav + Reuni and Haze Pex, etc.

Replay vs. stall (its a subpar one but it gives u an idea of how to play w it):

Have fun!
I've existed in the silent periphery of this tier since it began in December 2019, until now. This is going to be my last contribution. Thank you all for everything.

I'm sharing a couple teams I enjoyed using. I have no idea how good they are but they all won at least one tour game at some point, for whatever that's worth.


DiaVolc with a defensive backbone that covers most common threats in the meta at the moment. The structure is flexible enough to tailor to whatever matchup you're expecting, which I usually tried to do anyway and it's the reason why the Volc is so oddly specific. Magnezone counterplay is the heart of the cards. Trapper Hydreigon is a fun option that provides often-unexpected soft counterplay to a variety of defensive pokemon that otherwise frustrate Diancie and Volc (e.g. Chansey, Gastrodon, Pex, slower walls lacking pivot moves, etc.)

Had fun using this team mostly for laddering and roomtours. Team struggles with CM Clefable and Fini, and you can easily change the Volc/Aegi sets to fix that but Sub Aegi + Sub 3A Volc are too much fun not to use. Team has no speed control but in practice I never felt that was an issue.


Pretty standard offense/defense core, again with a structure that can be customized for whatever you want it to do. It won every time I used it in any serious capacity, mostly because FightZ Lele is a nice lure and Volcarona requires minimal brainpower.

:ss/mew: :ss/grimmsnarl: :ss/mawile-mega: :ss/necrozma: :ss/moltres-galar: :ss/latios:

Mew Grimmsnarl Screens (feat. Weakness Policy spam). I used some variation of this build for the last 14 suspects and for some perverse reason it was always my favorite style to play. The teams always fall into the same general structure of: Stallbreaker Mega (Mawile, Garchomp), Necrozma (for the dopamine to keep laddering), shaky Dark-type check depending on the mega I used (G-Molt, Kommo-o, scarf Lele), and whatever Stored Power cheese I felt like using (Mag, Lati@s, Lele, Reun etc.)
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Sample Submission: Melmetal + Galarian Moltres Hyper Offense by adem and myself
:ss/landorus-therian: :ss/serperior: :ss/moltres-galar: :ss/melmetal: :ss/gyarados-mega: :ss/volcarona:

This is a basic suicide lead + five breaker hyper offense setup. The most notable—and valuable—aspect about it is that each member brings integral defensive utility that ensures safe setup oppurtunities for at least one member of the team once another faints. The defensive redundancy is extremely helpful for reducing the number of necessary sacks in a game vs, say, Choice Scarf Kartana or Ash-Greninja. In addition, every member of the team except Melmetal is capable of easily setting up and wreaking havoc against most of the metagame, with the only real exception being Zapdos.

This is a simple suicide Landorus-T that aims to get up Stealth Rock and (hopefully) KO something with +2 Earthquake or Explosion, though usually it has to pick one. However, as the team’s only Ground-type, Landorus-T can be preserved to handle annoying Volt Switch users, namely Tapu Koko, alongside Serperior.

Rocky Helmet + Taunt Serperior is one of the tier’s most annoying stallbreakers and really annoys any fat mon that isn’t Heatran. Its also a strong Defog deterrent with good matchups against Tapu Fini and Gliscor, and it can spread paralysis very easily since most Electric-types run in fear from it. Rocky Helmet can also help against low-health Pokemon with only contact moves (think Scarf Kartana) so its utility is not limited to Chansey/Blissey matchups. Finally, Serperior forms a trifecta of Pokemon (along with Galarian Moltres and Mega Gyarados) that make sure this team doesn’t fold to Ash-Greninja.

Galarian Moltres is an insane Pokemon with access to two boosting moves, amazing bulk for an offensive Pokemon, Berserk, and near-unresisted STAB. Hell, even getting hit by Stealth Rock can sometimes be beneficial for activating Berserk against a slow team. Flyinium Z is a safe nuke that easily obliterates most Fairy-types and can even slam Tapu Koko at +2. Other than that, there’s not much to say aside from pray to RNGesus should you need to hit Hurricane.

Melmetal is a unique member of this team for its lack of setup options, but there truly isn’t another Pokemon that can replicate its role on this team (maybe Mega Scizor and Mega Aggron but don’t).It brings invaluable Fairy, Psychic, and Ice resists without being too squishy, making it a suitable check to Tapu Lele, Weavile, and Kyurem. With Chople Berry, this list includes Kartana, Mega Lopunny, and Mega Medicham. Finally, Melmetal’s strength means it’s usually KOing something when it comes in, letting it not lose momentum when it comes in. The Speed EVs are for paralyzed Modest Heatran, but if you want more bulk you can simply run 12 Speed and near maximum Special Defense.

:gyarados-mega: :volcarona:
These two are are basically HO staples at this point, and nothing about them is truly special. I will instead make not of why I chose what I did for their last moveslots. Gyarados is running Power Whip primarily for Tapu Fini, as its an amazing way (when it hits) for Volcarona and Galarian Moltres to start wreaking havoc. It can also remove pesky Urshifu-RS. If you decide to forgo Earthquake for Waterfall, it can still nuke Rotom-Wash. Volcarona is running Psychic mainly because Toxapex is more annoying for the team over Heatran, but it has added benefits in hitting Kommo-o and chipped Mega Charizards.

Yes, beedrill
This Pokémon is my favorite Pokémon and I wanted to make a team that would revolve around it as well as preform well on their own
Beedrill is a pretty understandable Pokémon because you know it’s either gonna hit you with a powerful poison jab, knock off your item, drill your fire type on the switch with drill run (pun intended), or just be like “f it I’m out of here” with u turn
Adaptability is such a good ability and with beedrill it’s essentially a fairy removal tool
However, there are some flaws that come with it
1. It’s walled by corvinight a great Pokémon in general and mawile which walls beedrill and can devastate with a sucker punch or get a swords dance on the switch
2. Willowisp or burns in general strangle beedrill with damage out put or paralysis strangles it even harder do you it’s lack luster bulk
3. It’s stealth rock weak because it’s part bug types which means it gets passively worn down by rock as it u turns
4. Physical priority can ruin beedrill with its
So I compiled a list of suspects that could help it out
First is tapu lele
Tapu lele is a powerful Pokémon with its psychic terrain boosting its psychic stab and with scarf makes it a great revenge killer. Psychic terrain helps with the priority issue mentioned earlier and can help beedrill take things out due to priority not being an issue
Second is tapu fini
Yes two fairies
(Fight me because I don’t care about type overlap)
Fini has an excellent amount of tools that it can use to fill a variety of rolls for this one I used a trapper set so it can trap and strangle bulky Pokémon that could get in Beedrill’s way as well as helping out against opposing lele and adding my own lele against bulky mons. It’s designed to be bulky and have another Pokémon finish it off or finish it off with passive damage and nature’s madness cutting Pokémon down to size
3rd is landorous
Landorous is a great rocker and is a great Pokémon overall with its typing, bulk, intimidate, and pivoting with u-turn. Intimidate can help fini tank attacks better from physical Pokémon and while yes there can be misty terrain up while landorous still has toxic for dangerous sweeping threats. Also rocks are just meta and having rocks for sash Pokémon is always something
4rth is zapdos
Zapdos the OU lifer ever since it was released
It’s defensive defog set is always a great thing it can get rocks off even webs from opposing teams for bee and the rest of the team, it walls kartana which is a BIG threat if it gets a boost. Boots allow zap to ignore hazards and get off the rocks while staying healthy with roost and an intimidate on a Pokémon from landorous is always appreciated.
5th and final Pokémon is magnezone
Magnezone was always the Pokémon that was always known as the steel trapper and it still is. Magnezones job is to trap and eliminate Pokémon such as corvinight and ferrothorn from endlessly walking tapu lele and beedrill from using its stabs and allows landorous to get up its rocks without defog from corvinight. However, it’s job isn’t just relegated to steel trapping, choice specs mag is a powerful force to be recognized. It hits hard with both thunderbolt and pivots with volt switch as well as being a steel type that hits really hard on the special side.
(now that I think about it this team has a 3 pivoters, oh well)
This team was great and tested it for getting it to 1589
This is a slite modification to the first beedrill team
With Heatran instead magnezone and kyurem instead of tapu fini, volt switch can be debated for discharge your choice and leftovers being swapped for rocky helmet on landorous again your choice I just found success with rocky helmet
(Shout out to sulovix on pokemon showdown for helping me to improve the team)
Before this I was trying to fit an ice type on the team before and couldn’t see where it would fit and the person I worked with (he made the changes not me) put kyurem and Heatran with steelium z and when testing the team out they were perfect for what I needed. While it does suck leaving corvinight un accounted for a fire type is just so good to have and Heatran is one of the best around. Steelium z was surprisingly good because it hits like a truck and can catch cocky tapu fini on the switch. Magma storm is self explanatory (it traps and stab) and earth power is coverage.
Kyurem was a rain answer that I needed due to it resisting water allowing it to fill the role of greninja check and allowing it to KO the many swift swimmers that are on rain teams.


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Hey all, first submission so forgive me if my team sucks lol


Mew is the suicide lead for the team, main goal is to get up as many hazards as possible before pressing explosion and dealing damage to the opposing lead.


Serp does Serp stuff, gets behind subsitute to start racking up boosts w/ Leaf Storm, and paralyzes w/ Glare to provide support for the team as well.


Serp is walled hard by most fire mons (especially Heatran) so Gren here can counter it, as well as get spikes up if need be.


Volc finishes the Fire/Water/Grass trio, can get through subs w/ Bug Buzz, and can be sacked to fish for a Flame Body burn against physical attackers like MLop.


Drill is mostly here for spinning away hazards, being immune to electric moves and scaring out electric types as well. Lefties lets it live just a bit longer.


MLat is here to deal w/ Zap and a bit of defensive utility due to CM, and Levitate should the opponent be using a ground move.
Hello! Gonna be my first post here
I have been playing SS OU for a while and I saw a high ladder player using a team featuring a very fun mon aka Specs Zapdos, and I thought that i was a good idea to make a team around this in National Dex.
:Zapdos: It wouldn't be a Specs Zapdos team with Zapdos team, would it? As of right now, Z Hurricane Zapdos is very hard to switch in on most balance teams. I think that the same applies to Specs Zapdos. 4 attacks is incredibly hard to switch into unless you have something like :Chansey:/:Blissey: and therefore, I think that Zapdos is a very underrated wallbreaker that fits on the team. Thunderbolt and hurricane is your main stabs, Volt switch to gain momentum, and Heat Wave for Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor. 100 base speed is not bad, either. Zap's defensive profile and static is pretty good asw.
:Zapdos: :Weavile: As I said above, Zapdos is hard to switch in, but how would you switch in to Zapdos volting to a Weavile? Weavile is a very good partner to Specs Zapdos. Both can wear down each other's checks (For Weavile, :tapu fini:, :corviknight: ,etc.) (For Zapdos, :chansey:, :garchomp: ,etc.) Both makes a good offensive core that is very hard to switch into.
:Zapdos: :Weavile: :Landorus-Therian: Not gonna focus much here. Landorus soft checks some physical attackers like :Charizard-Mega-X: :Lopunny-Mega:,etc. Providing rocks and status is also helpful to wear down Zap and Vile's checks, and U-turn is invaluable to keep momentum.
:Zapdos: :Weavile: :Landorus-Therian: :Tapu-Fini: Up next, we have Tapu Fini. This thing helps to soft check tons of stuffs like :Greninja-Ash: and :Weavile: and threaten them out. I run scarf here for better speed control. Soft checking Tran is also good.
:Zapdos: :weavile: :Landorus-Therian: :Tapu-fini: :Ferrothorn: It wouldn't be a good team without Steels, would it? Ferro here is our fifth member, providing spikes utility. This also checks some threats like :Kartana: and some other things. Tho non spdef investment will struggle against :Tapu-lele: :Kyurem: but i think Weavile can deal with it.
:Zapdos: :Weavile: :Landorus-Therian: :tapu-fini: :ferrothorn: :Diancie-Mega: so i was thinking about what mega could control hazard for zap and vile and i thought about this mon. Mega diancie is also a good wallbreaker as well, with good speed tier, moonblast to wear down many things, etc, etc.
Final paste:
Overall, i think that Specs Zapdos is a fun thing that is worth trying.
Have a nice day!
Hello there, I have got a couple of fun teams for you.

1) The first one is my version of lower tiers to the top 500. I used 0 nat dex OU and 5 UR mons but I still achieved my objective with it getting above 1700. Its consists of my 3 favourite starters - Mega Sceptile, Feraligatr and Infernape along with 2 legendaries - Thundurus-Therian and Latios and one steel Copperajah. Copper is there to provide rocks heavy slam the clefable and heat crash the Ferros, Corvs and Mega Scizors. Earthquake is there for Heatran and other electrics and I have a shuca berry to take one hit from Garchomp and get up rocks vs Lando-T. Mega Sceptile provides speed control, blocking volt switch albeit risky and helps revenging Mega Lopunny, Ash-Gren, Koko and Zeraoras. Ive gone with work up for the better match up vs fat and a potential late game cleaning/ pseudo wallbreaking but I sometimes use Leaf storm to oko stuff like mega medicham. Feraligatr is 4 attacks and not DD bc Rilla is bloody everywhere and aqua jet is there for Volcarona, Blacepheon and a weakened scarf Lando. Infernape is SD life orb with stabs and mach punch for mega lop and unsuspecting Gren. Thundy-T is the powerful wallbreaker with fightinium z to power through blissey after a nasty plot and ohko stuff like slowbro at neutral and provides electric immunity. Latios is scarfed with back up speed control to revenge the likes of Zard-X and Kommo-o at +1 after they have taken prior damage. I have energy ball which outspeeds and okos the big one - jolly mega swampert in rain. Trick is there to mess up the fat blobs. I used to run draco but for the sake of opposing webs I've gone for defog. I have struggled against HO more often with this build and if I am anti led on turn 1 but nevertheless I am glad this high risk high reward project has come to fruition for me personally.

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Here are some replays I've achieved with this squad - Proof of Peak - vs Rain - vs stall - Vs stall - vs stall - vs stall - Mega Sceptile puts in work vs stall - stall - stall - vs webs -- vs Balance - vs rain - vs rain - vs trick room vs HO - HO - vs sun - vs sand

2) Now a fun rain team with Salamence. Salamence is my fav pseudo-legendary and I feel its a good fit on rain providing 4x resistance and intimidate to Rillabooms grassy glide and its stabs take care of Kyurem and Rillaboom, dont forget it also outspeeds Kyurem and threatens to oko it from full. It can also surprise Landorus-T who thinks your physical and suddenly it gets Hydrod. Its a good partner to Mega Swampert too and takes care of its checks. Ive gone for specs for more power but life orb + roost also works. Mega Swampert, Pelipepper and Ferrothorn are staples of rain and do their usual stuff. Mega Pert is jolly bc of scarf Kart. Heliolisk - Ive gone for bc of water immunity to block shuriken from Ash Gren albeit risky. It also has a life orb which allows it to pivot while gaining health in rain via dry skin and punch some big holes in the opposition, Barraskewda is the secondary swift swimmer of the team and speed control and hits hard with a cb under rain.
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Here are some replays - - Salamence scares Kyurem on turn 1