Resource National Dex Personal Viability Rankings Thread

Here is my personal vr before the changes that will happen after the Tera sus, whether it is banned or not. I will explain why I put stuff where

S Rank

:landorus-Therian:This Pokemon is still obviously elite at everything it does but I think it’s a little more exploited by dnite / tusk builds and there’s a lot more ground competition. Sd fly z sets are prob worth looking into to lure said tusk and I wonder if offensive sets like in svou could work. Anyway, this is still the quintessential defensive piece on a ton of builds and provides valuable compression.

A Rank

:dragonite: Dnite is nearing S- to me. It’s THE Pokemon that is keeping this tier sane to play and I’m not even joking lol. It checks so much that at this point it’s quite obvious what it does. It also has a ton of coverage options to hit its checks. However it’s not S- to me because of higher usage of Garg / kyurem / tusk and then easily threatening it along with random tera fairy stuff being annoying, along with scarf lele / ice spinner shifu also being annoying. Still elite tho and near mandatory on ho
:Ferrothorn: Also a strong contender for S-. Its defensive profile is very good for Bo and offense and not autolosing to dd kyurem if you run a steel move / body press is nice. It also checks stuff like woger and tusk if Tera ghost which is good, along with having a typing naturally good for rain and rbolt.
:Tapu lele: Imo this is still an elite breaker even in the midst of iron crown. A lot of lele teams are able to overwhelm it decently and against almost everything else Tapu lele can usually find some opportunity to come in and punch holes. Av sets are as good as ever and cm is a solid set for breaking fat or bo teams that use ferro / Tran as steels
:iron crown: Speaking of crown, it being one of the most reliable blankets to every special attacker on offense / BO with av sets is really nice of a trait. Cm is also quite broken as it just clicks Tera and wins or takes out like 4 mons lol
:Urshifu: Was considering dropping this since it feels less dangerous now but Ice spinner + scarf is still the goat against dnite offense. Jet is also good for the moths if a team calls for the occasion
:ogerpon-wellspring: play rough sets are becoming better and better with dnite getting much more common on almost every style of team, and they also slam other forms of counterplay in Tera dragon mola / dozo. However it does get outpaced vs. offense a little too often and doesn’t get many chances to sd and actually become the broken threat it’s made out to be; although sd sets still break exceptionally, I’ve been liking u turn + knock off sets to exploit all of its checks at once
:great tusk: Remember when this thing was B+? Yeah good times. This meta majorly favors great tusk as it’s one of the only consistent forms of removal (especially for offense where iron moth and dragonite are such huge threats). It had a ton of usage during NDPL / NDFL and it’s no wonder once you look at its removal traits and its ability to check many physical attackers like dnite mlop and garchomp. Rocky helmet is a good item on it to punish u turns and stuff like mlop / lando / opposing tusk. However, even though it looks like most of the mons on the vr threaten it, it’s removal abilities from rapid spin, Tera, and ability to use rocks too on top of threatening bu sets make it a top threat and glue option in the meta atm. Funnily enough rapid spin can also make it act as a cleaner sometimes

Imo this feels much easier to overwhelm in the meta atm; you can see this when it’s trying to check stuff like lele, Volcarona, and iron moth. Dnite usage also hurts it a ton. However, it still is a steel type that can still check lele and is sturdier than most at doing so. Tox sets are also a pain to switch into if something like Mola / dnite is the check to it, and they also are good against Volcarona and raging bolt.
:raging bolt: pivot sets are good, but imo you either sacrifice true wallbreaking strength without drag z or you lose too much defensive utility if you don’t run lefties with bulk. It also just is easier to check than in previous iterations of the meta; this thing is NOT broken lol it’s a skill check mon
:Gliscor: SD sets are really underrated imo. The state of the meta where BO is actually usable and when gouging is gone makes sd sets and Gliscor in general more justifiable to use. Taunt spikes is also a good set that is viable vs. most offense structures that use Lando
:slowking-Galar: I still think this is a solid mon although it did fall off a little imo. It’s generally more exploitable but it provides a ton for offense and Bo builds
:Tapu Koko: It’s solid speed control for some teams but for some reason I feel it gets stumped more than you’d like it to, and most of the builds it’s on are feel quite weak to kyurem. Dgleam fairy z is a pretty solid set that slams tusk bolt and spdef chomp; either cm or pivot sets work with it imo
:Volcarona: Tera blast is a solid move on it; try out Tera blast fairy / dragon. Bulky-ish sets with some offensive invest are also solid
:iron moth: elite Pokemon, has stood the test of time through NDPL as one of Tera’s most frightening abusers with solid defensive utility to boot; it’s quite tough to stop this thing from bowling over a majority of a team once it gets going. Not only that, it’s also solid speed control and favors ho being the meta rn
:iron valiant: Specs clicks. Nothing else to say
:kyurem: do I really need to explain why this thing is so insane? It’s probably one of if not the scariest sweeper(s) in the tier and punishes teams not running msciz as a steel heavily. Tera electric is the actual broken set
:garganacl: Figure out what balance uses to try and not be completely useless against ho with this one simple trick! (It’s also solid on Gterrain Ho as a anti-ho measure in the case of a ho mirror)
:Medicham-mega: double Prio is great in this metagame
:Garchomp: Checking all of the relevant fires with spdef sets is really nice; spdef is also good at checking a variety of other things, like iron crown, zapdos, and Tapu Koko. Dragon tail / roar is good anti-ho with tera and sd sets with drag z are relatively annoying to switch into once they get going. The reason why I raise it is because of these things and how efficient it does them, providing good utility and even good breaking potential for BO / some offenses, with the offensive sets retaining a level of defensive utility that is still invaluable.

:Toxapex: pretty exploitable; you need to either A) put this on fat / stall where it has teammates that reinforce its defensive backbone or 2) slot it on BO where it can actually serve as said backbone for big breakers like rockpon / lele, and even then it’s not exceptional at doing so. However its traits at checking ival and making waterpon / yard / iron moth easier to play around makes this A- to me. Tspikes feels like it fishes too hard imo on pex specifically especially because it’s so passive and needs toxic to actually immediately threaten stuff, and iron moth is incredibly common on ho
:Scizor-mega: kyurem being broken and gouging gone makes this a really good defensive backbone for teams that have a secondary special attacker check against moth / rbolt. Knock is a really nice win on against slowking / crown BO and offense and forces progress nicely against typical sciz checks you’d see
:pelipper: :Swampert-mega: :Archaludon: :barraskewda: the standard rain guys all need to go here since rain is a pretty viable playstyle atm even in the face of dnite offense
:Charizard-mega-y: Very solid against Bo and generally provides the way to punch holes so something else can clean. Dnite being more common hurts but even so it still breaks solidly and in all of the games I’ve seen it yard has posed some sort of threat
:ogerpon-cornerstone: with dnite and rbolt being extremely common as waterpon checks this thing can thrive, it even has defensive utility against ho with sturdy which is cool and appreciates a good teammate in tusk rising in viability
:Zapdos: Was considering putting this in B+ but checking tusk and shifu is rlly nice and checks a billion more things with Tera. It’s also one of the more consistent forms of removal although having a free moveslot is nice to have

B Rank
This mon is good and a cornerstone of ho but if it’s best and most defining role is as a lead I don’t see its justification for A-; Wallbreaker sets have not seen any usage and don’t rlly perform well imo, especially when crown is so common and it gets outpaced way too easily. It’s job of breaking balance is also not needed since balance is definitely the weakest of all playstyles
:lopunny-mega: I’m not really impressed by mlop either. Double Prio is solid vs. moth / weakened ival and u turn into like lele / sd Glisc is good but besides that I feel it’s pretty easy to stop even when it’s hard checks are dead; it just doesn’t force enough immediate progress on its own along with more of its checks like tusk, Slowbro, and Moltres becoming more viable so its tough to justify it being a- for me
:tornadus-therian: Specs is good and Av is cool on occasion, and fly z is good glue on fat. However it sometimes disappoints in the roles you want it to do (for example, it can’t really blanket things consistently; or fogging against something like heatran or mtar can be a pain). I think it’s still solid on BO still though as a fogger and ground immune
:ting-lu: Goat mon against a majority of the meta but it’s pretty passive
:samurott-Hisui: I think there’s too much risk involved in using this mon since it requires a ton of aggression and good play to properly get mileage out of but even so spikes from a strong dark stab will never not be good. Its lack of longevity is an issue, however that’s why I enjoy boots sets because it’s at least a cool pivot against teams without being constantly worn down by hazards
:Tyranitar-mega: Haven’t really seen much of this mon. Feels like u need to keep it at really high health for it to really check something in a game and it’s a bit awkward to slot on teams imo but besides that it has a decent mu spread against the meta and it provides a ton of compression that is quite valuable.
:mawile-mega: 4a sets break well if you postion right and sd sucker is good to kill faster threats like waterpon koko and iron moth.
:Alomomola: This feels close to A- to me at times but sadly it does feel exploited by certain meta trends atm, like rbolt and sub / Tera steel dnite. However it’s extremely annoying to break for some tusk structures where it just keeps wishing up its teammates
:weavile: ice shard comes in clutch and fat has no completely reliable switchins besides pex / helmet clef
:Serperior: dragon pulse and / or Tera blast sets are good to use
:Kartana: sd is good vs. ting lu / defensive chomp + Ferro teams, and scarf is nice at cleanup in some mus
:Hawlucha: This thing is goated vs. offense structures imo, just need to chip crown a bit and you can go to town
:Slowbro: I’ve not seen a single game where this hasn’t put in some work defensively; it feels great to use as a mmedi / tusk check and it isn’t rlly exploitable. Foul play could be looked more into for dnite / pon

I liked this more in previous iterations of the meta where more of the things it exploited were more common. Sure it can trade and it’s still a great breaker but I find it hard to justify on teams especially since it needs to pray it doesn’t load into offense to not truly be deadweight. It is a solid mon on ho though since stuff like dondooz / clodsire / skeledirge can fish for that style and it’s generally fat enough to soft check things for ho
:latias-mega: twave is solid and cm is an ok wincon vs. rain / yard teams. I like it’s higher bulk and utility over mtios which is why I rank it higher
:Rillaboom: good ho enabler. Av is solid at this role
:Moltres: The goat. He checks tusk, dnite with willo / roar, ival, lop, and Serperior, which is really nice.

gets overwhelmed by ho way too easily and iron moth / iron crown being incredibly common limits it’s role a ton. It does have good longevity tho and knock off + twave sets are kinda annoying to switch in against, along with the fact that it’s compression is good and that it can still somewhat check stuff like lop, Weav, and dnite.
:latios-mega: it doesn’t rlly fulfill the defensive qualities you want out of it but it can break decently, however pp issues really bite it’s usefulness imo. Eq / mystfire are solid coverage options
:Corviknight: it’s just average. Nothing really special about it although it does feel exploitable / passive on anything that isn’t fat
:cinderace: gives momentum well and pyro ball + willo can be kinda tough for iron crown offenses to come in on
:Meowscarada: this is a good mon imo and didn’t deserve the drop, it’s good anti Garg for fat and sun teams and brings nice compression as a fast pivot with knock off as well as the ability to threaten psychic pivot + ground cores. Scarf sets are also really interesting vs. ho and feel really annoying to dance around for those teams
:Dondozo: this thing holds fat and stall together lol it’s pretty funny. It’s not needed on fat but it’s highly recommended if u can fit it
:tangrowth: hp ice makes it not passive vs. dnite and sd Gliscor which is nice. It’s kinda passive but even so it’s still nice vs. shifu and waterpon and has surprising amounts of staying power

C Rank
:iron treads:
I think this is a more fair ranking for treads imo since I don’t usually slot this on much other than weather / the occasional ho team although it’s decent in its roles on that those styles (especially weather)
:kommo-o: this thing has disappointed me when I’ve seen it although defensive sets are nice sometimes. Offensive feels like it gets too exploited tho and even when boosted it feels like it has too many countermeasures to prevent it from doing too much damage to teams
:iron Boulder: band is meh; why does this guy get owned by tusk lol
:Rotom-wash: after trying out this it’s not that bad against boots dnite / rocks or bu tusk and it’s an ok pivot. Spikes immunity is also nice and volt is kinda hard to come in on safely
:Ceruledge: cheese but it’s ok cheese
:Venusaur-mega: not a huge fan of this atm but it does own Kokoval builds
:blissey: Blankets a ton of special attackers rn but can be overwhelmed
:chansey: same thing with blissey but I’m putting it in the same rank due to its ability to fit on things besides pure stall
:Blacephalon: this mon is actually decently solid, it has a nice speed tier after scarf and a lot of teams don’t pack solid ghost resists. This has a ton of potential to clean and I think there can be more optimization with this in the future. For now though I enjoy slotting it on teams where it fits for speed control
:glimmora: lead sets are good and tspikes are never bad. Meteor beam is fishy but works; maybe Tera ground ep owns iron crown
:victini: solid offensive pivot and has the natural bulk to be useful against things like ival, lele, iron crown, and Volcarona. Psychic coverage is probably optimal for tusk / iron moth but idk
:sinistcha: Good waterpon / shifu cope and generally annoying to most teams; nplot sets have a lot of potential to be useful but cm is very annoying if you can’t neutralize it in time.
:Primarina: Very close to B- to me, it has a good mu spread vs. most defensive pieces atm like Garg / heatran and is a solid and somewhat dangerous wincon. It’s also a solid check to Shifu, dnite, tblast ground kyu, and weavile with physdef invest which is good in this meta for offense.
:ogerpon: Encore sets are generally annoying vs. ho and it’s kinda consistent at doing that if you can afford to Tera it

C / C-
More physdef than corv + spikes gives it motion ngl but the teams it’s on are pretty horrible vs. lele
:skeledirge: imo this thing has a good amount of potential but I need more evidence of that
:brambleghast: This thing actually hits pretty hard and most teams are unprepped for it; in almost every tour game I’ve seen it in it’s done something of note.
:clodsire: he checks rbolt and other miscellaneous stuff but besides that kinda sux lol
:Pecharunt: like dirge this also has a ton of potential but I need more evidence before raising it higher. Nplot z is still pretty fat tho even without invest and can break solidly given good positioning
:excadrill: sometimes threatens those koko crown teams
:cresselia: decent lele / mmedi / tusk check but besides that it’s just way too passive to rlly be worth using 95% of the time
:Hydrapple: nplot breaks well and it checks waterpon well; Regen makes it blanket check some other stuff decently too
:Charizard-mega-X: sees no usage but “”””technically””””” usable
:hippowdon: arch / rain check for fat and more realible volt blocker than Glisc
:ninetales-alola: screens is actually horrible but at least it’s ok at enabling broken kyurem
:Sableye-mega: pretty much the optimal way you run stall atm; blocking hazards from Ferro / tusk well and naturally checking mmedi / cm fblast demon crown is nice
:tinkaton: It’s a solid steel with a good amount of compression; being able to set stealth rock consistently vs. mdia ho is a very nice trait and encore is solid vs. kyurem, Garg, rbolt, and so on. It’s also better against threats like iron valiant and Tapu lele due to a lack of a fighting weakness.
:weezing-Galar: it’s a ground check that’s generally solid at annoying those tusk + dnite builds; I think it has solid potential and is genuinely decent because of that. Willo is crippling to things like tusk / dnite but unfortunately Volc / moth kinda own it. Still able to be worked around by certain teammates tho
:Tapu Bulu: technically does something I guess in checking rbolt / pon / shifu all at once but otherwise it’s pretty subpar and doesn’t really excel over any other options
:blaziken: in sun he has motion in being a nuke, Gterrain offenses can also use it well to beat sciz / ferro while also snowballing vs. offense
:iron hands: allegedly does something but idk I haven’t seen it yet
:Ribombee: actually rankable unlike screens because at least you can fish with webs sometimes
:Volcanion: breaks bo well but has limited defensive utility
:enamorus: ok scarfer on offense especially with hwish being an ok tool
:Keldeo: scald is broken
:hoopa-unbound: I wonder how well sub dark z 3a could do given it’s solid ability at forcing switches giving it opportunity to sub and start claiming, otherwise it can click with like band or whatever if you get turns right
:celesteela: if I load Tapu lele scarf lando vs this I’m pressing X. It’s fine at quickly suffocating offense with leech sets which is cool tho
:hydreigon: having the traits of a mini Darkrai of sorts while also having pivoting and the ability to trade vs. like Tran / yard / mswamp is appealing, although it doesn’t really do that much in practice since it’s so slow for a breaker like it and has middling bulk. Also sees no usage
:Hatterene: ok chat I know gseed hatt cooked me in last chance but what does it actually do consistently? Best use is on psyspam, tr, or yard sun
:Aegislash: checking lele, crown, and ival is rank worthy imo along with having annoying typing for something like mola fat to bypass
:reuniclus: has some longevity and with Tera can do stuff against certain threats. Also not passive like cress but it gets overwhelmed by ho too easily
:jirachi: rocks / twave and u turn are genuine uses for the mon but that’s about it. Maybe u could tap into its coverage if you wanted with an expert belt set
:Slowking: checks lele and Tox heatran which is cool. Fsight is a nice trait and checking shifu isn’t bad but it’s unfortunately pretty passive
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My Post-Tera VR (S and A ranks are ordered)
1. Mlatias > Mlatios

They're this high up because Reflect is a crazy tech and they are one of the 5 mons that switch into Yard.
252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Latios-Mega in Sun: 122-144 (40.5 - 47.8%) -- 57.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock - Forced to spam Roost lol
252 SpA Charizard-Mega-Y Weather Ball (100 BP Fire) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Latias-Mega in Sun: 99-117 (32.8 - 38.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock - Not forced to spam Roost as many times
Maybe someone will find an optimised Mtios spread but I've been running offensive Mtias over Mtios for this specific reason. I've also run into some PP issues with Luster Purge, while spamming Psychic as Mtias and forcing Recovery is generally good enough at breaking stuff. Luster Purge drops are really only important for like GKing or AV Torn, neither of which are too relevant rn (tho I believe the latter is quite good)

2. Valiant is the 2nd best mon in the tier because many teams are extremely weak to either SD, Specs or even mixed with Moonblast/Tbolt/CC right now. You can't just tera some random fat guy into a Fairy/Steel/Poison type anymore to which is how a lot of teams got away with being valiant weak 'on paper' in the past. Being basically the fastest relevant mon in the metagame while 4x resisting the most common form of priority in the tier means it is currently the Lebron James of HO. You will never get swept by Gambit if this mon is alive + special/encore variants end Zama's career (uninvested Heavy Slam doesn't OHKO btw, and Zama can not really fit that move).

I'm begging people to start running Colbur Ghold and at least 32 Hp / 76 Def on their Volcs otherwise you literally explode to +2 Knock.

3. Ngl I almost didn't put Gambit in S-. If it weren't for Pult it would be A+ since this tier is run by Lando and fighting types and a lot of stuff that it's meant to beat on paper just tech focus blast/colbur berry to troll it lmao.

4. Slept on mons include Torn-T (firium is goat), Clef, Bro (please run psynoise), and Garg. Dnite still A- because imo Z is still quite decent when you have spin turtle to support it.
Screenshot at 2024-11-29 16-14-55.png

Guess I'll toss my hat in the ring for Post-Tera personal VRs. Have some various thoughts on returning mons and rising mons, as well as some slept on/underrated mons as well as misc stuff.

-- Valiant and Pult feel like the clear top two mons below Landorus-T. While I think special Valiant is worse right now with stuff like Spdef Molt, MVenu and Volcarona running around, physical sets really do feel very potent. Which surprises me because I expected this mon to slow down a bit without Tera but it just keeps chugging along, if better than ever. Pult meanwhile is back to business where it left off before its ban last time. All of DD+Z, Specs, Boots+Status are consistent and very reliable at their jobs and you'll just about never see a game where this mon doesn't do something.

-- Samurott-H feels extremely powerful right now and does well on a large range of structures. C-Edge has never been more spammable with the return of Gholdengo as well as the rising presence of Mega Tyranitar which it feasts on as well. Spikes in general are very strong with the return of three big steels, and Sam is by far the best Spiker in the tier, with great customization in movepool and EV spreads. As for the big three returning steels, I originally wanted to put one of them in S- but in playing a lot, I find that none of the three really quite stands above the rest so much. Kingambit is probably the closest, and that's almost entirely off the presence and potency of its Pursuiting duties enabling major threats, but the lowered threat of SD sets to me balances this out. And Gholdengo feels very sturdy and reliable defensively, which is really appreciated. Great Tusk and Wellspring both feel very good, Tusk loving meta trends which allow it to fulfill its job much more consistently. I do think BU sets aren't amazing with the prominence of Zap/Molt and Slowbro right now, but even without that it's a great mon.

-- ZardY and MTtar are the two best Megas in the meta full stop. The former has become a potent pairing with Gambit and puts a lot of pressure on fat teams, especially torching lazy Steel+Mola styles, while MTar is a robust progress maker that helps check many relevant dangers, both rising and returning. Sometimes SR sets feel awkward with Tusk being so good atm, but otherwise it's great. Terapagos while not a Mega, has felt very good since it dropped in. Tera Shell and its fair power and strong coverage letting it emergency check almost anything, while being a strong spinner that is difficult to spin block is great too. CM+Spin+2A or Spin+3A are the main ones I like but I'm sure there's more.


-- Raging Bolt, Lele and Urshifu-R all took a hit imo as metagame shifts post Tera have resulted in new presences that inhibit their threat. Urshifu-R especially is lower with the decline of Scarf and it hates the surge of MVenu as well as increased Slowbro viability, to say nothing of continued presences like Toxapex, Dragonite, Zapdos and more. Raging Bolt I've found to be a good bit less polarizing without Tera in the back to support it, and it's easier to revenge kill or force out with Ground-types now while presences like Ferrothorn and Ting-Lu greatly stymie it. Still great but way less oppressive. Lele meanwhile is pretty clearly worse with the return of big steels that pressure it, and the loss of Tera. I've noticed a decline in choice sets which weakens its usefulness as it was originally a prime speed control option. CM is still good as are Z sets but it definitely feels weaker compared to before.

-- Glowking, Crown, Kyurem, quite a few mons have dipped in usage and viability to me after Tera. Glowking really doesn't enjoy the prominence of two fat Pursuiters that it can't reasonably touch, Crown lost a good deal of defensive value with competition dropping back in while also disliking those same Pursuiters, and Kyurem's threat dipped from around A -> A+ viability in a Tera meta to more B+ish. It's alright still, but way less threatening with so many bulky steels to pressure it.


-- Both Zapdos and Moltres feel very nice on bulkier structures right now, with different ways of being used but they both put in work, punishing attackers well. I think Molt just barely edges Zap out on this regard, and Spdef Molt in particular is a strong defensive choice right now (so much that I've seen some players start teching for it specifically) but both are good.

-- MVenu and Ting-Lu are impressive right now and form a nice core together to boot. Venu surprisingly blanks a fair amount of stuff right now and can't be easily checked by most steels since it's so bulky and chunks them hard with EP. Ting-Lu is rather nice as a catch all for some stuff in an emergency and is a solid hazard setter, especially since it can outlast Tusk fairly well thanks to Ruination. I've also seen some cool Resttalk sets and I even ran into a more aggressive offensive variant which was surprisingly alright.

-- Both Mega Latis are actually solid and as was pointed out before me, Reflect is a great tech for catching Gambit/MTtars trying to trap it, letting them often 1v1 the dark types with a bit of smart play. Reflect also comes in use vs other attackers like Samurott-H which is I've found helpful in certain situations.

-- Colbur Slowbro is a really nice pivot that isn't easily caught by MTtar/Gambit and as a buffer against other physical threats too, I've found this mon MUCH better than it was during the Tera meta. I'm partial to Future Sight strats, but I also agree that Psychic Noise is a solid tool for disruption as well.

-- Iron Hands is pretty neat right now since it hard counters Gambit and MTtar lacking EQ, and also punishes Melmetal teams fairly well (good at stuffing TWave Melm particularly). I think this mon has a lot of potential in the meta going forwards and I'm interested to see if anyone can put something cool together. And while it's definitely worse than during Tera, Garg is still a respectable choice in the tier that helps punish the Zapdos/Moltres usage while checking Volcarona, Heatran, some Koko variants, Dragapult 3A Terapagos, and in general pushing progress with Salt Cure. It's a strong SR user that outlasts most of our removal options. It's alright.
A+ and A are ordered by inner-rank viability, the rest aren't because I couldn't bother. Not gonna talk about every mon just the stuff that really interests me rn.

:Dragapult::Kingambit::Landorus-Therian::Great Tusk::Toxapex::Gholdengo::Iron Valiant::Ogerpon-Wellspring:
Top 3 Best pokemon in the metagame but the gap between them and the other A+ mons aren't really that high. You don't necessarily need to respect a Kingambit more than a Great Tusk, or a Landorus-T more than a Gholdengo. Fairly even but their high utility and breaking power gives them a minor edge.

Balance is actually really nice now (shocker!!!) Toxic Spikes variants of Pex are hella potent as other poison types go into a down trend since it antagonizes Ogerpon-W, Lele, and Raging Bolt in the long term. Obviously foggers and spinners like Great Tusk and Lando-T don't suck but the former requires Boots to stand up to Pex, to which it can still lose long term to Knock or Scald.
:Zamazenta::Heatran::Raging Bolt::Garchomp::Samurott-Hisui::Charizard-Mega-Y::Terapagos::Tapu Koko::Tapu Lele::Ferrothorn::Melmetal:
Is anyone gonna be bitching if I put any of these mons in this tier? Don't really wanna write about any of these guys, they're strong but not warping.
Fell off with Gambit and Ghold and Melm and etc back but its still a decent pivot

Standard utlity feels a lil too passive right now, Swords Dance sets are hella strong tho.
Very solid balance rocker right now since it sits on nearly ever option for hazard control, other sets I couldn't care less about

Heat utility option, checks all of the new steels that just dropped while handling Yard and friends.

Mid alert!!!

Still dangerous but no longer a broken sweeper.

Not really sold on this guy without Tera but I see it since Ghold and Pult can be annoying
:Slowbro::Dragonite::Mawile-Mega::Latios-Mega::Magnezone::Kartana::Ursaluna::Ogerpon-Cornerstone::Iron Crown:
The above post

This mon is pretty mediocre now that it doesn't have Tera to abuse everything in the damn tier.

Beats a large amount of the steels in the tier now.

Speed tier is too contested right now for it to be super valuable

:Iron Crown:
No tera means that Calm Mind is way worse + it just gained a lot of new checks while the old ones get strengthened.
:Gyarados-Mega::Ditto::Skarmory::Latias-Mega::Hippowdon::Tangrowth::Rotom-Wash::Rillaboom::Garganacl::Glimmora::Iron Treads::Iron Moth:
Echoing what others have said about Mega Gyarados being a potent tool for HO comps. Typing lets it setup fairly easy on a lot and it fears reletively little.

Omgggg this mon is the goat again. Paradox speed booster teams are at an all time low rn (think its really just Iron Valiant) and Waterpon can be checked by this dude again without Tera in the picture. Fits insanely well on those up and coming fat teams.

This core is cool again. The mons themselves are alright too, gives balance teams really nice options to mess with.

This was a nice mon to load during the Tera meta already but its ban makes its defensive typing far more valuable outside of being a Waterpon check. Also can now afford to diversify into Assault Vest variants which provides a very strong stop gap against threats like Dragapult.

This mon isn't actually that bad. Tera being gone is pretty bad for it yes but the balance teams that are filling the void here help give the Stealth Rock sets a strong usage case.
:Venusaur-Mega::Blissey::Victini::Hydreigon::Hoopa-Unbound::Corviknight::Hatterene::Grimmsnarl::Meowscarada::Dondozo::Clodsire::Iron Hands:
wouldn't call stall a great playstyle but this it feels a lot more refined post Tera

Strong Stall/Fat breakers like these are also pretty heat right now since they can work as a means to bypass a lot of the hassle that comes with dealing with those compositions.

If not for the fact that its still solid on stall it would be unranked. Overall terrible mon anywhere else.

Screens teams I feel are the way to go for HO teams right now. Whole bunch of scary ass breakers out there right now so it's great for softening their attacks. Augmented bulk also lets a bunch of setup sweepers to abuse substitute more consistently and become threatening for balance teams to face off against.
:Charizard-Mega-X::Chansey::Shedinja::Sableye-Mega::Altaria-Mega::Torkoal::Ribombee::Kommo-o::Tapu Fini::Tapu Bulu::Buzzwole::Cinderace::Pecharunt:
Stall is pretty nice right now and these formerly terrible mons have now found some additional use case thanks to its uptick

Nice typing to compress a check to like a kajillion mons as a defensive check on balance.
That Monerochan guy had a nice Pinsir team, thats all.

Bandtar kinda puts the fear of god into people when paired with Yard.

It's so broken but rain genuinely doesn't need it in this day and age.

Notice how every mon that got unbanned resists Leaf Storm...

Tera got banned but this mon thankfully won a fantastic prize of one Gholdillion dollars!!! Wdym that isn't a good thing....?

Oh...this has switch ins now...
This wasn't ranked but its still OU so needs to be addressed. This mon did not get better with the tera ban. Significantly worse even. Ditto is functionally a better anti-offense mon right now than Mega Banette ever will be. "Yup I'd like a mon that gets walled by the most popular mon in the tier and do nothing but make easily predictable trades while also taking the mega slot" -Nobody.

Calm Mind sets died with the Tera ban (wasn't that great to begin with). Trick Room is probably its only real niche and that is way too fishy rn.

Was never super high on this mon, Zamazenta in the tier is nice I guess but you don't need to go to extremes to have a Zama check anymore.

Stink steel compared to the 3 new steels that just dropped

Normalium Z sets will fade away eventually and people will realize that wasting a zmove on this mon is still terrible.

No Tera = No Job

Not talking about the other shit, barely viable to begin with.
:Dragapult::Kingambit::Great Tusk::Iron Valiant::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Charizard-Mega-Y::tapu lele:
Really good Pokémon meta warping to a point.

A+- :ting-lu: :scizor-mega:
Not Top tier but damn near and need some fucking love! they're underappreciated asf

:Zamazenta::Heatran:::Garchomp::Samurott-Hisui::Terapagos::Tapu Koko::Ferrothorn::Melmetal::toxapex::pinsir-mega:
Good Pokémon always viable and can threaten lots of team!
Pokémon that for sure have usage at the high level. This is what I call perfect OU Pokémon
Mons that can be troublesome and have good capabilities just nothing crazy
pretty good Pokémon some of these I truly love but they're just not cream of the crop
:Gyarados-Mega::Ditto::Skarmory::Latias-Mega::Hippowdon::Tangrowth::Rotom-Wash::Garganacl::Glimmora::Iron Treads::Iron Moth::iron crown::cinderace:
decent mons not as amazing as id wish though. Court Change Cinderace defintley is at the top of this rank.

:Venusaur-Mega::Blissey::Victini::Hydreigon::Hoopa-Unbound::Corviknight::Hatterene::Grimmsnarl::Meowscarada::Dondozo::Clodsire::Iron Hands::charizard-mega-x:
Decent mons a good amount of these are just MU fish
:Chansey::Shedinja::Sableye-Mega::Altaria-Mega::Torkoal::Ribombee::Kommo-o::Tapu Fini::Tapu Bulu::Buzzwole::Pecharunt:
Decent Pokémon some of these if put on the right core can go tf off.
Have usage and can be good if built correctly and supported well. but overall not rlly good

niche Pokémon 1400s use. Although regi and skele my boys:afrostar:

Stop sleeping on some of these mons man. Shits crazy fam! this is the most accurate list at the moment when you're in the builder.

sleeping on lele until u get get 6-0ed by psychium Z LeLe
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(tiers are not ordered)

mega tios over mega tias

b tier got screenshotted twice rip

upon retrospection i think eleki should be UR, mon does not do anything rn
im also trolling about rillaboom that guy is c/c+ rn
gliscor is also probably a tier but it's very close between them
rain is also borderline a-/b+ but i think archa is still turbo broken
most of the stuff in c should probably be UR too but like w/e

i can go into more detail if you want me to but i just talked abt this in cord briefly