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Nerfmons - Submissions Phase #7

original idea by Ranger Helmut
originally approved by Hollywood
approved by The Eevee General


Feel free to haha, it's probably better in your hands :)

Welcome to Nerfmons! This is a Pet Mod with one goal in mind: to make everyone NU viable! This includes nerfing all Pokemon in RU tiers or higher, and buffing Pokemon in the PU tier or lower. Yes, this does mean that Bisharp and Pawniard will both be in the same tier. Each will have their own niches and abilities that will differentiate them from each other. We will work down the list: We will start with OU, then go to UU, RU, and finally Ubers. PU will be modified in between the main tiers.

You might be thinking, "Hey, isn't this familiar? I could've sworn there's a Pet Mod just like it..." and yes, you would be right. However, the original thread for this Pet Mod is dead. The owner of it has passed the ownership rights to me, and I have permission from The Eevee General to post this.

Nerfmons is a Community Project, so we will need some help from the community in order to make this happen! How will we make Pokemon NU viable? Well, whatever we can do, really. Change stats, add/delete moves, change abilities (and even come up with some of our own!), pretty much anything that will buff or nerf a Pokemon!

How will this all happen? Well, there are a couple phases we have to go through first: Submissions and Voting.

Phase 1: Submissions
Every week, a slate of four Pokemon shall be put up for submission: two for being nerfed, and two for being buffed. Here is the submission format you will have to use if you want to suggest a group of changes for these four Pokemon:

Typing Change
(if any):
New Stats:
New Ability (if any): If it's a new ability you made, put its description next to the ability name.
Added/Removed Moves (if any): +move for adding a move, -move for deleting a move.
Justification: If you’re buffing a Pokemon, make sure to say what is making it better, but also make sure to mention what is keeping it from going higher than NU. If you’re nerfing a Pokemon, explain how the changes you’ve made will move it down to NU, but keep it from going lower than NU.
Sometimes, I may add in a few challenges to make things interesting ;]

A submission like this will not be accepted:

Pokemon: Gengar
Typing Change: Ghost/Dragon
New Ability (if any): Destruction Powerz (Special Attack of a Pokemon is doubled.)
New Stats: 90 / 90 / 90 / 170 / 170 / 170
Added/Removed Moves: +Hydro Pump, +Fire Blast, +Roar of Time, +Draco Meteor
Justification: in my opinion gengar shouldnt even be OU because it really isnt good so this is just an example of me buffing it, xDD so good

Phase 2: Voting
After a few days have passed and submissions are complete, the voting phase will begin. I'll put all of the submissions in one post and start the voting phase. You can vote in this format:

First Choice: User
Second Choice: Another user
Third Choice: Variables are mainstream, so I'll just say "a different user".

First choice gets 300 points, second gets 200, third gets 100. The person who receives the most votes for one of their submissions will have their changes implemented. All voting will be done in PMs.

Once both phases have been complete, a new submissions phase will start up. All changes that have been implemented will be recorded here:

Spreadsheet of all Changes
Spreadsheet of all New Abilities

We are currently in Phase 1 - Submissions.

And that's about it. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you all enjoy this Pet Mod!
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A “re-modify” occurs when an already modified Pokemon is either too strong or still too weak in the NU tier, and either needs to be buffed or nerfed again. Determining if a Pokemon needs to be re-modified is a bit of a lengthy process, but if a group of people suggest a re-modify for a certain Pokemon, the council members will ask for replays showing the Pokemon in play, and will determine if it should be put up for discussion.

Re-modify "Suspecting"
After council members have seen the Pokemon in play, they will determine if it needs to stir up any official discussion. If it does, a voting for whether the Pokemon should be re-modified will be opened up. People will give insight as to whether the Pokemon needs to be buffed or nerfed once more, or if it is fine the way it is. If the majority says “yes” to a re-modify, the Pokemon will be placed on the Waiting List.

Waiting List
The Waiting List is a list of Pokemon that are being put up for re-modification, but cannot be re-modified right away due to a current Submissions Phase or Voting Phase already going on. Once the current Modification Period is over, Pokemon on the Waiting List will be put up for re-modification. They will, once again, go under the submission and voting phase.

Council Members
The council is a group of members who help manage the Nerfmons Pet Mod. They decide if something needs to be re-modified, and they also count up the votes and can make changes to the spreadsheet of changes. The Council currently consists of:

runbabyrun (owner of the Nerfmons Petmod)

If you want to be a part of the council, shoot me a PM and we can talk ^^

Pokemon on the Waiting List:

Pokemon up for modification:

| Current Stats: 100 / 50 / 80 / 50 / 80 / 50
Bisharp | Current Stats: 65 / 125 / 100 / 60 / 70 / 70

Plusle | Current Stats: 60 / 50 / 40 / 85 / 75 / 95
Minun | Current Stats: 50 / 40 / 50 / 75 / 85 / 95

Here's a little challenge to start things off: Azumarill is pretty good with Huge Power, isn't he? Well, to make things a bit more difficult, Azumarill is required to keep Huge Power in your submission.
Pokemon: Pulse
Typing Change: Electric/normal
New Ability (if any): Overdrive (The first move this pokemon uses is 30% stronger and given electric typing(Like flying press)
New Stats: 70 / 70 / 60 / 100 / 70/ 80
Added/Removed Moves: hyper voice, + Parting shot
Justification: Basically instead of doing a "ate" ability making so its a basically a normal spammer, making it so it forces swapins and makes it so it can pivot.(And instead of putting on top of speed tier, I want people to use this, and make so more ground types can be useful.
Pokemon: Minun
Typing Change: Electric/ghost
New Ability: ghost typing normal move O.o
New Stats: 55
/ 75/ 90/ 75/ 90/ 70
Added/Removed Moves: hyper voice, willo, hex, and other ghost moves, and fake out, magnet rise, hazards
Justification: basically a bulky electric type with ghost typing to used to set up hazards and wall the meta somewhat, but not meant to take knock offs

Pokemon: Azumarllil
Typing Change: water, Err the guy infront of me was right about typing
New Ability same old same old huge power
New Stats:
100/ 65/ 55/ 70/ 55/ 70
Added/Removed Moves: ability swap, cm, draining kiss/-pr, belly, ajet
Justification: Basically azumarril would make a pretty nice spec attacker, so yea i gave it ablity swap for lowered bulk, so some brave players might try to steal iron barbs or etc, but be wary of chops.
Pokemon: Bisharp
Typing Change: steel
New Ability (if any): Justified
New Stats: 60 / 80 / 60 / 70 / 80/ 45
Added/Removed Moves: beat up,
Justification: I made nerfs to its stats, and removed defiant, because defiant was one of the 3 things that made it so strong,along with sub bulk, made it so any fighting prio can beat, so gurdurr is the best check for it because yep. I made it so it makes so bisharp users have to think know with lowered speed and no +2 for everything, force them to use it with care

ALso I can't wait to buff articunos and flareon ^.^ I will also muckabout with bst etc
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Typing Change:

New Stats: 83 / 31 / 82 / 77 / 82 / 65 (420)
New Abilities: Thick Fat / Huge Power / Sap Sipper (No Change)
Added/Removed Moves (if any): -Aqua Jet, -Belly Drum, -Play Rough, -Knock Off, +Quick Attack, +Hyper Voice
Justification: Two of the big factors that made Azu OU is its new Fairy-typing and its access to both Aqua Jet and Belly Drum at the same time. Since the challenge is to keep Huge Power, I decided to remove all these factors instead. I also nerfed its stats a bit while keeping the same BST. Its now a lot less bulky but not frail. Its attack power is also higher than Marills but still nerfed. It also now has Normal STAB and Quick Attack over Aqua Jet in priority. Aqua Jet is notably worst due to it being a worst type than Aqua Jet and it doesn't have Belly Drun so I don't think its overpowered.


Pokemon: Bisharp
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 105 / 90 / 85 / 70 / 65 (490)
New Abilities: Justified / Inner Focus / Light Metal
Added/Removed Moves (if any): none
Justification: No longer a defiant Pawniard, Bisharp has become the much more noble Bishop piece, reflecting its nobility by becoming pure steel. This is my answer to keeping Sucker Punch and Knock Off on Pawniard while also nerfing Bisharp. Now that it's mono-steel its not as good, especially with its nerfed speed of 60. Sucker Punch still hits hard but its no longer backed by STAB. With this, I think Bisharp fits well in NU.


Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 70 / 30 / 95 / 85 / 105 (460)
New Abilities: Plus / Mold Breaker / Motor Drive
Added/Removed Moves (if any): +Taunt, +Switcheroo, +Fake Out, +Tri Attack
Justification: The "offensive" one of the two. Electric / Normal is a typing only done by Heliolisk, so I decided to emulate that instead of giving it Fairy. It now has an immunity to Ghost while also getting a second STAB in Tri Attack. Switcheroo can be used on choice sets. Its ability Mold Breaker lets NP sets ignore Unaware and its Electric-type attacks to bypass those pesky Electric Immunity abiliites.


Pokemon: Minun
Typing Change:

New Stats: 75 / 30 / 70 / 85 / 95 / 105 (460)
New Abilities: Minus / Prankster / Volt Absorb
Added/Removed Moves (if any): +Taunt, +Slack Off, +Fake Out, +Tri Attack
Justification: Plays on it being the "defensive" one. Its meh typing and bulk is amplified thanks to reliable recovery and Prankster. The normal typing lets it eat up Ghost moves with no problem. Prankster is a really good ability on this, letting it be really annoying. However, it's not like Sableye since its typing isn't as great and it doesn't have Wisp.
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Pokemon: Azumarill
Typing Change (if any): Nah
New Stats: 75 / 35 / 70 / 50 / 80 / 40
New Ability (if any): Nah
Added/Removed Moves (if any): -Belly Drum
Justification: BellyJet is Azumarill's main thing putting it so high up, as it can hit most of the metagame insanely hard. Taking away belly drum, along with some of its defenses and attack, it seems much more like an NU mon. It can still revenge kill less bulky threats with Aqua Jet, and hits decently hard with other moves but has a hard time outspeeding much of anything with reduced speed.

I'll edit in the rest later, I'm lazy rn
Pokemon: Azumarill
Typing Change: Water
New Stats: 90 / 20 / 80 / 40 / 85 / 20
New Ability: None, keeps Huge Power.
Added/Removed Moves: -Belly Drum, -Aqua Jet, -Knock Off
Justification: A lot of what made Azumarill good is now taken away from him. It loses both Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, which made Azumarill really good. It loses Knock Off, meaning it can no longer remove items from the opponent's side. Azumarill gains a bit of bulk, but is extremely slow, and his now pitiful attacking stat is poor. However, Azumarill has a niche of Whirlpool+Perish Song, which unfortunately is not that reliable either.

Pokemon: Bisharp
Typing Change: None
New Stats: 65 / 115 / 50 / 50 / 80 / 30
New Ability: Inner Focus / Hyper Cutter / Clear Body
Added/Removed Moves: -Sucker Punch
Justification: 115 Attack is not something to joke about. Bisharp is still able to hit things pretty hard, but loses Sucker Punch and Defiant. Pitiful defenses and a horrible speed stat means Bisharp is now a bit more difficult to work with. Worst of all, in my opinion, is the loss of Sucker Punch, which means Bisharp no longer has any form of priority, and is stuck with 30 speed. Strong, but very frail and slow. He must now compete with Pawniard, and even though Pawniard doesn't have a great attacking stat, it has one thing Bisharp will miss the most: Defiant and Sucker Punch.

Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change: Electric/Fairy
New Stats: 60 / 50 / 30 / 30 / 65 / 110
New Ability: Plus / Multiply (The user's Special Attack is doubled - the special version of Huge Power.)
Added/Removed Moves: +Draining Kiss
Justification: Electric/Fairy is generally a good defensive type, and Dedenne must now compete with Plusle. Plusle's Special Attacking stat is bad, but if you take a look at its ability, it suddenly turns into something pretty good. 110 Speed allows Plusle to outspeed a lot of things. Plusle has access to both Grass Knot and HP Ice, giving it lots of coverage. Draining Kiss is a good move, but prevents Plusle from taking full advantage of those stats due to it not really being a powerful move.

Pokemon: Minun
Typing Change: Electric/Fairy
New Ability: Plus / Divide (This Pokemon cuts the opponent's Special Attack in half.)
Added/Removed Moves: +Heal Bell, +Draining Kiss
New Stats: 90 / 20 / 35 / 40 / 80 / 80
Justification: Minun continues to fill its role as the "bulky one". Once again, at a glance, these stats don't look great. However, Divide makes Minun an amazing Specially Defensive wall. It also has a pretty nice HP stat, and it can take advantage of that with Wish. Minun's main role will most likely be as a Cleric, since it now gets Heal Bell and keeps Wish. Draining Kiss is a nice coverage move as well. However, Minun doesn't really have anything else going for it. Its Attacking stats are really bad, and its Physical Defense is horrible. Minun is now an amazing Special Wall with nice team-supportive moves, but that's all he really is.
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Pokemon: Azumarill
Typing Change: Water
New Stats: 90 / 30 / 80 / 40 / 85 / 20
New Ability: None, keeps Huge Power.
Added/Removed Moves: -Belly Drum, -Aqua Jet, -Knock Off
Justification: A lot of what made Azumarill good is now taken away from him. Huge Power now only supports a base Attacking stat of 60, which isn't great. It loses both Belly Drum and Aqua Jet, which made Azumarill really good. It loses Knock Off, meaning it can no longer remove items from the opponent's side. Azumarill gains a bit of bulk, but is extremely slow, and his now pitiful attacking stat is poor. However, Azumarill has a niche of Whirlpool+Perish Song, which unfortunately is not that reliable either.
Just wanna point out that isn't how huge power works, it doubles the stat number not the base stat, so Azu really has an attack stat with Huge Power of 348 with your stat adjustments, equal to somewhere between 120-130 base attack stat
Just wanna point out that isn't how huge power works, it doubles the stat number not the base stat, so Azu really has an attack stat with Huge Power of 348 with your stat adjustments, equal to somewhere between 120-130 base attack stat

Oh woops, fixed.
Pokemon: Bisharp
Typing Change : None
New Stats: 65 / 110 / 80 / 60 / 60 / 70 (445)
New Ability: Inner Focus / Justified / Pressure
Added/Removed Moves: -Low Kick
Justification: Decided to remove Defiant, one of the things that made it so great in OU and lowered its stats to make it hit less hard and be a bit more frail. The Attack nerf and the removal of Low Kick will help it to be much easier to check. It still has a strong Knock Off and Sucker Punch though, devastating with a Swords Dance behind it. It also still has Low Sweep, so the Low Kick removal will only be affecting the heavier Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Registeel and Heatran. Justified is given for it to check some of the other Dark types in the tier and makes sense with bisharp being a noble chess piece.

Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change: Electric / Fairy
New Stats: 80 / 60 / 50 / 105 / 85 / 95 (475)
New Ability: None
Added/Removed Moves: +Dazzling Gleam +Draining Kiss +Moonlight
Justification: The fairy typing is mainly based on the premise of Plusle and Minun being support Pokemon, cheering for their teammates. Plusle becomes a threatening user of Nasty Plot and Agility, as well as a good baton passer with its improved bulk, new typing and slight power boost. Its low physical bulk and good, but not great speed should hold it back from becoming broken.

Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change: Electric / Fairy
New Stats: 80 / 50 / 60 / 95 / 95 / 95 (475)
New Ability: None
Added/Removed Moves: +Dazzling Gleam +Draining Kiss +Moonlight
Justification: The fairy typing is mainly based on the premise of Plusle and Minun being support Pokemon, cheering for their teammates. While outclassed by Plusle offensively, the useful defensive typing, new recovery options, Volt Absorb and improved bulk give it good defensive niches. It should make for a good Baton Passer, Assault Vest user and good general check to Pokemon in the tier (opposing Electric types in particular).
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I don't have a submission, but be careful when nerfing Azumarill - if you nerf its stats, you run into the risk of it not being NU viable as Eviolite Marill could turn out to be superior.
I don't have a submission, but be careful when nerfing Azumarill - if you nerf its stats, you run into the risk of it not being NU viable as Eviolite Marill could turn out to be superior.
Eviolite Marill is pretty weak, even with Huge Power. Its only niche in NU currently is as a defensive RestTalk user with Sap Sipper. It's not that good.

EDIT: I exaggerated that a bit, but it's not too strong with Huge Power.
Pokemon: Azumarill
Typing Change: Nope
New Stats: 10/110/40/60/40/50
New Ability: Nope
Added/Removed Moves: -aqua jet, -knock off
Justification: It's now a glass cannon/one trick pony. More fun than just toning it down.
Pokemon: Azumarill
Typing Change: Nope
New Stats: 10/110/40/60/40/50
New Ability: Nope
Added/Removed Moves: -aqua jet, -knock off
Justification: It's now a glass cannon/one trick pony. More fun than just toning it down.

Gonna have to say that I think this is too strong, 110 Attack with Huge Power is a ridiculous amount of Attack, not to mention it still has Belly Drum, meaning if it manages to get off a Belly Drum and has support from Sticky Web, it can sweep other teams.
Gonna have to say that I think this is too strong, 110 Attack with Huge Power is a ridiculous amount of Attack, not to mention it still has Belly Drum, meaning if it manages to get off a Belly Drum and has support from Sticky Web, it can sweep other teams.
Actually disagree here. Without Aqua Jet, any faster Pokemon straight up beats it and 50 base speed still won't outspeed many teams with Sticky Web support, especially Flying types/Levitators. Priority kills it for the most part. It's like a hard-hitting and faster Mega Camerupt with extremely low bulk and no utility. It has no chance of being useful against offensive teams, while it can probably get a KO or two against Balance and Stall. It's certainly an interesting take on a nerf.
Actually disagree here. Without Aqua Jet, any faster Pokemon straight up beats it and 50 base speed still won't outspeed many teams with Sticky Web support, especially Flying types/Levitators. Priority kills it for the most part. It's like a hard-hitting and faster Mega Camerupt with extremely low bulk and no utility. It has no chance of being useful against offensive teams, while it can probably get a KO or two against Balance and Stall. It's certainly an interesting take on a nerf.

110 Attack with Huge Power in NU is too strong though, I highly suggest reducing the attack a bit. And just because it has less bulk doesn't mean Azumarill is OKOH'd by every move. With Baton Pass+Sticky Web support it can pretty much destroy everything. Shell Smash Baton Pass from Huntail and Azumarill breaks through almost any team.
110 Attack with Huge Power in NU is too strong though, I highly suggest reducing the attack a bit. And just because it has less bulk doesn't mean Azumarill is OKOH'd by every move. With Baton Pass+Sticky Web support it can pretty much destroy everything. Shell Smash Baton Pass from Huntail and Azumarill breaks through almost any team.
252 SpA Pyroar Fire Blast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 161-190 (99.3 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Mold Breaker Sawk Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 172-202 (106.1 - 124.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Mold Breaker Sawk Close Combat vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 194-228 (119.7 - 140.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Sneasel Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 129-153 (79.6 - 94.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Sneasel Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Azumarill: 168-199 (103.7 - 122.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Pretty much is lol. SmashPass is a good point though.
Well, It can't switch into anything either. You'd have to pass with a sub or use focus sash with defog support.

I'd rather not lower the attack as the whole idea is for it to be completely absurd. I could remove ice punch/superpower to open up some possible switch ins, but I'm afraid that'll make the risk far greater than the reward (I feel like if you can safetly get it in, you deserve to blow something up.)

New stats: 80 (-20) / 25 (-25) / 75 (-5) / 60 / 70 (-10) / 40 (-10)
Added/Removed Moves: -Aqua Jet, -Belly Drum, -Aqua Tail, +Dazzling Gleam, +Draining Kiss

I started off thinking I should make sure no stats I changed are lower than Marill's, and ended up with the stats that are seen. It doesn't make logical sense why it would have lower stats than Marill. Anyway, 40 Speed combined with lack of priority makes Azumarill slightly less viable. Without Belly Drum it is indefinitely less viable. I removed Aqua Tail since, apon various calculations, Azumaril can 2HKO Mespirit even with 25 base attack... with Aqua Tail. (Then again it can do the same with Play Rough, but it makes a difference) I thought it could be borderline too good for NU, so I removed it. I gave it Dazzling Gleam, for non-Huge Power sets (since I'll see the Sap Sipper set as a better tank set personally), and Draining Kiss, for recovery which would make it good tank-wise, in a way. The defensive stats are such that Azumarill can almost force Archeops, one of the best Pokemon within NU, to only 3HKO, whilst still lowering them. Physically, Azumarill looks more defensive than specially-defensive anyway.


New stats: 60 (-5) / 115 (-10) / 100 / 60 / 60 (-10) / 70
Added/Removed Moves: -Sucker Punch, -Pursuit
I intentionally didn't remove a lot Bisharp's stats too much, partially so it was not outclassed in many ways by Pinsir. I made the Special Defense lower since Pawniard (atm) has equal special stats, and the other nerfs in stats are just for the purposes of being nerfs. Two of the things that make Bisharp good are Sucker Punch and Pursuit, both of which I removed since those were some of the moves that made Bisharp OU. I kept STAB Knock Off since there are many Pokemon in NU and below that have STAB Knock Off.



New stats: 70 (+10) / 75 (+25) / 70 (+30) / 100 (+15) / 95 (+20) / 105 (+10)
New ability: No Guard
Added/Removed Moves: +Play Rough, +Dazzling Gleam, +Zap Cannon, +Fake Out, +Thunder Punch, +Aqua Tail, +Hyper Voice, +U-Turn



New stats: 70 (+10) / 70 (+20) / 75 (+35) / 95 (+20) / 100 (+15) / 105 (+10)
New ability: No Guard
Added/Removed Moves: +Play Rough, +Dazzling Gleam, +Reflect, +Fake Out, +Thunder Punch, +Draining Kiss, +Magnetic Flux, +Eerie Impulse

Justification for both:
Plusle isn't too powerful-looking for over base 100 Sp.Attack, and all the other boosts are for the purposes of buffing. I simply finished Plusle first and reversed the stats offensive-to-defensive for Minun. I gave them both No Guard, since it is implied in Pokedex entries that Plusle and Minun cheer on other Pokemon rather than protecting themselves, so thus have 'no guard', literally (Also they both get No Guard Sing, interestingly). They're both Fairy type as they are in the Fairy egg group.
I gave them both offensive fairy moves for STAB's sake, and both Fake Out and Thunder Punch since many Pikachu clones also have those moves. Plusle gets Zap Cannon because No Guard Zap Cannon, as well as Aqua Tail for coverage and it learns Iron Tail already, Hyper Voice for more offense, and U-Turn since, again, other Pikachu clones get the move. Minun gets Reflect as it has Light Screen already, and not Reflect. It gets Draining Kiss for recovery, Magnet Flux if people run the 'Minus' ability for it, which makes Magenetic Flux effectively an electric-type Cosmic Power, and Eerie Impulse as it gets Charm, which Eerie Impulse is the specially-oriented version of.

Note: I actually made this post yesterday but I forgot to press 'Post Reply' x( If there are any similarities between these submissions and other peoples' submissions, please tell me, and they are purely coincidence.
Pokemon: Azumarril
Typing Change: Water/Ground
New Stats: 70 / 40 / 55 / 95 / 55 / 60 (375)
New Abilities: Divide / Intimidate / Huge Power
Added/Removed Moves: +Earthquake, +Earth Power, +Thunderbolt, +Moonblast, +Nasty Plot, -Belly Drum, -Play Rough, -Aqua Jet, -Superpower
Justification: Since it's Fairy type and it's BD+AJ combo make it very powerful. Since I think that it's very OP, the combo and Fairy type should be gone and the type should be Ground type so that it's Grass weakness get nerfed. I The bulk took a nerf, while it's physical offensive power is slightly buffed and the special offensive power is greatly boosted so it can use moves like Hydro Pump more often. It gets to keep Huge Power but it gets Sap Sipper and Thick Fat gone because if it has Sap Sipper, it will be OP, so it gets Intimidate and Divide to boost it's defensive power to make up it for the more poor defenses. It also gets Play Rough and Superpower gotten rid of because of the new typing on the former and because of the stat drops of the latter while it gets Earthquake for a better STAB than Bulldoze or Dig. It also gets Earth Power for STAB to come off the better Spl. Atk. stat as well as Thunderbolt and Moonblast for coverage. It will pretty much soon be less OP than before to become an NU Pokemon.

Pokemon: Bisharp
Typing Change: Dark/Water
New Stats: 70 / 110 / 80 / 90 / 40 / 90 (480)
New Abilities: Natural Cure / Inner Focus / Mega Launcher
Added/Removed Moves: +Aura Sphere, +Water Pulse, +Dragon Pulse, +Scald, +Calm Mind, -Iron Head, -Flash Cannon
Justification: The reliability of Defiant against Defog users like Zapdos can be frightening and makes it OP, so the simple solution to that is remove it. The new typing also makes it more vulnerable to status and Fairy-types, so the solution of having status is to have Natural Cure so it can last longer. It also gets Mega Launcher to boost up the new moves it gets and still keeps Knock Off and Sucker Punch. It still has a pretty good Attack stat, but with the amount of special moves it gets with the new Special Attack it gets, I decided to increase it by adding the moves increased by Mega Launcher. The defenses are much worse than before so that it gets killed more often, but the better speed makes it up a bit unless the attacker is faster. It will hopefully get worse enough to be in NU.


Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change: Electric/Steel
New Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 95 / 90 / 105 (570)
New Abilities: Defiant / Levitate / Flash Fire
Added/Removed Moves: +Fusion Bolt, +Bolt Strike, +V-Create, +Swords Dance, +Meteor Mash, +Magnet Rise
Justification: The new typing makes it have more resistances and a immunity to Toxic, meaning it has more opportunities to set and get the job done easier. The new stats make it a physical attacker, so the new moves go with the stats, in STAB and coverage. The new abilities also make it a good one, Defiant for Defog users, Levitate for Ground immunity, and Flash Fire for V-Create and other immunity. Magnet Rise is for use of the other abilities other than Levitate.

Pokemon: Minun
Typing Change: Electric/Fire
New Stats: 90 / 95 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 105 (570)
New Abilities: Competitive / Levitate / Water Absorb
Added/Removed Moves: +Fusion Flare, +Blue Flare, +Earth Power, +Tail Glow, +Flash Cannon, +Magnet Rise
Justification: Not much to say, just a reversed, Fire-type version of Plusle
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Pokemon: Plusle
Typing Change: Electric/Steel
New Stats: 90 / 100 / 90 / 95 / 90 / 105 (570)
New Abilities: Defiant / Levitate / Flash Fire
Added/Removed Moves: +Fusion Bolt, +Bolt Strike, +V-Create, +Swords Dance, +Meteor Mash, +Magnet Rise
Justification: This will hopefully raise it to OU levels.

We're trying to make everything NU viable, so while Minun and Plusle are being buffed, you have to be careful because they are still supposed to be in the NU tier.
I'm just wondering - can we actually remove Sucker Punch from Bisharp? It would remove it from Pawniard too (otherwise it would make no sense), and Pawniard is an NU viable Pokemon.
I'm just wondering - can we actually remove Sucker Punch from Bisharp? It would remove it from Pawniard too (otherwise it would make no sense), and Pawniard is an NU viable Pokemon.

If this is the case then we can always give Pawniard a small buff as well, although I'm not sure.