Edit: bah! how can I make the hp line up with the pictures since this forum seems to hate multiple spaces
Hello there, I've been lurking these forums for a little while but my internet has only just stabilised enough to actually start playing a few days ago. Being pretty inexperienced, I picked up a team that looked really good over on the RMT forum (http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3449717) and after a day or so tweaked it around a bit to match my playing preferences. It has changed a little bit since I had this battle and I've peaked at rank #10 lately which shows just how good that guy is at team building.
In the actual battle i'm cutting out all the rain messages and shrinking the various leftovers/iron barbs etc, my comments will be in Red.
If anyone could come up with a better title name I'd be happy to switch it, I've always been awful with names
Battle between Chappers and No. 1 Machop Fan started!
Tier: Dream World
Variation: +9, -22
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle
The Teams:
My team:
Opponent's team:
I look at his team, see a ditto in the lead position and then fail to actually check what the rest of his team is (this catches me unawares a few times, so I shall be writing as if I don't know the rest of his team.
Ditto scares me so I take the option where ditto can do the least harm to me and switch ferrothorn to my lead.
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Spy! (Ditto)
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
The foe's Spy transformed into Ferrothorn!
Everything goes as expected and he leads off with ditto. Now, time to start setting up hazards...
Start of turn 1 No. 1 Machop Fan called Spy back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
Pointed stones float in the air around Chappers's team!
100% 100% 100%
Ah. I already forgot he had one of those, and I end up just placing them on my own field instead. Not too bad, I only have 1 poke weak to stealth rock.
Start of turn 2
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!
The foe's Varian used Calm Mind!
The foe's Varian's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Varian's Sp. Def. rose!
NameXX is watching the battle.
100% 87% 100%(+1SpA/+1SpD)
I switch to my scarfed Genesect to scare it out, and he starts to set up on me. U-turn looks to be my best choice here, as it will either annihilate his espeon if it's foolish enough to stay in, or at least scout out another of his pokemon.
Start of turn 3
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Genesect used U-turn!
The foe's Shelly's Wonder Guard evades the attack!
Chappers: lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: bad mistake on my part to Calm Mind :(
87% 100% 100%
Uh-oh, a Shedinja. This means I'm now locked into a move which he is immune to, and checking through my team he's actually immune to five of them! Thus my only option here is to switch into Ferrothorn and try to get those hazards up.
Start of turn 4
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Shelly used Swords Dance!
The foe's Shelly's Attack sharply rose!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
87% 100% 100%(+2Atk)
He now starts to set up on my helpless Genesect, and it's too early to guess what he's going to do next, so I go for the safe option and try to get rocks up again.
Start of turn 5
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
But it failed!
NameXX stopped watching the battle.
Chappers: wow i have almost nothing to hit shedinja
No. 1 Machop Fan: >:D
Chappers: only entry hazards lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: excellent
No. 1 Machop Fan: lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: does that mean your Genesect is not Scarfed?
Chappers: it is scarfed
No. 1 Machop Fan: oh
Chappers: no flamethrower
Chappers: bug buzz instead
A lack of flamethrower really hurts on this match, as it would have gone so much easier, but usually bug buzz is better in rain so not much I could do.
100% 100% 100%
He makes the obvious play here and switches back to Espeon on the predicted status - from his point of view, a leech seed was very likely and could have disposed of Shedinja swiftly. Sadly, I'm running spikes and stealth rock on this so that's not an option.
Start of turn 6
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Politoed!
Pointed stones dug into Politoed!
Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective...
Politoed lost 15 HP! (3% of its health)
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
100% 91% 100%
I don't want to keep Ferrothorn in any longer than I have to in case something is packing a surprise super effective attack. In this case I was dead on, as Espeon was carrying HP Fire, which would demolish the poor guy. So, I went to Politoed to set up my rain and, more importantly, begin my cunning plan to get rocks up.
Start of turn 7
The foe's Varian used Psyshock!
Politoed lost 166 HP! (43% of its health)
Politoed used Perish Song!
All Pokémon hearing the song will faint in three turns!
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 3.
Politoed's perish count fell to 3.
54% 100%
Espeon deals out some pain on Politoed, but I manage to pull off my perish song, giving me a chance to get round that pesky magic bounce. This, however, will only work if Espeon doesn't switch out immediately.
Start of turn 8
Chappers called Politoed back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Varian used Psyshock!
It's not very effective...
Ferrothorn lost 50 HP! (14% of its health)
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 2.
54% 86% 100%
He seemingly didn't catch on to my plan, and went for another psyshock not expecting me to go into Ferrothorn having revealed HP fire, and this turn guarantees my rocks going up a little later.
Start of turn 9
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Ferrothorn lost 116 HP! (32% of its health)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
But it failed!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 1.
60% 100%
I had no idea when he was going to switch out, so I play it safe and go for a stealth rock, because at least that won't be setting up any more hazards on my side. However, he takes this oppertunity to nail my Ferrothorn with an HP Fire, but the rain softens the blow
Start of turn 10
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around No. 1 Machop Fan's team!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: derp
66% 100% 100%
Perish song forced the switch, so I can finally get my rocks up without that pesky Espeon bouncing them right back. The shedinja switch surprised me however as that was a very risky move if I had leech seed, which was still possible at this point due to only revealing rocks. If I had changed to anything else though, this would have been perfect so perhaps this was an overprediction on his part.
Start of turn 11
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Star! (Starmie)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Star!
Ferrothorn used Thunder Wave!
The foe's Star is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Star restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: uhh
Chappers: why switch out shedinja
Chappers: i couldn't touch it when it was in
Chappers: coulda swept me
No. 1 Machop Fan: Iron Barbs
Chappers: ohhhh
72% 100% 92%(Par)
Yes that's right, two more things I forgot about, Iron barbs and the existence of a rapid spinner on his team, making that sneaky plan with the Perish song completely and utterly pointless, since my Thunder wave manages to hit something with Natural Cure to boot. However, I am seeing a pattern here in that he never keeps his Shedinja in vs Ferrothorn, which I can use to my advantage later.
Start of turn 12
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!
The foe's Star used Rapid Spin!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Genesect lost 11 HP! (3% of its health)
The foe's Star blew away Stealth Rock!
The foe's Star restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
72% 72% 100%(Par)
I don't want any unnecessary damage to land on Ferrothorn at this point since it's my only answer to Shedinja, which an Ice beam would certainly count here.
Start of turn 13
No. 1 Machop Fan called Star back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Genesect used U-turn!
The foe's Shelly's Wonder Guard evades the attack!
72% 100%(Par) 100%
I went for the all-too-obvious U-turn, which he easily predicts and switches back to Shedinja for free.
Start of turn 14
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Shelly used Swords Dance!
The foe's Shelly's Attack sharply rose!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
I switch back into Ferrothorn to scare Shedinja back out, and he makes his only safe move in swords dancing, but not being brave enough to double switch predicting mine.
72% 72% 100%(+2Atk)
Start of turn 15
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
The attack of Ferrothorn missed!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
78% 100% 100%
I predict his switch out into Espeon, but sadly my Power whip misses, which will really hurt later on.
Start of turn 16
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into Scizor!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Scizor lost 204 HP! (59% of its health)
78% 28% 100%
I had no business staying in with Ferrothorn here, so I switch out to scizor to hopefully make him get greedy and stay in when he shouldn't on the next turn.
Start of turn 17
Scizor used Bullet Punch!
The foe's Varian lost 98% of its health!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Scizor lost 97 HP! (28% of its health)
Scizor fainted!
No. 1 Machop Fan: 3 of your Pokemon are Fire-weak :/
The foe's Varian restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: yes
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!
0%(Fnt) 65% 8%
98%...So close it hurts, as either a higher roll on damage (I suspect, I haven't run any calcs) or Power Whip landing earlier would have saved my Scizor here. I send out Genesect again to scare off Espeon
Start of turn 18
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
65% 78% 8% 100%
I predict his switch back into Shedinja and pull off a double switch, putting me in a favourable position. So far he's been very unwilling to keep Shedinja in, so hopefully my next plan will work out.
Start of turn 19
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
The foe's Varian lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Varian fainted!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Cairne! (Conkeldurr)
82% 100% 0%(Fnt) 100%
Perfect! And this time Power whip doesn't miss to net the ko. No longer can he prevent rocks going up, forcing a lot more Starmie switch ins hopefully and a chance to take it out. Now he sends in Conkeldurr, which threatens a Drain Punch to annihilate Ferrothorn. Obviously I can't stay in on this, so I switch out to Latios, which will easily be able to ko, and I hope he doesn't predict this move with a payback.
Hello there, I've been lurking these forums for a little while but my internet has only just stabilised enough to actually start playing a few days ago. Being pretty inexperienced, I picked up a team that looked really good over on the RMT forum (http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3449717) and after a day or so tweaked it around a bit to match my playing preferences. It has changed a little bit since I had this battle and I've peaked at rank #10 lately which shows just how good that guy is at team building.
In the actual battle i'm cutting out all the rain messages and shrinking the various leftovers/iron barbs etc, my comments will be in Red.
If anyone could come up with a better title name I'd be happy to switch it, I've always been awful with names
Battle between Chappers and No. 1 Machop Fan started!
Tier: Dream World
Variation: +9, -22
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle
The Teams:
My team:

Opponent's team:

I look at his team, see a ditto in the lead position and then fail to actually check what the rest of his team is (this catches me unawares a few times, so I shall be writing as if I don't know the rest of his team.
Ditto scares me so I take the option where ditto can do the least harm to me and switch ferrothorn to my lead.

No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Spy! (Ditto)
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
The foe's Spy transformed into Ferrothorn!
Everything goes as expected and he leads off with ditto. Now, time to start setting up hazards...
Start of turn 1 No. 1 Machop Fan called Spy back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
Pointed stones float in the air around Chappers's team!

100% 100% 100%
Ah. I already forgot he had one of those, and I end up just placing them on my own field instead. Not too bad, I only have 1 poke weak to stealth rock.
Start of turn 2
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!
The foe's Varian used Calm Mind!
The foe's Varian's Sp. Att. rose!
The foe's Varian's Sp. Def. rose!
NameXX is watching the battle.

100% 87% 100%(+1SpA/+1SpD)
I switch to my scarfed Genesect to scare it out, and he starts to set up on me. U-turn looks to be my best choice here, as it will either annihilate his espeon if it's foolish enough to stay in, or at least scout out another of his pokemon.
Start of turn 3
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Genesect used U-turn!
The foe's Shelly's Wonder Guard evades the attack!
Chappers: lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: bad mistake on my part to Calm Mind :(

87% 100% 100%
Uh-oh, a Shedinja. This means I'm now locked into a move which he is immune to, and checking through my team he's actually immune to five of them! Thus my only option here is to switch into Ferrothorn and try to get those hazards up.
Start of turn 4
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Shelly used Swords Dance!
The foe's Shelly's Attack sharply rose!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

87% 100% 100%(+2Atk)
He now starts to set up on my helpless Genesect, and it's too early to guess what he's going to do next, so I go for the safe option and try to get rocks up again.
Start of turn 5
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
But it failed!
NameXX stopped watching the battle.
Chappers: wow i have almost nothing to hit shedinja
No. 1 Machop Fan: >:D
Chappers: only entry hazards lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: excellent
No. 1 Machop Fan: lol
No. 1 Machop Fan: does that mean your Genesect is not Scarfed?
Chappers: it is scarfed
No. 1 Machop Fan: oh
Chappers: no flamethrower
Chappers: bug buzz instead
A lack of flamethrower really hurts on this match, as it would have gone so much easier, but usually bug buzz is better in rain so not much I could do.

100% 100% 100%
He makes the obvious play here and switches back to Espeon on the predicted status - from his point of view, a leech seed was very likely and could have disposed of Shedinja swiftly. Sadly, I'm running spikes and stealth rock on this so that's not an option.
Start of turn 6
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Politoed!
Pointed stones dug into Politoed!
Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective...
Politoed lost 15 HP! (3% of its health)
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

100% 91% 100%
I don't want to keep Ferrothorn in any longer than I have to in case something is packing a surprise super effective attack. In this case I was dead on, as Espeon was carrying HP Fire, which would demolish the poor guy. So, I went to Politoed to set up my rain and, more importantly, begin my cunning plan to get rocks up.
Start of turn 7
The foe's Varian used Psyshock!
Politoed lost 166 HP! (43% of its health)
Politoed used Perish Song!
All Pokémon hearing the song will faint in three turns!
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 3.
Politoed's perish count fell to 3.

54% 100%
Espeon deals out some pain on Politoed, but I manage to pull off my perish song, giving me a chance to get round that pesky magic bounce. This, however, will only work if Espeon doesn't switch out immediately.
Start of turn 8
Chappers called Politoed back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Varian used Psyshock!
It's not very effective...
Ferrothorn lost 50 HP! (14% of its health)
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 2.

54% 86% 100%
He seemingly didn't catch on to my plan, and went for another psyshock not expecting me to go into Ferrothorn having revealed HP fire, and this turn guarantees my rocks going up a little later.
Start of turn 9
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Ferrothorn lost 116 HP! (32% of its health)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Ferrothorn's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
But it failed!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Varian's perish count fell to 1.

60% 100%
I had no idea when he was going to switch out, so I play it safe and go for a stealth rock, because at least that won't be setting up any more hazards on my side. However, he takes this oppertunity to nail my Ferrothorn with an HP Fire, but the rain softens the blow
Start of turn 10
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Ferrothorn used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around No. 1 Machop Fan's team!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: derp

66% 100% 100%
Perish song forced the switch, so I can finally get my rocks up without that pesky Espeon bouncing them right back. The shedinja switch surprised me however as that was a very risky move if I had leech seed, which was still possible at this point due to only revealing rocks. If I had changed to anything else though, this would have been perfect so perhaps this was an overprediction on his part.
Start of turn 11
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Star! (Starmie)
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Star!
Ferrothorn used Thunder Wave!
The foe's Star is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Star restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: uhh
Chappers: why switch out shedinja
Chappers: i couldn't touch it when it was in
Chappers: coulda swept me
No. 1 Machop Fan: Iron Barbs
Chappers: ohhhh

72% 100% 92%(Par)
Yes that's right, two more things I forgot about, Iron barbs and the existence of a rapid spinner on his team, making that sneaky plan with the Perish song completely and utterly pointless, since my Thunder wave manages to hit something with Natural Cure to boot. However, I am seeing a pattern here in that he never keeps his Shedinja in vs Ferrothorn, which I can use to my advantage later.
Start of turn 12
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!
The foe's Star used Rapid Spin!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
Genesect lost 11 HP! (3% of its health)
The foe's Star blew away Stealth Rock!
The foe's Star restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

72% 72% 100%(Par)
I don't want any unnecessary damage to land on Ferrothorn at this point since it's my only answer to Shedinja, which an Ice beam would certainly count here.
Start of turn 13
No. 1 Machop Fan called Star back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Genesect used U-turn!
The foe's Shelly's Wonder Guard evades the attack!

72% 100%(Par) 100%
I went for the all-too-obvious U-turn, which he easily predicts and switches back to Shedinja for free.
Start of turn 14
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
The foe's Shelly used Swords Dance!
The foe's Shelly's Attack sharply rose!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
I switch back into Ferrothorn to scare Shedinja back out, and he makes his only safe move in swords dancing, but not being brave enough to double switch predicting mine.

72% 72% 100%(+2Atk)
Start of turn 15
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
The attack of Ferrothorn missed!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

78% 100% 100%
I predict his switch out into Espeon, but sadly my Power whip misses, which will really hurt later on.
Start of turn 16
Chappers called Ferrothorn back!
Chappers sent out Scizor!
Pointed stones dug into Scizor!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Scizor lost 204 HP! (59% of its health)

78% 28% 100%
I had no business staying in with Ferrothorn here, so I switch out to scizor to hopefully make him get greedy and stay in when he shouldn't on the next turn.
Start of turn 17
Scizor used Bullet Punch!
The foe's Varian lost 98% of its health!
The foe's Varian used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
Scizor lost 97 HP! (28% of its health)
Scizor fainted!
No. 1 Machop Fan: 3 of your Pokemon are Fire-weak :/
The foe's Varian restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Chappers: yes
Chappers sent out Genesect!
Pointed stones dug into Genesect!
Genesect's Download activates!
Genesect's Attack rose!

0%(Fnt) 65% 8%
98%...So close it hurts, as either a higher roll on damage (I suspect, I haven't run any calcs) or Power Whip landing earlier would have saved my Scizor here. I send out Genesect again to scare off Espeon
Start of turn 18
Chappers called Genesect back!
Chappers sent out Ferrothorn!
Pointed stones dug into Ferrothorn!
No. 1 Machop Fan called Varian back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Shelly! (Shedinja)
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

65% 78% 8% 100%
I predict his switch back into Shedinja and pull off a double switch, putting me in a favourable position. So far he's been very unwilling to keep Shedinja in, so hopefully my next plan will work out.
Start of turn 19
No. 1 Machop Fan called Shelly back!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Varian! (Espeon)
Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
The foe's Varian lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Varian fainted!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
No. 1 Machop Fan sent out Cairne! (Conkeldurr)

82% 100% 0%(Fnt) 100%
Perfect! And this time Power whip doesn't miss to net the ko. No longer can he prevent rocks going up, forcing a lot more Starmie switch ins hopefully and a chance to take it out. Now he sends in Conkeldurr, which threatens a Drain Punch to annihilate Ferrothorn. Obviously I can't stay in on this, so I switch out to Latios, which will easily be able to ko, and I hope he doesn't predict this move with a payback.