New Team! Need advice

Okay so basically this is just a competitive team. Nothing too special about it besides having some pokemon I think would do nicely in OU but people neglect to use. So let me know what you think


Swampert - Leftovers
Relaxed 252hp/252def/6spD
-Ice Beam
-Stealth Rock

Your basic Lead Pert. Set up SR, scout your opponent's pokemon, take a hit or two, and of course hit your opponent. earthquake and ice beam give it the best coverage and protect scouts and gives Swampert a free turn to heal using leftovers. Ev spread gives it maximum defensive capabilities.

Skarmory - Shed Shell
Keen Eye
Impish 252hp/164def/88sp

Another bulky wall and Swampert's partner, each covers each others weaknesses perfectly. Skars role is basically abuse opponent's support pokemon and set up spikes. In the later game she can haze opponents and get some entry damage. 88 speed EVs puts it at 178, 2 over minimum speed for base 70 speed pokemon (I couldn't get a good Skarmory with 31 speed IVs so I had to compensate.) It's still plenty bulky despite of not having max def Evs.

Gallade - Leftovers
Careful 252hp/214spD/44sp
-Brick Break
-Pain Split
-Thunder Wave

The first of two pokemon I think can do very well in OU. Gallade has only 2 weaknesses but only 2 resistances. Of the weaknesses, only ghost is really threatening as flying isn't that common of a attack type. His resistances are rock and fighting which are very common attack types which also means he takes only 1/16 from SR. But enough of me rambling about his typing, this set supports the team with double status and screen breaking. Will-o-wisp will cripple physical attackers who don't have guts while T-wave slows down speedy pokemon. Pain split is the most reliable source or recovery alongside leftovers. Brick break is used to get rid of light screen and reflect if need be. It's EVs put it at 335 hp and 350 special defense. Just for a idea of how bulky it is, he can take a max special attack timid specMence's Draco Meteor and come out with about 100+ hp and can't be killed by the second hit. I'm sure it has 44 speed EVs for a reason I just can't check right now cause Smogon is down. =/

Flygon -Choice Scarf
Jolly 252atk/252sp/6hp

One of my favorite pokemon of all time. Wonderful typing and a awesome ability followed but stats and a move pool to support it. Flygon's role is to take down Gyarados threats, clean up, scout, and maybe a late game sweep if there is a opening. Outrage and earthquake are obvious choices both getting stabs and hitting everything but Skarmory and Bronzong (if it has levitate) for neutral. Thunderpunch can hit Skar better then the last two attacks mentioned and it OHKOs Gyara. Even if intimidate hits Flygon, he will still be KOed if SR is in play. U-turn can be used to hit psychic and dark but I use it more to scout. Come in on something that fears Flygon, predict a switch and u-turn away giving me a free hit and switch to a counter to my opponents next pokemon. EVs are pretty straight forward, maxing speed and attack to out speed and get key KOs.

Magnezone - Choice Scarf
Magnet Pull
Rash 252spA/252sp/6hp
-Flash Cannon
-Hidden Power (70 Fire)

Every team now a days needs a Scizor counter,here is mine. Having hidden power fire will OHKO even max special defense and max hp Scizor. As well as KOing Scizor, Magenzone can trap and KO any steel pokemon, besides agility Metagross, scarf Heatran, and scarf Lucario. Thunderbolt is the main attack since after STAB it hits all steels, besides Scizor and Forretress, harder then HP fire. Flash cannon is really just a filler move but it can do some damage to Tyranitar and other rock and ice pokemon I might find. Explosion is the last attempt to get rid of special walls AKA Blissey, it's only used after I'm sure Scizor has been KOed or is not on the opponents team. EVs again are pretty straight froward, going for attack and speed. Even with Magnezone poor speed it can outspeed any unboosted steel pokemon besides neural nature Jarachi and positive nature Lucario.

Feraligator - leftovers
Adamant 210hp/192sp/108atk
-Aqua Jet
-Swords Dance

Here is the second pokmon who I hope will become more used with his new addition, Aqua Jet. After being over shadowed by Gyarados since Feraligator was introduced, the only thing Feraligator had going for him was swords dance and torrent. Now with a STAB priority move I think he will make it back into the light. Being as it is, he's still no Scizor so you have to soften the opponent up first before you can sweep. After a swords dance with the EVs you will be up too 600 atk. Waterfall is its main attack against slower pokemon. Ice punch hits dragons and grass pokemon and aqua jet gets those speedy pokemon who threatens to end Feraligator's sweep. The 192 speed evs will put it one above all positive nature 70 base speed pokemon and the HP EVs give it the most defensive capabilities without lossing attack power and speed. I'm wondering about the item tho, if I should change it too life orb for more power, or maybe have a lum berry in case I face a Dusknoir or a status inducing pokemon. Life orb will slowly chip away his hp activating Torrent sooner but he losses his bulkyness, while leftovers does the opposite.

Well that's the team! Any feedback will be taken into consideration and thanks for reading =D​
I noticed this team had no rates yet, so I'll take a stab at it.

First thing that caught my eye, besides the big bold letters, was you have all of these fantastic entry hazards, but no spin blocker, which means life is going to be hell for you. I would suggest switching out Magnezone (since most Forrys and Skarms run Shed Shell these days, although it is a good Scizor/Empoleon/Metagross counter) and putting in Rotom-A (take your pick). This gives you: versatitlity, a spin blocker, and an option of a status absorber OR trickster.

I think Feraligatr might want a DD instead of SD, since it doesn't have Speed EVs maxed out, and that one DD might make a difference between winning and losing.

Sorry its not a long rate, but I felt like I could do a little on and bump it so people can go more in depth.
I noticed this team had no rates yet, so I'll take a stab at it.

First thing that caught my eye, besides the big bold letters, was you have all of these fantastic entry hazards, but no spin blocker, which means life is going to be hell for you. I would suggest switching out Magnezone (since most Forrys and Skarms run Shed Shell these days, although it is a good Scizor/Empoleon/Metagross counter) and putting in Rotom-A (take your pick). This gives you: versatitlity, a spin blocker, and an option of a status absorber OR trickster.

I think Feraligatr might want a DD instead of SD, since it doesn't have Speed EVs maxed out, and that one DD might make a difference between winning and losing.

Sorry its not a long rate, but I felt like I could do a little on and bump it so people can go more in depth.

Thanks for the rate and your right but I only play on the DS so Rotom forms aren't allowed. I wish I could tho since they are the best spin blockers in the game. So Dusknoir is the next best spin blocker so I went with him.