
Misdreavus is a very versatile Pokemon and is one of the first Pokemon a team needs to handle, Ghost-type, Levitate, good Speed, decent bulk, an incredible moveset with Taunt, Nasty Plot, Night Shade, Dazzling Gleam, Trick, Will-o-Wisp, Pain Split... such an annoying Pokemon to deal with for a lot of teams. Having Misdreavus allows you to have Hazards on the field for the rest of the game, you don't even have to put it on the field a single time, Misdreavus existing just prevent the opponent from removing hazards, which gets you such a big advantage for the game, you don't have to find a strategy to handle Quaxwell in order to get rocks up with Piloswine, just put Misdreavus in your team and it's done, Misdreavus is able to 3HKO pretty much the entire tier thanks to Night Shade and the best way of handling it is to have a Normal-type like Girafarig, Dunsparce, or Vigoroth to take advantage of it, or to put Pokemons with Knock Off on it to force it out, but in most cases these Pokemons are slower and needs to be at 60+ % in order to live 2 Night Shade, and Electabuzz checks it for a limited amount of time.
I think Misdreavus is completely
unhealthy to the tier, i don't think this Pokemon brings anything good for the tier, our only way to remove Hazards from the field is Rapid Spin and Misdreavus completely denies that, you might want to say "but why wouldn't we use other Ghost-types then?", well that's because Misdreavus is the only one to safely deny Quaxwell without being just "a spinblocker" Misdreavus is an actual threat in game that needs to be handled, unlike 99% of ghost-types in the tier, the next best Ghost-type is Drakloak and this Pokemon's only recovery is Rest, which completely makes you lose the momentum you have, the whole Rest/Talk strategy gets exploited by so many wallbreakers (Setups, Specs or Band users, Pignite, Encore, Taunt...), and if you wanna counter Drakloak you can also play Triple Axel Quaxwell.
We've seen multiple replays early NFEPL where a team with Misdreavus just destroys a team without Misdreavus without much struggle, and later some teams started to just give up on removing hazards lol because at the end of the day if you can't rapid spin with Quaxwell due to the opponent Misdreavus, might as well just use the slot for an additional threat or another useful Pokemon.
Misdreavus is unhealthy, it brings nothing enjoyable to the tier and is a big part of our whole Hazards issue.

Koffing is the best check to Thwackey & Servine, has recovery with Pain Split, some very good moves like Thief, Will-o-Wisp, and of course, Toxic Spikes. Toxic Spikes are incredibly good and basically forces every team to have either a Poison-type or a way to take advantage of Koffing like Girafarig Specs, Sliggoo-Hisui Specs, Duosion... Neutralizing Gas is also such an amazing ability, completely denying Servine from being a threat, ignoring Magic Bounce, making it able to steal Tinkatuff with Thief. This Pokemon does a simple thing very efficiently and that's why i put it so high, TSpikes vs a team without Poison-type and without a way to take advantage of Koffing is basically an easy win.

This ugly ass duck is unfortunately top tier, it's the only good and reliable Pokemon to remove Hazards of the field, yep, the only one, while Wartortle threatens Misdreavus, it doesn't have any recovery which makes it quite unreliable, and the Defog users are just incredibly bad since they're either overall just terrible Pokemons, or let Piloswine come for free to get rocks up again, which leads us to use whatever The Pokemon Company was smoking when making Quaxly's evolutions. This Pokemon is basically a staple of the tier at this point, if you don't have a way to keep hazards up against Quaxwell, you're in massive trouble.

Piloswine has some massive stats, an incredible bulk with one of the best Attack stat of the tier, Piloswine is such an amazing wallbreaker when given the right support, i don't like Defensive Piloswine because i don't want to use Piloswine for its ability to check Electabuzz, i want to use it for its ability to break the opponent team with support. Piloswine does need either Misdreavus to keep Rocks up or Electabuzz to take advantage of Quaxwell, its incredible Ground/Ice typing covers perfectly the whole tier, Piloswine also brings some sort of Speed Control with Ice Shard. Although Piloswine is not a very good user of Stealth Rocks on its own, which is why teams with Tinkatuff became more common by the end of NFEPL. Piloswine doesn't need to be the rocks user of the team, it can act as a wallbreaker with Choice Band since a lot of teams rely on Quaxwell to be the ground resistance. Piloswine can also act as a sweeper with Trailblaze, Trailblaze is unironically an amazing move to have on Piloswine, at +1 Speed Piloswine can outspeed Thwackey, and at +2 Speed Piloswine outspeeds the entire tier, which makes it a great sweeper, it did not get a lot of uses but it has swept quite a few times in NFEPL, a very underrated set in my opinion. Anyway Piloswine is not unhealthy or broken, i don't think Piloswine is the one that prevents Defog users from being good.

Servine is the best Grass-type of the tier in my opinion, it's the most reliable Electabuzz check of the tier, and is very threatening with Leaf Storm + Knock Off, being able to break Pokemons like Tinkatuff, Pignite, and even Vullaby with Rocks up. It forces Pokemons like Sliggoo-Hisui, Koffing, and Ivysaur in most teams, since Glare also prevents stuff like Raboot, Monferno, Girafarig from coming so easily. A simple but efficient Grass-type.

Thwackey is an amazing Grass-type, while i ranked Servine right above it i think Thwackey is completely different from it and doesn't get any competition from it. Unlike Servine, Thwackey brings pivot and speed control with Grassy Glide. Very good in Voltturn teams and Offenses.

Combusken is completely broken, completely out of control for this metagame, Speed Boost + SD + 120 BP STABS is just complete bullshit, i feel like everyone agrees that Combusken is just a stupid and broken setup sweeper that has no issue setting up and taking multiple kills, if not sweeping the entire team. Reason why it's not A+ is because i don't feel like it's as splashable as the other mons and this mon only fulfill one role, unlike all of the Pokemons above.
Ban Combusken asap, this is completely broken.

Tinkatuff is a very annoying Pokemon that got some people quitting the metagame when it was once centralizing the tier lol, and it's still a very good and annoying Pokemon, Stealth Rock + Knock Off makes it a very good Stealth Rock user and it has moves like Thunder Wave & Encore to be even more annoying to deal with for any kind of teams. As if all that wasn't enough, it's one of the rare Pickpocket user, which makes using Knock Off not so free and makes the opponent not only lose a turn when doing Knock Off, but also gives YOU progress by removing the opponent's Eviolite, which is one of the best ability to have in this tier. Steel Beam has been used a couple of times to lure Piloswine and kill it instantly which is huge depending on the team you have.

Raboot is just a standard offensive Pokemon, good Speed, good moves, U-turn, amazing Ability, a very good Pokemon to clean or break with.

Ivysaur is a good Pokemon that can fulfill multiple roles a team needs (able to handle Electabuzz other Pokemons, removes TSpikes from the field, able to break a lot of teams who uses Fire or Poison-types as Grass-checks), a good Pokemon.

Wartortle only sees uses on Offense, it's a very threatening sweeper with Shell Smash since most Grass-types will lose its Eviolite by the end of the game and Ebuzz will get weakened as well. Wartortle is not just a sweeper tho, it can check Fire and Ground-types as well as pressuring Pokemons like Koffing. The second best Rapid Spin user of the tier after Quaxwell if hazards become an issue, otherwise a set with Sub to get Torrent is a good option.

Pignite is a very good wallbreaker, Pignite is able to take a kill on its own and to make progress for other offensive Pokemons like Wartortle, Piloswine and Combusken thanks to Knock Off. Pignite is also able to check Grass-types and is able to trade against most Pokemons.