Predictions for this season and whatnot:
East: Bills
North: Ravens
West: Chiefs
South: Titans
Wildcards: Chargers, Browns, Patriots
East: Cowboys
North: Packers
West: Rams
South: Bucs
Wildcards: 9ers, Falcons, Seahawks
NFC Champ: Bucs
AFC Champ: Bills
Superbowl winner: Bucs (Not to brag but I've picked 4 of the last 7 winners)
MVP: Tom Brady
Rookie of the year: Mac Jones or someshit.
Prediction for when the annual "Is Tom Brady washed after this bad game?" discussion starts: Week 3 after the Rams game.
Worst team: Jags
Most improved Team: Niners
Most disappointing player: Saquon Barkley
Most improved player: AB
Comeback player: Austin Eckler