Nintendo 3DS Discussion Thread

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  1. Go back to the store with your receipt to get a price protection after the 11th and before return period is up (check store policy first).
im not familar with this. is this the, return within 30 days and recieve the difference in price?
I think Nintendo realized the console was failing and are making a desperate move to reverse the tide before it's too late. The Vita's superiority at that price point along with heavy competition from smartphones is forcing their hand. They need to increase their install base and find a way to get games flowing as soon as possible.

I think they could have a fair amount of success by lowering the price again a bit, down to $150 or so, and opening up development. I mean, why would I make a game for the 3DS when I can just make one for the App Store for ridiculously cheaper? I mean, I might consider developing for the 3DS if I didn't have to pay thousands of dollars.

This being said, I am not sure what they were thinking releasing a console during winter, at that price, without any games, with a main feature that people will probably turn off once the novelty wears off. Name recognition does a lot for them, but they are really stretching it.
This being said, I am not sure what they were thinking releasing a console during winter, at that price, without any games, with a main feature that people will probably turn off once the novelty wears off. Name recognition does a lot for them, but they are really stretching it.

This I'll never understand. Ever. Most 1st party games coming out half a year after system release? Man that's not gonna fly at all.

I can't believe I'm still waiting to buy a 3DS simply because no title has come out for me.

Does anyone know the production cost of the 3DS? I did a quick search and all I get is 100-105$... We know journalism people are the most honest, but if it's true I don't think lowering it to 150 would be a bad idea... considering how bad its doing right now.
  1. Go back to the store with your receipt to get a price protection after the 11th and before return period is up (check store policy first).
im not familar with this. is this the, return within 30 days and recieve the difference in price?
You just need the receipt. Most stores have a price protection policy where if the price drops within 30 days (or whatever their return period is usually), you get the difference back. I'm not sure which stores in the US do it. Most stores in Canada do it (not EB Games though).

Hahaha I just bought a 3DS 5 days ago XD!

Well at least those half of those free games are awesome.
Price Protect.
I think Nintendo realized the console was failing and are making a desperate move to reverse the tide before it's too late. The Vita's superiority at that price point along with heavy competition from smartphones is forcing their hand. They need to increase their install base and find a way to get games flowing as soon as possible.

I think they could have a fair amount of success by lowering the price again a bit, down to $150 or so, and opening up development. I mean, why would I make a game for the 3DS when I can just make one for the App Store for ridiculously cheaper? I mean, I might consider developing for the 3DS if I didn't have to pay thousands of dollars.

This being said, I am not sure what they were thinking releasing a console during winter, at that price, without any games, with a main feature that people will probably turn off once the novelty wears off. Name recognition does a lot for them, but they are really stretching it.
Their earnings were reported just before this. Loss for the quarter. Slashed profit forecast by 82%. Wii and DS says are down 50% year over year. With Vita at $250 and only about 830k 3DSes sold worldwide to date, they had to do something desperate.
I think they could have a fair amount of success by lowering the price again a bit, down to $150 or so, and opening up development. I mean, why would I make a game for the 3DS when I can just make one for the App Store for ridiculously cheaper? I mean, I might consider developing for the 3DS if I didn't have to pay thousands of dollars.

Good point, Nintendo are fairly stingy about their sdk from what I understand. I think the mediocre launch titles and lack of anything good for months is also hurting the 3DS. The 3DS has done terribly, I suppose something like this could've been seen coming but >___O

I hope they learn from thisfor the Wii U.
I am not certain it was you who told me I was wrong to say $250 was a factually stupid price. I also am not certain but am PRETTY sure I said the price would fall to a low enough level eventually. What I am certain of, however, is that I was right as always. $250 was a fucking joke and less people buying in would have just made this happen even faster.
I may have disagreed with $249.99 being unpurchasable or whatever, but I do remember saying Nintendo would have to respond after E3 where the Vita price was announced and I don't really remember interacting with you at all before Nats.
Am I the only one who is kind of happy about this?

1) I had enough money to buy the 3DS and I have been enjoying myself immensely with Ocarina of Time 3DS, Street Fighter 3D, and Ghost Recon.
2) Now the 3DS is in the price range for many of friends as well, letting me actually take advantage of its networking functions.
3) I get 20 games, many of which I would have bought anyway, especially if the other games they're planning on giving out are of the same quality as Metroid Fusion and Ice Climbers.

You know what makes me really happy? At least they didn't pull an Apple and just tell early adopters to go fuck themselves...

Edit: Whoa, just noticed the GBA games are actually exclusive to ambassadors. Definitely glad I picked one up now.
Well I just got screwed. I rather have 80 dollars then 20 games that I've played before. Meh, what can you do.
Maybe, maybe, now that the price has dropped, I may look into getting a 3DS. My Lite has kept me fairly happy for literally years though. I had no interest in the DSi when it came out. Cheap gimmicks *cough 3D cough* just don't appeal to me. I fear I may have to get a 3DS eventually if I wanna stay current in the handgeld world. I'll wait and see how it all pans out before I make a decision.
Hmm. My birthday is August 9...can you guarantee the price protection will work if the local GameStop allows it?

Waiting three days is not an option? You know, just to be certain.

I bought this thing day one and I can't say I'm that unhappy about this. It helps of course that I bought this for essetially 50% of it's price at the time. I've also never taken time to look into NES classics so those 10 games are certainly welcome.
Hmm. My birthday is August 9...can you guarantee the price protection will work if the local GameStop allows it?
GameStop does not do this. Use a different store. I think Wal-Mart and Best Buy do. Check their websites. I'm don't know US store policies as well as I know Canadian ones.
Waiting three days is not an option? You know, just to be certain.

I bought this thing day one and I can't say I'm that unhappy about this. It helps of course that I bought this for essetially 50% of it's price at the time. I've also never taken time to look into NES classics so those 10 games are certainly welcome.
Waiting 3 days means he misses out on the NES/GBA deal.
GameStop does not do this. Use a different store. I think Wal-Mart and Best Buy do. Check their websites. I'm don't know US store policies as well as I know Canadian ones.

Best Buy does have a price protection policy. I've called to ask! Also I checked their website because sometimes there are girls on the line who just want you to be quiet and stop double checking everything with them! (Yes I realize that says HDTV but I am certain it applies to everything as per their adverts on television which claim "Store Price Guarantee!")

I was a tad upset at first since I had just bought mine three days ago, however I was fortunate enough to have bought mine from edit: bought it from target not best buy i'm retarded also they only do 2 weeks not 4 :( which is why i typed the next sentence several hours ago. Since I'm pretty young I've yet to touch a few of those games so I am looking forward to playing them! :)
At the beginning of the year I planned to get a 3DS and become an early adopter… but Ocarina didn't drop, so I didn't get it… So I was going to buy a 3DS when Ocarina came out, but then I got my wii back with Ocarina and no reason to get a 3DS. I'll probably wait now for the next main pokémon or zelda to be released anyways bleh
I already own a 3DS and I do not feel shafted at all. In fact, I applaud Nintendo for having actual customer service. Lesser companies would have just said, fuck the early adopters. I also wasn't into the gaming scene until recently and was looking into purchasing a GBA for stuff like Metroid Fusion, and this is a really great opportunity. Not to say that Nintendo is a great company, because they have made shoddy moves in the past regarding their customers (Operation Rainfall, Wii having a joke of a third party support), this is a step in the right direction.

Also, I got a 3DS on day 1 because my DS Lite touch screen was fucked up, to the point where I couldn't play any games that used the touch screen more than "a little" (Phantom Hourglass, I couldn't play), and I knew that I would want to play OOT 3D (never played the original) and the great holiday lineup. It's a win / win -- 3DS pushes more units, which makes devs more eager to make games, and I get 20 free games, most of which I probably would have bought anyway.

tl;dr, I like it.
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