Noivern Done


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<li>The fastest Dragon-type in the metagame.</li>
<li>Two great offensive STAB moves in Hurricane and Draco Meteor.</li>
<li>Infiltrator allows Noivern to bypass screens and Substitutes which is extremely good.</li>
<li>Frisk allows Noivern to check for items, such as Berries, Mega Stones, and Life Orb, of both opponents.</li>
<li>Access to Flamethrower provides coverage for Pokemon that are 4x weak to it.</li>


<li>Not the bulkiest Dragon-type and has a 4x weakness to Ice.</li>
<li>Will struggle against Trick Room, as being so fast, frail, and not hard-hitting it will make it deadweight.</li>
<li>Faces competition from other specially-based Dragons including Hydreigon, which has better typing, as well as Goodra and Salamence, which have better stats. </li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Noivern @ Life Orb<br />
Ability: Infiltrator / Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD/ 252 Spe<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Draco Meteor<br />
- Hurricane / Air Slash<br />
- Flamethrower<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This set is going to be Noivern's best bet in the doubles metagame. It maximizes its Speed stat, which is its best asset, allowing it to outrun every other Dragon-type in the tier. Life Orb is the item of choice so Noivern can hit as hard as it can while being able to switch moves. Draco Meteor is used as the main attack on the set, as it is Noiverns most powerful STAB move. Though Hurricane is inaccurate outside of rain, it still serves as a powerful Flying-type STAB attack, while Air Slash is the safer option that also provides a flinch chance. Flamethrower grants additional coverage, though it will only deal serious damage to something 4x weak to Fire-type attacks such as Ferrothorn and Scizor. Protect is used on offensive-oriented Pokemon not only as a scouting measure, but as a way to protect themselves from spread moves that may be fatal. Noivern is no different, as it needs to protect itself from Blizzard and Icy Wind. Finally, Infiltrator will allow Noivern to deal damage without having to worry about the opposition's screen support or Substitutes, but Frisk can allow it to check for resist Berries and other items.</p>

<p>Noivern @ Yache Berry<br />
Ability: Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe <br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Taunt<br />
- Tailwind<br />
- Draco Meteor / Air Slash<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This Noivern set aims to play a more supportive role. With access to Frisk, Noivern can scout for opponent's items such as Mental Herb, resist Berries, offensive items, and Mega Stones and act accordingly with the information it learns. Taunt is used to shut down opposing Trick Room teams as well as Pokemon that might think of setting up, such as Volcarona. Tailwind is a great supporting move in Doubles to boost your team's Speed for 4 turns, allowing a slower Pokemon to turn into a potential sweeper. Draco Meteor, the only attacking move on the set, is used so Noivern can still hit as hard as possible, thought it leaves Noivern completely walled by any Fairy-type. The only solution to this is use the weaker Air Slash. A Yache Berry on this set will allow Noivern to last a little longer in battle then it normally would thanks to the reduction of damage taken from Ice-type moves, so Noivern can support its teammates for as long as possible. Finally, Protect helps Noivern scout for moves as well as protecting it from attacks that could be potentially fatal, such as Blizzard.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Due to its 4x weakness to Ice-type attacks and 2x weakness to Dragon-, Fariy- attacks, and Rock-type attacks, in addition to its average defensive stats, Noivern can be taken care of by a lot of common Pokemon. Dragonite can live a Draco Meteor thanks to Multiscale and OHKO back with ease. Abomasnow, Mamoswine, and any other Pokemon using an Ice-type attack will be able to OHKO Noivern easily. Sand teams are also efficient, as Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, and Excadrill can all hit Noivern for super effective damage while taking very little or nothing in return. Finally, though Politoed doesn't look like a threat, it brings rain, which creates new threats for Noivern. Kingdra, Kabutops, and Ludicolo all benefit from rain due to Swift Swim, letting them outrun and OHKO Noivern with Draco Meteor, Stone Edge, and Ice Beam respectively.</p>

<p>Because of Fairy-types, Noivern faces additional problems due to their immunity to its main STAB. Togekiss and Florges are two that come to mind, with Togekiss being able to redirect all attacks with Follow Me, and Florges having a monster Special Defense stat. Gardevoir is not only Fairy-Type, but has the benefit of a Mega Evolution, making Gardevoir nearly untouchable by Noivern. Steel-type Pokemon like Bronzong and Ferrothorn in rain won't take much damage from anything Noivern can dish out, and in return cripple it with Gyro Ball.</p>
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Air Slash should probably be slashed after Hurricane, since Hurricane will need to involve weakening Flamethrower and Air Slash is the best alternative outside of rain (lack of permaweather also means there will be limits to Hurricane's reliability against bulkier teams even with rain support).
updated, added air slash and added a few more fairy types to checks and counters, forgot they existed -.-.-
Taunt and Tailwind are good support options as alternatives over Flamethrower (which isn't all that impressive in rain). Taunt means you can actually do something against Trick Room, bar Slowbro/king and Mental Herb, while we all know what Tailwind does.
remember though that rain won't be AS popular this gen because it only lasts for five turns with drizzle

that said, i agree with slashing taunt or tailwind somewhere, because rain still will be pretty good, probably

edit: more detailed comments:
  • dont forget to mention mence under 'other special based dragon types' who wins in everything except speed and hurricane access
  • for that matter don't forget hurricane is weaker this gen
  • dont forget how infiltrator lets it beat sub attackers like kingdra and others
  • ruined by paralysis from things like klefki
  • mention mamo's ice shard and rachi's follow me
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i dont think you should be using noivern in rain since kingdra outclasses it there (also why flamethrower in rain at all and kingdra gets flash cannon for fairies). i think noivern should be more concerned with frisking the opponent for mega stones and such, taunting stuff and using tailwind, because as you said, other dragons are more suited to attacking.
still, noivern is one of the fastest pokes in the meta (with skymin gone, only talonflame [:toast:] outspeeds), which makes it inherently useful for being able to pick things off. it's definitely outclassed in a pure attacking role, though, i'd say just dragon/fire or dragon/flying coverage with a support move or two

edit: mizu just tested frisk, it sees both items, we should have two sets here imo
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updated for 2 sets, A Frisk supporting set has been added, Mamoswine has been added to cc, Rain comment has been removed from 1st set,
No mention of Boomburst? It's a great spread move (no STAB but the sheer power can make up for it) and it can also capitalize on the only Gem we know is in the game.
If using Frisk, Boomburst will still bypass Substitutes, and it's also a spread move. Even better, it's a spread move of a type that your teammate could have an immunity to.
Boomburst has to factor in spread damage, as well as hitting your own teammate? it's cool in singles, but there is better moves for Noivern to use in doubles

edit: it's also unstabbed so overall is weaker then it's stab moves, and also provides no coverage
edit2: also restricting yourself to a ghost partner would make yourself weaker to ttar n_n
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I'm supporting no mention of Boomburst, since (as mentioned above) Noivern will have no coverage with it and its STAB attacks are better options in most cases. Not to mentioned that A) Substitutes are hardly common especially with common users of the move in doubles (Heatran and Kyurem) unavailable, and B) Noivern hardly has the time to do very much with a non-STAB move that hits absolutely nothing for super-effective damage (not in doubles, anyway).
i think this looks good except for sitrus on the frisk set. i think yache would do better, and you should mention that you're walled by any fairy when using draco meteor, and how draco meteor is piss weak without any investment. not sure what you can do about this (besides slash in air slash), but its something to be aware of.



<li>The fastest Dragon-type in the metagame.</li>
<li>Two great offensive STAB moves in Hurricane and Draco Meteor.</il>
<li>Infiltrator allows Noivern to bypass screens and Substitutes which is extremely good.</li>
<li>Frisk allows it to check for items of both opponents, Berries, Mega Stones, Life orb, (AC) and so on.</li>
<li>Access to Flamethrower provides coverage for Pokemon that are 4x weak to it. </li>


<li>Not the bulkiest Dragon-type and has a 4x weakness to Ice-Type.</li>
<li>Will struggle against Trick Room, as being so fast, (RC) and frail, (RC) and not hitting super hard it will end up as dead weight.</li>
<li>Faces competition from other special based Dragon-types, including Hydregion, Who which has better typing, Goodra, who which has better stats, (AC) and Salamence, (AC) who which has better stats.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Noivern @ Life Orb<br />
Ability: Infiltrator / Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Draco Meteor<br />
- Hurricane / Air Slash<br />
- Flamethrower<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This set is going to be Noivern's best bet in the doubles meta game. It maximizes its Speed stat, which is its best asset, allow it to outrun every other Dragon-type in the tier. Life Orb is the item on the set so Noivern can hit as hard as it can while seriously denting anything that doesn't resist. Hurricane and Air Slash are used as the Flying-type STABs on the set. Though Hurricane is inaccurate outside of rain, it still serves as a powerful attack, while Air Slash is the safer option that also provides a flinch chance factor. Flamethrower provides coverage, though it will only deal serious damage to something 4x weak to Fire-type attacks such as Ferrothorn or Scizor. Protect is used on offensive-oriented Pokemon not only as a scouting measure, but as a way to protect themselves from spread moves that may be fatal. Noivern is no different, as it would like to protect itself from Blizzard and Icy Wind among others. Finally, (AC) the ability Infiltrator, (RC) will allow Noivern to deal damage without having to worry about the opposition's screen support or Substitutes, while but Frisk can allow you to check for resists Berries and other items.</p>

<p>Noivern @ Yache Berry<br />
Ability: Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 Hp / 252 Speed / 4 SAtk />
Timid Nature<br />
- Taunt<br />
- Tailwind<br />
- Draco Meteor / Air Slash<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This Noivern's second set don't order sets in comments as they could change order aims to play a more supportive role. With access to the Frisk Ability, Noivern can scout for opponent's items such as Mental Herb, resist Berries, offensive items, and Mega Stones, (AC) and act the correct way accordingly with the information it learns. Taunt is used to shut down opposing Trick Room teams as well as Pokemon that may might think of setting up, (AC) such as Volcarona. Tailwind is a great supporting move in Doubles is it to boosts your team's speed for 4 turns, allowing a slower Pokemon to turn into a potential sweeper. Draco Meteor, the only attacking move on the set, (AC) is used so Noivern can still hit as hard as possible, thought it leaves Noivern completely walled by any Fairy-type. The only solution to this is use a the weaker Air Slash. A Yache Berry on this set will allow Noivern to last a little longer in battle then it normally would thanks to the reduction of damage taken from Ice-type moves, so Noivern can support its teammates for as long as possible. Finally, Protect is the same as mentioned above, it will help Noivern scout for moves as well as protecting it from attacking that could be potentially fatal, (AC) such as Blizzard.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Due to its 4x weakness to Ice-type attacks, 2x weakness to Dragon-type as well as and Fariy-type attacks, and finally a 2x weakness to Rock-type attacks, (RC) paired with its average at best defensive stats, Noivern can be taken care of by a lot of common Pokemon. Dragonite can live a Draco Meteor thanks to Multiscale and OHKO. (period) Abomasnow, Mamoswine, (AC) and any other Pokemon using an Ice-type attaack will be able to OHKO Noivern easily. Sand teams also are a reason to worry, as Tyrantiar, Mega Tyrantiar, and Excadrill can all hit Noivern for super effective damage while taking very little in return or none. Finally, though Politoed doesn't look like a threat, it brings rain, which creates new threats for Noivern. Kingdra, Kabutops, and Ludicolo all benefit from Swift Swim, letting them outrun and OHKO Noivern with Draco Meteor, Stone Edge, and Ice Beam respectively.</p>

<p>With the introduction of the Fairy-type, Because of Fairy-types, Noverin faces a new additional problems due to their immunity to its main STAB. Dragon-types have never faced before, something immune to them. Togekiss and Florges are two that come to mind, with Togekiss being able to redirect all attacks with Follow Me, (RC) and Florges having a monster Special Defense stat, can both wall and cause a lot of trouble for Noivern. Gardnevoir has is not only been introduced to the Fairy-type, it but also got has the benefit of a Mega Evolution, making Gardnevoir nearly untouchable by in the case of Noivern. Though Fairies may be threatening in general, Steel-type Pokemon like Bronzong and Ferrothorn in rain still won't take much damage from anything Noivern can dish out.</p>
Please check out the standards; there were far too many changes for me to make to be considered acceptable in the future.
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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. This really needed another look-over.

brackets in blue=comments


<li>The fastest Dragon-type in the metagame.</li>
<li>Two great offensive STAB moves in Hurricane and Draco Meteor.</li>
<li>Infiltrator allows Noivern to bypass screens and Substitutes which is extremely good.</li>
<li>Frisk allows it to check for items, such as Berries, Mega Stones, and Life Orb, of both opponents.[period], Berries, Mega Stones, Life Orb, and so on</li>
<li>Access to Flamethrower provides coverage for Pokemon that are 4x weak to it. [backspace]</li>


<li>Not the bulkiest Dragon-type and has a 4x weakness to Ice.</li>
<li>Will struggle against Trick Room, as being so fast,[comma] frail,[comma] and not hitting super hard hard-hitting it will make it end up as deadweight.</li>
<li>Faces competition from other special based Dragon-types specially-based Dragons including Hydreigon, which has better typing, as well as Goodra and Salamence, which has have better stats, and Salamence, which has better stats.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Noivern @ Life Orb<br />
Ability: Infiltrator / Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Draco Meteor<br />
- Hurricane / Air Slash<br />
- Flamethrower<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This set is going to be Noivern's best bet in the doubles metagame. It maximizes its Speed stat, which is its best asset, allowing it to outrun every other Dragon-type in the tier. Life Orb is the item on the set of choice so Noivern can hit as hard as it can while being able to switch moves. [Where is Draco Meteor?] Hurricane and Air Slash are used as the Flying-type STABs on the set. Though Hurricane is inaccurate outside of rain, but it still serves as a powerful Flying-type STAB attack, while Air Slash is the safer option that also provides a flinch chance. Flamethrower provides grants additional coverage, though it will only deal serious damage to something 4x weak to Fire-type attacks such as Ferrothorn or and Scizor. Protect is used on offensive-oriented Pokemon not only as a scouting measure, but as a way to protect themselves from spread moves that may be fatal. Noivern is no different, as it would like needs to protect itself from Blizzard and Icy Wind. Finally, Infiltrator will allow Noivern to deal damage without having to worry about the opposition's screen support or Substitutes, but Frisk can allow you it to check for resist Berries and other items.</p>

<p>Noivern @ Yache Berry<br />
Ability: Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Taunt<br />
- Tailwind<br />
- Draco Meteor / Air Slash<br />
- Protect</p>

<p> [backspace]This Noivern set aims to play a more supportive role. With access to Frisk, Noivern can scout for the opponent's items such as Mental Herb, resist Berries, offensive items, and Mega Stones and act accordingly with the information it learns. Taunt is used to shut down opposing Trick Room teams as well as Pokemon that might think of setting up, such as Volcarona. Tailwind is a great supporting move in Doubles to boost your team's Speed for 4 turns, allowing a slower Pokemon to turn into a potential sweeper. Draco Meteor, the only attacking move on the set, is used so Noivern can still hit as hard as possible, thought it leaves Noivern completely walled by any Fairy-type. The only solution to this is use the weaker Air Slash. A Yache Berry on this set will allow Noivern to last a little longer in battle then it normally would thanks to the reduction of damage taken from Ice-type moves, so Noivern can support its teammates for as long as possible. Finally, Protect is the same as mentioned above, it will helps Noivern scout for moves as well as protecting it from attacking attacks that could be potentially fatal, such as Blizzard.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Due to its 4x weakness to Ice-type attacks,[remove comma] and 2x weaknesses to Dragon-,[comma] and Fairy-type attacks, and a 2x weakness to Rock-type attacks,[comma] paired with its in addition to its average at best defensive stats, Noivern can be taken care of by a lot of common Pokemon. Dragonite can live a Draco Meteor thanks to Multiscale and OHKO back with ease. Abomasnow, Mamoswine, and any other Pokemon using an Ice-type attack will be able to OHKO Noivern easily. Sand teams are also are a reason to worry efficient, as Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, and Excadrill can all hit Noivern for super effective damage while taking very little or none nothing in return. Finally, though Politoed doesn't look like a threat, it brings rain, which creates new threats for Noivern. Kingdra, Kabutops, and Ludicolo all benefit from rain due to Swift Swim, letting them outrun and OHKO Noivern with Draco Meteor, Stone Edge, and Ice Beam respectively.</p>

<p>Because of Fairy-types, Noivern faces additional problems due to their immunity to its main STAB. Togekiss and Florges are two that come to mind, with Togekiss being able to redirect all attacks with Follow Me, and Florges having a monster Special Defense stat.[period] Gardevoir is not only a Fairy-type, but also has the benefit of a Mega Evolution, making Gardevoir nearly untouchable by Noivern. Though Fairies may be threatening in general, Steel-type Pokemon like Bronzong and Ferrothorn in rain still won't take much damage from anything Noivern can dish out and [what do they do in return? add in more context].</p>

I haven't been in C&C for awhile so I'm sorry if I changed something that wasn't supposed to be changed, but there were numerous typos and errors. All I can say is, don't rush to type your preview out. Take your time, give it another day, and look through it again, word by word. This should allow you to avoid making so much errors in the future. If there's something you don't know or not sure of, research it online, unless Pokemon-related then the link gato gave or ask around.
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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. This really needed another look-over.

brackets in blue=comments


<li>The fastest Dragon-type in the metagame.</li>
<li>Two great offensive STAB moves in Hurricane and Draco Meteor.</li>
<li>Infiltrator allows Noivern to bypass screens and Substitutes which is extremely good.</li>
<li>Frisk allows it to check for items, such as Berries, Mega Stones, and Life Orb, of both opponents.[period], Berries, Mega Stones, Life Orb, and so on</li>
<li>Access to Flamethrower provides coverage for Pokemon that are 4x weak to it. [backspace]</li>


<li>Not the bulkiest Dragon-type and has a 4x weakness to Ice.</li>
<li>Will struggle against Trick Room, as being so fast,[comma] frail,[comma] and not hitting super hard hard-hitting it will make it end up as deadweight.</li>
<li>Faces competition from other special based Dragon-types specially-based Dragons including Hydreigon, which has better typing, as well as Goodra and Salamence, which has have better stats, and Salamence, which has better stats.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Noivern @ Life Orb<br />
Ability: Infiltrator / Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Draco Meteor<br />
- Hurricane / Air Slash<br />
- Flamethrower<br />
- Protect</p>

<p>This set is going to be Noivern's best bet in the doubles metagame. It maximizes its Speed stat, which is its best asset, allowing it to outrun every other Dragon-type in the tier. Life Orb is the item on the set of choice so Noivern can hit as hard as it can while being able to switch moves. [Where is Draco Meteor?] Hurricane and Air Slash are used as the Flying-type STABs on the set. Though Hurricane is inaccurate outside of rain, but it still serves as a powerful Flying-type STAB attack, while Air Slash is the safer option that also provides a flinch chance. Flamethrower provides grants additional coverage, though it will only deal serious damage to something 4x weak to Fire-type attacks such as Ferrothorn or and Scizor. Protect is used on offensive-oriented Pokemon not only as a scouting measure, but as a way to protect themselves from spread moves that may be fatal. Noivern is no different, as it would like needs to protect itself from Blizzard and Icy Wind. Finally, Infiltrator will allow Noivern to deal damage without having to worry about the opposition's screen support or Substitutes, but Frisk can allow you it to check for resist Berries and other items.</p>

<p>Noivern @ Yache Berry<br />
Ability: Frisk<br />
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe<br />
Timid Nature<br />
- Taunt<br />
- Tailwind<br />
- Draco Meteor / Air Slash<br />
- Protect</p>

<p> [backspace]This Noivern set aims to play a more supportive role. With access to Frisk, Noivern can scout for the opponent's items such as Mental Herb, resist Berries, offensive items, and Mega Stones and act accordingly with the information it learns. Taunt is used to shut down opposing Trick Room teams as well as Pokemon that might think of setting up, such as Volcarona. Tailwind is a great supporting move in Doubles to boost your team's Speed for 4 turns, allowing a slower Pokemon to turn into a potential sweeper. Draco Meteor, the only attacking move on the set, is used so Noivern can still hit as hard as possible, thought it leaves Noivern completely walled by any Fairy-type. The only solution to this is use the weaker Air Slash. A Yache Berry on this set will allow Noivern to last a little longer in battle then it normally would thanks to the reduction of damage taken from Ice-type moves, so Noivern can support its teammates for as long as possible. Finally, Protect is the same as mentioned above, it will helps Noivern scout for moves as well as protecting it from attacking attacks that could be potentially fatal, such as Blizzard.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Due to its 4x weakness to Ice-type attacks,[remove comma] and 2x weaknesses to Dragon-,[comma] and Fairy-type attacks, and a 2x weakness to Rock-type attacks,[comma] paired with its in addition to its average at best defensive stats, Noivern can be taken care of by a lot of common Pokemon. Dragonite can live a Draco Meteor thanks to Multiscale and OHKO back with ease. Abomasnow, Mamoswine, and any other Pokemon using an Ice-type attack will be able to OHKO Noivern easily. Sand teams are also are a reason to worry efficient, as Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, and Excadrill can all hit Noivern for super effective damage while taking very little or none nothing in return. Finally, though Politoed doesn't look like a threat, it brings rain, which creates new threats for Noivern. Kingdra, Kabutops, and Ludicolo all benefit from rain due to Swift Swim, letting them outrun and OHKO Noivern with Draco Meteor, Stone Edge, and Ice Beam respectively.</p>

<p>Because of Fairy-types, Noivern faces additional problems due to their immunity to its main STAB. Togekiss and Florges are two that come to mind, with Togekiss being able to redirect all attacks with Follow Me, and Florges having a monster Special Defense stat.[period] Gardevoir is not only a Fairy-type, but also has the benefit of a Mega Evolution, making Gardevoir nearly untouchable by Noivern. Though Fairies may be threatening in general, Steel-type Pokemon like Bronzong and Ferrothorn in rain still won't take much damage from anything Noivern can dish out and [what do they do in return? add in more context].</p>

I haven't been in C&C for awhile so I'm sorry if I changed something that wasn't supposed to be changed, but there were numerous typos and errors. All I can say is, don't rush to type your preview out. Take your time, give it another day, and look through it again, word by word. This should allow you to avoid making so much errors in the future. If there's something you don't know or not sure of, research it online, unless Pokemon-related then the link gato gave or ask around.
Thank you Flora, I realize that i rushed myself on this one, it won't happen again :/ I will finish implement the gp when I get back from class tonight
Call me bad but I am having great success w/ a life orb set to capitalize on his speed and make up for his lack of power. Life orb allows noivern to all ways KO all dragons excluding 100% hp dragonite w/ multi scale and KO greninja before mat block. Boom burst w/ ttar as a team mate isn't bad imo ttar resit it plus the spdef bonus he gets in the sand then combined w/ rock slide on ttar has some nasty spread damage. But idk how many times the Fast option of draco meteor has saved me w/o being locked into a move prior
This guy is my prime pokemon and I'm a doubles maniac. He is fast, hits hard with my set, looks like a boss and just generally exudes awesomeness.

Noivern @ Choice Specs
252 SpA / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
Ability: Infiltrator
- Dragon Pulse/ Boomburst
- Hurricane
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower

Hits hard, covers most and revenge kills/ sweeps really well. I enjoy this little bat so much. I use Dragon Pulse as I like the reliability with the hard hitting option of Draco Meteor in the fast and short 4v4 online doubles, but I agree that its hard to go past a powerful spread move such as boomburst, despite the infuriating lack of STAB.