Mega Mawile has no solid counters because it can choose between two prominent movesets. But that is the case for many others that can dedicate moveslots to would-be counters. Mega Mawile is fairly easy to deal with if you can maintain momentum to prevent a switch in or play around its set a little. This is the case in my experience but I run multiple mons that can harm it on a bulky offensive team. It becomes far less effective if you can nab it with a burn and there are a variety of pokes that run powerful fire and ground attacks that will outspeed mawile and can help you deal with it as long as you can absorb a single suckerpunch. Getting pokes in a position to land these attacks doesn't seem to take a whole lot of creativity. I admit it is quite harmful to winning to usually have to take a powerful move or sacrifice a mon when dealing with Mega Mawile. Also, predicting the SP can land you free turns to set rocks, or sneak in a sub, burn, boost or heal. Another aspeect that makes Mawile easier to deal with is that it won't be capable of doing a lot of switching because of its below average bulk. It can only run 4 moves so some thoughtful team building should consider the threat and deal with it accordingly. The fact that there are no perfect counters is not a good argument to ban it. Perhaps my opinion will change after I have more experience using it or after I use other teams more often that do not deal with it so easily but as of now I will be voting against a ban if I have the time to acquire reqs for this suspect test.