To be honest I was really excited for Raptor to be coming back but damn you Koko, switching the retest to Mence, ~_~ Lol.
Seriously though, with Ice Shard, and priority in general, being uncommon in UU I doubt Mence will stay UU. If Weavile were here that would be different, but the only STAB Ice Shard you will get in UU is Cloyster and...nothing else.
252 Atk Cloyster Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 256-304 (77.3 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Running Jolly lets you outpace ScarfShao at +2 but if you run Adamant it has a 6.3% chance to OHKO.)
Granted Mence has a rocks weakness but the fact that is has speed, a boosting move, and a boosting ability means it can easily overpower the meta and imo be too centralizing. Heil Hydrei!!! (+1 to someone who gets that reference). Truly though, Hydrei will lose its usage as a Scarfer since Mence is the better Scarfer and Hydrei will only be relegated to Specs or LO sets. Granted Mence cannot beat Florges without "uncommon moves" (like Steel Wing) but as shown on a previous post, +1 has a chance to kill and if Mence sets up and gets a kill it easily gets to +2/+1 and imo there is no stopping it unless Stone Miss can hit on Scarf Shao...
252 Atk Mienshao Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 256-302 (77.3 - 91.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (OHKO after rocks)
Overall, I do love the power Mence brings to UU, but I feel it is too much power, like Zone and Daunt. And I do truly believe it will end up back in BL.
Seriously though, with Ice Shard, and priority in general, being uncommon in UU I doubt Mence will stay UU. If Weavile were here that would be different, but the only STAB Ice Shard you will get in UU is Cloyster and...nothing else.
252 Atk Cloyster Ice Shard vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 256-304 (77.3 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Running Jolly lets you outpace ScarfShao at +2 but if you run Adamant it has a 6.3% chance to OHKO.)
Granted Mence has a rocks weakness but the fact that is has speed, a boosting move, and a boosting ability means it can easily overpower the meta and imo be too centralizing. Heil Hydrei!!! (+1 to someone who gets that reference). Truly though, Hydrei will lose its usage as a Scarfer since Mence is the better Scarfer and Hydrei will only be relegated to Specs or LO sets. Granted Mence cannot beat Florges without "uncommon moves" (like Steel Wing) but as shown on a previous post, +1 has a chance to kill and if Mence sets up and gets a kill it easily gets to +2/+1 and imo there is no stopping it unless Stone Miss can hit on Scarf Shao...
252 Atk Mienshao Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 256-302 (77.3 - 91.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (OHKO after rocks)
Overall, I do love the power Mence brings to UU, but I feel it is too much power, like Zone and Daunt. And I do truly believe it will end up back in BL.