If you're using Scarf Hydra, you're doing it wrong (to me anyway). It's such a powerful wall breaker, and those extra two points in speed make a huge difference. It doesn't really have cleaning potential either since it's best attack effectively halves it's power after each use.unanimously banned... very good
Venomoth going hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about this..
Salamence retest is going to be interesting to say the least. AssVest slowbro seems a pretty good stop being able to tank the physical hits and able to tank the special hits. But, it's Salamence's 100 base speed that separates it apart from other moxie users like Hera and Honch. It's ability to Dragon Dance and force out threats will be interesting. I think Hydreigon will face some serious competition now as premier scarfer....
kokoloko will there be a Moth retest?
If you're using Scarf Hydra, you're doing it wrong (to me anyway). It's such a powerful wall breaker, and those extra two points in speed make a huge difference. It doesn't really have cleaning potential either since it's best attack effectively halves it's power after each use.
you seem to be neglecting the point that the mons that venemoth can pass to are greater in number and the ones it had last gen have only gotten better such as nidoking. Other than king moth can pass to hydrei and exploud who are only held back by their speed tiers, which venemoth boosts while bringing their attacking moves earth shattering power. though venemoth isnt a sweeper on its own it has the ability to set up a number of mons to absolutely faceroll the metagame without much difficulty.Pro-Venomoth changes since gen5:
Florges(full counter)
Mega blastoise(check)
HydreigonNew special sweepers of good defensive synergy
Anti-Venomoth changes since gen5:
Grass immunity (Roserade and Amoonguss are now full counters)
Sturdy and sash users (Cloyster, Donphan, Forretress, Aggron,Crawdaunt)
Priority (Entei, Metagross,Crawdaunt, Zygarde, Diggersby)
Hydreigon and JirachiGeneral elevation of the speed tier
Assault Vest/Safety Goggles
Venomoth isn't dangerous because of its sweeping prowess, but it's because everytime it cannot OHKO something, it will baton pass its boosts to a more dangerous wall breaker like Azelf or Nidoking/Queen.
kokoloko you won't hear any bitching from me, Venomoth totally deserves the ban hammer.
On another note, I don't really wanna see Hippo and MegaMan banned as they are completely fine in UU and are far from broken.
I agree with what you said about vene but you seem to misunderstand the hippo mega man talk. They wont be banned as they aren't broken but the problem is that these mons may receive enough OU usage to move up a tier effectively making them illegal in UU.Venomoth isn't dangerous because of its sweeping prowess, but it's because everytime it cannot OHKO something, it will baton pass its boosts to a more dangerous wall breaker like Azelf or Nidoking/Queen.
kokoloko you won't hear any bitching from me, Venomoth totally deserves the ban hammer.
On another note, I don't really wanna see Hippo and MegaMan banned as they are completely fine in UU and are far from broken.
Pro-Venomoth changes since gen5:
Florges(full counter)
Mega blastoise(check)
HydreigonNew special sweepers of good defensive synergy
Anti-Venomoth changes since gen5:
Grass immunity (Roserade and Amoonguss are now full counters)
Sturdy and sash users (Cloyster, Donphan, Forretress, Aggron,Crawdaunt)
Priority (Entei, Metagross,Crawdaunt, Zygarde, Diggersby)
Hydreigon and JirachiGeneral elevation of the speed tier
Assault Vest/Safety Goggles
LOL Venomoth got banned from 3 tiers at the same time is that a new record?
The only grass type that Venomoth can pass into is .. Shaymin?>grass immunity
ok because moth can't just pass to a different mon ?_? i dont know how in hell you think those two are counters because they are clearly not
your missing the point he said pass out to any mon as a grass type comes in, and you seem to be forgetting roserade as a grass type possibility though i dont recomend dedicated quiverpassing to rose, just sayinThe only grass type that Venomoth can pass into is .. Shaymin?
Once a mon is voted bl it stays there unless the meta shifts in a major way as far as i knowIf Salamence and Starapter also get voted BL (which I think they will) it's probably time to retest klefki before anything else if you ask me, it did only get BL by a minority vote and it seems like a good check to a lot of the things to be tested in the future.
God damn it I had a Staraptor thread ready to copy paste as soon as we finished Crawdaunt... Oh well, maybe another time.
Anyways, Salamance is pretty damn good. Unlike Hydreigon who has less speed and can't bring his stats up, Salamance gets perfect 100 speed, moxie to get more attack for each kill and Dragon Dance to make it even faster. His special attack is ok so he can build for mixed along with Moxie boosting. He even gets steel wing to have a chance at ruining Florges if it tries to switch in.
+1 252 Atk Salamence Steel Wing vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Florges: 324-382 (90 - 106.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Ice Shard is still uncommon but Salamance still has the x4 to that specific priority move, Florges still blocks all dragon attacks including Outrage, it has and it has a small rock weakness so you can't switch it around too much without roost to heal you. Other than that it can hit really hard, especially after one kill and unlike Hydreigons dark typing with 98 speed Salamance's flying type weaknesses are mostly covered by his dragon type and isn't as easily out sped, especially if you have to move someone in while he Dragon Dances or gets a free kill allowing Moxie to start snowballing.