NU Stage 14 Alt Identification Thread

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the cowboy kid
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This thread is here for the simple purpose of having everyone identify themselves for the upcoming Speed + Baton Pass vote. As a reminder, you need to attain at least 2800 COIL (1800 for council members) to vote in this test, so don't make a post here unless you've met these requirements. Please provide a screenshot of your alt in HIDE TAGs as well as proof the alt belongs to you in the screenshot. The test isn't over yet, so you'll still have until approximately Saturday, July 2nd, at 11:59PM EST to qualify and post in this thread with a picture of your reqs with proof that the alt is yours. Make sure to say who you are confirming as (incase you laddered on an alt). If you are new to this process and need an example, take a look in the previous test's thread here or check the hide tags below.

If you have any questions PM anyone on the mod team (myself, Evan., Raseri, and boltsandbombers) and we will happily help you.

In case you're still confused here is an example:
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