Official 'OMG I GOT D/P' thread.

Just picked up Pearl and am playing it as I type...

My friend owes my like 50 bucks but I told him if he gets me Diamond he can just bring it over to my house and I'll let the 50 bucks slide. So I'm currently waiting for him to drop by so I can get diamond too.
I bought it at around 10am. I've been playing nonstop since. I started with Chimchar, and on my very first try, I got an Adament one. I would have preferred Jolly, but Adament is good for his CB set.
Wow, thanks for reminding me. Well, I just got back from a field trip and I have a Research Paper due Wednesday. I also still haven't beaten Twilight Princess. Well, I'll either get it tommorrow, Tuesday, or Wednesday.
i walked for an hour and a half this morning so i could get diamond at the nearest best buy. i ve been playing it ever since i got home, i even took work off today so i could have all day to play it. i started with turtwig, who has bashful nature.
Went to the mall at 11 and picked up my pre-ordered copy of Pearl. I actually caught an Adamant Starly(it's female too) with good IVs( least they could be), so I'll be using it in-game and then making it produce many Adamant Starlies later for competitive use....
I got Pearl for myself and Diamond for my brother. I left my apartment at ~11:00 AM and stood on line at Nintendo World for like 30 minutes. I then discovered that was the line for the DP release party so I ran into the store. I accidently cut into the middle of the line (I didn't know where the line ended). So I purchased both of them, left halfway to the Subway station, went back and also bought Leafgreen.

Edit: When I got to the first badge someone called me a noob, lol.
Walked into Best Buy...sold out, walked into Target two stores down and picked them up. Now I have to reset for natures. =/
just got my pokemon diamond @ future shop $44.99 CAN, got $30 gift card XD.
too bad i cant play, i got a geography test coming up tomorrow -.-"
Even though resetting for natures now would probably save me a lot of time in the long run, I want to just play through it leisurely the first time around... am I the only one? o_o
Even though resetting for natures now would probably save me a lot of time in the long run, I want to just play through it leisurely the first time around... am I the only one? o_o

No, you're not alone =P. I don't think I'm going to focus on the competitive aspect of the game until I beat the game and get bored. There's always trading anyway.
Even though resetting for natures now would probably save me a lot of time in the long run, I want to just play through it leisurely the first time around... am I the only one? o_o

No, you're not alone =P. I don't think I'm going to focus on the competitive aspect of the game until I beat the game and get bored. There's always trading anyway.
I got mine in December. Christmas present ftw.

I actually ordered it in October, so it still has the glitch
I got pearl today and me and my buds where gonna go out of town to get it cause i called our local walmart and they said they wouldnt get it until the 29th but we checked anyways and they had it? and i got pearl and my two friends got diamond and i started with turt and he had adamant nature 14 attack and 21 hp the rest of his stats was good too cant wait to use him on WI FI

EDIT: short story, when I went to get my preordered Pearl today I met the biggest nerds ever, one busted into GameStop out of breath from running and just yelled "I NEED MY PEARL!!!!" I chuckled.
pearl sold out in the gamestop near my house.

anyhow, this game is even more tedious than the previous ones. Starting with chimchar when the first gym is rock-typed is a bad idea.