Official Smogon Tournament X - Round 3

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activity, etc, same as before

oh ya this is an activity win request assuming sparko doesnt contact me. Kid hasn't signed on since like feb 23 tho
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Me N Kid buu were supposed to play today, I've been waiting on irc p much all day. He did show up on the forum and VM'd me but something wasn't letting me on the forums. So I decided i'll wait for a few hours for him to show up, and he hasn't despite it being a good time for him now. Anyway i'll keep waiting if not, i already sent another time for us to play tommorow. Hope we can get this done.
Me and my opponent have pretty big timezone differences and can only really meet on weekends. They are unavailable on the day of the deadline, so could an extension until the 8th, which is when we have agreed we can play be given?
Confirming this, the extension would help, thanks in advance.
There should be no extensions when a 2 week deadline was given to complete this battle. I hope you'll be able to fight 'till then.

Feel free to make a PM Conversation asap if any problem arises.
Played two matches vs Kid Buu, got massively lucked in both of them. The second one was a really good game but it took long and he said he can't finish the series today. Oh well, we'll try to get it done tommorow. Score is 1-1 atm.
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Activity Win Request
Contacted my opponent (-Manu-) shortly after the round was posted. My opponent failed to even reply to either one of my two attempts to schedule to battle with them on their wall. Because I feel that my opponent has made zero effort to get this done at all and I have, I think I should get an activity win.
Activity win request
Kid buu said he'll get on today 4PM his time (GMT -5), it's been an hour and he still hasn't come on. I'm sure he will not deny this. It's now 1:15 am my time. and im too tired to play. Yesterday when the series was 1-1 it was 6am my time and i still insisted on playing just to get it over with, he chose not to and said he'll be on today at 4pm his time, and like i said above its been an hour and 15 mins past the time he set. its even past the time of our original schedule.

Edit: Kid buu failed to even show up at the time we set which is 1-5PM GMT -5 which was very accomodating for me since it's still mid-day for him and its very late for me. Let alone showing up at the time he chose yesterday (4 PM)
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Activity Win Request

my opponent failed to respond / not sure he has been on in a few weeks
Activity Win request

here are screenshots of our vm wall at the time of my posting:


I showed up to every single meeting time that we scheduled, while my opponent, Sinclair, showed up to none of them. I stayed on for about an hour after each specific meeting time, and was idle on the server all day when we just scheduled "tomorrow" as our meeting time. I changed my real-life schedule to allow this match to get done, yet it still didn't. I don't believe that's my fault. I'm going to be busy all day today and won't be able to get the match done, but it won't have been for my lack of trying throughout the entire open period.

to be clear, with respect to timestamps on the VMs, the forum still thinks I'm GMT-6 even though I moved to GMT-5 since making my account.
I have looked through every matchup and either coin flipped (for matches where nobody requested an activity win, or neither player made a strong enough case for their activity in their activity win request) or awarded activity wins (only for players who explicitly requested them).

Activity Wins:

Ginku vs JabbaTheGriffin
-Manu- vs Labyrinthine
vs Illuminase
LatiosPro vs Srn9130
yondie vs Sparko
vs dragonuser
Sinclair vs Stathakis

(thanks to Zebraiken!)

vs DarkSora.
Lunar. vs Darkdiglett
Kid Buu vs Masterclass
Enguarde vs ZoroDark

Round 4 will be up shortly.

edit: Also, I assume some people will be curious about why I made a certain decision about their match so feel free to PM me on the forums or on IRC and I will respond when I can.
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