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AxonVGC vs Tytohbird
Pajomar vs Atreeus
MTB vs Rayo joaquin Bassai Dai vs abdulziz Tinii vs Swynot d0nut vs CaroOui - d0nut showing up a week late to your scheduled time does not make you eligible for activity had your opponent not given the win
jerojenol vs Hacker
bardicinspiration vs wavyish
schwipper vs ToastedBunzzz02
Dezpa1r vs M Dragon
PokemonGuyVGC21 vs RL
trainer_j0nathan vs Ampokemon
SiTuM vs damflame 3
samorathis vs AlyssaVGC
Sensibility vs Skalmon
Holy Cheetos vs kDCA
loomishh24 vs GeniusX
zS vs Lord Ninjax
Grooby vs Breezy
NotVeryCake vs TheDragonDealer PolloAriosto vs Longestbanana PokeDestined99 vs joangaes_
Flygon pl0as vs Armada
Uta The Clown vs Forten Gei vs T8rguy
Gigolo JC Denton vs Seraphz
Jonen vs 2MuchSAWCE Prismatic Void vs Rowlet69420
jamesSenin vs Xyldaz
klg1220 vs spookykitten1
namanisking vs SuperOinge22
NicolasMarley vs sumitvs138
Nico Serrano vs shadowtime2000
If you believe there's been a mistake, please let me know. Round 2 brackets will go up once activity decisions for all Round 1 brackets are finished.