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Reach out to me on Smogon/Discord if you believe there was a mistake in either bolding your win, activity, or coinflipping your match.
Rhyperrier vs paolode99
naruto(sage) vs OriginalLynn Lightniong vs Flacu Kaif vs Doc_070
I love Bagon vs Santu
teal6 vs Roller K
Huargensy vs Yelodash Marshall.Law vs Yippie
imakeker vs knexhawk
imsosorrylol vs VinGC雨舞 Clementine vs kayarin Beraldo vs Teddy bear18
Kindyy vs decis
lihj vs SwaggySammy44
Nowh vs bodi
Pinecoishot vs Axily
Heni-san vs Nyx
Tiagus vs Piyush25
Steez Ibanez vs FreeOmen Welcome to mars vs eavo
Itriedtodo vs Frozoid
z0mOG vs Zyndexx Dj Breloominati♬ vs db
Esdeath725 vs monchooo
tr1x vs Tempo di anguria
ImposterOCE vs Drachenkeule
NoName6293 vs hs
trebor13 vs Aurella
RainVGC vs fran17
Lacks vs Bargun it's tago! vs OhSlimee did it done vs SlopWasTaken
outbackrabbit vs Ciro napoli
false vs Dark Shion
Finalcrusader15 vs Calambrito48
xstarr vs HolaSoyBalto
JojoOui vs lockjaw Freshhhhh vs promethezine DarmanitanDLuffy vs TerrorFang
Thebestfootwear vs Hockey1
Portrait or Ruin vs MGdos16
Madsma vs Sandszx
RyuSnowシ vs Mr. Mendes
DemonclawXD17 vs MegaFox888
lamebagels vs Raahel
StormSeye vs sugar ovens
theorgnalmario121 vs Dead by Daylight
NHelioX7 vs ShadowSheep102
a fairy edit:
with sparksblade's blessing, the game theorgnalmario121 vs Dead by Daylight has been changed to an activity win for theorgnalmario121