Offline Battle Tower teams

I use him on my Offline Team, and Battle Tower, and Works well. (Staraptor)

Dont forget about Aerodactly if Staraptor Fails

Choice Band

Rock Slide (Not Stone Edge)
Ice Fang
I'm not sure if he can learn Crunch.. I only put pursuit down there to deal with Ghost types.

I'm around 120 now, and they LOVE to use Dusknoir

I'm currently using Weavile, Bronzong, and Spiritomb

Weavile is Banded, so switching into one of 2 walls will help me
So, I forgot about my last defeat in the competitive and demanding tower in the Pokemon world, only to bring myself back to the fantastic area one more time. With me, a Lucario, Garchomp and Gyarados.

I am going to post later on how I did. So far I'm at 48 and counting.
Yeah Aero can learn Crunch.

How good has Spiritomb been?

I've been using Spiritomb since my 49th battle (the one where you fight the Battle tycoon)
I use Spiritomb primary to switch out my Weavile (Banded) so I can choose another move
And since NO move is super effective against Spiritomb, I'm pretty sure its NEVER a OHKO (onless they use modifiers or critical hit)
I've got a new team ready that I've been spending the week tuning up. The team was recommended to me by our Battle Tower champion whose team everyone's been copying. Here it is.

Lucario @ Focus Sash
Adamant - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
(Ability: Steadfast)
- Swords Dance, Extremespeed, Crunch, Close Combat

Mesprit @ Expert Belt
Modest - 252 S, 252 SA, 6 HP
- Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Adamant - 212 HP, 16 A, 100 S, 182 D
- Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Rest, Sleep Talk

They're up to 49 wins and still going strong.
I decided to add Gengar in the team over Gyarados. The team was so close to losing to Aerodactyl that I decided to add a FSGar with Hypnosis to help with that problem.

I'm at 71 now and haven't the will to be assed to go on further.
I've got a new team ready that I've been spending the week tuning up. The team was recommended to me by our Battle Tower champion whose team everyone's been copying. Here it is.

Lucario @ Focus Sash
Adamant - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
(Ability: Steadfast)
- Swords Dance, Extremespeed, Crunch, Close Combat

Mesprit @ Expert Belt
Modest - 252 S, 252 SA, 6 HP
- Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Adamant - 212 HP, 16 A, 100 S, 182 D
- Waterfall, Dragon Dance, Rest, Sleep Talk

They're up to 49 wins and still going strong.

lol technically i'm not our champion, that's TRE...but good job so far with your mesprit team. how is that gyarados working out for you anyway?
this is my current team and it hasnt done very good so I kinda need some help. Only up to battle 31 when I was completely destroyed by a Gardevoir.

Gyarados @Life Orb
72 HP/252 Atk/184 Spe
Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

Magnezone @Leftovers
Magnet Pull
172 HP/ 252 SpAtk/84 Spe
Flash Cannon
Magnet Rise

Bronzong @Macho Brace
252 HP/152 Atk/8 Def/96 SpDef
Gyro Ball
Light Screen
I just got to Rank 4 of the Wifi Tower with these guys:

Focus Sash Yanmega
SubPunching Gengar
Chainchomp Garchomp

Also, shiny Charizard taking less than 50% from STAB'd Air Slash? lolwut?
Oh and heres another team that I use sometimes. It does quite well actually. Got to battle 51 when it was destroyed by a Whiscash with Fissure ='(

Weavile @Focus Sash
252 Atk/252 Spe/6 HP
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Night Slash
Ice Shard

Lucario @Choice Specs
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/6 HP
Vacuum Wave
Dragon Pulse
Dark Pulse
Aura Sphere

Slowbro @Leftovers
Own Tempo
212 HP/252 Def/12 Spe/34 SpDef
Calm Mind
Slack Off
Oh, I am inspired to get myself a CSLucario now for BT.

I am also up to 84 wins in the Battle Tower, closing up on my record.

I'll have the team out when I lose, still with the same: Gengar, Lucario and Garchomp.
lol technically i'm not our champion, that's TRE...but good job so far with your mesprit team. how is that gyarados working out for you anyway?

Gyarados is working out fine, but unfortunately, I lost on battle 55 due to a mistake, a Focus Band, and a round of Electric attacks. Here's a recount:

(First, my team's posted above, so look there for it.)

My Lucario led off against my opponent's Froslass. For some unknown reason, I was worried about whatever Froslass may have known. I knew Froslass was faster and that Extremespeed would do nothing for me here, so I used Crunch instead of Swords Dance (fatal mistake - you'll see later). Froslass went first and hit me with Thunderbolt (Lucario ~91/146 HP left, the 91 a rough recall). I used Crunch - left it with about 30% HP left.

Froslass uses another Thunderbolt (46/146) and paralyzes Lucario. Lucario gets his Crunch off and kills Froslass. Out comes Raichu.

Here's where the not-Swords-Dancing comes in. Lucario uses Extremespeed and leaves Raichu with about 30% HP. (Yes, I @#$%ed up.) Raichu KOs Lucario with Brick Break. I send Mesprit in.

Raichu uses Thunderpunch (107/156 HP left on Mesprit). Mesprit uses Psychic. "Raichu hung on with Focus Band!"

[deep breath] I can live with that. Raichu uses another Thunderpunch (56/156). Mesprit uses another Psychic. "Raichu hung on with Focus Band!"

(@$$hole.) Now I'm getting screwed. Raichu KOs Mesprit with a final Thunderpunch. I send Gyarados in. (Intimidate activates.)

Raichu uses Double Team. Gyarados uses Waterfall. It hits and Focus Band doesn't activate. Out comes Gengar.

[shouts obscenities at the wall and TV] Oh yeah, I'm screwed. Gengar uses Thunderbolt. The fish is fried, as is my Battle Tower challenge.

My biggest mistake was my first move, using Crunch instead of Swords Dance. The second fatal move I couldn't help (the Focus Band activating twice). The time was fine; the mistake was mine. I'll go back through again and conquer it this time.
Why am I not surprised it was a Froslass, haha. That is the ONE pokemon that made me say "goddammit" when I was theorymoning my own second BT team last week, which is the same Lucario, a Latios and Gyarados and which is obviously very similar to the team I helped you with. This pokemon:

800 Froslass Timid Expert Belt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Sp. Atk/Speed

is the one in particular that pushed me to decide on Timid over Modest on Latios (329 Speed Flygon and 333 Speed Garchomp and Gengar in general being the others) to have a better shot at killing them all. Because Destiny Bond makes Lucario nervous, since even thinking about it now and realizing that if 800 Froslass leads off against Lucario it probably won't Destiny Bond at full HP predicting my +2 Atk Crunch, if it doesn't lead off Lucario is likely in trouble if it has less than 50 HP as you can see (Extrementspeed won't work and it can TB for the easy KO). Only one of four Froslass can tie Latios if it's Timid but that's still no sure bet, and both Lucario and Gyarados need to be at +2 to OHKO Froslass (Lucario can be at +1 but that's probably going to be rare).

So yeah, not fun. I actually wanted to tell you that this team would have Froslass issues but I refrained. Maybe a Wacan Berry on Gyarados is in order, I don't's only one pokemon but it can be a huge pest since none of your pokemon can OHKO it without stating up. It's tough to win with two Focus Band activations regardless though...however I must point out that Gengar could probably have taken out a Mesprit that had taken one Thunderpunch if FB had only worked once (against a +2 ES from Luke). I'm sure you love Mesprit but its lackluster speed may prove to undo you in future matches as well.
Just looking at my team, I already knew that I'd have some speed issues, but I got a real royal screwing with that battle. I found the Froslass, Raichu, and Gengar I got screwed with.

800 Froslass Timid Expert Belt Ice Beam Shadow Ball Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Sp. Atk/Speed
514 Raichu Jolly Focus Band Thunderpunch Feint Brick Break Double Team Atk/Speed
827 Gengar Modest Life Orb Shadow Ball Sludge Bomb Thunderbolt Destiny Bond Sp. Atk/Speed

I wonder if Gyarados could've survived the one Thunderpunch from Raichu (after Intimidate) to Dragon Dance, kill it with Waterfall, and kill off Gengar. I'll run the numbers later.

If either of these next two runs fails, I may just have to retire Mesprit from the Battle Tower, but who's good enough to replace her without dragging my team down that I have no problems with using? Decisions, decisions....

EDIT: I finally ran the numbers. Gyarados would've survived the Thunderpunch (barring Crititcal Hits, of course) to Dragon Dance and kill off Raichu with Waterfall (provided that it didn't miss and Focus Band didn't kick in). Gengar, though, would've been another story. Gyarados would've had a ~41% chance of OHKOing Gengar. I don't like those odds.
I use....
Breloom @Focus Sash
EV's: 252 Attack/252 Speed
Mach Punch
Stone Edge
Seed Bomb

Electvire @Life Orb
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spd
BrickBreak (Accuracy)

Lucario @Choice Scarf
EV's: 252 Sp.Att/252 Spd
Aura Sphere
HP Ice 70
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse

I'm on like 28 haven't tried it in a while though.
Electvire @Life Orb
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spd
BrickBreak (Accuracy)

In place of Brick Break, might I suggest using Low Kick? It works just like Grass Knot (which people are using over Energy Ball), and more often than not, you'll find Low Kick's power to be much more than Brick Break's because of the much heavier opponents. Most of your opponents that are weak to Fighting are very heavy, making Low Kick the attack of choice, unless Reflect and Light Screen are giving you trouble. In that case, stick with Brick Break.
I'm around battle 140 or so.... with this team, and its getting EXTREAMLY hard.
Someone want to try and help me?

Machamp: No Guard
Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP

Dynamic Punch
Stone Edge
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch

My Lead. Basically will OHKO most Pokemon in the Battle Tower. If I know I'm up against something I'm weak against.... I'll switch to.....

252 HP / 112 Def / 144 SpD

Ice Beam
Sleep Talk

Really hard to kill for those pokemon in the Battle Tower, but for an odd reason, their Gengar really hurts her :( and she doesnt like it. When she needs to get her rest....

252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Dark Pulse
Nasty Plot
Pain Split

My "negator" Whenever I KNOW those pokemon begin to double team, Pain Split. I can take down their HP slowly. Then finish off with Machamp, since his moves will never miss.

Heres my Problem: What item can I use for Spiritomb? I've been using Shell Bell, and it hasnt been doing much for me, and I cant use the same item over. I've been using Salac/Peteya berry
Quick Claw on Spiritomb though I think you're playing too defensively. I only got to 100+ when I played with an offensive team. With defensive teams, you have a better chance of getting haxxed. =(
I know, but with around 140, I think I'm doing pretty good with this team.

Who else should I use?

I also have a Porygon-Z and Heatran in storage incase of emergency.
I know, but with around 140, I think I'm doing pretty good with this team.

Who else should I use?

I also have a Porygon-Z and Heatran in storage incase of emergency.

IMO, the Battle Tower "maxes out" around 65-70, maybe a little higher. After that, the teams don't get harder, faster, etc. It's all luck, matchups, and making sure you don't make mistakes.

If you've gotten to 140 wins, that team is as good as some of the best teams on the BT record leaderboard. I like that you've done it with a highly original lineup. Just keep playing smart, and hope you the hax don't get too excessive. Good luck!
Well one thing That I get lucky with is the fact that I NEVER ONCE got one of those OHKO moves to actually work on me.

Quite often that has happened to me.
What I notice is that MOST, if not ALL pokemon the AI uses in the battle tower is easily OHKO'd by a pokemon with around 195+ attack, and is meant for physical attacking.
Whats why my team is primary Defensive. Machamp takes care of things that would normally wall me. Even if I do get walled, I have The 100% chance of confusion and the Sleep combo with Machamp and Spiritomb.

All I need is a new item for Spiritomb