Offline Battle Tower teams

To be honest i'm stumped as to why people don't run White Herb over Choice Specs on SpecsMence. I thought (and have found) that switching in the Battle Tower can often cost you the match.

Draco Meteor is just so powerful that it can OHKO many if not most pokemon in the tower without CSpecs. Even if it only does 70-80%, the White herb restores that dropped SpA allowing you to use Dragon Pulse (assuming you didn't get killed). Then you are free to Draco Meteor the next pokemon out of the ball.

Run some damage calculations. Even with the SpA drop, Choice Specs Draco Meteor over two turns does more damage than using Draco Meteor twice with a White Herb that restores SpA. As for me, if the Pokemon is very severly weakened by the second DM, I may just stay in and finish it off the with the third weak-as-hell DM before switching. However the strategy of DM, DP, and then DM later is interesting.
My BT team ended up being:

Starmie @ Focus Sash (mostly for taking out the Latis by surviving their first Shadow Ball)
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spd

Ice Beam

Metagross @ Lum Berry (could have easily been replaced with something else, it barely activated)
252 HP/252 Att/4 Def

Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt (no access to ThunderPunch sadly, but ZH beats up Ludicolo well enough)
Bullet Punch

Garchomp @ Life Orb
4 HP/252 Att/252 Spd

Crunch (otherwise I get stalled to death by Dusknoir)
Stone Edge

This team got me to 105 where I'm currently sitting. I might continue the streak someday, but who knows?

Also, anyone else run into a number of NFE's after round 50? Any explanations for this?
Just got to 102 with:

Tauros @ Choice Band
4HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Speed

- Return
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Zen Headbutt

Still as brilliant as he ever was. An excellent lead with Intimidate. Sometimes his Choice Band left he in the shit, but for the mostpart he was the star of the team.

Entei @ Leftovers
176 HP/ 122 SpA/ 212 Speed

- Calm Mind
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Will-o-Wisp

My pride and joy, recently caught from Colloseum. Proved to be very bulky. He Calm Minds up against special attackers and burns physical attackers.

Cacturne @ BlackGlasses
124 HP/ 252 Atk/ 64 Def/ 70 SpDef

- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch

Standard SubPunch with an added Swords Dance priority attack element. Proved to be effective.

Was ultimately put out by Magmortar. He survived Tauros' EQ with the aid of a Shuca Berry and Focus Blasted him back for the KO. I sent out Cacturne to finish the job with Sucker Punch - unfortunately he fell victim to Flame Body in the process. The opponent sent out his last Pokemon, Tentacruel. My burned Cacturne could only do 50ish% after a SD, and Entei was 2HKOd by Hydro Pump.

Also, anyone else run into a number of NFE's after round 50? Any explanations for this?

Oddly enough, the opponent in my 99th battle used Monferno, Wigglytuff and Golbat.
Starmie @ Lum Berry - Timid
Ice Beam

Weavile @ Focus Sash - Jolly
Night Slash
Aerial Ace
Ice Punch
Brick Break

Wobbuffet @ Calm - Leftovers
Mirror Coat
Destiny Bond

*Wobbuffet destroy Curselax and Calm Mind Cresselias with Encore and Weavile finishes them :D. He's also great at encoring + taking down other tanks.
what is your actual best record though, for all we know you've never even actually used this team
Run some damage calculations. Even with the SpA drop, Choice Specs Draco Meteor over two turns does more damage than using Draco Meteor twice with a White Herb that restores SpA. As for me, if the Pokemon is very severly weakened by the second DM, I may just stay in and finish it off the with the third weak-as-hell DM before switching. However the strategy of DM, DP, and then DM later is interesting.

Although somewhat situational, it seems to work EXTREMELY well when fire weak pokemon come out. So after using DM (+ possibly DP) to kill the first pokemon, if say Metagross/Magnezone/Steel pokemon were to pop out you get flamethrower them instead of being stuck with a -2 SpA not very effective move. Then their 3rd pokemon eats a full power Draco Meteor.
Although somewhat situational, it seems to work EXTREMELY well when fire weak pokemon come out. So after using DM (+ possibly DP) to kill the first pokemon, if say Metagross/Magnezone/Steel pokemon were to pop out you get flamethrower them instead of being stuck with a -2 SpA not very effective move. Then their 3rd pokemon eats a full power Draco Meteor.

Having access to Flamethrower/Fire Blast is a good reason to use Specsmence. As for me, I run SpecsLatios, and the best he can do is Surf the Ground/Steels, but that's it, so I don't worry too much if a Steel type comes in. I leave it to Heracross.

My Modest Latios once OHKOed a Magnezone with a fully powered Specs Draco Meteor - haven't seen any other Steels. It had to have been running a -SDef nature as I ran the damage calcs and a Modest Latios should only do 73.67% - 86.83% to a neutral Magnezone, but just food for thought.
Having access to Flamethrower/Fire Blast is a good reason to use Specsmence. As for me, I run SpecsLatios, and the best he can do is Surf the Ground/Steels, but that's it, so I don't worry too much if a Steel type comes in. I leave it to Heracross.

My Modest Latios once OHKOed a Magnezone with a fully powered Specs Draco Meteor - haven't seen any other Steels. It had to have been running a -SDef nature as I ran the damage calcs and a Modest Latios should only do 73.67% - 86.83% to a neutral Magnezone, but just food for thought.

But having Flamethrower is worthless on a Specsmence if your already locked into a -2 SpA Draco Meteor (assuming Magnezone is the second pokemon).

I guess both Choice Specs and White Herb have their merits, I just wanted to make a point that in many situations being able to switch moves can win matches
I took on the Battle Tower once more with the same team as before. Here it is again.

Infernape @ Choice Band
Jolly - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
- U-Turn
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Flare Blitz

Starmie @ Wise Glasses
Rash - 252 S, 252 SA, 6 HP
(Ability: Natural Cure)
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

Weavile @ Focus Sash
Naive - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Brick Break
- Night Slash

I died on Battle 70 this time. The opponent led with Toxicroak. Infernape kills it with Flare Blitz. Aerodactyl comes out. I switch to Starmie. Aerodactyl uses Earthquake. I try Surf. Aerodactyl outspeeds me and kills Starmie with Crunch. I send in Weavile. (Fatal mistake ahead) I try Swords Dance, realizing one second too late that I was facing the Adamant / Yache Berry Aerodactyl. I get hit with Rock Slide. Next turn, Weavile uses Ice Shard (~30% HP left), Aerodactyl kills with Rock Slide. I send Infernape in to face the music.

Now for my Double Battle Tower team. I was a bit more successful there. My team:

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Naughty - 252 A, 252 S, 6 HP
- Fire Punch (couldn't be bothered with breeding for Ice Punch)
- Low Kick (same as above for Cross Chop, and I like the variable power)
- Earthquake
- Thunderpunch

Zapdos @ Sitrus Berry
Modest - 100 SD, 100 S, 100 D, 210 SA
- Protect
- Toxic
- HP Ice (70)
- Discharge

These two are my leads. Unless there are some very serious threats looming (or some EQ / Discharge-immune opponents), I use the most effective move with Electivire and Discharge with Zapdos to raise Electivire's speed. If they don't die right away, then these two usually last a long time, but when they do,...

Mesprit @ Wise Glasses
Modest - 252 SA, 252 S, 6 HP
- Calm Mind
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

Lickilicky @ Leftovers
Adamant - 100 D, 100 SD, 100 HP, 210 A
(Ability: Oblivious)
- Substitute
- Power Whip
- Return
- Focus Punch

(Before I go on, just looking at Mesprit's moves, you can see why, first, I didn't give Electivire Ice Punch (three Ice moves on the same team? I don't think so), and second, you can see why Mesprit doesn't have Thunderbolt.)

These two are my defensive sweeping backup team. Unless it's a necessity that I take someone out with Lickilicky, Lickilicky almost always leads with Substitute and Mesprit with whatever will work. Here's how my defeat went.

Beginning of battle 74. I send out Electivire and Zapdos. My opponent sends out Lucario and Hippowdon. (Fatal error ahead.) Worried more about Lucario (Endure, Salac, Reversal) than Hippowdon's obvious Earthquake, Electivire uses Earthquake (kills Lucario, Hippowdon ~70% HP left), Zapdos uses Discharge (Hippowdon's fine, Electivire's Motor Drive kicked in), and Hippowdon uses Earthquake (Electivire dies).

He sends out Tyranitar; I send out Mesprit. Zapdos uses HP Ice on Hippowdon (~10% HP left, lucky SOB), Mesprit uses Grass Knot on Tyranitar (~30% HP left), Tyranitar kills Mesprit with Crunch (Tyranitar must die for that), Hippowdon Crunches Zapdos (~55% HP left).

I send out Lickilicky. (Next fatal error ahead.) Zapdos uses HP Ice on Tyranitar (instead of Hippowdon, thinking it would kill it; ~15% HP left), Tyranitar kills Zapdos with Stone Edge, Lickilicky kills Hippowdon with Return (instead of hitting Tyranitar with Power Whip and Zapdos killing Hippowdon - then I might've had a chance). Gengar comes out (absolute worst opponent for Lickilicky). Gengar uses Sludge Bomb (~60% HP left), Tyranitar kills Lickilicky with a Critical Hit Stone Edge. Game over.

Sorry it was so long. Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes. Let me know if you want my team's actual stats.
I can't understand why you did not let Infernape die. Starmie could've beat the Aerodactyl, obviously.

I am going to post my team in progress when I see how well it does. Sofar, it's cleaning up the first few rounds. Consists of: Swampert/Garchomp/Tyranitar.
Max unboosted speed on Starmie is still slower than Aerodactyl. Crunch would've killed Starmie either way. I'll check the numbers once more. I've made many stupid mistakes. That was one.
Max unboosted speed on Starmie is still slower than Aerodactyl. Crunch would've killed Starmie either way. I'll check the numbers once more. I've made many stupid mistakes. That was one.

Edit: I just ran the numbers. You were right. Starmie would've survived a Crunch at full HP. Oh well. Back to square one.
This team got me to battle 105... I was suprised :O

Absol @ Focus Sash
Lonely - 240 Speed, 252 Attack, 16 Sp. Attack
- Swords Dance
- Fire Blast
- Sucker Punch
- Aerial Ace

Swords Dance on the first turn, survive with FS, attack with either Aerial Ace (Fighting and other stuff that it hits super effective, but resists sucker punch), Fire Blast (Steel types), Sucker Punch (Everything else). Works well in BT and in WiFi battles.

Alakazam @ Life Orb
Timid - 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Attack, 4 HP
- Energy Ball
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Psychic

Just a sweeping 'Kazam...

Electivire @ Expert Belt
Adamant - 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
- ThunderPunch
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Cross Chop

Quite standard electivire...

Also, my friend couldn't beat the BT, so he got a team of 3 WonderTombs... Got raped by Fire Fang Heatran. He tried again. Lost at battle 67 against Mold Breaker Pinsir. He tried once again... and got defeated on battle 99 by Mold Breaker Rampardos... >_>
Weavile @Expert belt
Jolly nature
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Night Slash
Brick Break
Aerial Ace
Ice Shard

Aerial Ace is for all those annoying cretins who spam Double Team and rely on luck.

Gengar @Wise glasses
Timid nature
6 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spd
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb

I like Gengar cos he can resist Horn Drill and Guillotine. I really need something with Sturdy ability though...

Blissey @Leftovers
Bold nature
150 HP / 252 Def / 108 SpAtk
Ice Beam
Calm Mind

My Blissey is awesome. Nuff said =P

I was beaten on my 64th battle. My Weavile was OHKO'd on the first go by something with Quick claw and a OHKO move. It ended in my Blissey being killed by a Gardevoir with Destiny Bond just as I thought I'd finished it off :(

I was so upset that I did not return to the battle tower for 2 months. I'm going to try out some other people's teams =D
EDIT: Currently at Battle 77, I've had no problems so far, bar a Double Team Umbreon that almost made my Close Combat's PP run out. Sash Lucario has been doing great, he can even sweep teams without a Swords Dance, thanks to Close Combat being such an awesome attack, coming of Luke's 350 Attack and thanks to Focus Sash letting him have another go. I've barely had to use Suicune, most of the times I can finish the leftover pokémon with an Explosion.


@ Focus Sash
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Crunch
- Extremespeed

Pretty straightforwarded, if my opponent doesn't have a Focus Sash, I will Swords Dance once and try to sweep. If I suspect a Focus Sash, I usually Close Combat or Crunch, and then Extremespeed it. This thing can take out a whole team, and if not, he at least seriously cripples my opponent's team.


@ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 36 Atk / 220 Spd / 252 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower
- Explosion

Pretty weird, without any STAB moves, you might think. But this cleans up very nice, after Lucario's attempt to sweep. Thunderbolt and Hidden Power [Ice] let me take on Gyarados, Garchomp, Salamence, etc, and Flamethrower lets me take on Metagross and Magnezone. Explosion when I'm done.


@ Chesto Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Rest

CMcune is a beast, and cleans up anything that is left behind. It's also a very durable tank, and can CM up for the sweep. ChestoRest because it's really handy in the Battle Tower.
i like that team on paper, sash lucario seems like it would really go far with two solid pokes behind it, and i already know how awesome suicune is from Emerald. i'd like to see how far you can get

Also, my friend couldn't beat the BT, so he got a team of 3 WonderTombs... Got raped by Fire Fang Heatran. He tried again. Lost at battle 67 against Mold Breaker Pinsir. He tried once again... and got defeated on battle 99 by Mold Breaker Rampardos... >_>

Also, my friend couldn't beat the BT, so he got a team of 3 WonderTombs... Got raped by Fire Fang Heatran. He tried again. Lost at battle 67 against Mold Breaker Pinsir. He tried once again... and got defeated on battle 99 by Mold Breaker Rampardos... >_>

Haha... my friend got to around battle 16-20 with a Wondertomb and two "fan events" off gamefaqs, one being a Nasty Plot Heatran.

Obviously he has never heard of Smogon or even Serebii for that matter. He is still sceptical of EV training and knows nothing of competitive play.
I am going to try tonight with a completely new team. My recent one of Pert, Chomp and Tyranitar just could not handle bad match-offs against Pokemon that could OHKO me, then I have to switch taking alot of damage.
I'm up to 49 (and continuing) on this team...

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
- Spore
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Seed Bomb

Azelf @ Expert Belt
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 224 Speed, 32 Hp
- Psychic
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 212 Hp, 16 Attack, 180 Defense, 100 Speed
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt

Breloom does most of the work, I can't believe how useful it is. It outspeeds most stuff, so Spore and Subsitute is practically free. Azelf usually comes to the rescue when breloom can't hold up, and gyarados finishes the job if they both are KOed.

Also, a sidenote, I've noticed shedinja is extremely useful in the Wifi challenge part of the battle tower. He is somewhat useful regularly too but not as much it seems.
Goodbar, I'm around 110 or so (I'm getting alot of luck Hacks ;)) And I'm just giving you some advice: The opponents become insanely fast, so I'd drop Breloom if I were you.

Switch Breloom with Gallade or Weavile.

another thing: How can you be stupid enough to use a team of all WonderTombs?
Fire Fang kills it easily. I guess he didnt know it.
It'd be better if he used ONE Wondertomb, and a physical sweeper, and a special sweeper.
I think I need a better 3rd member. Zapdos didn't work well and neither did Choice Spec Latios. Anyone know what I should use?

This is my current team:

Jolly Garchomp@Bright Powder
Evs: 6 hp/252 atk/252 spd
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw

Reason I lead with this guy is because its fast and I usually sub first and see what my opponent does. If its a OHKO move, I keep subbing till they miss. If its Dragon Dance, I'd Attack then switch to a counter and if its something I can't handle like an ice beam I switch to Milotic. Usually its able to sweep once it has a Swords Dance in.

Calm Milotic@Leftovers
Evs: 178 hp/84 def/48 sp.atk/200 sp.def

A staller for one reason and one reason only, it completely beats out all other water types as well as all other double teamers. Haze and Toxic kills even blissey and cresselia. I usually switch to this if my opponent is about to ice beam my garchomp. Can take none stabbed electric attacks and outstall if needed. Surf usually kills stuff like Rhyperior, Donphan, Other grounds, Aerodactyl though I DID die to a donphan who seems to have invested heavily in sp.def or hp. =\

Previous 3rd member:
Modest Zapdos@Focus Sash
Hidden Power Ice
Charge Beam

Modest Latios@Choice Spec
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Ice Beam

Modest Latios@Focus Sash
Dragon Pulse
Calm Mind

It has to be a flying type and something that resists my weakness to grass. Electric immunity/resistance helps too. I'm currently stuck at 65ish. I've got to there about 4 times with this team now but I always get haxed and end up losing to a grass type or zapdos/raikou once its down to last poke vs Milotic. :(
Forbidden: Have you ever tried Staraptor?
I use her and she just Intimidate + U-turn to get some quick Damage done
And since most of the time, they Use T-Bolt > Ice Beam on Normal/Flying types, switch in to Garchomp, and take no damage