I took on the Battle Tower once more with the same team as before. Here it is again.
Infernape @ Choice Band
Jolly - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
- U-Turn
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Flare Blitz
Starmie @ Wise Glasses
Rash - 252 S, 252 SA, 6 HP
(Ability: Natural Cure)
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
Weavile @ Focus Sash
Naive - 252 S, 252 A, 6 HP
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
I died on Battle 70 this time. The opponent led with Toxicroak. Infernape kills it with Flare Blitz. Aerodactyl comes out. I switch to Starmie. Aerodactyl uses Earthquake. I try Surf. Aerodactyl outspeeds me and kills Starmie with Crunch. I send in Weavile. (Fatal mistake ahead) I try Swords Dance, realizing one second too late that I was facing the Adamant / Yache Berry Aerodactyl. I get hit with Rock Slide. Next turn, Weavile uses Ice Shard (~30% HP left), Aerodactyl kills with Rock Slide. I send Infernape in to face the music.
Now for my Double Battle Tower team. I was a bit more successful there. My team:
Electivire @ Expert Belt
Naughty - 252 A, 252 S, 6 HP
- Fire Punch (couldn't be bothered with breeding for Ice Punch)
- Low Kick (same as above for Cross Chop, and I like the variable power)
- Earthquake
- Thunderpunch
Zapdos @ Sitrus Berry
Modest - 100 SD, 100 S, 100 D, 210 SA
- Protect
- Toxic
- HP Ice (70)
- Discharge
These two are my leads. Unless there are some very serious threats looming (or some EQ / Discharge-immune opponents), I use the most effective move with Electivire and Discharge with Zapdos to raise Electivire's speed. If they don't die right away, then these two usually last a long time, but when they do,...
Mesprit @ Wise Glasses
Modest - 252 SA, 252 S, 6 HP
- Calm Mind
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
Lickilicky @ Leftovers
Adamant - 100 D, 100 SD, 100 HP, 210 A
(Ability: Oblivious)
- Substitute
- Power Whip
- Return
- Focus Punch
(Before I go on, just looking at Mesprit's moves, you can see why, first, I didn't give Electivire Ice Punch (three Ice moves on the same team? I don't think so), and second, you can see why Mesprit doesn't have Thunderbolt.)
These two are my defensive sweeping backup team. Unless it's a necessity that I take someone out with Lickilicky, Lickilicky almost always leads with Substitute and Mesprit with whatever will work. Here's how my defeat went.
Beginning of battle 74. I send out Electivire and Zapdos. My opponent sends out Lucario and Hippowdon. (Fatal error ahead.) Worried more about Lucario (Endure, Salac, Reversal) than Hippowdon's obvious Earthquake, Electivire uses Earthquake (kills Lucario, Hippowdon ~70% HP left), Zapdos uses Discharge (Hippowdon's fine, Electivire's Motor Drive kicked in), and Hippowdon uses Earthquake (Electivire dies).
He sends out Tyranitar; I send out Mesprit. Zapdos uses HP Ice on Hippowdon (~10% HP left, lucky SOB), Mesprit uses Grass Knot on Tyranitar (~30% HP left), Tyranitar kills Mesprit with Crunch (Tyranitar must die for that), Hippowdon Crunches Zapdos (~55% HP left).
I send out Lickilicky. (Next fatal error ahead.) Zapdos uses HP Ice on Tyranitar (instead of Hippowdon, thinking it would kill it; ~15% HP left), Tyranitar kills Zapdos with Stone Edge, Lickilicky kills Hippowdon with Return (instead of hitting Tyranitar with Power Whip and Zapdos killing Hippowdon - then I might've had a chance). Gengar comes out (absolute worst opponent for Lickilicky). Gengar uses Sludge Bomb (~60% HP left), Tyranitar kills Lickilicky with a Critical Hit Stone Edge. Game over.
Sorry it was so long. Maybe someone can learn from my mistakes. Let me know if you want my team's actual stats.