Ok I'm posting this because Alice is lazy (Wobbuffet "discussion")

Well I was searching through old notepads where I scribble down all my gimmicky sets and I found one for wobb that I completely forgot about. I used this set for fun a couple of times and it was pretty fun. Since this is the wobbuffet topic for discussion I feel like I should share this, no matter how bad it may seem to be.

Note: This is gimmicky and is in no way as good as the standard set. But, it doesn't have to be. The sets true power is the surprise it has and it works extremely well if used correctly.

As we know Wobbuffet is really useful for Encore then set up. But wobb is also extremely useful for getting a guarenteed 2 kills a game as well. The set:

Wobbuffet @ Choice Scarf
Jolly Nature
EVS - 220 Defense / 36 Special Defense / 252 Speed
- Destiny Bond
- Mirror Coat
- Encore
- Counter

Alright, I know how silly it looks. Choice Scarf Wobbuffet seems to be one of the gimmicks of the century. But actually ... it isn't. Lets just look at its usefulness before we decide how bad it is.

First of all, Choice Scarf Wobbuffet hits 271 speed which is almost perfect for him. The shame is he doesn't hit 281 but then again, he doesn't need to. Now why is 271 so helpful?

Well probably the biggest plus of this is that 271 speed will always beat Adamant Choice Band Heracross who will max out at 269 speed. So Wobb is extremely helpful for revenge killing after Heracross uses Megahorn or Wobb is at very low health anyway (around 20% where a Close Combat will kill). Simply switch in, Destiny Bond, and get rid of one of the most dangerous pokemon in the D/P metagame; Heracross.

The next pokemon on wobbs hitlist is Salamence and in this case particularly MixMence who runs a 270 speed to outpace Heracross. However with Wobbs 271 speed, he can simply Destiny Bond on a predicted Earthquake, Draco Meteor, or Fire Blast (while at low health) and kill Salamence before he goes.

Now Destiny Bond isn't the only trick here as well. Pokemon such as Jirachi, Celebi, Zapdos, ect. are all easily stopped by Encore. The most notable may be Calm Mind Bold Celebi or Sub Zapdos. Basically come in while they sub / calm mind. Now before they can baton pass or roost, you simply encore them allowing you to bring in your sweeper like garchomp while they sit there wondering "how the hell did wobb just outspeed them and make this a setup for you?". Obviously Choice Scarf Wobb can confuse fast bulky walls and tanks who could hurt you otherwise. Again Pokemon like Tentacruel who Rapid Spin while Wobbuffet comes in, then hoping to lay Toxic Spikes, are confused when Wobbuffet suddenly Encores first and forces them to use Rapid Spin while you bring in your DDTar or SD Garchomp.

Most of my battles when using Scarf Wobb went along the lines of:

1. Wobb makes first appearance against a sweeper who he simply defeats with Counter / Mirror Coat although this leaves wobb as low health

2. He comes in a second time to encore a bulky wall who would usually outspeed slow wobbuffet.

3. He would come in on another tough sweeper such as Mamoswine or Heracross and Destiny Bond with little health left as they Megahorn / Earthquake. Another kill for Wobbuffet.

One of the other true appeals of this set is that you can fool your opponent quickly. Remember Counter and Mirror Coat always act last meaning you will not be moving first until you encore or more importantly destiny bond


Alright so yeah this is pretty much a gimmick set, but I can not stress how extremely well it worked for me when I used it. I wanted to know how you guys feel about it.
Looks decent, but it would be absolutely ruined by Taunt. Paralysis (somehing standard Wobb doesn't care a lot about) could be an issue, also. Definitely something to run with Wish support.
Looks decent, but it would be absolutely ruined by Taunt.

EVERY Wobbuffet set is ruined by Taunt...

It looks pretty good, specially for the surprise effect, but I value Safe Guard very highly when using Wobb with Speed EV's, to make sure those Encored Hypnosis/Will O Wisp and Toxic Spikes don't hit.
I was playing Shoddy a ton and used Wobb in every one of my matches. I won about 70 percent of them because of his cheapness. These logs I'm about to show outline how much he "breaks" the game.
Wobb test Battle 10 6 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 11 8 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 12 7 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 13 19 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test Battle 14 1 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test Battle 15 7 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 2 7 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 3 7 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 4 2 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 5 9 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 6 5 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test Battle 7 14 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb Test Battle 8 6 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb test battle 9 2 KB File 2008-06-15 0
Wobb Test log 1

Thank you for posting logs, and especially "all" logs you've had with Wobbuffet, as it would appear. I'm sure you noticed me watching your battles yesterday and can personally attest to how much I care about the issue. I've read the first half of these logs in their entirety and analyzed them objectively to the best of my ability.

wobb battle 4 = the CH EQ on pert after SD from encored spiritomb CM is really what "decided" this battle, though I personally would never have left after being down 6-5. This log is inconclusive at best.

wobb battle 10 = turn two synthesis? what? if he BPs to heatran straightaway, a pokemon that makes more logical sense than the registeel he went to in actuality, you are going to be in a little trouble. skarmory heatran registeel dusknoir roserade and leafeon

wobb battle 11 = banette lead...brick break a CBgarchomp? i am sorry but Repulse King is not a competent battler by any stretch.

wobb battle 12 = two wobbys, kind of cancelled each other out, no clear advantage here granted to you (or him) by wobby imo

wobb battle 13 = mono bug like mop said etc...

wobb battle 14 = bd behind sub with wobby out is questionable, and leaving at 6-6 kind of makes this inconclusive at best as well. charizard would have had at least four cracks at wobbuffet with fire punch (fp/encore, fp/counter breaks sub, fp/counter maybe into blaze range, fp/counter for the kill). fire punch does 22% max to 524HP/236Def Wobby, and i'm aware you have heatran but yeah. unfortunately people quitting with 4-6 pokemon left doesn't really show anything

wobb battle 15 = wobb didn't directly lead to the chomp sweep but it was able to take out hariyama...definitely helped but I don't think brokenly so

wobb battle 2 = you did work him, but it was 4-2 in your favor (one of those being a sleeping gengar) before wobbuffet ever showed up. This may or may not have had something to do with the fact that he'd "remembered your team" I think you could have beaten him easily without even using Wobbuffet.

so out of the eight i did, one maybe two gave you an clear advantage because of wobbuffet. as mop hinted at these are "bad" logs for the "ban wobby" crowd so far. i might do the other half later if i have time, but i invite anyone and everyone else who is interested in analyzing logs to do so