Hunt 1 - RossW
Q1: In the R/B beta, this was Growlithe's English name.
Q2: In the anime, instead of using Growlithes, Officers in the Kalos region mainly use this Pokemon.
Q3: This is the only "local specialty" item that you can't obtain in its home region.
Hunt 2 - Stylus
Q1: This is the only badge introduced prior to Gen V that doesn't allow the player to use an HM outside of battle in any of the main series games it appears in (don't include "badge")
Q2: In any generation prior to Gen V, these are the only badges that can allow the player to use different HMs, based on the game (i.e. one badge = two HMs, answer alphabetically / don't include "badge").
Q3: This "badge" can be received in a location in Alola named after the Kanto Region (don't include "badge").
Hunt 3 - RossW
Q1: [Pokemon Manga] This human child was adopted by a Kangaskhan.
Q2: [Adventures] This is the only Pokedex holder to receive two Starter Pokemon from a professor.
Q3: [Adventures] Agatha used a Pokemon to gain control over this E4 member.
Hunt 4 - Stylus
Q1: This is the only Gummi in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon that is named after the specific type it is for (i.e. not a color or adjective, include "Gummi").
Q2: This is the only dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity that includes the name of a Pokemon in the dungeon name.
Q3: Excluding Magnagate Dungeons and Glacier Palace Dungeons, these are the only dungeons in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity that have 4 or more words in the dungeon name (alphabetical).
Hunt 5 - RossW
Q1: In the anime, a fossil of Mew was originally found in this location by Team Rocket.
Q2: In Pokemon Yellow, when you fight Jessie & James, this is the name they have.
Q3: [PMD:Red/Blue rescue team] When you escort Gengar through Mt. Freeze, this is the only move it knows that it can also learn in a main series game.
Hunt 6 - Stylus
Q1: As of Generation VII, these three moves have their own unique priority level (alphabetical).
Q2: This damaging move with a priority greater than 0 debuts in "Rocking Clawmark Hill!" (anime).
Q3: Name all of the damaging moves with a priority greater than 0 used by at least one of May's Pokemon in the anime (alphabetical).
Hunt 7 - RossW
Q1: This Pokedex holder has the most pokemon that have or can be evolved through trades.
Q2: [Adventures] Two professor assistants were sent to this location to spy on a villanous team's leader.
Q3: The application for the first Pokemon trademark ever applied for was on this date. (Format: MMDDYYYY)
Hunt 8 - Stylus
Q1: This item can be purchased for 1500PC in a specific sidegame.
Q2: TM32 can be purchased at this location, which is also the only place to receive this item based on your current time.
Q3: The gym leader of Anistar City awards a badge with the same name as the leader's specialty type. Name all other gym leaders to share this trait (alphabetical).
Hunt 9 - RossW
Q1: [Pokemon Adventures] Surskit used Psybeam to open a Luxury Ball that was attempting to capture this Pokemon.
Q2: In FRLG, this is the only Pokemon that Agatha owns that doesn't know at least one move in common with its type.
Q3: Please name the only Athlete in Pokemon Colosseum's Battle Mode to own a Pikachu. Don't include the trainer class.
Hunt 10 - Stylus
Q1: This person designed the Honedge line.
Q2: Hitoshi Ariga designed a single Mega Pokemon. This character in Pokemon Adventures is the only one revealed to obtain that Pokemon's mega stone.
Q3: Giovanni's birthday, in Adventures, is in a specific month. Name all other known main characters in Pokemon Adventures to share a birthday in the same month as Giovanni (alphabetical).