(Old) Scavengers Ladder (June 2018 - May 2020)

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2018-07-26 9:00 PM UTC-4 (regular official)
Theme: Gen 4

First place: chupps
Second place: c.kilgannon
Third place: Andrew
Fourth place: Devoxys
Fifth place: skiddo
Consolation prize to: Emboar02, Lycanium Z, WhirlwindBulbasaur, mgperson

1) In all Gen IV games, a location placeholder is used for Pokemon met in the location with this ID number.
2) This HGSS location without background music existed in GSC, but was unnamed.
3) On the route in Platinum where the most TMs can be found, finding the TM for this move requires one of two HM moves.

1) 3002
2) Bellchime Trail
3) Sunny Day
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Reserving Other Side Games Official at July 28th 2018 on 1PM UTC
1st place: Cheese555 [11:41].
2nd place: Zyg [16:21].
3rd place: c.kilgannon [16:49].
4th place: mgperson 幹 [18:02].
5th place: Andrew [20:38].
Consolation Prize: Emboar02 [33:39]

1) In Pokemon Art Academy, the player can draw this Pokemon only using marker and eraser in Quick Sketch mode. [Wailmer]
2) This Pokemon spin-off game has wireless connectivity with Pokemon Trozei to get an item for the game or coins for Pokemon Trozei. (format é as e) [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team]
3) A giant snow statue of Swampert Mega can be seen in this location. (specific) [Old Ferrum Town Winter]

Thanks to Glaceylus combo for QC

May Namakobushi be with you
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Hosted a collab official hunt with Dylas on Saturday, July 28th, at 7:00 PM EDT, theme was Side Series Pokemon Games (excluding Stadium and Colosseum)!

Winner: Andrew
2nd: pokemonvortex
3rd: c.kilgannon
4th: mgperson
5th: WeepingDevil
Consolation prize: SpecsMegaBeedrill, Peterwhite
(1) Munna, (2) Zigzagoon, (3) syz
1) Meicoo: In Pokemon Dream Radar, this Pokemon's preferred dream orb color is the same as its Pokedex color.
2) Dylas: My Pokemon Ranch offers numerous events, which are activated depending on the type, amount, and species of Pokemon deposited. This Normal type Pokemon is capable of activating the most events, if only its species was deposited into the Ranch.
3) Meicoo: In Pokemon Battle Revolution, 3 secret gift Pokemon are available via code, one of whom is not the same type as the other two. None of this Pokemon's unlock codes contain any of these three English letters. List the letters alphabetically.
Thanks to Stylus and ashiemore for quality checking!
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Gen 5 official, 30 July 9pm SST (9am EDT/1pm UTC)
QC by Milkshook (host) and Stylus

1st place: JoakesOnMe [05:41].
2nd place: gallant's pear [20:55].
3rd place: James Tarkowski [22:44].
4th place: skiddo [56:28].
5th place: Emboar02 [01:00:13].
Consolation Prize: Thank-ed [01:06:49]

1. Compared to Gen 4, the ability to use a certain kana in nicknames was added to Gen 5 Japanese games. This Gen 5 Pokémon's first two letters are shared with the Hepburn romanisation of that kana.
2. Bookshelves in one location describe a move and an ability. Among the Pokémon that can be encountered or fought here, one shares no types with the others and can be found in these two other places in Unova. (alpha order)
3. One anime episode contained a reference to an M. C. Escher work. This was the last move used in that episode.

1. Vullaby
2. Dreamyard Relic Passage
3. Fury Swipes
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Results for Gen 5 official, July 30 2PM EST, qced by Stylus and ashiemore

1st place: shadowsirens♡ [07:28].
2nd place: mgperson 幹 [08:37].
3rd place: harrybotter [12:32].
4th place: askdf [13:47].
5th place: skiddo [15:52].
Consolation Prize: JoakesVGC [40:23]

1) A certain Gen 5 feature allowed you to transfer over 4 specific Gen 4 Pokémon in order to obtain 2 specific Gen 5 Pokémon. This is the English phrase required to unlock it. [EVERYONE HAPPY SIMPLE CONNECTION]
2) In BW, a downloadable feature featuring Ludicolo included a remix of a song from Hoenn. Name all non Route locations the original song can be heard in. (Don't include City/Town in your answer, alphabetical order) [Mauville Mossdeep Rustboro]
3) A pair of NPCs in BW2 will offer you multiple in game trades; all Pokémon received in these trades have their Hidden Abilities. They both mention struggling to defeat this Pokémon. [Leavanny]
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Hosting a Merchandise Official on 29th July, 2.30pm GMT+0

1. adiass
2. gallant's pear
3. Ilikebugs
4. Awesome96Birdy
5. HawaiianGirl
Consolation. mgperson, askdf

1. This book of the adaption of the Pokemon anime shows Ash taking on Sabrina in the Saffron Gym.

2. This series of plush toys has Pokemon designed lying on their stomachs, either awake of asleep.

3. When this Japan-exclusive item that references a Gen I Legendary Pokemon is used, it plays an Advanced Generation anime opening theme (format é as e).

1. Night in the Haunted Tower

2. Kuttari Cutie

3. Pokemon Mew Musical Toothbrush

alex: q3 hint spoiler: you probably have one of these and use it everyday, hopefully
@gallant's pear: and, I dont use it everyday
Ilikebugs: noone uses this everyday bad hint imo

QCed by RossW and ashiemore owo
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OWR - Official Weekly Results!
(July 22nd - July 28th EDT)

July 22nd - Generation 3 Official Hunt - (gallant's pear)
July 23rd (2) - MINI~ Host: RossW, top 5 finishers: Clouds, c.kilgannon, ptoad, Aeolia, and gallant's pear. (QC: Alex)
Breeding / Trading Official Hunt - (RossW)
July 24th (2) - Rumble Official Hunt - (adiass)
Rumble Official Hunt - (Devoxys)
July 25th - Abilities Official Hunt - (Stylus)
July 26th (2) - Generation 4 Official Hunt - (WhirlwindBulbasaur)
Generation 4 Official Hunt - (ashiemore)
July 27th - Smogon / PS Official Hunt - (pokemonvortex)
July 28th (2) - Other Side Games Official Hunt - (gallant's pear)
Other Side Games Official Hunt - (Meicoo + Dylas)
Total = (11)

Congrats to our weekly tournament winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega!

Feel free to join us for our next tournament on August 3rd @ 4:00 PM EDT (Hackmons Cup - Single Elimination).

Quick Links:
Previous Week's Results | Previous Ladders | Weekly Tournament Information & Leaderboard
Hosted an official Point Rally on Tuesday, July 31st, at 5:00 PM EDT!

Winner: Ilikebugs
2nd: chupps
3rd: Emboar02
4th: Andrew
5th: LeJess
6th: c.kilgannon
7th: JoakesOnMe
8th: reely
Consolation Prize: moo, shadowsirens, rafooa11, Illusio, Hydreigon Fan 2k17, GuiShark, Augmented Dragon, Hightide Inkling, skiddo, WyldZephyr
1-1 Hyper, 1-2 QRRZ7LBS4TDV, 1-3 Raichu-Alola
2-1 Silver, 2-2 Hurricane, 2-3 Castform
3-1 Feebas, 3-2 Corphish, 3-3 Grimer
4-1 Soul-heart, 4-2 Cele-B-R-A-T-E, 4-3 Pikachu (I Choose You)
5-1 Rhydon, 5-2 Pikachu, 5-3 Tristan
6-1 Pearl String, 6-2 Big Nugget, 6-3 Comet Shard
7-1 Pinsir, 7-2 Oddish, 7-3 Dodrio
8-1 Iron Barbs, 8-2 Hold Back, 8-3 RAGECANDYBAR
9-1 Marisso, 9-2 Assunta, 9-3 Roy
10-1 Happiny, 10-2 Poipole, 10-3 Nidorina
Hunt 1
In Pokemon Battrio, achieving 1 tough Trainer V Battle victory unlocks this avatar color palette. Don't include the word "color" in your answer.
1-2 What is the code in Pokken Tournament DX that unlocks the Holiday Ornament avatar item?
1-3 This support Pokemon in Pokemon Ga-Ole is an alternate form of a Pokemon introduced in Generation 1. (Format its name as Pokemon Showdown does)

Hunt 2
What character from the Pokemon Adventures manga owns the exact same two Pokemon as the main character from the Pocket Monsters HGSS Jo's Big Adventure manga?
2-2 What non-dragon type move does Gyarados learn via level-up in the main series games that Feraligatr cannot learn through any means?
2-3 What unevolved Pokemon can learn Hurricane in Pokemon Go?

Hunt 3
This little cup Pokemon introduced in generation 3 can evolve into its next form in two ways, one method requires trading and the other requires leveling up.
3-2 This little cup Pokemon introduced in generation 3 gains the dark type when it evolves, and its catch rate decreases by 50.
3-3 Both Feebas and Corphish have dex entries indicating they can be found in polluted streams. What little cup Pokemon introduced in an earlier generation is also said to be found in polluted streams?

Hunt 4
The title of this Pokemon Movie English ending theme is a main series Pokemon ability. (answer is the title)
4-2 The title of this Pokemon Movie English ending theme is spelled the same as a main series Pokemon move. (answer is the title)
4-3 This is the title of the only Pokemon Movie English ending theme to include a Pokemon's name in it.

Hunt 5
In the Champion battle in Pokemon Red and Blue, your Rival always uses this Pokemon, which later gains a further, non-mega evolution.
5-2 In the Champions Tournament in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, this is the only not-fully-evolved Pokemon used by an opponent.
5-3 In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after you become Champion, this possible Champion Challenger has the lowest leveled Pokemon. Do not include trainer class in your answer.

Hunt 6
In Generation VII, A Pokemon with Pickup will only have a chance to gain this item if the Pokemon is between level 21 and level 40.
6-2 In the generation V main series games only, wild Garbodor have a chance to hold this item.
6-3 This is the only item that can be sold to the Icirrus City item maniac for more money than either a Pearl String or a Big Nugget.

Hunt 7
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team, in Mt. Steel, this encounterable Pokemon doesn't share any of its type(s) with any other encounterable Pokemon.
7-2 In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team, in Wyvern Hill, this encounterable Pokemon has two types, one of which isn't shared by any other encounterable Pokemon in Wyvern Hill.
7-3 This Pokemon's national Pokedex number is halfway between the national Pokedex numbers of Pinsir and Oddish.

Hunt 8
Rough Skin has the same effect as this ability introduced in a later generation.
8-2 False Swipe is exactly the same in battle as this move introduced in a later generation.
8-3 In generation 2, potions have the same cost, sell price, and healing amount as this other item.

Hunt 9
In the Pokemon Adventures manga, the only one of X's Pokemon that cannot mega evolve is nicknamed this.
9-2 In the Pokemon anime, the highest known finisher in the first Pokemon League Conference Ash competed in is named this. (dub name)
9-3 In the English version of Pokemon Platinum, this is the shortest optional name the game offers you to give to your rival.

Hunt 10
A baby Pokemon can only be bred when its parent is holding a certain item, and the same baby Pokemon can only evolve when holding a different item. What is the baby Pokemon?
10-2 Which is the last Pokemon by national Pokedex order that can evolve and is in the Undiscovered egg group?
10-3 Which Pokemon in the Undiscovered egg group directly evolves from a Pokemon not in the Undiscovered egg group?
Thanks to ashiemore and WhirlwindBulbasaur for quality checking!
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2018-07-31 1:00 PM UTC-4 (incognito mode)

First place: Ryota Mitarai
Second place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third place: moo
Fourth place: adiass
Fifth place: chupps
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury

1) This is the Gen VI ability that the most Pokemon have.
2) This is the only non-gen 1 legendary Pokemon to be in more than one regional Pokedex.
3) This Unova dex Pokemon can't be registered in the Pokedex (as seen or caught) in Pokemon Black without the use of another game.

1) Competitive
2) Zygarde
3) Rufflet

Thanks to Milkshook for making q2 and for being cute :heart:
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2018-07-31 9:00 PM UTC-4 (odyssey hunt)

First place: WhirlwindBulbasaur
Second place: mgperson
Third place: SunGodVolcarona
Fourth place: Meicoo
Fifth place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation prize to: Milkshook, Emboar02, Aeolia

Questions + Answers:
  1. This Pokemon has a unique base stat total equal to its National Dex number. | archeops |
  2. This move can be used on either the user or an adjacent ally. | acupressure |
  3. This unused trainer class is found in the Gen I games. | chief |
  4. Excluding Psychic, this move shares its name with a trainer class. | doubleteam |
  5. This is the final accessible town in Pokemon Rumble Blast. | axletown |
  6. This Pokemon and its evolution are the only ones with a unique gender ratio. | litleo |
  7. This berry in Gen II has the same effect as a Sitrus Berry in Gen III. | goldberry |
  8. This item can be found held by wild Machop and Machoke. | focusband |
  9. This Pokemon can be found in a Friend Safari of a type it does not have. | cascoon |
  10. This is the name of the only trainer with the Firefighter trainer class that can be found on a numbered route. | alex |
  11. This is the only Gen II Pokemon used by Inver in ORAS. | marill |
  12. In Gen 7 Volcarona learns this move upon evolving from Larvesta. | quiverdance |
  13. Prior to Gen VII, this was the only Ice-type Pokemon that could not learn Ice Beam. (format like PS) | rotomfrost |
  14. An Item Maniac in Icirrus City will pay the player this much money for a Comet Shard. | 60000 |
  15. This item is exchanged for the Magnet Train Pass in GSC and HGSS. | lostitem |
  16. This is the only type to have no Pokemon with gender differences. | fairy;fairytype |
  17. This was the first Pokemon spinoff game to be released in North America. | pokemonpinball;pokmonpinball |
  18. This was the first Pokemon anime English theme not to be featured in a movie. | iwannabeahero |
  19. This is the shortest Pokemon to be taller than the tallest recorded human. | golurk |
  20. This is the English name of the second ever released TCG set. | jungle |
  21. This is the first anime episode in which Ash’s Pikachu refuses to evolve. | electricshockshowdown |
  22. The only use for Shards in Sun and Moon is to be traded for this item. | bottlecap
  23. This trainer in GSC uses a Pokemon with a move that it cannot normally learn until two levels later. | pryce |
  24. This is the last pre-Gen VI Pokemon in National Dex order that gained Fairy-type in Gen VI. | whimsicott |
  25. This is the most common move called by Metronome in the anime. | splash |
  26. This is the only type that has not yet been combined with Dragon. | bug;bugtype |
  27. This is the only Pokemon that can evolve twice without leveling up. | porygon |
  28. These two unobtainable items in Gen I throw Rock and Bait even outside of the Safari Zone. (abc order) | boulderbadgecascadebadge |
  29. This fully-evolved Pokemon has had two signature abilities, but not during the same generation. | drifblim |
  30. This settlement from the Gen I games did not appear in the original series of the anime. | fuchsiacity |
  31. This is the only anime episode in which Ash defeated two gym leaders. | solidasasolrock |
  32. Doing /avatar 135 on PS gives you an avatar of this trainer. (exclude trainer class) | petrel
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The July Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to the top three placers: mgperson in first place with 356 points, chupps in second place with 169 points, and Andrew in third place with 159 points!
mgperson 356
chupps 169
Andrew 159
c.kilgannon 127
pokemonvortex 122
SunGodVolcarona 110
Ilikebugs 103
adiass 88
Wan the Avatar 84
Devoxys 75
Cheese555 75
Emboar02 73
WhirlwindBulbasaur 70
gallant's pear 69
Rory Mercury 64
Awesome96Birdy 60
shadowsirens 55
Panda 48
Meicoo 45
LilyAC 45
SonofDaw13 45
jumbowhales 41
6j 40
JoakesVGC 40
Illusio 40
Thank-ed 36
Zyg 30
Parcly Taxel 30
Aeolia 29
Clouds 26
alex 26
Elgino10 25
Stylus 25
Fairdunk 25
keeping it icy 21
rafooa11 20
Dylas 20
terrapieseven 20
Ryota Mitarai 20
moo 20
CloserToTheHeart 20
beedrillmega 20
TheWhoDoctor 20
BigPimpin12 20
Regretfulness 20
Hydreigon Fan 2k17 20
3.14dgeot-Mega 16
LJB14 15
HeroicTobias 15
Snow Forme Shaymin 13
harrybotter 12
milkshook 10
lejess 10
askdf 10
shayyminskyy 10
bartimaeusjr 10
the big red dog 10
gleeb 10
RossW 10
ayearinadvance 8
DanDeMew 8
lordnwahs6 8
ptoad 8
skiddo 7
Irokei 5
acetrainerluana 5
Merlee 5
Yeedo2 5
Rb220 5
WeepingDevil 4
JoakesOnMe 3
HawaiianGirl 2
BroncoBeast579 2
sedertz 1
thimblebony 1
beej 1
skyfigueroa 1
Darthikyu 1
mathwizard77 1
reely 1
The ladder twist for the month of August will be: Announced soon! Look forward to a big change in Scavengers this August!

Hope everybody's ready!
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2018-08-01 10:00 PM UTC-4 (regular official)

First place: Aeolia
Second place: Chupps
Third place: Milkshook
Fourth place: Meicoo
Fifth place: selphina
Consolation prize to: Ilikebugs, Lycanium z, WeepingDevil

1) This option in the options menu appeared in Yellow and all Gen II games, but never before or after.
2) In Gen VI, this Pokemon could learn only one field move and it was neither a TM nor an HM.
3) This Electric-type Pokemon has a BST that is a multiple of 37.

1) Print
2) Combee
3) Heliolisk
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2018-08-02 8:00 PM UTC-4 (regular official)

First place: mgperson
Second place: Andrew
Third place: c.kilgannon
Fourth place: thimblebony
Fifth place: shadowsirens
Consolation prize to: Cheese555, Emboar02

1) This Pokemon that is the shortest of one of its types loses said type upon evolving.
2) Of all gifted Pokemon in the Pokemon Stadium series (Pokemon that can be transferred into the main series games), this is the one that is given with this 100 base power move. (Format as Pokemon + Move)
3) This is the highest 5-digit trainer ID number of a Pokemon that can be obtained in an in-game trade.

1) Azurill
2) Gligar + Earthquake
3) 65217

Thanks to Dylas for making q2 :heart:
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official by me and Alexender (Alex:) on Friday 3rd August at 11pm EST
QCd by adiass and Sparkychild :D

Sun☼GodVolcarona has finished the hunt in 1st place! (01:26)
BigPimpin12! has finished the hunt in 2nd place! (02:19)
Andrew has finished the hunt in 3rd place! (02:25)
skiddo has finished the hunt in 4th place! (03:52)
ooftato✿EDM has finished the hunt in 5th place! (06:27)

1. The only Plusle in the anime to not appear alongside a Minun is owned by this character.
2. Excluding abilities, this Pokemon has the most 4x resistances.
3. The sound made by the truck at the start of the RSE games can also be heard in this location.
1. Solana
2. Heatran
3. Sealed Chamber
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2018-08-04 7:00 PM UTC-4 (regular official)

First place: mgperson (blitz)
Second place: Darthikyu (blitz)
Third place: Clouds
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: WhirlwindBulbasaur
Consolation prize to: Gui♡Shark ><^>, skiddo, Elgino10 ♫, guluguluga, askdf

1) Apart from Ash, this is the trainer in the anime with the most Pokemon that have used moves they cannot learn in the games.
2) This is the romanized Japanese name of the first trained to be seen using an Oricorio in the anime.
3) This is the only Pokemon obtained by Team Rocket in the original series that they still own.

1) Jessie
2) James
3) Wobuffet
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Official hunt on Sunday, August 5th @ 3:00 PM EDT

Winner: Andrew (02:49)
2nd Place: harrybotter (03:11)
3rd Place: applo (03:51)
4th Place: shadowsirens (04:30)
5th Place: ScorrchingTheaph (04:51)
Consolation Prize: Emboar02, mgperson, Milkshook

1) An NPC in Black 2/White 2 of this trainer class replaces an NPC from Black/White that gives the player an item once a day on a route in Unova.
2) This is the first book adaptation of the Pokemon anime published by Jennifer L. Johnson.
3) In Pokemon Rumble Blast, a certain region's Battle Royale is the only one in the game which features just one rival Pokemon. What is the name of the Pokemon?
1) Ace Trainer
2) Psyduck Ducks Out
3) Spiritomb
Congratulations to all finishers, and thanks to Alexender and CheeseMuffin for QC'ing.

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OWR - Island of Lost Souls Official Weekly (July 29th - August 4th EDT) Results:
Great week of officials again! Congratz to HeroicTobias, the winner of last week's Hackmons Cup Tournament! Don't miss next week's Monotype Random Battle Tournament this Friday, on August 10th, at 9 PM EDT!

Huge Congratz to mgperson and c.kilgannon on room voice!

Quick Links:
Monthly Ladder Archive | Previous Week's Results | Weekly Tournament Info/Leaderboard
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Official August 8th at 7pm:

1. This move had its accuracy changed between main series games that are of the same generation. | hypnosis 2. During an episode of the anime’s first season, Ash’s pokedex stated that hypnosis was the special attack of this pokemon. | exeggutor 3. A set of leaf stones are offered as a prize in a certain tournament held in Johto. This was the nickname of the pokemon won said tournament in the anime. | skippy
1st place: Sun☼GodVolcarona [01:26]. 2nd place: applo♫ [01:33]. 3rd place: BigPimpin12 [03:20]. 4th place: mgperson 幹 [03:30]. 5th place: terrapieseven [03:42]. Consolation Prize: Darthikyu [03:45], moo [04:01], skiddo [04:49], awa! nderingcaelum [06:11], shadowsirens♡ [09:14], DarkShinyGiratina [14:45] Thank you so much to everyone for participating and enjoying it and to Milkshook and Steven Snype (Andrew) for QCing!
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Reserving Official Hunt on Wednesday August 8th 2018 at 11PM UTC
1st place: Andrew [04:05].
2nd place: Wan the Avatar [04:40].
3rd place: Devoxys [10:09].
4th place: Rory Mercury [13:17].
5th place: skiddo [20:24].
Consolation Prize: Emboar02 [21:09], Aeolia [22:08]

1) This pokemon game includes some variation of hanafuda/koi-koi, uno, and solitaire based on pokemon and features the anime characters. (format é as e) [pokemon zany cards]
2) This Japan Pokemon mobile game has a PC/browser version that can be accessed from Pokemon Daisuki Club. (format é as e) [pokemon say tap?]
3) This is the longest Bulbapedia article/page to date. [List of Battle Maison Pokémon / List of Battle Maison Pokemon]

Thanks to Ribombeicoo combo for QC

May Namakobushi be with you
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"Repetitions/As and Bs" official, 7 August 9pm SST (9am EDT/1pm UTC)
QC by Milkshook (host) and adiass

1st place: Devoxys [04:09].
2nd place: gallant's pear [05:51].
3rd place: Fairdunk [14:35].
4th place: JoakesOnMe [18:19].
5th place: shadowsirens♡ [22:12].

1. These two abilities from generation 3 have Japanese names containing substrings of the form ABAB, where A and B represent one character each. (English alpha order)
2. This type of biographical poem has the rhyme scheme AABB, with the subject on the first line.
3. This ABBA song repeats two words five times in its title.

1. Cute Charm Swift Swim
2. clerihew
3. I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
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The National Day Odyssey Official
9 August 9pm SST (9am EDT/1pm UTC)
Hosting by adiass, QC by Dylas and Gallant Spear

The official scavenger hunt was ended by Stylus.
1st place: JoakesOnMe [33:00].
2nd place: Devoxys [45:31].
3rd place: Emboar02 [01:26:56].
4th place: Elgino10 ♫ [01:48:28].

1. These two Pokémon in the middle of a three-stage evolutionary line are #9 in any kind of non-national Pokédex. (alpha order) | Chansey Metapod |
2. This is the first Pokémon by national dex order to have eight resistances, including forms. (PS! format) | Sandshrew-Alola |
3. After Ninetales and Kyurem, this is the only Pokémon whose Japanese name begins with "kyu". | Comfey |
4. Ash earns this badge in the first episode containing "eight" in its English title. (omit "badge") | Rising |
5. This is the earliest reachable location in Hoenn where a Pokémon with Cloud Nine can be caught in gen 3. | Safari Zone |
6. Among the seven moves found as TMs on routes numbered 8, this is the only one whose accuracy is not 100%. | Roost |
7. This event item grants access to the ninth Sevii Island, after Navel Rock. | AuroraTicket |
8. These three Pokémon's weights are 88.8 in either pounds or kilograms. (alpha order) | Feraligatr Sharpedo Zangoose |
9. Today, 9 August 2018, is the national day of what country? | Singapore

Note that questions 1, 3, 5, 7 involve a nine of some sort, while 2, 4, 6, 8 involve an eight of some sort.
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Reserving Collab Official Hunt with Meicoo on Aug 13 7:00 PM EDT (qc: spear, ashie)!

1st place:
Illusio [02:04].
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina [02:21].
3rd place: Elgino10 ♫ [03:16].
4th place: Andrew [04:51].
5th place: c.kilgannon [05:38].
Consolation Prize: Hightideくコ彡Inkling [05:40], Milkshook [06:14], WhirlwindBulbasaur [10:44], Aeolia [15:41], Anno-nyme [26:36]

1) This Pokemon has a unique egg group combination with its two egg groups. [castform]
2) The name of this mini game for the Pokemon mini console contains both a Pokemon and a main series move. [Sneasel's Fake Out]
3) Out of the Pokemon whose names are also scrabble-legal words, these two Pokemon are tied for the shortest in height (alphabetical). [ditto paras]
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OWR - X Evolution Official Weekly (August 5th - August 11th EDT) Results:
Strong week of officials is in the books!
August 5th - Official Hunt - (Clouds)
August 6th - MINI~ Host: Meicoo, top 5 finishers: Rory Mercury, mgperson, moo, ooftatoEDM, and Alex! (QC: ashiemore)
August 7th (2) - Official Hunt - (Parcly Taxel)
Official Hunt - (c.kilgannon)
August 8th - Official Hunt - (Gallant Spear)
August 9th - Odyssey - (Parcly Taxel)
August 10th (2) - MINI~ Host: Alexender, top 5 finishers: SunGodVolcarona, Anno-nyme, Elgino10, mgperson, and SpecterReaper! (QC: adiass)
• MINI~ Hosts: ashiemore + Alexender, top 5 finishers: Emboar02, Parcly Taxel, mgperson, gallant's pear, and c.kilgannon! (QC: WhirlwindBulbasaur)
August 11th - MINI~ Host: Meicoo, top 5 finishers: SunGodVolcarona, WeepingDevil, Thanked, c.kilgannon, and mgperson! (QC: Alex)
Congratz to c.kilgannon, the winner of last week's Monotype Random Battle Tournament! Don't miss next week's Random Doubles Battle Tournament this Friday, on August 17th, at 10 AM EDT!

Big shoutout to WhirlwindBulbasaur on room moderator!

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Results for official hunt on Monday, August 13 at 12:00 PM EST, qced by Meicoo and Alexender

1st place: Rory Mercury [12:42].
2nd place: Dylas [13:28].
3rd place: adiass [15:26].
4th place: JoakesOnMe [16:08].
5th place: gallant's pear [16:49].
Consolation Prize: Ryota Mitarai [17:09]

1) This Pokemon can be obtained without transfer in every main series Gen 3 game, as well as Colosseum and XD. [Magcargo]
2) This item's drop rate is affected by Pokerus. (Singular form) [Double-Up Bag]
3) In the main series games, a rainbow on the battlefield has the same effect as this Ability. [Serene Grace]
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Hosting an official Wednesday Aug 15 at 6:00 PM EDT (GMT -4), qc'd by ashiemore and Alexender

1. Elgino10 (01:23)
2. Wan the Avatar (01:43)
3. SunGodVolcarona (02:38)
4. SergioRules (03:47)
5. BigPimpin12 (03:55)
Additional Finishers: GuiShark (04:21), ShadowSirens (06:31)

1) This item allows the player to alternate between the non-hidden abilities of a Pokemon [Ability Capsule.]
2) This location is the closest to a Pokemon Professor's lab that you may encounter and catch a wild Hoppip [Route 29 / Johto Route 29 / Route 29 Johto]
3) In USUM, this otherwise imperfect accuracy move will always hit if used by a user that shares its type. [Toxic]
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