OM Interviews (#16: In The Hills)

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Do you think your life is meaningful right now?

If not, what will you do to make your life meaningful?

Are you annoyed when you answer the questions above?

Do you listen to music? If so, what kind of music you listen to?

What is the definition of racool?

What do you think about me asking these very same questions in all interviews?

How do you motivate yourself to do tasks like homework or studying for tests?
yeah but like who cares how it's made if it tastes good??? bacon the best

alberta's mountains are better

i like the name racool <3

also let's just say Canada and Britain are top 2 best countries (dual citizenship wooooo)

i herd u liek mudkipz??? plez confrimm??
r u drunk

thoughts on user: Trollinator
yeah but like who cares how it's made if it tastes good??? bacon the best only bacon I like is baconbagon, even if im too new to even know him.

alberta's mountains are better I shall take your word for it lol

i like the name racool <3 But do you like the user is the real question.....? ;P

also let's just say Canada and Britain are top 2 best countries (dual citizenship wooooo) Unfortunately, I already have dual citizenship of the UK and New Zealand, soz. Also, new zealand is prettier than Canada imo, prettiest place ive ever been to.

i herd u liek mudkipz??? plez confrimm?? nah its in my sig cos I hate it (if you dont like mudkip, you dont have a soul)
who is she I am me
Are these even questions? What the fuck is this nonsense Better than "Insert cool pun here?" questions tbf ;P
I'm gonna ask the real important questions now

Are you an egg? This is probs some witty joke that is completely flying past me, im bad at recognising jokes :/
  • How did you choose your nick racool? I think i explained this earlier, essentially I was yound-ish and stupid. As my name is rachel, i thought racool was a sweet name cos it kinda sounded a bit like my name without publicising my gender, and dare I say it, I thought it was quite a "cool" username lol XD. Anyways, it should relieve you to hear that I have grown a brain since then, however as everyone knows me as racool I cant really change it, also cant think of anything that would be worth changing it too.
  • Do you have a sexy British accent or a lame one?I have a pretty posh english accent, due to my 17 years spent in Cambridge which is quite a posh town, I actually think the correct term for it is a cambridgian accent but I could just be making that up lol. Idk if thats a sexy accent or not, depends on what ur into, some people like london accents and think posh accents are well a sign of snobbery and steer clear, others love a posh accent, depends on whats your cup o tea (aha I chuckled at that one, tells you how bad my sense of humour and joke making ability is xD).
  • Choose a Nick from the 3 options - Pencil, Rubber, Shade (xdxdxdxd)Shade, these are the worst nickname ideas ever btw.
  • Thoughts on Jrdn being a love machine/tinder hound.Amusing
  • In case you become sketch TL in future, what would you do to increase its popularity. I'm ignoring the first part, but as for what can be done to increase popularity, well I was thinking of hosting a sketch tour on smogon.
  • Also do you have anything particular you want to achieve IRL or just flow along.The goal right now is to get a first at oxford, idk what imma do with a history degree afterwards, but ill work really hard to give myself the best shot I can at getting a first for sure.
  • Heard that geerat dude is awesome. Thoughts?Dont like how his smogon and PS names dont match tbh, but yeah I heard through the grapevine that hes p awesome ;P
is this funny I am awful at being funny (see above attempt at a pun) so im not gonna judge other's jokes lol
Do you think your life is meaningful right now? I strive to make my life meaningful, both to myself and hopefully in the long term to others as I want to make a positive impact on people who dont have the oppurtunities that I was given by my family's financial position. However I dont want to consider whether my life has been meaningful so far or not, as that could lead to compacency. I could say that my life has been meaningful as I have gotten into oxbridge and am going to study the subject I love, however I would rather not consider that as that might lead to me taking my "foot off the pedal" metaphorically.

If not, what will you do to make your life meaningful?

Are you annoyed when you answer the questions above? The only annoyance I get is regret that I didnt take philosophy A-level instead of Maths. I took maths because I thought it would be more useful as it left the door open to economics, but I soon found that my heart was pretty set on history, so I woulda been far better off taking something that I would have enjoyed more. And I really like writing essays, especially for subjects like philosophy english and history. There is just so much room to just think, analyse and express yourself which I love.

Do you listen to music? If so, what kind of music you listen to? Do I listen to music..... LOL. The short answer is yes, I listen to an unhealthy amount of music, to the point where my parents bought me headphones as a present for getting into oxford, and I love them (theyr actually so sick, bose soundlink AE II wireless). I have a huge spread of music I listen to tbh, would be easier to list the stuff i dont like: country, dubstep, hard rock, and funky pop are the main genres I steer clear of. I will say, i just recently discovered 2Cellos on youtube, theyr sooooooooooo good:

What is the definition of racool? Said this earlier lol: A unique species of mons players that likes AAA and Sketchmons a lot. Its usual habitat is the om room iirc.

What do you think about me asking these very same questions in all interviews?Great idea, you get a range of answers that you can later look at and compare!

How do you motivate yourself to do tasks like homework or studying for tests? Well the subjects I took at A-level, were all subjects that I really liked, especially history and english, maths not so much. So for the most part, I just really enjoyeddoing extra reading and just putting in loads of work into homework so that it was the best I could have done. But also, I had strong aspirations to go to oxbridge for uni, so that was a great motivator when I felt the urge to procrastinate. Now that I'm actually about to go to uni and study history, well I dont think I will struggle motivating myself, because I just quite simply love history, and will hopefully just enjoy doing hte work at uni.
Soz got really deep there
r u drunk nothing wrong with being drunk ;) Although I would steer clear of social media of any sort when you are intoxicated, just a general warning from experience ;)

thoughts on user: Trollinator
On another note

Am I a better Canadian than jrdn chloe got to me :c Love u corrupted flame, but I cant go backstabbing my longest friend on PS ;(
Thoughts on tegrof questioning whether someone is drunk or not when his regular activity is far worse than being drunk? eh
I'm the best user ever right??

If you had to learn one om you don't know already, which would you learn?

What's your favorite color?

What's one piece of advice you'd give to new users in OMs?

What are you most proud of on this website and IRL?

What's one goal you have yet to meet?

Would you rather fight 100 Joltik-sized Celesteela or 1 Celesteela-sized Joltik?
How much do you weigh? Does tennis keep you fit or are you super flabby?

Favourite foot, right or left? Why, pls elaborate.

Do you have one arm significantly bigger than the other?

Thoughts on me not having read your interview yet?
EDIT: Read it now.

What do you like about history? Is it just history in general or specific periods?
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I'm the best user ever right?? sure

If you had to learn one om you don't know already, which would you learn? AG

What's your favorite color? Scarlet

What's one piece of advice you'd give to new users in OMs? pick one om that you enjoy the most and focus on that (also i advise againsti picking an omotm). Then make a push for omgs, cos from my experience the best way to get into the om community, or at least the way I got into it, was by doing well in om tours on smogon whilst not being an asshat.Also, try and contribute loads to the om you choose, as that could get u into a council which helps build ur standing

What are you most proud of on this website and IRL? On the site, probs making OMGS playoffs, i was a no-name and noone expected me to make playoffs so that was cool, irl almost definitely getting into oxford, it was a goal I had for a long time but I kept it very quiet, but now that I actually have got in for sure well lets just say I havent been very quiet about it anymore ;P

What's one goal you have yet to meet? Long term, I really want to make a difference in the lives of people who dont have access to the kind of support and resources that I did, its what I plan on dedicating my life to after uni and my career finishes.

Would you rather fight 100 Joltik-sized Celesteela or 1 Celesteela-sized Joltik? 100 celes, joltic weighs 590 grams so i cant imagine heavy slam doing shit. The celesteela sized joltik sounds terrifying.
How much do you weigh? Does tennis keep you fit or are you super flabby? I weigh 56 kilos, im neither super fit or flabby, ig im average? Im by no means athletic but im fortunate enough to have a decent metabilism. Also, when i said I "play" tennis, i mean I enjoy playing it, but i kinda suck at it. More of a recreational thing I like to do.

Favourite foot, right or left? Why, pls elaborate. Left, ive got a birthmark on my left foot that I always thought looked a lot like an eagle so I'm partial to it :P

Do you have one arm significantly bigger than the other? no........ is urs wtf?

Thoughts on me not having read your interview yet? huh? how on earth did you know that I play tennis then???
EDIT: Read it now.

What do you like about history? Is it just history in general or specific periods? I find the whole process of looking back at the past and analysing what happened and why people took certain coursess of action very intetesting tbh. As of late ive been reading a lot about the war of the roses, however I enjoy reading all sorts of history books from various periods. I prefer more like midieval-modern history tho, ancient history is very interesting but I find it much less comprehendable as the cultures were so vastly different and there isnt as much well evidence to support any claims you make relatively.
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Do you feel as though being a woman in a largely male-dominated competitive scene has been significant in your Pokémon career so far? If so, how? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Also, if you could choose only one dish to eat every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Do you feel as though being a woman in a largely male-dominated competitive scene has been significant in your Pokémon career so far? If so, how? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.I dont find too much of a difference tbh For the most part I dont publicise my gender, and it isnt obvious for my username, so I avoid unnecessary wierd pms for the most part. If im being honest tho, a few times once ive revealed my gender to people who ive talked to for a bit and know wont be wierd, I have noticed that sometimes they do change how they interact with me ever so slightly. It doesnt bother me much either way tbh, most of the people i talk to on a regular basis have the capability to understand that in reality when ur playing mons online, ur gender makes absolutely no difference anyways.

Also, if you could choose only one dish to eat every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? ugh, id get equally bored of anything if i had to eat it only for the rest of my life tbh. I think the only thing i can consume endlessly without getting sick of it is coffee lol. As for my answer..... no idea honestly, maybe something simple like spaghetti pomodoro.
View attachment 88218 soz, I answered this and told you on PS, but forgot to answer on smogon for any others interested in my answer if there are any. I would go for pulling the lever, id like to feel as tho I at least tried to save everyone.
For the next interview, I talked with the OMPL GOAT Laxpras!

#5 Laxpras
| Klang: he should unban dugtrio

[imas' amazing art]

¡Hey Laxpras!

Ay girl

Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I'm a middle aged man struggling with divorce and the lack of appreciation my children display for me.

Either that or a typical US college student who uses this site to get a break from pre-med shit but then ends up spending too much time here, hurting my pre-med shit.

I'm excessively liberal, enjoy banter, work out daily/play basketball, and spend way too much time learning & conducting research regarding neuroscience.

How did you get into Pokémon?
I just played a lot when I was young. Always a video game nerd, especially when I was younger. Regarding PS, it actually started with a friend that I used to ball out with on Call of Duty; if I remember correctly he was pissed cuz I just asserted dominance 1v1 rust (intervention only) [no radar] so he took me to this website where he knew he could smack me around a bit. Enjoying the nostalgia of pokemon, which I hadn't played in years but still had fond memories of, I got into it a bit. That interest kept growing, and the more I played the better I got. Like most people, I enjoy things I'm good at so as I got better I wanted to play more, creating a circle where I ended up playing too much. I think I'm much less of a pokemon fanatic than most people here. The only game I played a lot was Emerald (GOAT), but I did play that a lot. I never watched the show or any of that stuff, and the reason I play now is more for the distraction, easily accessible and anonymous competitive aspect, and the half-chub I get when I triple switch to get the matchup I wanted to chip 30% into your check for my win-con, which, unbeknownst to you, will now win the game because of that 30% damage.

If you could change one thing about AAA, without any retribution, what would it be?
Klang would come back so I could smack him around again.

Or, probably ban Magearna. It isn't broken, I guess, but it is the quintessential RegenVest with probably the best typing their is, unbelievable mixed bulk, and a snail-paced pivot. That all packed into a mon that can also unleash powerful Fleur Cannons. If you were going to design a RegenVest pivot, it would be Magearna (damn I just made it sound pretty broken). If Magearna was banned people would have to be a lot more creative with their defensive cores, stall would be hindered, and the meta would just be more fast paced. Meloetta was annoying in Gen6, but Melo is only half as good as Mag.

Do you prefer +5 or +10 boosts in Tier Shift? Why?
+5, by far. I enjoyed Tier Shift a lot last gen, and I find it pretty dreadful this gen tbh. Everything is absurdly bulky, especially with Eviolite being allowed fsr. It also kind of eliminates the point of the meta. The beauty of Tier Shift was using lesser known mons to great success. Last gen I could build a team around Stunfisk and Dragon Dance Lapras have it be badass. This gen, those mons, and really any other fun mon, are completely useless against the Eviolite NFE mons flying around. I'm pretty disappointed in this. Wish you woulda fixed ur meta peef

What are your thoughts on the last OMPL?
:rat: :snake:

It was a lot of fun, I enjoy team tours a lot. They are a nerdy reminder of my basketball glory days with the team goals aspect. I enjoyed being on the same team as TI and Flint especially, as well as the rest. The thing I like about OMPL is you get to go through the circuit of your meta's players. Last year, I got to go through aesf, jrdn, klang, etc. This year it wasn't quite as fun, as Motherlove and Jrdn dodged me, but I did get to play geerat and aesf again and I'm glad I got to represent the ole aaa dudes and not let us down aganst non-aaa players.

I'm glad we won this year, I'm still salty Ransei's team didn't win last year. I think our team last year was absurd. Curve dominated AG, I swept AAA, and terrors blew through mono. We were far and away the best team. Unfortunately Curve couldn't pull out the final AG W and terrors got haxed in his last mono match, but such is life. I suppose it was made up for me this year as my team won, even though we weren't necessarily far and away the best team.

Do you have any advice or tips on how to do well in a team tournament format like this?
Yeah I think I actually have a really helpful tip: Stop designing CTs.
I think the more counter-team based your team is, the more likely you are to lose. People have this notion that they need to be able to beat the mons that players used in the past, and be able to deal with certain playstyles. Obviously this is true to an extent: if someone is known for stall you damn sure better be able to deal with stall, but do people not realize that if I bring a mon in one week, I am very much less likely to bring it the next week? If I bring balanced offense a few weeks in a row, it would be pretty stupid of me to bring it again, so I'll bring some heat like Electric Terrain instead. Idk, there's a decent portion of competitive people that are obsessed with bringing CTs, but, judging by how it turned out for them, maybe they should think twice about that.

For myself, the closest match I had was against Sabella, and it was because I tried to build a CT. A couple people told me he always brings this certain team style, so I prepped that team style exclusively and ended up with a horrid matchup when he brought HO. I was lucky to win that game.

Are you going to attempt a third year in a row undefeated next OMPL?
I keep telling myself I'll quit PS any day now to be able to focus on school/research/clinic/gym/girls but I still haven't done it.... Hopefully I quit before them but I may be too addicted so ya its a possible, and ofc go for undefeated.

Actually, no. Imas and I are going to comanage the Barboach Boiis to victory next year.

If you are, how much do you think you'll go for?
Hopefully more than 9k you snake-ass managers

What players do you look up to or are really good friends with within the OM community?
The ole AAA crew is foremost. When I got into OMs Klang was the goat and I just wanted to get to that level. From AAA I got to be friends with people like Imas, the current AAA GOD, Motherlove, and Jrdn, all of which are good anonymous internet friends now whom I know nothing about outside of pokemon lmao.

Outside of AAA I've gotten to be friends with some OM leadership like Chloe and Flint, who are always fun to talk to. VD is my fav user and he's always a good presence. Newerish OM people like Racool are also fun. I'm sure I forgot a couple, and yes its probably bc i hate u

Can you provide a niche set that you have created and explain how/why it works?
Sure, I'll give one for this gen and one for last gen since last gen I was able to be more fun & creative.

This gen, Water Absorb Nihilego is a set I created that served several important functions. For one, it checks set up water sweepers that my team feared, such as Golisopod, Fini, Suicune, and Manaphy. It also serves as a Rock setter, decent Noivern check, and a Zygarde/Landorus lure with sash + HP Ice. I won an OMPL match against geerat turn 1 because of this set.

Last gen, I had the goat Stunfisk set. Stunfisk walled the two scariest special attackers: Noivern and Thundurus, as well as the ever present Birdspam. It also set up rocks and yawned errythang. Double peaked ladder because of that beast.

Kris asks: What do you do outside of Pokémon?
I've touched on this a bit already but I do a lot of research regarding neuroscience, I'll hopefully be publishing a paper as a first-author this year. I shadow neurologists and volunteer for outreach, though I do this less during the year. I try to lift daily, but due to busy schedules this usually happens late at night which is tiring. I like to go to my school's sporting games, maybe a party a week, and play PS4 in my spare time.

Qplaz asks: Who is the worst opponent to play against?
Probably jrdn lol. We've played against each other so much for the past year that our current matches are honestly pretty stupid, we just make bad plays that end up working because we know each other too well. They really aren't helpful matches to test teams but rather to test which bad prediction can work better. Jrdn is great tho luv him

Alex asks: Describe your worst experience at a restaurant.
The first date I went on in college I spilled water all over myself, and complimented the girl's boobs in a way that was much less clever and smooth than I anticipated.

ScarfWynaut asks: How did you get your username?
Uh I had a name when I first started that was kinda close to my real name and then I saw someone with alliteration of a pokemon name that I thought was cool so I copied it with my fav mon. I was young and now I think its pretty stupid but whatever idc

wishes asks: Which Gen 1 starter do you like the most and why?
ig charizard just because venusaur and blastoise are both ugly and not cool, not a big fan of charizard either tho. I don't have gen1 nostalgia so ya. Lapras is my real answer.
1. Feelings on being the unquestionably the best AAA player (judging from OMPL records)?
2. Thoughts on QT's feedback on my Bisharp saying "Run FF over Adapt"?
3. Next suspect: Weavile or Terrakion?
4. Connections between Klang and AAA? I wasn't present in the past so I need some clarifications
5. Predict the Month / Year for your ladybug badge?
6. Sorry for being the most annoying shit but


7. Why are you a goat?

Aw man I really liked your RMT that says 'Katalina Winemixer' or whatever, that was dope
Good TL
do u actually think the barboach boiis is a good name lol
will you marry me
i expect more elaborate proposals

why are u gay is i meant to ask but chloe wouldnt let me say that
because VD exists.
Im not actually gay but i've reconsidered that statement several times after seeing recent Zac Efron movies I would definitely let that man take me out to a nice seafood restaurant

1. Feelings on being the unquestionably the best AAA player (judging from OMPL records)?
2. Thoughts on QT's feedback on my Bisharp saying "Run FF over Adapt"?
3. Next suspect: Weavile or Terrakion?
4. Connections between Klang and AAA? I wasn't present in the past so I need some clarifications
5. Predict the Month / Year for your ladybug badge?
6. Sorry for being the most annoying shit but

Glyx ✦: lax is kind of an underwhelming opponent after actually laddering aaa]
idk she had to play me twice in ompl and she says im underwhelming so she clearly knows what shes talking about
2. He was probably thinking your team was too hot
3. Terrakion will be suspected once I have the go ahead. I wanted Weavile but democracy and stuff
4. Klang lead AAA and was the best at it for quite some time.
5. idk ti can i have a ladybug badge for helping u in ompl is that how it works
6. stay on the boat mama aint raise no bitch
7. i click the right buttons sometimes

do u actually think the barboach boiis is a good name lol

have u seen the name in your signature? also barboach boiis is purposefully bad, but somehow still better than Driftveil Drampas

I pull the lever and take my chances. I would always regret not pulling the lever. I would clearly also regret killing 5ppl, but I would have known I took the logical chances so I could live with myself. Kantianism and such

Do you see any new AAA players with potential?

When will you host a tournament?

I was gunna answer this and say there are barely any good AAA players but actually I guess AAA still has more good players than most OM ladders which is interesting. Depends who we classify as new. I see Jrdn and myself as the only players who are both active and really good AAA players. Racool was coming up but seemed to fall back a bit so ig she's the answer to the question. Chloe will learn it soon and dominate right? VD also built a dope team with assistance from yours truly!

I would host a tournament but tl/dr im busy and shouldnt be on as much as i am. I'd be open to co-hosting with someone.
Thoughts on me actually creating water absorb Nihilego (probsies) months b4 you


Proof is in the pudding imo

Pretend you dont see that Arcanine


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Do you think your life is meaningful right now?

If not, what will you do to make your life meaningful?

Are you annoyed when you answer the questions above?

Do you listen to music? If so, what kind of music you listen to?

What do you think about me asking these very same questions in all interviews?

Please give a detailed explanation about the role of acetylcholine in a synapse.

What is the difference of ascending and descending pathway?