Hi, half the posts in this thread are not very intelligible and hurt my brain. Despite being in agreement with this thread on the basis that the community deserves to know whats being considered and discussed by council with regards to suspect tests be it retesting or testing for Ubers, I think giving every John, Dick, and Harry the ability to post nonsensical arguments as to why certain things are broken is an oversight on the basis of many users not having a very informed frame of mind on what qualifies a pokemon as broken. Maybe creating a clear guideline or set of qualifications for the community to judge pokemon by would improve the form and help users make better arguments and possibly stop the uninformed ramblings with regards to Toxapex bans or Kings Shield over Aegislash bans (This can be done by looking at previous bans and outlining precadent extensively). With that said I suppose I should at least talk about the state of the current meta and the pokemon in it but as a disclaimer I am in general against quickbanning pokemon outside exceptional circumstances so I wont comment on whether a pokemon should be quickbanned/suspect tested due to my inherent bias.
Alright so with regards to Aegislash. Aegislash's typing and ability give it an inherent synergy that no other pokemon possibly OU worthy possesses. This has led to it being widely used in both metagames it has been allowed in thus far (I'm calling SUMO a meta despite it not really being one due to it only being active for like a week and nothing really being established from a competitive sense yet). This usage has led Aegislash to clearly centralizing the meta towards itself and is only exacerbated by its monstrous defensive and offensive capabilities. Its a versatile pokemon that may have checks and counters but is extremely difficult to switch into none the less. Scouting sets is something you must do every time you play an Aegislash and despite having to do this for other pokemon too Aegislash's versatility rivals that of Greninjas but in regards to sets rather than coverage. Despite this Aegislash does have arguments to stay in the tier. It does have new viable checks/switchins in Mantine and Toxapex while also retaining the ones from last gen. There is also the argument (albeit a widely considered poor argument) that Aegislash's typing is "healthy" for the metagame and it is stopping things from running wild. This argument is referred to as "Broken checking Broken" which in its essence is unhealthy but with the term broken being subjective in this instance it really comes down to whether as community we wish to promote creativity and viability or have a pokemon in the tier that just clearly should be on every team a la GSC Snorlax. Looking at the current ORAS meta we can say that without a doubt the Aegislash ban promoted this creativity and can be seen in the viability of pokemon as no pokemon is a must have on every team (yes not even Landorus-T is a must have ABR/TDK). In other words, in my opinion Aegislash is probably broke due to me preferring a meta with more inspired team building but I do feel the blatant disregard of people to understand why some people are Pro-Aegislash is unjust.
Pheremosa in an Aegislash based meta does not fit the criteria for a outright ban in my opinion. Despite its base speed, high attack power, and decent stabs its susceptibility to priority, pretty much anything attacking with more than 70atk/spatk thats not resisted KO's it and quite honestly in an Aegislash meta it is from my experience a sub par Gensect. Pheremosa's sets extend to the three choice sets and life orb. Banded while being strong is severely outclassed by Genesect. Genesect has a stronger Uturn, arguably just as good stab and access to a +2 priority move that can hit the tier for a lot damage. Genesect also has a wider coverage for band set (Blaze Kick being the bets example). Choice Specs will primarily be down to preference. Do you wish your pokemon to be incredibly fast and have no bulk or do you want your pokemon to be slightly slower yet have a better defensive typing, more bulk, and access to better coverage. Scarf Sets become interesting as Pheremosa has the better scarf set. Due to its natural speed Pheremosa can invest heavily in its attacking stats and allow for late game beast boost sweeps to take place, it catches off guard every scarfer in their while still utilizing uturn to escape from switch-ins. Be this as it may I'm talking about Pheremosa her and right now Pheremosa is not broken. Its coverage is one dimensional, despite varying sets, it has little to no bulk and multiple checks/switch-ins to any of its sets including but not limited to Aegislash,Mantine, Amoongus, Mega Venusaur, Bulky Zard x, any viable scarf pokemon in the tier, all of the Tapus (this with the exception of a Poison Jab set despite it being rare from my experiences) and I guess Lando if someones running a band set w/o ice beam for w/e reason but either way rocky helms a pretty easy way of wearing any uturner down if you have any level of foresight but i digress. In Aegislash meta its not broke. Anything after that is theorymon and shouldn't be discussed in this thread at the time in my opinion as this is to focus on the current meta and not what may be broken in other meta (we have no idea how a metagame may develop with a ban as substantial as that). Granted as everyones doing it I might aswell cause why not I guess. With Aegislash gone you lose a pokemon that has shaped how teams are built singlehandedly and lose what people are using as the primary switch-in to Phereomsa. In a post Aegislash meta Pheremosa becomes more viable due to not everyone having a ghost type on their team and allowing it to spam high jump kick more. This will see the rise of the Tapu's, Pheremosa will begin to run poison jab sets and then people will find new ways to wear down a life orb set (if you run Poison Jab on a choice set you are either a god or incredibly naive). This thing is 50/50 in a non Aegislash meta as to whether it will be ban worthy and will be interesting to watch as the meta develops assuming the ever increasing likelihood of an Aegislash ban occurs.
Greninja is an interesting pokemon. For a long time in XY it was considered a top tier pokemon but with the release of ORAS it was deemed overpowered in its meta. Greninja gained coverage in Gunk Shot and Low Kick, while CBB popularized a spike set which saw great use on both balance on hyper offense alike. Its unparalleled stab coverage was to much for the tier at the time (a progressively more and more balance oriented tier) to handle and was thus banned. With the arrival of SUMO we see brand new fairies rising to prominence, an ultra beast capable of bulking through Greninjas attacks with ease and the arrival of roost Mantine (seriously I have got to stop mentioning this you all probably think I'm insane for saying it like what 5 times already????? then again this is a long ass post already so I guess I am insane. ANWAYS...) to add to new problems for Greninja. The trouble with this is we do not know how the metagame will begin to shape and have no idea what Greninjas primary switchins will ultimately be. Greninja's ability, Protean, and its exceptional movepool are what made this pokemon broke. The decisive factor in determining whether it will be broke this will be whether the numerical advantage of its switch-ins outnumbers the type coverage Greninja has i.e. HP Fire to hit Ferrothorns or HP Elec to hit Mantine, Extrasensory to hit Venusaur/Toxapex or Gunk to hit fairies, etc.
Landorus- I is a crazy powerful pokemon with access to Sheer Force, Life Orb boosted stab and coverage allowing the pokemon to hit like a truck. In both BW and ORAS Landorus I has been deemed to powerful for the tier. Its ability to clean late game with Rock Polish or breakthrough defensive teams with 4ATKS/CM sets is astounding and unparalleled in the SUMO OU tier. This pokemon will be broke based on two things in SUMO: The offensive nature of the metagame and wther or not it has garnered of checks with the new generation. Now from my recollection the only notable new switch-in to this is Celesteela (BTW the calls to ban this pokemon in this thread are ludicrous. Despite Smogon's policy on bans thus far outside maybe Zyagrde being focused on the offensive capabilities of a pokemon Celesteela in no way fits the requirements for a suspect test or ban. ANYWAYS....) which ultimately loses to a knock off set, while focus blast alone does a hefty amount of damage if i recall correctly. Now we are left with problem of the metagame. Landorus' slow speed is a drawback of the pokemon regardless of its ability to force a switch. Landorus excels on both hyper offense and balanced play styles but its low speed will factor into how may pokemon can check it. There is an argument to keep this pokemon unbanned but upon examination there will ultimately in my opinion be a pro ban stance taken by the community on the pokemon as not much has changed for Landorus over the three generation it has existed and it will continue to be a menace in the south central while drinking his juice in the hood.
OK onto Hoopa-U now i guess. Banned because of its amazing stabs, solid resistances, and incredible offensive stats Hoopa-U was a menace in ORAS while it existed (See SPL 7 replays to see the prolificality of Hoopa and how it shaped the meta while in it.) Now Hoopa unlike Landorus has gained a bountiful amount of new checks, yes not counters, there is a difference. New fairies such as Tapus and Magearna have given reliable new checks to Hoopas primary Dark Stab Attacks (being Dark Pulse or HyperSpace Fury). While these fairies are in the tier Hoopa locking itself into stabs will not be as reliable as before (Yes i realize Tyranitar was on practically every team to stop this but now we have new pokemon for the sake of argument k?). Now does this mean Hoopa will not be broke? I believe so. In a fast fairy oriented meta hoopa's low speed tier will force it to run scarf sets primarily which are much weaker than that aforementioned band or specs sets while its poor bulk can be exploited by hyper offense teams. Now last gen the threat of Scarf Hoopa warped the generation into balance in order to be able to deal with all types of Hoopas with a greater ease but I cannot see it happening again. Post Aegislash a more offensive metagame will more than likely ensure with everyone and their whore mother spamming Magearna, Tapu's, other pokemon that are wall by Aegislash that i can't remember right now. This meta will be disadvantageous and not play to Hoopa's strengths. So yeah, Hoopa's not really broke right now and I cant really see it being a must have ban in the near future granted if the meta becomes complacent and balanced oriented I could defintely see it getting the boot before other things but hey that's theorymon for you.
SO THE FUCKING ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Nah I'm just playing. Genesect was banned in both BW and XY due to its ability to garner momentum for a team incredibly quick, getting a +1 stat boost instantly upon switch-in, its versatility in sets it can run and coverage it has, all the while also being incredibly strong in general. Now Genesect is the type of pokemon that will, like Greninja, adapt to the meta it is placed in. If the meta becomes stall oriented banded sets will become more prevalent, if Heatran becomes a problem life orb mixed Genesect becomes a thing, if the meta switches to ho scarf/banded can handle it with extreme speed and just speed in general. Specs Genesect can become a thing in the instance of it being a lure, while setup Genesects with shift gear or rock polish can act as more than adequate late game sweepers. Basically Genesect is what Aegislash is in an Aegislash meta. Gene warps the meta to its liking and creates an inherent teambuilding problem solely by its presence in the tier BUT once again there are clear arguements for Genesect to remain in the tier. Despite its set diversion there is counterplay to the various (Genesi? is that the plural) Genesect sets and it quite frankly doesnt hit incredibly hard a la Landorus-I or Hoopa-U. Basically we are gonna be faced with what happened in XY and BW all over again in a few months time. The inevitability of Genesect being called for a ban is saddening as I personally like the pokemon but precedence proceeds all. Like its suspect in XY a Genesect suspect will ultimately be extremely close and will fracture opinions on all sides (Hey isn't it crazy how Aegislash also seems to do that whenever its around, almost like I compared the two earlier to lead up to this point huh????). In all seriousness though if Aegislash goes more than likely this things usage will fucking soar like a freedom eagle and come shitting down on you like a seagull at the beach but yeah its a fun pokemon no ban plz n_n
Other things addressed in this thread but not in the OP that are worthy of noting are:
Z Moves and their impact on the meta. Ultimately it will come down to council if and how a Z move will be suspected but more than likely, similar to the Aegislash Kings Shield argument, just because a pokemon is broken because it has a particular move does not mean we ban the move for that pokemon. Also these moves are caused by items so in the interest of it being a complex vs basic ban it'll be a complex one because you are blanket banning an item across every pokemon (basic bitch ban) or your are only banning it on one pokemon (complex like how did ict win Grand Slam without getting ghosted). There basically a power herb and a gem combined which is pretty fucked up inherently but hey its fun and will allow for new lures to be rain. With regards to Manaphy and Porygon Z, I can see the concern with Manaphy and once the meta settles I wouldnt be surprised at a suspect but then you have to go about figuring out how you suspect it. With Porygon Z the ladder just hasn't been given time to adapt to the set yet. Its the shock and awe of a new function of Porygon Z that is creating outrage. Give it time.
All of the Tapu's outside Tapu Fini are incredibly strong and have an astounding amout of things going for them. They're all incredibly strong while at the same time having either initiative or bulk to get multiple hits off. Will be interesting to see how the community stands on these pokemon once Aegislash inevitably crosses into the great beyond to be with the Gods.
OH nearly forgot about this guy. Dugtrio. Yeah i understand why people are calling for it to be banned and to be honest I dont actually mind but I think this will come down to a similar argument to Gothitelles banning in ORAS. Is trapping inherently noncompetitive and can the pokemon in question abuse it effectively. With the Dugtrio buff there is a case that Dugtrio can now more effectively abuse its trapping and thus it has crossed the threshold of noncompetitive. I don't think anyone would argue that trapping is not an uncompetitive aspect of pokemon and so we are left with te question of is Dugtrio capable of abusing his ability to a standard that deems him unbroken, for lack of a better term, like Magnezone/Magneton or broken and uncompetitive like Gothitelle. As a side note if it ever occurs that Dugtrio becomes a factor in determining if a pokemon is broken or not Dugtrio should be the pokemon suspected and not the other as it is Dugtrio that is the problem and not its byproduct (this refers to the whole GeneTrio is too good this generation argument that ive seen certain people use, but that doesnt mean you can call for a Dugtrio suspect based on another pokemon being suspect of being legitimately broken i.e. Genesect could be broken on its own. In other words make use some common sense and examine things from an equally objective standpoint for both candidates).
So yeah this is a lot longer than I wanted to write and is pretty much my only post outside win/lose posts, posting "in" to tourneys and that one name change post I made but this thread was aggravating me so i decided to post. I implore the users whom are thinking of posting in this thread to look at pokemon objectively and together different sources on your suspicions before posting. A well informed and well rounded argument and opinion is much more impressive than saying "This thing is just broke like holy fuck its so bulky". This new found level of objectivity should also help you in other aspects of pokemon and not just stopping what would be considered "shitposting" by the "upper echelons" of the smogon community. I would also ask the council to have a thread specifically for your thoughts and opinions on the ongoing development of the meta (or at least have some way making your posts stand out in this thread i.e. pinning them or something idk if you can do that) so that the users can read from presumably more knowledgeable players and enhance their opinions instead of having to read through the copious amounts of unsubstantiated opinions being thrown around in this thread. Also if anyone does not like my post I am legitimately sad that this is the case and you can blame user
TDK for cohersing me into writing a post (he said I'd get likes, I said i wont).
Edit: I knew I should have clarified my point about scarf Hoopa. When I referred to it as an offense deterrent I meant that because of this Specs Band Life orb could rise to prominence easily and display Hoopa's true capabilities hence why it got banned (To be fair the meta was already leaning towards balance anyways but Hoopa'a versatility exemplified that). My bad but I'm glad that this at least incited some conversation, Thanks volx757 n_n