Celebi #251
Ability: Natural Cure | Nature: Modest
31/-/31/30/31/30 | Hidden Power: Fire 70
OT: - | ID #: -
Met: - | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT
[X] [X] [X] [X]
Any Redis
Notes: N/A
I have this but in Timid. I don't know whether you would want it though. It is WIN2011 Event with Nasty Plot. Has EV's 252 HP/252 Speed/4 S.Def
Skarmory #227
Ability: Sturdy | Nature: Bold/Impish
OT: - | ID #: -
Met: - | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT
[Roost] [Whirlwind] [X] [X]
Any Redis
Notes: 4th Gen egg moves
I have this Impish but with spread 31/31/28/x/29/29. Has Roost, Whirlwind, Brave Bird and Spikes. Again, I don't know whether you would be interested. Has EV's 252 Def/252 HP/4 S.Def