[OPEN]avatias0's RNG request and catalog emporium


Celebi #251
Ability: Natural Cure | Nature: Modest
31/-/31/30/31/30 | Hidden Power: Fire 70
OT: - | ID #: -
Met: - | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT
[X] [X] [X] [X]
Any Redis
Notes: N/A

I have this but in Timid. I don't know whether you would want it though. It is WIN2011 Event with Nasty Plot. Has EV's 252 HP/252 Speed/4 S.Def


Skarmory #227
Ability: Sturdy | Nature: Bold/Impish
OT: - | ID #: -
Met: - | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT
[Roost] [Whirlwind] [X] [X]
Any Redis
Notes: 4th Gen egg moves

I have this Impish but with spread 31/31/28/x/29/29. Has Roost, Whirlwind, Brave Bird and Spikes. Again, I don't know whether you would be interested. Has EV's 252 Def/252 HP/4 S.Def
I have this but in Timid. I don't know whether you would want it though. It is WIN2011 Event with Nasty Plot. Has EV's 252 HP/252 Speed/4 S.Def
I have this Impish but with spread 31/31/28/x/29/29. Has Roost, Whirlwind, Brave Bird and Spikes. Again, I don't know whether you would be interested. Has EV's 252 Def/252 HP/4 S.Def

I have seen a few of those, but I really want them specifically as stated. Please have a look through the rest of my thread to see if there is anything you want ^^
Hello, I have a couple of pokemon in your wants list such as the Celebi, Impish Shiny Skarmory with roost and whirlwind, and Impish Mew. All flawless. I can give you these if you can do some CP/BP for me.
Hello, I have a couple of pokemon in your wants list such as the Celebi, Impish Shiny Skarmory with roost and whirlwind, and Impish Mew. All flawless. I can give you these if you can do some CP/BP for me.

Out of those I can only find a wrong natured Mew on your trade list.
Are you sure you have Modest Hidden Power Fire 70 Celebi, Impish/Bold 22 Speed IV Skarmory, and Impish Heal Bell Mew?
Out of those I can only find a wrong natured Mew on your trade list.
Are you sure you have Modest Hidden Power Fire 70 Celebi, Impish/Bold 22 Speed IV Skarmory, and Impish Heal Bell Mew?

The 3 pokemon are not on my trade thread yet. (Too Lazy to list all)

Yes the Celebi is HP fire 70. The Mew can learn Heal Bell. And sorry, skarmory has 31 speed iv.
What do you mean? I hacked check all of my pokemon. If there hack, I would have released them and wouldn't offer you them.
I just need to make sure they are exactly want. I am a little cautious around pokemon that aren't listed on the site.
I also like the look of your Swampert, Nidoking, and Tyrogue, so maybe CMT again please!
Swampert is ok, Nidoking isn't (:/), Tyrogue only if you can clone and send me back a copy. So, the trades should be

Riolu & Jolly-Metagross <=> Machop & Swampert
Then, if you can clone, there's also

Tyrogue <=> Bronzor
Can i have Semi-Redis rights on them?
I have seen a few of those, but I really want them specifically as stated. Please have a look through the rest of my thread to see if there is anything you want ^^

Didn't quite understand what you meant, but I did want:

Poliwag (Dribbles) #060
Ability: Swift Swim→Drizzle (DW) | Nature: Modest
31/30/31/30/31/31 | Hidden Power: Grass 70
OT: Elliot (myself) | ID #: 44156
Hatched: Gear Station | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT lvl 1
[Water Sport] [X] [X] [X]
No Redis
Notes: N/A

Would it be possible to change NN just to Politoed?

Vulpix #037
Ability: Drought (DW) | Nature: Timid
31/30/30/30/30/30 | Hidden Power: Fighting 70
OT: Elliot (myself) | ID #: 44156
Hatched: Skyarrow Bridge | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT lvl 1
[Ember] [X] [X] [X]
No Redis
Notes: N/A
Didn't quite understand what you meant, but I did want:

Poliwag (Dribbles) #060
Ability: Swift Swim→Drizzle (DW) | Nature: Modest
31/30/31/30/31/31 | Hidden Power: Grass 70
OT: Elliot (myself) | ID #: 44156
Hatched: Gear Station | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT lvl 1
[Water Sport] [X] [X] [X]
No Redis
Notes: N/A

Would it be possible to change NN just to Politoed?

Vulpix #037
Ability: Drought (DW) | Nature: Timid
31/30/30/30/30/30 | Hidden Power: Fighting 70
OT: Elliot (myself) | ID #: 44156
Hatched: Skyarrow Bridge | EVs: N/A | Avaibility: UT lvl 1
[Ember] [X] [X] [X]
No Redis
Notes: N/A

I meant that I need them to be exactly as I specified.
Anyway, I can name them whatever you would like. What else can you offer me? Do you have a thread?