Nothing wrong about replay 3 either. That Fusion Flare wasn't a "unsucessful attempt at rmeoving Klefki" since it managed to force a switch (the opponent probably thought it was non-choiced) and did quite a bit of damage to Mega Kanga. Then it destroyed Arceus-Rock with Draco Meteor, destroyed P-Don with Ice Beam and by the time Klefki was left it didn't really matter anymore since the game was basically won.
To be honest, it was pretty obvious that the Kyurem-W was Choice Specs - 25% dmg on Arceus-Rock from Fusion Flare is the absolute max roll from Modest Specs. I guess it is disputable whether or not the double to Kangaskhan was a bad play, but he didn't really need to risk it as his only Rocky switch-in was a burned and weakened Arceus-Ground that could be dealt with via defensive Yveltal or a healthy Kangaskhan...and Kyurem-W getting KOed by Judgment would have resulted its user losing pretty handily to said Yveltal/Kangaskhan. Heck if it was CM Arceus-Rock it could have just forced its way through Groundceus right then and there, forcing Fate to sac Gengar to kill it and leaving him open to a sweep from Kangaskhan. So yeah, if the opponent had CM I'd have to say that he misplayed.
With that said, when Kyu-W switched into Blissey Reffrey could have expected a Heal Bell after the opposing wallceus got Toxic'd and since Blissey is the main reason besides Tyranitar you'd even run Focus Blast on Kyu-W, there was nothing wrong about it. Oh and 2 Focus Blasts msised by the way, so don't outright lie to us like we didn't watch. The replay shows why PDon and Mega Mence appreciate Kyu-W's support so much, as it has been pointed out.
I don't really think this replay is defensible - not only would Kyurem-W have been completely screwed if it took a Toxic on the switch, it wouldn't have beaten Blissey anyway, or rather it shouldn't have, but he got a SDef drop on one of his Focus Blasts that allowed him to 2HKO the Blissey, which was quite lucky considering Focus Blast's shoddy accuracy, low PP, and low proc rate of actually getting the SDef drop. If the drop didn't occur, the Blissey could simply recover until Kyurem-W ran out of Focus Blasts and then kill the dragon at its leisure. He also sacced Diancie for no reason (a simple calc would have shown that Blissey easily survives 2 Focus Blasts at full HP) - again, Blissey still (usually) wins 1v1.
PDon/MMence really don't need Kyurem-W so's main use for wallbreaking is chewing up Steels/fat things like TTar which is more helpful to other predominantly special attacking Pokemon like Xerneas/Lati@s, Xerneas being particularly notable since it covers some of Kyurem-W's weaknesses while also sharing some of its checks.
Also stop comparing Kyu-W with Excadrill. Exca has 88 base speed for starters, Kyu-W has 95 which is an important benchmark in ubers since it outspeeds all the base 90's and speed ties with Rayquaza. Secondly are we comparing a physical attacker to a special attacker? Seriously? Thidly Ground STAB is nowhere near as good as Ice STAB and Steel has worse neutral coverage than Dragon.
The real point here was that Kyurem-W doesn't offer much in the way of team support or role compression outside of raw power. While that certainly has its benefits, Kyurem-W's lack of extra defensive utility due to its crappy defensive typing limits its ability to find a meaningful place on a lot of teams. Hack brought up Excadrill to highlight the significant extra utility it gave that particular team which would allow for Arceus/PGroudon to take up the mantle of "really strong wallbreaker" while also leaving the team more secure against a lot of top threats.
Seriously this is degenerating into a "glass half full/half empty" fallacy fest and you're trolling just as hard for acting like Kyu-W is deadweight and ignoring its qualities.
No, the point of his post was to explain why those replays were poor examples of Kyurem-W's viability. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kyurem-W is a bad mon, but the given examples certainly don't help its case.