Other Metagames Rules and Regulations - →READ BEFORE POSTING←

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Art by andrew3391
Welcome to Other Metagames! Here, you can submit an idea for a new metagame to a moderator and possibly get it approved to post here, and soon enough people will be playing it!

This is a bit more relaxed than the other battling forums, but we still have rules. Make sure to read them!

Our moderators:

Rules and guidelines for posting a new metagame:
- Submission Guidelines
So you have this awesome idea for a new metagame to post. How can you determine if it's good?
  • Ease of Access: can your metagame be played on the simulator, or can your metagame be implemented with a reasonable level of coding?
  • Simplicity: while some metagames may have one major gimmick, metagames should strive to have an overall simple ruleset. Exceptions will be determined as needed. Is your metagame simple in its ruleset?
  • Playability: Did you think about it before posting it? Does it sound fun? Nobody wants to play a metagame that isn't fun.
  • Something to keep in mind: Any metagame with fewer than 50 legal Pokemon is classified as a Micro Metagame and should be posted in the Micro Metagames thread, and any metagame with custom changes to specific Pokemon/abilities/items/moves (such as Skillmons or "make every Pokemon OU worthy" metagames) classifies as a pet mod and should be posted in the Pet Mods subforum. All submission rules still apply to these metagames.
  • 20 Post Minimum: You need 20 posts under your belt before you can submit a metagame. Use the time to get familiar with the sub-forum!
- Posting rules:
So you went through all of that and your metagame seems cool. How do you get it posted?
  • First make sure it doesn't exist already! Browse the
    to double check. If you see something similar, don't submit your idea UNLESS you're sure it's superior to the old one in every way. We see a lot of repeats however so don't be surprised if we still reject it.
  • Write a detailed post about your proposed metagame and post a thread in the OM Submissions forum. This post should be an introduction to the meta and what the first post in your thread will be. We (Eevee General, The Immortal, Hollywood, Joim, unfixable ) will review it, ask you for reasoning or suggest changes if needed, and make a final ruling.
  • Please be patient while we make our decision. Sometimes we can get back to you within 24 hours, other times we might take up to a week to reply. If at least one week has gone by without a response, you may bump the thread. You might also see us give you a 1/2 approval while we wait for more input from another member. Not every metagame needs 2 approvals, however. This is determined case-by-case.
  • If your metagame is approved - AWESOME! You can now post it! When you go to make your thread, make sure to give it the Metagame tag and add "Approved by (moderator)" to the original post.
  • Please read this post if you're even considering sending a mod a reminder message about your submission.
Rules and guidelines for posting in a metagame thread:
  • The rules that apply in all other Smogon forums apply here. Be nice, don't insult other users, don't troll, etc.
  • Don't bash a metagame. If you don't like it, you have two options. Either provide constructive criticism or don't post in it at all.
  • Try to make your posts informative. You can be proposing a new strategy or answering a question, but one line of text won't cut it. The same thing goes for cool new sets you've thought up. It's great that you're sharing the set, but talk about it when you post it. Why should it see use? What makes it different from standard sets in regular metagames? How do those differences make the Pokemon stand out in this OM? Posts with just a set and nothing more add nothing to the thread.
  • Before you submit your post, read it over. Does it add anything to the conversation? Does it entice discussion? If not, give people a reason to respond to you. If you're just posting to agree or disagree with something, explain why you feel that way.
  • Do not bump dead threads or outdated metagames. If you'd like to reinstate a metagame from a past generation, please contact the original creator for permission and then submit it for approval.
Rules and guidelines for the PS Other Metas room and #othermetas on SynIRC:
  • Don't spam.
  • I said don't spam, you monster.
  • Don't flame other users.
  • There is a time to be intelligent and a time to be more casual. Don't waltz into chat talking about Batman when everybody else it talking about Balanced Hackmons.
Other miscellaneous rules:
  • If someone has posted a metagame without getting it approved, don't post in the thread. Let a moderator handle it.
  • If you would like to start a project thread (i.e. viability rankings, Next Best Thing, etc.) or a mini-tournament, wait until the metagame in question has gained a decent following. Once this has happened, feel free to PM a moderator about the thread you would like to start or post it in submissions.
If you have any questions about the rules or about OM in general, feel free to ask them here. Have fun!
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Just to ask, is there some sort of format when posting OMs in the OM submissions place? Because i have an idea, and i don't want it declined for a bad format.(i have seen this happen in other places and other sites)
There's no particular format for submitting an OM, but most people end up posting what will end up being the OP of the thread if it's approved.
specifically, what would a post of approval look like? just a regular post that could say anything, or would it have a special tag?
It would state if the OM Moderators are okay with your metagame or not, make sure to read it as it might give comments/questions or flat out disapprove it too
so if Hollywood posted "idk sounds kind of funny to me. I think I like it actually, even though it's very RNG-dependent. Seems like something I would play for fun with a regular OU team, but also something where you could actually build a team to make sure that you don't get fucked over by the random move part." about my submission, abruptmons, would that count as an approval? I'm not quite sure

edit: TI disliked it, while Arcticblast was unsure
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so if hollywood posted "idk sounds kind of funny to me. I think I like it actually, even though it's very RNG-dependent. Seems like something I would play for fun with a regular OU team, but also something where you could actually build a team to make sure that you don't get fucked over by the random move part." about my submission, abruptmons, would that count as an approval? I'm not quite sure

edit: TI disliked it, while Arcticblast was unsure
Maybe ask if it's approved ?_?
What is the exact policy regarding Metagame submisions that introduce new Pokemon/Alternate Forms/etc?

I ask because some OMs that are based (almost) entirely around those concepts have been aproved, and placed in the Pet Mods subforum, namely Sylvaria and Megas for All. Yet a few weeks ago I had an idea that was rejected by a moderator, saying "This would require adding new Pokemon to the Pokedex, which is a no."

I want to make it clear that I'm not complaining about my submision not getting aproved, nor am I trying to convince anyone that it should be aproved. I'm just trying to understand what the general policy regarding such submisions, if there is one established. If there isn't one, (which is kinda what it seems like), then I'd suggest creating one.
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Could an OM be accepted if it adds some new abilities that don't exist on showdown/in the games?
It can if it has a rule about how the Abilities are added afaik and there are few other changed things (it helps the abilities are similar to get 1 rule about them). It can still be accepted otherwise, but would be qualified as a pet mod
If I have two versions of an OM that I'm thinking of submitting, one that doesn't require any modding, and one that requires some but is a little less restrictive, which should I submit? (Also, I have no idea how to make a mod of my own). Should I maybe submit both?
If I have two versions of an OM that I'm thinking of submitting, one that doesn't require any modding, and one that requires some but is a little less restrictive, which should I submit? (Also, I have no idea how to make a mod of my own). Should I maybe submit both?
It's hard to give the best possible answer when we don't know the details, but it's usually a good idea to keep things as simple as possible. But you shouldn't keep things too simple if that would make things less fun. You should probably talk about your ideas with people on the Other Meta's room on Pokemon Showdown, and/or in Conversations on here, and then submit one of those ideas if they are very similar. I for one would be glad to give input.
No one made an X and Y version yet. And by the way the metagame is Budget Mons.

Just noticed your comments on the Budgetmons thread:

This is a BW Metagame, so no point in talking about XY here.

If you want to have a XY version of Budgetmons contact apt-get and ask if he'll propose a XY version, or if he doesn't want to, if you can make one.
I asked him for an X and Y Version but he did not reply to my question.

Yes, you do need approval. You need approval for any metagame (unless you are a moderator).
I'm pretty sure since the creator of Budgetmons, apt-get has been offline for a while (and may not come back), if you have permission from a moderator (after suggesting it in the OM Suggestions) you don't need permission from the original creator.
Take the 'Middle Cup' metagame for example. The original creator, RageKill has been offline since 2011. However, there is an XY Version done by someone else.
Basically what Gallade said except if you ever create an original meta and it gets approved and the next generation rolls around you don't need approval from a mod since you would be the original creator
Actually you do need approval to bring it up to the new gen even if you're the OP.
Are metas that restrict players to which pokemon they can use (think NFE/Middle Cup or Mediocremons) allowed to be submitted, and in the submission can you post things to confirm things that could confuse people on whether a certain mon is allowed?
Are metas that restrict players to which pokemon they can use (think NFE/Middle Cup or Mediocremons) allowed to be submitted, and in the submission can you post things to confirm things that could confuse people on whether a certain mon is allowed?

Yes, but you have to get it approved first like with other other metagames.
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