Tournament Other Metas Mashups Kickoff Trios - $60 Prize - Finals! Won by the subway surfers!

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Deadgames: Uta the clown vs kDCA, kDCAs team won so the game will not be counted for tiebreakers
Activity calls: Rex15808 vs Tranquility granted to Tranquility

Final Standings:
:P captained by Clastia - 3-0
Pure Power Foul Play captained by Banded Body Press - 2-1
Energetic Enerus captained by Temp - 1-2
FA1 - 0 -3
I couldn't think of a name captained by K3ppr - 3-0
cotta and his boyfriend and his discord kitten captained by pannu - 2-1
SSoR captained by ICE 3M - 1-2
FA2 - 0-3
Wictorious Wfrogs captained by The Dragon Master - 3-0
Anges de Piunicoulours captained by TurtleK - 2-1
The Choice Specs Tera Fire Chi-Yus captained by Eggs - 1-2
Bye 1 - 0-3 :v4:
subway surfers captained by career ended - 3-0
Unlucky Gamers Unite captained by Hahagamer'd - 2-1
Panthera Silicat - 1 -2
Bye 2 - 0-3 :v4:

Challenge Codes as always are here and updated in post #1

/challenge gen9mixandmega @@@ STABmons Move Legality, +Zacian-Crowned, +Gholdengo, +Kilowattrel, +Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, +Zapdos, *Kingambit, *Walking Wake, *Zoroark-Hisui, -Arceus, -Enamorus-Base, -Komala, -King's Rock, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Dire Claw, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *V-create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
/challenge gen9pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Annihilape, -Baxcalibur, -Chien-Pao, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, - Enamorus, -Espathra, -Gengar, -Gholdengo, -Great Tusk, -Hariyama, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Hands, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Magearna, -Noivern, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Spectrier, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin, -Zamazenta-Base, -Zapdos-Galar
/challenge gen9nationaldex @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Final Gambit, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Last Respects, -Lumina Crash, -No Retreat, -Population Bomb, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Salt Cure, -Shed Tail, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Splash, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, -Water Spout, -Wicked Blow, -Eevium Z, -Aerodactyl-Mega, -Beedrill-Mega, -Comfey, -Dondozo, -Enamorus, -Kartana, -Komala, -Mawile-Mega, -Medicham-Mega, -Regieleki, -Sceptile-Mega, -Serperior, -Tapu Koko, -Ting Lu, -Zamazenta, -Smooth Rock, -Heat Rock, -Damp Rock, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, +Blastoise-Mega, +Darkrai, +Deoxys-Speed, +Dracovish, +Dragapult, +Houndstone, +Magearna, +Shaymin-Sky, +Urshifu, +Walking Wake, +Zygarde

Playoffs Season

:P vs I couldn't think of a name

Stab N Mega: Yoru97 vs ToxaNex
PokeAAA: SpaceSpeakers vs Ainzcrad
Camove: Clas vs K3ppr

subway surfers vs Wictorious Wfrogs

Stab N Mega: Axzel vs db
PokeAAA: Career Ended vs Don Vascus
Camove: augustakira vs The Dragon Master

The Deadline for the Playoffs is 11:59 PM August 20th GMT -6.
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It's FINALS time, congratulations to both teams that made it this far: the subway surfers and the I couldn't think of a name!
As always the challenge codes are updated:
/challenge gen9mixandmega @@@ STABmons Move Legality, +Zacian-Crowned, +Gholdengo, +Kilowattrel, +Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, +Zapdos, *Kingambit, *Walking Wake, *Zoroark-Hisui, -Arceus, -Enamorus-Base, -Komala, +Rusted Sword, *Rusted Sword, +Zacian, -King's Rock, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Dire Claw, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *V-create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
/challenge gen9pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Annihilape, -Baxcalibur, -Chien-Pao, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, - Enamorus, -Espathra, -Gengar, -Gholdengo, -Great Tusk, -Hariyama, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Hands, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Magearna, -Noivern, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Spectrier, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin, -Zamazenta-Base, -Zapdos-Galar
/challenge gen9nationaldex @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Final Gambit, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Last Respects, -Lumina Crash, -No Retreat, -Population Bomb, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Salt Cure, -Shed Tail, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Splash, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, -Water Spout, -Wicked Blow, -Eevium Z, -Aerodactyl-Mega, -Beedrill-Mega, -Comfey, -Dondozo, -Enamorus, -Kartana, -Komala, -Mawile-Mega, -Medicham-Mega, -Regieleki, -Sceptile-Mega, -Sneasler, -Serperior, -Tapu Koko, -Ting Lu, -Zamazenta, -Smooth Rock, -Heat Rock, -Damp Rock, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, +Blastoise-Mega, +Darkrai, +Deoxys-Speed, +Dracovish, +Dragapult, +Houndstone, +Magearna, +Shaymin-Sky, +Urshifu, +Walking Wake, +Zygarde

Final Matchup:
subway surfers vs I couldn't think of a name
STAB N Mega: Axzel vs ToxaNex
PokeAAA: Career Ended vs Ainzcrad
Camove: augustakira vs K3ppr
The soft deadline is at the 28th of August but as with previous weeks I'm willing to give extensions.
Good Luck to both finalists!
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Because of a PS sided issue STAB n Mega code allows for use of Rusted Sword on all legal stone users, but it is supposed to be restricted - using Rusted Sword on a mon different than Zacian (into Zacian-Crowned) will be counted as a loss.
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