Dude, this is a HYPER OFFENSE TEAM. Ferrothorn has NO damn place on it. At all. Especially when we don't have a phazer. We'll get wrecked to shit by set up foes like that.
Anyway, Jirachi (of some sort, some OFFENSIVE sort), seems to be a good direction to go in. It gives us some defensive presence without totally screwing over our momentum, since it means we can stop dragons without getting obliterated and it also gives us another check to Scizor. Scarf would be good for preventing us getting wasted by Terrakion, but I can't help but to think a Expert Belt version would be better overall. Then again, we REALLY can't afford to be any weaker to Terrakion than we already are.
Anyway, migiht as well get this nomination out of the way.
Scizor @Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Nature: Adamant
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Superpower
- Pursuit
I honestly don't particularly want to use Scizor, but there's no denying what it'd bring to the team. It covers a good 80% or so of the threats up there, and whatever is left can be handled by our final team member. Volcarona and Rotom-W are the ones from the list that we can't easily deal with, and we DO have ways to scare them a bit, since Gyarados can deal with Volcarona (assuming no HP rock and decent health) and Rotom-W can't exactly switch into us safely. Still, probably want to check those two as well as getting up rocks don't we?
So with that in mind, I'm going to suggest something a little... odd.
Celebi @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 232 HP / 240 SpA / 36 Spe
Nature: Modest
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
Yeah, HP rock Celebi is certainly not something you see every day. Because of this, usually Volcarona is about as safe a switch-in to Celebi as you can get, taking little from its moves and threatening with BOTH its STABs. It OHKOs non-bulky variants straight up and the bulky one has a 50% chance of going down. We'll have to predict the switch, but that's pretty easy since Volcarona is usually the best switch in ever to Celebi. Now I know it's not an ideal check or even lure to Volcarona (Ideally we'd always outspeed, but that's not really an option), but it gives us one way to quickly eliminate the pain that no one will expect unless they've read our RMT. And even then, we DO still have Gyarados.
Outside of that HP Rock offers similar coverage to HP Ice, preventing things like Dragonite from setting up on us. The Lati@s twins aren't nearly as much as a threat with Scizor around and HP Ice isn't going to be killing those reliably anyway. Leaf Storm is terrifically powerful and always OHKOs Rotom-W, which combined with resisting its STABs and being semi-immune to status makes Celebi a hard counter to it. Leaf Storm also does massive damage to large variety of other opponents that might think of switching in, making it a pretty spammable move. Celebi is a spectacular setter of Stealth Rock, having a good match-up against most leads, allowing it to easily get it up right away. Earth Power prevents Heatran from switching in with impunity and prevents most steels from walling us to kingdom come, as well as hitting other Fire types and Poison types on the switch.
But should that not be your cuppatea, then there's always this:
Azelf @ Focus Sash / Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Stealth Rock
- Psychic
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- Flamethrower
This one has more trouble with Rotom-W but makes up for it with better speed, allowing it to lure in and OHKO Volcarona, as again, Volcarona is a pretty damn safe switch in for most Azelf. Focus Sash and Life Orb both guarantee kills on unboosted Volcarona, in different ways, and Focus Sash, if it's intact, allows us to revenge boosted versions as well if they've taken some prior damage. It also allows us to get up rocks fairly easily early game and provides us with a Starmie-fast (but significantly more powerful) revenge killer later on, who just happens to also be a check to Terrakion (something else we can really use). Hidden Power Rock also gives us a check for dragons, Gyarados, Tornadus, Kyurem, and others as well so it's not like it's useless outside of Volcarona. Psychic also allows us to beat Gengar and Virizon as well.
Now, to clarify these nominations... I'll group these into three.
Scizor + Celebi
Scizor + Azelf
Celebi and Azelf only really work in combination with Scizor. There may be better partners for Scizor as well, but I wanted ones that could reliably set up SR since we obviously need a setter on our team. Still, might be better options out there. Feel free to critique, this is just random shit I came up with off the top of my head so it might be worse than it could be.