OU CCAT: Zoroark [See Post #663]

So I stopped posting here once I started to dislike the direction this CCAT was going in, but now that the floor's open for suggestions on past additions I have a couple of things I want to say.

Firstly, I don't know why people voted for Hyper Offense and are now nominating Pokemon that just flat-out do not fit on Hyper Offense, or talking about 'switching x pokemon into attack y'. I'm glad you got over the SDef Zapdos phase but I'm still seeing loads of people talking about having no good Scizor switch-ins etc etc etc. Whats the point of even voting for a playtyle when a lot of the posters (and as a result, the voters) don't understand the main principles behind the playstyle? The entire idea behind HO is that your opponent does not get a chance to set-up against you at all out of fear of being hit with very strong boosted attacks and being much more susceptible to your next Pokemon as a result. This team certainly doesn't seem to embody that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who perceives individual playstyles as being completely mutually exclusive things, and I'm not exactly a massive fan of labelling teams as Hyper Offense / Heavy Offense / Balance / Semistall or whatever, but I think that if we've actually voted for a playstyle then we should at least stick to it.

Another thing that I haven't seen anybody else mention: why does Zoroark even have Substitute in the first place? Sure, it eases prediction, but none of the other Pokemon on the team have Substitute (bar a slash on Haxorus, but Double Dance Haxorus is a far greater threat than SubDD considering Lum is the better item choice and it blocks status for you anyway), so as soon as you use it, its a dead giveaway that its Zoroark. It just seems to be yet another example of people using Substitute on something that doesn't necessarily gain much from it. It lets you get a hit on a revenge-killer, sure, but one of the main principles behind HO is that you just send in something (that resists the likely choice-locked attack) and force that Pokemon out; rinse and repeat. The 3 move coverage that Zoroark becomes restricted to is a large-part of what made us so weak to Volcarona / Gyarados etc etc etc in the first place, and I'd much rather see some 4th coverage move or whatever over Substitute. I was thinking Sucker Punch, as Dark Pulse + Sucker Punch is probably going to be KOing (and if not then at least very close to KOing) a lot of the stuff that tries to set-up on Zoroark (Volc/Gyara), whilst also just being cool for getting a quick jab at some weakened revenge-killer on occasion.

I personally feel that Donphan and Salamence are the weak links at the moment. I have tried using offensive Donphan extensively because it looks really cool, but I don't think I've ever had a game with it where I think its done a decent job. Frankly, it rarely gets a chance to Rapid Spin unless against dedicated hazard-laying Pokemon (like Skarmory) because its so slow and doesn't take attacks particularly well with such an offensive spread. It spins decently vs stall, but when you look at our team we shouldn't be having any issues against it anyway; we have Haxorus, arguably one of the best wallbreakers in the game which can sometimes break through even Skarmory, and Zoroark which can potentially lure in Steel-types making Haxorus' life even easier. Whenever I've used offensive Donphan, I immediately just ask myself why I'm not using something like Mamoswine instead. Offensive Donphan might not just fit my playstyle well, but I feel its speed really lets it down and I really struggled to make it work.

I'm still standing by my suggestions of Offensive SD Scizor and Lum DD Dragonite from right back at the start of the teammate nomination process. I feel these are 2 of the best options for Hyper Offense, sharing many of the same counters but providing something our team really lacks; Priority. This was something I tried to emphasize back then but I sort of got drowned out under the sea of Specially Defensive Zapdos and Forretress nominations. Ideally, you don't want to be locking yourself into an attack every time you want to try and revenge-kill a speed boosting Pokemon, because it becomes massive set-up fodder for something else down the line. I'm glad Salamence was chosen over Jirachi because going with something that gives Magnezone a free switch-in, +6 SAtk, and a Sub whilst retaining that DD Haxorus you tried to revenge-kill is obviously not good. Salamence is a better option but I'd still not really what the team needs.

That ended up longer than I expected. tl;dr I'm probably going to test something like SR Mamoswine / SD Sciz / DDNite / DDGyara / Double Dance Haxorus / Zoroark when I get some time and I'll edit this post with any thoughts on it.

EDIT: also Haxorus / Gyarados in particular really like screens support, so I'll probably give Espeon a test. Can keep hazards off the field early game + makes gyara and hax much more difficult for offensive teams to take down.
I've been testing out LO Azelf over Donphan to stop Rocks and it's working well so far. Espeon combined with standard Scizor/Lucario + DNite also looks good, I'll try it out when I have some more time.

Basically, less defensive thinking, more hyperoffense.
Hm, I haven't posted in the CCAT threads before, but I was reading this and it seems really interesting. So, I'm going to start off by giving my two-cents on the team thus far.

OU CCAT Thus Far:

Zoroark @ Life Orb
Trait: Illusion
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Flamethrower
- Substitute

Haxorus @ Life Orb / Lum Berry / Draco Plate
Trait: Rivalry
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Dance / Substitute

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 8 Def / 248 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Double Edge
- Earthquake

Donphan @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Adamant
EV: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
-Head Smash
-Ice shard / Stealth Rock
-Rapid spin

Salamence @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie / Intimidate
Nature: Naughty / Adamant / Naive / Jolly
EV: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Blast / Brick Break
-Earthquake / Brick Break

Firstly, like PenguinX said two posts above mine, I'm really questioning Substitute on Zoroark. Without any other Sub users on the team (Haxorus really is better as double dancer), using the move in battle kind of gives away Zoroark's illusion before it's even broken. That's important, because it takes away Zoroark's ability to net a surprise kill (especially when no other pokemon on the team is particularly noted as a user of Substitute, which gives it away more). Instead of this, (like PenguinX said) Sucker Punch could be a good idea; though some other options I like include Nasty Plot and U-Turn. NP gives Zoroark more sweeping potential late game, while U-Turn would help with keeping up some offensive momentum. I'll test out some of these moves in the fourth slot and see what I come up with

Nextly. There are some key threats that this team really struggles with - some really bad ones are Starmie and Latios. Seriously, if either of these pokemon get into battled unscathed against anything bar scarf mence, then pretty much something is about to die. In fact, Life Orb Starmie can OHKO this entire team between Hydro Pump, Ice Beam and Thunderbolt, and outspeeds 4/5 members. That's a problem. Oh, and the somewhat rarer Scarf Latios terrorises this team, OHKOing everything bar Gyarados with Draco Meteor. Although, DM 2HKO's Gyara factoring in the Special Attack drop, with a good chance to OHKO after SR (+0 DM = 69.2%-81.6%).

We can't really 'counter' this stuff though, because this is HO, and 'countering' is a defensive strategy - and obviously that's counterintuitive to what HO is all about. What we could do is use something like Scarf Magnezone; it can take dragon attacks for us, as well as trap and kill steels which prevent Haxorus and Gyarados from sweeping. Starmie is still a problem, but if we're playing HO, then the only way to beat Starmie is with prediction anyway, as I can't think of any pokemon that can take Hydro Pump/ Thunderbolt/ Ice beam without completely killing our offensive momentum. Using Blissey on an HO team would be pretty fail, lol. A Scarf Magnezone could at least out speed and kill it, I suppose, and both Haxorus and Gyarados can out speed and KO after a DD. Now that I think about it, that's not too bad. But I've written way too much now to delete all of it. ;)

But yeah, I think Magnezone could be useful, perhaps instead of Mence; I'm also not sure about Donphan, though I'll do some more testing before I comment on him. Gyarados and Haxorus are fine IMO. However, one thought I just had - after talking about Starmie - is that Life Orb Starmie could actually work well, if we really want an offensive Rapid Spinner, and don't want Donphan. However, that compounds the team's electric weakness with both Gyarados and Starmie, so eh. TBH, HO is about overwhelming your opponent with offensive pressure, and to that end, I'm starting to wonder if rapid spin is really necessary, or whether a strong offense is enough to either keep SR off the field, or at least mitigate it's effects.

I have some testing to do, lol.

btw, I hope at least some of that made some sense. Do you ever get to the end of writing a long-ish post, and then kind of forget how you started it? That's what I'm getting now... I need sleep. ^.^
It doesn't matter what commonly uses Subs on the team. If Zoroark gets behind a Sub, that's FAR better than being hidden with Illusion because now you have to deal with a Life Orb Zoroark behind a Sub.

Sub on Pokemon that your Illusion forces out.
Attack things that would stay in.

Anyways, I'm going over some options right now; trying replacements and new sets for everything down to even Haxorus. I'll have a full test report in a day or two.
While I sort of agree with PenguinX, I think it's worth pointing out that the problem with the team is not that it isn't Heavy Offense (it isn't, mind), but that it's bad. Remember we had one vote on playstyle and one vote to decide each pokemon. There's no point reversing three votes just to honour one.

I'm mainly looking at Gyarados and Salamence as the weak links here. I feel unable to remove Donphan at least until we've got rid of one of these frail, SR weak Pokemon. I might be looking to replace Donphan too depending on where the team goes, but I'll maintain that Donphan seems to have been pulling its weight. As for what to replace stuff with, I was still realling hoping we'd have space for another offensive "illusion partner" that could take the same residual damage as Zoroark, and benefit from Zoroark's removal of its checks.

Finally, Sub on Zoroark is certainly not pointless if you construct the rest of the team properly. The team has to contain both pokemon that commonly use Sub, and probably Pokemon that are using sub, for the bluff to work effectively.
I too, will be busy testing changes too the team, but I want to make a point regarding the conception of "counters"

Firstly, yes, we are running Heavy Offence, however, I want to pick up on this quote:
"...but I'm still seeing loads of people talking about having no good Scizor switch-ins etc etc etc. Whats the point of even voting for a playtyle when a lot of the posters (and as a result, the voters) don't understand the main principles behind the playstyle? The entire idea behind HO is that your opponent does not get a chance to set-up against you at all out of fear of being hit with very strong boosted attacks and being much more susceptible to your next Pokemon as a result.

Firstly, this is true, however, there are some pokemon, we just cannot switch into, that we need to switch into. Scizor, is not a good example of this, however pokemon such as Starmie, Latios, etc etc we need to find safe switchs for. I just want to make the point that the main downfall of HO, is that your opponent can look at your team, and then pinpoint what pokemon his sweepers can easily set up on, in order to sweep. For example, I could look at this team, realise that I need a) rain up and b) need to get my Volcarona in on Zoroark in order to sweep. Obviously, this is not a great example since we have Salamence to revenge if it only gets a single Dragon Dance, but the point still stands, for our team to be effective, we need to minimise free set up opportunities, and check the pokemon that still can set up for free (or easily), while also providing a fair amount of offensive presence, in order to stick to the team style .

Obviously, the first change I am looking at, is running a slightly bulkier EV spread on Gyarados, since I think its resistances and Intimidate, can check a lot more threats, while still remaining a threat with Dragon Dance. I still want to test this more tho, before fully nominating the change.

This is one of the best chances we have to fix the team and make it a product we can all be happy with, I expect lots of discussion!!!


read the bit in italics, its what I think we should bear in mind when fixing the team
I too, will be busy testing changes too the team, but I want to make a point regarding the conception of "counters"

Firstly, yes, we are running Heavy Offence, however, I want to pick up on this quote:

Firstly, this is true, however, there are some pokemon, we just cannot switch into, that we need to switch into. Scizor, is not a good example of this, however pokemon such as Starmie, Latios, etc etc we need to find safe switchs for. I just want to make the point that the main downfall of HO, is that your opponent can look at your team, and then pinpoint what pokemon his sweepers can easily set up on, in order to sweep. For example, I could look at this team, realise that I need a) rain up and b) need to get my Volcarona in on Zoroark in order to sweep. Obviously, this is not a great example since we have Salamence to revenge if it only gets a single Dragon Dance, but the point still stands, for our team to be effective, we need to minimise free set up opportunities, and check the pokemon that still can set up for free (or easily), while also providing a fair amount of offensive presence, in order to stick to the team style .

Obviously, the first change I am looking at, is running a slightly bulkier EV spread on Gyarados, since I think its resistances and Intimidate, can check a lot more threats, while still remaining a threat with Dragon Dance. I still want to test this more tho, before fully nominating the change.

This is one of the best chances we have to fix the team and make it a product we can all be happy with, I expect lots of discussion!!!


read the bit in italics, its what I think we should bear in mind when fixing the team

I think the main issue with the concept of switching in is that most people think of it defensively (ie your opponent brings in Scizor against Terrakion and you switch to something like Gyarados to take the BP). The reason we need something that can switch in to say Starmie is that without Scarf Mence, it completely outspeeds and KOs every member of our team without breaking a sweat. We don't need something that can wall it entirely, we just need something that can check it, whether that means coming in after a kill or being able to take a hit and KO in return because otherwise we would lose to every team with a Starmie in it. There's also the issue that comes with every HO discussion, which is about what HO actually means. PenguinX brought up the more rigid and standard def of HO (screens + 5 set up sweepers that maintain constant offensive pressure and momentum on your side) but I personally find that this never actually works. You can never really have complete control over a match and you need to be prepared in some way for things like Starmie and Volc so that when the shit hits the fan you aren't immediately screwed. I think ginga hit the nail on the head with this post. We still need checks for certain things, we just need to make sure we aren't compromising our offensive momentum by doing so.

Also, I agree with jc that another potential illusion partner would be nice.

As for the Sub discussion, I can't tell you how many times Sub has saved me from overpredicting since Zoro causes so many mindgames. You never know what your opponent is really thinking so having that fallback is great. It has good enough coverage that a 4th move would be nice at times but it definitely isn't required.
So I stopped posting here once I started to dislike the direction this CCAT was going in, but now that the floor's open for suggestions on past additions I have a couple of things I want to say.

Firstly, I don't know why people voted for Hyper Offense and are now nominating Pokemon that just flat-out do not fit on Hyper Offense, or talking about 'switching x pokemon into attack y'. I'm glad you got over the SDef Zapdos phase but I'm still seeing loads of people talking about having no good Scizor switch-ins etc etc etc. Whats the point of even voting for a playtyle when a lot of the posters (and as a result, the voters) don't understand the main principles behind the playstyle? The entire idea behind HO is that your opponent does not get a chance to set-up against you at all out of fear of being hit with very strong boosted attacks and being much more susceptible to your next Pokemon as a result. This team certainly doesn't seem to embody that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who perceives individual playstyles as being completely mutually exclusive things, and I'm not exactly a massive fan of labelling teams as Hyper Offense / Heavy Offense / Balance / Semistall or whatever, but I think that if we've actually voted for a playstyle then we should at least stick to it.

Another thing that I haven't seen anybody else mention: why does Zoroark even have Substitute in the first place? Sure, it eases prediction, but none of the other Pokemon on the team have Substitute (bar a slash on Haxorus, but Double Dance Haxorus is a far greater threat than SubDD considering Lum is the better item choice and it blocks status for you anyway), so as soon as you use it, its a dead giveaway that its Zoroark. It just seems to be yet another example of people using Substitute on something that doesn't necessarily gain much from it. It lets you get a hit on a revenge-killer, sure, but one of the main principles behind HO is that you just send in something (that resists the likely choice-locked attack) and force that Pokemon out; rinse and repeat. The 3 move coverage that Zoroark becomes restricted to is a large-part of what made us so weak to Volcarona / Gyarados etc etc etc in the first place, and I'd much rather see some 4th coverage move or whatever over Substitute. I was thinking Sucker Punch, as Dark Pulse + Sucker Punch is probably going to be KOing (and if not then at least very close to KOing) a lot of the stuff that tries to set-up on Zoroark (Volc/Gyara), whilst also just being cool for getting a quick jab at some weakened revenge-killer on occasion.

I personally feel that Donphan and Salamence are the weak links at the moment. I have tried using offensive Donphan extensively because it looks really cool, but I don't think I've ever had a game with it where I think its done a decent job. Frankly, it rarely gets a chance to Rapid Spin unless against dedicated hazard-laying Pokemon (like Skarmory) because its so slow and doesn't take attacks particularly well with such an offensive spread. It spins decently vs stall, but when you look at our team we shouldn't be having any issues against it anyway; we have Haxorus, arguably one of the best wallbreakers in the game which can sometimes break through even Skarmory, and Zoroark which can potentially lure in Steel-types making Haxorus' life even easier. Whenever I've used offensive Donphan, I immediately just ask myself why I'm not using something like Mamoswine instead. Offensive Donphan might not just fit my playstyle well, but I feel its speed really lets it down and I really struggled to make it work.

I'm still standing by my suggestions of Offensive SD Scizor and Lum DD Dragonite from right back at the start of the teammate nomination process. I feel these are 2 of the best options for Hyper Offense, sharing many of the same counters but providing something our team really lacks; Priority. This was something I tried to emphasize back then but I sort of got drowned out under the sea of Specially Defensive Zapdos and Forretress nominations. Ideally, you don't want to be locking yourself into an attack every time you want to try and revenge-kill a speed boosting Pokemon, because it becomes massive set-up fodder for something else down the line. I'm glad Salamence was chosen over Jirachi because going with something that gives Magnezone a free switch-in, +6 SAtk, and a Sub whilst retaining that DD Haxorus you tried to revenge-kill is obviously not good. Salamence is a better option but I'd still not really what the team needs.

That ended up longer than I expected. tl;dr I'm probably going to test something like SR Mamoswine / SD Sciz / DDNite / DDGyara / Double Dance Haxorus / Zoroark when I get some time and I'll edit this post with any thoughts on it.

EDIT: also Haxorus / Gyarados in particular really like screens support, so I'll probably give Espeon a test. Can keep hazards off the field early game + makes gyara and hax much more difficult for offensive teams to take down.

You are completely missing the point of the Substitute. There are times when you don't need to keep that illusion, and THOSE are the times you use Substitute. Sure it's cool if you have a common sub user on the team so it isn't busted immediately, but it is NOT A REQUIREMENT. The sub is there to give us something to do with the free turn we get from illusion sometimes when attacking just isn't the best option, and unlike Nasty Plot it doesn't makes us a massive target for revenge killing (And I'd like to point out that unless you have VERY specific partners NP gives away the illusion just as quickly as Substitute does). Substitute prevents many of the main checks to Zoroark from safely revenge killing it; in particular, the more offensive ones, which area much greater threat to our team than the defensive ones we can easily power through. Things like Scizor, Conkeldurr, Lucario, Starmie and more can no longer get a safe KO once it's revealed it's Zoroark and risk getting KO'd in return (though Conk does need prior damage of course). THIS is why we run Sub. It's not to facilitate the illusion; it's to ensure we're still useful even after it's broken.

In other news, I do like the idea of Espeon (CM set looks appealing for HO, or of course DS), and while I don't see Donphan as being a really weak link, it wouldn't kill us to replace him either. As much as we'd like hazards gone too, I don't think it's vital for us to have a rapid spinner on a well constructed High Offense team either, so if we do replace him I don't think we *need* to have another rapid spinner somewhere.

I certainly do agree with Salamence being a bad choice though; it just doesn't synergize well with what we have.

@Frostfire; You contradict yourself. First you say we can't counter stuff then you immediately go suggesting teammates with defensive synergy in mind. We don't need Magnezone; we already HAVE Zoroark to remove Steels.

It doesn't matter what commonly uses Subs on the team. If Zoroark gets behind a Sub, that's FAR better than being hidden with Illusion because now you have to deal with a Life Orb Zoroark behind a Sub.

Sub on Pokemon that your Illusion forces out.
Attack things that would stay in.

Anyways, I'm going over some options right now; trying replacements and new sets for everything down to even Haxorus. I'll have a full test report in a day or two.

Simpler version of what I said above about substitute, glad someone gets the purpose behind it.

I too, will be busy testing changes too the team, but I want to make a point regarding the conception of "counters"

Firstly, yes, we are running Heavy Offence, however, I want to pick up on this quote:

Firstly, this is true, however, there are some pokemon, we just cannot switch into, that we need to switch into. Scizor, is not a good example of this, however pokemon such as Starmie, Latios, etc etc we need to find safe switchs for. I just want to make the point that the main downfall of HO, is that your opponent can look at your team, and then pinpoint what pokemon his sweepers can easily set up on, in order to sweep. For example, I could look at this team, realise that I need a) rain up and b) need to get my Volcarona in on Zoroark in order to sweep. Obviously, this is not a great example since we have Salamence to revenge if it only gets a single Dragon Dance, but the point still stands, for our team to be effective, we need to minimise free set up opportunities, and check the pokemon that still can set up for free (or easily), while also providing a fair amount of offensive presence, in order to stick to the team style .

Obviously, the first change I am looking at, is running a slightly bulkier EV spread on Gyarados, since I think its resistances and Intimidate, can check a lot more threats, while still remaining a threat with Dragon Dance. I still want to test this more tho, before fully nominating the change.

This is one of the best chances we have to fix the team and make it a product we can all be happy with, I expect lots of discussion!!!


read the bit in italics, its what I think we should bear in mind when fixing the team

Love this description of what I like to call "modern" HO; the acknowledgement that sometimes checks are needed since games never go 100% according to plan. Sometimes shit is going to set up, and we need to have checks for the shit most likely to sweep us by doing so. I like the idea of a slightly bulkier Gyarados, though I do worry that if we remove too much attack we'll be giving set up turns as we set up, which is counterproductive. Certainly, I don't suggest a Sub DD set, not for this team.
So I basically rebuilt the team from the ground up, trying out new things. I'll say right now that I don't expect anyone to agree with these Pokémon. I'm just putting this out here to show one route we could go with this team and help everyone come up with ideas of their own.

The first change I made was that I entirely removed Salamence & Donphan in favor of focusing on Gyarados. I felt that Gyarados is by far the most solid Pokémon on the team and he should have a teammate that compliments him, creating an effective core that forces switches, allows for Zoroark to come in more often because of said switches, and maintains the theme of Hyper Offense. I went through some Pokémon such as Raikou, Rotom-W, Krookodile, and Magnezone, but I finally decided to use this little cutie:

Shaymin @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Seed Flare
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Rest

Shaymin, even more so than Gyarados, is a tough Pokémon to force out. It’s Seed Flare hits much harder than Celebi’s bog-standard Giga Drain with a good chance to lower SpDef 2 stages meaning that even in Rain, Scizor & Ferrothorn could be roasted by Hidden Power Fire, Earth Power nails Heatran and Jirachi, and Shaymin has no crippling Dark weakness like Celebi. Life Orb ensures its opponents feel every bit of Shaymin’s power. NCRest to heal it fully on a switch.
Nothing to deal with Dragons, but I pretty much solved the Dragon issue as I’ll get to in the next few changes.

Speaking of which, the next change is Salamence being replace by:

Jirachi @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- Stealth Rock

This is just my Twinrova set from my Sun RMT, but with Healing Wish replaced by Stealth Rocks. It’s definitely one of the most offensive Jirachi you’ll see around because with Shuca Berry and Ice Punch, it doesn’t really care about Landorus or Gliscor; acting as a lure for them and making Jirachi a fantastic lead against Sand. Fire Punch makes sure Scizor or Ferrothorn can’t do much and Iron Head keeps Tyranitar, Reuniclus, and anything that doesn’t threaten to OHKO Jirachi at bay.
Fire-types and Water-types wall this Jirachi, but that’s where Gyarados and Shaymin come into play to create a 3 Pokémon core made of very solid Pokémon all with good coverage.

So when I said that I “rebuilt the team from the ground up,” I meant it. The next big change I made to my version of the team is Scarf Zoroark:

Zoroark (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Illusion
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dark Pulse
- Extrasensory / Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower

After I added Jirachi, I knew we needed a Scarf Pokémon to deal with fast Pokémon that threaten the team such as ScarfMence, Gengar, Starmie, and a plethora of Scarf Pokémon. Rather than use up the last team slot strictly for those clowns, I decided to bring in a Dream World classic. (Zoroark is probably the best Scarf Genesect anti-lead in DW, but we're using it for non-lead purposes)
Zoroark’s base 105 Speed lets it out-pace everything from Gengar to Scarf Landorus. Zoroark is a vicious revenge killer because of Illusion and that raw speed. Dark Pulse is obligatory STAB, HP Ice ensures that no Dragon is sweeping with her around, Flamethrower nails Sun teams and Scarf Steels, Extrasensory hits Fighting-types, Focus Blast hits Rock and Dark. U-Turn isn’t the best option unless we end up with more U-Turn Illusions than just Jirachi, but it is there for those who want it.

The last slot is filled by Starmie:

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin

Starmie’s here because I wanted another Fighting-resist and I didn’t want to put the burden of dealing with fast Pokémon solely on Zoroark. It gives me a solid option against Rain sweepers, prevents Dragons & Water-types from gaining momentum, and of course Spins away hazards which Gyarados appreciates. I have 2 Electric resistances, both with a Ground-type move, so I’m not too worried about the dual Electric weakness between Starmie & Gyarados.

At current, I’m 19-2 with this version of the team. I definitely feel that every Pokémon pulls their weight just because of how solid they are. The core of the team has great offenses with bulk to match. Shaymin is an absolute gem for its Natural Cure. With Haxorus no longer having to hide in the back slot due to Zoroark having 2 new partners that take Sand, neutral SR, & Spikes damage, Haxorus can shine in matches where he’s extremely useful and even lead and just slide Starmie or Shaymin to the back instead. Now even Gyarados can be an Illusion since Starmie Spins away hazards much easier than Donphan. And then the star of the team, Zoroark, more often than not, really is the star of the team, revenging threats like ScarfMence, Latios, Dragonite, and Starmie without getting scratched or even detected until it's too late. Manipulating my switches with all these new Illusion partners to put new Pokemon in the back slot after a revenge gives Zoroark's Illusion some staying power against people that aren't constantly checking Zoroark's position or playing wifi.

Zoroark (F) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Illusion
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Dark Pulse
- Extrasensory
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Flamethrower

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Rapid Spin

Gyarados (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Earthquake
- Double-Edge

Shaymin @ Life Orb
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Seed Flare
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Rest

Haxorus (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 36 HP / 252 Atk / 220 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Swords Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake

Jirachi @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
- Stealth Rock

The postion of the Pokemon are important.
- Zoroark's in the front slot as she'll almost never be leading but makes opponents question the authenticity of the Pokemon I actually lead with.
- Jirachi's in the back as it will never be the Pokemon Zoroark's disguised as and will more often than not lead against Sand, making opponents further question Jirachi.

With all that said, I'm definitely all for removing Salamence and Donphan. While I am running Scarf Zoroark and loving it, I'm not sure if CCAT will allow us to change the base Pokemon so drastically in this stage. If not, I might have to change up my last slot (Starmie.)
^^ this guy knows whats up. I love his version of the team and it sounds great on paper. Cant wait to get home so I can try it out! :)
Im just gonna say it how it is, the team sucks

The idea of the team from my point of view is a hyper offense team utilising physical sweepers and zoroak. The idea behind zoroak is that you bring it out disguised as say terrakion on their mon X, lets say it is chansey. The opponent is now put in an incredibly difficult situation, they can now either go to their skarmoury hoping to tank a close combat but instead getting destroyed by flamethrower and opening their team for a haxorus/gyarados sweep or they can keep it in hoping its zoroak and they may eat a close combat to the face removing their chansey and giving zoroak more room for a potential sweep.

The idea of using zoroak and 5 physical sweepers is that you force a win-win situation if you play it right

option 1. zoroak successfully pulls off the illusion and takes out opponents skarmoury/slowbro WIN

option 2. opponent calls your bluff, and sends out special wall which just happens to be set up bait for the rest of your team, yielding your terrakion or haxorus a free turn of set up WIN

I think that situation is what the team should be tryign to achieve, if this is the case setting up a substitute is not enough vs defensive teams, as soon as the sub goes up opponent realises its zoroark and sends in chansey to wall zoroak to hell and set up stealth rock/ pass a big fat wish. If substitute is going to work it needs to be bluffing a sweeper that normally uses substitute, the only 2 being gyarados or terrakion, the thing about gyarados is that the opponent can afford to keep chansey in and seismic toss to test ,as gyarados cannot do enough damage to cripple/kill chansey without any boosts. That leaves us with terrakion as a must have on the team so the opponent has to guess whether its subsd terrakion or zoroak that they are facing, and if they guess wrong they are losing a wall.

So, imo we now have 2 courses of action, add a terrakion to the team so the illusion actually works
Or remove substitute from zoroak and replace it with another coverage move like HP ice, or nasty plot, as zoroak can actually beat most special walls after a np, (2hko blissey with +2 focus blast iirc)

Either way, donphan has to go as it doesnt fit with the teams playstyle ( despite the deluded ravings of jimeraO ) and the nominations for shit like shaymin, starmie and spdef jirachi need to stop. We don't require a spinner we are playing heavy offense, if the opponent wants to waste a turn setting up sr, then they are giving us a free turn of setup which is a fair tradeoff, a taunting lead is sufficient to prevent the setup of entry hazards or if we really need a spinner something like shell smash cloyster with rapid spin>razor shell can work. Ideally the team should be, Lead to set up sr and gain momentum, zoroak, and 4 of the meanest physical sweepers in the metagame.

You may have noticed i have only mentioned defensive and stall teams here, but the objective is, if you can break heavy stall and strong defensive cores, standard bulky offense doesnt stand a chance of stopping your sweepers, and who wins in an offense vs offense matchup comes down to who plays better, which is all you really need at the end of the day

I think it would be wise to consider what i have said, as this is really the make or break moment for this CCAT, where we either produce an effective and competitve heavy offense team or we produce another mediocre team without much aim like the last CCAT.
O.k, I tested out Katakiri's team and have mixed opinions. I lost more battles than I won, which was frustrating, but I was able to find out what worked and what didn't. For starters, I really recommend us running a bulkier Gyarados, kinda what Bad Ass suggested further back. I hated how Gyarados would switch in, get up a Dragon Dance, be forced to Double Edge against something, either kill in which case it was crippled, or fail to KO in which case fuck Gyarados. Double Edge just took off waaaaaaaay too much health for my liking, and it meant that I really struggled to switch into Bug attacks. For example, I had issues with a Scarf Jirachi and Scarf Landorus, which just U-Turned on everything. Sure, Zoroark can revenge, but you need to force a 1v1 showdown, and you have to do it at the right time, otherwise that Terrakion or whatever they had saved would just set up and sweep you cold. I have shitty luck so I cannot comment on Shaymin (since I don't think I actually hit a Seed Flare in the 8 battles or so I used it) but it was kinda meh, and everyone would bring in their Dragons on it, who would then proceed to dent our only dragon resist.

Jirachi just failed for me too. Sure, it would kill something, but it just couldn't really take any damage, since it was our only switch in to Dragon attacks, and shit like Gengar,and it had no defensive investment, so it didn't really last long. It also attracted Rotom W like the plague, which was o.k when you had Shaymin, but they would always Volt Switch into Latios or whatever and blast away.

That said, Scarf Zoroark worked really well, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Starmie as well, was o.k as a Rapid Spinner, although again, Hydro Pump missed like all the time and residual damage kept piling up.

I think the biggest problem I had was that Scarf Terrakion would always fuck me up. Gyarados died super fast and then it could just spam CC all day and the team just folds into those attacks. Couldn't revenge it either since it outspeeds Zoroark.


Scarf Zoro was cool
Gyarados and Jirachi were average at best

Personally I am really going to push for a bulkier EV spread on Gyarados as it makes loads more sense than running LO and Double Edge, and then watch it kill itself leaving us open to a shitload of threats.

Going to test Rotom - C since it gives us a Rotom W switch in AND Volt Switch so hopefully its cool, idk
I did some testing of Katakiri's team and it's looking like a step in the right direction. Thoughts so far:

Shaymin is pretty cool if Seed Flare hits, and not many people expected an offensive set, never mind one with Rest. It could be that I'm just not playing against good enough people, but it worked alright for me and usually got one KO per battle or so. It's a great anti-sand and rain mon and fits "modern HO," as Jimera0 called it, quite well.

Jirachi was a bit inconsistent, since it takes big chunks from a lot of stuff and is revenged sort of easily. It does a good job of baiting Ground moves for Gyarados to come in and kill stuff, though, which is nice, and Shuca is pretty genius if it can even survive the move, which, with all this crap mine has been taking, is sort of unlikely. There's always the chance a Landorus will mindlessly use U-turn, too, which throws a wrench in the Ice Punch plan. I'm definitely not complaining, because when it works, it works. Usually if it gets SR down, it can cause some sort of havoc. Serene Grace elemental punches are gnarly, too.

Speaking of Gyarados, it does a great job of killing lots of things, even Dragons. On more than one occasion, I've DDed on a switch to a Hydreigon or Latios or something and straight up OHKOed it with Double Edge. Recoil sucks, but Return is probably just shy of the power Gyara needs, and we don't want to be leaving stuff with a few % left. Earthquake definitely got used the least, but it was nice to have sometimes. Meh. As long as hazards are gone, Gyara usually has little trouble getting a KO or two before killing itself, which it usually did. The only thing about a bulkier Gyara is that it probably won't be able to muscle past all the stuff this one can. It's worth a try I guess, since there's a lot of pressure on it in this team.

Scarf Zoro is cool and all, but I find it a bit weak outside of SE hits. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but it can be pretty hard to predict what the other guy's gonna do when you're not even sure if s/he knows it's Zoroark. I probably just need more practice with it. Is there any reason it's Naive and not Timid?

Starmie is always cool and useful, but maybe Expert Belt would work to cut down on all the passive damage, especially taking 10% from spinning. Not much to say here.

Haxorus is surprisingly awesome, though I find myself using DD over SD pretty much all the time. No other comments.

Overall, the team as a whole kinda dislikes faster VoltTurn, even with Shaymin. Scarf Landorus and Rotom-W are annoying, and with all the crazy switching going on it can be hard to get Zoroark in safely on Landorus to slow the chain. Shaymin gets smacked around trying to keep these two at bay, and if it needs to take care of another threat or mispredicts what's coming in (for example, if Landorus U-turns to Balloon Heatran and you HP Fire it), it just takes more of a beating. It's nothing that can't be handled, it's just tough sometimes, especially against Landorus.

I'll try it out a bit more. I dunno. Take what I said with a grain of salt, since this is the kind of team that performs quite a bit differently from person to person and on different point levels.
Oh yeah I forgot I never changed Zoroark back to Timid after I gave U-Turn a spin. It's supposed to be Timid. Thanks for that catch.

I could see Gyarados working with a bulkier spread, but I think taking out some speed more than attack would be ideal. It's really a matter of what do we want Gyarados to out-pace and what do we him to KO. If we take Life Orb off, we may end up with a Donphan situation again and have this Pokemon, while offensive, that can't OHKO anything it can't hit Super Effectively; especially Rotom-W & Latios.
But I personally never had any issues with Gyarados. Even when he's down to 10% of his HP, I'll keep him around for Intimidate. There are very few instances that I've ever had Gyarados not be constantly useful throughout the battle. Nearly all of which were me being ballsy around Rotom-W.

As for Rotom-C, I can vouch that Rotom-C, Scizor, and Gyarados make a great core as I used them at various points during the CCAT. Definitely great for getting Zoroark in as well.

Here's some logs for my team. Replay Viewer's still down so the raws are all I have.
Battle between SBS and Katakiri started!

Tier: Standard OU

Mode: Singles

Variation: +12, -20

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Species Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Zoroark / Starmie / Gyarados / Shaymin / Jirachi / Haxorus

Opponent's team: Politoed / Latios / Scizor / Gyarados / Tornadus / Raikou

SBS sent out Politoed!

Katakiri sent out Shaymin!

SBS's Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!

Start of turn 1

SBS called Politoed back!

SBS sent out Scizor!

Shaymin used Seed Flare!

It's not very effective...

SBS's Scizor lost 18% of its health!

SBS's Scizor's Sp. Def. sharply fell!

Shaymin is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 2

Shaymin used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

SBS's Scizor lost 81% of its health!

SBS's Scizor fainted!

Shaymin is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS sent out Tornadus!

Start of turn 3

Katakiri called Shaymin back!

Katakiri sent out Jirachi!

SBS's Tornadus used Hurricane!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Jirachi lost 258 HP! (75% of its health)

SBS's Tornadus is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 4

SBS's Tornadus used Hurricane!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Jirachi lost 84 HP! (24% of its health)

Jirachi fainted!

SBS's Tornadus is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

Katakiri sent out Starmie!

Start of turn 5

SBS called Tornadus back!

SBS sent out Politoed!

Starmie used Ice Beam!

It's not very effective...

SBS's Politoed lost 15% of its health!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6

Starmie used Hydro Pump!

It's not very effective...

SBS's Politoed lost 46% of its health!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

SBS's Politoed used Hypnosis!

Starmie fell asleep!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7

Katakiri called Starmie back!

Katakiri sent out Haxorus!

SBS called Politoed back!

SBS sent out Raikou!

SBS's Raikou is exerting its Pressure!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 8

Haxorus used Dark Pulse!

SBS's Raikou lost 48% of its health!

SBS's Raikou used Hidden Power!

Haxorus lost 226 HP! (86% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 9

SBS called Raikou back!

SBS sent out Politoed!

Zoroark used Dark Pulse!

SBS's Politoed lost 36% of its health!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS's Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10

Zoroark used Dark Pulse!

A critical hit!

SBS's Politoed lost 20% of its health!

SBS's Politoed fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS sent out Tornadus!

Start of turn 11

Zoroark used Dark Pulse!

SBS's Tornadus lost 56% of its health!

SBS's Tornadus used U-turn!

It's super effective!

Zoroark lost 34 HP! (13% of its health)

Zoroark fainted!

SBS's Tornadus is hurt by its Life Orb!

SBS called Tornadus back!

SBS sent out Raikou!

SBS's Raikou is exerting its Pressure!

Rain continues to fall!

Katakiri sent out Starmie!

Start of turn 12

Starmie used Hydro Pump!

SBS's Raikou lost 51% of its health!

SBS's Raikou fainted!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS sent out Gyarados!

Start of turn 13

SBS's Gyarados sprang up!

Starmie used Thunderbolt!

The attack of Starmie missed!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 14

Katakiri called Starmie back!

Katakiri sent out Shaymin!

SBS's Gyarados used Bounce!

It's super effective!

Shaymin lost 274 HP! (80% of its health)

Shaymin fainted!

SBS's Gyarados's Attack rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Katakiri sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados intimidates SBS's Gyarados!

SBS's Gyarados's Attack fell!

Start of turn 15

SBS called Gyarados back!

SBS sent out Latios!

Gyarados used Dragon Dance!

Gyarados's Attack rose!

Gyarados's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 16

Gyarados used Double-Edge!

SBS's Latios lost 100% of its health!

SBS's Latios fainted!

Gyarados is hit with recoil!

Gyarados is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS sent out Tornadus!

Start of turn 17

Gyarados used Waterfall!

SBS's Tornadus lost 14% of its health!

SBS's Tornadus fainted!

Gyarados is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

SBS sent out Gyarados!

Start of turn 18

SBS's Gyarados sprang up!

Gyarados used Waterfall!

The attack of Gyarados missed!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 19

Katakiri called Gyarados back!

Katakiri sent out Starmie!

SBS's Gyarados used Bounce!

Starmie lost 180 HP! (68% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 20

Katakiri called Starmie back!

Katakiri sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados intimidates SBS's Gyarados!

SBS's Gyarados's Attack fell!

SBS's Gyarados sprang up!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 21

SBS's Gyarados used Bounce!

The attack of SBS's Gyarados missed!

Gyarados used Double-Edge!

SBS's Gyarados lost 74% of its health!

Gyarados is hit with recoil!

Gyarados is hurt by its Life Orb!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 22

Katakiri called Gyarados back!

Katakiri sent out Starmie!

SBS's Gyarados sprang up!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 23

SBS's Gyarados used Bounce!

A critical hit!

Starmie lost 4 HP! (1% of its health)

Starmie fainted!

SBS's Gyarados's Attack rose!

Rain continues to fall!

Katakiri sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados intimidates SBS's Gyarados!

SBS's Gyarados's Attack fell!

Start of turn 24

Katakiri called Gyarados back!

Katakiri sent out Haxorus!

Haxorus has Mold Breaker!

SBS's Gyarados sprang up!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 25

SBS's Gyarados used Bounce!

The attack of SBS's Gyarados missed!

Haxorus used Outrage!

SBS's Gyarados lost 25% of its health!

SBS's Gyarados fainted!

Katakiri won the battle!

Katakiri: Great match!
That match is a ideal example of how I play Gyarados. Gyarados did get a sweep off but even though he did his job, rather than sack Gyarados as the faster Scarf Gyarados was Bouncing, I kept Gyarados around to constantly Intimidate it to keep Moxie at bay and eventually get it to -1 so even after Moxie, it couldn't take down Haxorus. (The miss didn't matter)

It also shows off how I bait Attacks with Zoroark. As soon as his Politoed put Starmie to sleep, I knew he was switching to Raikou, which fell directly into my plan as I had Zoroark disguised as a Haxorus for the sole intention of baiting that Hidden Power Ice from Raikou as soon as I saw it in team preview.

Battle between treeco12 and Katakiri started!

Tier: Standard OU

Mode: Singles

Variation: +18, -14

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Species Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Your team: Zoroark / Starmie / Gyarados / Shaymin / Jirachi / Haxorus

Opponent's team: Scizor / Celebi / Landorus / Rotom-W / Terrakion / Tyranitar

treeco12 sent out Terrakion!

Katakiri sent out Shaymin!

Start of turn 1

Treeco12's Terrakion used Close Combat!

Shaymin lost 295 HP! (86% of its health)

Treeco12's Terrakion's Defense fell!

Treeco12's Terrakion's Sp. Def. fell!

Shaymin used Seed Flare!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Terrakion lost 100% of its health!

Treeco12's Terrakion fainted!

Shaymin is hurt by its Life Orb!

treeco12 sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 2

Katakiri called Shaymin back!

Katakiri sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados intimidates treeco12's Scizor!

Treeco12's Scizor's Attack fell!

treeco12 called Scizor back!

treeco12 sent out Rotom-W!

Start of turn 3

Katakiri called Gyarados back!

Katakiri sent out Jirachi!

Treeco12's Rotom-W used Volt Switch!

Jirachi lost 129 HP! (37% of its health)

treeco12 called Rotom-W back!

treeco12 sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 4

Treeco12's Landorus used U-turn!

Jirachi lost 80 HP! (23% of its health)

treeco12 called Landorus back!

treeco12 sent out Tyranitar!

treeco12's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Jirachi used Ice Punch!

Treeco12's Tyranitar lost 18% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 5

Jirachi used Iron Head!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Tyranitar lost 50% of its health!

Treeco12's Tyranitar flinched!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 6

treeco12 called Tyranitar back!

treeco12 sent out Rotom-W!

Jirachi used Iron Head!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Treeco12's Rotom-W lost 23% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 7

Jirachi used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around treeco12's team!

Treeco12's Rotom-W used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

Jirachi lost 133 HP! (38% of its health)

Jirachi fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Katakiri sent out Gyarados!

Gyarados intimidates treeco12's Rotom-W!

Treeco12's Rotom-W's Attack fell!

Start of turn 8

Treeco12's Rotom-W used Volt Switch!

It's super effective!

Gyarados lost 333 HP! (100% of its health)

Gyarados fainted!

treeco12 called Rotom-W back!

treeco12 sent out Tyranitar!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Tyranitar!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Katakiri sent out Shaymin!

Start of turn 9

Shaymin used Rest!

Shaymin went to sleep and became healthy!

Treeco12's Tyranitar used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around Katakiri's team!

The sandstorm rages!

Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Treeco12's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 10

Katakiri called Shaymin back!

Katakiri sent out Haxorus!

Pointed stones dug into Haxorus!

Haxorus has Mold Breaker!

Treeco12's Tyranitar used Fire Blast!

It's not very effective...

Haxorus lost 61 HP! (20% of its health)

The sandstorm rages!

Haxorus is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Treeco12's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11

Haxorus used Earthquake!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Tyranitar lost 49% of its health!

Treeco12's Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

Haxorus is buffeted by the sandstorm!

treeco12 sent out Scizor!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Scizor!

Start of turn 12

Treeco12's Scizor used Bullet Punch!

Haxorus lost 118 HP! (39% of its health)

Haxorus used Earthquake!

Treeco12's Scizor lost 43% of its health!

The sandstorm rages!

Haxorus is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 13

Treeco12's Scizor used Bullet Punch!

Haxorus lost 32 HP! (10% of its health)

Haxorus fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

Katakiri sent out Starmie!

Pointed stones dug into Starmie!

Start of turn 14

treeco12 called Scizor back!

treeco12 sent out Rotom-W!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Rotom-W!

Starmie used Rapid Spin!

Treeco12's Rotom-W lost 4% of its health!

Starmie blew away Stealth Rock!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Treeco12's Rotom-W is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Start of turn 15

Starmie used Thunderbolt!

A critical hit!

Treeco12's Rotom-W lost 40% of its health!

Treeco12's Rotom-W fainted!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

Starmie is buffeted by the sandstorm!

treeco12: wooooooooooooooooooooooow

treeco12 sent out Celebi!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Celebi!

Start of turn 16

Starmie used Ice Beam!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Celebi lost 63% of its health!

Starmie is hurt by its Life Orb!

Treeco12's Celebi used Giga Drain!

It's super effective!

treeco12: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

Starmie lost 120 HP! (45% of its health)

Starmie fainted!

Starmie had its energy drained!

Treeco12's Celebi is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

Treeco12's Celebi is buffeted by the sandstorm!

Katakiri sent out Shaymin!

Start of turn 17

Shaymin used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Celebi lost 23% of its health!

Treeco12's Celebi fainted!

Shaymin is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!

treeco12 sent out Landorus!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Landorus!

Start of turn 18

Treeco12's Landorus used U-turn!

It's super effective!

Shaymin lost 201 HP! (58% of its health)

Katakiri: g

treeco12 called Landorus back!

treeco12 sent out Scizor!

Katakiri: gg*

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Scizor!

Shaymin used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

Treeco12's Scizor lost 31% of its health!

Treeco12's Scizor fainted!

Shaymin is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

Shaymin is buffeted by the sandstorm!

treeco12 sent out Landorus!

Pointed stones dug into treeco12's Landorus!

treeco12: no g was right

Start of turn 19

Treeco12's Landorus used U-turn!

It's super effective!

Shaymin lost 10 HP! (2% of its health)

Shaymin fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

Katakiri: Nah Zo's Scarf

Katakiri sent out Zoroark!

treeco12: i meant it wasnt good

treeco12: effing hax

Start of turn 20

Zoroark used Hidden Power!

It's super effective!

Katakiri: lol

Treeco12's Landorus lost 75% of its health!

Treeco12's Landorus fainted!

Katakiri won the battle!

Katakiri: Great match!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
I ended up letting Gyarados go down and I honestly have no idea what I was thinking especially because I have Haxorus. I though it was Scarf, but it ended up being Expert Belt. But I still had Haxorus so I don't even know why I didn't see that coming. It did work out as I got Shaymin back to full health, which won me the match later on, but still that was a dumb play on my part.
It definitely shows that this team doesn't need Gyarados as much as the previous version, which almost uses him as a crutch.
O.k I gave my own spin on this team a go. I am not expecting widespread praise since its not quite full offence or something, idk. Basically I ran Rotom C with Volt Switch, Bulky DD Gyarados, Mamoswine, Scarf Zoroark, CM + Wish Jirachi and Double Dance Haxorus.

Bulky DD Gyara, Scarf Zoroark, and Double Dance Haxorus were all outstanding, Mamoswine could lure in Rotom W and cripple it with a Stone Edge, Gyarados could do the same and then attempt a sweep later in the game. Jirachi sponged hits from Latios pretty well, did o.k against Virizion, just glued up the team, and passed Wishs around so that Gyarados, Haxorus, Rotom C were all doing fine checking the things that could sweep me while Gyarados and Haxorus threatened my opponents constantly with that threat of Dragon Dance. Zoroark was cool to lure in and KO Rotom W / Landorus which commonly threatened to stop a Gyarados or Haxorus sweep, and late game could just spam Dark Pulse and clean up.

The problem I think everyone has with it is that its not strictly HO but im really just bringing this team up to make the point that Bulky DD Gyarados + Rotom C are great partners to Zoroark, plus that bulk Gyarados has means that shit like Volcaona is much, much less of a problem.
Ginga: Since we seem to be throwing a lot of the formal CCAT process out the window (which I don't have a problem with to be honest) I wouldn't write that team off just because it isn't HO. I had a go with it just now on a fresh alt and it seemed pretty cool, got up to 1300 easily enough. The only real problem I found with it is facing VoltTurn, especially Rotom-W / Landorus / Terrakion cores.

I didn't have time to test, but I thought it might be worth considering Expert Belt Abomasnow over Mamoswine and then substituting Rotom-C for something else. Having weather around is really nice to stop Chlorophyll sweepers, rainstall mons etc rampaging through us. Abomasnow is also a pretty dangerous offensive mon against Sand / Rain teams, and obviously a good check to Rotom forms / Dragons. Finally, Hail doesn't hurt the team at all, and in fact may help slightly because it wears down Skarm / Gliscor and allows Zoroark to masquerade as a Sandstorm immune mon.

So: Abomasnow/Zoroark/Gyarados/Jirachi/Haxorus/??? I'll think about a final member when I've had some sleep lol.
yea I theorymoned Abomasnow although I took a dislike to the rock weakness it brings, expecially since you then kinda need a spinner since Stealth Rock really takes it out of both those pokemon (just imagine, Gyarados switchs in, takes Stealth ROck, Stone Edges as Rotom W comes in, Volt Switchs as you switch to Aboma, lose 25% and etc etc. I also ran Kyurem and Hydreigon as test subjects but fighting and rock weaknesses were tough to overcome. Its good on paper, but we would prolly need a Starmie or Donphan in the last slot in order to get rid of those SR problems, and check Terrakion "kinda".

And yea, im glad you liked my team. Volt Turn is a bitch so sometimes I ran CHesto Rest with a bulky EV spread so that Terrakion cannot OHKO me with CC, leaving me free to burn or Leaf Storm. It also means that I can take a U-Turn, nail something, and then Rest off health or something, or just wait for Jirachi to pass a Wish. Terrakon shouldn't be toooooo much of a problem however. Scarf did 37% to my Jirachi from memory with CC, Gyarados is on hand with Intimidate, and Zoroark outspeeds non scarf. Subs get broken by Jirachi. I will give hail a second try sometime, gotta few final essays to finish then exams start.
o.k I am very disappointed at the lack of discussion. Most of you felt that the team needed changing, so much so that we needed to hold an emergency teambuilding round just to fix these issues. Despite this, I don't consider that there has been significant discussion to warrent making a ballot of suggested changes. I am going to ask again, for people to test the team out, try new things, test the new teams that have been posted, give opinions etc etc. Basically, if discussion dies down again with still not enough significant discussion then I will consider just keeping the team as is (since people clearly don't care much if little discussion is going on) and move on to the final teambuilding stage.


Discuss more since atm I really don't know peoples opinion on the changes that have been proposed and there has not been enough discussion for me to post a ballot and move along. So go out and test, make critiques, discussion etc etc so we can fix the problems many of you feel this team has.
I guess you know most of what I think. I would like to move more towards Dual Screens Espeon, Taunt LO Azelf or something similar instead of using Rapid Spin because it just throws away offensive momentum. Giving a wall even one free turn to heal could be crucial. On the other hand I'm in favour of the more modern kind of HO which has a bulkier core capable of switching into attacks while not compromising offensive momentum.

That said I don't have any time at the moment to test stuff out, I'll be able to contribute more after uni ends in a few days. We really need opinions from other guys.
I too, have no time to test it out. This is my fault for stacking myself with 3 Let's Plays, my part time job, several other projects on the site, and chores around the house while still trying to find free time to just relax. Still, it does mean that finding time to play PO at all, let alone to test this out, is currently a challenge for me.

In short, I'd contribute more if I hadn't saddled myself with a half dozen other things that I need to do at the same time. I can't just drop any of the projects I have going currently, or at least I wouldn't feel right doing so. I probably should not have taken so much on at once, but hey, live and learn right? As it is I have to just hurry up and finish some of these first to lessen my load, but that takes time.


I'm busy busy busy busy busy!
Not to sound like a broken record, but I haven't had much time to test due to some personal matters, but I tried out ginga's team for a bit earlier today. Overall the team works sort of well, but there are definitely still some issues. First of all, I guess my biggest concern is that I don't like Scarf Zoro. I fully admit that I probably have no idea how to use it correctly, but I found that revenge killing is a poor use of illusion in general. Even when I didn't need to use it as a RK I never really needed the extra speed and Scarf was a major hindrance. Zoro sort of seems like that 'mon that's tacked on at the end since it isn't really needed. Otherwise, I thought that Bulky Gyara and Rotom-C worked well, but Jirachi definitely slowed the team down even though its wishes were useful at times. I like the power Mamoswine brought as a wallbreaker, but I can't help but think that there's a better answer out there. I'm thinking about trying out Scarf Metagross over Jirachi since it has a better offensive presence and going back to Sub Zoro.
I've tested it out, and honestly, most of you won't like what I've found.

There's simply a reason Zoroark is not OU: it's too frail.

Priority, especially Scizor, absolutely ruins any of its chances.

A bulkier Gyarados, as many have suggested, would be my first suggestion, if we are dead set on keeping Gyarados on the team. Also, Double Edge, while good for coverage, hinders its survivability to the point where it can't set up and expect to do anything. I would suggest a pretty mundane set of

Gyarados @ Leftovers

Dragon Dance

Return over Double edge doesn't lose much power, and I honestly thinks it's worth it just for the lack of recoil damage.

A bulkier Gyarados lets you handle those priority hits and scarf U-turns much easier, and it lets you set up on Scizor if it guesses Zoroark and bullet punches.

This really isn't all that constructive to the CCAT, as I feel I'm basically bashing the Star of the Team, but I don't honestly see a way around its lack of defenses other than changing our playstyle.
Thats not going to happen. Sure, Zoroark is frail, dam frail. Not going to sugar coat this, I hate its lack of bulk. However the vast majority of the community felt that we could make a team around Zoroark and that is what we are going to do. I have had massive success with a Bulky Gyara / Zoroark / Haxorus core so I know that we CAN get Zoroark to work since I have been winning using Zoroark. Personally, I think its just a matter of finding 3 more partners and then we have an excellent base for our CCAT. I don't approve of starting the CCAT over unless the vast majority of the community can convice me that building a viable team around Zoroark in the OU metagame, is impossible, in which case I will ask, why the fuck did everyone vote for it in the first place -__-