Scolipede @ Focus Sash / Bug Gem
Trait: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Megahorn
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide/Toxic Spikes
Although a very rare sight in OU, Scolipede is an underrated lead that deserves more love. I believe it was featured in a Smog article back in the BW1 days, but it has become more effective in the BW2 metagame in my opinion. Whilst it seems outclassed by Deoxys-D as a spiker lead, it has advantages in high speed and the offensive presence to threaten many things in OU, including weather starters, Espeon and ironically Deoxys-D. I personally prefer Rock Slide over Toxic Spikes to hit Volcarona/Thundurus-T hard, and Toxic Spikes are less effective than before due to the popularity of grounded Poison types such as Venusaur and Tentacruel. However, they are still useful vs Stall teams lacking Tentacruel. Focus Sash guarantees you'll set up at least 1 layer of Spikes, but Bug Gem is required for Megahorn to OHKO 252/4 Deoxys-D and standard SDef Tyranitar.