Air Balloon
I lied....
SpDef Sand SubToxic

Excadrill @

Ability: Sand Rush
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 172 HP / 132 SpD / 204 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Substitute
- Toxic (Flex Alternatives: Rock Slide/Rock Tomb, Rapid Spin)
MASSIVE EDIT: The above EV spread is suboptimal. The following spread of: Jolly 172 HP, 224 SpDef, 112 Spe is not only 2 points faster in the Sand than it was before, but also bumps it's final SpDef up 4.
Originally I wanted to do an Air Balloon set but my best ideas were looking too much like the standard SD set just with a different item. Looking over Exca's stats though made me realize it had some interesting bulk potential and flex in its EV spread. 204 Speed EVs with a neutral nature lets it outrun max speed 110 choice scarfers in Sand, but not quite Regieleki. It also obviously will be slower than even 252 neutral opposing Excadrill. 172 HP EVs lets it hit 404 HP for 101 HP subs, and combined with the nature and SpDef EVs lets it tank a surprising amount of hits. Modest Specs Tapu Lele for example can't ohko with anything but Focus Blast, even on a crit+rocks, and gets ohko'd back with a 0 Atk Iron Head. The major downside of the set is you really rely on your STAB coverage, and as a result don't threaten things like iron birbs whatsoever. What you get in return is the ability to soft check more SpA threats, and wear teams down over more turns as opposed to outright sweeping with a boost.
Earthquake and Iron Head are main choices here for attacking moves, they will give you the most mileage. Substitute and Leftovers give you more subs and more turns to click moves, as well as easing prediction. Finally we get to the last slot, which Toxic is the main choice. Without it you are woefully inadequate against things like Rotom-W, Buzzwole, and Zapdos to name a few. In the event you feel you have these mons sufficiently answered with the rest of your team, a Rock coverage move such as Rock Slide could suffice, and Rock Tomb would give extra speed control. Both however feel notably worse here than they do on more offensive sets, especially since they lack the power of a Swords Dance boost. Rapid Spin can also be slotted here if your team is lacking a hazard remover, but the loss of a slightly more offensive option means this set will not whittle enemy teams down as quickly as it would with Toxic.
Note: This thing has some fun moves like Magnet Rise, but it really starts to suffer from 4mss when you start working outside a lot of the standard effective sets.