OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

can someone give me the spread for bulky scarf rachi
Well, since you haven't specified your Jirachi, it is rather difficult to tailor one to your needs. Why don't you try to build one yourself? Do not worry, we will guide you.

The first thing you need to be aware of are the speed tiers. These speed tiers aren't up to date, but useful nonetheless; just read "Terrakion" when you are looking for Keldeo.
If you ask me, a scarf Pokemon should not be slower than 264 to outspeed the base 130 and Scarf-Toed at 396 if possible. Jirachi's max speed is 328 with a positive speed nature, making it 492. Since all of its base stats are equal, you should use a speed positive nature because of the multiplier of the scarf. The only exception is when you need to exceed the neutral maximum of another stat, but since it is going to be a bulky one, take Timid or Jolly.
Now take the threat list: As you can see, between 396 and 492, there are only other scarfers and Chrolophyll. Now you need to decide on what you want to outspeed and what not. With 72 EVs and a Jolly/Timid/Naive nature, you will reach 279 and 418 with scarf, which makes you faster than any Scarf-Heatran. From there on you can go as fast as you want, but we do not have much incentive to do so.
What do you think about this moveset for Jellicent?

I'm Better Than Cruel (Jellicent) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Scald
What do you think about this moveset for Jellicent?

I'm Better Than Cruel (Jellicent) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain
- Scald

There is already an existing SpecsJellicent set right here. Really he only difference is in Speed / Bulk and Water Spout / Hydro Pump over Scald, which in my opinion is better. Either way, it's a decent set that can have use in bulky offensive / Trick Room teams.
So after skipping Gen 5, and now having picked up X/Y, what are the solid Pokemon from Gen 5 I should pick up and think about using for 6th gen competitive play?

My brother has B/W and B/W2, so I would just RNG them in that. Anything from there that I wouldn't be able to do in X/Y?

I know it's sort of vague, but just some general Pokemon that have been mainstays in Gen 5, and appear to be making a good switch to Gen 6 would be helpful.
I was wondering, is there any way for a rain stall team to beat NP Thundurus-T? It seems to 2HKO everything once it gets to +2.
Generally you'll be wanting to run something on Stall teams that has at least some offensive presence in 5th Gen OU. You can't beat every threat simply by walling them. Ergo something that can take a hit from it and immediately do damage to it seems like a reliable thing. Something like Quagsire is immune to its main stab, has unaware to block NP and can launch off Scalds / Ice Beams or you could go even more offensive and grab something with a Scarf to revenge kill it (there are many options here.)
With Thundurus T you have very limited options to beat it. I generally run Latias to check it, but you do have other options like Quagsire, Gastrodon, Chansey, and Ferrothorn. Of course Thundurus T can get past these Pokemon, but in general they are nice checks
Thanks, I'm going to try some stuff. It still seems hard to take down, even if you can survive one hit.
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For when you have two ferrothorns with only attacks left under Trick Room, so that the one that out-slows the other takes more damage and is KOd first, duh
Iron Barns do more damage than the Ferrothorns themselves, so it should more favourable to underspeed another Ferrothorn. We are not sure if we understand correctly but should it ever come to a PP stall war between two Ferrothorns, won't it be more likely that Trick Room runs out first? Isn't Trick Room-Ferrothorn-PP-Stall even more unlikely than a mere Ferrothorn-PP-Stall?

That, or we do not understand sarcasm.
I actually started playing ferroseed with evolite run pretty well
Doesn't get OHKO with a fire move unless it's a stab
And it looks pretty beast shiny

Gyro ball
Leech seed
Stealth rocks
T wave/ protect
Doesn't get OHKO with a fire move unless it's a stab
192 SpA Life Orb Salamence Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Ferroseed: 307-364 (105.13 - 124.65%) -- guaranteed OHKO

We are not sure how serious you are, but barely not getting OHKOed doesn't work towards your favor anyway when you have no way to recover HP reliably and Gyro Ball coming from 50 base attack is not going to hurt anything viable in OU but the frailest glass cannon. Even Alakazam won't be KOed by this. Not talking about Gyro Ball and T-Wave on one set being counterproductive.
MagikaripIsOP There are two main sets of Jirachi in the rain, SubCM and the SpD set. The SubCM set is an amazing sweeper, while the SpD set is a great counter to man pokemon, while also providing wish support and SR. I would just go to http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/jirachi and look for a set that matches your team.

Now for my question, does a Chansey with Toxic beat a Rotom-W with Pain Split in the rain one on one?